Us Ability Principles

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If user experience of a product is poor, _.

Select the options that correlate with

the given statement. - Users will go away
A form having many fields must be broken down into smaller chunks based on the
similarity of the information captured using these fields. - True
User Experience is an important consideration for any product because .- All
User Experience (UX) is not just what it looks like and feels like. UX is how it
works. - True
Aesthetics is optional in usability. - False
Affordance refers to ___. - Use the software
Grouping is useful because ___. - Find Information quickly
The usability of a mobile application was evaluated through series of user tests.
One of the observations during the test was - Users were not able to find out that
they had to perform a swipe gesture on the screen to open the filter panel.
According to you, which of the following heuristic must be improvised to overcome
this problem? - Affordance
While designing a page layout, alignment must be done considering the which of the
following factors. - master
Choose the correct option for the given statement. When processing time is more
than 10 seconds, it is recommended that ____. Bar Progress
Consistency is used to _. - Establishing Brand
Where is affordance useful? - For designing icons
Findability allows _. - Quick
Alignment in a text-heavy page is important because . - easier to scan
Which of the following can be termed as examples of System Feedback? - ping
Which of the following would you consider to improve the aesthetic of a software
application? - All
When is it recommended to use 'System Feedback'? - Indivate error
Ease of use is critical in scenarios where ______________. - All
How simply something can be used without any help, refers to ___. - Ease of use

If a user is able to perform a specific task, it is definitely a good UX. - false

Usability is an important goal and a subset in an overall UX design. - True
Google shows appropriate search keyword options upon entering wrong spellings in a
Google Search bar. This can be considered as an example of _. - Ease of use (x)
Relate the following questions to Usability and User Experience.

a. Usability -> 'Can the user complete the task?'

b. User Experience -> 'Was user happy while completing the task?'
c. Usability -> Effectiveness and Ease of use in completing task.
d. User Experience -> Holistic experience while interacting with the product.

User Experience is an enhanced Visual Design of the product. - false

User interface design is about _. - Effective interafaces
Minimizing user’s memory loads is related to ____. - recognition
The download icon looks like a print icon. Which Usability heuristic is affected
here? - affordance
Error messages should be represented in technical jargon indicating underlying
technical problem to the user. - false
How ‘Help’ is treated for a good usability? - All
A beautiful visual design can compensate flaws in usability. - False
Minimalist design means . - irrelevant
Why to think about Usability and User Experience? - effectiveness
For driving, if a road is usability, the surrounding scenery, lights, trees and
traffic signals can be said contributors to User Experience. - true
How to deliver a better product in terms of Usability and User Experience? - bcd
‘Save’ button has ‘Green’ color on a page and ‘Red’ on another page, select the
appropriate comments based on the given statement. - All
User is not able to view action button. How this issue can be qualified? - critical
Creating accessible product is an ‘extra’ thing in product design. - false
The spelling mistakes in content affect which of the usability heuristics __. -
finadability (x)
Which of the following should be implemented in a good UX design? - all

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