9702 - w20 - QP - 11 - Notes

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Cambridge International AS & A Level

PHYSICS 9702/11
Paper 1 Multiple Choice October/November 2020
1 hour 15 minutes

You must answer on the multiple choice answer sheet.


You will need: Multiple choice answer sheet

Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)

 There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions.
 For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct
and record your choice in soft pencil on the multiple choice answer sheet.
 Follow the instructions on the multiple choice answer sheet.
 Write in soft pencil.
 Write your name, centre number and candidate number on the multiple choice answer sheet in the
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 You may use a calculator.

 The total mark for this paper is 40.
 Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
 Any rough working should be done on this question paper.

This document has 20 pages. Blank pages are indicated.

IB20 11_9702_11/2RP
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speed of light in free space c = 3.00  108 m s–1

permeability of free space 0 = 4  10–7 H m–1

permittivity of free space 0 = 8.85  10–12 F m–1

( = 8.99  109 m F–1)
4 0

elementary charge e = 1.60  10–19 C

the Planck constant h = 6.63  10–34 J s

unified atomic mass unit 1 u = 1.66  10–27 kg

rest mass of electron me = 9.11  10–31 kg

rest mass of proton mp = 1.67  10–27 kg

molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1

the Avogadro constant NA = 6.02  1023 mol–1

the Boltzmann constant k = 1.38  10–23 J K–1

gravitational constant G = 6.67  10–11 N m2 kg–2

acceleration of free fall g = 9.81 m s–2

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uniformly accelerated motion s = ut + 2
at 2
v 2 = u 2 + 2as

work done on/by a gas W = pV

gravitational potential  = – Gm
hydrostatic pressure p =  gh

pressure of an ideal gas p= 1 Nm <c 2>

3 V

simple harmonic motion a = –  2x

velocity of particle in s.h.m. v = v0 cos  t

v =  ( x 02  x 2 )

Doppler effect fo =
v  vs

electric potential V= Q
4  0r

capacitors in series 1 / C = 1 / C1 + 1 / C2 + . . .

capacitors in parallel C = C1 + C2 + . . .

energy of charged capacitor W= 2

electric current I = Anvq

resistors in series R = R1 + R2 + . . .

resistors in parallel 1 / R = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + . . .
Hall voltage VH =
alternating current/voltage x = x0 sin  t

radioactive decay x = x0 exp(–t)

decay constant  = 0.693


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1 Which quantity is a physical quantity?

A atomic number
B efficiency
C number density of charge carriers
D strain

2 Which time interval is the shortest?

A 0.05 ms B 50 ns C 500 000 ps D 0.5 s

3 P and R are coplanar vectors.

If X = P – R, which diagram best represents vector X?






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4 A student uses a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) to measure the period of a signal. She sets the
time-base of the CRO to 5 ms cm–1 and observes the trace illustrated below. The trace has a
length of 10.0 cm.

10.0 cm

What is the period of the signal?

A 7.1  10–6 s B 1.4  10–5 s C 7.1  10–3 s D 1.4  10–2 s

5 The diameter of a spherical golf ball is measured with calipers and found to be (4.11 ± 0.01) cm.

The volume of a sphere is V = 1

d 3, where d is the diameter of the sphere.

What is the volume of the golf ball?

A (36.35 ± 0.01) cm3

B (36.35 ± 0.03) cm3
C (36.35 ± 0.09) cm3
D (36.4 ± 0.3) cm3

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6 A student cycles uphill from home to a shop, taking 10 minutes. The student then spends
5 minutes in the shop, before cycling home downhill at twice the initial speed.

Which graph could show the variation with time of the distance travelled by the cyclist?

2 2
distance distance
/ km / km
1 1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
time / minutes time / minutes

2 2
distance distance
/ km / km
1 1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
time / minutes time / minutes

7 Two cars X and Y are travelling along the same straight road. Car X is travelling at a constant
speed of 6.0 m s–1. Car Y has a constant acceleration of 0.50 m s–2.

At the instant shown, car X is a distance d ahead of car Y. Car Y is travelling at a speed of
4.0 m s–1.

4.0 m s–1 6.0 m s–1

car Y car X

Car Y is level with car X after a time of 20 seconds.

What is the distance d ?

A 40 m B 60 m C 180 m D 300 m

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8 The graph shows how quantity P varies with quantity Q for an object falling in air for a long time in
a uniform gravitational field.

0 Q

What could be the identities of P and Q?


A force of air resistance acceleration

B kinetic energy time
C potential energy height
D work done against air resistance speed

9 A rock R of mass 1.0  1027 kg is a large distance from a star S and is travelling at a speed of
1.0  104 m s–1. The star has mass 1.0  1030 kg. The rock travels around the star on the path
shown so that it reverses its direction of motion and, when finally again a large distance from the
star, has the same speed as initially.

speed 1.0  104 m s–1

mass 1.0  1027 kg S mass 1.0  1030 kg

speed 1.0  104 m s–1

Which statement is correct?

A The change in the momentum of S is in the direction of arrow X.

B The change in the velocity of S is approximately 20 m s–1.
C The magnitude of the change of momentum of R is 103 times greater than the magnitude of
the change of momentum of S.
D The momentum of R does not change.

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10 The diagram shows the masses and velocities of two trolleys that are about to collide.

4.0 m s–1 1.0 m s–1

2.0 kg 4.0 kg

After the impact they move off together.

What is the kinetic energy lost in the collision?

A 4J B 6J C 12 J D 14 J

11 A particle is situated at rest between two metal plates X and Y.

A potential difference (p.d.) is then applied across the plates and produces the electric field


electric particle

The particle moves towards plate X when the p.d. is applied.

What could be the particle?

A alpha-particle
B electron
C neutron
D proton

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12 Two people push a vertical gate to open it. The forces exerted by the people on the gate are


hinge 1 2

F1 F2

One person is distance d1 from the gate’s hinge and pushes with horizontal force F1 at angle 1 to
the gate.

The other person is at distance d2 from the hinge and pushes with horizontal force F2 at an angle
2 to the gate.

What is the total moment about the hinge due to forces F1 and F2?

A (d1  F1 cos 1) + (d2  F2 cos 2)

B (d1  F1 sin 1) + (d2  F2 sin 2)

C (d1  F1 cos 1) – (d2  F2 cos 2)

D (d1  F1 sin 1) – (d2  F2 sin 2)

13 A ball is rolling down a slope at a constant speed. The three forces acting on the ball are its
weight, the contact force normal to the slope and friction.


Which diagram could represent these three forces?


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14 One end of a U-shaped tube is attached to a gas tap, with its other end open to the atmosphere.
It contains water of density 1000 kg m–3 and the heights of both sides of the water column are

open to


from gas tap
31.4 cm

10.2 cm

density 1000 kg m–3

The atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa.

What is the pressure of the gas from the gas tap?

A 99 kPa B 100 kPa C 102 kPa D 103 kPa

15 A trolley runs from P to Q along a track. At Q its potential energy is 50 kJ less than at P.


At P, the kinetic energy of the trolley is 5 kJ. Between P and Q, the trolley does 10 kJ of work
against friction.

What is the kinetic energy of the trolley at Q?

A 35 kJ B 45 kJ C 55 kJ D 65 kJ

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16 A hydroelectric power station uses the gravitational potential energy of water to generate
electrical energy.

In one particular power station, the mass of water flowing per unit time is 1.5  105 kg s–1. The
water falls through a vertical height of 120 m.

The electrical power generated is 100 MW.

What is the efficiency of the power station?

A 5.6% B 43% C 57% D 77%

17 Which amount of energy is not 2400 J?

A the decrease in gravitational potential energy of a mass of 60 kg when it moves vertically

downwards through 40 m near the Earth’s surface
B the energy transferred in 15 s by a machine of power 160 W
C the kinetic energy of a mass of 12 kg moving at a speed of 20 m s–1
D the work done by a gas expanding against a constant external pressure of 120 kPa when its
volume increases by 0.020 m3

18 A train of mass 300 000 kg is accelerating at 0.80 m s–2. At one instant, the speed of the train is
5.0 m s–1 and the resistive force to its motion is 15 kN.

At this instant, what is the rate of increase of kinetic energy of the train?

A 0.075 MW B 1.2 MW C 1.3 MW D 3.8 MW

19 A wire of circular cross-section, which obeys Hooke’s law, is used to suspend a basket as shown.



The Young modulus for the material of the wire is 2.5  1011 Pa.

When a weight of 34 N is added to the basket, the strain in the wire increases by 6.0  10–5.

What is the radius of the wire?

A 7.2  10–7 m B 2.3  10–6 m C 8.5  10–4 m D 1.7  10–3 m

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20 An unstretched rubber cord is stretched by a force. The force F is plotted against the extension x.
F is slowly increased from zero, causing the cord to extend along path P. F is then reduced back
to zero along path Q.

0 x

What is represented by the shaded area?

A the elastic energy stored in the rubber cord

B the energy that causes plastic deformation
C the energy dissipated as heat
D the work done to extend the rubber cord

21 A guitar string vibrates to create a sound. The speed of the wave in the guitar string is always
440 m s–1. The vibrating string creates a sound wave that moves in the air with a speed of
330 m s–1.

Which graph shows the variation of frequency f with the wavelength  for the waves in the string
and in the air?

air string
f f f f
string air air
air string
0 0 0 0
0 λ 0 λ 0 λ 0 λ

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22 The graph shows the variation with time of displacement for two different waves X and Y.

displacement wave Y

0 time
wave X

Wave X has frequency f and amplitude A.

What is the frequency and what is the amplitude of wave Y?

frequency amplitude
1 1
A 2
f 2
B 2
f 2A
C 2f 2
D 2f 2A

23 A loudspeaker emits a sound wave into a tube initially full of water.


tube y



A tap at the bottom of the tube is opened so that water slowly leaves the tube. For some lengths
of the air column in the tube, the sound heard is much louder.

The first loud sound is heard when the air column in the tube has length x.

The next time that a loud sound is heard is when the air column in the tube has length y.

What is the wavelength of the sound wave from the loudspeaker?

A 2x B 4y C 2(y – x) D 4(y – x)

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24 A source of sound of frequency 1000 Hz directly approaches a stationary observer. The observer
measures the frequency of the received sound to be 1500 Hz. The speed of sound in still air is
330 m s–1.

What is the speed of the source of sound?

A 110 m s–1 B 165 m s–1 C 220 m s–1 D 330 m s–1

25 The graph shows how the intensity of electromagnetic radiation emitted from a distant star varies
with wavelength.


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
wavelength / nm

In which region of the electromagnetic spectrum is the radiation of greatest intensity?

A infrared
B visible light
C ultraviolet
D X-ray

26 Which statement concerning a stationary wave is correct?

A All the particles between two adjacent nodes oscillate in phase.

B The amplitude of the stationary wave is equal to the amplitude of one of the waves creating it.
C The wavelength of the stationary wave is equal to the separation of two adjacent nodes.
D There is no displacement of a particle at an antinode at any time.

27 Which waves would best demonstrate diffraction through a doorway?

A sound waves
B ultraviolet waves
C visible light waves
D X-rays

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28 Two loudspeakers are placed near to each other and facing in the same direction.

A microphone connected to an oscilloscope is moved along a line some distance away from the
loudspeakers, as shown.

path of



Which statement about the waves emitted by the loudspeakers is not a necessary condition for
the microphone to detect a fixed point along the line where there is no sound?

A The waves must be emitted in phase.

B The waves must be emitted with a similar amplitude.
C The waves must have the same frequency.
D The waves must have the same wavelength.

29 A parallel beam of white light passes through a diffraction grating. Orange light of wavelength
600 nm in the fourth-order diffraction maximum coincides with blue light in the fifth-order
diffraction maximum.

What is the wavelength of the blue light?

A 450 nm B 480 nm C 500 nm D 750 nm

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30 The diagram shows the electric field near a positively charged sphere and a negatively charged

Four electrons A, B, C and D are shown at different positions in the field.

On which electron is the direction of the force on the electron shown correctly?


+ –

31 An oil drop has mass m and charge q. The drop is held stationary in an electric field between two
parallel horizontal plates, a distance d apart, as shown.

oil drop

V d

The potential difference between the plates is V and the acceleration of free fall is g.

What is the charge-to-mass ratio of the oil drop?
gd V gV d
V dg d Vg

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32 Free electrons flow along a copper wire X of radius 5.0  10–5 m with an average drift speed of
2.8  10–2 m s–1. The current in the wire is 3.0 A.

There is a current of 2.0 A in a copper wire Y of radius 1.0  10–4 m.

What is the average drift speed of the free electrons in copper wire Y?

A 4.7  10–3 m s–1

B 9.3  10–3 m s–1

C 1.1  10–2 m s–1

D 1.9  10–2 m s–1

33 What is the definition of potential difference?

A power per unit current

B product of current and resistance
C product of electric field strength and distance
D work done per unit charge

34 A cable of length L consisting of two wires is used to connect a 12.0 V power supply of negligible
internal resistance to a lamp, as shown.

2.50 A

12.0 V 10.5 V

The potential difference across the lamp is 10.5 V. The current in the wire is 2.50 A.

Each wire is made of metal of resistivity 1.70  10–8  m and has a cross-sectional area of
6.00  10–7 m2.

What is the length L of the cable?

A 10.6 m B 21.2 m C 29.4 m D 58.8 m

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35 In the circuits shown, the power supply has an electromotive force (e.m.f.) greater than the
normal operating voltage of the lamp. The internal resistance of the power supply is negligible.

The resistance of the variable resistor is adjusted from zero to its maximum value.

In which circuit could the voltage across the lamp change from zero to its normal operating
voltage and not exceed its normal operating voltage?



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36 Three identical lamps L1, L2 and L3 are connected to a battery with negligible internal resistance,
as shown.


L2 L3

What happens to the brightness of lamps L1 and L2 when the switch S is closed?

lamp L1 lamp L2

A brighter brighter
B brighter dimmer
C dimmer brighter
D dimmer dimmer

37 In the circuit shown, the 6.0 V battery has negligible internal resistance. Resistors R1 and R2 and
the voltmeter each have a resistance of 100 k.

6.0 V

R1 R2

100 kΩ 100 kΩ

100 kΩ

What is the current in the resistor R2?

A 20 A B 30 A C 40 A D 60 A

38 Which statement about two nuclei that are isotopes of the same element is correct?

A The nuclei each have the same acceleration when in the same uniform electric field.
B The nuclei each have the same number of neutrons.
C The nuclei each have the same number of nucleons.
D Uncharged atoms containing the nuclei each have the same number of electrons.

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32 94
39 In a nuclear physics experiment, a nucleus of 16 S collides with a nucleus of 42 Mo. The nuclei
combine together and immediately emit a single alpha-particle.

The nuclear reaction is shown.

16 S + 94
42 Mo  X + 

What is nucleus X?
122 124 126 126
A 56 X B 54 X C 58 X D 59 X

40 Which diagram represents the quark composition of an antineutron?


u u u up quark
d u d down quark
d d u up antiquark
d down antiquark


u u
d d

d u

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