Positive Behavior Support: Lise Fox Michelle A. Duda

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The key takeaways are that positive behavior support is a process for understanding and resolving problem behaviors in children based on values and research. It involves understanding why problem behaviors occur and teaching new skills to prevent problem behaviors.

The six steps involved in positive behavior support are: 1) Building a behavior support team, 2) Person-centered planning, 3) Functional behavioral assessment, 4) Hypothesis development, 5) Behavior support plan development, 6) Monitoring outcomes.

The purpose of functional behavioral assessment is to collect data and information to develop a clear understanding of what triggers and maintains problem behaviors.

Positive Behavior

Lise Fox
Michelle A. Duda

Created by and available online from the

Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children at
Table of Contents

Table of Contents.................................................................................................................2
Positive Behavior Support...................................................................................................3
Step One: Building a Behavior Support Team...................................................................4
Step Two: Person-Centered Planning..................................................................................8
Step Three: Functional Behavioral Assessment................................................................12
Step Four: Hypothesis Development.................................................................................17
Step Five: Behavior Support Plan Development...............................................................19
Step Six: Monitoring Outcomes.........................................................................................24
Forms, Information Sheets and Worksheets......................................................................29

Positive Behavior Support
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a process for understanding and resolving the problem
behavior of children that is based on values and empirical research. It offers an approach for
developing an understanding of why the child engages in problem behavior and strategies for
preventing the occurrence of problem behavior while teaching the child new skills. Positive
behavior support offers a holistic approach that considers all factors that impact on a child and
the child’s behavior. It can be used to address problem behaviors that range from aggression,
tantrums, and property destruction to social withdrawal.

The Process of Positive Behavior Support

The following steps are essential to the process of PBS.

1. Building a Behavior Support Team-PBS begins by developing a team of the

key stakeholders or individuals who are most involved in the child’s life. This
team should include the family and early educator, but also may include friends,
other family members, therapists, and other instructional or administrative
2. Person-Centered Planning-Person-centered planning provides a process for
bringing the team together to discuss their vision and dreams for the child.
Person-centered planning is a strength-based process that is a celebration of the
child and a mechanism of establishing the commitment of the team members to
supporting the child and family.
3. Functional Behavioral Assessment-Functional assessment is a process for
determining the function of the child’s problem behavior. Functional Assessment
or Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) involves the collection of data,
observations, and information to develop a clear understanding of the
relationship of events and circumstances that trigger and maintain problem
4. Hypothesis Development-The functional assessment process is completed
with the development of a behavior hypothesis statement. The behavior
hypothesis statements summarize what is known about triggers, behaviors, and
maintaining consequences and offers an informed guess about the purpose of the
problem behavior.
5. Behavior Support Plan Development-Once behavior hypotheses statements
are developed to summarize the data gathered from the functional assessment
process, the team can develop a behavior support plan. Essential components of
the behavior support plan are prevention strategies, the instruction of
replacement skills, new ways to respond to problem behavior, and lifestyle
outcome goals.
6. Monitoring Outcomes-The effectiveness of the behavior support plan must
be monitored. This monitoring includes measurement of changes in problem
behavior and the achievement of new skills and lifestyle outcomes.

Step One: Building a Behavior Support Team
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) begins by building a behavior support team of key individuals
and stakeholders who are most involved in the child’s life. Team members collaborate in multiple
ways in order to develop, implement, and monitor a child’s support plan. The collaborative
process of PBS includes the following steps:

All these steps are essential to successful teaming and in developing a Positive Behavior Support
Plan. When developing a behavior support team one must ask the following questions:

WHO are the key stakeholders and individuals in this child’s life?

WHY is collaborative teaming a key element of PBS for this child?

WHAT do we need to do to make this a successful collaborative experience that will benefit the
child and family?

HOW are we going to promote the active participation of the family and all team members in the
behavior support planning process?

WHO are the key stakeholders and individuals in this child’s life?

Potential team members include anyone who the family or teacher feels knows the child well and
will be a part of the behavior support process. Parents and family are absolutely essential to the
PBS teaming process. The goal is to create a team that represents all of the adults who will
interact with the child in the natural environment. When that occurs, the team will be able to
develop a behavior support plan that can be used across environments. Plans that are consistent
across environments are more likely to be effective and new skills are more likely to be learned
and generalized. Other potential members can include therapists, administrative staff, program
consultants or resource professionals, and possibly even other key stakeholders (such as,
extended care providers, individuals who transport the child, or even medical professionals).

WHY is collaborative teaming a key element of PBS for this child?

Collaborative teaming is based on the idea that all team members have contributions to the
development, implementation, and monitoring of a behavior support plan. When the family is a
part of the process from the beginning, and are encouraged to participate in the PBS process
from functional assessment to plan implementation, they are more likely to “buy in” to the support
plan and implement the plan with fidelity. In addition, the parents will learn to view behavior as
purposeful and may be able to develop support strategies as their child moves to new settings or
situations. Because collaborative teaming is a key element in PBS, the family builds a large
foundation of knowledge about why their child uses problem behavior and a better understanding
of how to teach their child new skills to use in place of problem behavior. The family is better able
to use problem-solving skills in the future to support their child. Collaboration is a gift of family

Strategies for Teaming with Families in the Process of PBS

WHAT do we need to do to make this a successful collaborative experience that will
benefit the child and family?

Collaboration is delicate process. Success is achieved when all team members are actively
involved in the behavior support process and when each team member feels that their
contributions are valued and important. Effective teaming relies on good leadership. The leader of
the team is the one who facilitates active participation from team members and reflects on the
family’s goals and voice in those instances where the family members choose not to lead the
team. A leader is always open-minded and is able to take on the perspective of the other team
members and facilitate discussions so that everyone’s voice on the team is heard. Collaborative
teaming needs to be a cooperative experience and result in a commitment to develop and
implement the written plan (i.e., behavior support plan).

Teaming works best when there is open communication between team members, goal setting,
teaching within natural environments, use of family strengths, monitoring of progress, and family
involvement beyond meetings. Goal setting as a team should include a shared vision for the child
and a belief that goals can and will be accomplished. Goals are written in such a way that skills
can be taught within daily activities and routines in natural environments. This will not only allow
for generalization of skills but also increased opportunities for teaching.

When setting goals for the child, it is also important to build upon family strengths. Family
members are important contributors to the child’s team and thus should be commended for their
abilities and ideas. Using the family’s strengths can give the family a sense of accomplishment,
empowerment, and success. For instance, various family members come to a team with
strengths such as, special talents (artistic, a skilled writer, computer knowledge, athleticism);
resourcefulness (ability to tap into the community, good at recycling, researches topics); optimism
(cheers others on, believes in one’s self, hopeful); and organizational skills.

When building a collaborative team it is important to use facilitation techniques to promote active
participation (e.g., round robin, group graphics) during team meetings. All team members should
also be aware of the facts that the PBS process takes time, PBS can be a difficult process the
first time it’s used, that team members have differing skills and/or approaches, there are varying
learning styles amongst team members, and there may be competing factors that influence team
members. Awareness of these issues can allow the team to better develop a Behavior Support
Plan for the child. When discussing plan development, family members and the other team
members should identify routines and activities that are problematic for the child through a
process called Functional Assessment and Hypothesis Development. Once a team completes a
Functional Assessment on the child, they collaborate to develop a Behavior Support Plan.

A Behavior Support Plan should be written in easy-to-understand language and “fit” with routines,
activities, and values of the family and teaching staff. Once a plan is constructed the team should
write a Collaborative Action Plan of who will produce the various components needed to
implement the plan. Components (such as reminder signs, checklists, and tip sheets) need to be
easy to use and easy to remember, otherwise the plan will be difficult to implement with fidelity.
The plan must also accommodate competing demands on the teaching staff and family. If the
individuals implementing the plan feel that it is too difficult or does not fit within the child’s
everyday activities, then inconsistencies in implementation may occur. Mini-plans are sometimes
developed around difficult routines or activities. For instance, a mini-plan can be written for a
tooth brushing routine that may consist of preventions, new skills for the child to learn, and how
the adults will respond around the child brushing his or her teeth. The mini-plan still fits within the
Behavior Support Plan but really addresses a specific routine or activity.

Prior to the implementation of a plan, everyone on the team needs to understand the plan and
agree that the strategies and approaches within the plan are appropriate. Begin implementation

when all pieces of the plan have been developed. This includes a method for monitoring
outcomes. Forms to monitor outcomes should be simple and user-friendly. The entire team
should feel the outcomes that the team is measuring are of value. Dates need to be scheduled to
check-in with the team do discuss progress or needed amendments. Please see our Evaluating
the Support Plan form for more information.

The following are Principles of a Collaborative Relationship:

Building Rapport & Respect for the Person

Team members need to establish a relationship with the members on the child’s team.
Establishing this relationship relies on building on and recognizing strengths of the entire team.
Rapport and respect involves showing an awareness of the dynamics in the child’s various
environments, using easy to understand language rather than jargon and appreciating differences
of opinions and perspectives. Showing respect for diverse cultures and asking the other team
members for input also contributes to building and establishing a good teaming relationship and
good rapport.

Sensitivity to Context

The team should be aware of the broader ecology of the educational setting and home. Actions,
along with classroom and home dynamics are influenced by the environment and each other.
Team members should ask themselves: Are their limited resources at this center or program? Do
families have intense needs? Is “time” an issue? Team members should acknowledge these
challenges and keep them in mind in planning strategies with the team.

Commitment to Evolving Growth and Change

Team members need to be sensitive that change and growth is a process. Change and growth
may involve a learning curve for all team members. Team members need to be given the time to
process new information and build their fluency at using this approach. Some team members will
feel comfortable with the change and growth. Other team members may need to be convinced
the process will have a positive effect or may be cautious about the change and need to be given
time to understand the new information they are learning. Also, team members may have had
past experiences that will influence how they perceive the growth or change. Both negative and
positive past experiences can impact how team members view a situation or suggestion.

Mutuality of Shared Goals

It is important that the entire team has a “shared vision”. The “team leader” should lead the team
in the sharing of goals throughout the process and explicitly state long-range goals for children,
families, and the program. An emphasis should be placed on meaningful outcomes.
Open Communication
The team leader should promote honest expression, use active listening, and encourage dialogue
about the process, family/staff concerns, and emotions. The team leader should ask the team
members to identify the most effective way to communicate between meetings (i.e., phone, email,
in person, fax, or mail) to ensure collaboration and shared information. Please see the Talking
with Families About Problem Behavior Do’s and Don’ts sheet for more information.

HOW are we going to team to promote involvement of the family and all team members?

How a team gathers to meet and collaborate around a child’s problem behavior can really “set the
stage” for the tone of the teaming experience. It is extremely important to take into account that
individuals come to the table with various backgrounds, knowledge and perceptions. Creating a

sense of unity is important. A team can only work successfully when all the players not only have
a shared vision but a sense of being an important contributor to the team.

There are steps a team leader can take to promote a positive collaborative experience. Meetings
should occur in a comfortable location and at times that are convenient for both the
educational/professional staff and the family. When teams gather to meet, members should talk in
terms that all on the team understand; de-jargon the process. The room should be arranged to
facilitate an equal exchange. Circular tables lend to this well, as there is not a person who sits at
the “head of the table”. Agendas are helpful in facilitating a smooth and efficient meeting. It is
important to have a clear start and a planned agenda. Often, effective teams will generate an
agenda that is distributed prior to the meeting so that team members have to time review and add
to or delete agenda items as needed. Please see the Collaborative Team Meeting Notes
worksheet for more information.

During the team meeting, roles are assigned such as: timekeeper, facilitator, recorder, and jargon
buster. Role assignment encourages the team to stay on track with the meeting agenda and
enables team members to be actively involved in the meeting. Role assignment also portrays a
message that everyone on the team is important and time is valued and appreciated. As
individuals on the team share information and ideas, the group listens with respect and all
information discussed at the meeting is understood to be confidential.

The team develops a plan of action during the meeting. An Action Plan is then written to denote
what actions are going to be taken, the steps involved to complete each actions step, who is
responsible for each step, and the timeline for the action step to be completed. Please see the
Collaborative Action Planning Form for more information. The facilitator ensures group
participation through the use of teaming strategies and by giving an opportunity for all on the
team to speak and reflect on the meeting once the meeting is coming to a conclusion. Please see
the "Collaborating with Families: Building Capacity" sheet for more information. As the meeting is
drawing to a close, the team decides on the next team meeting date.

Step Two: Person-Centered Planning
Person-Centered Planning – Person-centered planning provides a process for bringing the team
together to discuss their vision and dreams for the child. Person-centered planning is a strength-
based process that is a celebration of the child and a mechanism of establishing the commitment
of the team members to supporting the child and family.

One of the key features of positive behavior support for young children with problem behavior and
their families is a commitment to a collaborative team approach. This is especially important for
children whose problem behavior occurs in multiple settings such as the home, preschool,
therapy visits, etc. Person-centered planning provides a process for bringing the team together to
discuss their vision and dreams for the child. Person-centered planning is a strength-based
process that is a celebration of the child and mechanism of establishing the commitment of the
team members to supporting the child and family.

In general, person centered planning processes use graphic recordings (usually words, pictures,
and symbols on chart paper) and group facilitation techniques to guide the team through the
process. For example, the facilitator is responsible for setting the agenda, assessing equal
opportunities for all to participate, handling conflict when necessary, and maintaining the group’s
focus. The following well-known person centered planning processes share underlying values
and similarities but may differ in their application.

MAPS (Making Action Plans)

MAPS is a person centered planning process that brings together the key players in a child’s life
to identify a “roadmap” for working toward and achieving goals for the focus child. (Forest &
Lusthaus, 1989; Vandercook et al., 1989). The MAPS process identifies where the child currently
is, what the goals are for the child, and how the team will work together to reach the goals. MAPS
has an established framework that addresses the child’s history, identity, strengths, gifts, and the
team’s nightmares and dreams for the child. The child’s needs and action steps for the plan are
also identified. The MAPS process is most effective when the team has a general idea of what
the goals are for the focus child (i.e. inclusion, more friends.) (Kincaid & Fox, 2002; Pearpoint et
al., 1993)

Sample MAPS

PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope)

PATH is an effective process for bringing together a team that may already know a child well and
has made a commitment to supporting the child in the future. PATH is ideal for addressing long
and short-term planning. The process provides clear time lines for achieving goals and breaks
those goals into achievable and measurable steps. It also identifies individuals on the team who
are responsible for completing each action step (Kincaid & Fox, 2002).

Sample PATH

PFP (Personal Futures Planning)

Personal Futures Planning focuses on what the team can do to address the themes or issues
identified within a personal profile or other person centered process (Mount, 1987; Mount &
Zwernick, 1988). In Personal Futures Planning, the team identifies an appropriate time frame for
achieving a futures plan that specifically addresses themes and issues in five areas (home,

school, community, choices and preferences, and relationships.) This process can be very
effective, even when some of the team members do not know the focus child very well, because it
gives the team a comprehensive understanding of many important areas of the child’s life
(Kincaid & Fox, 2002).

Sample PFP

Detailed Instructions for Personal Futures Planning

Maps and Materials

The materials necessary for the personal futures plan process include: chart paper, markers (red,
blue, green, purple) and masking tape. The maps are a visual reminder that the meeting is
informal and creative; they are also a visual means for guiding the group as they begin to explore
possibilities and capacities of the focus child. The markers provide color-coding for all the
experiences and descriptions shared during the meeting. Red is for things perceived as negative;
for example, a run in with a rude school administrator. Blue is for neutral concepts (i.e., factual
information about the child or situation). Green is for things that are positive, and purple is to add
emphasis. Another important element of the creative process is art. Pictorial representations are
drawn to illustrate the story of the focus child’s life. Whenever possible, pictures should be drawn
to symbolize people, events, emotions, and actions. The facilitator or artist may determine ahead
of time how they will illustrate common elements such as people, buildings, etc. The families keep
the original maps and a photographed copy can be kept on record (with family permission). The
following 8 maps can be used for an initial futures plan:

Initial Futures Plan Maps

• Who We Are and How We Feel - Who is attending, their feelings about being at the
• Background and History - Provides an overview of the life experiences of the individual
and his family.
• Who is (Focus Child) - Describes the unique personality characteristics, abilities, and
talents of the focus child.
• Typical Day - Describes the typical activities of the day and the child’s reaction to those
• Preferences/What Works and What Doesn’t - Describes personal preferences, gifts,
and interests, as well as conditions to avoid.
• Choices - Describes decisions made by the person and decisions made by other people
• Vision - Describes ideas about personal dreams and desires for the future.
• A Plan - Identifies the steps necessary to begin to realize the dream.

These maps were adapted for young children, therefore, they differ slightly from the ones
described in the personal futures planning booklet, yet, their purpose was the same. The purpose
is to obtain basic information about the focus child and his family and to gain an insight into the
child’s life by reviewing his choices, preferences, and daily routines. Then, people who are
committed to the quality of the focus child’s life provide a voice for the child’s dreams and goals
for the future. The dreams are used for the vision map and then the necessary steps for realizing
the dream are outlined in the plan map. Before the actual meeting, write out the map headings
and determine symbols/art that you will use. Doing as much work prior to the actual meeting, will
save time and increase the efficiency of the meeting.

Facilitator/Time Keeper/Artist

As described in the personal futures planning booklet (Mount & Zwernick, 1988), the facilitator
leads the group through the planning process by setting the agenda, assessing equal opportunity
for all to participate, handling conflict when necessary, and recording accurately the comments
and process. This person should be a neutral, unbiased person. The facilitator should be
someone who is familiar with the mapping process. During the planning process, it is important
that the facilitator be able to reflectively listen, and provide short feedback phrases, particularly if
someone seems to have launched into a long story and has lost focus. Initially, some participants
may feel apprehensive contributing in a group, thus, the facilitator should be able to encourage
dialogue and detail, as well as, maintain focus.

Upon arrival at the location, the facilitator should check room arrangement including seating,
lighting, and temperature control. Once everyone has arrived, the facilitator may begin the
meeting by introducing him or herself and describe the process (including the description of the
color coding). The facilitator should also describe his/her role. The facilitator will then begin the
process by describing the purpose of the first map and inviting the group to begin. As each map is
completed, it should be briefly summarized. Summarizing each map will help keep the group
focused and provides an opportunity to highlight noteworthy information. The facilitator should
periodically check the time to keep the pace going. The meetings can take about two hours,
therefore, it is very important to keep the group focused and to maintain the momentum. After
completing all the maps, the facilitator should summarize the process and wrap up the meeting.
Typically, the facilitator closes the meeting by asking the group to share how they are feeling after
completing the process. This allows for a time of reflection for everyone. To break the ice, the
facilitator may go first.

It should be noted that this may be the first time families have told their story from beginning to
end; this can be very emotional. The facilitator should be patient, and allow the person to regain
their composure.

The Next Meeting

Families are encouraged to schedule a second planning meeting as the focused intervention
phase of the project concludes and a transition to a new program (e.g. Part B, preschool, etc.) is
anticipated. The format of this meeting is flexible and should be determined by the family,
contingent upon their needs and accomplishments at a given time. The family should be guided
to consider what new people might be invited into the child's circle of support. If the new
intervention team has been identified, it may be fruitful to invite them to participate in the meeting.
Often the family will choose to use Maps to structure the meeting, but will also integrate additional
components of celebration and creating connections. The family is encouraged to take charge of
the meeting, but may need assistance in the planning and facilitation. Families have reported that
this has been an energizing planning meeting as they transition out of the focused intervention
phase of the project. One mother reported that it was empowering to bring so many people
together who were committed to the well being of her child. Particularly, she realized that these
people were invested, not just from an early intervention perspective, but for the whole child.
Many of the project families reflect back to the initial meeting and are encouraged by the gains
their child has made toward realizing the vision, and feel enthusiastic and confident about their
ability to support their child.

Things to Remember for PFP meetings

• Use painters’ masking tape and double up paper if marking on walls is an issue.

• State the amount of time allocated for the meeting at the beginning and keep people
• Be flexible about using different maps.
• Verify color use if a statement is ambiguous.
• Keep the atmosphere informal, positive, and capacity focused.
• Remain calm and enthusiastic throughout the meeting.
• When possible, have a facilitator and recorder work as a team.
• If you do it all (facilitate, record, and time keep), don’t talk while you draw.
• Deflect issues back to the group.

Step Three: Functional Behavioral Assessment
Functional Behavioral Assessment. Functional assessment is a process for determining the
function of the child’s problem behavior. Functional Assessment or Functional Behavioral
Assessment (FBA) involves the collection of data, observations, and information to develop a
clear understanding of the relationship of events and circumstances that trigger and maintain
problem behavior.

Functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is a process used to develop an understanding of a

child’s challenging behavior (Carr et al., 1994; O’Neill et al., 1997; Hieneman et al., 1999). The
goal of functional behavioral assessment is to identify the function of the child’s behavior—the
reason or purpose why a child behaves as he/she does in specific situations. The process
involves collecting information through the use of direct observations, interviews, record
reviews(e.g., school and/or medical records, lesson plans, individualized education plans), and
behavior rating scales. This information is used to understand patterns of the child’s challenging
behavior—the ecological events or conditions that increase the likelihood of challenging behavior
(i.e., setting events), what happens before the behavior occurs (i.e., triggers or antecedents),
what the behavior looks like (i.e., the behavior), and what happens after the challenging behavior
occurs (i.e., consequences). Once collected, the information is analyzed to determine the specific
function or purpose of the challenging behavior—whether it occurs in order for the child to obtain
something (e.g., attention, object, activity) or to escape something (e.g., demands, activities,
social interactions) (Carr et al., 1994; O’Neill et al., 1997). The process is complete when there is
enough information that will lead to the development of hypotheses or summary statements
(Hieneman et al., 1999) that represent the behavior support team’s best guess or prediction as to
what conditions reliably predict the occurrence of the child’s challenging behavior.


Observation, whether anecdotal or systematic, is the foundation of the functional behavior

assessment process. In its simplest form, observation is a means of describing a child’s behavior
at any given moment—what the behavior looks like and how often it occurs, as well as its length
and intensity. Behavior can be observed either anecdotally or systematically.

Anecdotal behavioral observations are informal in nature—they might include notes taken while
observing a child’s performance during playtime, a parents’ recollection of his/her child’s behavior
earlier in the day, scatter plots (i.e., charts used to record whether or not a child’s behavior
occurred across activities, routines, or time periods), or antecedent-behavior-consequence
analyses (Hieneman et al., 1999). In either case, there is no specific type of measurement
procedure used to document the child’s behavior.

In contrast, systematic behavioral observations are more structured and controlled—a trained
observer would either physically sit in the same room and watch the child or use a videotape
recorder to tape the child’s behavior.

Regardless of which type of behavior observation technique is used, it is critically important to

conduct as many observations as possible so that the child’s behavior support team can be
reasonably confident that the data obtained is both accurate and reflective of the child’s typical
behavior. The rule of thumb is that unless the child’s behavior is dangerous to him/herself or
others, the more observation data the better.


Antecedents are the conditions that immediately precede the occurrence of the child’s behavior
(Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 1987; O’Neill et al., 1997; Hieneman et al., 1999). Antecedents
include the specific times of day, settings, people, and activities that either occur or are present
before the child exhibits challenging behavior. For example, if a 3-year-old child is found to have
repeated tantrums whenever it is time to play at the water table, the direction to play at the water
table might be an antecedent to the child’s challenging behavior.


The term “behavior” refers to the child’s challenging behavior—what the child is doing (i.e., what it
looks like), how often the behavior occurs, the length of the behavior’s occurrence, and the
intensity of the behavior (e.g., the severity of a tantrum, the impact of the child’s striking hits
another child) (O’Neill et al., 1997).


Consequences refer to the events that immediately follow the occurrence of the child’s
challenging behavior. Examples of consequences include the attention paid by an adult in
response to the child’s behavior, as well as the activities and objects the child either escapes or
has access to as the result of the behavior.

Setting Events

Setting events are ecological events or conditions (e.g. lack of sleep, change in routine, noisy
environment, crowds, allergies, illness, etc.) that increase the likelihood that challenging behavior
may occur (O’Neill et al., 1997). Setting events may continue to affect children's behavior even
when an effective plan has been working for some time.

For example, Quan is a child who has asthma and a history of problem behavior. He has been
learning how to wait his turn for the computer. The process for accessing the computer in his
classroom is to put your name on the chart (by moving a laminated name to chart with Velcro)
and wait until the child who is on the computer is finished (prompted by a timer). Once the child
leaves, the next child moves their name to the computer space on the chart, sets the timer for 10
minutes, and begins working. Quan had a little difficulty with this process when first introduced to
the class, but more recently has been able to follow those steps. On Monday morning, Quan
comes to class with dark circles under his eyes. His mother tells the teacher that he was up most
of the night with his asthma. When he decided he wanted a turn at the computer, he went over to
the child who was sitting there and pushed him off of his chair. The child left and Quan sat down
to use the computer. The setting event of being tired and not feeling well increased the likelihood
that Quan would have problem behavior in this routine.

A team may decide to collect data on setting events and see if they have a relationship to the
problem behavior. Those data collection forms are individually developed and tailored to the
specific circumstance of the child and the team’s feeling about what distal factors may influence a
child’s problem behavior. For examples, see the sample forms below.

Setting Event Form (Carlos’ Chart)

Setting Event Form (Kyle’s Chart

Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Analyses

Antecedent-behavior-consequence (A-B-C) analyses are used to determine patterns in the

occurrence of the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences that relate to the problem behavior.
A-B-C analyses are often quite useful in developing initial hypotheses or summary statements of
the child’s challenging behavior.

Blank A-B-C recording form

Sample A-B-C analysis for LaTonya

In addition to A-B-C analyses, the team may use a data collection card to collect A-B-C
information. Carr and his colleagues (1994) suggest using context cards - cards used to describe
the general context, interpersonal context, behavior problem, and social reaction regarding the
child's challenging behavior.

Context cards are helpful because they prompt the observer to consider the broader context that
may relate to problem behavior. In addition, the collection of data on a car facilitates the easy
analysis of the data. Once there are several completed cards, the observer or team member can
sort the cards by perceived function of the behavior. This method of segmenting observations and
collecting multiple observations is very easy for team members to use and understand.

Blank context card

Sample context card


The functional assessment interview offers an efficient method for getting information on the
circumstances that relate to the child’s problem behavior. An interview is used to ask a family
member or caregiver specific questions about the child’s challenging behavior, such as what the
behavior looks like, when it occurs, and what happens before and after the behavior occurs. As
with behavioral observations, as much interview information should be collected as possible—
with the child’s parents, siblings, teachers, etc. Once collected, interview data is a useful tool for a
team when attempting to identify patterns that may predict the function of the child’s challenging

The most popular and well-developed interview tool is the Functional Assessment Interview (FAI;
O’Neill et al., 1997). The FAI is a comprehensive, semi-structured interview tool used to help
carefully define the many variables that could potentially predict a child’s challenging behavior.
The FAI begins with descriptions of the child’s behavior; helps define antecedents,
consequences, and other important information; and concludes with hypotheses or summary
statements (O’Neill et al., 1997).

Blank FAI form

Completed FAI form

Behavior Rating Scales and Other Tools

In addition to direct observations, interviews, and records reviews (e.g., school and/or medical
records, lesson plans, individualized education plans), behavior rating scales and other types of
checklists offer an additional means of obtaining information about the context in which a child
engages in challenging behavior. Broad in variety, behavior rating scales are questionnaires
typically used to describe a specific set of behaviors (e.g., inattention, hyperactivity, social skills).
Other rating scales are used to measure a child’s preferences, developmental milestones,
academic performance/benchmarks, or medication side effects.

Although behavior rating scales have many uses, they are most effective when used to compare
the perceptions of people, such as parents, teachers, and other persons familiar with an
individual child. Another effective use of behavior rating scales is to demonstrate progress toward
goals (e.g., administering the same rating scale before and after an intervention is conducted).
When used in either fashion, behavior rating scales provide a unique source of information that is
potentially valuable to a team.

Preference Assessment form


One of the most helpful things to keep in mind in working with young children is the realization
that each and every behavior has a purpose—an underlying reason for why it occurs. Once the
function or purpose of a behavior is identified, it is then possible to design interventions directly
targeting the underlying reason for why it occurs.

Defined by context and pattern, functions of behavior are determined by understanding the
events that occur before and after the behavior occurs—the patterns and chains of events that
consistently occur when a child demonstrates challenging behavior. In most cases, the function of
a child’s challenging behavior is either to obtain or get something or to escape or avoid

Types of Behavior Functions

To avoid…

• Sensory Stimulation (pain and discomfort)

• Attention (adults and peers)
• Demands
• Tasks or activities
• People
• Activities

To obtain…

• Sensory stimulation (internal)

• Attention (adults and peers)
• Objects and materials
• People
• Activities
• Help

Functional Behavioral Assessment Checklist

 Begin your direct observations and filling out the observation cards in your first meeting
with the child.
 Complete the functional assessment interview form as one of the final assessment
 Review the information from the interview and your observation cards and then complete
the final section of the functional assessment interview.

Develop your hypotheses from the information that you have gathered. There may be some
hypotheses that you are unsure about. Collect additional information if you feel that the function is
not clear to you.

Do’s and Dont's of Functional Assessment

Step Four: Hypothesis Development
Hypothesis Development – The functional assessment process is completed with the
development of a behavior hypothesis statement. The behavior hypothesis statements
summarize what is known about triggers, behaviors, and maintaining consequences and offers an
informed guess about the purpose of the problem behavior.

Once a functional assessment is complete, the next step is to develop a hypothesis statement—a
prediction or “best guess” of the function or reason a child’s challenging behavior occurs. This
includes a description of the child’s challenging behavior (i.e., what the behavior looks like),
information about the specific predictors or triggers that occurred before the child exhibited
challenging behavior, the perceived purpose or function of the child’s behavior, as well as the
maintaining consequences that followed. Predictors include both what conditions immediately
precede the child’s behavior, as well as any setting events that may be presumed to increase the
likelihood of the challenging behavior’s occurrence (e.g., lack of sleep, allergies/illnesses, social
and interactional factors). Hypothesis development is a critically important step toward developing
interventions that are directly linked to the function of the child’s challenging behavior (O’Neill et
al., 1997).

Very young children have brief learning histories (Dunlap & Fox, 1996). In many cases, those with
a limited repertoire of behavior will often use one behavior for several different purposes. For
example, children often use a general tantrum (prolonged screaming, crying, pulling away) for
multiple functions (e.g., request object and escape transition). Therefore, when sorting out
hypotheses the support team should address all of the circumstances in which challenging
behavior occurs rather than trying to match an individual function to each challenging behavior.

Once the behavior support team identifies its hypotheses, attention should be paid to the way by
which hypotheses are written. They should be carefully written either as a series of sentences
that include each component (e.g., description, predictors, purpose, maintaining consequences),
or as a “when…then” or “if…then” statement (Hieneman et al., 1999). Remember the more clearly
articulated the hypothesis, the more likely the hypothesis will clearly communicate the team’s
understanding of the child’s challenging behavior.

Sample Hypotheses

Nathan appears to use tantrums to request help and objects. When these tantrums occur, the
caregiver is likely to provide attention, the requested object, or another preferred object. Nathan
does not make requests verbally, but will bring an adult to a desired object. If he does not receive
a consequence for his request, Nathan will have a tantrum.

Jackson avoids the demands of activities that he finds difficult (structured language-based
activities, sharing objects, interactive play) by resisting or withdrawing. If pushed to participate,
Jackson will react by throwing objects, screaming, or stating “shut up.” When Jackson resists,
adults will often give up or allow him to leave the activity.

Billy will use tantrums to request social interaction. When he desires adult action, Billy will get the
adult’s attention by taking the adult by the hand and physically positioning him or her. He will then
initiate a chase game or request to be held. If the adult does not comply, Billy will cry loudly,
scream, and bring his hands to his face or ears. If the adult continues to not meet his request, he
will hit the adult. Often the caregiver will then comply with his request or pick him up.

Aaron appears to use tantrums to escape transitions. When Aaron is prompted to leave an
activity or setting, he will respond by crying, screaming, and dropping to the floor. In response to
the tantrum, Aaron is often provided with comfort and delayed transition.

Mandy will drop, throw, turn over furniture, or push items to the floor to gain adult attention. In
response to the behavior, the caregiver usually picks up the items, provides her with verbal
feedback (e.g., “o.k., Mandy”) and often will pick her up.

Not Sure About the Hypothesis?

Sometimes the function of a child’s behavior is not readily apparent. In times like this, it helps to
ask the following questions to prompt further understanding of the context in which the behavior

• What would make the problem behavior stop?

• Is it something you would provide or allow the child the access?
• Is there something to remove?
• Can you allow the child to leave?

If the function of the child’s behavior still remains uncertain, another good suggestion is to
continue collecting data in the same context.

Another possibility is that the child’s behavior serves multiple purposes. Not only is it possible for
a single behavior to serve multiple functions, but it can also change (e.g., from escape to
attention). For example, consider a child who engages in aggressive behavior in order to escape
a non-preferred art activity. The child has been consistently removed from the activity each time
he becomes aggressive. However, if the child receives a lot of attention from adults when he is
removed from the group, he may become motivated to receive attention from the adults. Thus, a
behavior initially performed for one reason (e.g., to escape a difficult task) may begin to occur for
a completely different reason (e.g., to obtain attention).

Step Five: Behavior Support Plan Development
Behavior Support Plan Development – Once behavior hypotheses statements are developed to
summarize the data gathered from the functional assessment process, the team can develop a
behavior support plan. Essential components of the behavior support plan are prevention
strategies, the instruction of replacement skills, new ways to respond to problem behavior, and
lifestyle outcome goals.

The behavior support plan represents the culmination of the assessment process. Typically
developed in connection with person-centered planning, the behavior support plan is the team’s
action plan outlining the specific steps to be used to promote the child’s success and participation
in daily activities and routines. In order to be most effective, behavior support plans should be
both carefully developed and clearly written using plain language, incorporate the values of the
family and support team, identify any prerequisite resources and training needs for
implementation, and include individual components that are both easy to use and easy to

Behavior support plans must contain the following components:

• Behavior Hypothesis Statements – statements that include a description of the behavior,

triggers or antecedents for the behavior, maintaining consequences, and the purpose of
the problem behavior.
• Prevention Strategies – Strategies that may be used to reduce the likelihood that the
child will have problem behavior. These may include environmental arrangements,
personal support, changes in activities, new ways to prompt a child, changes in
expectations, etc.
• Replacement Skills – Skills to teach that will replace the problem behavior.
• Consequence Strategies – Guidelines for how the adults will respond to problem
behaviors in ways that will not maintain the behavior. In addition, this part of the plan may
include positive reinforcement strategies for promoting the child’s use of new skills or
appropriate behavior (this may also be included in prevention strategies)
• Long Term Strategies – This section of the plan may include long-term goals that will
assist the child and family in meeting their vision of the child (e.g., develop friends, attend
a community preschool program).

Replacement Skills

In the PBS process, challenging behavior is recognized as serving a purpose for the child. The
identification of the purpose is the goal of the functional assessment process. Once the purpose
of the behavior is determined (e.g., to escape or to obtain), an alternative means for achieving the
same purpose of the behavior should be identified and taught to the child. On very few occasions,
the purpose of the behavior cannot be honored (e.g., child screams and kicks to each car seat).
When the purpose of the behavior cannot be honored, the behavior support plan may include
different replacement skills that are not alternative skills to achieve the same function. For
example, the support plan for a child who screams and kicks to escape the car seat could include
strategies for teaching the child to select a toy and play while in his car seat. A replacement skill
must be chosen that will be easy for the child to learn. Thus the team should look at the other
means the child uses to communicate that are socially conventional and appropriate. For
example, a child who has some natural gestures might be taught a gesture for “finished!” to
escape an activity. What the team should not do is pick a replacement skills (e.g., raise hand and
ask for a break), if it unlikely that the child can learn the skill quickly and easily.

When selecting replacement skills, it is important to realize that the more efficient and effective
the replacement skill, the more likely it will be used in favor of challenging behavior. The new skill
should produce a positive effect as close to or as the same function as the challenging behavior,
thus making the child’s challenging behavior less effective or useful. For example, if the child
currently has tantrums in order to be picked up and cuddled by the parent, the child must have a
way to gain the same results from the person he/she desires. One should realize that the
challenging behavior may serve multiple functions for the child. For example, a child may head
bang to end play demands and to request a drink. In that case, the child must be taught skills
intentionally using planned procedures that will serve as replacement skills for each function—to
communicate “finished,” as well as ways to mediate the demands and a request for a drink.

Two other important considerations in the instruction of new skills are the efficiency of the
replacement skill in comparison to the challenging behavior and the extent to which the
replacement skills produce greater results for the child. If the use of the challenging behavior
achieves an effect quickly, the replacement behavior must also achieve the same results and do
so more efficiently. A critically important issue to consider regarding efficiency is that replacement
skills must be easier for the child in some way—they should either require less effort to produce
and/or should be easily understood by others. Likewise, rewards for engaging in the more
appropriate replacement skill should be far greater than that which the child receives for
exhibiting challenging behavior. When these conditions occur, the replacement skill will be more
likely to increase and be more motivating for the child to learn and use than the challenging
behaviors that were previously so effective. Regardless of which is selected, replacement skills
must be relevant to the child's unique situation, abilities, and must be an immediately efficient
mechanism for communicating wants and needs.

Examples of replacement skills for behaviors intended to obtain attention, objects, or activities

Examples of replacement skills for behaviors intended to escape activities, demands, and social

Finally, attention should be paid to the specific instruction procedures followed for teaching
replacement skills. When teaching replacement skills, the child’s support team should select a
skill to teach, identify a method of instruction, and systematically follow the steps required to
implement that procedure. The keys here are consistency and repetition—the child should be
taught replacement skills throughout the day whenever he/she is not engaging in challenging
behavior using the exact same instruction procedures each time. An activity skills matrix offers an
easy way to identify and plan for the instruction of the replacement skill. The matrix is used to
identify opportunities where the replacement skill can be taught within a child’s routine activities
and play. For example, if a child is learning to request attention by raising his arms to the adult for
a hug (to replace screaming and pulling the adult’s hair), this skill can be taught throughout the
day at home and at preschool. The child could be prompted to ask for a hug when coming in the
classroom, ask fro a hug after making a selection during center time, ask fro a hug after clean-up,
etc. The matrix form can be used to identify routines in the classroom where a new skill may be
taught (preferably at times where the child is not having problem behavior) or routines at home
where the parent can prompt the use of the new skill. A matrix is used by listing the skills to be
taught across the top of the chart and the routines or activities down the side. The support team
then looks at those activities or routines and identifies ways that the new skill can be taught.
When these conditions are met, the potential for successful skill acquisition becomes greatly

Blank skills matrix

Example of a skills matrix

Prevention Strategies

Prevention strategies include the responses that caregivers and professionals provide or the
alterations that may be made to an environment that make challenging behavior irrelevant
(Hieneman et al., 1999). For example, if a child has difficulty playing with an adult because he
doesn’t understand turn taking, a prevention strategy may be to announce and signal turn taking
to the child. Another example includes visual strategies used to inform a child who has difficulty
with transitions that a transition is soon to follow. Making challenging behavior irrelevant typically
involves changing the physical setting of an environment, enriching the environment, providing
the child with more information or adaptive strategies, decreasing demands by adapting tasks or
routines, increasing predictability, and providing choices to the child. These strategies alone will
not resolve challenging behavior, but they will reduce the child’s need to use challenging behavior
while the child is learning more socially-appropriate replacement skills.

Examples of prevention strategies for behaviors intended to obtain attention, objects, or activities

Examples of prevention strategies for behaviors intended to escape activities, demands, and
social interactions

Consequence Strategies

Consequence strategies are the responses to behavior used by caregivers and professionals
when the child engages in challenging behavior. The most important features of consequence
strategies are that selected procedures will make the challenging behavior ineffective and less
useful and that rewards provided to the child for appropriate behavior will be either equal to or
exceed rewards for engaging in challenging behavior. With respect to the latter, this feature is
achieved in two different ways: 1) Reinforcement is provided to encourage the use of socially-
appropriate replacement behaviors; and 2) reinforcement is withheld to ensure that the behavior
won’t work for the child (i.e., result in reinforcement). The most commons strategy that is used in
response to a young child’s challenging behavior is to redirect the child to use the replacement
behavior and then follow with reinforcement. When that occurs, the child still gets their needs met
and has a reminder that the replacement skill is the behavior to use to gain access or to escape
an activity, object, or interaction.

Examples of consequence strategies for behaviors intended to obtain attention, objects, or


Examples of consequence strategies for behaviors intended to escape activities, demands, and
social interactions

Safety Net Procedures

Whenever a team works together to help support a child with challenging behavior, the first
concern of the team should always be safety. This is of particular concern with children who have
a history of dangerous outbursts or behaviors that may place them directly in danger (e.g.,
running away)—any specific procedures that should be followed whenever the child engages in
any challenging behavior that potentially places either the child or any other person in danger
(Hieneman et al., 1999).

If a child has a history of dangerous behavior that places the child or other in harm, safety net
procedures should be developed and included in the behavior support plan. Safety net

procedures provide a script for what adults will do when the child engages in behavior that is
potentially dangerous. Safety net procedures are strategies that keep children safe, they do not
change behavior. In the past, strategies that are safety net procedures have been used by
interventionists (e.g., removing the child from the room) as the sole intervention approach. These
procedures only serve the purpose of ensuring the safety of the child and others. If a team
develops or uses safety net procedures with a child, a full behavior support plan should also be
developed and implemented.

Blank safety net procedures

Sample safety net procedures

Plan Development

The support plan is developed to provide caregivers and interventionists with a comprehensive
set of strategies aimed at both decreasing occurrences of challenging behavior and promoting
growth and skill development (e.g., communication, adaptive, social, or academic skills). Support
plans are developed by analyzing the child’s challenging behavior in routines, activities, and/or
interactions with others (i.e., functional assessment data).

It is important that the entire team is involved in the development of the behavior support plan. If
team members assist in the development of the plan, they are far more likely to be invested in its
implementation and success. One method that might be used by the team to develop a plan is to
use a process of brainstorming. We use chart paper and the following format to guide the team in
moving from the behavior hypothesis to ideas about prevention strategies, new skills to teach,
and consequence strategies. In a brainstorming process, all team members are encouraged to
share their ideas. All ideas are put on the chart paper. Once the ideas are listed, the team
discusses the strategies that seem to have the most promise, will be easy to implement, and fit
within the contexts for intervention. The final step needed to move from brainstorming to plan
development is to review the ideas and select the set of strategies that will be used in the plan.
Once those are determined, a written plan can be developed.

Blank support plan brainstorming chart

Examples of support plan brainstorming charts

The most effective behavior support plans are ones that are both based on the functional
assessment information and “fit” with the lifestyles, values, and skills of caregivers who will be
implementing the plan. Behavior support plans should be written in language that is easy to
understand, and both easy to use and remember. More importantly, plans should incorporate
both long- and short-term support strategies developed from knowledge of the child’s lifestyle and
the vision created for the child in the person-centered planning meeting. What this means is that
plans need to be designed for daily use—that is, components must fit into the child’s natural
routines and structure of the classroom or family.

Action Plans

Once each of the behavior support plan components has been developed and agreed upon by
team members, the final step is to develop an action plan outlining the specific objectives and
corresponding steps to be taken to ensure the plan will be implemented as intended. Completing
the action plan is largely an exercise of organization—one where the team specifies its needs, the
specific steps to be taken, the person(s) responsible for completing the steps, the anticipated
date of completion, and any follow-up actions to be taken in order to accurately implement the

team’s behavior support plan (Hieneman et al., 1999). Once complete, the team is ready to begin
implementation of their plan.

Blank action planning form

Sample action planning form

Behavior Support Plans

Once the action planning forms are completed and a crisis management plan is developed, the
behavior support plan should be finished. While the outcomes associated with the implementation
of the plan will still need to be monitored, this stage of the PBS process is concluded.

Sample behavior support plan for Jackson

Sample behavior support plan for Ashley

Step Six: Monitoring Outcomes
Monitoring Outcomes - The effectiveness of the behavior support plan must be monitored. This
monitoring includes measurement of changes in problem behavior and the achievement of new
skills and lifestyle outcomes.

Once the child’s behavior support plan is developed, the behavior support team’s role is both to
implement the plan itself and to monitor progress toward outcomes valued by the child’s family.
The keys to successful outcomes are frequent data collection and consistency—relative not only
to both when, where, and who implements the plan but also to how the plan is implemented (i.e.,
whether or not the same intervention steps are followed). Data collection (e.g., direct
measurement and indirect measurement) should occur to document whether the plan is
implemented with consistency and is effective in achieving the identified goals, as well as whether
or not the replacement skills are durable over time (maintenance) and/or across settings/contexts
(generalization). Data should be both easy to collect (e.g., rating scales, check sheets) and
should be periodically reviewed by the behavior support team to ensure communication, make
any adjustments as needed, and review progress relative to the long-term vision of the child and
his/her family.

Data Collection

The most traditional form of ongoing assessment or data collection is a quantitative method that
assesses progress through direct measurement of the child’s behavioral performance. Using
direct measurement, behaviors are defined and measured during intervention, during "skill probe"
periods (attempts by the child to perform the skill without instruction), and/or at other times when
the behavior may be expected to occur.

Defining the Behavior

Direct measurement of a child’s skill development requires that the team first identify the skills or
behaviors that will be measured and then select an appropriate unit of measure. A primary rule
for describing what will be measured is to adequately define the behavior so there is no mistake
about when it occurs and when it does not. The rule of thumb is that a behavior should be defined
so that it is clearly understood by persons outside of the child’s support team.

Measuring the Behavior

Once the behavior has been identified and adequately defined, the team’s next step is to observe
the child during predetermined activities and routines in order to note the occurrence of
challenging behavior as well as the replacement skills that are taught. Behavioral data may be
recorded in several ways. However, in each, the basic process requires that the observer make a
written note or place a mark on a data collection sheet, then transfer the mark to a corresponding
graph or chart. Following this rationale, four general suggestions apply when selecting which form
of measurement to use when collecting data: 1) the particular type of measurement must be easy
to use; 2) the measurement must provide meaningful information; 3) the process of measurement
should not interrupt or detract from the instructional flow; and finally; 4) measurement should fit
within the child’s natural environment—it should not create artificial conditions that are
inconsistent with the child’s natural activities or routines. Following these guidelines, the team is
able to use either direct measurement or indirect measurement procedures to measure a child’s
behavior. Although both will be described individually, some teams may elect to use direct and
indirect measurement procedures together in order to provide an even more comprehensive
picture of the child’s performance and the support plan’s outcomes.


Maintenance refers to the continuation of conditions associated with the performance of a specific
behavior (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 1987). In simpler terms, maintenance refers to the
continued use of a behavior over time, especially once an intervention has been conducted or
discontinued because the child has demonstrated an ability to successfully perform the behavior.
Among the more popular strategies used to promote maintenance are changing the frequency
and/or ratio by which reinforcement is provided, systematically removing or fading prompts over
time, and teaching self-management skills.


Generalization refers to the spread of the effects of reinforcement (or other operations, such as
extinction or punishment) during one stimulus to other stimuli differing from the original along one
or more dimensions (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 1987). In less technical terms, generalization
refers to the child’s ability to transfer the use of replacement skills to new contexts, such as a new
setting/location, a new person, or a new activity or routine. An example of generalization would be
a child who originally learns to request help from his preschool teacher in the classroom and later
requests help from the same teacher outside on the playground.

Direct Measurement

Direct measurement provides the most accurate representation of a child’s behavior or skill
acquisition and is the preferable approach to use to measure change. However, the use of direct
measurement by busy families and providers is not often possible. Indirect measurement may
offer a more user-friendly approach.

Event Recording

The number of times a skill is observed. This is measured by counting the number of times a
behavior occurs. It is important that a specific behavior has a clear beginning and ending point in
order to ensure accurate measurement. An example of even recording might be recording the
number of times a child leaves the table in a 20-minute snack time. This method is also referred
to as frequency recording.


Another relatively easy way to collect data is to determine the percentage in which a behavior
occurs. In order to do this, simply identify the number of times a behavior occurs, divide it by the
total number of chances the child had to perform the behavior, and multiply by 100. For example,
if a child is given 10 chances to stack three blocks and successfully stacks 3 blocks seven times,
the percentage would be 70%.


Rate entails measuring the number of times a behavior occurs relative to a period of time. This is
calculated by measuring the number of occurrences divided by a number of time units. For
example, a teacher using rate measurement might calculate the number of times per minute a
boy bites his hand. Although a useful tool, this can be difficult to track when measuring high
frequency behaviors.

Interval Recording

Interval recording is similar to event recording and measuring rate but differs in that behavior is
recorded within small blocks of time (e.g., 10-seconds) called intervals that together represent a
longer period of time (e.g., 10-minutes). Observers use a data collection form that contains a
series of intervals. Behaviors can be scored as occurrences if they occur at least once at any time
during the interval (i.e., partial interval recording) or if they occur for the entire duration of an
observation interval (i.e., whole interval recording). In general, partial interval recording is most
often used to measure behaviors that are likely to be short in duration (e.g., hitting, biting),
whereas whole interval recording is most often used to measure behaviors that are expected to
occur continuously for a period of time (e.g., sitting in seat).

Unlike event recording, each discrete behavior being observed is measured on relative to distinct
intervals of time. At the end of the interval period, the observer makes a check mark in the
corresponding area to mark the occurrence of a behavior. The observation continues to the end
of the next interval and another mark is made if the behavior recurs. Scores for interval recording
are calculated as a percentage—the number of occurrences are divided by the number of
opportunities, and then multiplied by 100.


The amount of time behavior occurs in an observation period (e.g., the amount of time the child
sits at the table to eat). Measured by recording the amount of time a behavior occurs. Unlike the
previous measures, duration is a measure that is useful for measuring how long a continuous-
ongoing behavior lasts. Like event recording, duration is a direct measure of the actual behavior,
not an estimate like interval recording.

The most precise way to observe and record duration of a behavior is to use a stopwatch or, if
this is not possible, a watch with a second hand. As discussed previously, as with all behaviors, it
is important that the behavior being measured with duration be accurately defined with a clear
beginning and end so that the observer knows when the record should begin and when it should


The elapsed time between the instruction and the time the child initiates the behavior (e.g., how
quickly the child initiates playing with a toy once it is presented). The way this is measured is by
beginning timing once a cue is presented and continue timing until the child begins to correctly
respond to the cue. A common example where latency is used is in school, when a teacher might
be interested in learning how long it takes a student to begin work after she gives a direction to
begin working.

Momentary Time Sampling

Similar to interval recording, momentary time sampling provides an estimate of behavior

occurrence, but in this case, the behavior is only scored at the end of a interval of time. Using this
procedure, observers simply check whether a behavior occurred precisely at the end of each
interval (e.g., at the 10th second of a 10-second interval). Scores are calculated as percentages
of the total number of observed intervals.

In addition to direct measurement strategies, a number of less formal and indirect measures may
be of use when attempting to monitor a child’s performance.

Indirect Measurement

In addition to direct measurement, a number of informal data collection strategies exist that allow
a child’s team to monitor his/her progress. Though they typically are not as precise as direct
measurement, the following strategies are often useful in helping a child’s team monitor
outcomes. In many instances, these strategies are easier to use and can be implemented
throughout the day even by the busiest of individuals (e.g., teachers).

Below are some indirect ways to measure the child’s behavior or use of the skill. These forms
provide a mechanism for recording the child’s behavior or use of a skill with less accuracy than
direct measurement. However, they are time efficient and easy for teachers to use and provide
some data that are meaningful and interpretable.


• Average Aggression
• Play Behavior
• Average Duration
• Peer Interaction

Daily Log

Although there is a wide variety, daily logs are general estimates of the child’s performance over
a large period of time (e.g., the morning, the entire day). Often used by teachers, daily logs may
note that whether the child had a “good day” or might rate a child’s performance along a 5-point
scale using smiley faces.

• Example-Amy’s Difficulties
• Example-Ben’s Playtime

Incident Record

Incident records are descriptions of specific events, such as when a child engages in an incident
of challenging behavior (e.g., biting another child, having a tantrum). While incident records
describe the challenging behavior, (e.g., when it occurred, how intense it was, and what
happened as a result), they do not describe anything other than the specific event.

Permanent Product

Permanent products are samples of a child’s work, such as artwork, a worksheet, or something
the child creates. When collected together, permanent products allow a support team to observe
a child’s progress toward developing particular skills such as those specified in a curriculum.

Portfolio Assessment

Portfolios are collections of permanent products that provide a detailed description of a child’s
progress toward achieving specific skills. Examples of portfolios include photographs of their
completed block designs, samples of artwork, photographs of dramatic play schemes, videotapes
of play or instructional engagement, and audiotapes of language samples.

Task Analytic Recording

This is used when measuring a child’s accuracy for each step of a fixed skill sequence (e.g.,
brushing teeth, getting dressed, putting toys away, completing an academic task). The
measurement process begins by constructing a task analysis or listing the individual behaviors
that constitute the entire skill sequence. Below is such a list for washing hands.

1. Approach sink
2. Turn on water
3. Place hands in water
4. Pump soap onto hands
5. Rub hands together
6. Rinse hands
7. Turn off water
8. Dry hands on towel

The data collection form that is used is based on the task analysis and includes all of the steps of
the behavior and spaces for recording the child’s performance. Scores are expressed as the
percentage of steps completed successfully.

Reviewing Progress

Once data are collected, they should be periodically reviewed by the behavior support team for a
number of reasons: 1) to ensure consistent communication about the child’s progress; 2) to make
any adjustments as needed (in the event that challenging behavior returns); and 3) to review
progress relative to the long-term vision of the child and family.

When reviewing progress, the team should review both the child’s behavior support plan as well
as the data itself. Reviewing the behavior support plan will help reorient everyone to the team’s
vision for the child, thus making communication and interpretation of results easier. Once that is
done, the team should carefully review the data that has been collected, looking for any particular
patterns or trends (e.g., whether the behavior is occurring more or less on particular days or at
certain times of day).

In some instances, a child may begin to exhibit challenging behavior after an intervention plan
has been implemented for some time. In the event that challenging behavior returns, it is
important to determine whether or not the behavior pattern is due to an extinction burst (i.e., brief
instances when a child’s behavior gets worse before it gets better), as well as to examine events
to determine if there are any new triggers than may predict the child’s challenging behavior.
Another issue to consider when evaluating outcomes of support plans is the degree to which the
plan is implemented with accuracy or fidelity. This is most important when extinction bursts occur
—the more consistently a support plan is implemented, the more likely the extinction burst will
resolve. On most occasions, support plans are evaluated for accurate implementation by using
checklists that team members can use to determine which components were implemented.

Sample Support Plan Fidelity Checklist

Even with the most consistent implementation, there are occasions when behavior support plans
require revision. The team may realize that a new trigger may be influencing the child’s behavior,
such as a new staff person at the child’s preschool or a change in the child’s daily schedule or
routine. When such instances occur, the child’s support team may elect to either add components
to address new triggers or to conduct a new functional assessment and develop a revised
behavior support plan.

Forms, Information Sheets and Worksheets
Building a Behavior Support Team: Collaborating with Families

• Strategies for Teaming with Families in the Process of PBS

• Positive Behavior Support Family Questions and Answers
• Collaborative Action Planning Form
• Evaluating the Support Plan Form
• Talking with Families About Problem Behavior Do’s and Don’ts sheet
• Collaborative Team Meeting Notes worksheet
• Collaborating with Families: Building Capacity sheet

Person-Centered Planning

• Sample MAPS
• Sample PATH
• Sample PFP

Functional Behavioral Assessment

• Setting Event Form (Carlos’ Chart)

• Setting Event Form (Kyle’s Chart)
• Blank A-B-C recording form
• Sample A-B-C analysis for LaTonya
• Blank context card
• Sample context card
• Blank FAI form
• Completed FAI form
• Preference Assessment form
• Do’s and Dont's of Functional Assessment

Behavior Support Plan Development

• Examples of replacement skills for behaviors intended to obtain attention, objects, or

• Examples of replacement skills for behaviors intended to escape activities, demands, and
social interaction
• Blank skills matrix
• Example of a skills matrix
• Examples of prevention strategies for behaviors intended to obtain attention, objects, or
• Examples of prevention strategies for behaviors intended to escape activities, demands,
and social interactions
• Examples of consequence strategies for behaviors intended to obtain attention, objects,
or activities
• Examples of consequence strategies for behaviors intended to escape activities,
demands, and social interactions
• Blank safety net procedures
• Sample safety net procedures
• Blank support plan brainstorming chart

• Examples of support plan brainstorming charts
• Blank action planning form
• Sample action planning form
• Sample behavior support plan for Jackson
• Sample behavior support plan for Ashley

Monitoring Outcomes

• Example of Completed Average Aggression form

• Blank Play Behavior form
• Example of Completed Average Duration form
• Example of Completed Peer Interaction form
• Daily Log Example-Amy’s Difficulties
• Daily Log Example-Ben’s Playtime
• Sample Support Plan Fidelity Checklist

Building a Behavior Support Team: Collaborating with Families

Bailey, D.B., McWilliam, P.J., Winton, P.J. Simeonsson, R.J. (1992). How do we involve families
in team meetings and decision-making? In D.B. Bailey, P.J. McWilliam, P.J. Winton, &
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Briggs, M.H. (1993). Team talk: Communication skills for early intervention teams. Journal of
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DeBoer, A. (1995). Working together: The art of consulting and communication. Longmont, CO:
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Dunst, C.J., Johanson, C., Rounds, T., Trivette, C.M., and Hamby, D. (1992). Characteristics of
parent-professional partnerships. In S.L. Christenson & J.C. Conoley (Eds.), Home-
school collaboration: Enhancing children’s academic and social competence. (pp.157-
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Fox, L., Benito, N., & Dunlap, G. (2002). Early intervention with families of young children with
autism spectrum disorder and problem behavior. In J. Lucyshyn, G. Dunlap, & R. Albin
(Eds.), Families and positive behavioral support: Addressing the challenge of problem
behavior in family contexts (pp.251-270). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Friend, M., & Cook, L. (1992). Interactions: Collaboration skills for school professionals. New
York: Longman.

Harry, B., (1992). Cultural diversity, families, and the special education system: Communication
and empowerment. New York: Teachers College Press.

Lucyshyn, J. M., Dunlap, G., & Albin, R. W. (2002). Families and Positive Behavior Support.
Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Melaville, A. & Blank, M. (1993). Together we can: A guide for crafting a profamily system of
education and human resources. Washington, DC: Department of Education.

Rainforth, B. & York-Barr. (1997). Collaborative Teams for Students with Severe Disabilities:
Integrating Therapy and Educational Services (2nd ed.). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes
Publishing Co.

Senge, P., Roberts, C., Ross, R., Smith, B., & Kleiner, A. (1994). Learning to work together: The
fifth discipline fieldbook. New York: Doubleday.

Snell, M.E. & Janney, R. (2000). Teachers’ Guides to Inclusive Practices: Collaborative Teaming.
Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Thousand, J. & Villa, R. (1992). Collaborative teams: A powerful tool in school restructuring. In R.
Villa, J.S. Thousand, W. Stainback, & S. Stainback, (Eds.), Restructuring for caring and
effective education (pp. 73-108). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.

Person-Centered Planning

Falvey, M., Forest, M., Pearpoint, J., Rosenberg, R. (1994). All my life’s a circle: Using the tools:
Circles, Maps, & Path. Tortonto: Inclusion Press.

Forest, M. & Lusthaus, E. (1989). Promoting educational equality for all students: Circles and
Maps. In S. Stainback, W. Stainback, & M. Forest (Eds.), Educating all students in the
mainstream of regular education (pp. 43-57). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Hieneman, M., & Dunlap, G. (1999). Issues and challenges in implementing community-based
behavioral support for two boys with severe disabilities. In J.R. Scotti & L.H. Meyer
(Eds.), Behavioral intervention: Principles, models, and practices (pp. 363-384).
Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Holburn, S. & Vietze, P. (1992). Person-centered planning: Research, practice, and future
directions. Baltmore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Kincaid, D. & Fox, L. (2002). Person-centered planning and positive behavior support. In S.
Holburn & P. Vietze (Eds.), Person-centered planning: Research, practice, and future
directions (pp. 29-49). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Mount, B. (1987). Person futures planning: Finding direction for change (Doctoral dissertation,
University of Georgia). Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Information Service.

Mount, B. & Zwernick, K. (1988). It’s never too early, it’s never too late: An overview on personal
futures planning. St. Paul, MN: Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities.

Pearpoint, J., Forest, M., & Snow, J. (1993). The inclusion papers: Strategies to make inclusion
work. Toronto: Inclusion Press.

Pearpoint, J., O’Brien, J., & Forest, M. (1993). PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with
Hope): A workbook for planning positive futures. Toronto: Inclusion Press.

Turnbull, A.P. & Turnbull, H.R. (1996). Group action planning as a strategy for providing
comprehensive family support. In L.K. Koegel, R.L. Koegel, & G. Dunlap (Eds.) Positive
behavioral support: Including people with difficult behavior in the community (pp. 99-114).
Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Vandercook, T., York, J., Forest, M. (1989). The McGill Action Planning System (MAPS): A
strategy for building the vision. Journal of The Association for Persons with Severe
Handicapps, 14, 205-215.

Functional Behavioral Assessment

Carr, E.G., Levin, L., McConnachie, G., Carlson, J.I., Kemp, D.C., & Smith, C.E. (1994).
Communication-based interventions for problem behavior: A user's guide for producing
behavior change. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (1987). Applied Behavior Analysis.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Hieneman, M., Nolan, M., Presley, J., De Turo, L., Roberson, W., & Dunlap, G. (1999).
Facilitator’s guide: Positive behavioral support. Positive Behavioral Support Project,
Florida Department of Education.

O’Neill, R. E., Horner, R. H., Albin, R. W., Sprague, J. R., Storey, K., & Newton, J. S. (1997).
Functional assessment and program development for problem behavior: A practical
handbook. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Hypothesis Development

Dunlap, G., & Fox, L. (1996). Early intervention and serious behavior problems: A comprehensive
approach. In L. K. Koegel, R. L. Koegel, & G. Dunlap (Eds.) Positive behavioral support:
Including people with difficult behavior in the community (pp. 31-50). Baltimore, MD: Paul
H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Hieneman, M., Nolan, M., Presley, J., De Turo, L., Roberson, W., & Dunlap, G. (1999).
Facilitator’s guide: Positive behavioral support. Positive Behavioral Support Project,
Florida Department of Education.

O’Neill, R. E., Horner, R. H., Albin, R. W., Sprague, J. R., Storey, K., & Newton, J. S. (1997).
Functional assessment and program development for problem behavior: A practical
handbook. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Behavior Support Plan Development

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (1987). Applied Behavior Analysis. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Hieneman, M., Nolan, M., Presley, J., De Turo, L., Roberson, W., & Dunlap, G. (1999).
Facilitator’s guide: Positive behavioral support. Positive Behavioral Support Project,
Florida Department of Education.

Monitoring Outcomes

Carr, E.G., Levin, L., McConnachie, G., Carlson, J.I., Kemp, D.C., & Smith, C.E. (1994).
Communication-based interventions for problem behavior: A user's guide for producing
behavior change. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (1987). Applied Behavior Analysis. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Hieneman, M., Nolan, M., Presley, J., De Turo, L., Roberson, W., & Dunlap, G. (1999).
Facilitator’s guide: Positive behavioral support. Positive Behavioral Support Project,
Florida Department of Education.

O’Neill, R. E., Horner, R. H., Albin, R. W., Sprague, J. R., Storey, K., & Newton, J. S. (1997).
Functional assessment and program development for problem behavior: A practical
handbook. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Building a Behavior Support Team: Collaborating with Families

Family Involvement in Functional Assessment,


Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning,


Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior,


Family Guided Approaches to Collaborative Early-intervention Training and Services,


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),


Kansas In-service Training Systems: Establishing Effective Early Childhood Teams


Person-Centered Planning

Inclusion Press

Person Centered Practices


The Person Centered Planning Education Site


Pathfinding: Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope


Person Centered Planning: MAPS and PATHS to the Future


Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope


Functional Behavioral Assessment

Center for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS):http://www.pbis.org

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Positive Behavior Support: http://rrtcpbs.org

Tobin, T. J., & von Ravensberg, H. (2001). Parent’s guide to functional assessment and
support. Eugene, OR: Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon. Available for
free at: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~ttobin


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