Table 1. Encrypt/Decrypt: Decoded Hexval Decoded Hexval Decoded Hexval Decoded Hexval

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Hi guys,

Here is a quick tutorial how to decode BSI dump from Peugeot/Citroen vehicles when is coded.
NOTE: This is also for absolute beginner who has no clue about how to open hex file so don’t be
angry because I explain some thinks like to some child at age of 5. 😊

First thanks to geniuses from MIT who build Be.HexEditor and give it to us as open source code
and open arms to change it in the way we want without any restriction. So, I change one of the
algorithm they are use and adapted the program to do what we need.

Also, Here I used one table which I found on the net which is used in a lot of BSI to encrypt data.

Table 1. encrypt/decrypt
Decoded HexVal Decoded HexVal Decoded HexVal Decoded HexVal
0 CF 9 C6 I B6 R AD
4 CB D BB M B2 V A9
5 CA E BA N B1 W A8
6 C9 F B9 O B0 X A7
7 C8 G B8 P AF Y A6
8 C7 H B7 Q AE Z A5

Now, lets find some PIN and VIN code.

First thinks first download and extract Be.HexEditor-PSA-BSI-Decoder. When open extracted
folder there is no need to install anything just run Be.HexEditor.exe from the folder. Highlighted
on the image 1.

Image 1.
After that program start and it’s very intuitive and easy to use so you can use it in other purposes
not just for this job. Open screen you can see on the image 2. to open .bin file just click File/Open
or little yellow folder icon as in every windows program and choose file you want to open.

Image 2.

One you open your .bin file you than pay attention on the right side of editor. Well as every editor
and here you can see two sectors left hexadecimal and right decrypted with one of the standard.
By default, in editor it’s ANSI. Here is the third image which will show what I mean.

Image 3.
When you can identify in decoded part VIN (I underline it with yellow color) that mean the file is
not encrypted and only think you should do is to scroll down the file and find where the PIN code
is located. PIN code in PSA group is 4 digits code consist of capital letters and numbers. Like you
see here VIN number example it can be written reverse. On the next image you can see location
of pin code on this BSI. By the way this dump is from BSI, Peugeot 607 eeprom 95128. I
downloaded it from mhh site so hope there won’t be any problem with that.

Image 4. PIN code location

PIN code location is marked with yellow marker on both side, and hex and decoded. PIN code
here can be XFG1 or 1GFX. PIN code as VIN is usually placed on two different location but that
don’t must be rule but as I said usually that is the case (it can be only at once or VIN can be even
on 3 places, so don’t be confused about that).

Ok, that is the situation when file is not encrypted, and from this file you could find VIN and PIN
code in any hex editor, even in Be.HexEditor before I modified it. Now let see what happens when
we have encrypted file. Don’t worry it’s not harder than this at all (only if they change the way
they coded BSI than we screwed).

Encrypted file you will recognize by not being able to identify VIN number in decoded part of file.
Like on the image 5.
Image 5. Encrypted dump

On Image 5. you can see how it look like when the file is encrypted and decoded in ANSI standard.
In decode part you can’t recognize VIN number or anything, but no worries I marked yellow only
thing we should change, just click on dropdown menu (black little triangle or anywhere on the box
where write ANSI default) and choose PSA BSI decode or you can go View/Encoding/PSA BSI

Image 6. Change encoding standard

When you choose PSA BSI decode magics happens. You should be able to identify VIN and PIN
now. Here is image how that look like.

Image 7. Decrypted dump

As you can see now we can see VIN and PIN number VIN = VF3GBWJYB9608476 and
PIN=WLDD or DDWL. In this case and VIN and PIN numbers are in only one place. This dump
is also from mhh site and it’s from Peugeot Partner, BSI Siemens, eeprom 95160. So only thinks
that left you now is to download some dump, to practice and to write down location of the PIN
some ware so you know where to look next time. This is pretty clear situations but there will be
cases where there is 5 number one to each other so it will be tricky to figure out which 4 fits to you
and if you write it down it will not make a headache.

Image 8. Try this one

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