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Allergic Conjunctivitis

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Immunol Allergy Clin N Am

28 (2008) 43–58

Allergic Conjunctivitis
Leonard Bielory, MDa,
Mitchell H. Friedlaender, MDb,*
Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology, UMDNJ–New Jersey Medical School,
90 Bergen Street, DOC Suite 4700, Newark, NJ 07103, USA
Division of Ophthalmology, Scripps Clinic, 10666 North Torrey Pines Road,
La Jolla, CA 92037, USA

Allergic conjunctivitis affects up to 40% of the general population [1–3]

and is a common clinical problem for ophthalmic and allergic practices
[4]. In one study of 5000 allergic children, 32% had ocular symptoms as
the single manifestation of their allergies [5]. Although many cases are sea-
sonal, a large number of patients have year-round symptoms.
The conjunctiva can be affected by allergies to airborne pollens, animal
dander, and other environmental antigens. The conjunctiva, like the nasal
mucosa, is an active immunologic tissue that undergoes lymphoid hyperpla-
sia in response to a stimulant [6]. The conjunctiva represents a thin mucous
membrane that extends from the limbus of the eye to the lid margin of the
eyelid. The conjunctiva is divided into three portions: the bulbar conjunc-
tiva, which covers the anterior portion of the sclera; the palpebral conjunc-
tiva, which lines the inner surface of the eyelids; and the space bounded by
the bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva, which is the fornix or the conjunctival
sac. The conjunctiva is histologically divided into two layers: epithelial and
substantia propria. The epithelial layer is composed of two to five cells of
stratified columnar cells, whereas the substantia propria is composed of
loose connective tissue.
As in other forms of allergic inflammation, the mast cell plays a key role.
Mast cells are widely distributed, especially in connective tissue and mucosal
surfaces. In the eye, they are classically found in the conjunctiva, choroid,
ciliary body, iris, and optic nerve. Mast cells (6000/mm3) and other inflam-
matory cells are normally found in the substantia propria, just below the ep-
ithelial junction [7]. Initial reports of conjunctival mast cell populations were

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.H. Friedlaender).

0889-8561/08/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.iac.2007.12.005 immunology.theclinics.com

based on the differential physiologic response to compound 48/80, which

causes connective tissue mast cells (but not mucosal mast cells) to degranu-
late. In the rat animal model, the response to a single application of 48/80
suggested that the conjunctival mast cells primarily belong to the connective
tissue type of mast cells [8–10]. Mononuclear cell populations of the normal
human conjunctiva are primarily located in the epithelium and include
Langerhans cells (CD1þ; 85  16 cells/mm2) and CD3þ lymphocytes (189
 27 cells/mm2), with a CD4þ:CD8þ ratio of 0.75 [11]. The Langerhans cells
are known to facilitate immune reactions in the skin by functioning as an
antigen-presenting cell, but their function in the cornea has yet to be clari-
fied [12]. Of interest, the Langerhans cells of the eye are recognized by the
CD1þ marker, not the CD6þ thymocyte marker, which is commonly found
on Langerhans cells of the skin or in histiocytes from patients who have his-
tiocytosis X [13]. Normal ocular epithelium does not contain any mast cells,
eosinophils, or basophils, although in ocular inflammatory disorders such as
vernal and giant papillary conjunctivitis, such cells are seen, as evidenced by
the conjunctival deposition of eosinophil major basic protein deposition
[14]. Conjunctival epithelial cells, however, may also play an active role in
allergic inflammation because they have been shown to express RANTES
in large amounts when stimulated in vitro with tumor necrosis factor a or
interferon-g [15].
Histamine concentration in tears can reach values greater than 100 ng/mL
compared with normal values of 5 to 15 ng/mL [16–19]. Histamine can
cause changes in the eye similar to changes in other parts of the human
body, such as capillary dilatation, increased vascular permeability, and
smooth muscle contraction. A histamine concentration of 240 nmol/L
(10 mL of a 50-ng/mL histamine phosphate concentration) can cause
conjunctival redness and increased vascular permeability in 50% of the
subjects studied. Tear histamine levels in nonatopic control subjects
were not found to be different from those in allergic patients during their
symptom-free periods [17].

A detailed history may reveal recent exposure to individuals who have
conjunctivitis or upper respiratory tract infection within the family, school,
or workplace. Such a history may help confirm an adenovirus infection in an
endemic area. Knowledge of the patient’s sexual activities and any associ-
ated discharge may suggest chlamydial disease or Neisseria infection. Fre-
quently, the patient does not mention the use of over-the-counter topical
medications such as vasoconstrictors or artificial tears, cosmetics, or contact
lens wear. Direct questioning often reveals the use of these products or
other topical and systemic medications, which are capable of producing in-
flammation that can mimic seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC) or

perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC). Knowledge of any systemic disease

such as rheumatoid arthritis or other collagen vascular diseases raises the
clinician’s suspicion for keratoconjunctivitis sicca, although a patient re-
ferred for irritated eyes who has thyroid dysfunction suggests superior
limbic keratoconjunctivitis.
The offending allergens vary from one location to another, but the symp-
toms appear to be similar throughout the world. Often, symptoms are not
severe enough to precipitate a visit to the allergist or the ophthalmologist.
Among patients who seek help, some may not require treatment and others
may simply be able to avoid the allergens responsible for their disease.
Symptoms usually consist of low-grade ocular and periocular itching
(pruritus), tearing (epiphora), burning, stinging, photophobia, and watery
discharge. Redness and itching seem to be the most consistent symptoms.
Although symptoms persist throughout the allergy season, they are subject
to exacerbations and remission, depending on the weather and the patient’s
activities. Symptoms are generally worse when the weather is warm and dry;
cooler temperatures and rain tend to alleviate symptoms. Although itching
is generally mild, occasionally it can be severe, and rarely patients may
be incapacitated by their symptoms. Many of the symptoms of ocular
allergy are nonspecific, such as tearing, irritation, stinging, burning, and
The symptom of itching is strikingly characteristic of allergic conjuncti-
vitis. It is often said that ocular itching implies allergy until proven other-
wise. Furthermore, ocular itching is rare in other conditions, although it
is not unknown. Patients who have blepharitis, dry eye, and other types
of conjunctivitis may experience itching. It is worthwhile to pinpoint the
location of itching. For example, patients who complain of ocular itching
may be presumed to be describing conjunctival itching; however, some pa-
tients who have ocular itching describe symptoms related to the skin of their
eyelids. Careful questioning can distinguish itching of the conjunctiva from
itching of the eyelid skin. Although the former is usually associated with
allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, which affects the conjunctiva, the latter may in-
dicate contact allergy, which affects the skin and the conjunctiva. The dis-
charge is usually watery and may be described as tearing. Sometimes
there is a scan mucus component. The discharge may range from serous
(watery) to mucopurulent and grossly purulent. A stringy or ropy discharge
is characteristic of allergy. In severe forms of allergic conjunctivitis, such as
vernal conjunctivitis, tenacious strands of mucus can be removed from the
eye by the patient or the doctor. Environmental allergens are ubiquitous
and nonselective, most commonly affecting both eyes at the same time.
Conjunctival injection is commonly associated with discomfort, and when
the patient complains of ocular pain, the physician must search for other
In allergic patients, it is unusual to have conjunctival symptoms without
nasal symptoms [20]. The nasal mucosa is expected to react in the same

fashion as the conjunctival mucosa; however, at times the physician encoun-

ters allergic patients whose symptoms appear to be ocular. These patients
may indicate that they do not have systemic allergies because they have
not experienced typical allergic rhinitis. It is not known why the conjunctiva
should be the main target in certain patients who have allergies. There may
be emotional or psychologic factors that make ocular symptoms more dis-
turbing than nasal symptoms. Often, when patients deny nasal or respira-
tory symptoms, careful questioning can sometimes elicit such symptoms,
even though they may be mild.

The eye should be carefully examined for evidence of eyelid involvement
(ie, blepharitis, dermatitis, swelling, discoloration, ptosis, blepharospasm),
conjunctival involvement (ie, chemosis), hyperemia, palpebral and bulbar
papillae, cicatrization, and presence of increased or abnormal-appearing se-
cretions. In addition, a funduscopic examination should be performed for
uveitis associated with autoimmune disorders and chronic steroid use.
The bulbar conjunctiva is examined by looking directly at the eye and
asking the patient to look up and then down while gently retracting the op-
posite lid (ie, looking down while holding up the upper eyelid). Examination
of the palpebral (tarsal) conjunctiva is performed by asking the patient to
look down, grasping the upper lid at its base with a cotton swab on the up-
per portion of the lid, and then pulling out and up. The patient should be
looking down during the examination. To return the lid to its normal posi-
tion, the patient should look up. The lower tarsal conjunctiva is examined
by everting the lower eyelid while placing a finger near the lid margins
and drawing downward. Conjunctivitis can be differentiated from inflam-
mation involving the anterior portion of the eye by the involvement of the
fornix and the palpebral conjunctiva. A velvety, beef-red conjunctiva sug-
gests a bacterial cause. A ‘‘milky’’ appearance, the result of obscuration
of blood vessels by conjunctival edema (Fig. 1), is characteristic of allergy.
The combination of these two features gives the conjunctiva a pinkish or
milky appearance. Because the conjunctival blood vessels are partially ob-
scured, they are best evaluated with a slit-lamp microscope. Often, chemosis
is so marked that it is obvious without magnification. If edema is severe, pa-
tients exhibit periorbital edema (Fig. 2), which is more prominent around
the lower lids because of gravity. Ecchymosis, or the ‘‘allergic shiner,’’ has
also been described in allergic patients and is thought to be the result of im-
paired venous return from the skin and subcutaneous tissues, although
proof of this is lacking [21].
The signs of allergic conjunctivitis may not be striking. One expects the
allergic eye to show mild to moderate redness. Severe redness would suggest
a different diagnosis. It seems, however, that swelling or chemosis is

Fig. 1. Chemosis and injection of allergic conjunctivitis.

somewhat out of proportion to the amount of redness that is present. No

doubt, some of the mediators released during allergic inflammation promote
extravasation of serum out of the blood vessels and into the surrounding tis-
sues. If chemosis is subtle, it can sometimes be detected at the medial aspect
of the bulbar conjunctiva in the small fold of bulbar conjunctiva on the in-
ner corner of the eye known as the plica semilunaris. This looser conjuncti-
val tissue may appear more elevated and boggy than expected.
It is worthwhile to examine the superior limbus and the superior tarsal
conjunctiva. In more severe allergies, these tissues are the site of Trantas’
dots and giant papillae, respectively. They appear to be peculiar, anatomic
targets for allergic inflammation and sometimes provide a subtle indication
of the activity of ocular allergic disease. The direct (handheld) ophthalmo-
scope provides approximately 14 magnification. The physician may need
to adjust the ophthalmoscope power setting to accommodate the patient’s
or the physician’s refractive errors; the minus (red-numbered) lenses correct
for nearsightedness, whereas the positive (green-numbered) lenses correct
for farsighted errors. While using the lens, settings of þ8 with the

Fig. 2. Periorbital edema in acute ocular allergy.


ophthalmoscope held close to the patient’s eye assist the physician in focus-
ing on the anterior segment to reveal corneal opacities or changes in the iris
or lens. Decreasing the power of the lens from þ8 to 8 increases the depth
of focus so that the examiner may move from the anterior segment progres-
sively through the vitreous and reach the retina. The red-free (green) light
filter is employed to sharply delineate small aneurysms and hemorrhages
as black in patients who have autoimmune disorders (eg, systemic lupus er-
ythematosus, vasculitis). Recently, attempts to measure the ocular allergic
reaction objectively have been published [22]. The aim of objective measure-
ments is greater accuracy and reproducibility, especially for clinical trials
with antiallergic medications.

Seasonal and perennial allergic conjunctivitis

Because SAC and PAC are linked to allergic rhinitis (more commonly
known as allergic rhinoconjunctivitis), they are the most prevalent forms
of ocular allergy [7,23–25]. Of the two, SAC is more common. The impor-
tance of this condition is due more to its frequency than its severity [21].

Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis

SAC is the most common form of allergic conjunctivitis, representing
more than half of all cases of allergic conjunctivitis [26,27]. The onset of
symptoms is seasonally related to specific circulating aeroallergens. Grass
pollens have been noted to be associated with increased ocular symptoms
during the spring and, in some areas, during the fall (Indian summer).
The ocular symptoms are frequently associated with nasal or pharyngeal
complaints. Patients present with complaints of itchy eyes or a burning sen-
sation with a watery discharge. A white exudate may form during the acute
state, which becomes stringy in the chronic form. Rarely, SAC may also in-
clude corneal symptoms of photophobia and blurring of vision. The con-
junctival surfaces are mildly injected with various levels of chemosis
(conjunctival edema). Lid edema and papillary hypertrophy along the tarsal
conjunctival surface may sometimes occur. Symptoms are usually bilateral,
although the degree of involvement may not be symmetric. Affected individ-
uals usually have a history of atopy. Allergic conjunctivitis, unlike several
other ocular diseases, is seldom followed by permanent visual impairment.
Conjunctival cytology has revealed eosinophil infiltration in 25% of
patients who have SAC. Elevated serum immunoglobulin (Ig)E levels
have been noted in 78% of patients who have SAC, whereas tear fluid
IgE is present in almost all (96%) tear fluid samples.

Perennial allergic conjunctivitis

PAC is considered to be a variant of SAC that persists throughout the
year, although 79% of patients who have PAC experience a seasonal

exacerbation. Dust mites, animal dander, and feathers are the most common
airborne allergens implicated in PAC, and PAC is more likely than SAC to
be associated with perennial rhinitis. Patients who have PAC and SAC are
similar in age and sex, and both patient groups have the same prevalence of
associated symptoms of asthma or eczema. In the older literature, the prev-
alence appears to be much lower than SAC (3/5 per 10,000 population) [28],
but recent epidemiologic studies have reflected this prevalence to be as high
as 40%. PAC is similar to SAC in affected age range and length of history,
although SAC is subjectively more severe. When patients who had PAC
were compared with patients who had SAC, a history to exposure to house
dust was more common (42% versus 0%), as was the association of peren-
nial rhinitis (75% versus 12%).
SAC and PAC are typical mast cell–mediated hypersensitivity reactions
affecting the eye, in which the allergens react with specific IgE antibodies
bound to the surface of conjunctival mast cells. The activation of mast cells
leads to the release of powerful vasoactive amines, which is responsible for
the itching, vasodilatation, and edema encountered in allergic conjunctivitis.
Patients who have SAC and PAC have been noted to have aeroallergen
sensitivity and elevated IgE in tears and in serum. Differences between
PAC and SAC include the findings that 89% of patients who had PAC
had specific serum IgE for house dust compared with only 43% of patients
who had SAC. Similarly, 78% of patients who had PAC had tear-specific
IgE for house dust, whereas no patients who had SAC had measurable
IgE specific for house dust in tears [29]. Mediators released by the degran-
ulation of mast cells include preformed mediators such as histamine and
prostaglandins. Tear samplings have also been shown to contain elevated
levels of eosinophil major basic protein. Eosinophils have been demon-
strated in conjunctival scrapings from 25% to 84% of patients who have
PAC and from 43% of patients who have SAC.

Scraping the conjunctival surface to look for eosinophils is a helpful di-
agnostic test. The procedure is done by placing a drop of topical anesthetic
such as tetracaine hydrochloride 0.5% in the lower conjunctival sac. The an-
esthetic takes effect within 10 seconds. Using a platinum spatula, the inner
surface of the lower lid is gently scraped several times. The material is then
spread on a microscope slide. The slide is stained with Hansel stain, Giemsa
stain, or another common reagent. Slides are examined for the presence of
eosinophils or eosinophil granules. Eosinophils are not ordinarily found in
the conjunctival scrapings from nonallergic individuals. The presence of
even one eosinophil or eosinophil granule is considerable evidence in favor
of a diagnosis of allergic conjunctivitis [30]. The absence of eosinophils
should not rule out a diagnosis of allergy. Eosinophils are often present in

the deeper layers of the conjunctiva and may be absent or undetectable in

the upper layers. The frequency of eosinophils in the conjunctival scrapings
from patients who have allergic conjunctivitis may vary from 20% to 80%
[31] depending on the patient population, the chronicity of the allergic con-
dition, and the persistence of the examiner [31]. Corneal infiltrates may oc-
casionally be seen in severe allergic patients and tend to be nummular,
subepithelial, and peripheral.
Conjunctival provocation tests (CPTs), which consist of instilling an of-
fending pollen into the conjunctival sac, also produce the typical symptoms
of hay fever conjunctivitis [32,33] and were the original method for evaluat-
ing allergic responses. Ocular challenge is used as a pharmacologic model
for the evaluation of new antiallergic medications and immunotherapy
[34]. The positivity of the challenge may be assessed by a sign and symptom
scoring system that includes subjective and objective signs such as conjunc-
tival erythema, chemosis, tearing, and pruritus. CPTs have also been shown
to have a relatively good reproducibility in both eyes [32,35]. A CPT of oc-
ular mast cells by way of opioid receptors has shown that 80% of normal
patients reflect mast cell activation by detection of the release of histamine
(7 versus 18 nm/L) and prostaglandin D2 (0 versus 273 ng/L). The release of
these mediators can be blocked by pretreating patients with cromolyn [36].
In assessing the potential usefulness of CPTs as a diagnostic tool, it was
found that CPTs directly correlated to the radioallergosorbent test
(RAST) in 71% (n ¼ 130/183) of allergic patients. Of the 29% of uncorre-
lated cases, 23% (43/183) were positive by RAST but not by CPT, whereas
6% (10/183) were positive by CPT but not by RAST [37]. This finding sug-
gests that there may be local sensitization of the target organ without evi-
dence for systemic sensitization to the same antigen that clinically may
reflect allergens causing ocular symptoms without any evidence of pulmo-
nary or nasal allergic symptoms.

Late-phase reaction
A conjunctival late-phase reaction (LPR) has been described [38–41]. In
the guinea pig model used by Leonardi and colleagues [42], the LPR man-
ifested in several forms, including a classic biphasic response (33%), a mul-
tiphasic response (25%), and a single prolonged response (41%). The
histologic evaluation of the conjunctiva revealed the typical influx of non-
specific cells of the inflammatory response, including neutrophils, basophils,
and eosinophils. Tears collected from timed periods over the course of 6
hours after allergen challenge or CPT reflected the ability of mediators re-
leased during the LPR to reproduce the influx of cells commonly seen after
ocular allergen testing [43]; however, clinical symptoms were not reproduced
in this single patient. Direct application of leukotriene B4 has been found to
increase the number of eosinophils and neutrophils in rat conjunctiva [41].

Ocular challenge with platelet-activating factor also resulted in an inflam-

matory response. The substantia propria was the primary site of the vascu-
lar changes that included endothelial cell swelling, capillary dilatation, and
edema. In one study, 7 of 10 patients revealed a resurgence of ocular symp-
toms 6 hours after the initial challenge. Scrapings of the conjunctiva re-
vealed an influx of eosinophils, neutrophils, and lymphocytes; however,
the study did not evaluate the total time sequence for the arrival of the cells
in the conjunctiva, and some researchers have questioned whether this may
be part of the initial immediate hypersensitivity reaction. Ocular challenge
with histamine revealed vascular permeability but not an inflammatory re-
sponse, as measured by the epithelial expression of intracellular adhesion
molecule (ICAM; CD54) [44]. In another study evaluating the efficacy of
a new antihistamine, 14 of 22 patients (64%) developed signs and symptoms
of an ocular LPR 2 to 9 hours after the ocular challenge dose [45]. In that
study, the three most severe ocular LPRs occurred in patients who had pre-
viously been treated with a topical antihistamine, although the itching score
of the LPR was less than the immediate reaction. Because the investigators
were searching for an increased tolerance of allergen for an ‘‘immediate’’ re-
action, this observation raises the possibility that the topical H1 antagonist
used in that study blocked the immediate ocular response but permitted the
administration of a higher dose of allergen in the ocular conjunctival chal-
lenge. In another study, loratadine was thought to have a protective effect
on the LPR induced in the CPT [46]. Various mediators have been detected
in the tears of allergic patients and may help guide future drug development

Antihistamines may be given systemically to relieve allergic symptoms.
These drugs may only partially relieve ocular symptoms, and patients often
complain of side effects such as drowsiness and dryness of the eyes, nose,
and mouth. Antihistamines such as antazoline and pheniramine are avail-
able as eye drops and are usually combined with a topical vasoconstrictor
such as naphazoline hydrochloride. These antihistamine-vasoconstrictor
eye drops are now available over-the-counter and are useful in treating
mild allergic conjunctivitis [49]. Most are used four times a day, and the
side effects are minimal. They whiten the eyes by constricting the conjuncti-
val blood vessels. They also relieve itching in most patients [30,50].

Mast cell stabilizers

Mast cell stabilizers have been a useful addition to the other drugs avail-
able for treating allergic conjunctivitis. Several studies have confirmed their

therapeutic value in allergic conjunctivitis [51,52]. Often, patients notice im-

provement within 24 to 48 hours. Mast cell stabilizers are most useful for
relief of mild and moderate symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. More severe
cases may require the addition of topical corticosteroids. Unlike corticoste-
roids, mast cell stabilizers have minimal ocular side effects. An acute che-
motic reaction to cromolyn was reported in two patients [53–55], but as in
the treatment of asthma, cromolyn side effects are rare. An extra benefit
of mast cell stabilizers is the relief of nasal symptoms caused by the drainage
of tear fluid into the nasal passages. Nedocromil sodium is available in the
United States and in Europe.

Lodoxamide tromethamine 0.1% (Alomide)

Lodoxamide tromethamine 0.1% (Alomide) is a mast cell stabilizer that
prevents the release of histamine and leukotrienes [56]. Lodoxamide inhibits
mediator release from mast cells, presumably by inhibiting calcium influx,
thereby indirectly inhibiting increased vascular permeability. It is 2500 times
more potent than cromolyn in inhibiting mediator release from mast cells;
however, it appears to be roughly equivalent to cromolyn in controlling
the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, vernal conjunctivitis, and giant pap-
illary conjunctivitis. It is preserved in benzalkonium chloride.

Ketorolac tromethamine (Acular)

This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is preserved in ben-
zalkonium chloride. It has been shown to relieve itching associated with al-
lergic conjunctivitis. It also reduces levels of prostaglandin (PG)E2 in tears.
There may be some burning on instillation. It is unexpected that an NSAID
would relieve itching, but research by Woodward and colleagues [57] sug-
gested that some of the prostaglandins, particularly PGE2 and PGI2, may
be pruritogenic.

Olopatadine (Patanol, Pataday)

Olopatadine inhibits mast cell degranulation and antagonizes histamine
receptors to manage the itching, redness, chemosis, tearing, and lid swelling
of the ocular allergic reaction [58,59]. Its mast cell stabilizing ability has
been demonstrated in vitro (using human conjunctival mast cells) and in
vivo (human clinical experience). A new formulation has recently been ap-
proved for once-a-day administration [60].

Ketotifen (Zaditor)
This benzocycloheptathiopen derivative is approved for the temporary
prevention of itching due to allergic conjunctivitis [61]. It is a selective, non-
competitive blocker of the H1 histamine receptor. It inhibits inflammatory

mediator release from mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils. It inhibits che-
motaxis and degranulation of eosinophils, type 1 hypersensitivity reactions,
and leukotriene activity. It is also an inhibitor of platelet-activating factors.
In animal studies, it decreases vascular permeability and extravasation of
Evan’s blue dye in rat and guinea pig models of anaphylaxis. In human clin-
ical trials using conjunctival allergen challenge, it reduces itching signifi-
cantly and has a more modest effect on the reduction of conjunctival
injection associated with allergy.

Nedocromil (Alocril)
This disodium salt of pyranoquinolone dicarboxylic acid is approved for
treatment of itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis. It inhibits hista-
mine, LTC4, and tumor necrosis factor a. It decreases chemotaxis of neutro-
phils and eosinophils and renders them unresponsive to mediators. It blocks
the expression of cell surface adhesion molecules involved in eosinophil che-
motaxis and decreases vascular permeability induced by inflammation. It re-
duces itching and, to a lesser extent, redness associated with allergic
conjunctivitis. It has an onset of action 2 minutes after dosing and a duration
of about 8 hours.

Pemirolast (Alamast)
Pemirolast is a mast cell stabilizer with antihistamine properties [62]. It is
approved for the prevention of itching associated with allergic conjunctivi-
tis. In SAC studies, it decreased itching and, to a lesser extent, redness,
throughout the allergy season. It also decreased itching after conjunctival al-
lergen challenge.

Azelastine (Optivar)
This phthalazinone derivative has been approved for the prevention or
treatment of itching due to allergic conjunctivitis [63]. It inhibits histamine
release from allergen-stimulated mast cells and suppresses inflammation.
It decreases expression of ICAM-1, reduces eosinophil chemotaxis, and in-
hibits platelet-activating factor. It interferes with calcium influx in mast cells
and inhibits the H1 histamine receptor. It reduces itching, and, to a lesser
extent, redness in SAC, in PAC, and after conjunctival allergen challenge.

Epinastine (Elestat)
Epinastine is a topically active, direct H1 receptor antagonist and has af-
finity for the H2, a1, a2, and 5-HT2 receptors [64]. It also inhibits histamine
release from mast cells. Epinastine has a duration of action of at least 8
hours and it is administered twice a day. It is indicated for the prevention
of itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis. It can be used safely in pa-
tients older than 3 years.

Corticosteroids (Vexol, Lotemax)

Corticosteroids may be extremely effective in relieving symptoms of aller-
gic rhinitis, but because the disease is a chronic, recurrent, benign condition,
these drugs should be used only in extreme situations, commonly as
a ‘‘burst’’ treatment for no more than 1 to 2 weeks. Topical steroids are as-
sociated with glaucoma, cataract formation, and infections of the cornea
and conjunctiva [65]. Any prolonged use (ie, longer than 2 weeks) should
therefore be used with the greatest caution, and the patient should prefera-
bly be monitored by an ophthalmologist. Under no circumstances should
patients be allowed to use corticosteroid eye drops without medical supervi-
sion or be given prescriptions for unlimited refills.
Fluorometholone 0.1% eye drops are often selected as a useful treatment
of external ocular inflammation. This steroid is highly effective in allergic
conjunctivitis. It appears that fluorometholone penetrates the cornea well
but is inactivated quickly in the anterior chamber. Thus, the complications
of fluorometholone are rare. It may be that fluorometholone is inactivated
before it has an opportunity to combine with trabecular meshwork or lens
receptors. Thus, the incidence of glaucoma and cataract formation is ex-
pected to be lower than with prednisolone or dexamethasone.
Two ‘‘modified’’ steroids have recently been investigated for their efficacy
in allergic conjunctivitis. Rimexolone (Vexol) [66] is a derivative of prednis-
olone that is quickly inactivated in the anterior chamber. During a 4-week
treatment period in patients who had uveitis, rimexolone caused an increase
in intraocular pressure of 10 mm or more in 5% of patients, whereas pred-
nisolone acetate 1% caused elevation in nearly 14% of patients. In a 6-week
steroid-responder study, prednisolone 1% and dexamethasone 0.1% caused
mean pressures to rise to 30 mmHg after 3 weeks. Rimexolone and fluoro-
metholone caused mean pressures to rise to only 22 mmHg at 3 weeks and
24 mmHg at 6 weeks. Rimexolone has recently been approved for treatment
of postcataract inflammation and for iritis.
Another modified corticosteroid that shows great promise is loteprednol
etabonate (Lotemax) [67]. Lotemax also seems to be highly effective in aller-
gic conjunctivitis and is only rarely associated with a significant rise in intra-
ocular pressure. A low-dose loteprednol etabonate (Alrex) has been
approved for the relief of allergic conjunctivitis. Alrex is a useful treatment
when mast cell stabilizers have been inadequate.
Other antiallergic drugs are being investigated and show promising re-
sults in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, including emedastine [68],
a selective blocker of the H1 histamine receptor. Cyclosporine, a fungal an-
timetabolite that can be used as an anti-inflammatory drug [69,70], inhibits
interleukin-2 activation of lymphocytes. It is used systemically to prevent re-
jection of various solid-tissue transplants. It has been used as an eye drop in
a variety of conditions including dry eye vernal conjunctivitis and in high-
risk corneal transplants patients. Cyclosporine appears to interfere with

antigen processing and presentation of antigen to the uncommitted T

Immunotherapy has been successful in treating allergic conjunctivitis and
may alter the progression of other atopic conditions [71].

Allergic conjunctivitis is common, especially during the allergy season.
Ocular symptoms are usually accompanied by nasal symptoms, and there
may be other allergic events in the patient’s history that support the diagno-
sis of ocular allergy. Diagnostic tests can be helpful, especially conjunctival
scrapings, to look for eosinophils. Consultation with the allergist to perform
skin tests or in vitro tests may be useful and confirmatory in the diagnosis of
ocular allergy. Symptoms may be mild, and many patients do not require
treatment. If treatment is necessary, several antiallergic drugs are available.
The selection of an antiallergic drug is based on the patient’s need and a de-
termination of which drug is well tolerated and most effective. Various anti-
allergic drugs are available for the eye. Antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers,
and NSAIDs are safe and reasonably effective. Corticosteroids are an order
of magnitude more potent than noncorticosteroids; however, they have at-
tendant side effects that are best monitored by the ophthalmologist. The de-
velopment of modified corticosteroids has been a boon to the treatment of
ocular allergy because these drugs may reduce potential side effects without
sacrificing potency.

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