M M Ma Aasssttte Eerrrs S Se Eea Aal 5 551 111 11: (Formerly Known As Rheomix 115)

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MasterSeal® 511(Formerly known as RHEOMIX TM

Acrylic based polymer for making site-batch cementitious protective & waterproof slurry coat

MasterSeal 511 is a milky-white, acrylic co-polymer Specification Clause
based liquid. MasterSeal 511 is a specifically designed The waterproofing slurry shall consist of MasterSeal 511
for use with cement compositions. It is used in as the polymer modifier. The polymer shall have minimum
cementitious slurry as a polymer modifier to increase solid content of 28% by weight. The polymer shall be
resistance to water penetration, improve abrasion capable of being used as bonding slurry and shall have
pull-off bond strength not less than 1 MPa. The water-
resistance and durability. It is also used with cement
proofing slurry to be applied at minimum 1mm thickness in
as a reliable water-resistant bonding agent. two coats; consisting of cement to polymer ratio of
2:1 by weight. The waterproofing slurry to be
Uses protected using MasterSeal 511 modified render in case
Typical applications include: of traffic or submerged conditions.
„ Waterproofing and tanking: Basements lift pits,
inspection pits, water towers, liquid tanks, effluent Directions for use
tanks and swimming pools, basements, terraces.
„ Other typical applications: bonding slurry coat, Surface preparation
polymer modified flooring, render key coat, render The surface to be coated must be clean and sound.
modification, and patch repair mortars. Remove all traces of formwork, release agents,
previous coatings, laitance and any other
Advantages contaminants that may affect the bond adversely.
„ Unaffected by ultra-violet light or contact with Suitable cleaning methods include high pressure
water – durable. water jetting and grit blasting. Mechanical wire
„ Improved workability of cementitious mixes. brushing may be appropriate for small areas. After the
„ Lowers water-cement ratio. above surface preparation, surfaces must be
„ High resistance to water penetration. thoroughly washed with clean potable water to
„ Increases cementitious mix resistance to wear remove all dust and loose particles.
„ Excellent adhesion to a variety of building
materials. Spalled concrete should be cut back to sound
„ Protects concrete from corrosive elements concrete and made good with using MasterSeal
„ Aids ease of application 511 modified cementitious mortar. All cracks and
„ Non-toxic. Can be used with potable water. blow holes must be cut out and filled solid with
using MasterSeal 511modified cementitious slurry.
Typical Properties
Aspect : Milky white liquid MasterSeal 511 modified waterproofing slurry is
pH :9±1 suggested only on sound substrate such as reinforced
Specific gravity :1.01 ± 0.01 concrete slabs and tanks and do not use for
Solids, by weight :28 ± 1% waterproofing leaking brick-bate koba or lime
Properties of Polymer modified cementitious slurry
Slurry proportioning:
Prepare a waterproofing slurry of 1½ to 2 parts
Cement : 5 Kg
cement to 1 part MasterSeal 511 by volume, mixed to
RHEOMIX 115 : 2 ½ Kg
a lump-free creamy, consistency. Take a clean mixing
container and fill with the measured quantity of
Slurry Properties:
MasterSeal 511. Slowly add the cement to the liquid
Fresh wet density* : 1700 ~ 1900 Kg/m3
and mix, using a slow speed drill fitted with a suitable
Pot Life* : 60 min at 25oC
paddle. Leave the mixed material to stand for 5
20 min at 40oC
minutes to allow for full saturation to take place. Remix
Recoatable* : 6 – 12 hours
to restore the consistency. Do not mix more material
Adhesion to concrete* : > 1 MPa (ASTM D4541)
than can be used in half an hour.
Resistance to water head* : 1mm thick – 4 bar
: 2mm thick – 7 bar Application
*Properties are of typical mix, and may vary depending upon Always apply waterproofing slurry coat modified with
mix constituents. MasterSeal 511, to pre-dampened surface. High-
suction substrates require more dampening then
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dense substrates. However, make sure there is no then allow to dry out slowly. (Note that initial curing is
free-standing water. Apply by brush or broom. Mixed necessary to provide good curing conditions for the
material must be used with in 30 -45 minutes, or less hydration of the Portland cement, then the polymer
under hot weather conditions. slurry must be allowed to dry out to permit the polymer
particles to join together to form the continuous films
First Coat: Brush or broom the mix firmly onto the pre- and strands.)
dampened, prepared surface. Care must be taken not
to spread the material too thinly. When the material Packaging
begins to drag or “ball”, do not add more liquid/water MasterSeal 511 is supplied in 5kg, 20kg & 210 kg.
but dampen the surface again.
Storage and Shelf life
Second Coat: Allow at least overnight to cure before Store under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect
applying subsequent coats. Dampen the first coat and from extremes of temperature. In tropical climates the
remove excess moisture. Brush or broom the mix onto product must be stored in an air-conditioned
the surface (as above) finishing in the opposite environment.
direction to the first coat. Shelf life is 12 months when stored as above.
Top protection coat Failure to comply with the recommended storage
Top coat is optional and recommended for the conditions may result in premature deterioration of the
permanently submerged conditions or on exposed product or packaging. For specific storage advice
conditions (subjected to light foot traffic). please consult BASF's Technical Services Department.
Dry-shake quartz sand in the second coat of Safety precautions
waterproofing slurry, when still tacky to form anchors As with all chemical products, care should be taken
for better adhesion of protection coat to the during use and storage to avoid contact with eyes,
waterproofing slurry. Use MASTERTOP SRA No 1 in mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can also be tainted
place of quartz sand. with vapour until product fully cured or dried). Treat
splashes to eyes and skin immediately. If accidentally
Prepare a protection coat of 1 parts cement, 2 part
ingested, seek immediate medical attention. Keep
quart sand to 1 part MasterSeal 511 & ½ part water
away from children and animals. Reseal containers
by volume, mixed to a lump-free creamy,
after use. Do not reuse containers for storage of
consistency. Apply using flat trowel to the required
consumable item. For further information refer to the
thickness. (5mm thick render shall require 2 kg of
material safety data sheet. MSDS available on demand
MasterSeal 511,
or on BASF construction chemicals web site.
3 Kg of cement, 5 Kg of sand & 1 litre water per m2)
Repair Mortar All BASF Technical Data Sheets are updated on
Mix MasterSeal 511, cement & quartz sand (Zone II) regular basis; it is the user's responsibility, to obtain
in 1:5:15 proportion by weight. Add required amount the most recent issue.
of water to achieve trowellable consistency (no
exceeding 30% by weight of cement). Use this Field services where provided, does not constitute
MasterSeal 511 modified mortar for repairs of supervisory responsibility, for additional information
substrate & filling the cracks; and making vata at the contact your local BASF representative.
Whilst any information contained herein is true,
(20mm thick render shall require 2 kg of MasterSeal
accurate and represents our best knowledge and
511, 10 Kg of cement, 30 Kg of sand & 1-2 litre water
experience, no warranty is given or implied with any
per m2)
recommendations made by us, our representatives or
distributors, as the conditions of use and the
competence of any labour involved in the application
Consumption depends on application and the profile
are beyond our control.
of the substrate. On fair-faced concrete, 1 mm thick
polymer modified waterproof slurry shall require 0.6 –
0.8 Kg of polymer per m2.

Correct curing of RHEOMIX 115 modified cementitious PDS Ref. no.: Rmixx115/01/1206
important. Moisture cure (India)
Chemicals for 24Private
hours and
Available at:
Ph: 0141-4012629,9799398083
Online store : www.technotrade.in

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