Fact Sheet - Wormfarming
Fact Sheet - Wormfarming
Fact Sheet - Wormfarming
What to put in a worm farm the scraps need to be in a suitable state of decomposition.
Worms ‘suck’ their food and will eat the material that is the
Worms most soft and slimy. Chopping it up or running it through a
Worms can be purchased from some nurseries and hardware food processor will help speed up the process.
stores or directly from a local breeder. You must use the
right types of worms - red or tiger worms. Common garden
earthworms are not suitable for a worm farm. How often do you feed the worms?
Once a week is best. If possible, it is better to store your
scraps until the worms have finished eating the previous
Bedding scraps. If storing rotting vegetables is a problem for you, try
If the worm supplier does not provide enough bedding to line keeping them in a sealed container in the fridge.
the bottom of the worm farm with at least 4cm layer, you can
use lawn clippings and shredded newspaper. Potting mix is
okay too. What if you go on holidays?
If you go away for an extended period of time, just leave a
large wad of damp newspaper or an old damp cotton towel
Food Scraps and the worms will feed off that quite happily.
Worms eat dead and decomposing organic material. Novice
farmers should avoid certain organic materials such as meat,
dairy, grain and citrus. Also avoid large amounts of the same Vinegar Flies?
material. For instance, 1kg of rotten tomatoes may create an Vinegar flies look like fruit flies and are often seen hovering
acidic environment that is toxic to the worms. around the fruit bowl. If you keep putting fresh scraps into
the worm farm, which are not decomposed enough for the
worms, then you will attract vinegar flies. They are harmless
How much do you feed the worms? and, unlike fruit fly, they will not infect your fruit trees.
Worms can eat half their weight everyday. 1000 worms
weigh 250g, therefore if you start your worm farm with
1000 worms you should be able to add approximately 125g Bad Smells?
of food scraps per day, nearly 1kg per week. Remember that There should not be any noticeable odour coming from the
worm farm. An unpleasant smell indicates that the worms above 30ºC, you need to cool it down immediately. The
are not working or there is too much, or the wrong type of fastest way is to put the hose in and allow cool water to run
food in the farm. First check that there are plenty of worms through it. Make sure it drains freely or the worms will drown.
moving through the food scraps. If not, check the conditions Then relocate the worm farm to a cooler place. You won’t
are cool, moist and dark. If the worms are active, gently poke need a thermometer to know it’s too hot. The worm farm will
around the food scraps and check for maggots. Maggots are have an unpleasant smell and all the worms will be huddled
harmless, however they indicate the presence of meat, dairy together in the coolest part of the box. In winter, cover the
or bread, which may be causing the smell. worm farm with a thick blanket, relocate to a warmer part of
the garden or bring indoors.
What do you get out of a worm farm?
Approximately 80% of what you feed to the worms will be MOISTURE
turned into a liquid – often known as ‘worm juice’. The liquid Worms breathe through their skin and their skin must be
can be diluted and used to fertilise gardens and lawns. It may moist or they will die. They will also die if the moisture
also be sprayed directly onto foliage to give plants an instant builds up so much that they are ‘swimming’ in the box. The
boost. If you are making your own worm farm at home, make dampness of a sponge that is wet but not dripping is a good
sure you include a hole near the bottom of the container to example of what you must aim for. Keep a wet cotton or wool
drain the liquid. cloth over the food scraps as well as a lid on the box.
The remaining 20% of the food scraps is turned into
‘vermicast’ or ‘worm castings’. Vermicast is a dense, black- LIGHT
brown material that looks like mud. The worm castings build
up relatively slowly and can remain in the container until it is Worms are highly sensitive to light. As soon as the worm
taking up too much space. farm is exposed the worms will stop eating and start hiding.
This interrupts their work. Continued exposure to light will
kill them.
Gardeners use vermicast as a
fertiliser, for top dressing on WHERE TO GET MORE INFORMATION
lawns, or as a medium for seeding Websites
Department of Environment, Climate Change & Water NSW
and propagating. http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/downtoearth/worm.htm
Worms use vermicast for living in Total Environment Centre
and laying their eggs in. http://www.safersolutions.org.au
The temperature in the worm farm must stay in a range of
15 – 25 degrees. If the temperature in the worm farm rises