Soal Pat English X

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(no 1- no 3)
Last Friday, a friend of mine asked me to accompany him to buy a new shirt at a department store.
We left home at 03.00 p.m. by motorcycle. As soon as we arrived there, we went to the clothes
section. I let him choose one. An hour later, I got bored watching him confused in choosing a shirt.
So I left him and went to the cassette counter. Thirty minutes later, I went back to the clothes
section but I couldn’t find him there. My cell phone was broken so I couldn’t call him. I went to the
parking area. I saw his motorcycle was there but I couldn’t find him. I waited for him for a few
moments then finally I gave up and decided to go home.
When I arrived home, my mother told me that my friend called. She said that he was in the
department store looking for me. My mother asked me to come back to the department store.
Reluctantly, I walked to the department store and you know what? When I arrived there his
motorcycle was not in the parking area. He just went home. I was very tired. There was no other
choice, I had to walk home again. When I arrived home, I was so tired. I was very angry but when I
saw my friend’s broad smile greet me in front of the door, I just could not help laughing.
1. The text above is about …
The writer and his friend.
The writer friends.
An embarrassing day.
Shopping with mother.
My friend and his motorcycle.
Jawaban: A
2. The writer couldn’t contact his friend because …
He was in the parking area.
His cell phone was broken.
He went home alone.
His friend was still choosing a shirt.
He get lost at departement store.
Jawaban: B
3. From the story above we can conclude that there was a problem because …
The writer’s friend was in the clothes section.
The writer and his friend couldn’t ride the motorcycle.
The writer couldn’t contact his friend.
The writer and his friend decided to go to the department store.
The writer mother didn’t inform about his friend calling.
Jawaban: C
(no 4-no 5)
On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is
not far from Malioboro. On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big
temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only
Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky
because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to
Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borobudur
gate would be closed. In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.
4. The purpose of the text is to …
Entertain readers.
Describe the smugglers
Report an event to the police.
Tell past events.
Inform readers about events of the day.
Jawaban: D
5. How long the writer spent the time in Borobudur?
Two hours
One hour
Five hours
Four hours
Three hours
Jawaban: B

(no 6 – no 8)
Once a man sold his well to a farmer. Next day when a farmer went to draw the water
from that well, the man did not allow him to draw the water from it. He said, “I have sold you the
well, not the water, so you cannot draw the water from the well.”
The farmer became very sad and came to the Emperor’s court. He described everything
to the Emperor and asked for the justice. The Emperor called Birbal and handed over this case to
him. Birbal called the man who sold the well to the farmer. Birbal asked, “Why don’t you let him
use the water of the well. You have sold the well to the farmer.” The man replied, “Birbal, I have
sold the well to the farmer, not the water. He has no right to draw the water from the well.”
Then Birbal smiled and said to him, “Good, but look, since you have sold the well to this
farmer, and you claim that water is yours, then you have no right to keep your water in the
farmer’s well. Either you pay rent to the farmer to keep your water in his well, or you take that out
of his well immediately.”
The man understood, that his trick has failed. Birbal has outwitted him.
6. What is the text about?
A farmer and witty birbal
A smart man and a farmer
An emperor and a witty birbal
Farmer’s well and witty birbal
A farmer and an emperor
Jawaban: D
7. Why didn’t the man let the farmer use the water from the well?
Because the man needed the water for himself
Because there was no water in the well
Because the man obeyed what the emperor said
Because water in the well was not included in the sales agreement they made before
Because the man thought that he had sold the well but the water was not involved
Jawaban: E
8. What is the moral value of the text?
Stealing is not a good thing, you can always use your brain and ease out of the difficult
Don’t try to cheat because you will end up paying for it regardless of how smart you think
you are.
One who desires more, loses all. One should remain satisfied with what one gets
There is no substitute for hard work because dreams cannot be fulfilled without hard work
Do not just blindly walk in to anything without thinking
Jawaban: B

(no 9-no 13)

Once upon a time there was an old couple who didn’t have a child. They lived in a small house
near the village forest. “Please give us a child,” they asked God everyday. One day, from the
household Shinto altar, they heard a cute cry, “Waa! Waa!”
They looked and saw a crying baby who looked just like a little finger. “This child must be a gift
from God. Thanks to God!” “We will call this child ‘Issumboshi’,” they said. They raised
Issumboshi with much care, but Issumboshi never grew bigger. “Hey, Issumboshi, do you want to
be eaten by a frog?” Issumboshi was always being bullied by the children of the village and often
went home feeling unhappy. Grandmother would make some big rice balls and encourage him.
“Eat a lot, and grow up quickly,” Grandmother said. become a respectable person. Then I will
come back.” Grandfather and Grandmother were worried about him, but Issumboshi’s mind
would not be changed. At once they began to prepare for his trip. Issumboshi sheathed a needle
sword in a straw case, put on a cup for a sedge hat, and started out with a chopstick staff, in high
spirits. “I’m going now,” Issumboshi said.
“Is he safe? With such a small body?” Grandfather and Grandmother asked as they saw him off.
Issumboshi went on the trip with a big wish in a small body.
At last Issumboshi reached the capital city and anchored under the bridge. Then he climbed up
to the railing and viewed the town. “There is a fine palace over there. I shall ask them at once.” At
long last Issumboshi arrived at the palace. “Excuse me, but I want to meet the feudal lord.”The
lord came to the door, “What? Who’s there?” “Here I am, at your feet.” “Oh. How small! Why do
you want to meet me?” “Please let me be your retainer.” “I wonder if your very small body can do
anything.” “I’ll stay in your pocket and guard you from all harm.” When Issumboshi said so, a bee
came buzzing by. “Yhaa!” Issumboshi yelled, stabbing the bee. “Bravo! I employ you. It would be
good if you became the Princess’s man.” “Oh! What a cute fellow he is!” said the Princess,
putting Issumboshi on her palm. “I will defend you upon my life,” said Issumboshi.The Princess
liked Issumboshi, and she taught him
reading, writing, and various studies. Further, Issumboshi practiced fencing very hard in order to
be strong. One day the Princess went out to worship at the Kiyomizu Temple. Suddenly there
was a strong wind, and some demons appeared. The leader of the demons tried to grab the
“Help me!” she screamed. Issumboshi tried to help her, but the demon caught him and threw him
into his mouth. Issumboshi, who was swallowed, jabbed and jabbed the demon’s stomach. The
demon rolled over and spat out Issumboshi. Issumboshi jumped at the demon and stabbed his
eyes. The remaining demons were frightened. They ran away in great haste, but one demon,
who was left behind, trembled while holding the magic hammer. “Do you want me to stab your
eyes, too?” Issumboshi asked. “Please, don’t. This is the magic hammer that will grant you a
wish. I give it to you, so please spare me.” And saying this, he ran off in a hurry. “Thank you,
Issumboshi. You have saved my life,” the Princess said. “Princess, please wave this magic
hammer and make a wishthat I may become big,” said Issumboshi. The Princess waved it and
asked, “May Issumboshi become big!” And then, strangely, before her eyes, Issumboshi began
to grow. He grew into a nice young man. They went back to the palace, and the Princess asked
the King to let her marry Issumboshi.
The Princess and Issumboshi then got married, and they invited Grandfather and Grandmother
to live with them in the palace. They lived happily ever after.
9. What is the purpose of the text above?
To entertain the readers with funny story
To amuse the reader with fable
To tell the writer experience.
To describe about biography.
To inform and entertain the readers.
Jawaban: E
10. How did Issumboshi fell when he was bullied?
Feeling happy.
Feeling unhappy.
Feeling nervous.
Feeling excited.
Feeling curious.
Jawaban: B
11. Where did Issumboshi want go?
To Kyoto city.
To village forest.
To capital city.
To japan.
To kiyomizu temple.
Jawaban: C
12. What is the moral value of the story?
Don’t see someone from origin.
Don’t bullied .
Be a kind person.
like to help someone.
Be a happy person.
Jawaban: A
13. We will call this child ‘’Issumboshi,’’ the old couple said.
The old couple said that …………………………….
They will called that child ‘Issumboshi.
We would call this child ‘ Issumboshi.
They would called that ‘ Issumboshi.
We will call this ‘Issumboshi.
They would call that child ‘Issumboshi.
Jawaban: E

(no14-no 16)
To : All Employees
From : Paul Walker
Subject : Ordering Supplies
Date : April 4th, 20017

All requests for supplies must be typed and signed. Only typed requests will be accepted.
All requests must be on my desk by fifteenth every month. Approved requested will be
sent on the Accounting Department. Please plan ahead. It takes two to six weeks to
order supplies.

14. The memo is addressed to…

New employees
Mr. Paul Walker
Head of personnel
All employees
All Managers
Jawaban: D
15. What should they do with the request?
Write down on a paper
Typed and signed
Write and sign
16. What does the memo concern?
Overdue accounts
Office furniture
Supply request
Request promotion
Jawaban: C
17. What is the meaning of the sign
The end of someone’s life
The end of the road
The end of time
The end of death
The end of sign
Jawaban: B

18. What is the meaning of the sign?

Get in to the land
Stay away from the land
Enter the land
Keep close to the land
The land is sold out
Jawaban: B
19. Beth is ______than Eduardo.
more short
most short
jawaban: C

20. The blue dress is ______ than the yellow dress.

most beautiful
more beautiful

21. My cat is ______ than your cat.

more big
most big
jawaban: B

22. His kitchen is _______ than her kitchen.

more clean
most clean
jawaban: A

23. This test is ______ than the test we took yesterday.

more difficult
most difficult
jawaban: A

24. The brown bird is ______ than the yellow bird.

more little
most small
jawaban: C

25. Ryan : Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?
Hani : _____ maybe you can ask the policeman over there.
Yes, there is one across the street
Next to library
Behind the hotel
I’m sorry. I don’t live here.
Yes, I’m sure
Jawab : D

26. Fino : Can you tell me where Doni’s house is?

Nanda : Just go along Mulawarman street.
From the dialogue we know that …
Nanda knows where Doni’s house is
They will go to Doni’s house
Fino knows where Doni’s house
Nanda doesn’t know where Doni’s house
Nanda knows Fino’s house
Jawab : A

27. Can you tell me where Doni’s house is?

The underlined expression expresses ....
Asking direction
Giving direction
Asking opinion
Giving opinion
Jawab : A
28. go along this street and then … (belok kiri)
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
Turn right
Turn left
Go straight
Go ahead
Go along
Jawab : B

29. Stranger :Excuse me _______ where the nearest post office?

Carly : Follow this way until second traffict light. It is on your left beside Padang restaurant.
Stranger : Thank you
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
Can I help you find
Could I tell you the way
Could you come with me
Could you show me
Could I show you
Jawab : D

30. Bimo: what do you do after school?

Arya: well, I change my uniform with casual, … I wash my hands before having lunch.

Jawaban: E

31. Anna: what do you do in the evening?

Elsa: … after doing my school assignment.

I’m reading a comic

I will have a dinner
I usually check my e-mail
I will send my e-mail
I went to bed
Jawaban: C

32. Rey: what does your sister do, Bima?

Bima: my sister is a tour guide, …

She helps costumers stamp and mail

She guides trainees and install program
She controls the bus ticket
She controls the catering
She takes people on trips around the world
Jawaban: E

33. Ariel: what does the techer do?

Rumi: He usually … the students
Explain the lesson to
Sends an email to
Needs the lesson from
Understand the material from
Takes a payment from
Jawaban: A

34. Boy: where can I apply for the driving license, Dad?
Dad: …

When you need it

When you have a car
When you can drive well
When you grow up
When you will use it
Jawaban: C

35. Cecep: what do you do after school hours?

Robi: …
Cecep: No wonder. You have a well-built body.

I usually go jogging
I usually watch TV
I usually go to gym
I usually meet my friends at coffee shop
I usually play a mobile game
Jawaban: C

Johny : I'm worried that we won't have anything to do on Sunday.

Indra : Well, why don't you come with us playing football together?
Johny : That's a good idea.
36. The underlined expression expresses ....
Expressing satisfaction
Making suggestions
Making an appointment
Giving suggestions
Expressing sadness
Jawaban: B

Ery : __________________
Kevin : That's a nice idea.
37. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
Can you show me your plan?
Can I have some music?
I think we should visit Tiza in the hospital.
You are a great student
I love your idea
Jawaban: C

Read the dialogue below (for questions number 38 to 40)

Matt: Hey, Zach! Do you want to hang out after work?
Zach: Sure, why not? What shall we do?
Matt: I don’t know. What do you have in mind?
Zach: Why don’t we go to the movies?
Matt: I'm not sure about that, to be honest. The weather is so beautiful, and we've been
inside all day. How about we try that new roof-top restaurant that just opened?
Zach: That sounds like a good idea. I hear they have amazing views.
Matt: Me too. Someone told me it can be hard to get a table though.
Zach: Then I suggest we sneak out of work a little bit early so we can get one.
Matt: I don't think that's a good idea. The boss has been so strict lately.
Zach: Okay, fine. But if we can't get a table at the restaurant, we're going to the movies
Matt: That's fair. Meet you in the lobby at 5:00 pm? We can walk there together.
Zach: Sounds good. I'll see you then.

38. What did Matt ask Zach?

Hang out after work
The weather is so beautiful
I suggest we sneak out of work
I don't think that's a good idea
That sounds like a good idea
Jawaban: A

39. What was Zach's suggestion?

Go to the beach
Go to the Chinese restaurant
Go to the lake
Go to the office
Go to the movies
Jawaban: E

40. That sounds like a good idea. I hear they have amazing views.
The underlined expression expresses ....
Making suggestions
Supporting suggestions
Declining suggestions
Asking suggestions
Rejecting suggestions
Jawaban: B

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