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1. Introduction to Advanced Fabrication and Welding Processes
2. Complex Pattern Development and Production
3. Layout and Production of Components
4. Preparing Cutting Lists of Pattern Pieces
5. Design and Production of Simple Engineering Components
6. Finishing Processes of Fabricated Projects e.g. Electroplating, Galvanizing, Painting
Welding is a process for joining two similar or dissimilar metals by fusion. It joins
different metals/alloys, with or without the application of pressure and with or without the
use of filler metal. The fusion of metal takes place by means of heat. The heat may be
generated either from combustion of gases, electric arc, electric resistance or by chemical
reaction. During some type of welding processes, pressure may also be employed, but this is
not an essential requirement for all welding processes.

Welding is a fabrication process whereby two or more parts are fused together by
means of heat, pressure or both forming a join as the parts cool. Welding is usually used on
metals and thermoplastics but can also be used on wood. The completed welded joint may be
referred to as a weldment. Some materials require the use of specific processes and
techniques. A number are considered 'unweldable,' a term not usually found in dictionaries
but useful and descriptive in engineering.

Features of Completed Welds

The parts that are joined are known as a parent material. The material added to help
form the join is called filler or consumable. The form of these materials may see them
referred to as parent plate or pipe, filler wire, consumable electrode (for arc welding), etc.
Consumables are usually chosen to be similar in composition to the parent material, thus
forming a homogenous weld, but there are occasions, such as when welding brittle cast irons,
when a filler with a very different composition and, therefore, properties is used. These welds
are called heterogeneous. The completed welded joint may be referred to as a weldment.

Welding provides a permanent joint but it normally affects the metallurgy of the
components. It is therefore usually accompanied by post weld heat treatment for most of the
critical components. The welding is widely used as a fabrication and repairing process in
industries. Some of the typical applications of welding include the fabrication of ships,
pressure vessels, automobile bodies, off-shore platform, bridges, welded pipes, sealing of
nuclear fuel and explosives, etc.

Most of the metals and alloys can be welded by one type of welding process or the
other. However, some are easier to weld than others. To compare this ease in welding term
‘weldability’ is often used. The weldability may be defined as property of a metal which
indicates the ease with which it can be welded with other similar or dissimilar metals.
Weldability of a material depends upon various factors like the metallurgical changes that

occur due to welding, changes in hardness in and around the weld, gas evolution and
absorption, extent of oxidation, and the effect on cracking tendency of the joint. Plain low
carbon steel (C-0.12%) has the best weldability amongst metals. Generally, it is seen that the
materials with high castability usually have low weldability.

Welding is a process that has been essential to technology for many years now. From
welding metal for the creation of towering skyscrapers to welding the smallest parts onto a
circuit board, this process has made countless technological advances possible. However,
there are many different types of welding processes used today, for different effects and
needs. Three of the most common are Arc, MIG (Metal, Inert Gas) or GMAW (Gas, Metal
Arc Welding), and TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding. In order to know which process is best
for the particular job you’re working on, here’s what you should know about each of them.

Arc Welding

Arc welding is the oldest of these three welding processes. In addition, it can also be
one of the most cost-efficient methods. In this process, minimal materials and energy are used
to complete the job, which makes it easier and faster to perform. However, it takes a lot of
practice to create sturdy and consistent welds. Although there aren’t many materials needed
and the tools are relatively simple, it’s important to note that this is still a practice that
requires hard work to master. This type of welding is better suited to thicker materials.

MIG Welding

MIG welding, also known as GMAW welding, uses a thin wire as an electrode. That
thin wire then gets fed through the welding instrument, being heated as it travels toward the
welding site. There are two main processes to accomplish this type of welding: gas (MIG)
and gasless (flux core). Gasless MIG saves money in terms of equipment, but also raises
costs in terms of supplies. The wire needed for this type of welding is more expensive. Gas
MIG, on the other hand, is more complex, yet the wire costs less and it produces cleaner

TIG welding

TIG welding is undoubtedly the most versatile of all these welding processes.
However, it is also the one that takes the most time to master and is the least productive of all
three. That being said, it also produces the highest quality welds. TIG welding is
recommended for larger projects or those in which you need more control over the welding.

The first machine tool services date back to 1200 BC, and the tools themselves were
handcrafted. Although today’s machine tools may not be handcrafted in the same manner,
welding allows craftsmanship to come into the world of modern machinery.

Arc Welding

This category includes a number of common manual, semi-automatic and automatic

processes. These include metal inert gas (MIG) welding, stick welding, tungsten inert gas
(TIG) welding also known as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), gas welding, metal active
gas (MAG) welding, flux cored arc welding (FCAW), gas metal arc welding
(GMAW), submerged arc welding (SAW), shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and plasma
arc welding.

These techniques usually use a filler material and are primarily used for joining metals
including stainless steel, aluminium, nickel and copper alloys, cobalt and titanium. Arc
welding processes are widely used across industries such as oil and
gas, power, aerospace, automotive, and more. 

Friction Welding

Friction welding techniques join materials using mechanical friction. This can be

performed in a variety of ways on different welding materials including steel, aluminium or
even wood.

The mechanical friction generates heat which softens the materials which mix to
create a bond as they cool. The manner in which the joining occurs is dependant on the exact
process used, for example, friction stir welding (FSW), friction stir spot welding
(FSSW), linear friction welding (LFW) and rotary friction welding (RFW).

Friction welding doesn't require the use of filler metals, flux or shielding gas. Friction
is frequently used in aerospace applications as it is ideal for joining otherwise 'non-weldable'
light-weight aluminium alloys. Friction processes are used across industry and are also being
explored as a method to bond wood without the use of adhesives or nails.

Electron Beam Welding

This fusion joining process uses a beam of high velocity electrons to join materials.
The kinetic energy of the electrons transforms into heat upon impact with the workpieces

causing the materials to melt together. Electron beam welding (EBW) is performed in a
vacuum (with the use of a vacuum chamber) to prevent the beam from dissipating.

There are many common applications for EBW, as can be used to join thick sections.
This means it can be applied across a number of industries from aerospace to nuclear power
and automotive to rail.

Laser Beam Welding

Used to join thermoplastics or pieces of metal, this process uses a laser to provide a
concentrated heat ideal for barrow, deep welds and high joining rates. Being easily
automated, the high welding speed at which this process can be performed makes it perfect
for high volume applications, such as within the automotive industry.

Laser beam welding can be performed in air rather than in a vacuum such as with
electron beam joining.

Resistance Welding

This is a fast process which is commonly used in the automotive industry. This
process can be split into two types, resistance spot welding and resistance seam welding. Spot
welding uses heat delivered between two electrodes which is applied to a small area as the
workpieces are clamped together.

Seam welding is similar to spot welding except it replaces the electrodes with rotating
wheels to deliver a continuous leak-free weld.


A pattern is a model or the replica of the object (to be casted). It is embedded in
molding sand and suitable ramming of molding sand around the pattern is made. The pattern
is then withdrawn for generating cavity (known as mold) in molding sand. Thus, it is a mould
forming tool. Pattern can be said as a model or the replica of the object to be cast except for
the various al1owances a pattern exactly resembles the casting to be made. It may be defined
as a model or form around which sand is packed to give rise to a cavity known as mold cavity
in which when molten metal is poured, the result is the cast object. When this mould/cavity is
filled with molten metal, molten metal solidifies and produces a casting (product). So the
pattern is the replica of the casting.

A pattern prepares a mold cavity for the purpose of making a casting. It may also
possess projections known as core prints for producing extra recess in the mould for
placement of core to produce hol1owness in casting. It may help in establishing seat for
placement of core at locating points on the mould in form of extra recess. It establishes the
parting line and parting surfaces in the mold. It may help to position a core in case a part of
mold cavity is made with cores, before the molding sand is rammed. It should have finished
and smooth surfaces for reducing casting defects. Runner, gates and risers used for
introducing and feeding molten metal to the mold cavity may sometimes form the parts of the
pattern. The first step in casting is pattern making.

The pattern is a made of suitable material and is used for making cavity called mould
in molding sand or other suitable mould materials. When this mould is filled with molten
metal and it is allowed to solidify, it forms a reproduction of the, pattern which is known as
casting. There are some objectives of a pattern which are given as under.


1. Pattern prepares a mould cavity for the purpose of making a casting.

2. Pattern possesses core prints which produces seats in form of extra recess for core
placement in the mould.
3. It establishes the parting line and parting surfaces in the mould.
4. Runner, gates and riser may form a part of the pattern.
5. Properly constructed patterns minimize overall cost of the casting.
6. Pattern may help in establishing locating pins on the mould and therefore on the
casting with a purpose to check the casting dimensions.
7. Properly made pattern having finished and smooth surface reduce casting defects.

Patterns are generally made in pattern making shop. Proper construction of pattern and its
material may reduce overal1 cost of the castings.


The common materials used for making patterns are wood, metal, plastic, plaster, wax
or mercury. Some important pattern materials are discussed as under.


Wood is the most popular and commonly used material for pattern making. It is
cheap, easily available in abundance, repairable and easily fabricated in various forms using
resin and glues. It is very light and can produce highly smooth surface. Wood can preserve its
surface by application of a shellac coating for longer life of the pattern. But, in spite of its
above qualities, it is susceptible to shrinkage and warpage and its life is short because of the
reasons that it is highly affected by moisture of the molding sand. After some use it warps
and wears out quickly as it is having less resistance to sand abrasion. It cannot withstand
rough handily and is weak in comparison to metal. In the light of above qualities, wooden
patterns are preferred only when the numbers of castings to be produced are less. The main
varieties of woods used in pattern-making are shisham, kail, deodar, teak and mahogany.


Metallic patterns are preferred when the number of castings required is large enough
to justify their use. These patterns are not much affected by moisture as wooden pattern. The
wear and tear of this pattern is very less and hence possessed longer life. Moreover, metal is
easier to shape the pattern with good precision, surface finish and intricacy in shapes. It can
withstand against corrosion and handling for longer period. It possesses excellent strength to
weight ratio. The main disadvantages of metallic patterns are higher cost, higher weight and
tendency of rusting. It is preferred for production of castings in large quantities with same
pattern. The metals commonly used for pattern making are cast iron, brass and bronzes and
aluminum alloys.


The types of the pattern and the description of each are given as under.

1. One piece or solid pattern

2. Two piece or split pattern
3. Cope and drag pattern
4. Three-piece or multi- piece pattern
5. Loose piece pattern
6. Match plate pattern
7. Follow board pattern
8. Gated pattern
9. Sweep pattern
10. Skeleton pattern
11. Segmental or part pattern

1. Single-piece or solid pattern Solid pattern is made of single piece without joints, partings
lines or loose pieces. It is the simplest form of the pattern.

2. Two-piece or split pattern When solid pattern is difficult for withdrawal from the mold
cavity, then solid pattern is splited in two parts. Split pattern is made in two pieces which are
joined at the parting line by means of dowel pins. The splitting at the parting line is done to
facilitate the withdrawal of the pattern.

3. Cope and drag pattern In this case, cope and drag part of the mould are prepared
separately. This is done when the complete mould is too heavy to be handled by one operator.
The pattern is made up of two halves, which are mounted on different plates.

4. Three-piece or multi-piece pattern Some patterns are of complicated kind in shape and
hence cannot be made in one or two pieces because of difficulty in withdrawing the pattern.
Therefore, these patterns are made in either three pieces or in multi-pieces. Multi molding
flasks are needed to make mold from these patterns.

5. Loose-piece Pattern Loose piece pattern is used when pattern is difficult for withdrawal
from the mould. Loose pieces are provided on the pattern and they are the part of pattern. The
main pattern is removed first leaving the loose piece portion of the pattern in the mould.
Finally, the loose piece is withdrawal separately leaving the intricate mould.

6. Match plate pattern This pattern is made in two halves and is on mounted on the opposite
sides of a wooden or metallic plate, known as match plate. The gates and runners are also
attached to the plate. This pattern is used in machine molding.

7. Follow board pattern When the use of solid or split patterns becomes difficult, a contour
corresponding to the exact shape of one half of the pattern is made in a wooden board, which
is called a follow board and it acts as a molding board for the first molding operation.

8. Gated pattern In the mass production of casings, multi cavity moulds are used. Such
moulds are formed by joining a number of patterns and gates and providing a common runner
for the molten metal. These patterns are made of metals, and metallic pieces to form gates
and runners are attached to the pattern.

9. Sweep pattern Sweep patterns are used for forming large circular moulds of symmetric
kind by revolving a sweep attached to a spindle. Actually, a sweep is a template of wood or
metal and is attached to the spindle at one edge and the other edge has a contour depending
upon the desired shape of the mould. The pivot end is attached to a stake of metal in the
center of the mould.

9. Sweep pattern Sweep patterns are used for forming large circular moulds of symmetric
kind by revolving a sweep attached to a spindle. Actually, a sweep is a template of wood or
metal and is attached to the spindle at one edge and the other edge has a contour depending
upon the desired shape of the mould. The pivot end is attached to a stake of metal in the
center of the mould.

10. Skeleton pattern When only a small number of large and heavy castings are to be made,
it is not economical to make a solid pattern. In such cases, however, a skeleton pattern may
be used. This is a ribbed construction of wood which forms an outline of the pattern to be
made. This frame work is filled with loam sand and rammed. The surplus sand is removed by
strickle board. For round shapes, the pattern is made in two halves which are joined with glue
or by means of screws etc.

11. Segmental pattern Patterns of this type are generally used for circular castings, for
example wheel rim, gear blank etc. Such patterns are sections of a pattern so arranged as to
form a complete mould by being moved to form each section of the mould. The movement of
segmental pattern is guided by the use of a central pivot.


After deciding the molding method and form of pattern, planning for the development
of complete pattern is made which may be in two different stages. The first stage is to prepare
a layout of the different parts of the pattern. The next stage is to shape them. The layout
preparation consists of measuring, marking, and setting out the dimensions on a layout board
including needed allowances.

The first step in laying out is to study the working drawing carefully and select a
suitable board of wood that can accommodate at least two views of the same on full size
scale. The next step is to decide a working face of the board and plane an adjacent edge
smooth and square with the said face. Select a proper contraction scale for measuring and
marking dimensions according to the material of the casting. Further the layout is prepared
properly and neatly using different measuring and making tools specifying the locations of
core prints and machined surfaces. Finally, on completion of the layout, check carefully the
dimension and other requirements by incorporating all necessary pattern allowances before
starting construction of the pattern.

Preparing Cutting Lists of Pattern Pieces

How to Cut Metal Pattern in Metalwork: The best way to cut intricate designs in
sheet metal is to make a stencil for the design and trace it onto the metal. A hole punch can
also help you begin to cut out sections more easily. Sharp, precise, quality tools are

But what is the best tool for cutting intricate designs in sheet metal? The best tool for cutting
intricate designs on sheet metal at home is tin snips. It is super easy to use -even by metal
craft hobbyists at the beginner skill level, versatile, and budget-friendly.

Of course, there are more advanced hand and motorized saws and even laser machine cutters
for the intermediate and expert metalsmiths. But for at-home DIY crafts purposes, we shall
focus on simple hand tools that get the job done.

The first thing is to gather the tools you need to cut intricate designs in sheet metal. You
probably already have some of them. But if you don’t, we’ve linked to some good options.

Here are some supplies you’ll want to have on hand:

 Metal sheets

 Tin snips (metal snips)

 X-acto knife

 Hole punch pliers

 Needle metal file

 Cutting mat

 Plastic mold sheet or cardstock paper

 Thick gloves

 Safety goggles

 Dark pencil or fine point marker

 Ruler or tape measure

 Clamps (optional)


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