Soil Mechanics by Mamata Ngangom
Soil Mechanics by Mamata Ngangom
Soil Mechanics by Mamata Ngangom
Dr. Ngangom Mamata Devi
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Soil Mechanics
Soil mechanics can be stated as the study of the properties, behaviour and
application of soil consisting of an assemblages of fine rock particles and clay
a. Water Content: The water content of a soil is the ratio of the weight of water to
the weight of solids.
The bottle with soil sample is then filled up with distilled water and its
weight (W3) is taken. Hence, the weight of water in the bottle with the soil sample
is (W3-W2).
The material is taken out of the bottle and cleaned. The bottle is then
filled with distilled water and its weight (W4) taken. The weight of water in the
bottle without soil sample is (W4-W1).
The unit weight of soil solids (γs) is the weight of the soil solids
(Wd) per unit volume of the solids (Vs).
γs = Wd/ Vs
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d. Density of Soil: The density of a soil is defined as the mass of the soil per
unit volume. It may be of different types such as bulk density, dry density,
saturated density and submerged density.
➢ Bulk density: the bulk density of soil is the weight per unit volume. If W is
the weight of a soil sample and V is the volume of the soil, the bulk density is
expressed as γ = W/V.
➢ Dry density: The dry density of soil is the ratio of weight of the soil mass in
dry condition to its volume before drying. γd = Wd/V
➢ Saturated density: The saturated density of a soil sample is the ratio of the
weight of the saturated soil sample to the volume of the saturated sample.
γsat = W sat/V sat
f. Liquid Limit (Lw): The liquid limit is measured in a standard liquid testing
apparatus that consists of a brass cup seated on a rubber base and provided
with a handle that can be raised or dropped from a standard height.
About 120g of soil is mixed with water to make a cake. The cake is
kept in the brass cup making a V shaped separation such that the gap between
them is 2mm at the bottom and 10mm at the top and 8mm in depth. 6
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Strokes are then given to the cup by rotating the handle until the two
parts touch each other. At this stage, the number of strokes used is noted and a
soil sample is taken from the cake and its water content measured.
Tests are repeated with different water contents such that the number
of strokes required remain between 15 and 50. Atleast four such tests are done,
each time recording the number of strokes and the corresponding water
content of the soil mass.
g. Plastic Limit (Pw): It is the minimum water content at which the soil when
rolled into threads of 3mm diameter just starts crumbling. Nearly 20g of air
dried soil is mixed with water until it becomes plastic in nature. A small
quantity (say 8g) of this soil is rolled on a glass plate to make a thread of
uniform diameter of about 3mm for the entire length. If no cracks are
developed in it, the thread is kneaded together and the soil is rolled again.
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The process is continued until fine cracks just start developing on the
surface of the threads. At this point, the water content of the soil is measured
which gives the plastic limit of the soil.
h. Shrinkage limit (Sw): If a saturated soil sample with water content more
then the shrinkage limit is allowed to dry up slowly, its volume will be
gradually reduced. However at a certain stage, further reduction in water will
not change the volume of the soil sample, the pore spaces being filled with air.
The water content corresponding to this stage is the measure of the shrinkage
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Field Method of Density Determination
V = V1 – (Mt – M)/ Pp
Where Mt is the mass of waxed solid, M is the mass of the specimen without
wax and Pp is the density of paraffin.
First a flat ground of soil is chosen for conducting the test. Soil is then
excavated from the place with the help of the chisel by making a test hole
about the size of the calibrated container. The weight of the excavated soil is
taken (W). Next, the cylinder is filled with sand and the weight of the cylinder
plus sand is measured (W1). The sand from the cylinder is then run into the
calibrated container so that the volume of the sand is equal to that of the
container (V). The sand filled cylinder is then placed over the calibrated cone
and the sand is allowed to pour until it stops falling when the shutter is closed.
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The sand in the cone is collected and its weight (W2) taken. The
cylinder is then placed over the container and the sand is allowed to pour until
no further sand runs down. The weight (W3) of the cylinder with sand is
taken. The cylinder filled with sand is then placed over the excavated hole
until it fills the hole. The container with the remaining sand is weight (W4).
Thus we have the volume of the calibrating container (V).
If W' is the weight of the sand needed to fill the calibrated container,
then W' = W1-W2-W3.
The difference of the two readings gives the weight of the soil sample
Next, the water content (w) of the excavated soil is determined in the
laboratory. Thus the bulk density of soil,
γ = W / V g/cm3
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The volume is determined directly by noting the water level in the
cylinder before and after the balloon is forced into the test hole. The difference
in volume is the volume of the hole. The water and balloon are retracted from
the test hole by reversing the air pump and evacuating air from the cylinder.
The outside atmospheric pressure forces the water and balloon back into the
cylinder. The soil is removed from the test hole and its wet and dry weights are
recorded. Then density can be calculated similar to sand cone method.
Certain types of soil, especially clayey soil when soaked with water
may increase in volume. This characteristic is essentially due to the presence of
swelling type of clay like montmorillonite, which can hold a large quantity of
water and then swell many times its volume. 15
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a. Laboratory test for swelling coefficient: Swelling or expansion characteristic of
clayey soil or clay is related to its plasticity. Clay with plasticity index above 35 is
found to have high swelling. Whether a clay sample is of swelling type or not is
determined by a simple test in the laboratory.
The clayey soil collected from the field is sieved in a 45 micron sieve. The
portion of fines (clay) that remains in the pan below the 45 micron sieve is collected.
Then, a measured quantity (say 10ml or 20ml) of this clay sample is taken in a
graduated cylinder and dispersed in 1000 ml in water. The water mixed clay sample
in the cylinder is kept undisturbed for 24 hours to find the change in volume. Any
observed increase in volume indicates that the clay is of swelling type. The
percentage increase in volume with respect to the original volume is the measure of
If L is the original volume of the sample inside the cylinder and L' is the
volume of the sample after swelling, the swelling coefficient is expressed as
The dial gauge reading foe rebound after removal of the pressure
is also recorded. The test data is used to calculate the void ratio and the
co-efficient of volume change.
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3. Soil Compaction: Compression of soil accomplished by loading for a short
period is known as compaction. It is a quick process of densification and
stabilization of soil. A soil mass loses its compactness when it is excavated from
its natural source and deposited elsewhere.
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