IXG System IXG Support Tool Setting Manual (Administrator Mode) Ver. en

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IXG System

IP network-compatible intercom

IXG Support Tool Setting Manual:

Administrator Mode

Software version: or later


• Before configuring and using the system, read Setting Manual (this document) and Operation Manual carefully.
• For the installation and connection of each device, refer to "Installation Manual."
• Begin installation after reading and understanding the procedures for system configuration.
• The setting file is required for post-installation maintenance and service. Write the setting file to a CD-R or other media and be
sure to give it to the customer.
• The illustrations and images in this manual may vary from the actual ones.
• Configure each function according to regulations, laws, and policies related to personal information in the applicable country and
Table of contents
1. Notational symbols in this manual ........................................................................................ 7
2. Device type .......................................................................................................................... 8
3. Product manuals .................................................................................................................. 9
4. Station description .............................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Tenant Station (IXG-2C7(-*)) ...................................................................................... 10
4.2 Master Station (IX-MV7-*) ........................................................................................... 11
4.3 Guard Station (IXG-MK) .............................................................................................. 13
4.4 Handset Sub Station (IX-RS-*) ................................................................................... 15
4.5 Entrance Station (IXG-DM7(-*)) .................................................................................. 17
4.6 Video Door Station (IX-EA, IX-EAU)/Door Station (IX-FA) ......................................... 18
4.7 Video Door Station (IX-DA)/Door Stations (IX-BA) ..................................................... 20
4.8 Video Door Station (IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)) /Door Stations (IX-SSA(-*)) .......................... 22
4.9 Door Stations (IX-SS-2G) ........................................................................................... 27
4.10 Lift Control Adaptor (IXGW-LC) .................................................................................. 28
4.11 Gateway Adaptor (IXGW-GW) .................................................................................... 30
5. Configuring the system ...................................................................................................... 32
6. Flowcharts for configuring the system ................................................................................ 33
6.1 For static IPv4 Address ............................................................................................... 35
6.2 For IPv4 address with DHCP ...................................................................................... 43
6.3 For static IPv6 Address ............................................................................................... 52
6.4 For stateless IPv6 address ......................................................................................... 61
6.5 For IPv6 address with DHCP ...................................................................................... 70
7. Flowcharts for Mobile App Integration ................................................................................ 79
7.1 Registering the Mobile App ......................................................................................... 79
7.2 Adding a Mobile App to Each Unit .............................................................................. 81
7.3 When the type of mobile device registered to a Residential unit was replaced .......... 82
7.4 When the type of mobile device registered to a Guard or a Commercial unit was
replaced .................................................................................................................... 85

Startup and Configuration

1. System requirements ......................................................................................................... 87
2. Installing IXG Support Tool ................................................................................................ 88
3. Login and registration of the station ................................................................................... 89
4. How to Configure ............................................................................................................... 92
4.1 Settings window .......................................................................................................... 92
4.2 How to Configure ........................................................................................................ 93
5. System settings list ............................................................................................................ 95

Menu bar
1. File ................................................................................................................................... 104
1.1 Create new system/import setting data ..................................................................... 104
1.2 Select Existing System ............................................................................................. 110

1.3 Delete Existing System ............................................................................................. 110
1.4 Restore System Settings .......................................................................................... 111
1.5 Exporting the IXG Support Tool System Configuration ............................................. 113
1.6 Outputting IXG Supervision Tool Data ...................................................................... 114
1.7 IXG Support Tool Settings ........................................................................................ 115
1.8 Exit ............................................................................................................................ 118
2. Connection ....................................................................................................................... 119
2.1 Station Search .......................................................................................................... 119
2.2 Association Settings .................................................................................................. 120
2.3 Download Settings .................................................................................................... 122
2.4 Upload Settings ......................................................................................................... 124
2.5 Upload SSL Certificate .............................................................................................. 127
2.6 Download Log File ................................................................................................... 128
2.7 Station Replacement ................................................................................................. 129
3. App Integration ................................................................................................................. 131
3.1 Create a New Administrator ID ................................................................................. 131
3.2 Activation .................................................................................................................. 133
3.3 Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server ....................................................................... 135
3.4 Applying QR Code for App Registration to a station ................................................. 140
3.5 Export QR Code for App Registration ....................................................................... 141
3.6 Site List / Property Manager Account Settings ......................................................... 142
3.7 Administrator Account Settings ................................................................................. 144
3.8 Manual IXG Cloud Server and Gateway Sync .......................................................... 148
4. View ................................................................................................................................. 149
5. Language ......................................................................................................................... 150
6. Help .................................................................................................................................. 151
6.1 About ......................................................................................................................... 151

System Settings
1. Site Information ................................................................................................................ 153
1.1 Site Information ......................................................................................................... 153
1.2 Building Information .................................................................................................. 155
1.3 Units / Stations .......................................................................................................... 156
1.4 Gateway Registration ................................................................................................ 161
1.5 Gateway Selection .................................................................................................... 162
2. Station Information ........................................................................................................... 163
2.1 Identification ............................................................................................................. 163
2.2 ID / Password ............................................................................................................ 165
2.3 Time ......................................................................................................................... 167
3. Network Settings .............................................................................................................. 170
3.1 IP Address ................................................................................................................ 170
3.2 DNS .......................................................................................................................... 175
3.3 Multicast Address ...................................................................................................... 177
3.4 Video ......................................................................................................................... 179
3.5 Audio ......................................................................................................................... 186
3.6 Packet Priority ........................................................................................................... 188
3.7 NTP ........................................................................................................................... 190

4. System Information .......................................................................................................... 193
4.1 Station List ................................................................................................................ 193
4.2 Mobile App List ......................................................................................................... 196
4.3 Network Camera List ................................................................................................ 198
4.4 Group ........................................................................................................................ 202
4.5 Custom Sound Registry ............................................................................................ 205
5. Call Settings ..................................................................................................................... 208
5.1 Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations) ......................................................................... 208
5.2 Call Origination ......................................................................................................... 212
5.3 Incoming Call ............................................................................................................ 216
5.4 Guard Button ............................................................................................................. 218
6. Option Input / Relay Output Settings ................................................................................ 219
6.1 Option Input .............................................................................................................. 219
6.2 Relay Output ............................................................................................................. 222
7. Paging Settings ................................................................................................................ 227
7.1 All Page ..................................................................................................................... 227
7.2 Building Page ............................................................................................................ 229
7.3 Option Input Page ..................................................................................................... 231
8. Function Settings ............................................................................................................. 233
8.1 Door Release ............................................................................................................ 233
8.2 Network Camera Integration ..................................................................................... 237
8.3 Email ......................................................................................................................... 242
8.4 Recording .................................................................................................................. 248
8.5 CSR .......................................................................................................................... 251
8.6 SSL Certificate .......................................................................................................... 253
8.7 IEEE 802.1X ............................................................................................................. 256
8.8 Display Mode ............................................................................................................ 260
9. Transfer Settings .............................................................................................................. 262
9.1 Absent Transfer ........................................................................................................ 262
9.2 Delay Transfer .......................................................................................................... 264
9.3 Schedule Transfer ..................................................................................................... 266
10. Station Settings ................................................................................................................ 273
10.1 Speed Dials ............................................................................................................... 273
10.2 Volume ...................................................................................................................... 281
10.3 Communication ......................................................................................................... 285
10.4 Monitoring ................................................................................................................. 286
10.5 Camera ..................................................................................................................... 289
10.6 Door Release Assignment ........................................................................................ 292
11. Entrance Station Settings ................................................................................................. 294
11.1 Display ...................................................................................................................... 294
11.2 Welcome Screen ....................................................................................................... 298
11.3 Direct Call List ........................................................................................................... 300
11.4 Access Code ............................................................................................................. 301
11.5 Misc. .......................................................................................................................... 305
12. Lift Control Settings .......................................................................................................... 306
12.1 Registration ............................................................................................................... 306
12.2 Pick Up Floor ............................................................................................................ 307

12.3 Arrival Floor ............................................................................................................... 308
12.4 Building Exit .............................................................................................................. 309
13. Maintenance ..................................................................................................................... 311
13.1 Firmware Update ...................................................................................................... 311
13.2 Initialization ............................................................................................................... 313
13.3 syslog ........................................................................................................................ 315

Additional Settings
1. Confirming Station Information ......................................................................................... 317
1.1 Confirming Station Information on the Entrance Station ........................................... 317
1.2 Confirming property manager ID and password on the Tenant Station .................... 319


This manual describes IXG Support Tool in detail.

The IXG System offers a separate manual for Installation, Settings, and Operations. Refer to the relevant manual.

1. Notational symbols in this manual

The following symbols identify important information concerning operational procedures.

Indicates that users may require caution (including warning / caution).

Alerts users to prohibited actions.

Restricts user actions / provides instructions.

Tips and additional information for operation.

• Terms displayed on master station and PC screens are indicated as [XXXX].

• Page reference are shown as "Title (→ page XX)," (→ page XX), or page XX.


2. Device type
The stations are shown as below.

Device Type Example Model Name

Tenant Stations IXG-2C7(-*) IXG-2C7, IXG-2C7-L
Master Stations IX-MV7-* IX-MV7-HW, IX-MV7-W, IX-MV7-HB, IX-MV7-B
Guard Stations IXG-MK IXG-MK
Handset Sub Station IX-RS-* IX-RS-W, IX-RS-B
Video Entrance Stations IXG-DM7(-*) IXG-DM7, IXG-DM7-HID
Video Stations IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*) IX-DV, IX-DVF, IX-DVF-P, IX-DVF-L, IX-DVF-
Audio Stations IX-SSA(-*) IX-SSA, IX-SSA-2RA, IX-SSA-RA
Lift Control Adaptor IXGW-LC IXGW-LC
Gateway Adaptor IXGW-GW IXGW-GW
Intercom Application Intercom App ASP-IXGI, ASP-IXGA

※1 Japan only


3. Product manuals
Read the "Installation Manual," "Setting Manual," and "Operation Manual" as needed. Have the person who installs or
configures the product refer to the relevant manuals.

Installation Manual (comes with each station.)

Installation Manual Refer to when installing and connecting each station. (For installers)

The manuals listed to the right can IXG Support Tool Setting Manual (Electronic format (PDF file/Web browser
be found on our Web site at "https:// version).)
www.aiphone.net/product/support/" Describes how to configure and maintain the system using IXG Support Tool. (For system
for download and reference. administrator)
Download and refer to these
Monitoring Software (IXG Supervision Tool) Operation Manual (Electronic format
manuals as necessary.
(PDF file/Web browser version).)
Describes how to use the IXG Supervision Tool. (For system administrator)
Operation Manual (Electronic format (PDF file/Web browser version).)
Describes how to use each station. (For user)
Installation Manual (Electronic format (PDF file).)
Describes how to install each station. (For installers)


4. Station description

4.1 Tenant Station (IXG-2C7(-*))

■ Part names

Front Rear

1 2 6 7

4 5 4 8 9

1 Hearing aid T-mode compatibility symbol 6 MAC address

(IXG-2C7-L only)
2 Microphone 7 Option connector terminal
3 Status indicator (Blue) 8 microSD card slot
4 Speaker 9 LAN (PoE) port
5 Touchscreen LCD

■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Blue flashing Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec
0.5sec 4sec
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating

Blue light Operating normally

(may not light up
when in standby
depending on


• For a status other than those noted here, refer to "Operation Manual."
• The display language is English by default.


4.2 Master Station (IX-MV7-*)

■ Part names

Front Side Rear

2 3 4 12 13

1 9



5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17

Front Side Rear

2 3 4 12 13



5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17

1 Handset 10 microSD card slot*1

2 Camera 11 3.5 mm jack
3 Camera privacy cover lever (on top) 12 MAC address
4 Status indicator (Orange/Blue) 13 Camera angle adjustment lever
5 Speaker 14 Option connector terminal
6 Touchscreen LCD 15 Low-voltage connection terminal
7 Home button 16 Desktop-stand fastening screw hole
8 Microphone 17 LAN port
9 Reset button*1*2

*1 Found by opening cover.

*2 Press and hold the reset button for at least 1 second (less than 5 seconds), then release to restart (reset).


■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Orange Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec
indicator flashing
Device error,
0.25sec 0.25sec
Startup error
0.5sec 4sec
Line supervision and
device check error
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec

Blue light Standby(Depends

on setting)


• For a status other than those noted here, refer to "Operation Manual."
• The display language is English by default.


4.3 Guard Station (IXG-MK)

■ Part names

Front Side Rear

1 2 3 4 12 13

9 14



5 6 7 8 15 16 17

1 Handset 10 microSD card slot*1

2 Camera 11 3.5 mm jack
3 Camera privacy cover lever (on top) 12 MAC address
4 Status indicator (Orange/Blue) 13 Camera angle adjustment lever
5 Speaker 14 LAN (PoE) port
6 Touchscreen LCD 15 Option connector terminal
7 Home button 16 Low-voltage connection terminal
8 Microphone 17 Desktop-stand fastening screw hole
9 Reset button*1*2

*1 Found by opening cover.

*2 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.


■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Orange Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec
indicator flashing
0.5sec 4sec
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec

Blue light Operating normally

(may not light up
when in standby
depending on


• For a status other than those noted here, refer to "Operation Manual."
• The display language is English by default.


4.4 Handset Sub Station (IX-RS-*)

■ Part names
Front Back

1 4
5 11
2 7
8 13
9 14


1 Handset 8 Door release button

Only displayed when configured.
2 Speaker 9 Call/Talk button
Can be used to call or answer depending on
3 Microphone 10 Call tone/Incoming voice volume*1
4 Status indicator (Orange/Blue) 11 MAC address
5 Call indicator (Green) 12 LAN port
LED lit during operation.
6 Communication indicator (Orange) 13 Low-voltage connection terminal
LED lit during operation.
7 Door release indicator (Green) 14 Reset button*2
LED lit during operation.

*1 The volume can be adjusted for each of the following.

– Volume can be changed during an incoming call or in standby:
Ringtone... 0 (Off), 1 (Low) - 10 (High) (a tone is played each time it is adjusted)
– Volume can be changed during calls:
Handset Receive... 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
Hands-free Receive (also changes the paging reception and ringback tone volume)... Volume (1) to Volume (10)
*2 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.


■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Orange Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec
indicator flashing
Device error,
0.25sec 0.25sec
Startup error
0.5sec 4sec
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec

Blue light Standby


• For a status other than those noted here, refer to "Operation Manual."


4.5 Entrance Station (IXG-DM7(-*))

■ Part names

Front Rear

1 2

4 10 Terminal cover removed


11 14


9 2 15 16 17

1 Speaker 10 MAC address

2 Special screw 11 Terminal cover
3 Camera 12 microSD card indicator (Red)*3
4 LED for night illumination*1 13 Connectors*3
5 Touchscreen LCD 14 LAN (PoE) port*3
6 Card reader indicator (Red/Green)*2 15 Reset button*3*4
(IXG-DM7-HID only)
7 Card reader 16 microSD card release button*3
(IXG-DM7-HID only)
8 Microphone 17 microSD card slot*3
9 Sensor

*1 Lights ON when rebooting.

Flashes when the station is booting or during ID/password initialization.
*2 Always lit ON red. If the proximity key is authenticated, it will light ON (green) for approximately 3 seconds.
*3 Found by opening terminal cover.
*4 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.


• The display language is English by default.


4.6 Video Door Station (IX-EA, IX-EAU)/Door Station (IX-FA)

■ Part names


Front Side Back Front Side Back

1 1
2 13
3 3
4 14 4 14
5 15 15
16 5
6 16
7 17 17
18 18
8 8
19 19
9 9

10 11 12 20 10 11 12 20


Front Side Back

2 13
4 14
7 17

10 11 20

1 Call indicator (Green) 11 Main unit

2 Camera 12 Mount
3 Microphone 13 Camera angle adjustment lever
4 Communication indicator (Orange) 14 Terminal cover
5 Door release indicator (Green) 15 LAN port*1
6 LED for night illumination 16 Reset button*1*2
7 Status indicator (Orange/Blue) 17 microSD card release button*1
The ring around the button will illuminate.
8 Call Button 18 Option connector terminal*1
9 Speaker 19 microSD card slot*1
10 Panel 20 MAC address

*1 Accessible when terminal cover is opened.

*2 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.
*3 Japan only


■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Orange Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec
indicator flashing
Device error,
0.25sec 0.25sec
Startup error
0.5sec 4sec
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating
2sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
microSD card
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec

Blue light Standby


• For a status other than those noted here, refer to "Operation Manual."


4.7 Video Door Station (IX-DA)/Door Stations (IX-BA)

■ Part names


Front Front Side Back

1 1
3 3 15
4 4
5 5
7 7
8 8

9 9
10 10 11 12 13 14

1 Call indicator (Orange) 10 MAC address (beneath the panel)

2 Camera 11 Panel
3 Microphone 12 Main unit
4 Communication indicator (Green) 13 Mounting frame
5 Speaker 14 MAC address
6 LED for night illumination 15 Camera angle adjustment lever (IX-DA only)
7 Call Button 16 Reset button*1*2
8 Status indicator (Red) 17 LAN port*1
9 Drain holes (4) 18 Connectors*1

*1 Found by opening terminal cover.

*2 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.


■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Red flashing Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec
Device error
0.25sec 0.25sec

0.5sec 4sec
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec

Red light Standby


• For a status other than those noted here, refer to "Operation Manual."


4.8 Video Door Station (IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)) /Door Stations (IX-SSA(-*))

■ Part names


Front Back Front Back

1 1

2 2
10 10
3 3
4 4
5 5
11 11
6 6
12 7 12
8 13 8 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
9 17 9 17
18 18

1 Status indicator (Orange/Blue) 10 Camera angle adjustment lever

2 Call indicator (Green) 11 MAC address
3 Communication indicator (Orange) 12 Terminal cover
4 Camera 13 Option connector terminal*1
5 Microphone 14 LAN2 terminal (PoE/PSE)*1
6 Door release indicator (Green) 15 LAN1 terminal (PoE/PD)*1
7 LED for night illumination 16 Reset button*1*2
8 Speaker 17 microSD card slot*1
9 Call Button 18 microSD card release button*1
Surrounding area is lit up with blue light.

*1 Accessible when terminal cover is opened.

*2 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.



Front Back Front Back

1 1

2 5 12 2 5 12

3 4 13 3 4 13
15 14 15 14
6 7 16 6 7 16
18 18
20 17 20 17
8 9 19 8 19

11 11

1 Status indicator (Orange/Blue) 11 Urgent call button

2 Call indicator (Green) 12 Camera angle adjustment lever
3 Communication indicator (Orange) 13 MAC address
4 Camera 14 Terminal cover
5 Microphone 15 Option connector terminal*1
6 Door release indicator (Green) 16 LAN2 terminal (PoE/PSE)*1
7 LED for night illumination 17 LAN1 terminal (PoE/PD)*1
8 Speaker 18 Reset button*1*2
9 Call Button 19 microSD card slot*1
Surrounding area is lit up with blue light.
10 Braille 20 microSD card release button*1

*1 Found by opening terminal cover.

*2 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.



Front Back Front Back


2 5 13
2 5 13

3 4 14
3 4 14
16 15 16 15
6 7 17
19 7 17
6 19
21 18 21 18
9 20 9
8 20

12 22


1 Status indicator (Orange/Blue) 12 Hearing aid (T mode) compatible microphone

2 Call indicator (Green) 13 Camera angle adjustment lever
3 Communication indicator (Orange) 14 MAC address
4 Camera 15 Terminal cover
5 Microphone 16 Option connector terminal*1
6 Door release indicator (Green) 17 LAN2 terminal (PoE/PSE)*1
7 LED for night illumination 18 LAN1 terminal (PoE/PD)*1
8 Speaker 19 Reset button*1*2
9 Call Button 20 microSD card slot*1
Surrounding area is lit up with blue light.
10 HID reader 21 microSD card release button*1
11 Nameplate (with backlight) 22 Hearing aid unit

*1 Found by opening terminal cover.

*2 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.



Front Front Back

2 4
2 4
3 10
3 10 12 11
5 13
12 11 15
5 17 14
15 13 6
7 16
17 14
16 8
6 7


Front Back

2 4

3 10
12 11
5 15 13
17 14

1 Status indicator (Orange/Blue) 10 MAC address

2 Call indicator (Green) 11 Terminal cover
3 Communication indicator (Orange) 12 Option connector terminal*1
4 Microphone 13 LAN2 terminal (PoE/PSE)*1
5 Door release indicator (Green) 14 LAN1 terminal (PoE/PD)*1
6 Speaker 15 Reset button*1*2
7 Call Button 16 microSD card slot*1
Surrounding area is lit up with blue light.
8 Braille 17 microSD card release button*1
9 Urgent call button

*1 Found by opening terminal cover.

*2 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.


■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Orange Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec
indicator flashing
Device error,
0.25sec 0.25sec
Startup error
0.5sec 4sec
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating
2sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
microSD card
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec

Blue light Standby


• For a status other than those noted here, refer to "Operation Manual."


4.9 Door Stations (IX-SS-2G)

■ Part names

Front Back

2 8


1 Speaker 7 MAC address

2 Microphone 8 LAN port*1
3 Call Button 9 Reset button*1*2
4 Status indicator (Orange/Blue) 10 Low-voltage connection terminal*1
5 Communication indicator (Orange) 11 Terminal cover
6 Call indicator (Green)

*1 Found by opening terminal cover.

*2 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.

■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Orange Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec
indicator flashing
Device error,
0.25sec 0.25sec
Startup error
0.5sec 4sec
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating
1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec

Blue light Standby


• For a status other than those noted here, refer to "Operation Manual."


4.10 Lift Control Adaptor (IXGW-LC)

■ Part names

6 1

5 2 3 4

1 Reset button*1 4 LAN (PoE) port

2 Status indicator (Orange) 5 Lock release lever (Back)
3 Status indicator (Green) 6 Low-voltage connection terminal

*1 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.
*2 The MAC address is found on the back on the device.


■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Orange Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec
indicator flashing

1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating

1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec

Green light Standby


4.11 Gateway Adaptor (IXGW-GW)

■ Part names

1 263 4 5

1 Reset button 4 Status indicator (Orange/Green)

2 Not used 5 LAN (PoE) port
3 Not used 6 Lock release lever (Back)

*1 Press and hold the reset button for 1 - 4 seconds, then release to restart station.
*2 The MAC address is found on the back on the device.


• Due to the features and services provided by the Gateway Adaptor and the AIPHONE IXG app, future required changes to
device functionality, network communication, security, etc. may require firmware updates unavailable to the Gateway Adaptor.
In this situation, the Gateway Adaptor would need to be replaced at the cost of the responsible party.


■ Indicators
: ON, : OFF
Name Status (pattern) Description
Status Orange light IXG Cloud Server
indicator authentication error

Orange Booting
0.75sec 0.75sec

0.5sec 4sec

1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec
version updating

1sec 0.25sec 0.25sec 0.25sec

Green light Standby


5. Configuring the system

After installing and connecting all stations, configure the system based on how it will be used. Configure the system
prior to using it.
The IXG System can be configured using the following methods.
• Configure the system using the "IXG Support Tool" application.
– Install the application on a PC and use to create the configuration for all stations.
– Search for IXG system stations on the network; assign and upload the setting file for the system.
There are two configuration modes for IXG Support Tool.
• Administrator mode: Configure all settings.
• Property Manager mode: Configure only the following settings.
Move-in Settings
– Units / Stations
– Identification
– Station List
– Mobile App List
– Network Camera List
– Group
– Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations)
– Guard Button
Move-out Settings
– Resident Move-out
– Delete Unit Information
– Access Code
– Welcome Screen
– Absent Transfer
– Delay Transfer
– Schedule Transfer

This document explains how to configure using Administrator mode. Refer to the separate "IXG Support Tool Setting
Manual: Property Manager Mode" document for information on the Property Manager mode.

and Administrator: "Basic" and "Advanced."

• Advanced: Configure all settings.
• Basic: Configure only the following settings.
– Site Information
– Building Information
– Units / Stations
– Gateway Registration
– Gateway Selection
– Identification
– ID / Password
– IP Address
Basic is displayed next to the titles of "Basic" items in this document.


• Be sure to store the setting file that was created. If the setting file is lost, you may be charged a separate setting fee during
maintenance or post-installation maintenance and service.


6. Flowcharts for configuring the system

When configuring the system using IXG Support Tool, follow the flowchart that fits the application.
Save the settings after configuring the system. Otherwise, it may become impossible to restore the settings after
maintenance or after-sales servicing.

• “Creating new data (→page 35)”

For Static IPv4 Address • “Change the settings (For static IPv4 address) (→page 37)”
• “Add a station (For static IPv4 address) (→page 39)”
• “Delete a station (For static IPv4 address) (→page 41)”
• “Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For static IPv4
address) (→page 42)”

• “Creating new data (→page 43)”

For IPv4 Address with DHCP • “Change the settings (For IPv4 address with DHCP)
(→page 45)”
• “Add a station (For IPv4 address with DHCP) (→page 47)”
• “Delete a station (For IPv4 address with DHCP) (→page 49)”
• “Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For IPv4 address
with DHCP) (→page 50)”

• “Creating new data (→page 52)”

For Static IPv6 Address • “Change the settings (For static IPv6 address) (→page 54)”
• “Add a station (For static IPv6 address) (→page 56)”
• “Delete a station (For static IPv6 address) (→page 58)”
• “Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For static IPv6
address) (→page 59)”


• “Creating new data (→page 61)”

For stateless IPv6 Address • “Change the settings (For stateless IPv6 address)
(→page 63)”
• “Add a station (For stateless IPv6 address) (→page 65)”
• “Delete a station (For stateless IPv6 address) (→page 67)”
• “Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For stateless
IPv6 address) (→page 68)”

• “Creating new data (→page 70)”

For IPv6 Address with DHCP • “Change the settings (For IPv6 address with DHCP)
(→page 72)”
• “Add a station (For IPv6 address with DHCP) (→page 74)”
• “Delete a station (For IPv6 address with DHCP) (→page 76)”
• “Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For IPv6 address
with DHCP) (→page 77)”


6.1 For static IPv4 Address


• Be sure to store the setting file that was created. Refer to “Exporting the IXG Support Tool System Configuration (→page 113)”
for information on how to save the setting file.
If the setting file is not saved, it may be impossible to restore if post-installation maintenance and service is required.

6.1.1 Creating new data

Use flowchart to create new configuration, e.g., when installing a new system.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. "Create New System."

“Create new system/import setting data (→page 104)”

3. Configure.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.“System Settings (→page 152)”

4. Install all stations.

Note the MAC addresses of all the stations.

5. Associate the created setting data to the station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”

6. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

7. Set the time for all stations.

“Time (→page 167)”


8. Set the display language for each station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK)
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

9. If registering a Mobile App, configure app integration.

“Registering the Mobile App (→page 79)”

10. Complete


6.1.2 Change the settings (For static IPv4 address)

Use this flowchart when changing the settings.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Perform setup.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.
“System Settings (→page 152)”
If using app integration, configure settings following the detailed explanation in "App Integration Flowchart."
“Flowcharts for Mobile App Integration (→page 79)”

Has the "Building Use," "Building Name," "Building Number," "Unit Number," "Unit Type," "Station Number,"
"Station Name," "IP Address," "Camera Name," "Gateway Adaptor Use," or "Lift Control Adaptor Use" been

Was "IP Address" changed from among these options? 4. Upload the setting data to
the station whose settings
were changed.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

4. Because the setting data 4. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

for the station whose IP all stations.
address was changed is no “Upload Settings (→page 124)”
longer associated, re-
associate the data.
“Association Settings (→page 120)”
The station will be restarted, and the
changed "IP Address" will be reflected
in the station.


5. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

all stations.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

6. Complete


6.1.3 Add a station (For static IPv4 address)

Use flowchart to add a station.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Add the setting data.

“System Settings (→page 152)”
First, add the station data to “Units / Stations (→page 156)”.

4. Install the additional station.

5. Associate the setting data with the additional station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”

6. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

7. Set the time for the additional station.

“Time (→page 167)”


8. Set the display language of the station to add (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

9. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.

“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

10. Complete


6.1.4 Delete a station (For static IPv4 address)

Use flowchart to delete a station.


• Be sure to delete the data for stations that do not exist in the system. If a page is placed without deleting, the operation may be

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. From the setting data, delete the data of the station to be deleted.
“Units / Stations (→page 156)”

4. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

5. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.

“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

6. Complete


6.1.5 Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For static IPv4 address)

Use flowchart to replace a station.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

Can the setting data of the station to be replaced be retrieved?


2. Retrieve the setting data from the station to 2. Replace the station.
be replaced. Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced.
“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Replace the station. 3. Replace the setting data.

Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced. *If the settings were changed with the station, they cannot be
“Station Replacement (→page 129)”

4. Replace the setting data. 4. Set the display language of the replaced
“Station Replacement (→page 129)” station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

5. Set the display language of the replaced 5. Complete

station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

6. Complete


6.2 For IPv4 address with DHCP


• Configure so that a static IP address is assigned to the station by the DHCP server. Refer to the DHCP server's manual for
information on how to configure.
• Be sure to store the setting file that was created. Refer to “Exporting the IXG Support Tool System Configuration (→page 113)”
for information on how to save the setting file.
If the setting file is not saved, it may be impossible to restore if post-installation maintenance and service is required.

6.2.1 Creating new data

Use flowchart to create new configuration, e.g., when installing a new system.

1. Set up the DHCP server.

2. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

3. "Create New System."

“Create new system/import setting data (→page 104)”

4. Configure.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.“System Settings (→page 152)”

5. Install all stations.

Note the MAC addresses of all the stations.

6. Associate the created setting data to the station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”
Each station is restarted and the IP address assigned by DHCP server will be assigned.
If an IP address cannot be assigned, it will default to "" If this happens, cycle power to the station. An IP
address will be assigned again. Afterwards, perform association again.


7. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

8. Set the time for all stations.

“Time (→page 167)”

9. Set the display language for each station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK)
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

10. If registering a Mobile App, configure app integration.

“Registering the Mobile App (→page 79)”

11. Complete


6.2.2 Change the settings (For IPv4 address with DHCP)

Use this flowchart when changing the settings.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Perform setup.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.
“System Settings (→page 152)”
If using app integration, configure settings following the detailed explanation in "App Integration Flowchart."
“Flowcharts for Mobile App Integration (→page 79)”

Has the "Building Use," "Building Name," "Building Number," "Unit Number," "Unit Type," "Station Number,"
"Station Name," "IP Address," "Camera Name," "Gateway Adaptor Use," or "Lift Control Adaptor Use" been

Was "IP Address" changed from among these options? 4. Upload the setting data to
the station whose settings
were changed.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

4. Because the setting data 4. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

for the station whose IP all stations.
address was changed is no “Upload Settings (→page 124)”
longer associated, re-
associate the data.
“Association Settings (→page 120)”
The station will be restarted, and the
changed "IP Address" will be reflected
in the station.


5. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

all stations.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

6. Complete


6.2.3 Add a station (For IPv4 address with DHCP)

Use flowchart to add a station.

1. Configure so that the IP address for the station to be added to the DHCP server is assigned
as a static address.
For information on DHCP server setting methods, refer to the DHCP server manual.

2. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

3. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

4. Add the setting data.

“System Settings (→page 152)”
First, add the station data to “Units / Stations (→page 156)”.

5. Install the additional station.

6. Associate the setting data with the additional station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”
The station is restarted and the IP address assigned by DHCP server will be assigned.
If an IP address cannot be assigned, it will default to "" If this happens, cycle power to the station. An IP
address will be assigned again. Afterwards, perform association again.

7. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”


8. Set the time for the additional station.

“Time (→page 167)”

9. Set the display language of the station to add (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

10. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.
“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

11. Complete


6.2.4 Delete a station (For IPv4 address with DHCP)

Use flowchart to delete a station.


• Be sure to delete the data for stations that do not exist in the system. If a page is placed without deleting, the operation may be

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. From the setting data, delete the data of the station to be deleted.
“Units / Stations (→page 156)”

4. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

5. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.

“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

6. Complete


6.2.5 Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For IPv4 address with DHCP)

Use flowchart to replace a station.

Can the setting data of the station to be replaced be retrieved?


1. Retrieve the setting data from the station to 1. Replace the station.
be replaced. Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced.
“Download Settings (→page 122)”

2. Configure so that the IP address for the new station to be installed on the DHCP server is
carried over from the old station.
For information on DHCP server setting methods, refer to the DHCP server manual.

3. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

4. Replace the station. 4. Replace the setting data.

Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced. *If the settings were changed with the station, they cannot be
“Station Replacement (→page 129)”
The station is restarted and the IP address assigned by
DHCP server will be assigned. If an IP address cannot be
assigned, it will default to "" If this happens,
cycle power to the station. An IP address will be assigned

5. Replace the setting data. 5. Set the display language of the replaced
“Station Replacement (→page 129)” station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
The station is restarted and the IP address assigned by Refer to each station's Operation Manual.
DHCP server will be assigned.
If an IP address cannot be assigned, it will default to
"" If this happens, cycle power to the station.
An IP address will be assigned again.


6. Set the display language of the replaced 6. Complete

station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

7. Complete


6.3 For static IPv6 Address


• Be sure to store the setting file that was created. Refer to “Exporting the IXG Support Tool System Configuration (→page 113)”
for information on how to save the setting file.
If the setting file is not saved, it may be impossible to restore if post-installation maintenance and service is required.

6.3.1 Creating new data

Use flowchart to create new configuration, e.g., when installing a new system.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. "Create New System."

“Create new system/import setting data (→page 104)”

3. Configure.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.“System Settings (→page 152)”

4. Install all stations.

Note the MAC addresses of all the stations.

5. Associate the created setting data to the station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”

6. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG Support Tool.

“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”


7. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

8. Set the time for all stations.

“Time (→page 167)”

9. Set the display language for each station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK)
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

10. If registering a Mobile App, configure app integration.

“Registering the Mobile App (→page 79)”

11. Complete


6.3.2 Change the settings (For static IPv6 address)

Use this flowchart when changing the settings.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Perform setup.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.
“System Settings (→page 152)”
If using app integration, configure settings following the detailed explanation in "App Integration Flowchart."
“Flowcharts for Mobile App Integration (→page 79)”

Has the "Building Use," "Building Name," "Building Number," "Unit Number," "Unit Type," "Station Number,"
"Station Name," "IP Address," "Camera Name," "Gateway Adaptor Use," or "Lift Control Adaptor Use" been

Was "IP Address" changed from among these options? 4. Upload the setting data to
the station whose settings
were changed.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

4. Because the setting data 4. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

for the station whose IP all stations.
address was changed is no “Upload Settings (→page 124)”
longer associated, re-
associate the data.
“Association Settings (→page 120)”
The station will be restarted, and the
changed "IP Address" will be reflected
in the station.


5. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

all stations.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

6. Complete


6.3.3 Add a station (For static IPv6 address)

Use flowchart to add a station.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Choose "IPv4" for the IP version of IXG Support Tool.

“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

4. Add the setting data.

“System Settings (→page 152)”
First, add the station data to “Units / Stations (→page 156)”.

5. Install the additional station.

Note the MAC addresses of all the stations.

6. Associate the setting data with the additional station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”

7. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG Support Tool.

“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

8. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”


9. Set the time for the additional station.

“Time (→page 167)”

10. Set the display language of the station to add (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

11. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.
“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

12. Complete


6.3.4 Delete a station (For static IPv6 address)

Use flowchart to delete a station.


• Be sure to delete the data for stations that do not exist in the system. If a page is placed without deleting, the operation may be

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. From the setting data, delete the data of the station to be deleted.
“Units / Stations (→page 156)”

4. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

5. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.

“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

6. Complete


6.3.5 Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For static IPv6 address)

Use flowchart to replace a station.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

Can the setting data of the station to be replaced be retrieved?


2. Retrieve the setting data from the station to 2. Replace the station.
be replaced. Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced.
“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Replace the station. 3. Choose "IPv4" for the IP version of IXG

Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced. Support Tool.
“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

4. Choose "IPv4" for the IP version of IXG 4. Remove the association with the original
Support Tool. station and associate with the newly installed
“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)” station.
“Association Settings (→page 120)”

5. Remove the association with the original 5. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG
station and associate with the newly installed Support Tool.
station. “IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”
“Association Settings (→page 120)”


6. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG 6. Replace the setting data.
Support Tool. *If the settings were changed with the station, they cannot be
“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)” reflected.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

7. Replace the setting data. 7. Set the display language of the replaced
“Upload Settings (→page 124)” station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

8. Set the display language of the replaced 8. Complete

station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

9. Complete


6.4 For stateless IPv6 address


• Be sure to store the setting file that was created. Refer to “Exporting the IXG Support Tool System Configuration (→page 113)”
for information on how to save the setting file.
If the setting file is not saved, it may be impossible to restore if post-installation maintenance and service is required.

6.4.1 Creating new data

Use flowchart to create new configuration, e.g., when installing a new system.

1. Install a device (router, etc.) that can transmit Router Advertisement (RA) (that can perform
stateless auto-configuration).
Do not change the prefix of the device that can transmit Router Advertisement (RA). Refer to the manual of the device that
can transmit RA for information on how to configure it.

2. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

3. "Create New System."

“Create new system/import setting data (→page 104)”

4. Configure.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.“System Settings (→page 152)”

5. Install all stations.

Note the MAC addresses of all the stations.


6. Associate the created setting data to the station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”
Each station is restarted and IPv6 Address will be automatically configured.
If an IP address cannot be automatically configured, it will default to "FDC2::7000." If this happens, cycle power to the
station. An IP address will be automatically configured again.

7. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG Support Tool.

“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

8. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

9. Set the time for all stations.

“Time (→page 167)”

10. Set the display language for each station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK)
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

11. If registering a Mobile App, configure app integration.

“Registering the Mobile App (→page 79)”

12. Complete


6.4.2 Change the settings (For stateless IPv6 address)

Use this flowchart when changing the settings.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Perform setup.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.
“System Settings (→page 152)”
If using app integration, configure settings following the detailed explanation in "App Integration Flowchart."
“Flowcharts for Mobile App Integration (→page 79)”

Has the "Building Use," "Building Name," "Building Number," "Unit Number," "Unit Type," "Station Number,"
"Station Name," "IP Address," "Camera Name," "Gateway Adaptor Use," or "Lift Control Adaptor Use" been

Was "IP Address" changed from among these options? 4. Upload the setting data to
the station whose settings
were changed.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

4. Because the setting data 4. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

for the station whose IP all stations.
address was changed is no “Upload Settings (→page 124)”
longer associated, re-
associate the data.
“Association Settings (→page 120)”
The station will be restarted, and the
changed "IP Address" will be reflected
in the station.


5. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

all stations.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

6. Complete


6.4.3 Add a station (For stateless IPv6 address)

Use flowchart to add a station.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Add the setting data.

“System Settings (→page 152)”
First, add the station data to “Units / Stations (→page 156)”.

4. Install the additional station.

5. Choose "IPv4" for the IP version of IXG Support Tool.

“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

6. Associate the setting data with the additional station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”
The station is restarted and IPv6 Address will be automatically configured.
If an IP address cannot be automatically configured, it will default to "FDC2::7000." If this happens, cycle power to the
station. An IP address will be automatically configured again.

7. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG Support Tool.

“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”


8. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

9. Set the time for the additional station.

“Time (→page 167)”

10. Set the display language of the station to add (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

11. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.
“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

12. Complete


6.4.4 Delete a station (For stateless IPv6 address)

Use flowchart to delete a station.


• Be sure to delete the data for stations that do not exist in the system. If a page is placed without deleting, the operation may be

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. From the setting data, delete the data of the station to be deleted.
“Units / Stations (→page 156)”

4. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

5. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.

“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

6. Complete


6.4.5 Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For stateless IPv6 address)

Use flowchart to replace a station.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

Can the setting data of the station to be replaced be retrieved?


2. Retrieve the setting data from the station to 2. Replace the station.
be replaced. Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced.
“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Replace the station. 3. Choose "IPv4" for the IP version of IXG

Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced. Support Tool.
“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

4. Choose "IPv4" for the IP version of IXG 4. Remove the association with the original
Support Tool. station and associate with the newly installed
“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)” station.
“Association Settings (→page 120)”

5. Remove the association with the original 5. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG
station and associate with the newly installed Support Tool.
station. “IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”
“Association Settings (→page 120)”


6. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG 6. Replace the setting data.
Support Tool. *If the settings were changed with the station, they cannot be
“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)” reflected.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

7. Replace the setting data. 7. Set the display language of the replaced
“Upload Settings (→page 124)” station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

8. Set the display language of the replaced 8. Complete

station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

9. Complete


6.5 For IPv6 address with DHCP


• Be sure to store the setting file that was created. Refer to “Exporting the IXG Support Tool System Configuration (→page 113)”
for information on how to save the setting file.
If the setting file is not saved, it may be impossible to restore if post-installation maintenance and service is required.

6.5.1 Creating new data

Use flowchart to create new configuration, e.g., when installing a new system.

1. Set up the DHCP server.

Configure so that a static IP address is assigned to the station by the DHCP server.
DUID of the station is "00030001 + MAC address."
For information on DHCP server setting methods, refer to the DHCP server manual.

2. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

3. "Create New System."

“Create new system/import setting data (→page 104)”

4. Configure.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.“System Settings (→page 152)”

5. Install all stations.

Note the MAC addresses of all the stations.


6. Associate the created setting data to the station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”
The station is restarted and the IPv6 Address assigned by DHCP server beforehand will be assigned.
If an IP address cannot be assigned, it will default to "FDC2::7000." If this happens, cycle power to the station. An IP
address will be assigned again.

7. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG Support Tool.

“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

8. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

9. Set the time for all stations.

“Time (→page 167)”

10. Set the display language for each station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK)
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

11. If registering a Mobile App, configure app integration.

“Registering the Mobile App (→page 79)”

12. Complete


6.5.2 Change the settings (For IPv6 address with DHCP)

Use this flowchart when changing the settings.

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. Perform setup.
Follow the instructions for each setting item and perform setup.
“System Settings (→page 152)”
If using app integration, configure settings following the detailed explanation in "App Integration Flowchart."
“Flowcharts for Mobile App Integration (→page 79)”

Has the "Building Use," "Building Name," "Building Number," "Unit Number," "Unit Type," "Station Number,"
"Station Name," "IP Address," "Camera Name," "Gateway Adaptor Use," or "Lift Control Adaptor Use" been

Was "IP Address" changed from among these options? 4. Upload the setting data to
the station whose settings
were changed.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

4. Cancel the association for 4. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

the setting data for the station all stations.
whose IP address was “Upload Settings (→page 124)”
changed, then re-associate
the data.
“Association Settings (→page 120)”
The station will be restarted, and the
changed "IP Address" will be reflected
in the station.


5. Upload the setting data to 5. Complete

all stations.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

6. Complete


6.5.3 Add a station (For IPv6 address with DHCP)

Use flowchart to add a station.

1. Configure so that the IP address for the station to be added to the DHCP server is assigned
as a static address.
For information on DHCP server setting methods, refer to the DHCP server manual.

2. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

3. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

4. Add the setting data.

“System Settings (→page 152)”
First, add the station data to “Units / Stations (→page 156)”.

5. Install the additional station.

6. Choose "IPv4" for the IP version of IXG Support Tool.

“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

7. Associate the setting data with the additional station.

“Association Settings (→page 120)”
The station is restarted and the IPv6 Address assigned by DHCP server beforehand will be assigned.
If an IP address cannot be assigned, it will default to "FDC2::7000." If this happens, cycle power to the station. An IP
address will be assigned again.


8. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG Support Tool.

“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

9. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

10. Set the time for the additional station.

“Time (→page 167)”

11. Set the display language of the station to add (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

12. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.
“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

13. Complete


6.5.4 Delete a station (For IPv6 address with DHCP)

Use flowchart to delete a station.


• Be sure to delete the data for stations that do not exist in the system. If a page is placed without deleting, the operation may be

1. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

2. Retrieve the setting data for all the stations.

“Download Settings (→page 122)”

3. From the setting data, delete the data of the station to be deleted.
“Units / Stations (→page 156)”

4. Upload the setting data to all stations.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

5. If using app integration, apply the changes to IXG Cloud Server.

“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

6. Complete


6.5.5 Replace a station (due to malfunction, etc.) (For IPv6 address with DHCP)

Use flowchart to replace a station.

Can the setting data of the station to be replaced be retrieved?


1. Retrieve the setting data from the station to 1. Replace the station.
be replaced. Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced.
“Download Settings (→page 122)”

2. Configure so that the IP address for the new station to be installed on the DHCP server is
carried over from the old station.
For information on DHCP server setting methods, refer to the DHCP server manual.

3. Set the language.

“Language (→page 150)”

4. Replace the station. 4. Choose "IPv4" for the IP version of IXG

Note the MAC address of the station to be replaced. Support Tool.
“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”

5. Choose "IPv4" for the IP version of IXG 5. Remove the association with the original
Support Tool. station and associate with the newly installed
“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)” station.
“Association Settings (→page 120)”

6. Remove the association with the original 6. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG
station and associate with the newly installed Support Tool.
station. “IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”
“Association Settings (→page 120)”


7. Choose "IPv6" for the IP version of IXG 7. Replace the setting data.
Support Tool. *If the settings were changed with the station, they cannot be
“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)” reflected.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

8. Replace the setting data. 8. Set the display language of the replaced
*If the settings were changed with the station, they cannot be station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
reflected. Refer to each station's Operation Manual.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

9. Set the display language of the replaced 9. Complete

station (IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK).
Refer to each station's Operation Manual.

10. Complete


7. Flowcharts for Mobile App Integration


• Due to the features and services provided by the Gateway Adaptor and the AIPHONE IXG app, future required changes to
device functionality, network communication, security, etc. may require firmware updates unavailable to the Gateway Adaptor.
In this situation, the Gateway Adaptor would need to be replaced at the cost of the responsible party.

• QR code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated.

7.1 Registering the Mobile App

The flowchart below describes the process of registering a Mobile App with a new or existing site.

1. Register the App in “Units / Stations (→page 156)”.

2. Configure the following settings.

• Gateway Registration* (→page 161)
• Gateway Selection (→page 162)
• IXG Support Tool Settings* “IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”
• Create new administrator account on the IXG Cloud Server* “Create a New Administrator ID (→page 131)”
• Site Information, Installer Information, Property Management Company Information* “Site Information (→page 153)”
• Building Name* “Building Information (→page 155)”
• Unit Name* “Units / Stations (→page 156)”
• Station Name “Identification (→page 163)”
• Open Station List “Station List (→page 193)”
• Create mobile app list “Mobile App List (→page 196)”

* Configuration is not required if it is already registered.

3. Creating a New Site on the IXG Cloud 3. Updating the Settings to an Existing Site on
Server. the IXG Cloud Server.
“Uploading a new site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 135)” “Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server
(→page 137)”

4. Generate PDF of QR Code for App Registration.

“Export QR Code for App Registration (→page 141)”
* If there is already a Tenant Station in the unit, send the QR Code to the Tenant Station.
“Applying QR Code for App Registration to a station (→page 140)”


5. Upload the setting file to the station.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

6. Register the Mobile App by scanning the QR code.


7.2 Adding a Mobile App to Each Unit

The flowchart below describes the process of registering a Mobile App with a unit that is already connected to the IXG
Cloud Server.


• Refer to “Registering the Mobile App (→page 79)” for information on registering the first Mobile App in each unit.

1. Add the "App" in “Units / Stations (→page 156)”.

2. Configure the following settings.

• Station Name “Identification (→page 163)”
• Open Station List “Station List (→page 193)”

3. Updating the Settings to an Existing Site on the IXG Cloud Server.

“Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)”

4. Generate PDF of QR Code for App Registration.

“Export QR Code for App Registration (→page 141)”

5. Upload the setting file to the station.

“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

6. Register the Mobile App by scanning QR code.

* For a residential Mobile App where a Tenant Station is installed in the residence, touch [SETTINGS] - [Register Apps] on
the Home Screen of the Tenant Station to display the QR code.


7.3 When the type of mobile device registered to a Residential unit was replaced
The flowchart below describes the process of replacing a Mobile App.


• In order to make the following settings, it is necessary to complete the "Property manager Account Settings" of the IXG cloud
server in the Property Manager Mode. Refer to the separate "IXG Support Tool Setting Manual: Property Manager Mode"
document for more information.

Is the resident the same?


Are you able to operate the old Mobile App? 1. Display "Property
Manager Settings."
“View (→page 149)”

1. Tap [Disconnect] in "Mobile 1. Generate PDF of QR Code 2. Select the unit with the
App Configuration" on the for App Registration. replaced resident on the
registered mobile device. “Export QR Code for App Registration "Move-out Settings" -
(→page 141)” "Resident Move-out"
*For a Mobile App that is registered in
Residential Unit and a Tenant Station is
settings screen, click
already installed, tap [SETTINGS] - [Resident Move-out] and
[Register Apps] on the Home Screen login to the IXG Cloud
of the Tenant Station to display the QR Server using the Property
Manager account

The following processes are

• The Tenant Station user settings
are initialized.
• The previous resident is prevented
from using the Mobile App.
• A new QR code is sent to the
Tenant Station.


2. Generate PDF of QR Code 2. Scan QR code on new 3. If there is no Tenant

for App Registration. Mobile App Station, generate a PDF of
“Export QR Code for App Registration the QR Code for App
(→page 141)” Registration.
*For a Mobile App that is registered in
“Export QR Code for App Registration
Residential Unit and a Tenant Station is
(→page 141)”
already installed, tap [SETTINGS] -
[Register Apps] on the Home Screen
of the Tenant Station to display the QR

3. Register the Mobile App by 3. Select the old Mobile App in 4. Select the unit with the
scanning QR code. the "Mobile App replaced resident on the
Configuration" for the new "Move-out Settings" -
Mobile App and tap "Delete Unit Information"
[Disconnect] settings screen, click
* "Not registered" is displayed in the [Delete]
disconnected Station Name. Click [Update] to initialize the "Unit
Name," "First Name," and "Last

4. Tap the disconnected 5. Change any of the

Station Name in the "Mobile following if required.
App Configuration" for the • Unit Name
new Mobile App and tap • Station Name
• Open Station List
[Connect] • Open Mobile App List
“System Settings (→page 152)”


6. Upload the settings to the

IXG Cloud Server.
“Uploading an existing site to the IXG
Cloud Server (→page 137)”

7. Upload the setting file to

the station.
“Upload Settings (→page 124)”

8. Register the new Mobile

App by scanning the QR


7.4 When the type of mobile device registered to a Guard or a Commercial unit
was replaced
The flowchart below describes the process of replacing a Mobile App.

Are you able to operate the old Mobile App?


1. Tap [Disconnect] in "Mobile App 1. Generate PDF of QR Code for App

Configuration" on the registered mobile Registration.
device. “Export QR Code for App Registration (→page 141)”

2. Generate PDF of QR Code for App 2. Scan QR code on new Mobile App
“Export QR Code for App Registration (→page 141)”

3. Register the Mobile App by scanning QR 3. Select the old Mobile App in the "Mobile
code. App Configuration" for the new Mobile App
and tap [Disconnect]
* "Not registered" is displayed in the disconnected Station

4. Tap the disconnected Station Name in the

"Mobile App Configuration" for the new
Mobile App and tap [Connect]

Startup and
Startup and Configuration

1. System requirements
PC requirements for using the IXG Support Tool.

Operating System Windows 7 Professional (SP1), Windows 7 Enterprise (SP1), Windows 7 Ultimate (SP1)
Windows 8, Windows 8 pro, Windows 8 Enterprise
Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 pro, Windows 8.1 Enterprise
Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise
CPU 32 bit (x86) processor or 64 bit (x64) processor of 1 GHz or higher
Memory 4 GB RAM or higher
Resolution 1280x768 or greater


• Set the display size setting of your PC to “100%”.

If set to a setting other than “100%”, the screen of the IXG Support Tool may not be displayed correctly.

Startup and Configuration

2. Installing IXG Support Tool

1. Access our Web site at https://www.aiphone.net/product/support/ and download the IXG Support
Tool to your PC.

2. Double-click the downloaded file ("AIPHONE_IXG_SupportTool_Setup.exe") to install IXG Support


3. Select the components to install for IXG Support Tool, and then click [Next].

4. Click [Finish].

• IXG Support Tool is now installed.

Startup and Configuration

3. Login and registration of the station

1. Double-click any of the following.

• The "AIPHONE IXG SupportTool" shortcut that was created on the desktop
• "AIPHONE IXG SupportTool" in the Start Menu
• "Local Disk (C)" - "Program Files" - "Aiphone" - "IXG" - "SupportTool" - "AIPHONE_IXG_SupportTool.exe"

2. Select "Administrator."
• Refer to the separate "IXG Support Tool Setting Manual: Property Manager Mode" document for information
on the manager mode.

3. Enter "ID" and "Password," and click [Login].

• The "Basic" screen is displayed. To switch to the "Advanced" screen, click “View (→page 149)” in the Menu
bar and then "Advanced."
• The setting data configured during the previous login session will be shown.
• If logging into the IXG Support Tool for the first time, proceed to Step 4.
• The default ID and Password are "admin."

Startup and Configuration

4. When first logging into IXG Support Tool, the "New System" screen is displayed.
Refer to “Create new system/import setting data (→page 104)” and proceed with the setup.

System settings

“Restore System Settings (→page 111)” “Reading in data created by another IXG Support Tool (→page 107)”

Startup and Configuration

Once "New System" configuration is complete, the setting file is automatically generated and the Settings
screen is displayed.

Startup and Configuration

4. How to Configure
After logging into IXG Support Tool, the Settings screen is displayed. The Settings screen is used to configure
• Depending on PC and OS being used, the window may be slightly different.
• After configuration, refer to the "Operation Manual" for each station and confirm operation.

4.1 Settings window

Settings screen sample

All stations in the system can be configured using the table.

Update: Click to update the settings.

Menu bar: Allows you to create new setting files.“Menu bar Information: Click to display notes.
(→page 103)”

Title bar: Displays the site name and title when editing settings.

Setting menu: Displays a list of titles. Click the title to be configured and Settings screen: The Settings screen for the currently
the appropriate Settings screen will display. selected title is displayed.


• Settings which cannot be modified will be grayed out.

Startup and Configuration

4.2 How to Configure

1. Click the title to be configured.

• The Settings window for that particular title will be shown.

2. Enter setting values for each entry.

• The selected field will turn orange.
• When changing the settings, the field will turn pink.
• Some titles allow copy and paste.


• Be sure to input the settings for entries in red. Use the default values, unless a change is necessary.

• Select an entry field and press the F1 key to display an explanation screen.

Move to related item: This allows you to move to the Settings screen for related entries.

Startup and Configuration

• Pressing [Ctrl] + [F] displays the Search window, which allows the search function to be used.
Enter the text to search and click [Find Next] to move to the applicable cell.
• is displayed when the cursor is moved over an entry. Clicking this allows you to use the filter function.
Select what to display and then click [Apply] to display only the applicable information.

3. When you are done configuring on this screen, click [Update] to save the settings.
• To cancel all settings, click another title in the Setting menu.
• If there is an error when clicking [Update], the error message will be shown and the settings will not be
allowed to be saved.
The field will be shown in red if there is an error in the settings.

• If another title is selected without clicking [Update], the system will prompt whether to save the settings.
Click [Yes] to save, or click [No] to display another title without saving.
• Click [Cancel] to return to the previous screen.

4. Perform Steps 1 - 3 for other titles as well.

Startup and Configuration

5. System settings list

The following items can be configured using IXG Support Tool.
The symbols indicate the following:
♦: Be sure to enter a setting value. Use the default values, unless a change is necessary.
♠: The setting item information can be copied.
• The following table provides an overview of IXG Support Tool. The content, how they are displayed, and the order
of entries may vary from the actual screens.
• Download and back up the setting file “Exporting the IXG Support Tool System Configuration (→page 113)” in case
post-installation maintenance and service is required, and store it in a safe place where it will not be lost.
If a backup has not been performed, it may not be possible to recover the data during after-sales service.

Setting items
Site Settings
Site Information - - System ID♦ 154
System Password♦ 154
Site Information 154
Installer Information 154
Property Management 154
Building Information - - Enable 155
Building Name♦ 155
Units / Stations - - Building Number♦ 157
Unit Number♦ 158
Unit Type♦ 158
Unit Name♦ 158
First Name (Residential 158
Last Name (Residential 159
Master / Tenant Station 159
(Guard, Commercial,
Residential, Inside Area
Door / Entrance Station 159
App (Guard, Commercial, 159
Residential only)
Gateway Registration - - Enable 161
Station Name♦ 161
Cancel Priority Rule 161
Maximum Simultaneous 161
Gateway Selection - - Gateway Number 162

Startup and Configuration

Setting items
Station Information
Identification - - Station Number♦ 164
Station Name♦ 164
ID / Password - - ID(Administrator)♦ 165
Password(Administrator)♦ 165
ONVIF Password 166
RTSP Password 166
Time Time Zone - Select time zone 167
Daylight Saving Time - Automatic Daylight Saving 168
Manual Date / Time Setup - - 169
Network Settings
IP Address - - Hostname 170
IP Version 171
Static / DHCP 171
IPv4 Address - IP Address♦ 172
Subnet Mask♦ 172
Default Gateway 172
IPv6 Address - IP Address♦ 173
Default Gateway 173
Batch IP Address - - 174
DNS Primary Server - IPv4 175
IPv6 175
Secondary Server - IPv4 176
IPv6 176
Multicast Address - - IPv4 177
IPv6 177
Batch Multicast Address - - 178

Startup and Configuration

Setting items
Video Video Encoder 1 - Frame Rate [fps] 179
I-picture interval [H.264/ 180
Bit rate [kbps] [H.264 / 180
Video Encoder 2 - Second Video Encoder 181
Video Codec 181
Resolution 181
Frame Rate [fps] 182
Select Profile [H.264/AVC] 182
I picture interval [H.264/ 182
Bit rate [kbps] [H.264 / 183
Select Quality [Motion- 183
RTP Start Port♦ 183
RTP End Port♦ 183
Master Station Video - Frame Rate [fps] 184
I-picture Interval♦ 184
Bit rate [kbps] 184
Using a 3rd party product to - - 185
monitor video/audio from
Door Stations
Audio - - Audio Codec 186
Audio Buffer - Packets Buffered at Audio 187
Maximum Packets Buffered 187
Packet Priority - - TOS Value (Audio)♦ 188
TOS Value (Video)♦ 188
TOS Value (SIP)♦ 188
VLAN Setting 189
VLAN ID♦ 189
VLAN Priority 189
NTP NTP - - 190
Synchronization Interval - - 190
Primary Server - IPv4 Address 191
IPv6 Address 191
Port♦ 191
Secondary Server - IPv4 Address 192
IPv6 Address 192
Port♦ 192

Startup and Configuration

Setting items
System Information
Station List - - - 193
Mobile App List - - - 196
Network Camera List Network Camera Registry - Camera Name♦ 200
Hostname 200
IP Address (IPv4)♦ 200
IP Address (IPv6)♦ 200
ID♦ 200
Password♦ 200
Group Configuring a Group - - 203
Custom Sound - - - 205
Call Settings
Called Stations - - - 208
(Door/Sub Stations)
Call Origination Call Origination Advanced - Ringback Tone 213
Call Timeout♦ 214
Ringback Tone Count 214
Call Destination ([contact 215
input 1 - 4 call] only)
Standard Mode Settings 215
Incoming Call - - Ringtone 216
Ringback Tone Count 217
Guard Button - - Select Station 218
Mobile App 218
Option Input / Relay Output Settings
Option Input Option Input Advanced Function - 220
Type - 220
Door Release Output Relay Output 1 220
Relay Output 2 221
Relay Output Relay Output Advanced Function - 223
Option Relay Control - 224
Output Time Output Time Range 225
Output Time ♦ 225
Door Release Key - 225
Tone Settings Door Release 226
Authentication Key - Option Relay Control 226
Authentication Key

Startup and Configuration

Setting items
Paging Settings
All Page - - - 227
Building Page - - - 229
Option Input Page - - - 231
Function Settings
Door Release Door Release Assignment - Contact Assignment 233
Door Release Key 234
Option Output Key 234
Network Camera Profile Setting - Profile 238
Event Registration - Event 238
Function 238
Event Tone 239
Play Count of Event Tone 239
Email Server Settings - SMTP Server 242
SMTP Port♦ 242
SMTP Encryption 243
Authentication Settings - SMTP Authentication 244
Mode 244
ID 244
Password 244
Email Addresses - Destination 1 245
Destination 2 245
Destination 3 245
Source Address 245
Email Event Trigger - SD Card Error 246
Recording Memory Full 246
Subject 246
Send Test Email - - 247
Recording Recording Mode - - 249
Recording Event - Call Origination 249
Communication (Door) 249
Recorded Device - - 250
Audio Recording - - 250
CSR - - Country♦ 251
State / County / Region♦ 252
City / Locality 252
Organization♦ 252
Organizational Unit 252
Common Name 252

Startup and Configuration

Setting items
SSL Certificate How to upload the SSL - - 255
certificate to each station
IEEE 802.1X - - IEEE 802.1X 256
EAP 256
EAP User Name 257
EAP Password 257
How to upload/delete the - - 258
IEEE802.1X Certificate to
each station
Display Mode Standard Mode - Home Screen 261
Transfer Settings
Absent Transfer - - Absent Transfer 262
Transfer Destination List 263
Re-Transfer Destination 263
Delay Transfer - - Delay Transfer 264
Delay Time [sec]♦ 264
Transfer Destination List 265
Re-Transfer Destination 265
Schedule Transfer - - Schedule Transfer 266
Weekly Schedule - Transfer Destination List 267
Re-Transfer Destination 267
Start Time 268
End Time 268
Daily Schedule - Transfer Destination List 271
Re-Transfer Destination 271
Start Time 272
End Time 272
Station Settings
Speed Dials Advanced Speed Dial Speed Dial Button Name - 273
Button Settings
Function - 274
Building Page Priority 278
All Page Priority 274
Option Relay Control Total 276
Output Time Range 277
Output Time ♦ 277
TLS 277
Option Relay Control Key 278

Startup and Configuration

Setting items
Volume Volume - Handset Transmit 281
Handset Receive 281
Hands-free Transmit 282
Hands-free Receive 282
Transmit 282
Receive 282
External Output 283
Ringtone 283
Paging 283
Headset Specification - - 283
Audio Output - - 284
Audio Output (for Door) - - 284
Communication - - Communication Start Tone 285
Monitoring Monitor Timeout [sec]♦ - - 286
Scan Monitoring - Type 287
Station Number 287
Camera Settings 287
Dwell Time 287
Prevent Being Monitored - - 288
Monitoring Notification - - 288
Camera Adjustment - Backlight Compensation 289
Low Light Correction 289
Night Illumination LED - Call / Communication 290
When Monitored 290
PTZ Preset Position - - 290
Zoom / Wide Preset - - 291
Refresh Rate - - 291
Door Release - - Contact Assignment 292
Door Release Key 292
Door Release by IX-RS 293
Entrance Station Settings
Display - - Call by Unit Number 294
Call by List 295
Search by Name 295
Default Display Screen 296
Building Selection Button 296
Hearing aid Icon 297
Welcome Screen Welcome Screen Wallpaper - - 298
Image 1 - Display 299
File name 299

Startup and Configuration

Setting items
Direct Call List Button Number - Building Number 300
Unit Number 300
Access Code Add Access Code - - 303
Delete Access Code - - 304
Misc. - - Motion Sensor 305
Communication after Door 305
Lift Control Settings
Registration - - Enable 306
Station Name♦ 306
Pick Up Floor - - Relay Output Terminal 307
Arrival Floor - - Relay Output Terminal 308
Building Exit - - Lift Control Button 309
Relay Output Terminal 310
Firmware Update - - - 311
Initialization - - - 313
syslog - - IPv4 Address 315
IPv6 Address 315
Port♦ 315

Menu bar


• The symbols indicate the following:

♦: Be sure to enter a setting value. Use the default values, unless a change is necessary.
Menu bar

1. File

1.1 Create new system/import setting data

Creates new system setting data.
The below two methods can be used to create a new system depending on your objective.
• Perform detailed configuration for all functions. → “Create a new system setting file (→page 106)”
• Import a setting file created from another IXG Support Tool or IX Support Tool. “Reading in data created by another
IXG Support Tool (→page 107)”

Select "File" - "Create New System" to display the "New System" screen.

Menu bar

“Restore System Settings (→page 111)” “Reading in data created by another IXG Support Tool
(→page 107)”

Menu bar

1.1.1 Create a new system setting file

1. Configure the system settings.

■ Site Name♦
Description Enter the name of the site.
Settings 1-128 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ System Type♦
Description Select the type of system.
Settings • Single Building
• Multiple Buildings
Default value Single Building

■ Number of Buildings♦
Description Select the number of buildings when "System Type" is set to "Multiple Buildings".
Settings 1-99 buildings
Default value 1 building

■ System ID♦
Description Configure the System ID used to configure the “ID(Administrator)♦ (→page 165)” in bulk. The
value entered for System ID is reflected in "ID(Administrator)" of each station.
Settings 1-20 alphanumeric characters
Cannot be set to "admin" or "root."
Default value -

■ System Password♦
Description Configure the System Password used to configure the “Password(Administrator)♦ (→page 165)”
in bulk. The value entered for System Password is reflected in "Password(Administrator)" of
each station.
Settings 1-20 alphanumeric characters
Cannot be set to "admin."
Default value -

■ Site Information
Description Enter the site "Address" and "Notes."
Settings • Address: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Notes: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

Menu bar

■ Installer Information
Description Enter the installer information.
Settings • Company Name: 4 rows (1 - 64 alphanumeric characters per row)
• Representative Name: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Email: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Phone Number: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Property Management Information

Description Enter the property management company information.
Settings • Company Name: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Representative Name: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Email: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Phone Number: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

2. Click [Finish].
• The setting file will be automatically generated and the Settings screen will be displayed. Refer to “System
Settings (→page 152)” when performing the settings.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

1.1.2 Reading in data created by another IXG Support Tool

On the "New System" screen, click [Import Setting File] to display the "Import System Configuration" screen.

1. Click [Browse].

2. Select the folder where the setting file is saved and click [OK].

3. Click [Finish].

Menu bar

1.1.3 Importing data created from IX Support Tool

On the "New System" screen, click [Import Setting File] to display the "Import System Configuration" screen.


• Data output from IX Support Tool Ver.,,, or can be imported.
If using a version of IX Support Tool prior to Ver., first import the output data with Ver.,,, or
and then output it.
• Data cannot be imported from properties containing stations not compatible with IXG Support Tool, such as IXW-MA. Stations
compatible with IXG Support Tool are contained in “Device type (→page 8)”.
• Data with SIP set cannot be imported.
• Data cannot be imported from properties containing stations set with station numbers exceeding 24 digits.

1. Click [Browse].

Menu bar

2. Select the folder where the setting file is saved and click [OK] to display the following screen.
Stations registered to imported files are registered as 1 station 1 unit.

Units are created with the Building Number starting from “01” and the Unit Number starting from “001.”
Unit Types of the stations are “Commercial” for “IX-MV7-*” and “IX-RS-*,” and “Outside Area ” for Door

3. Apply the following changes to settings if required.

• Number of Master Stations, Number of Door / Entrance Stations: Select from the drop down menu.
• Building Number: Select from the drop down menu. Refer to “Building Number♦ (→page 157)” for details.
• Unit Number: Enter directly. Refer to “Unit Number♦ (→page 158)” for details.
• Unit Type: Click [Select] and select. Refer to “Unit Type♦ (→page 158)” for details.
• Change the station assignment destination (unit): Changes are made in the following procedure.

1. Click the station number of the station to be changed in “Unit Settings.”

2. Click [Remove].
3. Click a station to register in “Station List.”
4. Click the registration destination unit in “Unit Settings.”
5. Click [Add].

4. Click [Browse].

5. Click [Finish].


• The file cannot be imported unless all stations listed in "Station List" are assigned to units.

Menu bar

1.2 Select Existing System

Edit a setting file that already exists. This allows you to load a setting file that was saved.
Select "File" - "Select Existing System." The "System Selection" screen will be displayed.

1. Select the system (site name) for the setting file to edit.

2. Click [OK].
• In the Setting window, the selected setting data will be shown.
• Click [Cancel] to quit without selecting a system.

1.3 Delete Existing System

Delete created setting data.
Select "File" - "Delete Existing System." The "Delete System" screen is displayed.

1. Select the system (site name) for the setting file to delete.

2. Click [OK].
• Delete the selected setting data.
• Click [Cancel] to quit without deleting a system.

3. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Delete System" screen.

Menu bar

1.4 Restore System Settings

If the setting file is lost, the setting file can be restored.
Select "File" - "Restore System Settings", or click [Restore Setting File] in “Login and registration of the station
(→page 89)” or “Create new system/import setting data (→page 104)”. The "Restore System Settings" screen is


5 6

1. Connect the PC to a network on the same segment as the system.

2. Enter the name (site name) of the system for which to restore the setting file.
• System Name:: 1-64 full-width characters, 1-128 alphanumeric characters

3. Choose the internet protocol version for the system.

• Set the PC to the same communication type.

4. Click [Station Search] to search stations and display them in the "Station List." (Searching may take
several minutes.)
• The stations without power and the stations in the process of initialization will not be subject to search.
• Search up to 9999 stations at a time.
• Stations on other segments cannot be searched.

5. Select the station from which to restore the setting file. (Multiple selections allowed.)
• If the station number is duplicated or does not exist, the setting file will not be restored.
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].

6. Enter the "ID(Administrator)" and "Password(Administrator)" for the station selected in Step 5.
• If "ID(Administrator)" or "Password(Administrator)" are wrong, the setting file will not be restored.

7. Click [Restore Setting File].

Menu bar

8. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Restore System Settings" screen.

9. Click [OK].
• The result is displayed in "Station List" - "Status."
In Process: The setting file is in the process of restoring.
Success: Restore successful.
Failed: Restore failed.
• Restored setting files are saved as follows in "Local Disk (C)" - "users" - "public" - "Documents" - "Aiphone" -
"IXG" - "SupportTool" - "SystemData."
– Setting file: "NewIXSystem(Set Site Name).db"
– Sound file: Saved as a WAV file in "(Set Site Name)" - "Setting (Hidden Folder)" - "(Station Number)"
– Image file: Saved as a PNG file in "(Set Site Name)" - "Setting (Hidden Folder)" - "(Station Number)"
– Schedule file: Saved inside "(Set Site Name)" - "Setting (Hidden Folder)" - "(Station Number)" as
or "SCHED_REC.txt" (the saved content differs depending on the station).
• The items that could not be restored are displayed as shown below.

Menu bar

1.5 Exporting the IXG Support Tool System Configuration

Backup setting files created in IXG Support Tool.
If the settings are lost, it may be impossible to restore them after maintenance or after-sales servicing.
Select "File" - "Export System Configuration." The "Export Settings" screen is displayed.

1. Click [Export].

2. Select the folder where the setting file is saved and click [OK].
• A folder with the name specified in "Site Name" will be created in the specified directory, and the system
configuration file will be saved inside as a hidden file.
Copy the entire "Site Name" folder to store the setting file.
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Export Settings" screen without saving the setting file.

3. Click [Finish].

Menu bar

1.6 Outputting IXG Supervision Tool Data

To use registered station information with the IXG Supervision Tool, output the file in Address Book format.
Select "File" - "Export to IXG Supervision Tool" to display the following screen.

1. Click [Browse] and select the folder where the setting file will be saved.

2. Click [Export].

3. Click [OK].
• The setting file will be saved as "SettingAddressList.txt."
• Information for stations without configured IP addresses will not be output.

Menu bar

1.7 IXG Support Tool Settings

Select "File" - "IXG Support Tool Settings." The "IXG Support Tool Settings" screen will be displayed.


How to configure IXG Support Tool Settings

1. Configure each item.

2. If a proxy server is used to access the IXG Cloud Server, check the "Use Proxy Server" box and
enter the required information.

3. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

■ Administrator ID♦
Description Configure the ID used to login to IXG Support Tool in Administrator mode.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value admin

Menu bar

■ Administrator Password♦
Description Configure the password used to login to IXG Support Tool in Administrator mode.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value admin

■ Confirm Password♦
Description Enter the "Administrator Password" again.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value admin

■ Property Manager ID♦

Description Configure the ID used to login to IXG Support Tool in Property Manager mode.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value admin

■ Property Manager Password♦

Description Configure the password used to login to IXG Support Tool in Property Manager mode.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value admin

■ Confirm Password♦
Description Enter the "Property Manager Password" again.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value admin

■ Select NIC
Description Select the network interface card (NIC).
Settings Select the NIC used for the PC.
Default value -

■ IP Version
Description Choose the protocol for IXG Support Tool.
Settings • IPv4
• IPv6
Default value IPv4

■ Hostname
Description Enter the IP address of the proxy server.
Settings 1-255 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Port
Description Enter the port number of the proxy server.
Settings 1-5 digits
Default value -

Menu bar

■ ID
Description Enter the ID used for proxy authentication.
Settings 1-255 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Password
Description Enter the password used for proxy authentication.
Settings 1-255 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

Menu bar

1.8 Exit
Select "File" - "Exit" to close IXG Support Tool.

Menu bar

2. Connection

2.1 Station Search

Search the stations in IXG and IX Systems connected in the network to show the list.

1. Connect the PC to a network on the same segment as the system.

• Set this to the same IP version as the system. Refer to “IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)” for
information of configuring the IP version.

2. Select "Connection" - "Station Search". The stations searched are displayed on the "Station Search"
screen. (Searching may take several minutes.)
• The stations without power and the stations in the process of initialization will not be subject to search.
• Search up to 9999 stations at a time.
• Stations on other segments cannot be searched.
• Click [Search] to search again.

Menu bar

2.2 Association Settings

The data created with IXG Support Tool is to be assigned to each station.
Associate the settings when creating the setting data.
Some items cannot be configured without association.

Station Settings List

3 A list of the setting files
that have been created
will be shown.

Station List
The searched stations will
be shown.

5 Search again for stations.

Associated Stations List

The settings that have
been associated will be

Perform association again.

Removes association.

1. Connect the PC to a network on the same segment as the system.

• Set this to the same IP version as the system. Refer to “IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)” for
information of configuring the IP version.

Menu bar

2. Select "Connection" - "Association Settings" to search for stations and display the "Association
Settings" screen. (Searching may take several minutes.)
• The stations without power and the stations in the process of initialization will not be subject to search.
• Search up to 9999 stations at a time.
• Click [Station Search] to search again.
• Stations on other segments cannot be searched. To associate a station on another segment, go to the
network on the other segment and make an association.

3. Select the file to associate from "Station Settings List."

• A setting file that has already been associated cannot be selected.
• A setting file without a configured IP address cannot be selected.

4. Select the station with which the setting file selected at Step 3 will be associated from "Station List."
• A station that has already been associated cannot be selected.
• Select "Enter station MAC address:" to specify a station by entering the MAC address.
• When specifying a station from the "Station List" which has the "ID(Administrator)" and
"Password(Administrator)" set to values other than "admin," select "Enter Station ID and Station Password"
and input the "ID(Administrator)" and "Password(Administrator)" for the associated station.
• To associate a station on another segment, go to the network on the other segment and make an

5. Click [Apply].
• The settings that have been associated will be shown in "Associated Stations List."
If a new IP address has been set or the address has been changed, the station will restart and the IP address
and station name will be updated.

6. Repeat Steps 3 - 5 and associate all stations.

• To remove an association, select what to remove from "Associated Stations List" (multiple selections
allowed), and then click [Remove Association].

Menu bar

2.3 Download Settings

Obtain (download) settings from a station.
If “Association Settings (→page 120)” is not performed in advance, downloading is not possible.
Select "Connection" - "Download Settings." The "Setting File Download" screen will be displayed.

How to obtain settings

1. Select the station from which to download the setting file from "Station List." (Multiple selections
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].
• Stations in which “Association Settings (→page 120)” has not been performed cannot be selected.

2. Download the file.

[Settings]: Download only the setting file.
[Sounds]: Download the setting file and audio file for a custom tone.
[Images] (IXG-DM7(-*) only): Download the setting file and the image file for Welcome Screen Settings.
[Schedules] (IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK only): Download transfer and other schedule setting files.

Menu bar

3. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Setting File Download" screen without downloading.

4. Click [OK].
• The file download result is displayed in "Station List" - "Status."
In Process: The file is in the process of downloading.
Success: Download is completed.
Failed: Download failed. Try downloading again.
Unavailable: This is displayed when a file that cannot be uploaded to a station is selected to download in
Step 2.
• Downloaded files are saved as follows in "Local Disk (C)" - "users" - "public" - "Documents" - "Aiphone" -
"IXG" - "SupportTool" - "SystemData."
– Setting file: "NewIXSystem(Set Site Name).db"
– Sound file: Saved as a WAV file in "(Set Site Name)" - "Setting (Hidden Folder)" - "(Station Number)"
– Image file: Saved as a PNG file in "(Set Site Name)" - "Setting (Hidden Folder)" - "(Station Number)"
– Schedule file: Saved inside "(Set Site Name)" - "Setting (Hidden Folder)" - "(Station Number)" as
or "SCHED_REC.txt" (the saved content differs depending on the station).

Menu bar

2.4 Upload Settings

Upload settings created using IXG Support Tool onto the station.
If “Association Settings (→page 120)” is not performed in advance, uploading is not possible.
Select "Connection" - "Upload Settings." The "Setting File Upload" screen will be displayed.


• If a custom tone/image was registered, be sure to upload each file to the station in "Sounds" - "Images."
The following will occur if only the setting file is uploaded.
– The default tone will play when the operation in which the custom tone was set is performed.
– "Download Settings" will fail.
– "Upload Settings" will fail.

Menu bar

How to upload settings

1. Select the station from which to upload the setting file from "Station List." (Multiple selections
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the type and click [Select] or [Unselect].
• Stations in which “Association Settings (→page 120)” has not been performed cannot be selected.

2. Upload the file.

[Settings]: Upload only the setting file.
[Sounds]: Upload the setting file and audio file for a custom tone.
[Images] (IXG-DM7(-*) only): Download the setting file and the image file for Welcome Screen Settings.
[Schedules] (IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK only): Select and upload transfer and other schedule setting files. Refer to
“How to upload schedules (→page 126)”.

3. If [Settings], [Sounds], or [Images] was clicked, click [OK].

• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Setting File Upload" screen without uploading.

4. Click [OK].
• The file upload result is displayed in "Station List" - "Status."
In Process: The file is in the process of uploading.
Success: Upload is completed.
Failed: Upload failed. Try uploading again.
Unavailable: This is displayed when a file that cannot be uploaded was selected in Step 2.

Menu bar

How to upload schedules

In Step 2 of “How to upload settings (→page 125)”, if [Schedules] is clicked, the following screen is displayed.

1. Select the station from which to upload the schedule file, from the station list. (Multiple selections
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].

2. Click [Start Upload].

3. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Upload Schedules" screen without uploading.

Menu bar

2.5 Upload SSL Certificate

Apply the SSL certificate data to the station.
If “Association Settings (→page 120)” is not performed in advance, uploading is not possible. Select "Connection" -
"Upload SSL Certificate." The "Certification Upload / Delete" screen will be displayed.

1. Select the type of certificate to be uploaded.

• Set the file to upload in “SSL Certificate (→page 253)”.

2. Select the station from which to upload the file from "Station List." (Multiple selections allowed.)
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].

3. Click [Upload].
• Click [Delete] to delete the uploaded file.

4. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Certification Upload / Delete" screen without uploading.
• The file upload result is displayed in "Station List" - "Status."
In Process: The file is in the process of uploading.
Success: Upload is completed.
Failed: Upload failed. Try uploading again.
Unavailable: This is displayed when a file that cannot be uploaded was selected in Step 1.
No certification: Set the file to upload in “SSL Certificate (→page 253)”.

Menu bar

2.6 Download Log File

Obtain (download) log files from IXG-DM7(-*), IXG-MK, IXG-2C7(-*), IXGW-LC, or IXGW-GW.
If “Association Settings (→page 120)” is not performed in advance, downloading is not possible.
Select "Connection" - "Download Log File ." The "Download Log" screen will be displayed.

How to obtain log files

1. Select the station from which to download the log files from "Station List." (Multiple selections
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].
• Stations in which “Association Settings (→page 120)” has not been performed cannot be selected.

2. Click [Download].

3. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Download Log" screen without downloading.

4. Select the folder where the log files are saved and click [OK].
• A folder with the name "Station Number_Date_log.gz" will be created in the specified directory, and the log
files will be saved inside as hidden files.
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Download Log" screen without saving log files.
• The file download result is displayed in "Station List" - "Status."
– In Process: The file is in the process of downloading.
– Success: Download is completed.
– Failed: Download failed. Try downloading again.

5. Click [OK].

Menu bar

2.7 Station Replacement

Use this feature to replace a station that is malfunctioning, etc. A station can only be replaced with one of the same
station type.


• To replace a station on another segment, select "Connection" - "Association Settings" to remove the association with the
malfunctioning station and then associate the newly installed station.

The MAC address for the

associated stations will be
displayed. If there are no
associations, there will be
no display.

1. Connect the PC to a network on the same segment as the system.

• Set this to the same IP version as the system. Refer to “IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)” for
information of configuring the IP version.

2. Replace the station.

3. Select "Connection" - "Station Replacement" to search for stations and display the "Station
Replacement" screen. (Searching may take several minutes.)
• The stations without power and the stations in the process of initialization will not be subject to search.
• Search up to 9999 stations at a time.
• Click [Search] to search again.
• Stations on other segments cannot be searched.

4. Select the station to replace from "Station List."

• Stations that are not associated cannot be selected.

Menu bar

5. Select the newly installed station from "Station List."

• When specifying a station from the "Station List" which has the "ID(Administrator)" and
"Password(Administrator)" set to values other than "admin," select "Enter Station ID and Station Password"
and input the "ID(Administrator)" and "Password(Administrator)" for the associated station.

6. Click [Apply].

7. Click [OK].
• The setting data will be uploaded to the newly installed station.
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Station Replacement" screen without uploading.

8. Click [OK].

Menu bar

3. App Integration
If the "App" was registered in “Units / Stations (→page 156)”, registration on IXG Cloud Server is necessary. Create
an IXG Cloud Server account and log in.

3.1 Create a New Administrator ID

Create an administrator account of the IXG Cloud Server.
Click "App Integration" - "Create a New Administrator ID." The following screen will be displayed.

How to create a new administrator account

1. Enter the following information.

• Administrator ID: 1-22 alphanumeric characters
• Password: The password must be at least 8 alphanumeric characters and include uppercase letters,
lowercase letters, and numbers.
• Confirm Password: Enter the same password again.
• Email Address: 1-64 alphanumeric characters

Menu bar

2. Click [Create].
• A Verification Code will be sent to the registered email address.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

3. Click [OK].

4. Enter the "Verification Code" contained in the email and then click [Activate].
• The administrator account has now been created on the IXG Cloud Server.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

5. Click [OK].

Menu bar

3.2 Activation
Continue to configure settings if up to Step 3 in “Create a New Administrator ID (→page 131)” was finished but Steps
4 and onward were not performed.
Click "App Integration" - "Activation." The following screen will be displayed.

How to activate the administrator account

An email containing a "Verification Code" will be sent to the registered email address in Step 1 of “Create a New
Administrator ID (→page 131)”.

1. Enter the "Verification Code" contained in the email and then click [Activate].
• The administrator account has now been created on the IXG Cloud Server.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

Menu bar

2. Click [OK].

Menu bar

3.3 Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server

If "App" was registered in “Units / Stations (→page 156)”, the following setting data configured in IXG Support Tool
will need to be uploaded to IXG Cloud Server.
• Site Information, Installer Information, Property Management Information
• Building Name
• Unit Name
• Station Name
• Station List
• Mobile App List
Refer to “Uploading a new site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 135)” if a new site was created in IXG Support Tool.
Refer to “Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server (→page 137)” if the setting data of a site that was already
registered was updated in IXG Support Tool.

3.3.1 Uploading a new site to the IXG Cloud Server

Finish configuring the following settings prior to uploading settings to the IXG Cloud Server.
• Gateway Registration (→page 161)
• Gateway Selection (→page 162)
• IXG Support Tool Settings“IXG Support Tool Settings (→page 115)”
• Create new administrator account on the IXG Cloud Server “Create a New Administrator ID (→page 131)”
• Site Information, Installer Information, Property Management Information“Site Information (→page 153)”
• Building Name“Building Information (→page 155)”
• Unit Name“Units / Stations (→page 156)”
• Station Name“Identification (→page 163)”
• Station List“Station List (→page 193)”
• Mobile App List“Mobile App List (→page 196)”
Select "App Integration" - "Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server." The "IXG Cloud Server Login" screen will be

How to apply settings to the IXG Cloud Server

1. Enter the "Administrator ID" (IXG Cloud Server ID) and "Password" that were entered in “Create a
New Administrator ID (→page 131)”.

Menu bar

2. Click [Login].
• Login to the IXG Cloud Server.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

3. Select a country which has a site.

4. Click [Upload].
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

5. Click [Agree].
• The new site is uploaded to the IXG Cloud Server.
• Click [Disagree] to exit.

Menu bar

6. Click [OK] to send the QR Code to the Tenant Station.

• The QR code will be sent to the Tenant Station. Refer to “Applying QR Code for App Registration to a station
(→page 140)” for details.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

3.3.2 Uploading an existing site to the IXG Cloud Server

If the following settings were changed in IXG Support Tool, upload the changes to the IXG Cloud Server.
• Site Information, Installer Information, Property Management Information“Site Information (→page 153)”
• Building Name“Building Information (→page 155)”
• Unit Name“Units / Stations (→page 156)”
• Station Name“Identification (→page 163)”
• Station List“Station List (→page 193)”
• Mobile App List“Mobile App List (→page 196)”
Select "App Integration" - "Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server." The "IXG Cloud Server Login" screen will be

How to apply settings to the IXG Cloud Server

1. Enter the "Administrator ID" (IXG Cloud Server ID) and "Password" that were entered in “Create a
New Administrator ID (→page 131)”.

2. Click [Login].
• Login to the IXG Cloud Server.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

Menu bar

3. Click [Upload].
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

4. Click [Agree].
• The changes are applied to IXG Cloud Server.
• Click [Disagree] to exit.

Menu bar

5. Click [OK] to send the QR Code for App Registration to the Tenant Station.
• The QR code will be sent to the Tenant Station. Refer to “Applying QR Code for App Registration to a station
(→page 140)” for details.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

Menu bar

3.4 Applying QR Code for App Registration to a station

After uploading the settings configured with IXG Support Tool in “Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server (→page 135)”,
a QR Code for App Registration is sent to the Tenant Station. If there is no Tenant Station in a Residential unit or an
Intercom App was registered in a non-Residential unit, refer to “Export QR Code for App Registration (→page 141)”.
The settings will not be uploaded unless “Association Settings (→page 120)” was performed first.
Click "App Integration" - "Upload QR Code to the station for App Registration." The following screen will be displayed.

How to upload the QR code to the station

1. Select the Tenant Station to send the QR Code for App Registration.

2. Click [Upload to station(s)].

• The result will be displayed in "Status."
– In Process: The QR code is being sent.
– Success: The QR code has been applied.
– Failed: The QR code has not been applied. Try again.

3. Click [OK].

Menu bar

3.5 Export QR Code for App Registration

Once the settings files have been uploaded to the IXG Cloud Server in “Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server
(→page 135)” generate a PDF file with QR code. A QR code for App Registration can be sent to the Tenant Station if
a Tenant Station is registered in the Residential Unit. Refer to “Applying QR Code for App Registration to a station
(→page 140)” .
The settings can not be uploaded to unless “Association Settings (→page 120)” was performed first.
Click "App Integration" - "Export QR Code for App Registration." The following screen will be displayed.

How to export the QR Code for App Registration

1. Select the unit to register a Mobile App.

2. Click [Export QR Code for App Registration].

3. Specify the save directory and click [OK].

• A file with the name "(Building Number)_(Unit Number)" will be saved in the specified directory.

4. Click [OK].

Menu bar

3.6 Site List / Property Manager Account Settings

If an account was enabled in “Create a New Administrator ID (→page 131)” or “Activation (→page 133)”, login to the
IXG Cloud Server to delete site information, or to register or delete the property manager ID.
Select "App Integration" - "Site List / Property Manager Account Settings." The following screen will be displayed.

How to configure Site List / Property Manager Account Settings

1. Enter the "Administrator ID" (IXG Cloud Server ID) and "Password" that were entered in “Create a
New Administrator ID (→page 131)”.

2. Click [Login].
• Login to the IXG Cloud Server.
• Click [Cancel] to exit IXG Cloud Server Login.

Menu bar

3. Configure the Site List and Property Manager Account Settings.

The site list will not be displayed unless “Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server (→page 135)” is performed.
• OK: Click to register the Property Manager ID and email address for each property.
• Delete: Click to delete the site information from the cloud server.
• Click [Close] to finish configuring the Site List / Property Manager Account Settings.

4. Click [OK] in Step 3 to display the following screen.

Enter the following information.
• Property Manager ID: 1-22 alphanumeric characters
• Email: 1-64 alphanumeric characters

5. Click [Create / Add].

• A temporary password will be sent to the registered email address.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

6. Click [OK].

Menu bar

3.7 Administrator Account Settings

Change the email address and password of the registered Administrator Account.
Configure this if the registered email address was changed, or to change the password.
Select "App Integration" - "Administrator Account Settings." The following screen will be displayed.

How to configure Administrator Account Settings

1. Enter the "Administrator ID" (IXG Cloud Server ID) and "Password" that were entered in “Create a
New Administrator ID (→page 131)”.

2. Click [Login].
• Login to the IXG Cloud Server.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

Menu bar

3. Change the following information if required.

• Change Email Address: Enter the new email address and click [Change Email Address]. (Email: 1-64
alphanumeric characters.)
• Change Password: Enter the current and new passwords, and then click [Change Password]. (The
password must be at least 8 alphanumeric characters and include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and
• Click [Close] to exit.

4. If [Change Email Address] was clicked in Step 3, an email containing the Verification Code will be
sent to the registered email address.
Click [OK].

5. Enter the received "Verification Code" and then click [Activate].

• Click [Cancel] to exit.

6. Click [OK].

Menu bar

3.7.1 Password Recovery

If the password used to login to the IXG Cloud Server was forgotten, a new password can be created.
Click "App Integration" - "Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server," "Site List / Property Manager Account Settings," or
"Administrator Account Settings." The following screen will be displayed.

How to create a new password

1. Click [*Forgot password? ].

2. Enter "IXG Cloud Server ID" or "Email," and click [Send Email].
• An email containing the Verification Code will be sent either to the email address associated with the IXG
Cloud Server ID or to the email address that was entered.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.


• Input the Email Address which is registered in the IXG Cloud Server for the Email Address.

Menu bar

3. Click [OK].

4. Enter the following information.

• Verification Code: Enter the "Verification Code" contained in the email.
• New Password: The password must be at least 8 alphanumeric characters and include uppercase letters,
lowercase letters, and numbers.
• Confirm Password: Enter the same password again.

5. Click [Change Password].

• The password will be changed.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

6. Click [OK].

Menu bar

3.8 Manual IXG Cloud Server and Gateway Sync

If the app integration function is not working properly, synchronize the settings of the Gateway Adaptor and the IXG
Cloud Server.


• The Gateway Adaptor cannot be configured unless “Association Settings (→page 120)” was performed and the PC can
communicate with the system.

Click "App Integration" - "Manual IXG Cloud Server and Gateway Sync" to display the following screen.

Manual IXG Cloud Server and Gateway Sync

1. Select the Gateway Adaptor to synchronize with the IXG Cloud Server.

2. Click [Sync].
• The IXG Cloud Server and the Gateway Adaptor will be synchronized.
• The file synchronization result is displayed in "Status."
In Process: Currently synchronizing.
Success: Synchronization successful.
Failed: Synchronization failed. Try synchronizing again.

How to delete linked information from the Gateway and the IXG Cloud Server
If app integration will no longer be used, delete the gateway information from the IXG Cloud Server and the IXG Cloud
Server information from the gateway.

1. Select the Gateway Adaptor for which to delete the link.

2. Click [Delete information from Gateway and IXG Cloud Server ].

• The gateway information is deleted from the IXG Cloud Server, and the IXG Cloud Server information is
deleted from the gateway.
• The result is displayed in "Status."
In Process: Linked information is being deleted.
Success: Linked information has been deleted.
Failed: Linked information has not been deleted, try again.

Menu bar

4. View

Select the configuration mode.

• Basic: Configure only the following settings.
– Site Information
– Building Information
– Units / Stations
– Gateway Registration
– Gateway Selection
– Identification
– ID / Password
– IP Address
• Advanced: Perform detailed configuration for all functions.
• Property Manager Settings: Configure the following settings.
Move-in Settings
– Units / Stations
– Identification
– Station List
– Mobile App List
– Network Camera List
– Group
– Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations)
– Guard Button
Move-out Settings
– Resident Move-out
– Delete Unit Information
– Access Code
– Welcome Screen
– Absent Transfer
– Delay Transfer
– Schedule Transfer

Menu bar

5. Language

Set the language of following items.

• The display content of the IXG Support Tool.
• The language used to enter setting data (Units / Stations, etc.)
• The content of the email message.


• The language used on each station can be changed on the Settings screen of each station.
• If the language (configured on the station main unit) displayed on the screen for IXG-2C7(-*), IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, IXG-DM7(-*),
or Intercom App is different from the language set with "Language" the characters may appear incorrectly. To avoid this, enter
information in the setting data using alphabetical characters only.

Menu bar

6. Help

6.1 About
Select "Help" - "About." The "About" screen will be displayed.

The current version of the IXG Support Tool.

This shows the Installer Information and Property Management Information

entered in “Create new system/import setting data (→page 104)” or “Site
Information (→page 153)”.

Click [Close] to close the "About" screen.



• Depending on the display language of the Master Station (IXG-2C7(-*), IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, IXG-DM7(-*), or Intercom App), the
settings may appear incorrectly.
• The symbols indicate the following:
♦: Be sure to enter a setting value. Use the default values, unless a change is necessary.
System Settings

1. Site Information

1.1 Site Information Basic

System Settings

■ System ID♦
Description Configure the System ID used to configure the “ID(Administrator)♦ (→page 165)” in bulk. The
value entered for System ID is reflected in "ID(Administrator)" of each station. If System ID was
entered in “Create a new system setting file (→page 106)”, that information will be displayed.
Settings 1-20 alphanumeric characters
Cannot be set to "admin" or "root."
Default value -

■ System Password♦
Description Configure the System Password used to configure the “Password(Administrator)♦ (→page 165)”
in bulk. The value entered for System Password is reflected in "Password(Administrator)" of
each station. If System Password was entered in “Create a new system setting file
(→page 106)”, that information will be displayed.
Settings 1-20 alphanumeric characters
Cannot be set to "admin."
Default value -

■ Site Information
Description Enter the site information. If site information was entered in “Create a new system setting file
(→page 106)”, that information will be displayed.
Settings • Site Name♦: 1-128 alphanumeric characters
• Address: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Notes: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Installer Information
Description Enter the installer information. If installer information was entered in “Create a new system
setting file (→page 106)”, that information will be displayed.
Settings • Company Name: 4 rows (1 - 64 alphanumeric characters per row)
• Representative Name: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Email: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Phone Number: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Property Management Information

Description Enter the property management company information. If property management company
information was entered in “Create a new system setting file (→page 106)”, that information will
be displayed.
Settings • Company Name: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Representative Name: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Email: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
• Phone Number: 1-262 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

System Settings

1.2 Building Information Basic

Configure the name of the building to register to the system.

Up to 99 buildings can be registered.

■ Enable
Description Configure whether to use building information.
Settings • Checked: Enable
• Unchecked: Disable
Default value Checked: Enable


• If data associated with a building has already been set, setting "Unchecked: Disable" will delete all data associated with the

■ Building Name♦
Description Configure the name of the building.
The set building name will be used when specifying a destination on a Entrance Station or Guard
Settings • 1-24 alphanumeric characters
Default value If "Enable" is set to "Checked: Enable," this will be set in order starting from building 1.

System Settings

1.3 Units / Stations Basic

Configure common area and private area information.

Up to 9,999 units can be registered.
Up to 9,999 IXG and IX stations can be registered. Up to 9,999 Mobile Apps can be registered.


Door Stations Intercom App IXG-2C7(-L) IX-RS-*

Inside Area

Door Stations IX-MV7-* IX-RS-* IXG-MK


Door Stations Intercom App IXG-MK IX-RS-*


Outside Area Commercial

Door Stations Door Stations Intercom App IX-MV7-* IX-RS-*


System Settings

Configure unit information.

Up to 9,999 IXG and IX stations can be registered. Up to 9,999 Mobile Apps can be registered.

Building Number / Building Name: Select a building to display and then click [Apply] to display only the selected building.
Unit Type: Select a location to display and then click [Apply] to display only the selected location.

Display Settings
Check the display setting item box, select the number to display for each station, and
then click [Apply].


• “Language (→page 150)” must be set before continuing.

• Enter using the language set in “Language (→page 150)”. However, if the language (configured on the station main unit)
displayed on the screen for IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, IXG-DM7(-*), or Intercom App is different from the language set
with “Language (→page 150)”, the characters displayed on the station screen may appear incorrectly. To avoid this, enter
information using alphabetical characters only.

■ Building Number♦
Description Select the building number.
Settings 01-99
Default value -

System Settings

■ Unit Number♦
Description Enter the unit number. When configuring a range of unit numbers in order, enter the first unit
number and then press the [Enter key] to configure subsequent unit numbers in order.
Unit Number and Station Number must be different.
Unit Numbers must be unique within the same building.
Settings Single building system: 3-4 digits
Multiple building system: 3-10 digits
Default value -

■ Unit Type♦
Description Select the location where the station is installed.
Click [Select] and select the location.
Settings • Entrance
• Residential
• Guard
• Commercial
• Inside Area
• Outside Area
• Delete
Default value -


• The types of stations that can be installed vary by location.

■ Unit Name♦
Description Configure the name of the unit.
The Unit Name will be displayed when placing a call.
The Unit Name will be displayed on the selection button of the Search by List Screen for the
Entrance Station. (Guard, Inside Area, Commercial only)
Settings 1-24 alphanumeric characters
Default value A combination of the location selected in "Unit Type" and the unit number

■ First Name (Residential only)

Description Enter the first name.
The First Name will be displayed on the selection button of the Search by List Screen on the
Entrance Station.
This is also used to search for a destination on the Entrance Station.
Settings 1-16 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

System Settings

■ Last Name (Residential only)

Description Enter the last name.
The Last Name will be displayed on the selection button of the Search by List Screen on the
Entrance Station.
This is also used to search for a destination on the Entrance Station.
Settings 1-16 alphanumeric characters
Default value -


• Only alphanumeric characters can be entered on the Search by Name Screen for an Entrance Station, so enter only
alphanumeric characters for the "First Name" and "Last Name" when using “Search by Name (→page 295)” with an Entrance

■ Master / Tenant Station (Guard, Commercial, Residential, Inside Area only)

Description Configure the station type of the station to install in Guard, Commercial, Residential, or Inside
Up to 8 new master / tenant stations can be registered in each unit.
Click [Select] and select the new master / tenant station type.
Settings • Guard: IXG-MK, IX-RS-*, and Delete
• Commercial: IX-MV7-*, IX-RS-*, and Delete
• Residential: IXG-2C7(-*), IX-RS-*, and Delete
• Inside Area: IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, IX-RS-*, and Delete
Default value -

■ Door / Entrance Station

Description Configure the station type of the Door Station or Entrance Station to install in each location.
Up to two Door Stations can be registered for each unit (excluding the Outside Area) and up to
10 Entrance Stations.
Up to 10 Door Stations can be registered for the Outside Area.
Click [Select] and select the station type of the Door Station or Entrance Station.
Settings • Entrance: IXG-DM7(-*), Delete
• Additional Settings
– IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
– IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*) with Emergency Button
– IX-SSA(-*)
– IX-SSA(-*) with Emergency Button
– IX-SS-2G
– Delete
Default value -

■ App (Guard, Commercial, Residential only)

Description Configure the station type of the app to register to Guard, Commercial, or Residential Unit.
Up to 8 Mobile Apps can be registered in each unit.
Click [Select] and select the app station type.
Settings Intercom App, Delete
Default value -

System Settings


• Even if stations or units are deleted in the IXG Support Tool, the settings on the stations are not initialized. If a deleted station
exists on the same network, make sure that a newly registered station does not conflict with the IP address of the deleted

System Settings

1.4 Gateway Registration Basic


• Video may not play smoothly if the upload speed of your Internet connection is slow. (An upload speed of 16 Mbps or greater
is recommended. If 16 Mbps cannot be ensured, video quality may decrease or it may not be possible to show videos. Reduce
the settings for “Maximum Simultaneous Calls (→page 161)” and "Video" - “Frame Rate [fps] (→page 179)” and “Bit Rate
[kbps] [H.264/AVC] (→page 180)” to better suit the connection speed (bandwidth).)
• Due to the features and services provided by the Gateway Adaptor and the AIPHONE IXG app, future required changes to
device functionality, network communication, security, etc. may require firmware updates unavailable to the Gateway Adaptor.
In this situation, the Gateway Adaptor would need to be replaced at the cost of the responsible party.

■ Enable
Description Configure whether to use the Gateway Adaptor.
Settings • Checked: Enable
• Unchecked: Disable
Default value Unchecked: Disable

■ Station Name♦
Description Configure the name of the Gateway Adaptor.
Settings 1-24 alphanumeric characters
Default value If "Enable" is set to "Checked: Enable," this will be set to Gateway Adaptor 1.

■ Cancel Priority Rule

Description Configure whether to disconnect a communication line of lower priority and switch to a
communication line of higher priority if all of the communication lines within the Gateway Adaptor
are in use.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Enable

■ Maximum Simultaneous Calls

Description Configure the maximum number of communication lines in the Gateway Adaptor.
Settings 1-8
Default value 8

System Settings

1.5 Gateway Selection Basic

■ Gateway Number
Description If “Gateway Registration (→page 161)” is set to "Enable," configure "1" for the unit where the
App is registered in “Units / Stations (→page 156)”. Also configure "1" for the unit (entrance) that
calls the Mobile App, and the unit containing the Entrance Station or Door Station that is
monitored by the Mobile App.
Settings 1
Default value -

System Settings

2. Station Information

2.1 Identification Basic

Configure the Station Number and Station Name of the station to register in the system.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was


• Always set “Language (→page 150)” before setting "Identification."

• Enter using the language set in “Language (→page 150)”. However, if the language (configured on the station main unit)
displayed on the screen for IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, IXG-DM7(-*), or Intercom App is different from the language set
with “Language (→page 150)”, the characters displayed on the station screen may appear incorrectly. To avoid this, enter
information using alphabetical characters only.

System Settings

■ Station Number♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW ☑Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the station number. Ensure that it does not overlap with the unit number or other station
numbers. The set station number will be shown on the destination station when placing a call or
when the station is paged.
This is also used when searching stations by station number on IX-MV7-*.
Settings Single Building System (except for IXGW-LC, IXGW-GW, Intercom App): 3-5 digits
Multiple Building System: 3-24 digits
Default value Single Building System: Unit Number+sequence number starting from 0 for each unit type
(sequence number from 000 for Intercom App)
Multiple Building System: Building Number+Unit Number+sequence number starting from 0 for
each unit type (sequence number from 000 for Intercom App)
• For IXGW-LC, Building Number+sequence number starting from 01 for each
• For IXGW-GW, 00+sequence number starting from 01 for each

■ Station Name♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW ☑Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the station name.
The set station name will be shown on the destination station when placing a call.
Settings 1-24 alphanumeric characters
Default value • IXG-2C7(-*): Tenant Station (number)
• IXG-MK: Guard Station (number)
• IX-MV7-*: Master Station (number)
• IX-RS-*: Handset Sub Station (number)
• IXG-DM7(-*): Entrance Station (number)
• IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-DA, IX-EA, IX-EAU: Video Door Station (number)
• IX-SSA(-*), IX-BA, IX-FA, IX-SS-2G: Audio Door Station (number)
• Intercom App: Intercom App (number)
• IXGW-LC: Lift Control Adaptor (number)
• IXGW-GW: Gateway Adaptor (number)

System Settings

2.2 ID / Password Basic

Set ID and password used when authenticating using ONVIF or RTSP.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was

■ ID(Administrator)♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set an ID used when communicating with a station, such as when applying settings to the
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Cannot be set to "admin" or "root."
Default value admin (if “System ID♦ (→page 106)” was set, the same value as the System ID will be set.)

■ Password(Administrator)♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set a password used when communicating with a station, such as when applying settings to the
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Cannot be set to "admin."
Default value admin (if “System Password♦ (→page 106)” was set, the same value as the System Password
will be set.)

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the ID to access this station from 3rd party products using ONVIF.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

System Settings

■ ONVIF Password
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the Password to access this station from 3rd party products using ONVIF.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the ID to access this station from 3rd party products using RTSP.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ RTSP Password
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the Password to access this station from 3rd party products using RTSP.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value -


• The ONVIF port number is "10080" and the RTSP port number is "554."
• Refer to “Using a 3rd party product to monitor video/audio from Door Stations (→page 185)” for information on monitoring
video and audio from a Door Station with a 3rd party product.
• "Password(Administrator)," "ONVIF Password," and "RTSP Password" are displayed as "*****" in the Settings screen.

System Settings

2.3 Time
Set the date and time for each station.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

“Manual Date / Time Setup (→page 169)”

2.3.1 Time Zone

■ Select time zone

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the time zone.
Settings Select from 99 regions
Default value When a new system is created, the following settings will be set to these defaults depending on
the language selected.
Japanese: (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
English: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Standard Time (US), Tijuana
French: (GMT+01:00) Brussels, Madrid, Copenhagen, Paris
Spanish: (GMT+01:00) Brussels, Madrid, Copenhagen, Paris
Dutch: (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Oslo, Rome, Stockholm
Traditional Chinese: (GMT+08:00) Taipei
Simplified Chinese: (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Italian: (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Oslo, Rome, Stockholm
German: (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Oslo, Rome, Stockholm
Norwegian: (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Oslo, Rome, Stockholm
Finnish: (GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn
Turkish: (GMT+02:00) Athens

System Settings

2.3.2 Daylight Saving Time

■ Automatic Daylight Saving Time

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Use this to adjust the daylight saving time automatically to match the region selected in "Select
time zone."
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings

2.3.3 Manual Date / Time Setup

Configure the date and time for each station. Be sure to set this, as the time is used for the incoming call history,
outgoing call history, and the system log.


• The time cannot be set unless the “Association Settings (→page 120)” is performed and the PC is connected to the same
network as the station.

Click [Manual Date / Time Setup]. The "Manual Date / Time Setup" screen will be shown.

How to configure the date and time

1. Enter (select) "Year," "Month," "Day," "Hour," "Minute," and "Second."

• Click [Sync with PC] to synchronize the time with the PC.

2. Click [Apply].
• If "Association Settings" have not been configured, the following screen will be shown.
Click [OK] and perform “Association Settings (→page 120)”.

• If the PC cannot communicate with the system, the following screen will be shown.
Click [OK], and then make sure the PC can communicate with the system.

3. Click [OK].

System Settings

3. Network Settings

3.1 IP Address Basic

Configure the hostname, IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for each station.


• When a setting related to the IP address is updated on a station, it will restart. In some cases, it may take up to 10 minutes for
the station to restart.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

“Batch IP Address Configuration (→page 174)”

■ Hostname
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Configure the hostname for the station. Set this to connect to stations registered in “Station List
(→page 193)” and “Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations) (→page 208)” by hostname.
When setting the hostname, configure “DNS (→page 175)”.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value -


• Communication from IXG Support Tool to the stations use the IP address.

System Settings

■ IP Version
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select the protocol.
Settings • IPv4
• IPv6
Default value IPv4


• IPv4 and IPv6 cannot be mixed in the same system.

■ Static / DHCP
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select the addressing method for the IP version selected in "IP Version."
Settings For IPv4
• Static
For IPv6
• Static
• Stateless
• DHCPv6
Default value • Static


• When selecting "DHCP" for IPv4, configure the system so that the DHCP server assigns a static IP address to each station.
• When selecting "Stateless" for IPv6, do not change the prefix of the device that can transmit RA.
• When selecting "DHCPv6" for IPv6, configure the system so that the DHCP server assigns a static IP address to each station.
DUID of the station is "00030001 + MAC address."
• When setting up a product from another manufacturer, such as a DHCP server, refer to its manual.

System Settings

3.1.1 IPv4 Address


• If “Static / DHCP (→page 171)” is set to "DHCP," settings will not be applied to the station even if the "IP Address," "Subnet
Mask," and "Default Gateway" are set.

■ IP Address♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IP address.
Set unique IP addresses. Doing otherwise will cause malfunctions.
Default value -

■ Subnet Mask♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the Subnet Mask.
Default value -

■ Default Gateway
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the Default Gateway.
Default value -


• Be sure to set the IXGW-GW Default Gateway. The Intercom App cannot be used unless it is configured.

System Settings

3.1.2 IPv6 address


• If "Static / DHCP" is set to "Stateless" or "DHCPv6," settings will not be applied to the station even if "IP Address" and "Default
Gateway" are set.

■ IP Address♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IP address.
Set unique IP addresses. Doing otherwise will cause malfunctions.
Settings 2000::0-3FFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF or FD00::0-
Default value -

■ Default Gateway
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the Default Gateway.
Default value -

System Settings

3.1.3 Batch IP Address Configuration

Click [Batch IP Address Configuration]. The "Batch IP Address Configuration" screen will be shown.


How to perform Batch IP Address Configuration

1. Enter the start IP address that is to be automatically assigned in "IPv4 Address" or "IPv6 Address."

2. For IPv4, enter the "Subnet Mask."

• Use the subnet mask to set the range for assignment. The network address and the broadcast addresses for
the range cannot be assigned.

3. Select the station to automatically assign an IP address from "Station List." (Multiple selections
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].

4. Click [OK].

5. Click [OK]. The IP addresses will be automatically assigned and the subnet mask will be entered.
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Batch IP Address Configuration" screen.

System Settings

3.2 DNS Basic

If the IPv4 or IPv6 address for each item was configured by hostname, a DNS server must be configured for name

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was

3.2.1 Primary Server

■ IPv4
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv4 address for DNS Primary Server.
Default value -

■ IPv6
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv6 address for DNS Primary Server.
Default value -

System Settings

3.2.2 Secondary Server

■ IPv4
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv4 address of the secondary DNS server.
Default value -

■ IPv6
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv6 address of the secondary DNS server.
Default value -


• Be sure to set the IXGW-GW DNS. The Intercom App cannot be used unless it is configured.

System Settings

3.3 Multicast Address

This must be configured if multicast is enabled in “Group (→page 202)”, “All Page (→page 227)”, “Building Page
(→page 229)”, and “Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations) (→page 208)”.


• The default value for All Page and Building Page is multicast, so make sure to set this.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

“Batch multicast address configuration (→page 178)”

■ IPv4
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the IPv4 multicast address. Be sure to set unique multicast addresses.
Default value -

■ IPv6
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the IPv6 multicast address. Be sure to set unique multicast addresses.
Default value -

System Settings

3.3.1 Batch multicast address configuration

Click [Batch Multicast Address Configuration]. The "Batch Multicast Address Configuration" screen will be shown.

How to perform batch multicast address configuration

1. Enter the start IP address that is to be automatically assigned for multicast addresses in "IPv4" or

2. Select the station to automatically assign a multicast address from "Station List." (Multiple selections
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].

3. Click [OK].

4. Click [OK]. The multicast addresses will be automatically assigned.

• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Batch Multicast Address Configuration" screen.

System Settings

3.4 Video
Configure video settings.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

Move to Related Settings

Moves to the selected item within the same Settings screen.

3.4.1 Video Encoder 1

Configure video settings for calls/communication between IXG and IX system stations. Use “Master Station Video
Setting (→page 184)” to configure video settings for the IX-MV7-* and IXG-MK camera.

■ Frame Rate [fps]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the frame rate.
Settings 1, 2 (except for IX-DA), 3, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20 (except for IXG-DM7(-*)), 30 (except for IXG-DM7(-
*)) fps
If IX-DA was set to 7.5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 fps, the frame rate will drop to 5 fps once approximately
10 minutes have elapsed after an outgoing call is made.
Default value 15 fps


• The frame rate may be lower than the set value depending on the video being sent, the number of recipient stations, and the
network environment.

System Settings

■ I-picture interval [H.264/AVC]♦

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the interval to send H.264/AVC I-pictures.
Settings 1 - 100
Default value 15

■ Bit Rate [kbps] [H.264/AVC]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the H.264/AVC bit rate.
Settings 32 (except for IX-DA), 64, 128, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 2048 kbps
Default value 1024 kbps


• The bit rate may be lower than the set value depending on the video being sent, the number of recipient stations, and the
network environment.

System Settings

3.4.2 Video Encoder 2

Set when transmitting video using ONVIF.

To view video of IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-EA, IX-EAU, or IX-DA with a 3rd party product, refer to “Using a 3rd party
product to monitor video/audio from Door Stations (→page 185)”.


• Settings may be changed by request from the 3rd party product. Refer to the manual of the 3rd party product for details.

■ Second Video Encoder

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set whether to use the second video encoder.
Set to "Enable" when transmitting video using ONVIF.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Except for IXG-DM7(-*): Enable
IXG-DM7(-*): Disable

■ Video Codec
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the coding system for the video.
Settings • H.264/AVC
• Motion-JPEG
Default value H.264/AVC

■ Resolution
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the video resolution.
Settings • 320x240(QVGA) (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• 640x480(VGA)
• 800x480(WVGA) (except for IXG-DM7(-*), IX-DA)
• 1280x720(HD) (except for IX-DA)
• 1280x960(SXVGA) (except for IXG-DM7(-*), IX-DA)
Default value Except for IX-DA: 1280x720(HD)
IX-DA: 320x240(QVGA)

System Settings

■ Frame Rate [fps]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the frame rate.
Settings 1, 2 (except for IX-DA), 3, 5, 7.5, 10, 15 (except for IXG-DM7(-*)), 20 (except for IXG-DM7(-*)),
30 (except for IXG-DM7(-*)) fps
If IX-DA was set to 7.5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 fps, the frame rate will drop to 5 fps once approximately
10 minutes have elapsed after an outgoing call is made.
Default value Except forIX-DA: 10 fps
IX-DA: 15 fps


• The frame rate may be lower than the set value depending on the video being sent, the number of recipient stations, and the
network environment.

■ Select Profile [H.264/AVC]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the H.264/AVC Profile.
Settings • Baseline
• Main
• High
Default value Main

■ I picture interval [H.264/AVC]♦

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the interval to send H.264/AVC I-pictures.
Settings 1 - 100
Default value Except for IX-DA: 10
IX-DA: 15

System Settings

■ Bit rate [kbps] [H.264 / AVC]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the H.264/AVC bit rate.
Settings 32 (except for IX-DA), 64, 128, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 2048, 4096 (except for IX-DA), 8192
(except for IX-DA) kbps
Default value Except for IX-DA: 2048 kbps
IX-DA: 1024 kbps


• The bit rate may be lower than the set value depending on the video being sent, the number of recipient stations, and the
network environment.

■ Select Quality [Motion-JPEG]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the quality of Motion-JPEG.
Settings This is set to "6" and cannot be changed.
Default value 6

■ RTP Start Port♦

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the range of port numbers to transmit and receive RTP.
Set the difference to 10 or greater in the range of (RTP Start Port) - (RTP End Port).
Settings 1 - 65534
Default value 32000

■ RTP End Port♦

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the range of port numbers to transmit and receive RTP.
Set the difference to 10 or greater in the range of (RTP Start Port) - (RTP End Port).
Settings 1 - 65535
Default value 33000

System Settings

3.4.3 Master Station Video Setting

Configure video-related settings for the IX-MV7-* and IXG-MK camera.

■ Frame Rate [fps]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the frame rate.
Settings 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30 fps
Default value 15 fps


• The frame rate may be lower than the set value depending on the video being sent, the number of recipient stations, and the
network environment.

■ I-picture Interval♦
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the interval to send I-picture for Video Streaming.
Settings 1 - 100
Default value 15

■ Bit rate [kbps]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the bit rate [kbps].
Settings 32, 64, 128, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 2048 kbps
Default value 1024 kbps


• The bit rate may be lower than the set value depending on the video being sent, the number of recipient stations, and the
network environment.

System Settings

3.4.4 Using a 3rd party product to monitor video/audio from Door Stations

Video Door Stations support ONVIF Profile S and RTSP.

Video and audio captured by a Video Door Station camera and microphone can be monitored from a 3rd party


• Video from a Video Door Station cannot be viewed simultaneously by two or more 3rd party products.

Using a 3rd party product to monitor video/audio from a Door Station

1. Set “Second Video Encoder (→page 181)” to "Enable."

2. Configure video and audio settings.

• Configure video in “Video Encoder 2 (→page 181)”.
• "Audio 2 RTP Start Port: 22,000" and "Audio 2 RTP End Port: 23,000" are set for audio.


• Configure “Video Encoder 2 (→page 181)” according to the specification of the product.

3. Register the Door Station with the 3rd party product. Enter the following as necessary.
• ONVIF ID: Configure in “ONVIF ID (→page 165)”.
• ONVIF Password: Configure in “ONVIF Password (→page 166)”.
• ONVIF communication port number: 10080
• RTSP ID: Configure in “RTSP ID (→page 166)”.
• RTSP Password: Configure in “RTSP Password (→page 166)”.
• RTSP communication port number: 554
• For how to register, refer to the instruction manual of the third party product to be registered.


• "ONVIF ID" and "ONVIF Password" can be changed from the 3rd party product.

System Settings

3.5 Audio
Configure the settings for audio.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

■ Audio Codec
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select the audio codec.
Settings • G.711(μ-law)
• G.711(A-law)
Default value G.711(μ-law)

System Settings

3.5.1 Audio Buffer

■ Packets Buffered at Audio Start

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the number of packets to accumulate before playing audio.
Settings 0-4
Default value 1

■ Maximum Packets Buffered

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the maximum number of packets that can be accumulated.
If a packet is received beyond the set value, it is removed from the oldest packet.
It should be greater than the number of “Packets Buffered at Audio Start (→page 187)”.
Settings 2 - 10
Default value 3

System Settings

3.6 Packet Priority

Configure the Packet Priority and VLAN for audio, video, and SIP packets.


• When a setting related to VLAN is updated at a station, it will restart. In some cases, it may take around 10 minutes for the
station to start up.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the display as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the entered row.

■ TOS Value (Audio)♦

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the Packet Priority (TOS Value) for Audio.
Settings 0x00-0xFF
Default value 0x00

■ TOS Value (Video)♦

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the Packet Priority (TOS Value) for Video.
Settings 0x00-0xFF
Default value 0x00

■ TOS Value (SIP)♦

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the Packet Priority (TOS Value) for SIP.
Settings 0x00-0xFF
Default value 0x00

System Settings

■ VLAN Setting
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable for tagged VLAN.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable


• When "VLAN Setting" is set to "Enable" and uploaded to the station, ensure that the switches, PCs, and stations are all
configured for VLAN operation.

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the VLAN ID.
Settings 1 - 4094
Default value 1

■ VLAN Priority
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the VLAN Priority.
Settings 0 (Low) - 7 (High)
Default value 0

System Settings

3.7 NTP Basic

Configure NTP settings.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

3.7.1 NTP

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set whether to obtain the time from an NTP server.
If this is set to "Enable," be sure to configure the other subcategories in “NTP (→page 190)”.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value • Except for IXGW-GW: Disable
• IXGW-GW: Enable

3.7.2 Synchronization Interval [hour]♦

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the interval to synchronize with the NTP server.
Settings 1-255 hours (by 1 hour)
Default value 24 hours

System Settings

3.7.3 Primary Server

■ IPv4 Address
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv4 address of the primary NTP server.
Configure the “DNS (→page 175)” if setting by hostname.
Settings or hostname (1-64 alphanumeric characters)
Default value • Except for IXGW-GW: -
• IXGW-GW: ntp.jo.aiphone-app.net

■ IPv6 Address
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv6 address of the primary NTP server.
Configure the “DNS (→page 175)” if setting by hostname.
Settings ::FF:0 - FEFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF or hostname (1-64 alphanumeric
Default value • Except for IXGW-GW: -
• IXGW-GW: ntp.jo.aiphone-app.net

■ Port♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the port number for NTP.
Settings 1 - 65535
Default value 123

System Settings

3.7.4 Secondary Server

■ IPv4 Address
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv4 address of the secondary NTP server.
Configure the “DNS (→page 175)” if setting by hostname.
Settings or hostname (1-64 alphanumeric characters)
Default value -

■ IPv6 Address
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv6 address of the secondary NTP server.
Configure the “DNS (→page 175)” if setting by hostname.
Settings ::FF:0-FEFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF or hostname (1-64 alphanumeric
Default value -

■ Port♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the port number for NTP.
Settings 1 - 65535
Default value 123

System Settings

4. System Information

4.1 Station List

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW ☑Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*

Configure the address book for IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-DM7(-*), or Intercom App.

Up to 500 stations can be registered only on the IXG-2C7(-*).

The number of stations which can be registered on the IX-MV7-* is the number of stations registered on the “Station
List (→page 193)” plus the number of units registered on the “Mobile App List (→page 196)” for a maximum total of

Calling, paging, monitoring (IXG-DM7(-*) and Door Stations only), line supervision, and device checking (IX Station
only) can be performed by IX-MV7-* for stations registered in the Address Book.
Calling, paging, and monitoring (IXG-DM7(-*) and Door Stations only) can be performed by IXG-MK for stations
registered in the Address Book.
Calling (except for IXG-DM7(-*), Door Stations) and monitoring (IXG-DM7(-*) and Door Stations only) can be
performed by IXG-2C7(-*) for stations registered in the Address Book.
Calling can be performed by IXG-DM7(-*) for stations registered in the Address Book.
Monitoring can be performed by Intercom App for stations registered in the Address Book.
Monitoring can be performed for network cameras.

System Settings

Move row Move column

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Up to 50 station number columns can be displayed at a time.
Switch the screen as follows. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. [Previous]: Display the previous 50 columns.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Next]: Display the next 50 columns.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move [Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the
the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered. cursor to the column of the station number that was entered.

2 3

List of IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-DM7(-*), If a network camera has not been registered in “Network Camera
Intercom App in setting data List (→page 198)”, this will not be shown.

List of stations that can be registered to the Address Book


• Stations where “IP Address (→page 170)” is not configured cannot be registered to the Address Book.
• To access stations registered to the Address Book by hostname, configure "IP Address" - “Hostname (→page 200)” and “DNS
(→page 175)”.

How to create a Station List

1. Search for the stations for which the Address Book will be set up from the "list of IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK,
IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-DM7(-*), and Intercom App in setting data."

2. Search for the station to be registered in the Address Book using "list of stations that can be
registered to the Address Book."

System Settings

3. Click the cells ("Select," "Network Camera," and "Door Release Button") that correspond to Steps 1
and 2.
• Select: The station for which "✔" was selected will be registered in the Address Book.
• Network Camera (IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, and IXG-2C7(-*) only): Click [Network Camera Selection] to select
the network camera to associate. Network cameras configured in “Network Camera List (→page 198)” may
be selected. The number of the selected network camera is displayed.
If a network camera is associated with a station, the video from the network camera will be displayed when
placing a call, during a communication, or when monitoring.

• Door Release Button (Intercom App only): Set whether to display the Door Release button on the station
screen in order to release the door.
– Disable: Do not display the Door Release button on the station screen.
– Display 1 Only: Display only Door Release button 1 on the station screen.
– Display 1 and 2: Display Door Release button 1 and Door Release button 2 on the station screen.

4. After configuration is complete, click [Update].

5. Click [OK].

System Settings

4.2 Mobile App List

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*

Register the unit containing the Mobile App to call in the Address Book.
All Mobile Apps in a registered unit can be called at once.

The number of stations which can be registered on the IX-MV7-* is the number of stations registered on the “Station
List (→page 193)” plus the number of units registered on the “Mobile App List (→page 196)” for a maximum total of

Move row Move column

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch Up to 50 station number columns can be displayed at a time.
the screen as follows. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. [Previous]: Display the previous 50 columns.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Next]: Display the next 50 columns.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the [Building Number]: Select the building.
cursor to the row of the station number that was entered. [Apply]: Select the building number and enter the unit number
and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the column of the unit
number that was entered.

1 3

List of IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), and IXG-DM7(-*) in List of units that can be registered to the Address Book
setting data

Mobile App List

1. Search for the stations for which the Address Book will be set up from the "list of IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*,
IXG-2C7(-*), and IXG-DM7(-*) in setting data."

2. Search for the unit to be registered in the Address Book using "list of units that can be registered to
the Address Book."

3. Click the cell that corresponds to Steps 1 and 2.

• Select: The unit for which "✔" was selected will be registered in the Address Book.

4. After configuration is complete, click [Update].

System Settings

5. Click [OK].

System Settings

4.3 Network Camera List

IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, and IXG-2C7(-*) support ONVIF Profile S and RTSP.
Video and audio captured by a 3rd party network camera and microphone can be monitored on the IX-MV7-*, IXG-
MK, or IXG-2C7(-*) screen.
Register the network camera in the Address Book. Up to 500 network cameras can be registered.
Configure “Network Camera Integration (→page 237)” to configure event notification-related settings for the network

Resolution of network cameras capable of displaying Resolution of network cameras capable of recording
video video
• IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK: SXGA or lower • IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK: QVGA, VGA, WVGA, HD, SXVGA
• IXG-2C7(-*): HD or lower (However, set to 5 fps or lower if • IXG-2C7(-*): QVGA, VGA, WVGA, HD
larger than WVGA.)

Move row Move column

Up to 50 station number rows can be Up to 50 station number columns can be displayed at a time. Switch the
displayed at a time. Switch the screen as screen as follows.
follows. [Previous]: Display the previous 50 columns.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. [Next]: Display the next 50 columns.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the
[Apply]: Enter the station number and column of the station number that was entered.
click [Apply] to move the cursor to the
row of the station number that was

List of network cameras that can be registered to the Address Book

“Network Camera Registry (→page 199)”


List of IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, and IXG-2C7(-*) in setting data If no network camera is registered, this will not be shown.

System Settings

How to create a Network Camera List

1. Register the network camera in “Network Camera Registry (→page 199)”.

2. Search for the stations for which the Address Book will be set up from the "list of IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK,
and IXG-2C7(-*) in setting data."

3. Identify the network camera to be registered in the Address Book using "List of network cameras that
can be registered to the Address Book."

4. Click the cells ("Select" and "Audio Monitoring") that correspond to Steps 2 and 3.
• Select: Register network cameras with "✔" selected to the Address Book.
• Audio Monitoring: Configure whether to allow monitoring of network camera audio from the station.

5. After configuration is complete, click [Update].

6. Click [OK].

4.3.1 Network Camera Registry

Click [Open Network Camera Registry]. The following screen is displayed.

“How to register a new network camera (→page 201)”

Select the network camera(s) to be deleted (multiple selections allowed), and click to delete.

If no network camera is registered, this will not be shown.


• Network camera registration is configured via “Association Settings (→page 120)” on at least one IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, or IXG-
2C7(-*), and cannot be configured if the PC cannot communicate with the system. (This is because, when registering a
network camera, the network camera is searched through IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, or IXG-2C7(-*)).
• Even if the network camera unit settings (resolution, etc.) are changed after uploading the settings to stations (IXG-2C7(-*), IX-
MV7-*, IXG-MK) which display network camera video with the IXG Support Tool, the settings are not updated on the stations.
Because the network camera information on the station must be erased one time, follow the steps below.
1. Delete the reconfigured network camera in the "Network Camera List."
2. With the target network camera in an unregistered state, upload the settings to the station. (The network camera information
will disappear on the station side)
3. Register the target network camera from the "Network Camera List" once more and upload the settings to the station.

System Settings

■ Camera Name♦
Description Set the Network Camera Name.
Settings 1-24 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Hostname
Description Set the hostname.
When setting the hostname, configure “DNS (→page 175)”.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ IP Address (IPv4)♦
Description Set the IPv4 address for Network camera.
Default value -

■ IP Address (IPv6)♦
Description Set the IPv6 address for Network camera.
Default value -

■ ID♦
Description Enter ID of the network camera.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Password♦
Description Enter Password of the network camera.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value -


• "Password" is displayed as "*****" in the Settings screen.

System Settings

How to register a new network camera

Registration cannot be performed if the PC is not connected to the same network as the network camera.
Click [Add Camera] to search for a network camera. (Searching may take several minutes.)
When searching is complete, the "Network Camera Selection" screen is displayed, and the network cameras
connected to the network are displayed in the "Network Camera Search List."

If the video profile cannot be obtained, nothing will be shown.

1. To register by specifying an IP address, select "Manual Network Camera Configuration," and then
enter the "IP Address (Hostname)♦," "ID♦," and "Password♦" for the network camera.

2. To select from the Network Camera Search List, select "Select from Network Camera Search List."
Select the network camera to register from the "Network Camera Search List" (multiple selections
allowed), and then enter the "Hostname," "ID♦," and "Password♦."
When entering the Hostname, configure “DNS (→page 175)”.
To search again, click [Search]. It is also possible change the search time.

3. Click [Get Network Camera Information].

(Obtaining the video profile may take several minutes.)
When video profiles are successfully obtained, they will be shown in "Network Camera Information."

4. Choose the video profile to be registered from the list. (Multiple selections allowed.)

5. Click [OK] to register the network camera.

System Settings

4.4 Group

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*

Configure the group for groups calls, group pages, and contact input calls.
Up to 50 stations can be added per group (when registering a Mobile App, 49 stations per group and a single unit
containing the Mobile App), and up to 99 groups can be configured.

Move row Move column

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at Up to 50 station number columns can be displayed at a time.
a time. Switch the screen as follows. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. [Previous]: Display the previous 50 columns.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Next]: Display the next 50 columns.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move
[Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the the cursor to the column of the station number that was
station number that was entered. entered.


• Always set “Language (→page 150)” before setting "Group."

• Enter using the language set in “Language (→page 150)”. However, if the language (configured on the station main unit)
displayed on the screen for IXG-MK or IX-MV7-* is different from the language set with “Language (→page 150)”, the
characters displayed on the station screen may appear incorrectly. To avoid this, enter information using alphabetical
characters only.
• Stations “IP Address (→page 170)” has not been configured and that have not been registered in “Station List (→page 193)” ,
in addition, units (Mobile App) which are not registered on the “Mobile App List (→page 196)” cannot be registered to a group.
• Groups calls and contact input calls cannot be made to an Door Stations or Entrance Station.
• Results when searching by station will be listed in order of group number.

System Settings

4.4.1 Configuring a Group

Configure the group to register in each station.

4 6
3 5

List of IX-MV7-* in setting data Group Information List of stations that can be registered to group

1. Select the group to configure from "Group Number."

The Settings screen for the selected group will be shown on the screen.

2. Enter the following information in "Group Information."

• Number: 01-99
Group numbers must be unique.
• Name: 1-24 alphanumeric characters

3. Search for the station to be configured from "list of IX-MV7-* in setting data."

4. Search for the station to be registered from the "list of stations that can be registered to group."

System Settings

5. Click the cells that correspond to Steps 3 and 4. Select an audio protocol and video protocol setting
value for each, and register to a group.
• The number of registered stations is displayed in the Audio Protocol "Total."
• The number of stations with Video Protocol set to "U" is displayed in the Video Protocol "Total."
Audio Protocol
• Blank: Select to not register to a group.
• U: Register to group. Audio will be transmitted in unicast during group paging.
• M: Register to group. Audio will be transmitted in multicast during group paging.
Video protocol (only when IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, or IXG-2C7(-*) is the station to register)
• Blank: Video will be transmitted as multicast.
• U: Video will be transmitted in unicast during group calls. Unicast can reach up to 20 stations.
• M: Video will be transmitted in multicast during group calls.
The video protocol pull-down menu is shown when the audio protocol setting is selected.

6. To register a Mobile App to a group, click "Mobile App" - [Select].

7. Select the unit containing the Mobile App to register to the group.

8. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to quit without registering a Mobile App.

9. After configuration is complete, click [Update].

10. Click [OK].


• If "M" or "Blank" is selected, be sure to configure “Multicast Address (→page 177)”.


• When making a group call, the audio protocol will be set to "U" and cannot be changed.

System Settings

4.5 Custom Sound Registry

Register the audio files to be used for ringback tones, etc.
The numbers of audio files that can be registered to each station are as follows.

Station Type Information that can be saved to the station

IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*) Max. 100 files (total length of within 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes)
IX-SSA(-*) Max. 100 files (total length of within 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes)
IX-MV7-* Max. 100 files (with 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes per file)
IX-EA, IX-EAU Max. 100 files (total length of within 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes)
IX-FA Max. 100 files (total length of within 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes)
IX-DA Max. 100 files (total length of within 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes)
IX-BA Max. 100 files (total length of within 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes)
IXG-MK Max. 100 files (within 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes per file)
IX-RS-* Max. 100 files (total length of within 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes)
IX-SS-2G Max. 100 files (total length of within 200 seconds and 8 Mbytes)

Sound file format

• File Type: .wav
• Sample Size: 16 bits
• Sample rate: 8 kHz
• Channel: 1 (monaural)
• Message file name: Within 41 characters (excluding extension)


• When using this as a ringback tone, add a period of silence after the audio.
• Sample files of custom tones are provided on our website (https://www.aiphone.net/product/). They can be downloaded for
use as audio.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

“How to register multiple custom tones at once (→page 207)”

System Settings

How to register custom tones

1. Click [Browse] on the row of the station with which to register the audio file.

2. Select the audio file to register and click [Open].

3. Information on the selected audio file will be shown.

• Name: The file name of the audio file is shown. Up to 127 bytes of alphanumeric characters will be displayed.
The name will be shown as the setting value when configuring the ringback tone etc.
If the file name of the audio file exceeds the character limit above, it cannot be registered.
• Browse for .wav file: The audio file reference destination is shown.

4. After configuration is complete, click [Update].

5. Click [OK].

How to delete a custom tone

1. Check the [Delete] box of the audio file to delete.

2. Click [Update].

3. Click [OK].


• "Name" is uploaded in "Sounds" in “Upload Settings (→page 124)”, and can be deleted from the Settings screen by deleting
the audio file from the station.

System Settings

How to register multiple custom tones at once

Audio files can be registered to multiple stations at once.
Click [Batch Sound Registration]. The following screen will be shown.


1. Click [Browse], select the audio file to register, and then click [Open].

2. Enter the number of the custom tone to register the audio file.
• 1 - 100

3. Select the station for which to register the audio file "Station List." (Multiple selections allowed.)
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].

4. Click [Add].
• Click [Cancel] to quit without registering multiple files.

5. Information on the added audio file will be shown.

• Name: The file name of the audio file is shown. Up to 127 bytes of alphanumeric characters will be displayed.
The name will be shown when configuring the ringback tone, etc.
If the file name of the audio file exceeds the character limit above, it cannot be registered.
• Browse for .wav file: The audio file reference destination is shown.

6. After configuration is complete, click [Update].

7. Click [OK].

System Settings

5. Call Settings

5.1 Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations)

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*

Configure the group to call when a call is made using the call button or via contact input.
• Except for IX-DA, IX-BA: Up to 20 stations can be added per group (when registering a Mobile App, 19 stations per
group and a single unit containing the Mobile App), and up to 10 groups can be configured.
• IX-DA and IX-BA: Up to 20 stations can be added per group (when registering a Mobile App, 19 stations per group
and a single unit containing the Mobile App), and only a single group can be configured.
• IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, and IX-RS-* stations can be registered as destinations.


• To unlock the door release for IX-RS-* when in communication with Entrance Stations or Door Stations, register the Entrance
Stations or Door Stations in the group. However, outgoing calls cannot be placed for Entrance Stations or Door Stations.

Move row Move column

Up to 50 station number rows can be Up to 50 station number columns can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as
displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
follows. [Previous]: Display the previous 50 columns.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. [Next]: Display the next 50 columns.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click column of the station number that was entered.
[Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the
station number that was entered.

Move to Related Settings

Moves to the selected item within the same Settings

3 List of stations that

can be registered to
2 4

List of Door Stations and Handset Sub Stations (with Camera) in setting file

System Settings


• Stations in which “IP Address (→page 170)” is not configured cannot be registered as destinations.

System Settings

How to configure destinations (Door/Sub Stations)

1. Select the group to configure from "Display settings."

• The Settings screen for the selected group will be displayed.
• Use the following groups when configuring the IX-DA and IX-BA call destination.
– Groups used to place a call by operating the call button: "Group number 10"
– Groups used to place a call by Option Input: "Group number 01 - 09"

2. Search for the station to be configured from "list of Door Stations and Handset Sub Stations in setting

3. Search for the station to be registered from the "list of stations that can be registered to group."

4. Click the cells that correspond to Steps 2 and 3. Select the setting value and register to the group.
• The number of registered stations will be displayed in "Total."
– Blank: Select to not register to a group.
– U: Register to group. Video and audio will be transmitted in unicast when making an outgoing call.
– M: Register to group. Video transmitted in multicast and audio will be transmitted in unicast when making
an outgoing call.
This can only be configured if the station to configure is IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-DA, IX-EA, or IX-EAU, and
the destination is IX-MV7-*, IXG-MK, or IXG-2C7(-*).

5. To register a Mobile App to a group, click "Mobile App" - [Select].

6. Select the unit containing the Mobile App to register to the group.

7. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to quit without registering a Mobile App.

System Settings

8. After configuration is complete, click [Update].

9. Click [OK].


• If "M" is selected, be sure to configure “Multicast Address (→page 177)”.

System Settings

5.2 Call Origination

Configure outgoing call settings.
Select the outgoing call method to configure in [Display settings].

Move row Display settings

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Displays settings for the selected outgoing call method.
Switch the screen as follows. [Call Button]: Displays settings related to outgoing calls linked with
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. operating the station main unit.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Contact Input 1 - 6]: Displays settings related to outgoing calls
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to when "Option Input" - “Function (→page 220)” - "Call" is selected.
move the cursor to the row of the station number that was

System Settings

5.2.1 Call Origination Advanced Settings

■ Ringback Tone
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select the sound to be played by the station when placing a call.
For IX-MV7-*, IXG-2C7(-*), and IXG-MK, this will also sound when monitoring.
Settings • None (except for IXG-DM7(-*), IX-DA, IX-BA)
• Call Pattern 1
• Call Pattern 2 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Pattern 3 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Pattern 4
• Call Pattern 5 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Pattern 6 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Tremolo Sound (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Busy Response Tone (IX-DA, IX-BA are Busy Tone) (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• On Hold (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Operation Sound (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Error (IX-DA, IX-BA are Error Tone)
(Except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Pre Tone 1 (except for IX-DA, IX-BA, IXG-DM7(-*))
• Pre Tone 2 (except for IX-DA, IX-BA, IXG-DM7(-*))
• Pre Tone 3 (except for IX-DA, IX-BA, IXG-DM7(-*))
• Communication End Pretone (except for IX-DA, IX-BA, IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Queue Notification (except for IX-DA, IX-BA, IXG-DM7(-*))
• Waiting Reply Tone (except for IX-DA, IX-BA, IXG-DM7(-*))
• Audio Guidance (IXG-DM7(-*) only)
• Call Pattern 7 (IX-EA, IX-EAU, IX-FA only)
• Select a sound that is registered in “Custom Sound Registry (→page 205)”.
• The ringback tone for IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK, and IX-MV7-* is set to "Call Pattern 4" and cannot
be changed.
Default value Call Button
• Call Pattern 1
• IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, and IXG-2C7(-*) are set to "Call Pattern 4" and cannot be changed.
Option Input 1
• Call Pattern 2
• IX-EA, IX-EAU, and IX-FA are set to "Call Pattern 2" and cannot be changed.
• IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "Call Pattern 4" and cannot be changed.
Option Input 2
• Call Pattern 3
• IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "Call Pattern 4" and cannot be changed.
Option Input 3
• Call Pattern 4
• IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "Call Pattern 4" and cannot be changed.
Option Input 4
• Call Pattern 5
• IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "Call Pattern 4" and cannot be changed.
Option Input 5
• Call Pattern 6
Option Input 6
• Tremolo Sound

System Settings

■ Call Timeout♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Configure the call timeout.
Settings • IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-DM7(-*): 15-90 seconds: Set a time between 15 and 90 seconds (by 1
• Except for IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-DM7(-*): 10-600 seconds: Set a time between 10 and 600
seconds (by 1 second).
Default value Call Button
• IXG-2C7(-*): 45 seconds
• Except for IXG-2C7(-*): 60 seconds
IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "60 seconds" and cannot be changed.
Contact input 1-4 call
• 60 seconds
IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, IX-DA, IX-BA, IX-EA, IX-EAU, and IX-FA are set to "60 seconds" and
cannot be changed.
Contact input 5-6 call
• 60 seconds

■ Ringback Tone Count [time(s)]

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the play count of ringback tone for outgoing call.
Settings • Infinite: The ringback tone continues to play for the amount of time configured in “Call
Timeout♦ (→page 214)”.
• 1 - 20 times
Default value Call Button
• Infinite
IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "Infinite" and cannot be changed.
Contact input 1-4 call
• Infinite
IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, IX-DA, IX-BA, IX-EA, IX-EAU, and IX-FA are set to "Infinite" and cannot be
Contact input 5-6 call
• Infinite

System Settings

■ Call Destination ([contact input 1 - 4 call] only)

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description To configure IX-MV7-*:
Configure the call destination group and call priority.
Enter the group number directly, or click [Open] to choose a group.
To configure IXG-MK:
Set the destination unit and priority of calls.
Click "Select Unit" - [Select] and select the unit.
Settings • Number: 01-99. Select from groups registered in “Group (→page 202)”. (To configure IX-MV7-
• Priority: Normal/ Priority/ Urgent
• Building Number, Unit Number, and Unit Name: The unit registered in the Address Book as a
destination in “Station List (→page 193)” and “Mobile App List (→page 196)”. (To configure
Default value • Number: -
• Priority: Normal
• Building Number, Unit Number, and Unit Name: -

■ Standard Mode Settings

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Configure the call destination group and call priority.
Settings • Call Destination: 01-10. Select from groups registered in “Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations)
(→page 208)”.
The call destination for IX-DA and IX-BA is set to "10" and cannot be changed for [Call
• Priority: Normal/ Priority/ Urgent
Default value Call Button
• Call Destination: 01 (10 for IX-DA and IX-BA)
• Priority: Normal
Contact input 1 - 6 call
• Call Destination: -
• Priority: Normal
If a Door Station with Emergency Button is was registered in “Units / Stations (→page 156)”,
contact input 6 calls will be set to "Call Destination: 01" and "Priority: Urgent."

System Settings

5.3 Incoming Call

Configures settings related to incoming calls.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time.
Switch the display as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to
move the cursor to the entered row.

■ Ringtone
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select the ringtone to be played for incoming calls when performing operations on the stations
and when receiving incoming calls through contact input.
Settings • None
• Call Pattern 1
• Call Pattern 2
• Call Pattern 3
• Call Pattern 4
• Call Pattern 5
• Call Pattern 6
• Tremolo Sound
• Busy Response Tone
• On Hold
• Operation Sound
• Error
• Pre Tone 1
• Pre Tone 2
• Pre Tone 3
• Communication End Pretone
• Call Queue Notification
• Waiting Reply Tone
• Select a sound that is registered in “Custom Sound Registry (→page 205)”.
Default value Call Pattern 3

System Settings

■ Ringback Tone Count [time(s)]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Sets the play count of the ringtone for incoming calls when performing operations on the stations
and when receiving incoming calls through contact input.
Settings • Infinite: The ringtone continues to ring until the conversation starts or the call originating
station ends the call.
• 1 - 20 times
Default value Infinite

System Settings

5.4 Guard Button

Configure the station to be called when the "Guard Call Button" is pressed on the Entrance Station or Tenant Station.
IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, and IX-RS-* stations can be set as destinations.


• “IP Address (→page 170)” must be set before configuring as a destination station.

■ Select Station
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the call destination station (the station number). Up to 8 call destination stations can
be configured. Enter the station number or click [Select] to select one. The information (building
number, unit number, station name) for the configured station will be displayed.
Settings Multiple Building System: 3-24 digits
Single Building System: 3-5 digits
Default value -

■ Mobile App
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the unit containing the Mobile App to configure as a destination. Up to 1 destination unit
can be configured. Enter the building number and unit number of the unit containing the Mobile
App, or click [Select] to select it. The information (building number, unit number, unit name) for
the configured Mobile App is displayed.
Settings Building Number: 01-99
Unit Number: 3-4 digits (Single Building System), 3-10 digits (Multiple Building System)
Default value -

System Settings

6. Option Input / Relay Output Settings

6.1 Option Input

Configure input terminal settings for each station. The number of input terminals varies by station.
Select the contact input number to configure in [Display settings].

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

Display settings
Displays settings for the selected contact input number.

System Settings

6.1.1 Option Input Advanced Settings Function

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the function of contact input. The functions that can be selected vary by station.
Settings • No Function
• Call (except IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-DM7(-*)): Contact input originates an outgoing call. Be sure to
configure "contact input 1 - 6 call" in “Call Origination (→page 212)”.
• Answer Call / Page (IXG-MK, IX-MV7-* only): Contact input during an incoming call answers
the call.
• Paging (IXG-MK only): Option input originates a page. Be sure to also configure “Option Input
Page (→page 231)”.
• Message Page (IXG-MK only): Option input originates a message page. Be sure to also
configure “Option Input Page (→page 231)”.
• External Input Page (IXG-MK only): Option input originates a page using an external audio
source. Only a single input terminal can be configured. Be sure to also configure “Option Input
Page (→page 231)”.
• Relay Latch Reset (IX-RS-*, IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-SSA(-*), IX-EA, IX-EAU, IX-SSA(-*), and
IX-SS-2G only): When "Relay Output" - “Function (→page 223)” is set to "Latch Output," the
rotating light is restored upon option input.
• Doorbell (IXG-2C7(-*) only): Contact input causes the doorbell to ring.
• Door Release (IXG-DM7(-*) only): Contact input results in door release output. Be sure to
configure the terminal on which to output door release in “Door Release Output (→page 220)”,
and then set "Relay Output" - “Function (→page 223)” to "Door Release."
Default value No Function Type

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the detection method of contact input.
Settings • Make
• Break
Default value Make Door Release Output

■ Relay Output 1
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description If "Door Release" was selected for “Function (→page 220)”, configure whether to output door
release from output terminal 1. Be sure to set "Relay Output" - “Function (→page 223)” to "Door
Settings • Checked: Output door release
• Unchecked: Do not output door release
Default value Unchecked: Do not output door release

System Settings

■ Relay Output 2
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description If "Door Release" was selected for “Function (→page 220)”, configure whether to output door
release from output terminal 2. Be sure to set "Relay Output" - “Function (→page 223)” to "Door
Settings • Checked: Output door release
• Unchecked: Do not output door release
Default value Unchecked: Do not output door release

System Settings

6.2 Relay Output

Configure output terminal settings for each station. The number of output terminals varies by station.
Select the contact output number to configure in [Display settings].

Move row Display settings

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch Displays setting content for the selected contact
the screen as follows. output number.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the
cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.


• The two contact output methods are shown below. Redundant configuration is possible for each output terminal. If multiple
commands occur on a single output terminal, the last command will take priority.
– Function selected in “Function (→page 223)”
– “Option Relay Control (→page 224)”

System Settings

6.2.1 Relay Output Advanced Settings Function

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Configure the contact output function. The functions that can be selected vary by station.
Settings • No Function
• Status Output (IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, IX-RS-*, IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-SSA(-*), IX-
EA, IX-EAU, IX-FA, and IX-SS-2G only): Contact output is performed based on the operation
of the station. Contact continues to output during operation. Configure details in “How to
configure Status Output (→page 223)”.
• Door Release (except for IXG-2C7(-*)): Contact output is performed together with operating
the Door Release button on the station or entering the door release key on the keypad.
Configure the output time in “Output Time ♦ (→page 225)”.
• Latch Output (IX-RS-*, IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-SSA(-*), IX-EA, IX-EAU, IX-FA, and IX-SS-2G
only): Contact output is performed based on the operation of the station to operate the rotating
light. The output is active until restoration. Only a single output terminal can be configured.
Configure details in “How to configure Latch Output (→page 224)”.
• IXGW-LC is set to "No Function" and cannot be changed.
Default value Relay Output 1
• Except for IXG-2C7(-*): Door Release
• IXG-2C7(-*): No Function
Relay Output 2
• No Function

How to configure Status Output

If "Status Output" is configured in “Function (→page 223)”, select the operating state for when contact output occurs.
This can be selected for each operation priority. (Multiple selections allowed.)
The operating states that can be selected vary by station type.


• For "Outgoing Page" and "Incoming Page," contact output is performed even during message paging and external input

System Settings

How to configure Latch Output

If "Latch Output" is configured in “Function (→page 223)”, select the operating state for when contact output occurs.
This can be selected for each operation priority. (Multiple selections allowed.)
Choose from two restoration methods for contact output.
• Option Input (default value): The contact output operating the rotating light is stopped by option input.
• End Communication: The contact output operating the rotating light is stopped by starting and ending a call or via
option input.
All items are set to "Option Input" by default.
To recover via option input, be sure to configure "Relay Latch Reset" in "Option Input" - “Function (→page 220)”. Option Relay Control

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description If controlling the output terminals with the IXG-MK or IX-MV7-* speed dials, configure whether to
enable or disable control. If set to "Enable," contact will be output according to the "Speed Dials"
- “How to configure option relays (→page 276)” setting.
If "How to configure option relays" - “TLS (→page 277)” was set to "Enable" for the station to
perform control, also configure “Option Relay Control Authentication Key (→page 226)”.
IXG-DM7(-*), IXG-2C7(-*), and IXGW-LC are set to "Disable" and cannot be changed.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings Output Time

■ Output Time Range

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description If "Door Release" was selected in “Function (→page 223)”, configure the range for the output
time of contact output. Also configure the range for the output time of contact output for IXGW-
Settings • 200-2000 [msec]
• 3-300 sec (IX-DA, IX-BA)
• 3-600 [sec] (except for IX-DA, IX-BA)
Default value 200-2000 [msec]

■ Output Time ♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the Output Time within the range selected in “Output Time Range (→page 225)”.
Settings The setting value will be configured as follows according to the information set in "Output Time
• If set to 200-2000 [msec]: Configure from 200-2000 msec (by 200 msec).
• If set to 3-300 sec: Configure from 3-300 sec (by 1 sec).
• If set to 3-600 [sec]: Configure from 3-600 sec (by 1 sec).
Default value 400 [msec] Door Release Key

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description If "Door Release" was selected for “Function (→page 220)”, configure the authentication key to
authenticate release of the door connected to the station. If this matches the door release key of
the station performing the door release operation, the door may be released. Be sure to also
configure "Door Release" - “Door Release Key (→page 234)” or “Option Output Key
(→page 234)”. This will also be the authentication key used to release the door using the keypad
on IXG-MK or IX-MV7-*.
Settings • 1-20 digits
Default value Relay Output 1
• Random value
Relay Output 2


• Configure a different authentication key for each output terminal. (The same key cannot be configured.)
• Configure a different authentication key than the authentication key configured in “Option Relay Control Authentication Key
(→page 226)”. If the setting value is the same, multiple functions might operate.
• To release the door using the keypad, enter "**authentication key*" on the IXG-MK or IX-MV7-* keypad. (If the authentication
key is "0000" enter "**0000*.")

System Settings Tone Settings

■ Door Release
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select the Door Release sounds to be played.
Settings • None
• Operation Sound
• Audio Guidance
Stations other than IXG-DM7(-*) are set to "Operation Sound" and cannot be changed.
Default value Audio Guidance


• When unlocking the Door Release by placing the access control credential on the IXG-DM7-HID card reader, the Door
Release sound configured for Relay Output 1 will play.

6.2.2 Authentication Key

■ Option Relay Control Authentication Key

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description If “Option Relay Control (→page 224)” is set to "Enable" and "Speed Dials" - “TLS (→page 277)”
is set to "Enable" for the station to perform control, configure the key used to decrypt encrypted
If this matches the "Option Relay Control Key" of the station performing the operation, the output
terminal can be controlled.
To use this, be sure to configure "Speed Dials" - “Option Relay Control Key (→page 278)”.
Settings 1-20 digits
Default value -


• Only one option relay control authentication key can be set for each station. It will be shared among multiple output terminals.

System Settings

7. Paging Settings

7.1 All Page

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*

When sending an all page, it is sent via multicast by default. Configure the setting to send via unicast.

Move row Move column

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Up to 50 station number columns can be displayed at a time.
Switch the screen as follows. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. [Previous]: Display the previous 50 columns.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Next]: Display the next 50 columns.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move [Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move
the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered. the cursor to the column of the station number that was

Address book station list


List of IX-MV7-* and IXG-MK in setting data


• Unicast can reach up to 50 stations. If more than 50 stations are to be paged at once, use multicast.
• When paging stations in multicast, configure “Multicast Address (→page 177)”.
• Paging to Door Stations other than Door Stations in your room is not possible. However, paging to Outside Area Door Stations
is possible.

System Settings

How to configure all page

1. Identify the station to be configured using "list of IX-MV7-* and IXG-MK in setting data."

2. Click "Select Station."

3. Check the "Select Station" cell of a station to use All Page.

• To select or unselect all stations at once, click [Select] or [Unselect]. If all are selected, only the first 500 will
be selected.

4. Check the "Unicast" box next to the station to which to send a unicast message.
• Unchecked: Multicast transmission
• Checked: Unicast transmission
• All are set to "Unchecked" (multicast transmission) by default.

5. Click [OK].

6. After configuration is complete, click [Update].

7. Click [OK].

System Settings

7.2 Building Page

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*

A Building Page is sent via multicast by default. Configure the setting to send via unicast.

Move row Move column

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a Up to 50 station number columns can be displayed at a time.
time. Switch the screen as follows. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. [Previous]: Display the previous 50 columns.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Next]: Display the next 50 columns.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] [Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move
to move the cursor to the row of the station number the cursor to the column of the station number that was
that was entered. entered.

Address book station list

1 3

List of IXG-MK in setting file


• Unicast can reach up to 50 stations. If more than 50 stations are to be paged via Building Page, configure transmission over
• When paging stations in multicast, configure “Multicast Address (→page 177)”.
• Paging to Door Stations other than Door Stations in your room is not possible. However, paging to Outside Area Door Stations
is possible.

System Settings

How to configure Building Page

1. Select the building to configure from "Display."

• The Settings screen for the selected building is displayed.

2. Search for the station to be configured from "list of IXG-MKs in setting file."

3. Click "Select Station."

4. Check the "Select Station" cell of a station to use Building Page.

• To select or unselect all stations at once, click [Select] or [Unselect]. If all are selected, only the first 500 will
be selected.

5. Check the "Unicast" box next to the station to which to send a unicast message.
• Unchecked: Multicast transmission
• Checked: Unicast transmission
• All are set to "Unchecked" (multicast transmission) by default.

6. Click [OK].

7. After configuration is complete, click [Update].

8. Click [OK].

System Settings

7.3 Option Input Page

Configure option input paging.
Configure if "Paging," "Message Page," and "External Input Page" are selected in "Option Input" - “Function
(→page 220)”.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was

Displays settings for the selected contact input number.

■ Destination
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the destination group for paging.
Settings • All Page: Page all stations registered to the Address Book.
• Building: Page the building set in "Building Number / Building Name."
Default value All Page

■ Building Number / Building Name

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the Building Number / Building Name of the paging recipient.
Settings 01/Building 1 - 99/Building 99
Select from buildings registered in “Building Information (→page 155)”.
Default value ̶

■ Priority
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the paging priority.
Settings • Normal
• Urgent
Default value Normal

System Settings

■ Message File Name

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description If "Option Input" - “Function (→page 220)” was set to "Message Page," configure the audio file
for the message to send.
Settings • None
• Call Pattern 1
• Call Pattern 2
• Call Pattern 3
• Call Pattern 4
• Call Pattern 5
• Call Pattern 6
• Tremolo Sound
• Busy Response Tone
• On Hold
• Operation Sound
• Error
• Pre Tone 1
• Pre Tone 2
• Pre Tone 3
• Communication End Pretone
• Call Queue Notification
• Waiting Reply Tone
• Select a sound that is registered in “Custom Sound Registry (→page 205)”.
Default value None

■ Ringback Tone Count [time(s)]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the number of times to play the message configured for the "Message File Name."
Settings 1 - 20 times
Default value 1 time

System Settings

8. Function Settings

8.1 Door Release

8.1.1 Door Release Assignment

Configure the connected station and the authentication key to release the door during a call.
If IX-RS-* is set for Residential, Guard, Commercial, and Inside Area, Door Release Assignment will need to be
configured separately for IX-RS-*.
For IX-RS-* settings, refer to “Door Release Assignment (→page 233)”.
Select the Building Number / Building Name containing the door release station, select the station numbers (100
stations at once), and then click [Apply]. The following screen is displayed.

Building Number / Building Name: Select the building containing door release station to display.
Station Number: Select the station numbers of the door release stations to display (100 stations at a time), and then click
[Apply]. The Settings screen of the selected station is displayed.

“How to configure door release batch settings (→page 235)”

Destination station list

(Unit Number/Station Number/Station Name/Station Type)

■ Contact Assignment
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select which relay output will be used for door release during call or monitoring.
Settings • Origination Station: Release the door connected to the station in which the door release
operation was performed.
• Destination Station: Release the door connected to the destination station.
Residential is set to "Destination Station" and cannot be changed.
Default value Destination Station

System Settings

■ Door Release Key

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the door release key used to release the door connected to the destination station
when a door release operation is performed and “Contact Assignment (→page 233)” is set to
"Destination Station."
Door release is possible when it matches the authentication key of the destination station set in
"Relay Output" - “Door Release Key (→page 225)”.
Settings 1-20 digits
Default value Random value (same as the value set for the destination station in "Relay Output" - “Door
Release Key (→page 225)”)

■ Option Output Key

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure option output key used to release the door connected to the destination station when a
door release operation is performed and “Contact Assignment (→page 233)” is set to
"Destination Station."
Door release is possible when it matches the authentication key of the destination station set in
"Relay Output" - “Door Release Key (→page 225)”.
Settings 1-20 digits
Default value -

System Settings

How to configure door release batch settings

If “Contact Assignment (→page 233)” is set to "Destination Station," the door release destination station and the door
release key can be configured for multiple stations at the same time. Click [Door Release Batch Configuration].
The following screen will be displayed.

List of Entrance Stations, Door Stations, and Handset Sub Stations in setting data


• Contact output terminals for which "Relay Output" - “Function (→page 223)” is not set to "Door Release" cannot be selected.

1. Find a door release destination station from the list of Entrance Stations, Door Stations, and Handset
Sub Stations select Relay Output. (Multiple selections allowed.)
• To select or unselect Relay Output in a batch, select the building, unit type, or contact output terminal, and
then click [Select] or [Unselect].

2. Select the Unit Type of the station to release the entrance door. (Multiple selections allowed.)

3. Select the Unit Type of the station to release the door of the of the Common Outside Area and
Common Inside Area. (Multiple selections allowed.)

4. Click [Upload].
• The Door Release Key will be displayed.
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

System Settings


• If the destination station authentication key was configured in "Relay Output" - “Door Release Key (→page 225)”, the same
value will be displayed.
• If the destination station authentication key was not configured in "Relay Output" - “Door Release Key (→page 225)”, the same
value as the Door Release Key will be automatically set in “Door Release Key (→page 225)”.
• To confirm the configured door release key, use "Display" to select the "Building Number / Building Name" and "Station
Number" for the Entrance Station to confirm, and then click [Apply].

System Settings

8.2 Network Camera Integration

Configure network camera profile (video profile) and event related settings.
To configure, register beforehand the network camera in the Address Book of the IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, or IXG-2C7(-*)
which will receive the event in “Network Camera List (→page 198)”.


• Network camera event registration can be configured only when “Association Settings (→page 120)” is performed on IXG-MK,
IX-MV7-*, or IXG-2C7(-*) to which the event is registered, and the PC can communicate with the system and can use
multicast. (This is because network camera events are obtained via multicast through IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, or IXG-2C7(-*) when
registering network camera events.)

Move row Move display column (network camera)

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a Up to 50 network camera number columns can be displayed at a time.
time. Switch the screen as follows. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. [Previous]: Display the previous 50 columns.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Next]: Display the next 50 columns.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] [Apply]: Enter a network camera number and click [Apply] to move the
to move the cursor to the row of the station number cursor to the column for the entered network camera number.
that was entered.

“How to configure network camera event setup

(→page 240)”

Network camera number Event number

If no network camera is registered, this will If no event is registered, this will not be shown.
not be shown.

System Settings

8.2.1 Profile Setting

Configure when changing the profile selected when the network camera was registered in “Network Camera List
(→page 198)”.

■ Profile
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the profile of the network camera.
On the first screen, the profile name that was selected when registering the network camera will
be displayed. Refer to the manual of the network camera for details on profiles.
Settings ̶
Default value ̶

8.2.2 Event Registration

Configure the network camera event to register in IXG-MK or IX-MV7-*.

When the registered event is received, network camera monitoring is performed and the notification tone is played.

■ Event
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Events registered in “How to configure network camera event setup (→page 240)” are displayed.
Clear "Event" and click [Update] to delete the registered event. For details of the Event, refer to
the manual of the network camera.
Settings ̶
Default value ̶

■ Function
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the function when receive the topic from the network camera.
Settings Monitor: Play the notification tone and begin network camera monitoring.
Default value ̶

System Settings

■ Event Tone
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure notification tone when an event is received from the network camera. This can be
configured for each event.
Settings • None
• Call Pattern 1
• Call Pattern 2
• Call Pattern 3
• Call Pattern 4
• Call Pattern 5
• Call Pattern 6
• Tremolo Sound
• Busy Response Tone
• On Hold
• Operation Sound
• Error
• Pre Tone 1
• Pre Tone 2
• Pre Tone 3
• Communication End Pretone
• Call Queue Notification
• Waiting Reply Tone
• Select a sound that is registered in “Custom Sound Registry (→page 205)”.
Default value Call Pattern 3

■ Play Count of Event Tone

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the play count for the event notification tone when “Function (→page 238)” is set to
"Monitor." This will be the play count for all network cameras and events registered in the station.
Settings • Infinite: Continues to sound while the event generated by the network camera is received.
• 1 - 20 times
Default value 1 time

System Settings

How to configure network camera event setup

The network camera event must be registered.
Click [Open Network Camera Event Registry]. The "Open Network Camera Event Registry" screen will be shown.

If no event is obtained, this will not be shown.

1. Select the station for which to register the network camera event from "Station List."

2. Select the network camera to monitor events from "Network Camera List." (Multiple selections
• Network cameras registered in the Address Book in “Network Camera List (→page 198)” will be shown.

3. Click [Get Network Camera Events].

(Obtaining the events may take several minutes.)
• Once events are successfully obtained, they will be shown in "Event List."

System Settings

4. Select the event to monitor from "Event List." (Multiple selections allowed.)
• For details on events, refer to the manual of the network camera.

5. Click [OK] to register the event.

• The network cameras and events registered in event registry will be shown.
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Network Camera Integration" screen without registering.

System Settings

8.3 Email
Configure this section when email notification of station operation is required.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

Move to Related Settings

Moves to the selected item within the same Settings screen.

8.3.1 Server Settings

■ SMTP Server
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the SMTP server.
When choosing an IPv4 address, enter the IP address or the hostname.
When choosing an IPv6 address, enter the IP address or the hostname. When setting the
hostname, configure “DNS (→page 175)”.
Settings 1-255 alphanumeric characters
Default value ̶

■ SMTP Port♦
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the port number used for SMTP.
Settings 1 - 65535
Default value 25

System Settings

■ SMTP Encryption
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G, □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the encryption type for SMTP.
Settings • Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings

8.3.2 Authentication Settings

■ SMTP Authentication
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable for SMTP Authentication.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

■ Mode
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the SMTP authentication mode.
Settings • LOGIN
Default value LOGIN

■ ID
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the ID for SMTP authentication.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Password
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the password for SMTP authentication.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value -


• "Password" will be displayed as "*****" on the screen.

System Settings

8.3.3 Email Addresses

■ Destination 1
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the destination email address.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Destination 2
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the destination email address.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Destination 3
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the destination email address.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ Source Address
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the source email address.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

System Settings

8.3.4 Email Event Trigger

Configure the trigger used to send email. The email event trigger can be configured for each destination address.

■ SD Card Error
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Send an email when a microSD access error is detected. If the error is detected continuously,
email will not be sent an additional time.
Settings • Checked: Send
• Unchecked: Do not send
Default value Unchecked: Do not send

■ Recording Memory Full

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Send an email if the microSD card experiences any of the following. If detected continuously,
email will not be sent an additional time.
• Recorded recordings exceeds 999
• Storage capacity remaining 0%
Settings • Checked: Send
• Unchecked: Do not send
Default value Unchecked: Do not send

■ Subject
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the subject when sending email for each trigger. This will be used for all recipient
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value -


• [UTF-8] used for "Subject" encoding, the subject may be incorrectly decoded depending on mail server. Characters may
display incorrectly depending on the email client. To avoid this, set the encoding method to "UTF-8."

System Settings

8.3.5 Send Test Email

Send a test email to the address specified in “Email Addresses (→page 245)”.
Click [Send] next to the station to which to send a test email. The following email will be sent to the configured


• To send a test email, “Association Settings (→page 120)” must have been configured, and the programming PC must be able
to communicate with the system.

Example of sending an email message

When sending a test email from the station (Station Number: 0001, Station Name: Master Station 1).

From △△△△@△△△△△.com
Date and time 2020/11/20 15:22
To [email protected]
Subject 0001 Master Station 1 Test Email
Test Email sent at "20201120 15:22:46."

Station Number: "0001"

Station Name: "Master Station 1"
Unit Type: "-"


• [UTF-8] used for "Subject" encoding, the subject may be incorrectly decoded depending on mail server. Characters may
display incorrectly depending on the email client. To avoid this, set the encoding method to "UTF-8."

System Settings

8.4 Recording
Configure the recording settings. If there is no video, this will apply only to audio. When recording communication, any
audio from the recording station will also be recorded.
The following SD standards are required to record video and audio.

Supported storage
Station Type Standard Format Speed class
IXG-DM7(-HID) microSDHC memory 4 GB to 32 GB FAT32 SD speed class 10
IXG-MK cards UHS speed class 1
IXG-MK microSDXC memory 64 GB to 128 GB exFAT


• Stations do not include microSD cards. A microSD card will need to be purchased.
• The device may not operate correctly depending on the microSD card.
• If the card contains data except video/audio files, it may not have enough space to record video/audio.
• The network camera may not be able to record video, depending on the size of the image.


• A maximum of 999 recording files can be saved. However, this may vary depending on the size of the recording files and the
capacity of the microSD card.
• Line Supervision and Device Check results are also saved to the microSD card.
• Aiphone assumes no responsibility for microSD cards. Please keep this in mind.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

System Settings

8.4.1 Recording Mode

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the recording mode.
Settings • Disable
• Enable (IXG-2C7(-*) only)
• Event Recording (IXG-DM7(-*), IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-SSA(-*), IX-EA, IX-EAU, IX-FA only):
Begin recording when the trigger set by "Recording Event" occurs.
• 24/7 Recording (IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-SSA(-*), IX-EA, IX-EAU, IX-FA on): Continuously
record as long as the station is operating normally.
Default value • IXG-2C7(-*):Enable
• Except for IXG-2C7(-*): Disable

8.4.2 Recording Event

Configure the trigger in use to start recording video/audio automatically.

This is only when "Recording Mode" is set to "Event Recording."

■ Call Origination
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description IXG-DM7(-*), IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-EA, IX-EAU: Begin recording when an outgoing call is made.
Audio recording will start once communication has started after making an outgoing call.
IX-SSA(-*), IX-FA: Audio recording will start once the conversation has started after the outgoing
call is made.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

■ Communication (Door)
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Recording starts when communication begins.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings

8.4.3 Recorded Device

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure which video to record if the IX/IXG System station video and network camera video
are displayed on two screens.
Settings • IX/IXG Station: Record video from the IX/IXG system station.
• Network Camera: Record video from the network camera.
Default value IX/IXG Station

8.4.4 Audio Recording

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable for audio recording with video.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
For IXG-2C7(-*), "Audio Recording" is set to "Enable" and cannot be changed.
Default value Enable

System Settings

8.5 CSR
Generate the signature request (CSR) submitted when a request is made to the Server Certificate Authority (CA)


• To generate a signature request, “Association Settings (→page 120)” must have been completed on the station to generate
the request, and the PC must be able to communicate with the system.

How to generate a signature request

1. Input each item.

2. Click [Create].

3. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to return to the Settings screen without generating.

4. Specify the save location and store your created file in it.
• The file will be saved under the name "CSR." Change the file name and save it as necessary.

5. Click [OK].

■ Country♦
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the country name.
Settings The two-letter code
Default value -

System Settings

■ State / County / Region♦

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the State/County/Region.
Settings 1-128 alphanumeric symbols and characters
Default value -

■ City / Locality
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the City/Locality.
Settings 1-128 alphanumeric symbols and characters
Default value -

■ Organization♦
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the organization name.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric symbols and characters
Default value -

■ Organizational Unit
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the department name.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric symbols and characters
Default value -

■ Common Name
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the common name.
Settings 1-64 alphanumeric characters
Default value The station's IP address is listed.

System Settings

8.6 SSL Certificate

Upload the Server Certificate received from the Certificate Authority (CA) as well as the CA certificate.


• To upload an SSL certificate, “Association Settings (→page 120)” must have been completed on the station, and the PC must
be able to communicate with the system.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

“How to upload the SSL certificate to each station (→page 255)”

How to register SSL certificates

1. Click [Browse] next to the station to upload the server certificate and then select a file.

2. If required, click [Browse] next to the station to upload the CA certificate and then select a file.

3. The reference destination of the file selected in "Browse for .wav file" is displayed.

4. Click [Update].
• The name of the file registered in "Name" is displayed.
• Server certificate and CA certificate files are saved in each station, in "Local Disk (C)" - "users" - "public" -
"Documents" - "Aiphone" - "IXG" - "SupportTool" - "SystemData" - "(Set Site Name)" - "Certificate (hidden

5. Click [OK].

6. Click [Upload SSL Certificate] and upload the certificate to each station. Refer to “How to upload
the SSL certificate to each station (→page 255)”.


• The server certificate must be uploaded when uploading a CA certificate.

System Settings

How to delete a registered SSL certificate

1. Check the [Delete] box of the server certificate or CA certificate to delete.

2. Click [Update].
• The server certificate or CA certificate file will be deleted from the PC folder in which the file was saved in
step 4 of "How to register SSL certificates."

3. Click [OK].

System Settings

8.6.1 How to upload the SSL certificate to each station

Click [Upload SSL Certificate]. The following screen will be displayed.


• The station will restart after uploading an SSL certificate. In some cases, it may take up to 10 minutes for the station to restart.
The station will be inoperable until restarting is completed.

How to upload an SSL certificate

1. Select the station for which to upload a certificate from "Station List." (Multiple selections allowed.)
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].
• Stations in which “Association Settings (→page 120)” has not been performed cannot be selected.

2. Click [Upload].

3. Click [OK].
• The server certificate or CA certificate file is uploaded to the station, and the station is restarted.
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Certification Upload / Delete" screen without uploading.

4. Click [OK].
• The result is displayed in "Station List" - "Status."
In Process: Uploading the certificate.
Success: Upload is completed.
Failed: Upload failed. Try uploading again.

System Settings

8.7 IEEE 802.1X

Configure the settings for IEEE802.1X Authentication.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

“How to upload/delete the IEEE802.1X Certificate to each station (→page 258)”


• Authentication may be impossible if there is a time difference between the authentication server and station.
• Upload the certificate prior to configuration.
• To update/delete an IEEE802.1X Certificate, “Association Settings (→page 120)” must have been performed on the station to
upload/delete, and the PC must be able to communicate with the system.
• When changes to IEEE802.1X settings are updated on the station, or after uploading a certificate, the station will restart. In
some cases, it may take up to 10 minutes for the station to restart. The station will be inoperable until restarting is completed.

■ IEEE 802.1X
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable for IEEE802.1X function.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Configure the EAP method if “IEEE 802.1X (→page 256)” is set to "Enable."
Settings • TLS
Default value TLS

System Settings

■ EAP User Name

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the EAP User Name.
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value -

■ EAP Password
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC ☑IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Configure the client authentication password if EAP is set to "PEAP."
Settings 1-32 alphanumeric characters
Default value -


• "EAP Password" is displayed as "*****" in the Settings screen.

System Settings

8.7.1 How to upload/delete the IEEE802.1X Certificate to each station

Click [Upload/Delete IEEE802.1X Certificate]. The following screen will be displayed.

How to upload/delete IEEE802.1X certificates

To delete, start from Step 4.

1. Click [Browse] next to the CA authentication file to select a file.

2. If “EAP (→page 256)” was set to "TLS," click [Browse] next to the client authentication file to select a

3. If "EAP" was set to "TLS," click [Browse] next to the client private key file to select a file.

4. Select the station from which to upload/delete the file from "Station List." (Multiple selections
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].
• Stations in which “Association Settings (→page 120)” has not been performed cannot be selected.

5. Click [Upload] or [Delete].

System Settings

6. Click [OK].
• The file will be uploaded/deleted and the station will restart.
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Certification Upload / Delete" screen without uploading/deleting.

7. Click [OK].
• The result is displayed in "Station List" - "Status."
In Process: The file is in the process of uploading/being deleted.
Success: Upload/delete is completed.
Failed: Upload/delete failed. Try uploading/deleting again.

System Settings

8.8 Display Mode

Configure the main screen for IXG-MK and IX-MV7-*.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

System Settings

8.8.1 Standard Mode

■ Home Screen
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the main screen.
Settings • Option 1:

• Option 2:

Default value Option 1

System Settings

9. Transfer Settings

9.1 Absent Transfer

Configure the settings for absent transfer.
Absent Transfer: If an incoming call is received during absent transfer, the incoming call can be automatically
transferred to a transfer destination.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.


• Stations in which “IP Address (→page 170)” has not been configured cannot be configured as transfer destinations.
• For IXG-MK, a Entrance Station or Door Station cannot be set as the transfer destination.
For IX-MV7-*, Door Stations other than Door Stations in your room cannot be set as the transfer destination. However, Outside
Area Door Stations can be set as the transfer destination.

■ Absent Transfer
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to set absent transfer. The setting can also be changed using the button on
the station main unit.
If "Transfer Destination List" is not configured, this cannot be set to "Enable."
Settings • Enable: Set absent transfer.
• Disable: Do not set absent transfer.
Default value Disable

System Settings

■ Transfer Destination List

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description To configure IX-MV7-*:
Configure the transfer destination station (station number) and Mobile App when performing
absent transfer. Up to 10 stations can be configured as transfer destinations (when registering a
Mobile App, 9 stations and a single unit containing the Mobile App). However, if the call
originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will only be transferred to the station entered for
To configure a station, enter the station number or click [Select Station] to select one.
To configure a Mobile App, click “Mobile App” - [Select]. Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination, and then click [OK].
To configure IXG-MK:
Configure the transfer destination unit for absent transfer. A single unit can be configured as a
transfer destination. However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will be
transferred only to the master station with the lowest station number among the stations
belonging to the selected unit.
To configure a unit, click [Select].
Up to 10 stations can be configured as transfer destinations if configuring by directly entering
station numbers (when registering a Mobile App, 9 stations and a single unit containing the
Mobile App). However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will be transferred
only to the station entered for “No.01.”
To configure a Mobile App, click [Select] of “Mobile App.” Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination and click [OK].
Settings Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Single building system: 3-5 digits
Default value -


• To register a "Mobile App," first register the "Mobile App" in “Mobile App List (→page 196)”. A "Mobile App" registered in a
"Mobile App List" can be registered as a transfer destination "Mobile App."

■ Re-Transfer Destination
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the transfer destination station (station number) and Mobile App when performing
absent transfer again for a transferred call. Only a single station can be configured as a transfer
destination. However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, the call will arrive without
being retransferred.
To configure a station, enter the station number or click [Select Station] to select one.
To configure a Mobile App, click "Mobile App" - [Select]. Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination, and then click [OK].
Settings Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Single building system: 3-5 digits
Default value -


• To register a "Mobile App," first register the "Mobile App" in “Mobile App List (→page 196)”.
A "Mobile App" registered in a "Mobile App List" can be registered as a transfer destination "Mobile App."

System Settings

9.2 Delay Transfer

Configure the settings for delay transfer.
Delay Transfer: If an incoming call is received during delay transfer, the call can be automatically transferred to the
transfer destination after a certain period of time (the set delay time) elapses with no response.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.


• Stations in which “IP Address (→page 170)” has not been configured cannot be configured as transfer destinations.
• For IXG-MK, a Entrance Station or Door Station cannot be set as the transfer destination.
For IX-MV7-*, Door Stations other than Door Stations in your room cannot be set as the transfer destination. However, Outside
Area Door Stations can be set as the transfer destination.

■ Delay Transfer
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable for Delay Transfer.
If "Transfer Destination List" is not configured, this cannot be set to "Enable."
Settings • Enable: Delay transfer enabled.
• Disable: Delay transfer disabled.
Default value Disable

■ Delay Time [sec]♦

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the delay time between receiving and transferring a call.
Settings 1-300 seconds (by 1 sec.)
Default value 30sec

System Settings

■ Transfer Destination List

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description To configure IX-MV7-*:
Configure the transfer destination station (station number) and Mobile App when performing
delay transfer. Up to 10 stations can be configured as transfer destinations (when registering a
Mobile App, 9 stations and a single unit containing the Mobile App). However, if the call
originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will only be transferred to the station entered for
To configure a station, enter the station number or click [Select Station] to select one.
To configure a Mobile App, click “Mobile App” - [Select]. Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination, and then click [OK].
To configure IXG-MK:
Configure the transfer destination unit for delay transfer. A single unit can be configured as a
transfer destination. However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will be
transferred only to the master station with the lowest station number among the stations
belonging to the selected unit.
To configure a unit, click [Select].
Up to 10 stations can be configured as transfer destinations if configuring by directly entering
station numbers (when registering a Mobile App, 9 stations and a single unit containing the
Mobile App). However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will be transferred
only to the station entered for “No.01.”
To configure a Mobile App, click [Select] of “Mobile App.” Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination and click [OK].
Settings Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Single building system: 3-5 digits
Default value -


• To register a "Mobile App," first register the "Mobile App" in “Mobile App List (→page 196)”. A "Mobile App" registered in a
"Mobile App List" can be registered as a transfer destination "Mobile App."

■ Re-Transfer Destination
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the transfer destination station (station number) and Mobile App when performing
delay transfer again for a transferred call. Only a single station can be configured as a transfer
destination. However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, the call will arrive without
being retransferred.
To configure a station, enter the station number or click [Select Station] to select one.
To configure a Mobile App, click "Mobile App" - [Select]. Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination, and then click [OK].
Settings Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Single building system: 3-5 digits
Default value -


• To register a "Mobile App," first register the "Mobile App" in “Mobile App List (→page 196)”.
A "Mobile App" registered in a "Mobile App List" can be registered as a transfer destination "Mobile App."

System Settings

9.3 Schedule Transfer

Configure the settings for Schedule Transfer.
Schedule Transfer: A call can be automatically transferred to a transfer destination when an incoming call is received
during the time period set in “Weekly Schedule (→page 267)” and “Daily Schedule (→page 270)”.

Weekly schedule
Move row
Select the day and schedule range to configure. The Settings screen will be shown.
Up to 50 station number rows can be
“Weekly Schedule (→page 267)”
displayed at a time. Switch the screen
as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and “Daily Schedule (→page 270)” Move to Related
click [Apply] to move the cursor to the Settings
row of the station number that was Moves to the selected
entered. item within the same
Settings screen.


• Stations in which “IP Address (→page 170)” has not been configured cannot be configured as transfer destinations.
• Incoming calls will be transferred during the time period set in "Schedule Transfer," regardless of the settings in “Absent
Transfer (→page 262)” and “Delay Transfer (→page 264)”.
• For IXG-MK, a Entrance Station or Door Station cannot be set as the transfer destination.
For IX-MV7-*, Door Stations other than Door Stations in your room cannot be set as the transfer destination. However, Outside
Area Door Stations can be set as the transfer destination.

■ Schedule Transfer
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable for Schedule Transfer.
If “Weekly Schedule (→page 267)” or “Daily Schedule (→page 270)” is not configured, this
cannot be set to "Enable."
Settings Enable: Schedule transfer enabled.
Disable: Schedule transfer disabled.
Default value Disable

System Settings

9.3.1 Weekly Schedule

Configure the transfer destination and transfer time for every day from Sunday through Saturday.
12 schedules can be set for each day.

■ Transfer Destination List

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description To configure IX-MV7-*:
Configure the transfer destination station (station number) and Mobile App when performing
schedule transfer.
Up to 10 stations can be configured as transfer destinations for each of the 12 day schedules
(when registering a Mobile App, 9 stations and a single unit containing the Mobile App).
However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will only be transferred to the
station entered for “No.01.”
To configure a station, enter the station number or click [Select Station] to select one.
To configure a Mobile App, click “Mobile App” - [Select]. Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination, and then click [OK].
To configure IXG-MK:
Configure the transfer destination unit for schedule transfer. Only a single unit can be configured
as a transfer destination for each of the 12 day schedules. However, if the call originating station
is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will be transferred only to the master station with the lowest station
number among the stations belonging to the selected unit.
To configure a unit, click [Select].
Up to 10 stations can be configured as transfer destinations if configuring by directly entering
station numbers (when registering a Mobile App, 9 stations and a single unit containing the
Mobile App). However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will be transferred
only to the station entered for “No.01.”
To configure a Mobile App, click [Select] of “Mobile App.” Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination and click [OK].
Settings Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Single building system: 3-5 digits
Default value -


• To register a "Mobile App," first register the "Mobile App" in “Mobile App List (→page 196)”. A "Mobile App" registered in a
"Mobile App List" can be registered as a transfer destination "Mobile App."

■ Re-Transfer Destination
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the transfer destination station (station number) and Mobile App when performing
schedule transfer again for a transferred call. Only a single station can be configured as a
transfer destination for each of the 12 day schedules. However, if the call originating station is
IX-DA or IX-BA, the call will arrive without being retransferred.
To configure a station, enter the station number or click [Select Station] to select one.
To configure a Mobile App, click "Mobile App" - [Select]. Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination, and then click [OK].
Settings Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Single building system: 3-5 digits
Default value -

System Settings


• To register a "Mobile App," first register the "Mobile App" in “Mobile App List (→page 196)”.
A "Mobile App" registered in a "Mobile App List" can be registered as a transfer destination "Mobile App."

■ Start Time
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the Start Time to enable schedule transfer.
Settings 00:00 - 23:59
Default value -

■ End Time
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the time at which to end schedule transfer. If set earlier than "Start Time," the end time
will be the time the following day.
Settings 00:00 - 23:59
Default value -

System Settings

How to configure schedule display

Configure the day and schedule range shown on the Settings screen for the weekly schedule.
The display can be filtered to show only the day and schedule to configure.
Click [Schedule View Adjustment]. The following screen will be shown.


1. Select the day to display from "Day." (Multiple selections allowed.)

• To select or unselect all days at once, click [Select] or [Unselect].
• By default, all days are shown.

2. Select the range of schedules to display (1 - 12) that can be configured for each day.
• By default, the range of 1 - 3 is displayed.

3. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to finish configuring the schedule display.

System Settings

9.3.2 Daily Schedule

Configure the transfer destination and time for each individual day.
A schedule one year from the set day can be configured. 12 schedules can be set for each day.

Move row Daily schedule

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Select the date and schedule range to configure. The Settings
Switch the screen as follows. screen is displayed.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to
1. Select the date from the drop down menu.
move the cursor to the row of the station number that was
entered. 2. Select the range of schedules to display (1
- 12) that can be configured for each day.
• By default, the range of 1 - 3 is displayed.

3. Click [Change to Daily Schedule


System Settings

■ Transfer Destination List

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description To configure IX-MV7-*:
Configure the transfer destination station (station number) and Mobile App when performing
schedule transfer. Up to 10 stations can be configured as transfer destinations for each of 12 day
schedules (when registering a Mobile App, 9 stations and a single unit containing the Mobile
App). However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will only be transferred to the
station entered for “No.01.”
To configure a station, enter the station number or click [Select Station] to select one.
To configure a Mobile App, click “Mobile App” - [Select]. Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination, and then click [OK].
To configure IXG-MK:
Configure the transfer destination unit for schedule transfer. Only a single unit can be configured
as a transfer destination for each of the 12 day schedules. However, if the call originating station
is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will be transferred only to the master station with the lowest station
number among the stations belonging to the selected unit.
To configure a unit, click [Select].
Up to 10 stations can be configured as transfer destinations if configuring by directly entering
station numbers (when registering a Mobile App, 9 stations and a single unit containing the
Mobile App). However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, calls will be transferred
only to the station entered for “No.01.”
To configure a Mobile App, click [Select] of “Mobile App.” Select the unit containing the Mobile
App to register as a transfer destination and click [OK].
Settings Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Single building system: 3-5 digits
Default value -


• To register a "Mobile App," first register the "Mobile App" in “Mobile App List (→page 196)”. A "Mobile App" registered in a
"Mobile App List" can be registered as a transfer destination "Mobile App."

■ Re-Transfer Destination
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the transfer destination station (station number) when performing schedule transfer
again for a transferred call. Only a single station can be configured as a transfer destination for
each of the 12 day schedules. However, if the call originating station is IX-DA or IX-BA, the call
will arrive without being retransferred.
Enter the station number or click [Select Station] to select one. To configure a Mobile App, click
"Mobile App" - [Select]. Select the unit containing the Mobile App to register as a transfer
destination, and then click [OK].
Settings Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Single building system: 3-5 digits
Default value -

System Settings

■ Start Time
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the Start Time to enable schedule transfer.
Settings 00:00 - 23:59
Default value -

■ End Time
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the time at which to end schedule transfer. If set earlier than "Start Time," the end time
will be the time the following day.
Settings 00:00 - 23:59
Default value -

System Settings

10. Station Settings

10.1 Speed Dials

Configure the Speed Dials settings for IXG-MK and IX-MV7-*.
Select the Speed Dial number to configure in [Display settings].

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was

Display settings
Settings for the selected Speed Dial button number are displayed.

10.1.1 Advanced Speed Dial Button Settings

Select the functions to assign to each Speed Dial button.

Up to eight Speed Dials can be configured. Speed Dial Button Name

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the Speed Dial Name.
Settings 1-24 alphanumeric characters
The entire name may not be shown on the station screen, depending on the number of
Default value -

System Settings


• Enter speed dial button names using the language set in “Language (→page 150)”. However, if the language (configured on
the station main unit) displayed on the screen for IXG-MK or IX-MV7-* is different from the language set with "Language," the
characters displayed on the station screen may appear incorrectly. To avoid this, enter information using alphabetical
characters only. Function

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure functions for Speed Dials. The functions that can be selected vary by station. Refer to
“How to configure option relays (→page 276)” for information on how to configure advanced
settings for each function.
Settings • No Function
• All Page (IXG-MK only): Send an all page.
• All Message Page (For IXG-MK): Page message to all stations.
• Monitoring (For IXG-MK): Monitor station set in "Monitoring".
• Network Camera Monitor (For IXG-MK): Monitor network camera set in "Network Camera
• Scan Monitoring (For IXG-MK): Start scan monitor sequence set in "Station Settings -
• Option Relay Control: Control another station's contact output. Contact output will not be
controlled for IXG-DM7(-*), IXG-2C7(-*), IXGW-LC, IX-DA, or IX-BA.
• Building Page (IXG-MK only): Send a building page.
• Building Message Page (IXG-MK only): Send a building message page.
• Unit Call (IXG-MK only): Call a unit.
Default value No Function

How to configure all page

Configure this if "All Page" was selected in “Function (→page 274)”.

■ Priority
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the paging priority.
Settings • Normal
• Urgent
Default value -

System Settings

How to configure All Message Page

Configure this if “All Message Page” was selected in “Function (→page 274)”.

■ Message File Name

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the message (audio file) to send during ALL Message Page.
Settings • None
• Call Pattern 1
• Call Pattern 2
• Call Pattern 3
• Call Pattern 4
• Call Pattern 5
• Call Pattern 6
• Tremolo Sound
• Busy Response Tone
• On Hold
• Operation Sound
• Error
• Pre Tone 1
• Pre Tone 2
• Pre Tone 3
• Communication End Pretone
• Call Queue Notification
• Waiting Reply Tone
• Select a sound that is registered in “Custom Sound Registry (→page 205)”.
Default value None

■ Priority
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the All Message Paging priority.
Settings • Normal
• Urgent
Default value -

■ Ringback Tone Count [time(s)]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the number of times to play the message configured for the “Message File Name.”
Settings 1 - 20 times
Default value -

System Settings

How to configure Monitoring

Configure this if “Monitoring” was selected in “Function (→page 274)”.

■ Station Number
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the station (station number) to monitor.
Directly enter the station number or click [Select Station] and select. Only Entrance Stations,
Outside Area Door Stations and Door Stations of the same unit can be set.
Settings Single building system: 3-5 digits
Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Default value -


• Stations in which “IP Address (→page 170)” has not been configured cannot be configured as monitoring destinations.

How to configure Network Camera Monitor

Configure this if “Network Camera Monitor” was selected in “Function (→page 274)”.

■ Network Camera
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the network camera (number) to monitor.
Directly enter the network camera number configured in “Network Camera List (→page 198)” or
click [Network Camera Selection] and select.
Settings 001 - 050
Default value -

How to configure option relays

Configure this if "Option Relay Control" was selected in “Function (→page 274)”.


• When controlling contact output for multiple stations, processing may take some time and control may be delayed.

■ Total
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure a station to control contact output. Cannot be configured for IXG-DM7(-*), IXG-2C7(-
Click [Select Station] to select. Multiple stations (infinite) can be selected.
Settings The number of selected stations is displayed.
Default value 0

System Settings


• Stations for which the "IP Address" has not been configured cannot be configured as stations to perform control.

■ Output Time Range

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the Output Time Range for relay output.
Settings • 0 (Momentary): Press the Speed Dials to continuously output contact.
Press the Speed Dials again to stop contact output.
• 200-2000 [msec]
• 3-600 [sec]
Default value 0 (Momentary)

■ Output Time ♦
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the output time for contact output within the range set in "Output Time Range."
Settings The setting value will be configured as follows according to the information set in "Output Time
• If set to 0 (Momentary): Configuration unnecessary.
• If set to 200-2000 [msec]: Configure from 200-2000 msec (by 200 msec).
• If set to 3-600 [sec]: Configure from 3-600 seconds (by 1 sec).
Default value 0

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to use encryption for option relay communication. If set to "Enable," configure
"Option Relay Control Key" and "Relay Output" - “Option Relay Control Authentication Key
(→page 226)”.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings


• If "TLS" is set to "Enable," control may take some time if there are multiple stations to control.

■ Option Relay Control Key

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description If "TLS" is set to "Enable," configure the encryption key for option relay communication. Contact
output can be controlled when it matches the authentication key of the destination station set in
"Relay Output" - “Option Relay Control Authentication Key (→page 226)”.
Settings 1-20 digits
Default value -

How to Configure building page

Configure this if "Building Page" was selected in “Function (→page 274)”.

■ Building Number / Building Name

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the Building Number / Building Name of the paging recipient.
Settings 01/Building 1 - 99/Building 99
Select from buildings registered in “Building Information (→page 155)”.
Default value -

■ Priority
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the paging priority.
Settings • Normal
• Urgent
Default value -

How to configure Building Message Page

Configure this if "Building Message Page" is set in “Function (→page 274)”.

■ Building Number / Building Name

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the Building Number / Building Name of the paging recipient.
Settings 01/Building 1 - 99/Building 99
Select from buildings registered in “Building Information (→page 155)”.
Default value -

System Settings

■ Message File Name

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the message (audio file) to send during building message paging.
Settings • None
• Call Pattern 1
• Call Pattern 2
• Call Pattern 3
• Call Pattern 4
• Call Pattern 5
• Call Pattern 6
• Tremolo Sound
• Busy Response Tone
• On Hold
• Operation Sound
• Error
• Pre Tone 1
• Pre Tone 2
• Pre Tone 3
• Communication End Pretone
• Call Queue Notification
• Waiting Reply Tone
• Select a sound that is registered in “Custom Sound Registry (→page 205)”.
Default value None

■ Priority
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the paging priority.
Settings • Normal
• Urgent
Default value -

■ Ringback Tone Count [time(s)]

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the number of times to play the message configured for the "Message File Name."
Settings 1 - 20 times
Default value -

System Settings

How to configure Unit Call

Configure this if "Unit Call" was selected in “Function (→page 274)”.

■ Select Unit
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the unit to set as a destination. Up to 1 unit can be configured as a destination. Click
[Select] to select. The information (Building Number, Unit Number, and Unit Name) for the
configured destination is displayed.
Settings The unit registered in the Address Book as a destination in “Station List (→page 193)” and
“Mobile App List (→page 196)”.
Default value -

■ Priority
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the priority of unit calls.
Settings • Normal
• Priority
• Urgent
Default value -

System Settings

10.2 Volume
Configure the volume and other sound settings.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

10.2.1 Volume

■ Handset Transmit
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the transmit volume using handset while communicating and paging.
Settings 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "10" and cannot be changed.
Default value 10

■ Handset Receive
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the receive volume on the handset during communication or monitoring. The ringback tone
volume will also be changed.
Settings 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "6" and cannot be changed.
Default value 6

System Settings

■ Hands-free Transmit
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the hands-free transmit volume while communicating and paging.
Settings 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "10" and cannot be changed.
Default value 10

■ Hands-free Receive
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Configure the receive volume of the built-in speaker during hands-free communication,
monitoring, and paging. The ringback tone volume will also be changed.
Settings 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* are set to "6" and cannot be changed.
Default value • IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK, and IX-MV7-*: 6
• IX-RS-*: 10

■ Transmit
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the transmit volume while communicating and being monitored.
Settings 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
Default value 10

■ Receive
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the receive volume during communication or paging (except for IXG-DM7(-*), IX-DV,
IX-DVF(-*), IX-SSA(-*)). The ringback tone volume will also be changed. Use “Paging
(→page 283)” to configure the receive volume during paging for IXG-DM7(-*), IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*),
and IX-SSA(-*).
Settings 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
Default value 6

System Settings

■ External Output
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the transmit volume using external output.
Settings 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
Default value 6

■ Ringtone
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select the volume for Ringtone and Paging Pretone.
Settings 0 (Off), 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
Set to "6" and cannot be changed except for IX-RS-*.
Default value • IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, IXG-DM7(-*), IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*), IX-SSA(-*): 6
• IX-EA(U), IX-FA, IX-SS-2G, IX-RS-*, IX-DA, IX-BA: 10

■ Paging
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the volume while receiving page.
Settings 0 (Off), 1 (Low) - 10 (High)
Default value 6

10.2.2 Headset Specification

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the device to be connected to the headset jack.
Settings • Mic Device
• Headset Device
IXG-2C7(-*) is set to "Mic Device" and cannot be changed.
Default value Mic Device

System Settings

10.2.3 Audio Output

Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set using External speaker for Ringtone, Paging Pretone and Paging.
Settings • External speaker output for Ringtone, built-in speaker for Communication
• External speaker output for Paging Pretone, built-in speaker for Paging
• External speaker output for Ringtone, Paging Pretone and Paging, built-in speaker for
IXG-2C7(-*) is set to "External speaker output for Ringtone, built-in speaker for
Communication" and cannot be changed.
Default value External speaker output for Ringtone, built-in speaker for Communication


• The tone will play from the speaker of the station even if audio is heard from the external speaker.

10.2.4 Audio Output (for Door)

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA ☑IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Configure how to output the receiving volume during calls, paging pretones, and receiving
volume during paging.
Settings • Built-in Speaker for Communication and Paging
• External speaker output for Communication and Paging
• Built-in Speaker for Communication, External speaker output for Paging
Other than IX-RS-*, fixed to “Built-in Speaker for Communication and Paging.”
Default value Built-in Speaker for Communication and Paging

System Settings

10.3 Communication
Configure the settings for a call.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

■ Communication Start Tone

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select the tone to be played when communication starts.
Settings • None
• Call Pattern 1 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Pattern 2 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Pattern 3 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Pattern 4 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Pattern 5 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Pattern 6 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Pattern 7 (IX-EA (U), IX-FA only)
• Tremolo Sound (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Busy Response Tone (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• On Hold (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Operation Sound (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Error (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Pre Tone 1 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Pre Tone 2 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Pre Tone 3 (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Communication End Pretone (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Call Queue Notification (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Waiting Reply Tone (except for IXG-DM7(-*))
• Audio Guidance (IXG-DM7(-*) only)
• Select a sound that is registered in “Custom Sound Registry (→page 205)”.
Default value None

System Settings

10.4 Monitoring
Configure monitoring-related settings.


• Monitoring cannot be performed for stations except a Entrance Station, Outside Area Door Station, and Door Station in your

Move row Scan Monitoring

Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Up to 50 Scan Monitor Number columns can be displayed at a time.
Switch the screen as follows. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows. [Previous]: Display the previous 50 columns.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. [Next]: Display the next 50 columns.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move [Scan Monitor Number]: Enter the Scan Monitor Number and click
the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered. [Apply] to display the entered Scan Monitor Number column.

Move to Related Settings

Moves to the selected item within the
same Settings screen.

Scan Monitor Number

10.4.1 Monitor Timeout [sec]♦

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the monitoring timer by station. Scan Monitor must be end manually.
Settings • Infinite: No timeout.
• 10-600sec: Set 10-600 sec by 1 sec.
Default value 60 sec

System Settings

10.4.2 Scan Monitoring

Configure monitoring by automatically switching between several stations (Entrance Station, Outside Area Door
Station, or Door Station in your room only) and network cameras at set intervals. The scan will be performed in
registration order.

■ Type
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the Station Type.
Settings • IX/IXG Station
• Network Camera
Default value -

■ Station Number
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the Station Number.
Enter the Number or click [Select Station] to choose one.
Settings Multiple building system: 3-24 digits
Single building system: 3-5 digits
Default value -


• Stations in which “IP Address (→page 170)” has not been configured cannot be configured to be monitored.

■ Camera Settings
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the Network Camera Number.
Enter the number of the network camera set in “Network Camera List (→page 198)” or click
[Network Camera Selection] to choose one.
Settings Select from the network cameras registered in “Network Camera List (→page 198)”.
Default value -

■ Dwell Time
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Set the dwell time to change destination for scan monitor.
Settings • 5 sec
• 10 sec
• 30 sec
Default value 5 sec

System Settings

10.4.3 Prevent Being Monitored

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable to prevent being monitored.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

10.4.4 Monitoring Notification Tone

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the tone to be played when monitored by another station.
Settings • None
• Call Pattern 1
• Call Pattern 2
• Call Pattern 3
• Call Pattern 4
• Call Pattern 5
• Call Pattern 6
• Call Pattern 7 (IX-EA (U), IX-FA only)
• Tremolo Sound
• Busy Response Tone
• On Hold
• Operation Sound
• Error
• Pre Tone 1
• Pre Tone 2
• Pre Tone 3
• Communication End Pretone
• Call Queue Notification
• Waiting Reply Tone
• Select a sound that is registered in “Custom Sound Registry (→page 205)”.
IXG-DM7(-*) is set to "None" and cannot be changed.
Default value None

System Settings

10.5 Camera
Configure camera settings.

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

10.5.1 Adjustment

■ Backlight Compensation
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description During an outgoing call or monitoring, video with backlight compensation adjustment will be sent
to the destination station.
The adjustment can be removed through operation by the destination station.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

■ Low Light Correction

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Send an video on which low light sensitivity has been performed to the destination station, when
dark video is captured at night, etc. when a call is made or when being monitored. The
adjustment can be removed through operation by the destination station.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings

10.5.2 Night Illumination LED

■ Call / Communication
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable for white LED while calling or communicating in low light situation.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Enable

■ When Monitored
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) ☑IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable for white LED while being monitored in low light situation.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

10.5.3 PTZ Preset Position

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description If “Zoom / Wide Preset (→page 291)” is set to "Zoom," configure the zoom position of the video
sent to the destination station when an outgoing call is made.
Settings Top Left(1), Up(2), Top Right(3), Left(4), Center(5), Right(6), Bottom Left(7), Down(8), Bottom

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Default value Center

System Settings

10.5.4 Zoom / Wide Preset

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to send zoomed video or wide video to the destination station when an
outgoing call is made.
If set to "Zoom," a video of the area set in “PTZ Preset Position (→page 290)” will be sent.
Settings • Zoom
• Wide
Default value Wide

10.5.5 Refresh Rate

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Select the refresh rate of the selected Entrance Station.
Settings • 50Hz
• 60Hz
Default value 60Hz

System Settings

10.6 Door Release Assignment

Configure the connected station and door release key for door release during communication.
Configure each station for each group configured in “Called Stations (Door/Sub Stations) (→page 208)”.
Select the group number to configure in [Display].

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a
time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows. Display
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] Displays the selected group number settings.
to move the cursor to the row of the station number
that was entered.

Move to Related Settings

Moves to the selected item within the same Settings screen.

■ Contact Assignment
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set which door is to be released when a door release operation is performed during a call for
each station.
Settings • Origination Station: Unlock the door release connected to the station in which the door release
operation was performed.
• Destination Station: Unlock the door release connected to the destination station.
Default value Destination Station

■ Door Release Key

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Configure the door release key to unlock the door release connected to the other station when a
door release operation is performed, when "Contact Assignment" is set to "Destination Station."
Door release is possible when it matches the door release key of the destination station set in
"Relay Output" - “Door Release Key (→page 225)”.
Settings 1-20 digits
Default value Random value (same as the value set for the destination station in "Relay Output" - "Door
Release Key"

System Settings

■ Door Release by IX-RS

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Select Enable / Disable for door release by IX-RS.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Enable

System Settings

11. Entrance Station Settings

11.1 Display

■ Call by Unit Number

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to use Call by Unit Number function.
Call by Unit Number: The person to visit can be called by entering the unit number.

Call by Unit Number Screen

Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Enable

System Settings

■ Call by List
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to use Call by List function.
Call by List: The person to visit can be called by selecting them from the Direct Call List.

Search by List Screen

Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

■ Search by Name
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to use Search by Name function.
Search by Name: The person to visit can be called by searching for them using the keyboard and
selecting them from the search results.

Search by Name Screen

Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings


• If “Language (→page 150)” is set to "Japanese," " 丨檻Ḕ㕮 ," or " 䩿Ṓᴬ㒆 ," this will be set to "Disable" and cannot be

■ Default Display Screen

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the first operation screen displayed when calling a person to visit.
Settings Select from the function screens for which “Call by Unit Number (→page 294)”, “Call by List
(→page 295)”, or “Search by Name (→page 295)” has been set to "Enable."
• Door Release Keypad
• Call by Unit Number Screen
• Search by List Screen
• Search by Name Screen
Default value Call by Unit Number Screen

■ Building Selection Button

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to use the Building Selection Button in a Multiple Building System.
If set to "Enable," the Building Selection Button will be displayed on the Call by Unit Number
Screen to allow a unit in another building to be called.

Multiple Building Selection


Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings

■ Hearing aid icon

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to display the Hearing aid Icon on the screen.

Hearing aid Icon

Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings

11.2 Welcome Screen

An image may be set as a Welcome Screen to be displayed prior to seeing the operation screen.

11.2.1 Welcome Screen Wallpaper

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to display the Welcome Screen.
Settings • Checked: Enable
• Unchecked: Disable
Default value Checked: Enable

System Settings

11.2.2 Image 1

Register the image to display if "Checked: Enable" was set in "Welcome Screen Wallpaper."
If no image is registered, the default Welcome Screen will be displayed.

■ Display
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to display the registered image on the Welcome Screen. Only a single image
file can be displayed.

Settings • Checked: Enable

• Unchecked: Disable
Default value Unchecked: Disable

■ File name
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Register an image to display on the Welcome Screen.
• Message File Name: Up to 64 bytes of alphanumeric characters (including extension)
• File format: PNG
• Resolution:
Width: 480 pixels
Height: 800 pixels
Settings OK: Click [Browse] to select a file.
To delete, place a check next to the [Delete] box.
Default value ̶

System Settings

11.3 Direct Call List

If 'Display" - “Call by List (→page 295)” is set to "Enable," configure the units to display in the list.

11.3.1 Button Number

Up to 100 units can be configured for Button Numbers.

■ Building Number
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Enter the building number of the unit to call on the Search by List Screen.
Settings 01-99
Default value ̶

■ Unit Number
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Enter the unit number of the unit to call on the Search by List Screen.
Settings 3-10 digits
Default value ̶

System Settings

11.4 Access Code

Set the access code for each unit used at the Entrance Station to open the door.

Filter “How to configure access codes (→page 301)”

Building Number / Building Name: Select the building to
Station Number / Station Name: Select the station to display “Add Access Code (→page 303)”
and then click [Apply]. The access codes for each unit will be
“Delete Access Code (→page 304)”

How to configure access codes

1. Use "Filter" to select the Entrance Station for which to configure an access code, and then click
• The Settings screen for the selected Entrance Station will be displayed.

2. Enter the "Length."

• Length: 1-20 digits (default value: 4 digits)

System Settings

3. Enter the access code for each unit.

• Access Code: Configure using the number of digits set in Step 2.
• If Door Release was set for Relay Output 1 for Entrance Station in "Relay Output" - “Function (→page 223)”
in Administrator mode, enter "A" + "Access Code" when performing a door release on the Entrance Station.
• If Door Release was set for Relay Output 2 for Entrance Station in "Relay Output" - “Function (→page 223)”
in Administrator mode, enter "B" + "Access Code" when performing a door release on the Entrance Station.

4. Click [Update].

5. Click [OK].

System Settings

11.4.1 Add Access Code

Configure the access code for each unit.

Click [Add Access Code]. The "Add Access Code" screen will be displayed.

■ How to add Access Codes

1. Enter the "Access Code."
• Access Code: Configure using the number of digits set in Step 2 of “How to configure access codes
(→page 301)”.

2. Select the "Building Number" of the unit to assign the access code, and then enter the "Unit Number."

3. Select the Entrance Station where to add the access code. (Multiple selections allowed.)

4. Click [Add].
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

5. Click [Update].

6. Click [OK].

System Settings


• To confirm the configured access codes, use "Filter" to select the "Building Number / Building Name" and "Station Number /
Station Name" for the Entrance Station, and then click [Apply].

11.4.2 Delete Access Code

Delete registered access codes.

Click [Delete Access Code]. The "Delete Access Code" screen will be displayed.

■ How to delete access codes

1. Select the "Building Number" of the unit to delete an access code, and then enter the "Unit Number."

2. Click [Delete].
• Click [Cancel] to exit.

3. Click [Update].

4. Click [OK].


• To confirm whether an access code was deleted, use "Filter" to select the "Building Number / Building Name" and "Station
Number / Station Name" for the Entrance Station, and then click [Apply].

System Settings

11.5 Misc.

■ Motion Sensor
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to enable the motion sensor function on the Entrance Station. If set to
"Enable," it will detect the motion of guests and display them the screen.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Enable

■ Communication after Door Release

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA □IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to automatically end or continue communication when the door is released
during a call or communication.
Settings • End Communication
• Continue Communication
Default value Continue Communication

System Settings

12. Lift Control Settings

12.1 Registration
Register a Lift Control Adaptor if integrated with an elevator. Up to 16 Lift Control Adaptors can be registered in each

■ Enable
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to use the Lift Control Adaptor.
Settings • Checked: Enable
• Unchecked: Disable
Default value Unchecked: Disable


• If data associated with a Lift Control Adaptor has already been set, setting this to "Unchecked: Disable" will delete all data
associated with the Lift Control Adaptor.

■ Station Name♦
Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the name of the Lift Control Adaptor.
The configured station name will be displayed in IXG Supervision Tool.
Settings 1-24 alphanumeric characters
Default value If "Enable" is set to "Checked: Enable," this will be set in order starting from Lift Control Adaptor

System Settings

12.2 Pick Up Floor

Configure the relay output terminal for the Lift Control Adaptor that performs contact output when an outgoing call is
made or a door release operation is performed on the Entrance Station.

Building Number / Building Name: Select the building to display.
Adaptor Number / Name: Select the station to display and then click [Apply]. The Settings screen for the selected
station is displayed.

■ Relay Output Terminal

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the terminal to perform contact output when the person to visit is called from the
Entrance Station or when the door is released using the access code.
Settings • Checked: Activate
• Unchecked: No Action
Default value Unchecked: Do not control

System Settings

12.3 Arrival Floor

Set the relay output terminal of the Lift Control Adaptor upon door release activation performed by the destination
station (IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, Intercom App) communicating with the Entrance Station.

Building Number / Building Name: Select the building to display.
Adaptor Number / Name: Select the station to display and then click [Apply]. The Settings screen for the selected
station will be displayed.

■ Relay Output Terminal

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the terminal that performs contact output when an entrance door release operation is
performed on the destination station (IXG-2C7(-*), IXG-MK, IX-MV7-*, Intercom App) while
calling or communicating with the Entrance Station.
Settings • Checked: Activate
• Unchecked: No Action
Default value Unchecked: Do not control

System Settings

12.4 Building Exit

Configure whether to use the Lift Control Button on the Tenant Station. Also, configure the relay output of the Lift
Control Adaptor when using the "Lift Control Button".

Lift Control Button

Building Number / Building Name: Select the building to display.
Adaptor Number / Name: Select the station to display and then click [Apply]. The Settings screen for the selected station
will be displayed.

■ Lift Control Button

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure whether to use the Lift Control Adaptor control function on the Tenant Station.
If this is set to "Enable," the "Lift Control Button" will be displayed on the Home Screen of the
Tenant Station.
Settings • Enable
• Disable
Default value Disable

System Settings

■ Relay Output Terminal

Compatible type □IXG-2C7(-*) □IXG-MK □IX-MV7-* □IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA □IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
□IX-SSA(-*) □IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
□IX-SS-2G □IX-RS-*
Description Configure the terminal that performs contact output when the resident taps the "Lift Control
Button" on the Tenant Station.
Settings • Checked: Activate
• Unchecked: No Action
Default value Unchecked: Do not control

System Settings

13. Maintenance

13.1 Firmware Update

Access our website at "https://www.aiphone.net/" to download the latest version of the firmware.


• To update the firmware, “Association Settings (→page 120)” must have been performed on the station to update, and the PC
must be able to communicate with the system.
• If the firmware update is started while the station is operating (such as on a call), the operation will end and the firmware
update will begin.
• If power is turned off while updating the firmware, the station may malfunction.
• The station will be inoperable while updating the firmware.
• When the firmware is updated, the station will be automatically restarted.
• The Gateway Adaptor firmware is automatically updated on the cloud server side at regular intervals.
• The Intercom App is not available for use while the Gateway Adaptor firmware is being updated.

System Settings

How to update the firmware

1. Click [Browse] and select the firmware file for each station.

2. Select the station for which to update the firmware from "Station List." (Multiple selections allowed.)
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].
• Stations in which “Association Settings (→page 120)” has not been performed cannot be selected.

3. Click [Update].
• The firmware update may take approximately ten minutes per station.

4. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to return to the "Update Firmware" screen without updating.

5. Click [OK].
• The result is displayed in "Station List" - "Status."
In Process: The firmware is being updated.
Success: Update successful.
Failed: Update failed. Try updating again.

System Settings

13.2 Initialization
When initializing the station, all settings go back to the default values, and the system log and incoming/outgoing call
history are erased.

How to initialize

1. Select the station to initialize from "Station List." (Multiple selections allowed.)
• To select or unselect stations in a batch, choose the station type and click [Select] or [Unselect].
• Stations in which “Association Settings (→page 120)” has not been performed cannot be selected.

2. Click [Initialization] or [Initialize User Settings].

• Initialization: All of the settings return to the default values, and the system log is erased. The IXG-DM7(-*)
also erases the recorded data on the microSD card. The IXG-2C7(-*) also erases the History and the
recorded data on the microSD card. The IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* also erase the Incoming Calls, Outgoing
Calls, and the Missed Calls.
• Initialize User Settings: Only the user settings are initialized. The IXG-MK and IX-MV7-* also erase the
Incoming Calls, Outgoing Calls, and the Missed Calls.
The IXG-2C7(-*) reverts all of the station settings to the default values and erases the system log, History,
and the recorded data on the microSD card.
The IXG-DM7(-*), IXGW-LC, IXGW-GW, IX-DA, and IX-BA are not supported.

3. Click [OK].
• Click [Cancel] to cancel initialization.

4. Click [OK].
• The result is displayed in "Station List" - "Status."
In Process: Initializing station.
Success: Initialization successful.
Failed: Initialization failed. Try initializing again.
Unavailable: This is displayed when a station that cannot be initialized was selected in Step 1.

System Settings


• The station will restart after initialization. In some cases, it may take up to 10 minutes for the station to restart. The station will
be inoperable until restarting is completed.
• If initialization fails, the "Initialization failed." message will be displayed. If this happens, try initializing again.

System Settings

13.3 syslog

Move row
Up to 50 station number rows can be displayed at a time. Switch the screen as follows.
[Previous]: Display the previous 50 rows.
[Next]: Display the next 50 rows.
[Apply]: Enter the station number and click [Apply] to move the cursor to the row of the station number that was entered.

■ IPv4 Address
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv4 address for syslog server.
Settings or hostname (1-64 alphanumeric characters)
Default value -

■ IPv6 Address
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the IPv6 address for syslog server.
Settings ::FF:0-FEFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF or hostname (1-64 alphanumeric
Default value -

■ Port♦
Compatible type ☑IXG-2C7(-*) ☑IXG-MK ☑IX-MV7-* ☑IXG-DM7(-*) □IX-DA □IX-BA ☑IX-DV, IX-DVF(-*)
☑IX-SSA(-*) ☑IX-EA, IX-EAU □IX-FA ☑IXGW-LC □IXGW-GW □Intercom App
☑IX-SS-2G ☑IX-RS-*
Description Set the port number of syslog server.
Settings 1-65535
Default value 514

Additional Settings

1. Confirming Station Information

1.1 Confirming Station Information on the Entrance Station

Confirm the following information on the Entrance Station.
• Main: The firmware version for the main CPU
• Sub: The firmware version for the sub CPU (IXG-DM7-HID only)
• Station Number
• IP Address
• Subnet Mask
• Default Gateway
• Mac Address

1. Enter "ABAB1234" using the keypad.

2. Confirm station information.

• Tap to return to the previous screen.

Additional Settings


• If "Error" is displayed.
– The access controller is turned off
– The sub CPU is disconnected

Additional Settings

1.2 Confirming property manager ID and password on the Tenant Station

Confirm the following information on the Tenant Station (firmware version: 2.00 or later).
• Property Manager ID
• Property Manager Password

1. Tap [SETTINGS] on the Home Screen

2. Tap

3. Tap [Station Information]

Additional Settings

4. Tap

5. Tap the upper right of the screen 5 times



Issue Date: Aug. 2020 Ⓑ 0820 RQ 63029

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