1.1 General:: Biological Nutrient Removal
1.1 General:: Biological Nutrient Removal
1.1 General:: Biological Nutrient Removal
1.1 General:
Fig. 1 Eutrophication
Nitrogen Ammonia
Phosphorus Biological integrity
Oxygen depletion Turbidity
Algal growth
These impairments can cause algal blooms, fish kills, murky water, increased microbes
that are harmful to human health, and the loss of desirable aquatic plants and animals.
To reduce impairments point source dischargers, such as wastewater treatment plants,
have received strict and often reduced effluent limits for nitrogen and phosphorus - the
main culprits. Using chemicals to remove nutrients may prove costly and may add
undesirable chemicals to the sludge and effluent.
Biological nutrient removal removes total nitrogen and total phosphorus from
wastewater by;
Using microorganisms
Adjusting environmental conditions in the treatment process.
The accelerated growth of algae and rooted plants becomes a major concern as
plants and algae die and decay, which in turn reduces the dissolved oxygen in
the water.
Nitrogen and phosphorus are two necessary components for controlling
By controlling the growth-limiting nutrient (namely phosphorus or nitrogen, or
both), eutrophication can be managed.
Slow (variable) growth rates and low yield of nitrifiers (requirements for either
long sludge age or large aerobic mass fraction or both)
Sludge bulking and P content in the effluent solids from settling tanks.
Lack of carbon source in influent and the competition for carbon source between
denitrification and EBPR organisms.
To address these issues, research has focused in the last decade on the treatment
processes in the mainstream line, sludge treatment train, and (reject liquids generated
in sludge treatment processes, e.g., anaerobic digestion, dewatering).
Nitrogen is required for cell growth and reproduction. Bacteria take in (assimilate)
nitrogen from wastewater in a process known as assimilation. The new biomass contains
about 12% nitrogen.
In the aerobic treatment process, most of the organic nitrogen is changed to ammonia in
a process known as ammonification. The ammonia is then available to the nitrifying
organisms. A small portion of the organic nitrogen remains in organic form and is
removed physically or will pass through to the effluent.
Fig 4 and 5: Nitrogen cycle and Nitrogen removed from nitrification and denitrification
II. Denitrification
For optimum denitrification, these conditions are necessary:
An anoxic zone that has dissolved oxygen levels less than 0.1 mg/L. Denitrifying
bacteria are facultative and prefer to use oxygen to metabolize CBOD. Any
oxygen in the zone will be used before the bacteria start to reduce the nitrate.
Sufficient readily degradable CBOD in the anoxic zone. Denitrification
consumes 2.86 mg CBOD per mg of nitrate denitrified. Carbon augmentation
may be necessary with low CBOD to nitrogen ratios and nearly all separate stage
There are benefits to combined nitrification and denitrification :
Denitrification will reduce 2.86 mg of the CBOD per mg of nitrate without the
expense of adding air.
Reduce the alkalinity demand by producing 3.57 mg of alkalinity per mg of
nitrate denitrified.
Phosphorus stimulates the growth of plants, both in soil and in water. If an excess of
phosphorus enters a water body, algae and aquatic plant growth can become
unmanageable, choke up the waterway and use large amounts of oxygen. The lowered
dissolved oxygen levels may harm aquatic life. For this reason, reducing the amount of
phosphorus in wastewater effluent is essential.
During biological treatment, most polyphosphate and organic phosphate are converted
to orthophosphate, a form that is readily assimilated by microorganisms
It has been used very successfully to reduce the basin requirements for nitrification. The
floating media are added to the aeration zone to supply surface area for nitrifying
organisms to cling to, and kept in place by screens. In an MLE configuration, mixed
liquor passes through the screens and is recycled to the anoxic zone for denitrification.
Pilot plant work at Broomfield CO, Cheyenne WY, and Mamaroneck, NY showed that
the SRT of the suspended growth media could be reduced by 50% (Johnson et al., 2004).
Sponge media provided more than 80% of total nitrogen removal through SND in one
New England plant (Masterson et al., 2004).
Fig 6: IFAS
SBR performs all the necessary functions of nutrient removal in a single tank with
variable water levels and timed aeration. This system requires a minimum of three tanks
and advanced automation equipment to control the cycle times and phases. The SBR
control systems allow the operation to be configured to operate as almost any other
suspended growth reactor by adjusting the cycle phases between fill, mix, aerated, settle
and decant.
Fig 7: SBR
It has been successfully used for nitrogen removal by the City of New York and others.
In a four-pass system with a feed point to the head of each pass, anoxic zones were
created at every feed point. (Chandran et al., 2004). This required intensification of the
biological processes such as adding alkalinity to optimize nitrifier growth rate; precise
control of the oxygen supply; additional carbon for denitrification in the limited anoxic
zones; and the need for extensive instrumentation. With these and other measures, it will
be possible to reduce the effluent TN concentration to below 4 mg/L which is the goal
for 2014. McGarth (2006) used the ability of the step-feed plant for routing storm flows
while still achieving high overall nitrogen removal.
Fig 8: Step-feed
In fact the MBBR media have an active surface area. It is a complete mix, continuous
flow through process which is based on the biofilms principle that combines the benefits
of both the activated sludge process and conventional fixed film systems without their
Fig 9: MBBR
MBR technology has already passed through the first or, even second stage of
development and the only reason that it is not universally applied is the power cost
associated with it. Barnard (1998) discussed the future of the activated sludge process
and proposed a flow sheet in which both nitrogen and phosphorus removal can be
obtained. Nitrogen removal requires biological nitrification and denitrification that can
be accommodated in an MBR which functions better at a solids retention time (SRT)
over 10 days which allows nitrification to very low ammonia concentrations.
Denitrification then becomes necessary to save power and eliminate the need for
Fig 10: Flowsheet for MBR plant at Cauly Creek (Daily 2006)
Since most existing MBRs operate in the MLE mode, effluent ammonia concentrations
are quite low, but effluent TN values are around 8 mg/L.
Daily (2006) stated that the Cauly Creek plant in Georgia, which was designed with an
anaerobic zone in addition to the MLE configuration, was able to reduce phosphorus
concentration to less than 0.5 mg/L without any chemical additives, and that with the
addition of either alum or ferric chloride (FeCl3) to the membrane compartment, average
effluent TP of 0.1 mg/L was achieved. The COD/TKN ratio was 11.2 and 81% nitrogen
removal was achieved.
Gnirss et al., (2006) operated a pilot plant in Berlin, Germany in two different modes
and reduced the TN from 60 mg/L to 10.7 mg/L in the conventional configuration for
denitrification, and 6.7 mg/L during operation in the post-denitrification configuration.
The COD/TKN ratio was 10.6. The nitrate concentration in the effluent was 4.5 mg/L,
The contradictory high removal rate of nitrates in the post denitrification zone may be
attributable to the wastewater characteristics that allowed organic carbon to be absorbed
and carried through to, and be available in the post-anoxic zones. Van Huyssteen and
Barnard (1990) noticed an accelerated denitrification rate in a plant where VFA was
added to the anaerobic zone and proposed that there was some glycogen storage by
bacteria that could supply carbon for denitrification, but it is unlikely to be carried
through the aeration zone to assist in denitrification in the post-anoxic zone. The option
of using the post-denitrification configuration in an MBR system should be further
investigated in light of the contradictory evidence about endogenous denitrification in a
second anoxic zone.
With a membrane reactor, there is no need for filtration and the option of using a
denitrification filter for moving residual nitrates has been eliminated. To achieve low
effluent nitrate levels, configurations should be considered to ensure denitrification to
very low levels. Barnard (2005) proposed the flow diagram that would include an
attached growth section ahead of the membrane basins where methanol-degrading
organisms can grow on the media and not be washed out, ensuring less than 1 mg/L of
nitrates in the effluent. McQuarrie (2006) found that when adding media to a post-anoxic
zone, the rate of denitrification with methanol is doubled. It should be experimentally
Oxidation ditches can perform biological nitrogen removal by creating an anoxic zone
in parts of the ditch. This configuration is like the Wuhrmann process (is a single sludge
nitrification system followed by an anoxic zone for denitrification. This system is
limited by the lack of carbon source in the anoxic zone also requires more alkalinity to
maintain a steady pH in the aeration tank. Nitrogen gas in the clarifier inhibits settling).
By changing the location of the aerators and mixers the oxidation ditch can operate like
the Modified Ludzack-Ettinger process (adds a mixed liquor recycle from the end of the
aeration tank to the beginning of the anoxic tank. This returns more nitrates to the anoxic
zone increasing the nitrogen that is removed. High recycling rates can introduce
dissolved oxygen in the anoxic zone and dilute the substrate thereby reducing the
performance). The oxidation ditch can create high recycle rates without the need for
pumping the return.
It is more reliable owing to a constant water level and continuous discharge.
It has a long hydraulic retention time and complete mixing.
It processes less sludge due to extended biological activity.
Energy-efficient operations result in reduced energy costs.
Effluent suspended solids concentrations are relatively high compared to other
modifications of the activated sludge process.
It requires a larger land area than other activated sludge treatment options.
Based on the successful application of activated sludge models and more stringent
effluent requirements, the biological process modeling for BNR plants has been
extended to include the processes in the sludge treatment line, such as anaerobic
digestion, sidestream processes, and sludge fermentation (also including chemical
precipitation, pH, and gas-phase models ) to make a whole plant process model. Whole
plant process modeling makes it possible to completely analyze WWTPs for optimal
design and operation purposes.
The mathematical models for the whole plant treatment process are complex but, with
the availability of easy use and user-friendly simulators, can prove to be very useful
tools for optimizing design and operation.
There are two approaches to implementing the various process models required to model
biochemical activity, including interactions, across the wastewater treatment plant: an
interfacing transformer approach and a single matrix approach (Dold et al ., 2007).
Interfacing Transformer Approach: In this approach, different available models are used
to simulate different processes, e.g., the AS train, anaerobic digestion (AD), and the
sidestream (SS) processes. In this approach, different models are not based on the same
set of state variables, and the issue of passing streams between AS, AD, and SS must be
addressed. For example, for the oxidized N components, activated sludge models
typically only consider nitrate (e.g., ASM1, ASM2/2d); anaerobic digestion models
(e.g., ADM1) do not consider either nitrite or nitrate; side stream modeling (SSM)
requires consideration of both nitrite and nitrate and the relevant reactions. This
This approach is to apply a single, integrated (AS + AD + SS) model (considering all
components and relevant reactions) to the whole plant processes in a single matrix (i.e.,
without the need for interfacing). This approach is more widely applicable in a process
sense than the transformer approach. The single matrix approach tracks the fate of
components (e.g., active biomass) in the different processes (e.g., activated sludge,
anaerobic digestion) in a whole plant and thus can provide an estimation of active
biomass transfer between the different processes, whereas the transformer approach
requires the detailed elemental composition of each component that is not readily
available and also relies on the fixed component composition (Jones et al ., 2004, 2007).
In practice, this is not readily applicable when elemental compositions change.