Instrucciones Cafetera Halminton Beach

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Extension cords may be used if care is exercised in their use.

1. A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the hazards resulting from
becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
2. Longer cord sets or extension cords are available and may be used if care is
exercised in their use.
3. If a longer cord set or extension cord is used,
(A) The marked electrical rating on the cord set or extension cord should be
at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance.
(B) The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not hang over the
Hamilton Beach®
countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped
over accidentally.


1. After unplugging, allow to cool, DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER. Wipe with a
damp cloth and dry.
2. Wash carafe, carafe cover, and basket assembly in sudsy water, rinse and
dry. Do not use abrasive materials.
3. To keep your coffee maker operating efficiently, you must regularty flush out
mineral deposits left by the water, they can build up and clog your coffee
maker. At least once a month, use the household eleaning solution des-
cribed below, to prevent this clogging. You should elean your eoffee maker Mini Drip
every two weeks if the water in your area is especially hard. Watch for heavy
steaming or longer than usual brewing times as a sign that flushing is
1. Pour 1 cup of white vi negar into the water reservoir. Add cold water up to
within V. inch of the top of the reservoir.
2. Position the carafe with basket assembly, carafe cover on warmer plate.
3. Turn the Coffee Maker on and let all the cleaning solution drip into the
4. Discard the cleaning solution. Turn the coffee maker off and let cool for 10
5. Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.
6. Rinse the coffee maker by filling the water reservoir to within V. inch of the
top with cold water. Turn the Coffee Maker on and let all the water drip into
the carafe through the Cover-Spreader and basket assembly.
7. Turn the Coffee Maker off. Discard water in the carafe. Wash carafe, carafe
cover and basket assembly. Dry parts. Now you are ready to make a pot of
coffee/tea. Household Appliance

Hamilton Beach Inc.

A Glen Dimplex Company
Washington, North Carolina 27889

P.N. 3230-788-0000 R 11/88 Printed in U.S.A.

INTROOUCTION 17. Do not use glass carafe if damaged in any manner. A chip or crack
could result in unseen glass particles in the beverage which could be
It is a known fact that the best coffee made is by the drip filter method. harmful if swallowed.
With your Mini Coffee/Tea Maker, you can brew coffee or tea quickly and
18. Do not allow allliquid to evaporate from carafe.
19. Do not pour liquids other than water and cleaning solutions specified in
The basket cover is designed to distribute water evenly over coffee
this manual into the water tank. (See section "How to Clean Coffee
grounds or tea leaves, extracting only the most desirable flavor and aroma. Maker.")
And the paper filter catches even the smallest particles to insure a c1ean,
20. Do not lift and/or move entire unit when carafe contains hot liquid.
delicious, cup of coffee or tea.
21. The carafe is designed for use with this coffee maker. It must never be
So enjoy!
used on a range topo
22. Do not set a hot carafe on a wet or cold surface.
23. Do not use a cracked carafe or a carafe having a loose or weakened
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always 24. Do not clean carafe with c1eaners, steel wool pads, or other abrasive
be followed including the following: material.
2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles. DO NOT REMOVE BOTTOM COVER PANEL. NO USER SERVICEA-
3. To protect against fire, electrical shock and personal injury, do not BLE PARTS INSIDE. REPAIR SHOULD BE DONE BY AUTHORIZED
immerse cord, plugs, or base in water or other liquid. SERVICE PERSONNEL ONL Y.
4. Close supervision is necessary when used by or near children.
5. Unplug cord from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to
cool before putting on or taking off parts and before cleaning the
6 .. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the
appliance malfunctions or is dropped or damaged in any manner.
Return appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examina- THE CARE ANO USE OF GLASS CARAFES
tion, electrical repair, mechanical repair or adjustment. Avoid Abrasion - Do not use abrasive cleaners, brushes with metal parts,
7. The use of accessory attachments not recommended or sold by the steel wool, etc. to clean the carafe. Rinsing with water or mild detergent and a
appliance manufacturer may cause fire, electric shock or injury. cloth or both, a solution of baking soda and water for cleaning is recommended.
8. Do not use outdoors. Also, avoid placing metal utensils, finger rings (Le., diamonds) etc. into the glass
item. Internal abrasion greatly reduces the strength of the glass.
9. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter, or touch hot Glass carafes should not be used directly upon electrical elements, an inter-
mediary metal screen or pad is required.
10. Do not place appliance or any parts on or near a hot gas or electric Avoid Impact - Glass will break under asevere enough impact.
burner, in a heated oyen, or in a microwave oyen. The carafe must not be boiled dry as this may induce a permanent stress in
11. Be sure switch is off, then plug cord into wall outlet. To disconnect, turn the glass. If this happens, the carafe should be discarded.
any control to "Off", then remove plug from wall outlet, being sure to Gas f1ames or direct electrical burner heat can melt the hardware or break the
grip plug firmly. Never yank on the cord. carafe. Do not use glass carafe on a burner.
12. Scalding may occur if the coffee basket or carafe and cover are NOTE: Do not place glass carafe in a microwave oyen.
removed during the brewing cycle.
13. Do not use appliance for other than intended use. IMPORTANT NOTICE
14. Do not remove glass carafe from warmer plate until hot coffee has com- For best results fill the water reservoir with water for the number of cups
pletely drained from basket. desired before turning the Coffee Maker on. Before brewing a second carafe of
coffee"turn the Coffee Maker off and allow the Coffee Maker to cool for 5 minutes.
15. Keep lid on carafe during brewing operation and while pouring coffee.
NOTE: If this is not done a delay of 5 minutes may be noticed before brewing
16. Do not operate in the presence of explosive and/or f1ammable fumes. starts.

2 3
Water Reservoir Cover


Water Reservoir
Glass Caraje

Warmer Plate C'~;l


Lighted Switch

1. The Coffee/Tea Maker brews 2 to 4 cups.
2. Before using first time, operate unit once with
clean water only to assure a c1ean system.
3. Remove coffee basket and cover; place a 4 cup
basket style or 3% inch flat disc filter in basket.
See Notes.
4. Measure coffee (AOC, drip or regular grind) or
tea into basket; spread evenly. Place Cover-
Spreader on basket.
5. Fill the carafe with fresh cold water to the level
you wish (4 cup level is to bottom edge of
6. Pour the water into reservoir through openings
in Water Reservoir Cover (Do not overfill).
7. Place filled basket in carafe; place on warmer
8. Plug cord into any 120 volt wall outlet. Press
switch ON - signallight will glow.
9. As soon as the brew, cycle is complete and the
coffee or tea stops dripping out of basket remove basket and grounds. Place
Cover-Spreader on carafe.
10. The brew is now ready to pour. It is suggested the cover be held in place
when pouring.
11. The brew will stay warm if all is not used immediately. The warmer plate will
not, however, reheat cold coffee or tea.
12. When finished using coffee maker or when carafe is empty be sure to press
switch OFF and unplug.

Drip grind coffee is a finer grind and allows greater extraction for a full body
taste. Regular grind gives a milder cup of coffee.
A standard coffee measure (scoop) is equal to two level tablespoons. Taste
for coffee and tea differ for individuals. You may wish to vary the amounts to suit
your own taste.


2 cups - 1 to 2 scoops or 2 to 4 tablespoons
3 cups - 1% to 3 scoops or 3 to 6 tablespoons
4 cups - 2 to 4 scoops or 4 to 8 tablespoons
Use 1 teaspoon for each cup of water.
To prevent coffee grounds from slipping past a flat or disc filter, wet the filter
before placing in the basket.


1. Start with a clean coffee maker, since oil and sediment which cling to the
carafe may impair flavor.
2. To keep any excess grounds from falling into water, you may wish to
dampen filter before placing in basket. This can be done by first dampening
filter and placing in basket or placing dry filter in basket and running water
through it, emptying excess.
3. The amount of the brew will be slightly less than the amount of water you
started with. Approximately % ounce of water (per cup) is absorbed by the
ground coffee.
4. Never pour brewed coffee or tea back into reservoir.
5. Once brewed never dry and reuse coffee grounds. Not only will f1avor be
impaired, but a potential safety problem could occur since the temperature
and moisture levels involved are ideal for mold growth.
6. If desired, you may use your coffee/tea maker to heat water for use in pre-
paring instant soups, broths, hot chocolate, gelatin, etc. Simply pour water
from carafe to reservoir and let it pump through system back into carafe.

Extension cords may be used if care is exercised in their use.
1. A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the hazards resulting from
becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
2. Longer cord sets or extension cords are available and may be used if care is
exercised in their use.
3. If a longer cord set or extension cord is used,
(A) The marked electrical rating on the cord set or extension cord should be
at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance.
(B) The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not hang over the
countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped
over accidentally.


1. After unplugging, allow to cool, DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER. Wipe with a
damp cloth and dry.
2. Wash carafe, carafe cover, and basket assembly in sudsy water, rinse and
dry. Do not use abrasive materials.
3. To keep your coffee maker operating efficiently, you must regular1y flush out
mineral deposits left by the water, they can build up and clog your coffee
maker. At least once a month, use the household cleaning solution des-
cribed below, to prevent this clogging. You should clean your coffee maker
every two weeks if the water in your area is especially hard. Watch for heavy
steaming or longer than usual brewing times as a sign that flushing is


1. Pour 1 cup of white vi negar into the water reservoir. Add cold water up to
within % inch of the top of the reservoir.
2. Position the carafe with basket assembly, carafe cover on warmer plate.
3. Turn the Coffee Maker on and let all the cleaning solution drip into the
4. Discard the cleaning solution. Turn the coffee maker off and let cool for 10
5. Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.
6. Rinse the coffee maker by filling the water reservoir to within % inch of the
top with cold water. Turn the Coffee Maker on and let all the water drip into
the carafe through the Cover-Spreader and basket assembly.
7. Turn the Coffee Maker off. Discard water in the carafe. Wash carafe, carafe
cover and basket assembly. Dry parts. Now you are ready to make a pot of

Hamilton Beach Inc.

A Glen Dimplex Company
Washington, North Carolina 27889

P.N. 3230-788-0000 R 11/88 Printed in U.SA

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