YÖKDİL Sosyal Deneme Sınavı
YÖKDİL Sosyal Deneme Sınavı
YÖKDİL Sosyal Deneme Sınavı
4. Changes in ownership taste and a
1 – 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere preference for alternative modes of
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. transport over ownership will be significant
factors ---- the car industry transforms.
1. After the European immigrants settled in
America, Native Americans ---- many A) whether
hardships, such as giving up land, and B) such as
having to change their culture. C) otherwise
D) as
A) cheered up E) but
B) went through
C) fell out
D) gave out
E) passed away
2. The capitalists live off the profits they obtain 5. The Amazon is home to ---- species of plants
from ---- the working class whilst reinvesting and animals ---- any other terrestrial
some of their profits for the further ecosystem on the planet, perhaps 30 of the
accumulation of wealth. world's species are found only there.
3. ---- Charles Dickens was born 150 years 6. Turkey’s increasingly important role ---- a
ago, his keen observations of people are vital conduit of crude oil and natural gas
still relevant today. from Russia, Iran, and Iraq to the
Mediterranean and up into Europe must be
A) If taken ---- consideration when calculating
B) Before risk to the security of supply.
C) When
D) Although A) by / for
E) Unless B) at / with
C) as / into
D) in / off
E) for / under
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7. Cities have become very attractive places --- 10. Many economists have argued that the
- they offer people not only jobs and work sharp ---- in international trade after 1930
but also many things they can do in their helped to worsen the depression, especially
free time. for countries significantly dependent on
foreign trade.
A) so that
B) because A) decline
C) as if B) fulfilment
D) whereas C) remain
E) whether D) demand
E) regard
8. The advent of mass cable television and 11. The first civilizations sprang up between
more recently the use of Internet technology 4000 and 8000 years ago, ---- forming a
---- it possible for broadcast television to cohesive population, usually referred to
continue without necessarily ---- a strict collectively as the Berber culture.
delineation to the traditional UHF band.
A) precisely
A) made / having relied on B) eventually
B) make / relied on C) initially
C) are made / relying on D) considerably
D) will make / to rely on E) relatively
E) have made / having to rely on
9. Before both the Semitic and Greek 12. ---- humans as their worst enemies, natural
alphabets were Egyptian hieroglyphs, ---- predators of Galapagos tortoises are hawks
were not considered a complete alphabet, that eat eggs and young tortoises.
because they had symbols for consonants
but not for vowels. A) Despite
B) Whereas
A) who C) Besides
B) that D) As if
C) which E) Rather than
D) however
E) what
3 www.remzihoca.com
13. In the 1990s, Canada’s advantage ---- 17. China adopted a strategy of ---- economic
Australia was confined ---- agriculture and transformation that maintained the existing
retail trade, even though the productivity system and created new economic activities
growth in other Canadian sectors was high on top of it.
by historical standards.
A) deceitful
A) over / to B) persuasive
B) about / from C) accessible
C) with / in D) irregular
D) of / by E) gradual
E) in / on
14. In 1837, Louis-Auguste Blanqui ---- the 18. Advances ---- technology have led to
phrase the "industrial revolution" to unprecedented, rapid access to vast
describe the changes Britain ---- during the amounts of data ---- societies, the economy
previous half-century in her social and and the environment.
economic life.
A) in / on
A) had used / has undergone B) about / from
B) has used / may have undergone C) by / within
C) used / had undergone D) of / throughout
D) uses / was undergoing E) with / about
E) was using / would undergo
15. In Ancient Greece, childhood was not seen 19. There was enormous emigration which ----
as a phase with its own value, but as a stage reduced the unemployment levels as record
in the process of becoming an adult and ---- numbers of Irish people went to England
able to take on the roles prescribed for them and America.
by society.
A) diversely
A) yet B) plausibly
B) therefore C) currently
C) for example D) adversely
D) however E) greatly
E) so as
16. To stop the degradation of the oceans, 20. Commonly believed to have been caused by
scientists ---- over-exploitation, pollution the bubonic plague, Black Death claimed ----
and climate change as the three main between 33 and 66 percent of the European
drivers that ----. population and made the survivors very
aware of their mortality.
A) will be identified / have been addressed
B) are identified / are addressed A) somewhere
C) had identified / address B) where
D) identify / must be addressed C) nowhere
E) have identified / will address D) wherever
E) whereby
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21 – 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 23.
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya A) compounded
da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) prevailed
C) elaborated
D) eradicated
Children with disabilities are one of the most
E) adjourned
marginalized and excluded groups of children,
experiencing widespread (21) ---- of their rights.
Discrimination arises not as a result of the intrinsic
A) as
nature of children’s disability, (22) ---- rather, as a
B) in
consequence of lack of understanding and
C) by
knowledge of its causes and implications, fear of
D) to
difference, fear of contagion or contamination, or
E) from
negative religious or cultural views of disability. It is
further (23) ---- by poverty, social isolation,
humanitarian emergencies, lack of services and
A) and so
support, and a hostile and inaccessible
B) also
environment. Too often, children with disabilities are
C) rather than
defined and judged (24) ---- what they lack (25) ----
D) more than
what they have. Their exclusion and invisibility
E) such as
serves to render them uniquely vulnerable, denying
them respect for their dignity, their individuality,
even their right to life itself.
A) declarations
B) constructions
C) violations
D) proportions
E) abortions
A) but
B) so
C) as well as
D) since
E) such
5 www.remzihoca.com
26 – 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 28.
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya A) appropriated
da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) exiled
C) startled
D) related
For over two centuries the Egyptians fought (26) ----
E) negotiated
the Hittite Empire for control of lands in modern day
Syria. The conflict gave rise to bloody engagements
like 1274 BC’s Battle of Kadesh, but by time of the
A) pertaining to
pharaoh Ramses II (27) ---- side had emerged as a
B) in addition to
clear victor. With both the Egyptians and Hittites
C) in accordance with
facing threats from other peoples, in 1259 BC
D) in the event of
Ramses II and the Hittite King Hattusili III (28) ---- a
E) instead of
famous peace treaty. This agreement ended the
conflict and decreed that the two kingdoms would
aid each other (29) ---- an invasion by a third party.
A) could even see
The Egyptian-Hittite treaty is now recognized as one
B) is even to see
of the earliest surviving peace accords, and a copy
C) can even be seen
(30) ---- above the entrance to the United Nations
D) even sees
Security Council Chamber in New York.
E) had even been seen
A) for
B) towards
C) against
D) at
E) from
A) some
B) both
C) other
D) neither
E) one another
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31 – 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 34. In spite of the stock exchange crises in late
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 1987, ----.
7 www.remzihoca.com
37. ---- so that teachers are aware of what they 40. The value of Australian pearl exports since
are expected to teach throughout the year. 2002 have shown an upward trend, ----.
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42 – 47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye 43. According to experts, the rising of
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. excessive emissions of carbon dioxide, as
well as other greenhouse gases could lead
to the flooding of low-lying coastal areas.
42. The dramatic physical changes our
ancestors experienced triggered equally
A) Uzmanlara göre, diğer sera gazlarının
significant social changes that led to the
yanı sıra aşırı karbondioksit salınımının
evolution of the most basic social unit of
artış, alçak olan kıyı kesimlerin sular
our species: the family.
altında kalmasına yol açabilir.
B) Karbondioksit ve diğer sera gazlarının
A) Atalarımızın maruz kaldığı çarpıcı fiziksel
aşırı salınımı, uzmanların da belirttiğine
değişimler, türümüzün en temel sosyal
göre deniz kıyısındaki bölgelerin sular
birimi olan ailenin evrimine yol açan, aynı
altında kalmasına neden olabilir.
ölçüde kayda değer sosyal değişiklikleri
C) Uzmanlar, diğer sera gazlarının yanı sıra
karbondioksit salınımındaki aşırı artışın
B) Türümüzün en temel sosyal birimi olan
kıyı kesimlerin sular altında kalmasına
aile, atalarımızın maruz kaldığı belirgin
neden olabileceğini düşünmektedirler.
fiziksel değişikliklerin tetiklediği aynı
D) Uzmanlara göre, diğer sera gazlarının
ölçüde kayda değer sosyal değişiklikler
yanı sıra karbondioksit salımındaki aşırı
tarafından evrime uğramıştır.
artış, alçak kıyı bölgelerinin sular altında
C) Atalarımızın deneyimlediği kayda değer
kalmasına yol açması muhtemeldir.
fiziksel değişimlerin tetiklediği ve
E) Aşırı karbondioksit ve diğer sera
türümüzün en temel sosyal birimi olan
gazlarının salınımındaki artış, uzmanlara
ailenin evrimine yol açan şey, aynı ölçüde
göre deniz seviyesindeki kıyı alanları sular
belirgin olan sosyal değişimlerdir.
altında bırakabilir.
D) Atalarımızın maruz kaldığı çarpıcı fiziksel
değişimler, aynı ölçüde belirgin sosyal
değişimleri tetiklemiştir ve bu
değişikliklerin evrimine yol açtığı
türümüzün en temel sosyal birimi, ailedir.
E) Atalarımızın deneyimlediği fiziksel
değişimler, türümüzün en temel sosyal
birimi olan ailenin evrimine neden olan
sosyal değişiklikler kadar belirgin değildir.
9 www.remzihoca.com
44. In trying to understand the negative side of 45. The Mongol Empire was not a civilization in
organized religion, some people have the strict sense of the word; but by being
argued that religious violence takes place the largest land empire in world history, it
when people misuse or misinterpret their had a huge impact on the Chinese, Islamic
religion. and European civilizations.
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46. The fossil remains of two ancient crocodile- 47. Politicians attempt to win the support of
like creatures, discovered in the sun- different political factions during election
scorched Niger desert, are making time by promoting policies that support the
palaeontologists rethink the evolution of aims of the individuals.
Earth's four-legged beasts.
A) Bireylerin amaçlarını destekleyen
A) Timsah görünümlü iki eski yaratığın fosil politikalar, farklı siyasi grupların desteğiyle
kalıntıları güneşte kavrulan Nijer çölünde politikacılara seçimi kazandırır.
keşfeden paleontologlar, Dünya'nın dört B) Seçim zamanında bireylerin amaçlarını
ayaklı hayvanlarının evrimini yeniden destekleyen politikalar geliştiren
düşünmüş oldular. politikacılar, farklı siyasi grupların
B) Güneşte kavrulan Nijer çölünde keşfedilen desteğini kazanmaya çalışmaktadırlar.
iki eski timsah görünümlü yaratığın fosil C) Politikacılar, seçim zamanında bireylerin
kalıntıları, paleontologlara Dünya'nın dört amaçlarını destekleyen politikalar
ayaklı hayvanlarının evrimini bir kez daha geliştirerek farklı siyasi grupların desteğini
düşündürdü. kazanmaya çalışmaktadırlar.
C) Güneşte kavrulan Nijer çölünde keşfedilen D) Farklı siyasi grupların desteğini
iki yaratığın fosil kalıntıları timsah kazanmaya çalışan politikacılar, seçim
görünümlüydü ve bu fosiller zamanında bireylerin amaçlarını
paleontologlara Dünya’da bulunan dört destekleyen politikalar geliştirirler.
ayaklı hayvanların evrimini bir kez daha E) Seçim zamanında siyasi grupların
düşündürdü. desteğini kazanmak için politikacılar
D) Güneşte kavrulan Nijer çölünde iki eski bireylerin amaçlarını destekleyen
timsah görünümlü yaratığın fosil politikalar geliştirirler.
kalıntılarının keşfedilmesi paleontologlara
Dünya'nın dört ayaklı hayvanlarının
evrimini bir kez daha düşündürdü.
E) İki eski timsah görünümlü yaratığın fosil
kalıntılarının güneşte kavrulan Nijer
çölünde keşfedilmesi üzerine
paleontologlar dört ayaklı hayvanlarının
evrimini bir kez daha düşünmek zorunda
11 www.remzihoca.com
48 – 53. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 50. Gürcistan Krallığı'nın dağılmasından
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. ardından, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu tarafından
fethedilmeden önce Abhazya kısa bir
süreliğine bağımsızdı.
48. Artan sosyal yardım masraflarını karşılamak
için hükümetler vergileri yükseltmek
A) The breakup of the Georgian Kingdom
zorundadır ve bu da vergi artışı yüzünden
made Abkhazia's independence possible;
diğer tüketicilerin gelirde azalma yaşayacağı
however, it was conquered by the
anlamına gelir.
Ottoman Empire afterwards.
B) Abkhazia was independent briefly
A) The fact that governments have to
following the breakup of the Georgian
increase taxes due to the cost of
Kingdom, before being conquered by the
increased welfare expenses means that
Ottoman Empire.
other consumers are going through a drop
C) The Ottoman Empire conquered Abkhazia
in income because of an increase in
when it gained its independence shortly
after the Georgian Kingdom fell apart.
B) Taxes must be raised by governments to
D) Being independent for a short time after
cover the price of increased welfare
the breakup of the Georgian Kingdom,
expenses, and this means some
Abkhazia was soon conquered by the
consumers may experience a drop in
Ottoman Empire.
income due to increase of taxation.
E) After the breakup of the Georgian
C) Due to increase of taxation, consumers
Kingdom, Abkhazia gained its
are going through a decrease in income,
independence until being conquered by
that's why governments have to raise
the Ottoman Empire.
taxes to cover the cost of welfare
D) The reason why governments must
increase taxes is to cover the price of
increased welfare expenses, meaning that
most consumers are going to undergo a
decrease in income.
E) Governments have to raise taxes to cover
the cost of increased welfare expenses,
and this means that other consumers
experience a drop in income due to
increase of taxation.
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51. Sözde “yeşil devrim” çevresel ve toplumsal 52. Tıpkı tiyatro ve sinema eleştirmenleri gibi,
sorunlara sebep oldu ama bu olmasaydı gıda eleştirmenlerinin de halka düşünceli,
1970’lerde gelişmekte olan dünyanın doğru ve tarafsız bilgiler vermeleri beklenir;
çoğunda muhtemelen yaygın kıtlık olurdu. böylece halk üyeleri paralarını nerede
harcayacağı konusunda kararlar alabilir.
A) Without the so-called “green revolution”,
which caused environmental and social A) Food critics are supposed to provide the
problems, there would probably been public with information as thoughtful,
widespread famine in much of the accurate, and unbiased as theatre and
developing world during the 1970s. movie critics do, so that they can make
B) The so-called “green revolution” caused decisions as to where to spend their
environmental and social problems, but money.
without it there would probably have been B) Just like theatre and movie critics, food
widespread famine in much of the critics are supposed to provide thoughtful,
developing world during the 1970s. accurate, and unbiased information to the
C) The so-called “green revolution” caused public, so that members of the public can
environmental and social problems, make decisions about where to spend
leading to the outbreak of a widespread their money.
famine and drought in most of the C) Theatre, movie critics and food critics alike
developing world during the 1970s. are expected to provide the member of the
D) During the 1970s, without the so-called public with thoughtful, and unbiased
“green revolution” that caused information in order for them to make
environmental and social problems, there accurate decisions as to where they can
would have been widespread famine in spend their money.
much of the developing world. D) Both theatre and movie critics and food
E) The so-called “green revolution” caused critics are to inform the public in an
environmental and social problems, but unbiased manner about how they can
prevented a possible widespread famine make thoughtful and accurate decisions
in much of the world's developing about where to spend their money.
countries during the 1970s. E) Just as theatre and movie critics provide
thoughtful, accurate and unbiased
information for the public, so are food
critics expected to inform the public about
what to spend their money on.
13 www.remzihoca.com
54 – 59. sorularda, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü 55. Throughout much of human history, money
sağlamak için boş bırakılan yerlere took the form of precious metals, coins and
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. even raw materials like livestock or
vegetables. ---- Paper currency was widely
used in China in the ninth century, but did
54. ---- Artists and writers began to explore the
not appear in Europe until the late 1600s.
reality of everyday life. The Realism
Spurred on by frequent shortages of coins,
movement lasted around forty years from
banks issued paper notes as a promise
1840 to 1880. It followed the Romanticism
against future payments of precious metals.
movement and came before Modern Art.
By the late 19th century, many nations had
Realist artists tried to depict the real world
begun issuing government-backed legal
exactly as it appears. They painted everyday
tender that could no longer be converted
subjects and people. They didn't try to
into gold or silver.
interpret the setting or add emotional
meaning to the scenes.
A) The printing of paper money is typically
regulated by a country's central bank or
A) Realism became important not only for the
treasury in order to keep the flow of funds
people involved in it, but also for the way
in line with monetary policy.
we view art.
B) Paper currency was the vital first step in a
B) Trying to achieve realism in a movie is
new monetary system that led to the birth
crucial for the audience to believe what
of credit cards and electronic banking.
they see.
C) Because shipments between Europe and
C) Realism was an art movement that
the colonies took so long, the colonists
revolted against the emotional and
often ran out of cash as operations
exaggerated themes of Romanticism.
D) Realist artists are not interested in the
D) Lydia's currency helped the country
past, or in anything that they don't
increase both its internal and external
personally experience.
trade, making it one of the richest empires
E) Because of the effects of Realism, our
in Asia Minor.
world today is unique in many ways.
E) The inception of paper money ushered in
a bold new era – a world in which
currency could purchase goods and
services despite having no intrinsic value.
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56. Monarchy is the form of government 57. In developing countries, poor people have
involving a monarch. It can be either suffered the most from shortages of clean
absolute or constitutional, and water. There are several reasons for this.
constitutional monarchies may even restrict First, in many developing countries, the
the powers of the monarch to the point majority of houses in poor villages and
where he is little more than a near- urban slums are not yet served by a piped
powerless figurehead, which is a common water system. ---- Second, these people
modern practice. ---- Normally however, usually have few alternatives to the piped
such countries identify themselves more water supply. There may be water closer by
narrowly depending on the actual title used in rivers or lakes, but this is often
by the monarch e.g. as a kingdom, grand dangerously polluted. In poor areas, street
duchy, or principality. vendors often sell water by the litre, but they
often charge extremely high prices for water
A) Most monarchs are succeeded upon their that is not always safe to drink.
death or abdication by members of their
own family. A) Because less than half of the city's 10
B) The word monarchy can also be used million residents have access to piped
about a country which has such a system. water, illegal digging of wells is common.
C) Most monarchs hold their office for life, B) Lack of access to improved water supply
while most other rulers do not. has been responsible for the spread of
D) Today, almost all monarchies are water-borne diseases on a scale not
hereditary monarchies that limit political witnessed in decades.
participation. C) Safely managed drinking water and
E) A new form of "nationalist monarchy" also sanitation services means drinking water
emerged in the eighteenth century. free of contamination that is available at
home when needed.
D) Access to safe water and sanitation
means opportunity for improved health
and the ability to help fight disease.
E) People living in these places often have to
walk many miles to find water and carry it
home in jugs and plastic containers.
15 www.remzihoca.com
58. War is as old as human societies. Certain 59. The country with the second-highest youth
hunter-gatherer societies engaged in unemployment rate is Greece, with 55.3%
skirmishes over territory and resources. The youth unemployment. ---- Even if European
earliest city states and empire in creditors agreed to lend 86 billion euros to
Mesopotamia became the first to employ help prop up the country’s fledgling
standing armies. Organization and structure economy, the funds will bring ultimately
has since been central to warfare, as further rounds of austerity measures in the
illustrated by the success of highly future. This is why the youth unemployment
disciplined troops of the Roman Empire. ---- rate in Greece is unlikely to decrease
Inventions created for warfare have also anytime soon, and the situation moving
played an important role in other fields. The forward is looking bleak indeed.
continued advance of technology has led to
an increase in the destructiveness and cost A) Gender wage gaps and discrimination
of warfare throughout human history. against female employees is widespread
in the private sector.
A) As well as organizational change, B) Greece has experienced a severe
technology has played a central role in the economic recession and deep cuts in
evolution of warfare. public spending over the past seven
B) In addition, today war is almost years.
unanimously seen as undesirable and C) Although unemployment figures can be
morally problematic. discouraging, job seekers need to dive
C) The Ancient Romans waged many wars in deep into research before rushing to
order to expand and protect their empire. conclusions.
D) Total war is the modern term for the D) However, the economic recovery is
targeting of civilians and the mobilization expected to accelerate assuming a
of an entire society. successful completion of the stability
E) Sometimes, the term "war" is restricted to support programme.
those conflicts where one or both E) Women face much higher unemployment
belligerents have made a formal rates in most countries and have lower
declaration of war. labour market participation rates.
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60 – 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 63. (I) Chronic relationship conflict can contribute to
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü mental health conditions, like depression or
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. anxiety, for one or both partners. (II)
Relationship problems can also affect one’s
self-esteem or lead to feelings of guilt, shame,
60. (I) The importance of team building for children
or anger. (III) Sometimes addictive behaviours,
can be better taught by means of some
like substance abuse, are employed by one or
interesting games and activities. (II) The sooner
both partners in order to avoid confronting the
certain qualities are imbibed in children, the
source of the relationship conflict. (IV) As long
easier it is for them to apply them in the future.
as each partner is willing to participate in
(III) Team building is one such activity that
developing a solution to the issue, most
enables the development of such qualities. (IV)
relationship problems are manageable. (V)
Engaging in such activities helps children
Relationship problems can also adversely affect
develop qualities such as effective
family members, such as children, who may
communication skills, assertiveness,
repeatedly witness relationship conflict between
cooperation, and confidence. (V) It helps them
their parents.
deal with difficult situations by brainstorming,
and coming up with suitable solutions.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
61. (I) Landfills are sites designated for dumping 64. (I) Student life is the golden period of an
rubbish, garbage, or other sorts of solid wastes. individual's life. (II) Our dreams and aspirations
(II) Historically, they are the most common are shaped in these formative years of life. (III)
means of disposing solid waste which is either However, if the student remains in a dilemma of
buried or left to pile in heaps. (III) Landfill is a if's and but's, and is unable to chalk out a
common phenomenon around the world, career plan, their dreams may not be able to
especially due to the increased number of materialize. (IV) When at school, students feel
wastes from our homes, schools, offices, that they are bound by many rules and
hospitals, and markets. (IV) Some landfills are regulations. (V) For this reason, goal setting for
well-managed and designed as part of students becomes very important and almost
integrated waste management. (V) However, mandatory.
recycling is one of the best solutions for landfill
management. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
62. (I) The importance of a college education is 65. (I) The term "corruption" refers to misuse of a
accentuated because of the opportunity to gain position of trust for personal gain. (II) Even
valuable resources during your tenure. (II) As a though it can be present in any sphere of life, it
high school junior, you may not feel ready to usually refers to politics. (III) Additionally, police
make a final decision about the college you corruption refers to a specific form of police
should attend. (III) The more connections which misconduct designed to obtain financial
are collected during your college career, the benefits, or other personal gain. (IV) This
more options you will have when you begin includes the illegitimate use of government
your job search. (IV) Once you have ended powers by the officials for their personal
your job search and have started your career, purposes. (V) It influences the state or country
however, the importance of a college education in many ways and hinders the overall
has not been exhausted. (V) Having a college development of the region.
degree often provides for greater promotion
opportunity. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
17 www.remzihoca.com
66 – 68. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre 67. It is indicated in the passage that
cevaplayınız. philosophy in the second half of the 19th
century focused on ----.
www.remzihoca.com 18
69 – 71. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre 70. An example of extrinsic motivation would be
cevaplayınız. ----.
19 www.remzihoca.com
72 – 74. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre 73. One can conclude from the passage that the
cevaplayınız. Aztecs ----.
www.remzihoca.com 20
75 – 77. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre 76. We learn from the passage that the Seljuk
cevaplayınız. Turks conquered ----.
21 www.remzihoca.com
78 – 80. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre 79. It is obvious from this passage that ----.
A) historically, the Chinese were expert
astronomers constantly documenting
Versions of the Chinese calendar have been used
celestial movement
for thousands of years. Today the Chinese calendar
B) there are a lot of differences between the
is still used to mark traditional Chinese holidays, but
Chinese calendar and Gregorian calendar
the common Gregorian calendar (the one used by
C) ancient Chinese civilization was much
most of the rest of the world) is used for daily
more advanced than western civilization at
business in China. The Chinese calendar was
the time
developed by many of the Chinese dynasties of
D) Chinese calendars must be modified
Ancient China. However, it was in 104 BC during
again and again every twelve years
the rule of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty that the
E) the Chinese calendar is currently utilized
current calendar was defined. This calendar was
much less than the common Gregorian
called the Taichu calendar. It is the same Chinese
calendar that is used today. Each year in the
Chinese calendar is named after an animal. For
example, 2012 was the "year of the dragon". There
are 12 animals that the years cycle through. Every
80. It can be inferred from this passage that ----.
12 years the cycle repeats itself. The Chinese
believed that, depending on which year a person
A) there is no link between astrological signs
was born, their personality would take on the
and animals
aspects of that animal.
B) there will soon be a resurgence in the use
of the Chinese calendar
C) people put a lot of faith in the Chinese
78. In this passage, attention is drawn to the
calendars in terms of astrological
fact that ----.
D) Chinese dynasties contributed to develop
A) Chinese calendars were designed to
predict personality traits
E) the Chinese calendar is much more
B) there are innumerable versions of the
advanced than other calendars
traditional Chinese calendar
C) each Chinese dynasty had it’s own
calendar, which was more advanced than
the one before
D) each year of the Chinese calendar is
represented by a different animal
E) the Chinese calendar was only used for
marking traditional holidays
www.remzihoca.com 22
1 B 21 C 41 E 61 E
2 E 22 A 42 A 62 B
3 D 23 A 43 A 63 D
4 D 24 C 44 C 64 D
5 A 25 C 45 B 65 C
6 C 26 C 46 B 66 C
7 B 27 D 47 C 67 D
8 E 28 E 48 E 68 C
9 C 29 D 49 A 69 A
10 A 30 C 50 B 70 A
11 B 31 D 51 B 71 A
12 C 32 C 52 B 72 D
13 A 33 E 53 D 73 C
14 C 34 C 54 C 74 A
15 B 35 B 55 E 75 E
16 D 36 A 56 B 76 E
17 E 37 E 57 E 77 B
18 A 38 E 58 A 78 D
19 E 39 A 59 B 79 E
20 A 40 D 60 A 80 D
23 www.remzihoca.com
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