Topic Test Oxfordaqa Int A Level Physics Magnetic Fields

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Name: ________________________

Topic Test: OxfordAQA

International A level Physics Class: ________________________
Magnetic Fields
Date: ________________________

Time: 58 minutes

Marks: 39 marks


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The diagram below shows where two equally charged oxygen ions P and Q enter a uniform
magnetic field at 90° to the field. The ions each have a velocity of 4.1 × 106 m s–1

(a) Sketch and label the paths of P and Q on the diagram.


(b) Calculate the difference between the diameters of the paths followed by P and Q while in
the magnetic field.
Ignore any forces acting between the ions.

difference = ____________________ m

(c) The ions are subject to a magnetic force when they are in the field.
Explain why their speed does not change.



(Total 7 marks)

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(a) The equation F = BIl, where the symbols have their usual meanings, gives the magnetic
2 force that acts on a conductor in a magnetic field.

Given the unit of each of the quantities in the equation.

F ______________________ B ______________________

I ______________________ l _________________________

State the condition under which the equation applies.



(b) The diagram shows a horizontal copper bar of 25 mm × 25 mm square cross-section and
length l carrying a current of 65 A.

(i) Calculate the minimum value of the flux density of the magnetic field in which it
should be placed if its weight is to be supported by the magnetic force that acts upon

density of copper = 8.9 × 103 kg m–3






(ii) Draw an arrow on the diagram above to show the direction in which the magnetic field
should be applied if your calculation in part (i) is to be valid. Label this arrow M.
(Total 7 marks)

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Figure 1

A circular coil of diameter 140 mm has 850 turns. It is placed so that its plane is perpendicular to
a horizontal magnetic field of uniform flux density 45 mT, as shown in Figure 1.

(a) Calculate the magnetic flux passing through the coil when in this position.



(b) The coil is rotated through 90° about a vertical axis in a time of 120 ms.


(i) the change of magnetic flux linkage produced by this rotation,



(ii) the average emf induced in the coil when it is rotated.



(Total 6 marks)

A low voltage supply is needed for a battery charger.

4 An engineer designs a transformer to convert an alternating input voltage of 230 Vrms to the low
voltage needed for the battery charger.
The transformer has 800 turns on the primary coil and 28 turns on the secondary coil.

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(a) Calculate Vs the rms output voltage from the secondary coil.
For this calculation, assume that the transformer is ideal.

Vs = ____________________ V

(b) The frequency of the input voltage is 50 Hz.

Sketch on the axes below a graph of the variation of the output voltage with time t.
The graph should show the voltage variation over a period of 50 ms.
Add an appropriate scale to the voltage axis.


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(c) In practice, the transformer is 90% efficient. The rms current in the secondary coil is 2.4 A.

Calculate in mA the rms current in the primary coil of the transformer.

rms current = ____________________ mA


(d) The engineer now connects the output of the transformer in series with a semiconductor
diode and the battery charger.

The diagram below shows the circuit. The battery charger behaves as an ohmic conductor.

Deduce how the magnitude and waveform of the voltage Vc across the battery charger are
different from the magnitude and waveform of the output from the transformer.

magnitude __________________________________________________________



waveform __________________________________________________________



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(e) One inefficiency of the transformer arises from eddy current losses.

Explain how eddy current losses occur in a transformer and go on to suggest how good
transformer design minimises eddy current losses.















(Total 14 marks)

An aircraft, of wing span 60 m, flies horizontally at a speed of 150 m s–1. If the vertical
component of the Earth’s magnetic field in the region of the plane is 1.0 × 10 –5 T, what is the
magnitude of the magnetic flux cut by the wings in 10 s?

A 1.0 × 10–5 Wb

B 1.0 × 10–4 Wb

C 9.0 × 10–2 Wb

D 9.0 × 10–1 Wb
(Total 1 mark)

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A horizontal straight wire of length 40 mm is in an east-west direction as shown in the diagram. A
6 uniform magnetic field of flux density 50 mT is directed downwards into the plane of the diagram.

When a current of 5.0 A passes through the wire from west to east, a horizontal force acts on the
wire. Which line, A to D, in the table gives the magnitude and direction of this force?

magnitude / mN direction

A 2.0 north

B 10.0 north

C 2.0 south

D 10.0 south

(Total 1 mark)

Which line, A to D, in the table correctly describes the trajectory of charged particles which enter
7 separately, at right angles, a uniform electric field, and a uniform magnetic field?

uniform electric field uniform magnetic field

A parabolic circular

B circular parabolic

C circular circular

D parabolic parabolic

(Total 1 mark)

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A rectangular coil with 50 turns has a length of 6.0 cm and a width of 4.0 cm.
8 The plane of the coil is at 30° to a magnetic field of flux density 80 mT.

What is the flux linkage of the coil?

A 9.6 × 10–5 Wb

B 4.8 × 10–3 Wb

C 8.3 × 10–3 Wb

D 4.8 × 100 Wb

(Total 1 mark)

A transformer has 400 turns on the primary coil and 5000 turns on the secondary coil. The
9 transformer is 93% efficient. The primary voltage is 12 V and the primary current is 4.8 A.

What is the magnitude of the secondary current?

A 0.36 A

B 0.41 A

C 56 A

D 65 A

(Total 1 mark)

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Mark schemes
(a)  Both curve to the right − apparently circular arcs ✓
P has smaller radius than Q ✓

(b)  Equates Bqv and ✓

Correct substitution of data for one calculation ✓

Either radius correct: P is 0.366 m; Q is 0.390 m ✓

0.047 (m) ✓

(c)  Force acting is always at right angles to velocity or circular motion so direction
changes but speed stays the same ✓

(a) units: F - newton (N), B - tesla (T) or weber metre–2 (Wb m–2),
I - ampere (A), l - metre (m) (1)
condition: I must be perpendicular to B (1)

(b) (i) mass of bar, m = (25 × 10–3)2 × 8900 × l (1)

(= 5.56l) weight of bar (= mg) = 54.6l (1)
mg = BIl or weight = magnetic force (1)
54.6l = B × 65 × l gives B = 0.840 T (1)

(ii) arrow in correct direction (at right angles to I, in plane of bar) (1)

(a) (= BA) = 45 × 10–3 × π × (70 × 10–3)2 (1)

= 6.9 × 10–4 Wb (1) (6.93 × 10–4 Wb)

(b) (i) NΔ ( = NBA – 0) = 850 × 6.93 × 10–4 (1)

= 0.59 (Wb turns) (1) (0.589 (Wb turns))

(if = 6.9 × 10–4, then 0.587 (Wb turns))

(allow C.E. for value of from (a))

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(ii) induced emf ( = N )= (1)

= 4.9 V (1) (4.91 V)

(allow C.E. for value of Wb turns from (ii)


4 (a)  ✓

8.1 or 8.05 (V) ✓

Either correct substitution or rearrangement

(b)  At least 2 cycles of ac shown with or without scales on axis ✓

Must be even and with consistent peak values.

Evidence of the use of ✓

Students who get either Vmax or T correct get this mark


Peaks at 11.3 (V) ✓

Accept even if value of T on graph contradicts the
calculated value

Time period 20 ms shown on graph or calculated ✓


(c)  VsIs = 0.9VpIp seen in some form ✓

For ecf answer should be 11.6 × their (a)

93(.3) (mA) ✓ ecf from (a) ✓


(d)  Magnitude of (peak) pd is less (because of pd dropped across diode) ✓

Only positive “humps” remain or negative is blocked

Or the output is (half wave) rectified ✓

(e)  Eddy currents or emf induced in the core… ✓

… because of varying magnetic field or flux✓
Eddy currents dissipate energy wtte ✓
Core is laminated…✓
…to reduce ( magnitude of) eddy currents✓

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