Self Help Group Model
Self Help Group Model
Self Help Group Model
Policy Implications Using a
Financial Model
by R. Srinivasan
Abstract: This paper uses a spreadsheet financial model to identify key
financial policy parameters that influence the performance of self-help
groups (SHGs) whose primary activity is microfinance. The focus is on
long-run (ten-year) performance. There is bad news for those policy makers
and practitioners who focus unduly on growth as measured by loan
activity. A conservative financial policy that does not inject external
funds into the SHG in the initial years and, when it does,
does so with moderation, seems appropriate in the long run. Additionally,
a high loan interest rate policy produces SHGs that are strong financial
his paper uses a spreadsheet financial model to identify
key financial policy parameters that influence the per-
formance of self-help groups (SHGs) that have micro-
finance as a major activity. It also examines the consequences
of a conservative financial policy and of a high interest rate
policy at the SHG level. It is assumed that these SHGs operate
under the umbrella of a microcredit institution (MCI). 1 The
conclusions, based as they are on a simulation model and not
on field evidence are, hopefully, useful.
Journal of Microfinance
While some issues at the MCI level are discussed, the cen-
tral purpose of this paper is to enhance understanding of
SHGs. As a by-product, the model can be used by an individ-
ual MCI in its planning process. However, this model is simply
not designed as a substitute for a comprehensive planner, such
as Microfin. 2 In other words my concern is with SHGs; my
focus on the MCI is to ensure that the understanding of SHGs
is within an understanding of the total system. 3
A disclaimer is in order here. I am conscious that a suc-
cessful microfinance program may not appropriately be viewed
as a “financial institution” activity alone. The importance of
social relations and institutional features is stressed in
Woolcock (1999). I recognize the importance of these but
also believe that creating good financial institutions qua finan-
cial institutions does contribute to the success of such pro-
grams. I, therefore, proceed to look at SHGs and MCIs solely
as financial institutions.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The first sec-
tion provides a brief description of the SHG-MCI system and
describes the financial model used. The second contains an
analysis of the policy implications of the financial model out-
put, with SHG “best practices” as a point of reference. The
third section concludes the paper.
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Self-Help Groups as Financial Institutions
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Self-Help Groups as Financial Institutions
Policy Implications
Table 1 contains definitions of inputs and numerical values for
the base case. I do not claim that the base numbers are realistic,
although many of these numbers are in the realm of possibility
in India. A deliberate major deviation from realism has been
made at the SHG level. The interest rate that the SHG charges
on loan to members is, at 20% on outstanding balances, un-
realistic. The number chosen is convenient, as it straddles
the 10% or so-called “politically correct” interest rates that a
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the SHG borrows from the MCI and the annual surplus the
SHG makes. This surplus is in turn determined by the rate of
interest at which the SHG lends, the rate of interest at which
it borrows, default by members, and the operating cost of the
Further insight is provided by Table 3 (Panel B) where
sensitivity is “normalized” by looking at changes required to
produce the same increase (roughly 13%) in SHG loan dis-
bursed to members (O4). The loan interest rate charged by the
SHG to members (I07), the loan interest rate charged by the
MCI to the SHG (I20), SHG operating cost (I09), and default
by members (I12) all produce similar impacts on SHG Funds
(O1), 11 SHG Surplus (O2), SHG surplus/common fund (O3),
and SHG loan disbursed to members (O4). This is unsurprising
since all act through the income statement. Increasing the SHG
borrowing multiplier from MCI (I06) leads to smaller sur-
pluses, as does reducing the SHG savings rate (I03). Again this
is expected: both of these lead to an immediate increase in
funds available for disbursement as loans to members without
adding significantly to operating surplus. Reducing the loan
cycle (I05) adversely impacts surplus because of the assumption
that delinquent loans are delayed by three months, irrespective
of the original tenor of the loan.
At the MCI level, the MCI surplus is strongly influenced
by default, either by SHGs or by members (I12 and I24 respec-
tively), by the MCI borrowing multiplier from outside (I14),
the SHG borrowing multiplier from MCI (I06), and the loan
interest rate charged by MCI on its lending to the SHG (I20).
Beyond this brief summary, I do not intend to discuss MCI
level output.
Financial Conservatism at SHG level
The building blocks of a conservative financial policy at the
SHG level include self-financing loan cycle (I08), the borrow-
ing multiplier from MCI (I06), and the SHG savings rate with
the MCI (I03—the fraction of SHG funds with the MCI, serv-
ing as a self-imposed reserve requirement). By conservative I
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not whether credit is cheap, but who has access to financial ser-
vices and what does it cost to provide these services. Rosenberg
(1996) provides a justification of a high-interest rate policy,
contending that “There is overwhelming empirical evidence
that huge numbers of poor borrowers can indeed pay interest
rates at a level high enough to support microfinance institution
sustainability.” This would support the model’s assumption
that there will be takers for loans at high interest rates, but
with the three factors that affect loan quality, listed in the pre-
vious section, addressed. The truth is more complex; high
interest rates that are still lower than in the informal sector
may strengthen SHGs but render them less useful for the very
Given that even these high rates are usually lower than
rates prevailing in the informal sector, I would argue that too
low an interest rate may even tempt a member to borrow from
the SHG, not for production/consumption within her house-
hold, but for on-lending in the informal market, possibly
increasing the loan portfolio risk considerably.
On the whole, a high interest rate policy may be justified
not on the grounds of transaction costs alone, but from the
financial strength of the SHG derived from enhanced surplus
creation and retention.
For policy makers and MCI managers involved with SHGs, the
central message is to not be in a hurry. SHGs are somewhat
fragile (as indeed are most financial institutions), and a small
reduction in the loan portfolio quality can seriously damage it.
In the first few years of an SHG, institutionalizing group
processes is much more important than accelerating lending.
Size is as much an issue as quality. Over a sustained period, an
emphasis on growth is probably unwise and unwarranted.
At an operational level, this paper attempts to enhance
awareness of the relationship between decisions on interest
rates and borrowing multipliers (and the entire list of items
described here as input assumptions), and outcomes, such as
operating surplus, funds, and loan disbursement.
12 Volume 5 Number 1
Self-Help Groups as Financial Institutions
1. This shows that I started on this paper some time back before microcredit
enlarged in scope and became microfinance. I find the thought of making
changes in a range-named EXCEL file alarming, so please bear with me.
2. See the CGAP website:
guides.html. Again, for those whose concern is the financial performance of the
MCI, the microCAMEL website is
a good source.
3. For instance, default by an SHG is, in a shortsighted sense, good for the
SHG, but not good for an MCI at all.
4. Peck and Rosenberg (2000) discuss the regulation of microfinance institu-
tions, including small-community based ones.
5. The model is accessible at
Feel free to use or adapt with acknowledgement. Remember that it is a research
model, not a practitioner’s one.
6. Because capital is an output, the MCI operating cost is dependent on bor-
rowing and SHG savings and not on capital. This ensures that the model has no
circular references.
7. Also, many SHGs do not pay any interest on members’ savings with them,
while I have assumed an interest payment.
8. While I have focused on the financial measures, MYRADA provides a
number of other measures.
9. India’s National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
(NABARD) stipulates a higher 1: 4 ratio. Both the NABARD and the MYRADA
guidelines are available on Hari Srinivasan’s fascinating website:
10. The MicroBanking Standards Project [http://www.microbanking-] provides a number of measures intended primarily at the MCI level.
With my focus on SHGs, I have attempted a short list of measures that capture
size, viability, and lending activity.
11. These MCI measures are comparable to those in the “Microfinance defi-
nitions draft for comment,” in the website What is
called “Surplus” in this paper is referred to as “Retained Earnings” in the draft
12. I would like to downplay default by members. I would hate to mislead
any reader into associating default positively with good performance.
13. These results are not in the table.
Volume 5 Number 1 13
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Adams, D. W. (1984). Are the arguments for cheap agricultural credit sound? In
Adams, D. W., Graham, D. H., & Von Pischke, J. D. (Eds.) Undermining
rural development with cheap credit. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
Fernandez, A. P. (1994). The MYRADA experience: Alternate management systems
for savings and credit. Bangalore: MYRADA.
M-CRIL [Micro-Credit Ratings and Guarantees India Ltd.]. (2001). The M-CRIL
report, 2000: Performance of rated MFIs in South Asia. Gurgaon, India.
Peck, C. R. & Rosenberg, R. (2000). Regulating microfinance: The options.
Small Enterprise Development, 11(4), 4–23.
Rosenberg, R. (1996). Microcredit interest rates. CGAP Occasional Paper No. 1.
Rutherford, S. (2000.) The poor and their money. New Delhi: Oxford University
Von Pischke, J. D. (1991). Finance at the frontier: Debt capacity and the role of
credit in the private economy. Washington: The World Bank.
Woolcock, M. J. V. (1999). Learning from failures in microfinance: What unsuc-
cessful cases tell us about how group-based programs work. American
Journal of Economics and Sociology, 58(1), 17–42.
14 Volume 5 Number 1
Table 1. Input Definitions and Base-Case Values
No. Item Definition Value Dimension
I01 Members: Number Number of members in SHG, throughout the plan period. 20 No.
I02 Members: Monthly Savings Average monthly savings per member 40 Rs
I03 SHG: Savings rate Percentage of total funds saved with the MCI 10.0% %
I04 SHG: Savings-intrate to members Interest rate [annual] paid on members’ savings by SHG 5.0% %
I05 SHG: Loan cycle Scheduled repayment period [months] of loan by SHG to members 10 Months
I06 SHG: Borrowing multiplier from MCI Multiplier of common fund [member savings plus surplus]that SHG can borrow from the MCI 2.0 Times
I07 SHG: Loan-intrate to members Interest rate [annual] paid on borrowings from SHG by members 20.0% %
I08 SHG: Self-financing cycle Number of loan-cycles over which SHG lends to members without borrowing from the MCI 2.0 No.
I09 SHG: Operating cost SHG annual operating cost as a percentage of the common fund, at year-end 4.0% %
I10 Members: Savings regularity Percentage of scheduled savings by members deposited 95.0% %
I11 Members: Loan delinquency Percentage of loan disbursed to members, whose repayment is delayed 5.0% %
I12 Members: Loan default Percentage of loan disbursed to members, in default [should be less than item I12] 1.0% %
I13 MCI: Fixed Assets Fixed assets of MCI 100000 Rs
Table 1 Cont’d.
No. Item Definition Value Dimension
I14 MCI: Borrowing multiplier from outside Multiplier of net worth [capital plus surplus] that MCI can borrow 1.0 Times
I15 MCI: Minimum investment Minimum investment that MCI must maintain as a percentage of borrowings and deposits 20.0% %
I16 MCI: Cash Minimum cash that MCI must maintain as a percentage of borrowing and deposits 5.0% %
I17 MCI: Borrowing-intrate from outside Interest rate [annual] paid on borrowings from outside by MCI 10.0% %
I18 MCI: Savings-intrate to SHG Interest rate [annual] paid on savings of SHGs by MCI 5.0% %
I19 MCI: Investment-intrate Interest rate [annual] earned on investments by MCI 9.0% %
I20 MCI: Loan-intrate to SHG Interest rate [annual] paid on borrowings from the MCI by SHGs 15.0% %
I21 MCI: Operating cost MCI annual operating cost as a percentage of total borrowing and SHG savings, at year-end 4.0% %
I22 MCI: Loan cycle Scheduled repayment period [months] of loan by the MCI to SHGs 10 Months
I23 SHG: Loan delinquency Percentage of loan disbursed to SHGs by the MCI, whose repayment is delayed 5.0% %
I24 SHG: Loan default Percentage of loan disbursed to SHGs by the MCI, in default [should be less than item I23] 1.0% %
I25 MCI: SHG addition Number of SHGs added annually 100 No.
Table 2. Output Definitions
Item No. Item Definition
O1 SHG funds Total assets of SHG
Measure of size
O2 SHG surplus Cumulative profits earned and retained (corresponds to reserves in standard accounting parlance)
Measure of cumulative operating performance
O3 SHG surplus/common fund The common fund is member savings plus surplus
The common fund is a measure of the members’ stake in the SHG
The SHG surplus/common fund is a measure of the proportion of this stake from operating surplus
O4 SHG loans disbursed to members Cumulative value of loans disbursed to members
Measure of absolute cumulative lending performance
O5 SHG common fund rotation Loans disbursed in a period divided by the average common fund
Measure of relative periodic lending performance
O6 MCI total assets Total assets of MCI
Measure of size
O7 MCI surplus Cumulative profits earned and retained (corresponds to reserves in standard accounting parlance)
Measure of cumulative operating performance
O8 MCI capital Capital
Measure of capital requirement
O9 MCI return on equity MCI surplus divided by MCI equity (capital plus surplus)
Measure of return on capital employed
Table 3. Sensitivity Analysis
No. Item base new O1
Panel A
I07 SHG: Loan-intrate to members 20% 21% 19.00%
I20 MCI: Loan-intrate to SHG 15% 14% 13.54%
I04 SHG: Savings-intrate to members 5% 4% 4.27%
I18 MCI: Savings-intrate to SHG 5% 6% 2.04%
I06 SHG: Borrowing multiplier from MCI 2.00 2.10 5.81%
I14 MCI: Borrowing multiplier from outside 1.00 1.10 0.00%
I03 SHG: Savings rate 10% 9% 2.44%
I10 Members: Savings regularity 95% 96% 1.05%
I05 SHG: Loan cycle 10 11 2.65%
I08 SHG: Self-financing cycle 2 3 -2.56%
I09 SHG: Operating cost 4% 3% 6.94%
I21 MCI: Operating cost 4% 3% 0.00%
I11 Members: Loan delinquency 5% 4% 0.71%
I12 Members: Loan default 1% 0% 51.85%
I23 SHG: Loan delinquency 5% 4% -0.37%
I24 SHG: Loan default 1% 0% -25.20%
Panel B
I07 SHG: Loan-intrate to members 20% 21.00% 19.00%
I20 MCI: Loan-intrate to SHG 15% 13.62% 19.20%
I04 SHG: Savings-intrate to members 5% 1.13% 16.51%
I06 SHG: Borrowing multiplier from MCI 2.00 2.25 14.95%
I03 SHG: Savings rate 10% 5.6% 11.23%
I05 SHG: Loan cycle 10 8 -7.38%
I09 SHG: Operating cost 4% 1.47% 18.62%
I12 Members: Loan default 1% 0.57% 19.42%
I24 SHG: Loan default 1% 1.56% 18.74%
Panel C
I07 SHG: Loan-intrate to members 20% 30% 529.01%
I06 SHG: Borrowing multiplier from MCI 2 3 69.33%
Note: Columns O1 to O8 indicate the percentage change over the base case value,
column O9 indicates the change from the base case return on net worth (Years 6 to
10) of 8.10%.
surplus/ loan dis- common MCI
SHG common bursed to fund total MCI MCI MCI
Item surplus fund members rotation assets surplus capital ROE
no. O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9