Language Curriculum Jyoti

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Subject: Pedagogy of English
Topic: Language Curriculum
Session 2020 – 2022

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Asst. prof. Amandeep Kaur Jyoti bala
Roll no. 301
B.Ed. 1st year
What is Curriculum?
The word ‘curriculum’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Currere’ which means to
run. Thus curriculum means a run way, a course which one runs to reach the goal.
Thus education is likened to a race run on the course of curriculum, with
educational aim as its ultimate goal. This was the traditional viewpoint of
curriculum and required to achieve the aim of education by leading students
through the curriculum prescribed for the purpose. Aim of education was to
impart knowledge.
Curriculum has been described different ways by different educationists. Some of
the expert views are given as under:
Cunningham’s view. “Curriculum is a tool in the hand of the artist to mold his
material according to his ideas in his studio”. The viewpoint is traditional and
even today, to some extent, curriculum is understood to be a course of studies
and syllabus designed to be followed at the various levels of education.
Froebel’s view. “Curriculum should be conceived as an epitome of the rounded of
the whole of the knowledge and experience of the human race”.
According to Payne. Curriculum consists of all the situations that the school may
select and consciously organize for the purpose of developing the personality of
its pupils and for making behavior change in them.
Curriculum is basically the formulation of a policy statement, to be realized
through various ways and means. It is more than a list of topics to be covered by
educational programmed. It includes all related subjects, activities, experiences
and learning opportunities to be conducted or organized on the basis of
preplanned goals and objectives. In short, it is the pivot and hub around which
everything in a school is run.
Curriculum differs from syllabus in the sense that the letter can be referred to a
narrow term, which prescribed the content to covered by a given course.

Language curriculum is based on the important assumption that learning is vital
for producing responsible and productive citizens through language acquisition.
The curriculum designed accordingly to inculcate the needed skills and knowledge
so as make students successful language users.
Language provide a medium through which knowledge is constructed, and hence
they are closely tied to the thoughts and identity of the individual. Most children
come to school two three languages already being used at the oral level.
The three language formula was an attempt to address the challenge and
opportunities of the linguistic situation in India. In the later stages, study of
classical and foreign language can be introduced.
In the English language classroom, literature can also spur to children’s own
creativity. After hearing a story, drama or poem, children feel encouraged to write
something their own. Moreover, stories, poems, songs, drama links children to
their cultural heritage, along with them giving them an opportunity to understand
their experiences and develop sensitivity to others. These activities will also help
to improve vocabulary and grammar.
English helps the students to create awareness of the world. Along with high
linguistic skills, like reading can be used for learning other subjects and languages.
The aim of teaching English is to creation of multilinguals who can enrich all our
languages. The language evaluation should be measured not in term of
achievement but in the form of language proficiency.
Language curriculum includes goals, content and the criteria for evaluation.
Different learning strategies are used in the classroom to ensure that all student
can achieve proficiency in learning. Language curriculum also ensure that student
will be able to express themselves through the spoken and written languages. The
aim is to develop student’s interests and pleasure in reading. Ultimately the
learner is expected to be fluent language user.
The language curriculum is farmed with a content that would be understood by
the learner. He would be able to speak in the language, enrich his vocabulary and
be able to solve the assignment provided.
Evaluation is crucial for the students to proceed. They have to prove that they can
understand the discussions undertaken in class. They should be able to give a
factual and persuasive speech by the time they pass out middle stage of school.
In language curriculum, oral language plays a very crucial role and helps in the
acquisition of social and communicative skills.
LANGUAGE CURRICULUM: Features in design
Language curriculum has the following features in design:
The children have lot of opportunities to talk in class, give their opinion express
their thoughts and ideas:
 It support children with different learning strength and needs.
 Students learn the building block for words to increase fluency in reading
and spellings.
 An emphasis is given on word recognition, oral fluency in reading
 Word knowledge is increased through vocabulary and morphology.
 Grammar and word of usage teach complexities of vocabulary and the
importance of language structures to the overall meaning.
 An important feature is development and application of concepts, content
and skills.
 The focus is on the individual learner as it is learner-centered in the spirit.
1. Comprehensive
A lot of stress is given on the selection of aims, concepts skills, pedagogy,
attitudes etc. and of individual differences and opinion. It should involve elements
of learning, all essential issues in the curriculum, pedagogic styles, accessing
techniques, objectives etc.
2. Balanced
The curriculum should be broad and balanced in all respects. A proper balanced
between need and the content is required. All the content areas should be
properly covered, with each getting the appropriate time.
3. Relevance
The curriculum farmed should be relevant to meet the present and future needs
of the students, society and based on the aims and objective of the organization
and education, on the whole.
4. Progressive
Curriculum has to be approached both a theoretical and practical level. There
should be progression in knowledge, skills and attitudes. There should also be a
progression of concept understanding and should be from familiar to unfamiliar,
known to unknown, simple to complexion, etc.
5. Continuity
The curriculum should follow the watch word of continuity, which should be in
skill enhancement, realization of aims and objectives, gaining social experiences
etc. Along with continuity, coherence and consistency are also required in the

1. It gives due weightage to the interests, concerns and need, which are treated
as valid basis for content of curriculum.
2. A well-formed curriculum leads to learning which ultimately affect the behavior
of students.
3. The dignity and worth of students is valued.
4. Curriculum provides scope for developing ideas, skills, attitudes and habits
among students.
5. Curriculum for different level of instruction is planned keeping in mind the age
and understanding of the students.
6. Different abilities of the pupils are considered while farming the curriculum.
7. Curriculum helps students to acquire skills, knowledge and practical abilities,
and a mind to use them in the proper direction and obtain employment later in
8. It help student to develop enquiring minds, and the ability to question and
argue rationally and to use their mental and physical skill.


While constructing curriculum, many factors have to be borne in mind. The
philosophy of education, psychology of learning, the needs of pupils and of the
society, all have to keep in mind.
The process of curriculum construction which has the following distinct phases
has also to be kept in mind:
i. Selection of objectives.
ii. Selection of learning experiences.
iii. Selection of knowledge and activities which will provide the learning
iv. Organization and integration of content and learning experiences.
v. Evaluation of curriculum.
The main principles of curriculum construction may be mentioned as under:
1. Principle of child Centeredness
As modern education is child centered, the curriculum should also be child
centered. It should be based on the child’s needs, interests, abilities, age level and
circumstances. The child should be the central figure in any scheme of curriculum
2. Principles of orientation of values
The curriculum should be constructed keeping in view the psychological
requirement of the students and also confirming to the changing needs of society.
The curriculum of English, keeping this principles in view, should consist both
subject matter and activities.
3. Principles of selection of subject matter
The selection of subject matter in English curriculum is a herculean task. It has to
be organized in a proper manner and should not give scope for any haphazard
treatment of the subject manner.
4. Principle of learnability
The divergent aspect as to what can be learnt and what should be learnt must be
taken into consideration. The concept should be such as so as to satisfy the needs
of the children of different age groups.
5. Principles of utility
The curriculum should be ultitarian and meet the requirements of the child.
Curriculum and real life requirements should always go hand in hand.
6. Principle of continuity in learning
Every learning experiences a child gets should be connected to his next learning
experience, which is possible through planning in curriculum. New concepts
should be added to the pre-existing knowledge gradually, step by step, but
7. Principles of relationship
The curriculum should provide functional relationship among different English
courses. The course for each year and class should be connected and coordinated
properly and should appear as a whole.
8. Principle of logical arrangement
Logical arrangement helps to arrange the topics in a sequence, which suits the
psychological needs of the students.
9. Principles of activity
The curriculum should have enough scope of activity and practical work. Activities
can be recreational, vocational civic, community oriented, national etc.
10. Principles of correlation
The curriculum should be passed on the principles of correlation. There should be
correlation of English with everyday problems, and with other subjects.
At the end conclusion is that there is very important role of language in the
curriculum. The language is always believed to play a central role in learning. No
matter what the subject area, students assimilate new concepts when they listen,
talk read and write about what they are learning.

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