Maths Mock 2, Paper 2 (3002)

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3002 DSE



xEmerqld – Mathematics Castle


MATHEMATICS Compulsory Part


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There are 30 questions in Section A and 15 questions in Section B

The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.
Choose the correct or best answer for each question. 3002 (Mock 2)

2020 – 5 – 28
xEmerqld – Mathematics Castle
All right reserved 2020
except all public exam question , if any , are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA
Section A
(6 y)
1. 2 −2
(36 y )

A. 36 y 3 .

B. 10 077696 y 9 .

C. .

10 077 696
D. .

3 7
2. If − =4 , then x =
y x

A. .
3−4 y

B. .
3+4 y

C. .
3−4 y

D. .
3+4 y

3. If 6 k +4 h=−12 and 3 h−4 k =25 , then h =

A. –4 .

B. –3 .

C. 3.

D. 4.

4. If Ax (1−x)−B( x+ x 2 )≡3 x 2−5 x , then A =

A. –5 .

B. –4 .

C. 3.

D. 4.

3002 – Paper II – 2
2 2
5. 16 x −9 y −12 y−4 =

A. (4 x−3 y−2)( 4 x +3 y +2) .

B. (4 x−3 y +2)(4 x +3 y +2) .

C. (4 x−3 y +2)(4 x−3 y−2) .

D. (4 x +3 y−2)(4 x +3 y +2) .

6. If one root of x 2−9 x+k =0 is twice the other, then k =

A. 3.

B. 6.

C. 9.

D. 18 .

7. When polynomials f (x) and g(x) are divided by x + a , the remainders are both R .
Which of the following expressions must have a factor x – a ?

A. f (–x) + g(–x)

B. f (–x) – g(–x)

C. f (x) + g(x)

D. f (x) – g(x)

x +4
8. The solution of 3− ≤2 x or 7−3 x< 4 is

A. x≥1 .

B. x >1 .

C. x =1 .

D. It has all real solutions.

3002 – Paper II – 3
9. If z varies directly as the square root of v and inversely as the square of w , which of the
following must be constant?


z √w

z √v
C. 2

z √w

20 17 14
10. Which of the following may represent the 2nth term of the sequence , − ,
17 19 21
− ,…?

23−6 n
4 n +15

6 n−23
4 n +15

n+1 23−6 n
C. (−1)
4 n+15

23−3 n
D. (−1)n+1
2 n+15

11. The scale of a map is 1 : 800 . If the actual area of a park is 0.08 km² , find its area on the

A. 1 cm²

B. 12.5 cm²

C. 100 cm²

D. 1250 cm²

3002 – Paper II – 4
12. Danny drives 245 km to Town B in 3 hours. He returns from Town B to the starting
place in 4 hours. His average rate in km/h for the entire trip is

A. 40 .

B. 60 .

C. 70 .

D. 71.5 .

13. The value of a car is depreciated at a constant rate of 20% every year. How much percent
of its original value will be depreciated three years later?

A. 40%

B. 48.8%

C. 51.2%

D. 60%

14. Consider ∆ABC , cos² ∠A + sin² (∠B + ∠C) =

A. 0 .

√3 .

C. 1 .

D. 2 .

15. If AB : BC : AC=24: 25:7 , then cos B : tan C =

A. 24 : 25 .

B. 25 : 24.

C. 7 : 25 .

D. 25 : 7 .

3002 – Paper II – 5
16. In the figure, ADC and BEC are straight lines and AB // DE . Which of the following
must be correct?

I. ∆ABE ~ ∆ABC

A. II only

B. III only

C. I and II only

D. II and III only

17. In the figure, the circumferences of two circles intersect at D and G . Chords CB and
EF are produced to meet at A . CDE is a straight line, ∠BAF = 40° and ∠DEF = 60° . Find
∠BGF .

A. 80°

B. 100°

C. 120°

D. 140°

18. In the figure, ABCD is a square of side a and MNPQ is a square of side b . The four
trapeziums are identical. The area of one trapezium is
2 2
a +b
A. .

b 2−a 2
B. .
2 2
a −b
C. .
2 2
5 b −a
D. .

3002 – Paper II – 6
19. A cylinder of base radius 2r cm and height h cm has a volume of 216 cm³ . Find the
volume of a cone of base radius 3r cm and height 2h cm .

A. 64 cm³

B. 192 cm³

C. 256 cm³

D. 324 cm³

20. The shadow of a tower is 30 m long when the angle of elevation of the sun is 50° . Find
the length of the shadow when the angle of elevation of the sun is 35° and correct it to the
nearest 1 decimal place.

A. 51.0 m

B. 51.1 m

C. 51.2 m

D. 51.3 m

21. In ∆ABC , D is a point on AC . If AB=20 ,CD=30 , BD=16 and BC =34 , which of

the following are true?

I. AD = 12
II. Area of ∆ABC = 336
III. Area of ∆ABD : Area of ∆BCD = 3 : 5

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I , II and III only

22. P is a moving point which is equidistant from 4 x−6 y+13=0 . Which of the following
straight lines(s) cannot be the equation of locus of P ?

I. 2 x+3 y−8=0
II. 6 x−9 y−17=0
III. 12 x−8 y+9=0

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and III only

D. II and III only

3002 – Paper II – 7
23. The figure shows the graph of x+ay=b and y=c . Which of the following is/are true?

I. a >0
II. b>0
III. ac <b

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and III only

D. II and III only

24. A circle C passes through two points P(10 , –4) and Q(–6 , –16) . If PQ is the longest
chord of C , then the equation of C is
2 2
A. x + y +4 x−20 y +4=0 .
2 2
B. x + y +4 x−20 y+84=0 .
2 2
C. x + y −4 x+20 y +4=0 .
2 2
D. x + y −4 x+20 y+84=0 .

25. In the figure, the equation of the circle x 2 + y 2 + Ax + By−C =0 . Let r be the radius of the
circle. Which of the following are true?

1 2 2
( A + B )+C

III. A+2 r >0

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I , II and III

3002 – Paper II – 8
26. In S4E , there are 36 students in which 20 of them are boys. Two students are randomly
selected to be the class representatives. If one of the representatives is a girl, find the
probability that the other representative is also a girl.





27. The median of the group of numbers {x+1 , x+2 , x+19 , x−3 , x−4} is twice the mean.
Find the value of x .

A. –5

B. –4

C. 1

D. 2

28. There are 10 boys and 10 girls in a class. If a modal scores for boys and girls in a quiz are
4 marks and 6 marks respectively, which of the following can be the modal score of the

I. 5 marks
II. 6 marks
III. 7 marks

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and II only

D. I , II and III only

3002 – Paper II – 9
29. Which of the following element can we find by observing the bar charts without any
calculation process?

A. Mean

B. Mode

C. Median

D. Standard deviation

30. The box-and-whisker diagram below shows the distribution of the height of 5 children.
Which of the following must be true?

I. The inter-quartile range of the distribution is 20 cm

II. The second tallest child is 150 cm
III. The median of the distribution is 145 cm

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I , II and III

3002 – Paper II – 10
Section B

log2 x−log 32 x
31. =
log4 x−log 16 x

A. .

B. 2 .

C. .

D. .

32. The y-intercept of the graph y=33 x+ 2 +12 is

A. 12

B. 21

C. 33

D. 2031

33. If 3 – 2i is one of the roots of f (x) = 0 , then f (x) =

A. x −6 x +12 .
B. x −6 x +13 .

C. x 2 +6 x +14 .
D. 2 x −12 x +23 .

34. Three numbers are inserted between 76 and 40 such that the sequence formed is an
arithmetic sequence. Find the sum of the three inserted numbers.

A. 151

B. 164

C. 174

D. 214

3002 – Paper II – 11
35. In the figure, AD // BC . If AD= x , BC = y , ∠ABC = b and ∠ADC = a where b > a ,
then CD =

x− y
A. .
cos a

x− y
B. .

( x− y )sin b
C. .

( x− y )sin(b−a)
D. .
sin b

36. If the straight line y= x−1 intersects the circle x 2 + y 2−2 x +4 y +k =0 , find the largest
possible integral value of k .

A. –4

B. –3

C. 2

D. 3

37. The figure shows the graph of

A. y=2 sin(2 x +90) .

1 o
B. y=2 sin( x −90) .

C. y=2 cos(90o−2 x o) .

D. y=2 cos( x o +180 o ) .

38. If 2 sin 2 θ −sin θ cos θ −cos 2θ =0 , then =

A. –1 or –2 .

B. –1 or 2 .

C. 1 or –2 .

D. 1 or 2 .

3002 – Paper II – 12
39. The figure shows a circle with centre O . BC and BA are the tangents to the circle at C
and D respectively. If ∠BAC = 42° , find ∠BOC .

A. 66°

B. 72°

C. 84°

D. 90°

40. Find the angle between any two faces of a regular tetrahedron and correct it to the nearest

A. 19°

B. 30°

C. 60°

D. 71°

41. Consider the following system of inequalities:

2 x+3 y≤30
3 x +2 y≤35

Let R be the region which represents the solution of the above system of inequalities. If
(x , y) is a point lying in R , then the greatest value of 3 x+4 y is

A. 30 .

B. 43 .

C. 45 .

D. 48 .

3002 – Paper II – 13
42. The straight lines L 1 : 3 x + y−7=0 and L 2 : x−3 y+1=0 intersect at B . The straight line
L 3 cuts L 2 and L 1 at A and C(6 , –11) respectively. The x-coordinate of the
orthocentre of ∆ABC is

A. –1 .

B. 0.

C. 1.

D. 2.

43. In a restaurant, 3 out of 7 different sets of lunch and 3 out of 5 different sets of dinner
are listed together on its menu daily. How many days will elapse before the restaurant menu
has to be repeated?

A. 350

B. 924

C. 12,600

D. 252,000

44. A class of students attends a M2 test. The standard score of the marks obtained by Raymond
and Hayden are 0.5 and 1 respectively. Which of the following must be true?

I. Both Raymond and Hayden obtain marks which are higher than the mean mark of
the test.
II. Hayden performs better than at least half of the class.
III. The difference of marks obtained by Raymond and Hayden is equal to half of the
standard deviation of the test.

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I , II and III

45. If the variance of the five numbers 3 x1 +3 ,3 x 2 +3 , 3 x3 +3 ,3 x 4 +3 and 3 x5 +3 is 9 ,

then the variance of the five numbers x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 and x 5 is

A. 1 .

B. 2 .

C. 9 .

D. 81 .
End of paper

3002 – Paper II – 14

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