Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe

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Designation: C1765 − 13

Standard Specification for

Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and
Sewer Pipe1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1765; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope C989 Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and
1.1 This specification covers steel fiber reinforced concrete Mortars
pipe (SFRCP) of internal diameters 12 - 48 in., intended to be C1017/C1017M Specification for Chemical Admixtures for
used for the conveyance of sewage, industrial wastes, and Use in Producing Flowing Concrete
storm water and for the construction of culverts. E105 Practice for Probability Sampling of Materials

NOTE 1—Experience has shown that the successful performance of this 3. Terminology
product depends upon the proper selection of the pipe strength, the type of
bedding and backfill, the care that the installation conforms to the 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms relating to concrete
construction specifications, and provision for adequate inspection at the pipe not defined in this specification, see Terminology C822.
construction site. This specification does not include requirements for 3.2 DService—the DTest test load divided by a factor of safety
bedding, backfill, the relation ship between field load conditions and the
strength designation of pipe, or durability under unusual environmental of 1.5.
conditions. These requirements should be included in the project specifi- 3.3 DTest—the load the pipe is required to support in the
cation. three-edge bearing test expressed as a D-load.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this 4. Classification
standard. 4.1 Pipe furnished under this specification shall be desig-
2. Referenced Documents nated as Class I, II, III, IV, or V. The corresponding strength
requirements are prescribed in Table 1. Special designs for pipe
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 strengths not designated in Table 1 are permitted, provided all
A820/A820M Specification for Steel Fibers for Fiber- other requirements of this specification are met.
Reinforced Concrete
C33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates 5. Basis of Acceptance
C150 Specification for Portland Cement
5.1 The acceptability of the pipe design shall be in accor-
C260 Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Con-
dance with Section 9.
C494/C494M Specification for Chemical Admixtures for 5.2 Unless designated by the owner at the time of, or before
Concrete placing an order, the pipe shall be accepted on the basis of
C497 Test Methods for Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Sections 10 and 11, and such material tests as are required in
Tile 7.2, 7.3, and 7.5.
C595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements 5.3 Age for Acceptance—Pipe shall be considered ready for
C618 Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined acceptance when they conform to the requirements of this
Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete specification.
C822 Terminology Relating to Concrete Pipe and Related
Products 6. Design and Manufacturing
6.1 The manufacturer shall provide the following informa-
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C13 on tion regarding the pipe unless waived by the owner:
Concrete Pipe and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C13.02 on
Reinforced Sewer and Culvert Pipe. 6.1.1 Pipe design strength (DService).
Current edition approved Sept. 15, 2013. Published October 2013. DOI: 6.1.2 Physical Characteristics—Diameter, wall thickness,
laying length, and joint details.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
6.1.3 Steel Fiber Concrete Compressive Strength—
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Minimum steel fiber concrete compressive strength equal to
the ASTM website. 4000 psi.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

C1765 − 13
TABLE 1 Pipe Strength Requirements 7.4.3 Chemical admixture for use in producing flowing
Pipe Class DService (lb/linear foot/ DTest (lb/linear foot/foot concrete conforming to Specification C1017/C1017M; and
foot of diameter) of diameter) 7.4.4 Chemical admixture or blend approved by the owner.
I 800 1200
II 1000 1500 7.5 Steel Reinforcement—Reinforcement shall consist of
III 1350 2025
IV 2000 3000
steel fibers conforming to Specification A820/A820M.
V 3000 4500 7.6 Manufacture:
7.6.1 Mixture—The aggregates shall be sized, graded,
proportioned, and mixed with such proportions of cementitious
materials, steel fibers, admixtures, and water as will produce a
6.1.4 Admixtures. thoroughly mixed steel fiber concrete of such quality that the
6.1.5 Reinforcement: pipe will conform to the test and design requirements of this Type of reinforcement, applicable reinforcement specification. All concrete shall have a water-cementitious
specification, and grade. materials ratio not exceeding 0.53 by weight. Cementitious Percentage of steel fiber reinforcing by volume. materials shall be as specified in 7.2.
6.1.6 Manufacturing and curing process. 7.6.2 Reinforcement—Steel reinforcing fibers shall be thor-
oughly mixed throughout the concrete amalgam. No restriction
7. Materials and Manufacture is placed on the combination or proportion of steel fibers in the
7.1 Materials: finished product, except that pipes manufactured using these
7.1.1 Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete—The steel fiber re- materials and mixture shall comply with the performance
inforced concrete shall consist of cementitious materials, requirements of this standard.
mineral aggregates, admixtures, and water, in which steel fibers 7.6.3 Joints—The joints shall be of such design and the ends
have been mixed in such a manner that the steel and concrete of the concrete pipe sections so formed that when the sections
act together to resist stresses. are laid together they will make a continuous line of pipe with
a smooth interior free of appreciable irregularities in the flow
7.2 Cementitious Materials:
line, all compatible with the permissible variations given in
7.2.1 Cement—Cement shall conform to the requirements
Section 11.
for portland cement of Specification C150 or shall be portland
blast-furnace slag cement or slag modified portland cement, or
portland-pozzolan cement conforming to the requirements of 8. Design
Specification C595, except that the pozzolan constituent in the 8.1 Design—The wall thickness, compressive strength of
Type IP portland-pozzolan cement shall be fly ash. the concrete, and percentage of steel fibers by volume shall be
7.2.2 Fly Ash—Fly ash shall conform to the requirements of sufficient to pass the DTest requirements in Table 1.
Class F or Class C of Specification C618. 8.2 Special Classes:
7.2.3 Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBFS)— 8.2.1 If permitted by the owner, the manufacturer may
GGBFS shall conform to the requirements of Grade 100 or 120 request approval by the owner of a special class of pipe having
of Specification C989. DTest values that differ from those shown in Table 1.
7.2.4 Allowable Combinations of Cementitious Materials— 8.2.2 Such special classes of pipe shall be based on the same
The combination of cementitious materials used in the cement design/testing requirements as required for those classes found
shall be one of the following: in Table 1. Portland cement only, Portland blast furnace slag cement only. 9. Proof of Design Testing Portland pozzolan cement only, A combination of portland cement and fly ash, 9.1 Test Equipment and Facilities—The manufacturer shall A combination of portland cement and ground furnish without charge all samples, facilities, and personnel
granulated blast-furnace slag, necessary to carry out the tests required by this specification. A combination of portland cement, ground granu- 9.2 Proof of Design—When testing for proof of design, the
lated blast-fumace slag, and fly ash, pipe tests shall be conducted in accordance with Test Methods A combination of portland pozzolan cement and fly C497. Load on the pipe shall increase continuously until it
ash. reaches the ultimate load without collapse due to residual
7.3 Aggregates—Aggregates shall conform to the require- strength provided by the steel-fiber matrix. The Dult value shall
ments of Specification C33, except that the requirement for be recorded.
gradation shall not apply. 9.3 Proof of Bond/Ductility/Toughness—After the proof of
7.4 Admixtures and Blends—The following admixtures and design test, the pipe shall be immediately unloaded and
blends are allowable. reloaded in accordance with Test Method C497. As a verifica-
7.4.1 Air-entraining admixture conforming to Specification tion of bond, ductility, and toughness, the pipe shall be loaded
C260; until it reaches the specified service load, DService.
7.4.2 Chemical admixture conforming to Specification NOTE 2—This test ensures the fibers have both the anchorage and
C494/C494M; tensile strength to continue to behave in a ductile, not brittle manner.

C1765 − 13
9.4 Establishment of Pipe Strength: prescribed in Table 1 for each respective class of pipe. It is not
9.4.1 Three to seven representative specimens, of standard a requirement of this section that the pipe be loaded to its Dult
production pipe, shall be tested to their ultimate load, and the strength. Section 9 does test the pipe to Dult.
results recorded. Using the values obtained in 9.2, compute the
10.4 Number and Tests Required for Pipe Test Load—The
values in 9.4.2 and 9.4.3.
pipe producer shall perform a three-edge bearing test in
NOTE 3—It is necessary that samples be selected at random. For accordance with Test Methods C497 and the provisions in 10.2.
guidance see Practice E105. The test shall be performed on one pipe per production run, as
9.4.2 Compute the estimated standard deviation, s, by Eq 1 defined in Terminology C822, or every 200 pieces of like size
or Eq 2, which equations yield identical values. and class of pipe, whichever is less.

s5 =@ Σ ~ X i
2 X̄ ! # □⁄□ ~ n 2 1 ! (1) NOTE 4—While cracks may occur in steel fiber reinforced concrete
pipe, they are not to be considered an indication of overstressed or failed
s 5 =@ Σ X i2 2 ~ Σ X i ! 2 ⁄ n # □⁄□ ~ n 2 1 ! (2) pipe provided the pipe meets all other performance requirements of this
where: 10.5 Retests of Pipe—If any pipe fails to pass the three-edge
Xi = observed value of the load to develop the ultimate bearing test requirements, then three more pipe shall be
strength, selected at random from the same production run and tested. If
X̄ = average (arithmetic mean) of the values of Xi, and all three pipes pass, then the pipe from that production run is
n = number of observed values. acceptable. If any pipe fails to meet the test requirements, the
9.4.3 Compute the minimum allowable arithmetic mean, X̄s. required tests shall be made on the balance of the order and the
by Eq 3. In Eq 3, the value of the estimated standard deviation, pipe shall be accepted if they conform to the requirements of
s, shall be as calculated by Eq 1, or Eq 2, or equal to 0.07 L, this specification.
whichever is greater.
10.6 Absorption—An annual absorption test shall be per-
X¯ s 5 L1S m (3) fortned for each mix design for each production process. The
absorption of a sample from the wall of the pipe, as determined
L = specification limit (specified D-load) and in accordance with Test Methods C497, shall not exceed 9 %
Sm = modified standard deviation dependent upon sample of the dry mass for Method A or 8.5 % for Method B. Each
size (see Table 2). Method A sample shall have a minimum mass of 2.2 lb (1.0
9.4.4 The pipe shall be deemed acceptable if the arithmetic kg), shall be free of visible cracks, and shall represent the full
mean X̄ for the Dult strength value is equal to or greater than X̄s. wall thickness of the pipe. When the initial absorption sample
9.5 Sample Testing of Pipe Strength—If any part of the from the pipe fails to conform to this specification, the
material or manufacture of the pipe are modified, then the absorption test shall be made on another sample from the same
ability of the pipe to meet the required DTest value shall be pipe and the results of the retest shall be substituted for the
reestablished in accordance with 9.4. Provided there is no original test results.
change in material or manufacture of the pipe used to establish
the pipe class, pipe shall be periodically tested in accordance CONCRETE TESTING
with Section 10 for quality assurance. 10.7 Type of Specimen—Compression tests for determining
steel fiber concrete compressive strength shall be allowed to be
10. Physical Requirements made on either concrete cylinders or on cores drilled from the
10.1 The proof of design is as required in accordance with pipe.
9.2. The test requirements of this section apply to the quality
10.8 Compression Testing of Cylinders:
assurance of pipe production with the pipe being tested to DTest
(150 % of the DService). 10.8.1 Cylinder Production—Cylinders shall be prepared in
accordance with the cylinder strength test method of Test
10.2 Test Specimens—The pipe required for tests shall be Methods C497.
furnished by the manufacturer, selected at random, and shall be 10.8.2 Number of Cylinders—Prepare not fewer than three
pipe that would otherwise not be rejected under this specifica- test cylinders from each steel fiber concrete mix used within a
tion. group (one day’s production) of pipe sections.
10.3 External Load Test Strength—The load to produce the 10.8.3 Acceptability on the Basis of Cylinder Test Results:
DTest Load as determined by the three-edge-bearing method When the compressive strengths of all cylinders
described in the Test Methods C497 shall not be less than that tested for a group are equal to or greater than the design steel
fiber concrete strength, the compressive strength of the steel
TABLE 2 Modified Standard Deviation Values fiber concrete in the group of pipe sections shall be accepted.
Sample Size (n) Sm Value When the average compressive strength of all
3 1.08s cylinders tested is equal to or greater than the design steel fiber
4 1.09s concrete strength, not more than 10 % after the cylinders tested
5 1.10s
7 1.16s have a compressive strength less than the design steel fiber
concrete strength. and no cylinder tested has a compressive

C1765 − 13
strength less than 80 % of the design steel fiber concrete except that pipe with a wall thickness greater than 5 % of that
strength, then the group shall be accepted. specified shall not be used for the tests required in Section 9. When the compressive strength of the cylinders 11.4 Length of Two Opposite Sides—Variations in the laying
tested does not conform to the acceptance criteria stated in length of two opposite sides of pipe shall not be more than 1⁄4 or, the acceptability of the group shall be in. for all sizes through 24-in. internal diameter, and not more
determined in accordance with the provisions of 10.9. than 1⁄8 in./ft of internal diameter for all larger sizes, with a
10.9 Compression Testing of Cores: maximum of 1⁄2 in. in any pipe through 48-in. internal diameter,
10.9.1 Obtaining Cores—Cores shall be obtained, prepared, except where beveled-end pipe for laying on curves is specified
and tested in accordance with the core strength test method of by the owner.
Test Methods C497. 11.5 Length of Pipe—The underrun in length of a section of
10.9.2 Number of Cores—Three cores shall be cut from pipe shall not be more than 1⁄8 in./ft with a maximum of 1⁄2 in.
sections selected at random from each day’s production run of in any length of pipe.
a single steel fiber concrete strength.
10.10 Acceptability on the Basis of Core Test Results: 12. Repairs
10.10.1 The compressive strength of the steel fiber concrete, 12.1 Pipe shall be repaired, if necessary, because of imper-
as defined in 10.7, for each group of pipe sections is acceptable fections in manufacture or damage during handling, and will be
when the steel fiber concrete compressive test strength, defined acceptable if, in the opinion of the owner, the repaired pipe
as the average of three cores taken at random from the subject conforms to the requirements of this specification.
group, is equal to or greater than 85 % of the required strength
of the steel fiber concrete with no one core less than 75 % of 13. Inspection
the required strength. 13.1 The quality of materials, the process of manufacture,
10.10.2 If the compressive strength of the three cores does and the finished pipe shall be subject to inspection and
not meet the requirements of 10.10.1, the pipe from which the approval by the owner.
cores were taken shall be rejected. Three additional pipes from
that lot shall be tested in three-edge bearing in accordance with 14. Rejection
10.3. If all three pipe sections meet the Dtest requirement the
14.1 Pipe shall be subject to rejection on account of failure
remainder of the group shall be acceptable. If any one of the
to conform to any of the specification requirements. Individual
three pipes does not meet the Dtest requirement, the remainder
sections of pipe shall be allowed to be rejected because of any
of the group shall be rejected or, at the option of the
of the following:
manufacturer, each pipe section of the remaining group shall be
14.1.1 Fractures or cracks passing through the wall, except
three-edge bearing tested and accepted individually.
for a single end crack that does not exceed the depth of the
11. Dimensions and Permissible Variations joint.
14.1.2 Defects that indicate proportioning, mixing, and
11.1 Standard Diameters—Pipe shall be manufactured in molding, not in compliance with 7.6.1, or surface defects
the standard inside diameters listed in Table 3. The manufac- indicating honeycombed or open texture that would adversely
turer shall request approval by the purchaser for larger sizes. affect the function of the pipe.
11.2 Internal Diameter—The internal diameter of 12-in. 14.1.3 The ends of the pipe are not normal to the walls and
through 24 in. pipe shall not vary by more than 2 % of the center line of the pipe, within the limits of variations given in
design diameter for 12-in. pipe and 1.5 % for 24-in. pipe with 11.4 and 11.5.
intermediate sizes variation being a linear scale between 2 % 14.1.4 Damaged or cracked ends where such damage would
and 1.5 %. The internal diameter of sizes 21 in. and larger shall prevent making a satisfactory joint.
not vary by more than 1% of the design diameter or 63⁄8-in., 14.2 Rust staining on the surface of the pipe, or the exposure
whichever is greater. These diameter requirements are based on of steel fibers, or both, is not a cause for rejection.
the average of four diameter measurements at a distance of 12
in. from the end of the bell or spigot of the pipe. Diameter 15. Disposition of a Rejected Lot
verification shall be made on the number of pipe selected in
15.1 A lot of pipe which fails to meet the criteria for
accordance with Section 10.
acceptability shall be allowed to be utilized in accordance with
11.3 Wall Thickness—The wall thickness shall be not less a procedure mutually agreed upon by the manufacturer and the
than the nominal specified in the design given in 6.1.2 by more owner. The procedure shall demonstrate improvement in the
than 5 % or 3⁄16 in., whichever is greater. A wall thickness more lot, statistically calculate a reduced DTest strength for the lot, or
than that required in the design is not a cause for rejection, develop an acceptable disposition. The manufacturer shall bear
all expenses incurred by the procedure.
TABLE 3 Standard Designated Inside Diameter, in.
12 24 36
16. Certification
15 27 42 16.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a
18 30 48
21 33 manufacturer’s certification shall be furnished to the owner that
the products were manufactured, sampled, tested and inspected

C1765 − 13
at the time of manufacture in accordance with this specification 17.1.3 Pipe class or minimum test load, whichever is
and have been found to meet the requirements. When specified specified, and specification designation,
in the purchase order or contract, a report of the test results 17.1.4 Date of manufacture,
shall be furnished. 17.1.5 Name or trademark of the manufacturer, and
17.1.6 Identification of plant.
17. Product Marking 17.2 Markings shall be indented on the pipe section or
painted thereon with waterproof paint or ink.
17.1 The following information shall be legibly marked on
each section of pipe: 18. Keywords
17.1.1 ASTM Designation, 18.1 circular pipe; D load; sewer pipe; SFRCP; steel fibers;
17.1.2 Pipe size, storm drains; three edge bearing strength


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 As required by 9.2, the strength verification of a 24-in. ~ Σ X i ! 2 5 ~ 1818! 2 (X1.2)

designated inside diameter pipe will be determined in accor-
dance with 9.4. The test strength DTest is specified as 2025 53305124
lbf/linear ft per foot of designated inside diameter (Class III X̄ 5 ~ Σ X i □ ⁄ □ n ! 3 100 (X1.3)
X̄ 5 ~ 1818 □ ⁄ □ 5 ! 3 100
X1.2 From the lot, randomly select a sample of five speci-
mens (n = 5) each at least 6 ft long (in this example, the pipe
X̄ 5 36360
are all 8 feet long).
X1.8 The standard deviation, s, shall be computed by either
X1.3 Test the pipe to Dult. Record the observed Dult values
Eq 1 or Eq 2. Since Eq 2 is a simpler form for computation, this
of Xi in pounds-force: 38000, 32400, 37300, 35200, and 38900.
will be used.
X1.4 Since in this example Xi is in pounds-force, convert s 5 =@ Σ X i2 2 ~ Σ X i ! 2 □⁄□n # □⁄□ ~ n 2 1 ! (X1.4)
the specification limit L (test strength D-load) to pounds by
multiplying the D-load times the designated inside diameter in s 5 =@ 663730 2 3305124□⁄□5 # □⁄□ ~ 5 2 1 !
feet times the pipe length in feet, or
L 5 2025 3 ~ 24 □ ⁄ □ 12! 3 8 5 32400□lbf (X1.1) s 5 =676

X1.5 Compute the required minimum allowable value in s 5 26

accordance with the acceptability criteria 9.4.
X1.9 Multiply by 100 to obtain total pounds-force:
X1.6 The following values for X and s must be computed
s 5 26 3 100 (X1.5)
(see Note X1.1):
s 5 2600
X̄ = average (arithmetic mean) of the observed values Xi and
s = estimated standard deviation. The required minimum allowable arithmetic mean X̄s, is
NOTE X1.1—The observed values of pipe strengths will be divided by computed by Eq 3, using Sm = 1.10 s for five samples:
100 to simplify the computations in accordance with the recommendation
made in Section 25 of ASTM STP 15-C3. The effect is to reduce the size X¯ s 5 L11.10□s (X1.6)
of the numbers so they can be computed more easily.
X¯ s 5 3240011.10 3 2600
X1.7 Calculate the values for X̄ as follows:
Xi Xi2
380 144400
X¯ s 5 35260
324 104976 Since the actual X̄ of 36360 lbf is greater than the required
373 139129 minimum allowable X̄s, of 35260 lbf, the pipe material and
352 123904
389 151321
manufacturing process result in a pipe that is verified to meet
^Xi = 1818 2
^Xi = 663730 the Class III strength designation.

Manual on Quality Control of Materials, ASTM STP 15C, ASTM, January
1951, Section 25.

C1765 − 13
X1.10 ASTM STP 15D4 is a valuable source of information regarding statistical procedures and simplified computational
Manual on Presentation of Data and Control Chart Analysis, ASTM STP 15D,
ASTM, 1976

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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