Telephoning Exercises 1

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A. Read and learn these following dialogues.

1. Receiver: Gogoo Tour, good morning.

Anggi : Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr Sasmita.
Receiver: May I speak who’s calling, please?
Anggi : This is Anggi Noen of Tiger Computers.
Receiver: Hold the line, please. I’ll put you through.

2. Harry : Harry Tjan, good morning.

Maria : Good morning, Mr Harry Tjan. This is Lucy Maria. I arrived in Singapore last
Harry : Good morning, Mrs Maria. It’s good to hear from you. Can you come to the
office this
Maria : Certainly, what time shall I come?
Harry : Is one-thirty all right?
Maria : That’s fine. I’ll see you there at half past one.
Harry : Thank you for calling. Good bye for now.

3. Receptionist : Good afternoon. Theatre Royal box office.

Ratu : Good afternoon. I’d like to book two seats for Friday 11 th, please.
Receptionist : I’m sorry we are completely sold out for 11 th, Mam.
Ratu : What about Saturday 12th?
Receptionist : I’ve got some seats for the matinee but nothing for the evening
I’m afraid.
Ratu : Oh well, perhaps I’d better take two matinee seats then. How much are
Receptionist : Rp 25,000 each.
Ratu : Right.
Receptionist : What name is it, please?
Ratu : My name is Ratu Kadita.

4. Voice : Hello.
Sandra : Could I speak to Mantik please?
Voice : Mantik? There’s no Mantik here. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.
Sandra : Oh, I’m so sorry.
Voice : That’s all right.
B. Ways to say it

Make an
Phrases and responses to incoming calls
- Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Sasmita. - I’d like to book two seats for
- Harry Tjan, good morning. Friday 11th, please.
- Good afternoon. Theatre Royal box office. - I’d like to make an appointment
- Hello, may I speak to Mr. Sasmita, please? with an accountant.
- Good morning, Melani speaking. How may I help - Good afternoon. I’d like to make
you? a reservation for tonight, please.
- This is Melani. May I speak to Mr Budi? - Can I book a table for two for
- Could I speak to Mantik, please? lunch on Friday?
- Have you got rooms for a family
- Speaking, who is this? of four for tomorrow night,
- Who is calling, please? please?
- Hold the line, please. I’ll put you through.
- Would you hold the line a moment, please?
- I’m sorry, Johny is unavailable right now. Would you
like me to take a message and have him call you
- Would you please give him a message?
- Johny isn’t able to come to the phone right now.
Would you like me to take a message?
- There’s no Mantik here. I’m afraid you’ve got the
wrong number.

When you don’t

When you can’t hear When you’re not sure
- Sorry? - I’m sorry, but I don’t - Could you repeat that,
- Pardon? / Pardon, please? understand. please?
- I can’t hear you. - Sorry, but I still don’t - Could you spell that,
- Please speak up. understand. please?
- Please speak more slowly. - Please confirm by SMS.
- You’re speaking too quickly.

C. Complete the dialogue with the best expressions.

Ticket seller: Ticket section, good morning.
Caller : Hello. __________.
Ticket seller: What time, Sir?
Caller : __________.
Ticket seller: Sorry, Sir. We’re sold out.
Caller : What about the next show?
Ticket seller: We still have a few left for 9 p.m.
Caller : __________. I’ll take three.
Ticket seller: What seats do you want, Sir?
Caller : __________.
Ticket seller: Yes, Sir. In row 17. __________?
Caller : Wang Hui.
Ticket seller: __________?
Caller : W-A-N-G H-U-I.
Ticket seller: See you tomorrow at the nine o’clock show, Sir.
Caller : Thank you.
Ticket seller: You’re welcome.
D. Fold the paper down the fold line. Students sit back-to-back or half-turned away from each
other. Practice each dialogue several times.

1. Receiver : Hello.
Caller : ______________________
Receiver : Yes, speaking
Caller : ______________________
Receiver : That sounds very nice. What
time would that be?
Caller : ______________________.
Receiver : Well, I have to check with my fiancé of course, though I’m pretty sure we’re
free then. Shall I call you back?
Caller : ______________________.
Receiver : Goodbye.

Receiver : ____________________.
Caller : Can I speak to … (use your
partner’s name) please?
Receiver : ____________________.
Caller : Hello, … (use your name) here.
We’re having a party at my place
next Friday. I wonder if you and
your fiancé would like to come?
Receiver : _______________________
Caller : About half past seven.
Receiver : _______________________
Caller : That’ll be fine. Goodbye.
Receiver : _______________________.

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