Workshop Technology Lab Viva Questions

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Questions :-

1. What is the importance of workshop?

Workshop is the center of learning about engineering Materials,
manufacturing practices, equipments, tools and safety precaution to
be observed in manufacturing operations. For practical knowledge
and skills workshop is of importance.
2. Name the different shops?
(i) Carpentry and pattern making shop (ii) Bench work & fitting
shop (iii) Foundry and casting (iv) Smithy and forging (v) Sheet
metal (vi) Electric arc and gas welding (vii) Machine shop
3. Name the machines you know?
(i) Hacksaw machine (i) Lathe machine (iii) shaping machine (iv)
Drilling machine (v) Bench grinder (vi) Milling machine
4. Name of any five measuring instruments?
(i) Try square (ii) Vernier caliper (iii) Micrometer (iv) Divider (v)
Inside caliper
5. Name the gauges?
(i) Depth gauge (ii) Filler OR slip gauge (iii) Radius gauge (iv)
Vernier height gauge (v) Thread OR pitch gauge (vi) Wire OR
thickness gauge

6. What is least count?

Minimum dimension that can be expressed on vernier caliper
7. What is the use of outside micrometer?
To measure outside diameter & thickness of any job

8. What is the use of divider?

It is used for marking arc, dividing a line or transferring the
9. What is sheet metal work?
Sheet metal work is used for making, Cutting and bending
10. Which are the sheets of metals?
(I) Galvanized iron (ii) Stainless steel (iii) Copper (iv) Aluminum
11. Name the sheet metal hand tools?
(I) Steel rule (ii) Vernier caliper (iii) Micrometer (iv) Scriber (v)
Divider (vi) hammer (viii) mallet (ix) Shears
12. What is G.I.?
G.I. is galvanized iron
13. What is shearing?
Shearing mefor sheet metal cutting
14. What is the name of vice used in fitting shop?
Bench vice
15. Name the different files?

(i) Flat file (ii) Square file (iii) Round file (iv) Triangular file (v) Half
round file
16. Which tools are used in fitting shop?
(i) Steel rule (ii) Try square (iii) Vernier caliper (iv) Scriber (v)
Center punch (vi) Hammer (vii) Hacksaw frame with blade (viii)
Rough file & Smooth file
17. What is the use of center punch?
Center punch used in a bench work for marking out work, locating
center etc.
18. What is the use of try square?
For measuring 90 Degree work
19. Name the common carpentry tools?
(i) Steel rule (ii) Try square (iii) Rip saw (iv) firmer chisel (v) Jack
plane (vi) Rasp cut file (vii) Hammer (viii) Wooden mallet
20. What is the use for firmer chisel?
To make groove
21. What is the use of metal jack plane?
To make smooth surface
22. What is the use of Rasp file?
Rasp file is used for cleaning up some curved surface
23. Name the carpentry process?
(i) Marking (ii) Sawing (iii) Planning (iv) Chieseling (v) Grooving
24. Name the types of welding?
(i) Arc welding (ii) Argon welding (Iii) Gas welding (iv) Tig welding
(v) Mig welding (vi) Spot welding
25. Which is the welding process you have carried out in

Electric arc welding

26. What is welding?
Joining of two similar metals
27. Name the welding tools used in workshop?
Welding holder, welding rod, hand screen, hand gloves, chipping
hammer, wire brush
28. Which outer cover is on the welding rod?
29. What is the function of lathe machine?
To remove metal from a piece of work to give required shape & size
30. Name the only five parts of lathe machine?
(i) Bed (ii) Tail stock (iii) Carriage (iv) Chuck (v) Tool post
31. What is the use of chuck?
To hold the job
32. Name the operation which can be performed by lathe
(i) Facing (ii) Turning (iii) Chamfering (iv) grooving (v) Boring (vi)
Parting (vii) Threading
33. Which welding process uses non-consumable
TIG welding
34. Which instrument has all the features of try-square,
bevel protractor, rule and scriber?
combination set
35. What type of cross-section is usually of a chisel?


1. What is a lathe?
Lathe is a machine, which removes the metal from a piece of work to the
required shape
2. What are the various operations can be performed on a lathe?
1. Turning 6. Thread cutting 11. Grooving
2. Facing 7. Drilling
3. Forming 8. Boring
4. Knurling 9. Recessing
5. Chamfering 10. Tapping
3. What are principle parts of the lathe?
Red, headstock, tailstock, carriage, cross slide, tool post
4. What are the types of headstock?
Back geared type, all geared type
5. State the various parts mounted on the carriage?
Saddle, compound rest, cross slide, tool post
6. What are the four types of tool post?
1. Single screw 2. Open side 3. Four bolt 4. Four way
7. What is an apron?
The integral part of several gears, levers clutches mounted with the saddle for
moving the
carriage along with lead screw while thread cutting
8. State any two specification of lathe?
1. The height of centers from the bed 2. The maximum length of the bed
9. List any four types of lathe? 1. Engine lathe 2. Bench lathe 3. Tool room lathe
4. Semi automatic lathe 5. Automatic lathe
10. What is a semi-automatic lathe?
The lathe in which all the machining operations are performed automatically and
loading and
unloading of work piece, coolant on or off is performed manually
11. What is copying lathe?
The tool of the lathe follows a template or master through a stylus or tracer
12. State the various feed mechanisms used for obtaining automatic feed?
1. Tumbler gear mechanism 2. Quick change gearbox 3. Tumbler gear- Quick
gearbox 4. Apron mechanism
13. List any four holding devices?
1. Chucks 2. Centers 3. Face plate 4. Angle plate
14. What are the different operations performed on the lathe?
Centering, straight turning, rough turning, finish turning, shoulder turning, facing,
chamfering, knurling, etc.

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