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Simplified Procedure For Estimating Earthquake Deformations (Makdisi, Seed)

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By Faiz I. Makdisi 1, A.M. ASCE and H. Bolton Seed, 2 F. ASCE


In the past decade major advances have been achieved in analyzing the stability of dams
and embankments during earthquake loading. Newmark (13) and Seed (18) proposed
methods of analysis for predicting the permanent displacements of dams subjected to
earthquake shaking and suggested this as a criterion of performance as opposed to the
concept of a factor of safety based on limit equilibrium principles. Seed and Martin (26)
used the shear beam analysis to study the dynamic response of embankments to seismic
loads and presented a rational method for the calculation of dynamic seismic coefficients
for earth dams. Ambraseys and Sarma (1) adopted the same procedure to study the
response of embankments to a variety of earthquake motions.

Later the finite clement method was introduced to study the two-dimensional response of
embankments (5.7) and the equivalent linear method (21) was used successfully to
represent the strain-dependent nonlinear behavior of soils. In addition the nature of the
behavior of soils during cyclic loading has been the subject of extensive research (10, 20,
23, 29). Both, the improvement in the analytical tools to study the response of
embankments and the knowledge of material behavior during cyclic loading led to the
development of a more rational approach to the study of stability of embankments during
seismic loading. Such an approach was used successfully to analyze the Sheffield Dam
failure during the 1925 Santa Barbara, earthquake (24) and the behavior of the San
Fernando Dams during the 1971 earthquake (25). This method has since been used
extensively in the design and analysis of many large dams in the State of California and

From the study of the performance of embankments during strong earthquakes, two distinct
types of behavior may be discerned (1) that associated with loose to medium dense sandy
embankments, susceptible to rapid increases in pore pressure due to cyclic loading resulting
in the development of pore pressures equal to the overburden pressure in large portions of
the embankment, associated reductions in shear strength, and potentially large movements
leading to almost complete failure; and (2) the behavior associated with compacted cohesive
clays, dry sands, and some dense sands, here the potential for buildup of pore pressures is
much less than that associated with loose to medium dense sands, the resulting cyclic
strains are usually quite small, and the material retains most of its static undrained shearing

Note.-Discussion open until December l. 1978. To extend the closing date one month. a written request must be
filed With the Editor of Technical Publications. ASCE. This paper is part of the copyrighted Journal of. the
Geotechnical Engineering Division. Proceeding of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Vol 104. Nº. GT7.July,
1978. Manuscript was submitted for review for possible publication on August 30. 1977.
Project Engr. Woodward-Clyde Consultants, San Francisco. Calif
Prof. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif
resistance so that me resulting post-earthquake behavior is a limited permanent deformation
of the embankments.

The dynamic analysis procedure proposed by Seed, et al. (25) has been used to predict
adequately both types of embankments behavior using the "Strain Potential” concept.
Procedures for integrating strain potentials to obtain the overall deformation of an
embankment have been proposed by Seed, et al. (25). Lee (9), and Serff, et al. (27).

The dynamic analysis approach has been recommended by the Committee on Earthquakes
of the International Commission on Large Dams (3): "high embankment dams whose failure
may cause loss-of-life or major damage should be designed by the conventional method at
first, followed by a dynamic analysis in order to investigate any deficiencies which may exist
in the pseudo-statical design of the dam”. For low dams in remote areas the Committee
recommended the use of conventional pseudostatic methods using a constant horizontal
seismic coefficient selected on the basis of the seismicity of the area. However, the
inadequacy of the pseudostatic approach to predict the behavior of embankments during
earthquakes has been clearly recognized and demonstrated (19, 24, 25, 26, 28).
Furthermore in the same report (3) the Commission refers to the conventional method as
follows: “There is a need for early revision of the conventional method since the results of
dynamic analyses, model tests and observations of existing dams show that the horizontal
acceleration due to earthquake forces varies throughout the height of the dam . . . in several
Instances, this method predicts a safe condition for dams which are known to have had
major sides."

It is this need for a simple yet rational approach to the seismic design of small embankments
that prompted the development of the simplified procedure described herein.

This approximate method uses the concept originally proposed by Newmark (13) for
calculating permanent deformations but it is based on an evaluation of the dynamic
response of the embankment as proposed, by Seed and Martin (26) rather than rigid body
behavior. It assumes that failure occurs on a well-defined slip surface and that the material
behaves elastically at stress levels below failure but develops a perfectly plastic behavior
above yield. The method involves the following steps:

1. A yield acceleration, i.e., an acceleration at which a potential sliding surface would

develop a factor of safety of unity is determined. Values of yield acceleration are a.
function of the embankment geometry, the undrained strength of the material (or the
reduced strength due to shaking), and the location of the potential sliding mass.
2. Earthquake induced accelerations in the embankment are determined using dynamic
response analyses. Finite element procedures using strain-dependent soil properties can
be used for calculating time histories of acceleration, or simpler one-dimensional
techniques might be used for the same purpose. From these analyses, time histories of
average accelerations for various potential sliding masses can be determined.
3. For a given potential sliding mass, when the induced acceleration exceeds the calculated
yield acceleration, movements are assumed to occur along the direction of the failure
plane and the magnitude of the displacement is evaluated by simple double integration

The method has been applied to dams with heights in the range of 100 ft-200 ft (30 m-60
m), and constructed of compacted cohesive soils or very dense cohesionless soils, but may
be applicable to higher embankments. A similar approach has been proposed by Sarma
(16) using the assumption of a rigid block on an inclined plane rather than a deformable
earth structure that responds with differential motions to the imposed base excitation.

In the following sections the steps involved in the analyses will be described in detail and
design curves prepared on the basis of analyzed cases will be presented, together with an
example problem to illustrate the use of the method, Note, however, that the method is an
approximate one and involves simplifying assumptions. The design curves are averages
based on a limited number of cases analyzed and should be updated as more data become
available and more cases are studied.


The yield acceleration, ky, is defined as that average acceleration producing a horizontal
inertia force on a potential sliding mass so as to produce a factor of safety of unity and thus
cause it to experience permanent displacements.

For soils that do not develop large cyclic strains or pore pressures and maintain most of their
original strength after earthquake shaking, the value of ky can be calculated by stability
analyses using limiting equilibrium methods. In conventional slope stability analyses the
strength of the material is defined as either the maximum deviator stress in an undrained
test, or the stress level that would cause a certain allowable axial strain, say 10%, in a test
specimen. However, the behavior of the material under cyclic loading conditions is different
than that under static conditions. Due to the transient nature of the earthquake loading, an
embankment may be subjected to a number of stress pulses at levels equal to or higher than
its static failure stress that simply produce some permanent deformation rather than
complete failure. Thus the yield strength is defined, for the purpose of this analysis, as that
maximum stress level below which the material exhibits a near elastic behavior (when
subjected to cyclic stresses of numbers and frequencies similar to those induced by
earthquake shaking) and above which the material exhibits permanent plastic deformation of
magnitudes dependent on the number and frequency of the pulses applied. Fig. 1 shows the
concept of cyclic yield strength. The material in this case has a cyclic yield strength equal to
about 90% of its static undrained strength and as shown in Fig. 1(a) the application of 100
cycles of stress amounting to 80% of the undrained strength resulted in essentially an elastic
behavior with very little permanent deformation. On the other hand, the application of 10
cycles of stress level equal to 95% of the static undrained strength led to substantial
permanent strain as shown in Fig. 1(b). On loading the material monotonically to failure after
the series of cyclic stress applications, the material was found to retain the original undrained
strength. This type of behavior is associated with various types of soils that exhibit small
increases in pore pressure during cyclic loading. This would include clayey materials, dry or
partially saturated cohesionless soils, or very dense saturated cohesionless materials that
will not undergo significant deformations, even under cyclic loading conditions, unless the
undrained static strength of the soil is exceeded.

Seed and Chan (20) conducted cyclic tests on samples of undisturbed and compacted silty
clays and found that for conditions of no stress reversal and for different values of initial and
cyclic stresses, the total stress required to produce large deformation in 10 cycles and 100
cycles ranged between 90%-110% of the undrained static strength.

Sangrey, et al, (15) investigated the effective stress response of clay under repeated loading.
They tested undisturbed samples of clay (LL = 28. PI = 10) and found that the cyclic yield
strength of this material was of the order of 60% of its static undrained strength.

Undrained Strength
Undrained Strength
Stress Stress Total Stress = 85%
Total Stress = 80% of Undrained of Undrained Strength
(Initial + Cyclic) Strength

100 Cycles 10 Cycles

Strain Strain
(a) (b)

Fig.- 1 Determination of Dynamic Yield Strength

Rahman (14) performed similar tests on remolded samples of a brittle silty clay (LL = 91, PI
= 49) and found that the cyclic yield strength was a function of the initial effective confining
pressures. For practical ranges of effective confining pressures the cyclic yield strength for
this material ranged between 80%-95% of its static undrained strength. At cyclic stress levels
below the yield strength, in all cases, the material reached equilibrium and assumed an
elastic behavior at strain levels less than 2% irrespective of the number of stress cycles

Thiers and Seed (28) performed tests on undisturbed and remolded samples of different
clayey materials to determine the reduction in static undrained strength due to cyclic loading.
Their results are summarized in Fig. 2 which shows the reduction in undrained strength after
cyclic loading as a function of the ratio of the “maximum cyclic strain” to the “static failure
strain”. These results were obtained from strain controlled cyclic tests; after the application
of 200 cycles of a certain strain amplitude, the sample was loaded to failure monotonically at
strain rate of 3%/min. Thus from Fig. 2 it could be argued that if a clay is subjected to 200
cycles of strain with an amplitude less than half its static failure strain, the material may be
expected to retain at least 90% of its original static undrained strength.

Andersen (2), on the basis of cyclic simple shear tests on samples of Drammen clay,
determined that the reduction in undrained shear strength was found to be less that 25% as
long as the cyclic shear strain was less than ± 3% even after 1,000 cycles. Some Norh Sea
clays, however, have shown a strength reduction up to 40% for the same level of cyclic

Table 1. Maximum Cyclic Shear Strains Calculated from Dynamic Finite Element
Response Analyses

Embankment Slope Maximum base shear strain, as
Magnitude height, in feet H:V acceleration, (g) a percentage
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
6-1 / 2 (Caltech record) 75 2:1 0.5 0.2 -0.4
6-1 / 2 (Caltech record) 150 2:1 0.2 0.1-0.15
6-1 / 2 (Caltech record) 150 2:1 0.5 0.2-0.3
6-1 / 2 (Lake Hughes record) 150 2:1 0.2 0.1-0.15
6-1 / 2 (Caltech record) 150 2-1 / 2:1 0.5 0.2-0.3
7-1 / 2 (Taft record) 150 2:1 0.5 0.2-0.5
7-1 / 2 (Taft record) 150 2:1 0.2 0.1-0.2
8-1 / 4 (S-I record) 150 2:1 0.75 0.4-1.0
8-1 / 4 (S-I record) 135 –– 0.4 0.2-0.5
Note: 1 ft = 0.305 m.


Strength Alter Cyclic Looading
Original Strength



San Francisco Bay Mud
Anchorage Silty Clay – Zone 2
Anchorage Silty Clay – Zone 3
0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Peak Cyclic Strain
Failure Strain in Static Test

Fig. 2 Reduction in Static Undrained Strength Due to Cyclic Loading (29)

τhv (t)

σh (t)
Element i

i Li

F (t ) = Σ τ hvi (t ) Li + σ hi (t ) d i
(i = l )

n = number of elements along the sliding surface

kav(t) = F(t)/W

Fig. 3 Calculation of Average Acceleration from Finite Element Response Analysis

On the basis of the experimental data reported previously and for values of cyclic shear
strains calculated from earthquake response analyses, the value of cyclic yield strength for a
clayey material can be estimated. In most cases this value would appear to be 80% or more
of the static undrained strength. This value in turn may be used in an appropriate method of
stability analysis to calculate the corresponding yield acceleration.

Finite element response analyses (as will be described later) have been carried out to
calculate time histories of crest acceleration and average acceleration for various potential
sliding masses. The method of analysis employs the equivalent linear technique with strain-
dependent modulus and damping. The ranges of calculated maximum shear strains, for
different magnitude earthquakes and different embankment characteristics, are presented in
Table 1. It can be seen from Table 1 that the maximum cyclic shear strain induced during the
earthquakes ranged between 0.1% for a magnitude 6-1/2 earthquake with a base
acceleration of 0.2 g and 1% for a magnitude 8-1/4 earthquake with a base acceleration of
0.75 g. For the compacted clayey material encountered in dam embankments "static failure
strain” values usually range between 3%-10%, depending on whether the material was
compacted on the dry or wet side of the optimum moisture content. Thus in both instances
the ratio of the "cyclic strain" to "static failure strain” is less than 0.5.

It seems reasonable, therefore, to assume that for these compacted cohesive soils, very
little reduction in strength may be expected as a result of strong earthquake loading of the
magnitude described previously.

Once the cyclic yield strength is defined, the calculation of the yield acceleration can be
achieved by using one of the available methods of stability analysis. In the present study the
ordinary method of slices has been used to calculate the yield acceleration for circular slip
surfaces using a pseudo static analysis. As an alternative one of the writers (18) has
suggested a method of combining both effective and total stress approaches, where the
shear strength on the failure plane during the earthquake is considered to be a function of
the initial effective normal stress on that same plane before the earthquake. This method is
applicable to noncircular slip surfaces and the horizontal inertia force resulting in a factor of
safety of unity can readily be calculated.

Having determined the yield acceleration for a certain location of the slip surface, the next
step in the analysis is to determine the time history of earthquake-induced average
accelerations for that particular sliding mass. This will be treated in the following section.


In order for the permanent deformations to be calculated for a particular slip surface, the time
history of earthquake induced average accelerations must first be determined.

Two-dimensional finite element procedures using equivalent linear strain dependent

properties are available (6) and have been shown to provide response values in good
agreement with measured values (8) and with closed-form one-dimensional wave
propagation solutions (17).

For most of the case studies of embankments used in the present analysis, the response
calculation was performed using the finite element computer program QUAD-4 (6) with
strain-dependent modulus and damping. The program uses the Rayleigh damping approach
and allows for variable damping to be used in different elements.

To calculate the time history of average acceleration for a specified sliding mass, the method
described by Chopra (4) was adopted in the present study. The finite element calculation
provides time histories of stresses for every element in the embankment. As show in Fig. 3
at each time step the forces acting, along the boundary of the sliding mass are calculated
from the corresponding normal and shear stresses of the finite elements along that
boundary. The resultant of these forces divided by the weight of the sliding mass, would give
the average acceleration, kav (t), acting on the sliding mass at that instant in time. The
process is repeated for every time step to calculate the entire time history of average

For a 150-ft (46-m) high dam subjected to 30 sec of the Taft earthquake record scaled to
produce a maximum base acceleration of 0.2 g, the variation of the time history of kav with
the depth of the sliding mass within the embankment, together with the time history of crest
accelerations, is shown in Fig. 4.
Y / H = 0.25

Y / H = 0.58

Y / H = 0.92

0 10 20 30

Fig. 4 Time Histories of Average Acceleration for Various Depths of Potential Sliding Mass

Comparing the time history of crest acceleration with that of the average acceleration for
different depths of the potential sliding mass, the similarity in the frequency content is readily
apparent (it generally reflects the first natural period of the embankment), while the
amplitudes are shown to decrease as the depth of the sliding mass increases towards the
base of the embankment. The maximum crest acceleration is designated by ümax, and kmax is
the maximum average acceleration for a potential sliding mass extending to a specified
depth, y.

El Centro 1940 Record
Const Shear Modulus
Camping = 20 % of Critical
(Data from Martin, (1965)

Crest → 0 0

To =
sec 2.61
0.2 0.2

0. 78
0. 26
0.4 0.4

y/h y/h

0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8

Vs = 1000 fps
Vs = 300 fps

1.0 1.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
kmax kmax/ümax

Fig. 5 El Centro Record (12): (a) Variation of Maximum Average Acceleration with Depth of
Sliding: (b) Variation of Ratio of Average Acceleration to Maximum Crest Acceleration
with Depth of Sliding Surface

Average of u Strong Motion Records

Constant Shear Moudlus
Damping = 20% of Critical
(Data from Ambraseys and Sarma, 1967I

Crest → 0

To = 1.5 sec 0.87

0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4

y/h 0.75 y/h

0.6 0.5 0.6


0.8 0.25 0.8

1.0 1.0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
kmax kmax/ümax

Fig. 6 Average of Eight Strong Motion Records (1): (a) Variation of Maximum Average
Acceleration with Depth of Sliding Mass: (b) Variation of Ratio of Maximum Average
Acceleration to Maximum Crest Acceleration with Depth of Sliding Surface.

To determine the variation of maximum acceleration ratio with depth, use was made of
published results of response computations using the one-dimensional shear slice method
with visco-elastic material properties (1,26). Martin (12) calculated the response of
embankments ranging in height between 100 ft-600 ft (30 m-180 m) and with shear wave
velocities between 300 fps-1,000 fps (92 m /s-300 m/s). Using a constant shear modulus

and a damping factor of 0.2, the average acceleration histories for various levels were
computed for embankments subjected to ground accelerations recorded in the El Centro
earthquake of 1940. The variation of the maximum average acceleration, Kmax, with depth for
these embankments with natural periods ranging between 0.26 sec-5.22 sec is presented in
Fig. 5(a). The maximum average acceleration in Fig. 5(a) is normalized with respect to the
maximum crest acceleration and the ratio, Kmax/ümax, plotted as a function of the depth of the
sliding mass is presented in Fig. 5(b).

Ambraseys and Sarma (1) used essentially the same method reported by Seed and Martin
(26) and calculated the response of embankments with natural periods ranging between 0.25
sec and 3.0 sec. They presented their results in terms of average response for eight strong
motion records. The variation of maximum average acceleration with depth based on the
results reported by Ambraseys and Sarma (1) is shown in Fig. 6(a) and that for the maximum
acceleration ratio, Kmax/ümax, is shown in Fig. 6(b). A summary of the results obtained from
the different shear slice response calculations mentioned previously is presented in Fig. 7
together with results obtained from finite element calculations made in the present study. As
can be seen from Fig. 7 the shape of the curves obtained using the shear slice method and
the finite element method are very similar. The dashed curve in Fig. 7 is an average
relationship of all data considered. The maximum difference between the envelope of all
data and the average relationship ranges from = 10% to = 20% for the upper portion of the
embankment and from = 20% to = 30% for the lower portion of the embankment.

F.E. Method

“Shear Slice”
(range for all data)



Average of
0.8 all data

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
kmax / ümax

Fig. 7 Variation of Maximum Acceleration Ratio with Depth of Sliding Mass

1.0 25

0.8 G/Gmax 20


Camping - %
0.6 15
G / Gmax

0.4 10

0.2 5

0 0
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Shear Strain - %

Fig. 8 Shear Modulus and Damping Characteristics Used in Response


Considering the approximate nature of the proposed method of analysis, the use of the
average relationship shown in Fig. 7 for determining the maximum average acceleration is
considered accurate enough for practical purposes. For design computations where a
conservative estimate of the accelerations is desired the upper bound curve shown in Fig. 7
may be used leading to values that are 10%-30 higher than those estimated using the
average relationship.


Once the yield acceleration and the time history of average induced acceleration for a
potential sliding mass have been determined, the permanent displacements can readily be

By assuming a direction of the sliding plane and writing the equation of motion for the sliding
mass along such a plane, the displacement that would occur any time the induced
acceleration exceeds the yield acceleration may be evaluated by simple numerical
integration. For the purposes of the soil types considered in this study, the yield acceleration
was assumed to be constant throughout the earthquake.

The direction of motion for a potential sliding mass once yielding occurs was to be along a
horizontal plane. This mode of deformation is not uncommon for embankments subjected to
strong earthquake shaking, and is manifested in many cases in the field by the development
of longitudinal cracks along the crest of the embankment. However studies made for other
directions of the sliding surface showed that this factor had little effect on the computed
displacements (11).

Table 2. Embankment Characteristics for Magnitude 6-1/2 Earthquake

Case Embankment Height Base To in

number description in feet acceleration, g seconds kmax, g Symbolc
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)a (6)b (7)

1 Example 150 0.2 0.8 (1) 0.31

slope = 2:1 (Caltech record) (2) 0.12
k2max = 60

2 Example 150 0.5 1.08 (1) 0.4

slope = 2:1 (Caltech record) (2) 0.18
k2max = 60

3 Example 150 0.5 0.84 (1) 0.33

slope = 2:1 (Lake Hughes (2) 0.16
k2max = 80 record)

4 Example 150 0.5 0.95 (1) 0.49

slope = 2-1/2:1 (Caltech record) (2) 0.22
k2max = 80

5 Example 75 0.5 0.6 (1) 0.86

slope = 2-1 (Caltech record) (2) 0.26
k2max = 60
Calculated first natural period of the embankment.
Maximum value of time history of: (1) Crest acceleration: and (2) average acceleration for sliding
mass extending through full height of embankment.
Legend used in Fig. 9(a)
Note: 1 ft = 0.305 m.

To calculate an order of magnitude of the deformations induced in embankments due to

strong shaking a number of cases have been analyzed during the course of this study. The
height of embankments considered ranged between 75 ft-150 ft (23 m-46 m) with varying
slopes and material properties. The embankments were subjected to ground accelerations
representing three different earthquake magnitudes: 6-1/2, 7-1/2, and 8-1/4.

The method use for calculating the response, as mentioned earlier, is a time-step finite
element analysis using the equivalent linear method. The strain-dependent modulus and
damping relations for the soils used in this study are presented in Fig. 8. The response
computation for each base motion was repeated for a number of iterations (mostly 3-4) until
strain-compatible material properties were obtained. In each case both time histories of crest
acceleration and the average acceleration for a potential sliding mass extending through
almost the full height of the embankment were calculated, together with the first natural
period of the embankment. In one case however, time histories of average acceleration for
sliding surfaces at five different levels in the embankment were obtained (see Fig. 4), and the
corresponding permanent deformations for each time history were calculated for different
values of yield acceleration. It was found that for the same ratio of yield acceleration to
maximum average acceleration at each level, the computed deformations varied uniformly
between a maximum value obtained using the crest acceleration time history to a minimum
value obtained using the time history of average acceleration for a sliding mass extending
through the full height of the embankment. Thus it was considered sufficient for the
remaining cases to compute the deformations only for these two levels.

1000 1000

M ∼ 61/2 M ∼ 71/2

100 100
Displacement, U -cm

Displacement, U -cm
10 10

1 1

0.1 0.1

0.01 0.01
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ky/kmax ky/kmax

Fig. 9 Variation of Permanent Displacement with Yield Acceleration: (a) Magnitude 6-

1/2 Earthquake: (b) Magnitude 7-1/2 Earthquake

Table 2 shows details of the embankments analyzed using ground motions representative of
a magnitude 6-1/2 earthquake. The two rock motions used were those recorded at the Cal
Tech Seismographic Laboratory (S90W Component) and at Lake Hughes Station Nº 12
(N12E) during the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, with maximum accelerations scaled to
0.2 g and 0.5 g. The computed natural periods and maximum values of the acceleration time
histories are also presented in Table 2. The computed natural periods ranged between a
value of 0.6 sec for the 75-ft (23-m) high embankment to a value of 1.08 sec for the 150-ft
(46-m) high embankment. Because of the nonlinear strain-dependent behavior of the
material, the response of the embankment is highly dependent on the amplitude of the base
motion. This is clearly demonstrated in the first two cases in Table 2 where the same
embankment was subjected to the same ground acceleration history but with different
maximum accelerations for each case. In one instance, for a base acceleration of 0.2 g the
calculated maximum crest acceleration was 0.3 g with a magnification of 1.5 and a computed
natural period of the order of 0.8 sec. In sec. In the second case, for a base acceleration of
0.5 g the computed maximum crest acceleration was 0.4 g with an attenuation of 0.8 and a
computed natural period of 1.1 sec.

From the time histories of induced acceleration calculated for all the cases described in
Table 2 and for various ratios of yield acceleration to maximum average acceleration, ky /
kmax, the permanent deformations were calculated by numerical double integration. The
results are presented in Fig. 9(a) which shows that for relatively low values of yield
acceleration, kγ / kmax of 0.2 for example, the range of computed displacements was of the
order of 10 cm-70 cm (4 in-28 in). However, for larger values of ky / kmax, say 0.5 or more, the
calculated displacements were less than 12 cm (4.8 in). It should be emphasized that for

very low values of yield acceleration (in this case ky / kmax, ≤ 0.1) the basic assumptions
used in calculating the response, by the finite element method i.e. the equivalent linear
behavior and the small strain theory, become invalid. Consequently, the acceleration time
histories calculated for such a case do not represent the real field behavior and the
calculated displacements based on these time histories may not be realistic.

Table 3. Embankment Characteristics for Magnitude 7-1/2 Earthquake

Case Embankment Height Base To in

number description in feet acceleration, g seconds kmax, g Symbolc
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)a (6)b (7)

1 Example 150 0.2 0.86 (1) 0.41

slope = 2:1 (Taft record) (2) 0.13
k2max = 60

2 Example 150 0.5 1.18 (1) 0.54

slope = 2:1 (Taft record) (2) 0.21
k2max = 60

3 Example 150 0.2 0.76 (1) 0.46

slope = 2-1 / 2:1 (Taft record) (2) 0.15
k2max = 80
Calculated first natural period of the embankment.
Maximum value of time history of: (1) Crest acceleration: and (2) average acceleration for sliding mass extending through
full height of embankment.
Legend use in Fig. 9(b)
Note: 1 ft = 0.305 m.

Table 4. Embankment Characteristics for Magnitude 8-1/4 Earthquake

Case Embankment Height Base To in

number description in feet acceleration, g seconds kmax, g Symbol*
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)a (6)b (7)

1 Chabot 135 0.4 0.99 (1) 0.57

Dam (average properties) (S-I Synth. record)

Chabot 0.4 (1) 0.53

Dam (Lower bound) 135 (S-I Synth. record) 1.07

Dam (Upper bound) 135 0.4 0.83 (1) 0.68

2 Example
slope = 2:1
k2max = 60 150 0.75 1.49 (1) 0.74
(1) 0.34

Calculated first natural period of the embankment.
Maximum value of time history of: (1) Crest acceleration: and (2) average acceleration for sliding mass extending through
full height of embankment.
Legend use in Fig. 10(a)
Note: 1 ft = 0.305 m.

The procedure described previously was repeated for the case of a magnitude 7-1/2
earthquake. The base acceleration time history used for this analysis was that recorded at
Taft during the 1952 Kern County earthquake and scaled to maximum accelerations of 0.2 g
and 0.5 g. The details of the three cases analyzed are presented in Table 3 and the results
of the computations of the permanent displacements are shown in Fig. 9(b). For a ratio of ky
/ kmax of 0.2 the calculated displacements in this case ranged between 30 cm-200 cm (12 in.-
80 in.), and for ratios greater than 0.5 the displacements were less than 25 cm (0.8 ft).

In the cases analyzed for the 8-1/4 magnitude earthquake, an artificial accelerogram
proposed by Seed and Idriss (21) was used with maximum base accelerations of 0.4 g and
0.75 g. Two embankments were analyzed in this case and their calculated natural periods
ranged between 0.8 sec and 1.5 sec. Table 4 shows the details of the calculations and in Fig.
10(a) the results of the permanent displacement computations are presented. As can be
seen from Fig. 10(a) the permanent displacements computed for a ratio of ky / kmax of 0.2
ranged between 200 cm-700 cm (80 in.-28° in.), and for ratios higher than 0.5 the values
were less than 100 cm (40 in.), Note in this case that values of deformations calculated for a
yield ratio less than 0.2 may not be realistic.

10,000 1000

M = 81/4
M = ∼ 81/4
M = 71/2
1000 100
Displacement, U - cm

Displacement, U - cm


M = 61/2

10 1

1 0.1

0 0.01
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

ky/max ky/max

Fig. 10 Variation of Permanent Displacement with Yield Acceleration: (a) Magnitude 8-

1/4 Earthquake: (b) Summary of the of All Data

An envelope of the results obtained for each of the three earthquake loading conditions is
presented in Fig. 10(b) and reveals a large scatter in the computed results reaching, in the
case of the magnitude 6-1/2 earthquake, about one order of magnitude.

It can reasonably be expected that for a potential sliding mass with a specified yield
acceleration, the magnitude of the permanent deformation induced by a certain earthquake
loading is controlled by the following factors: (1) the amplitude of induced average
accelerations, which is a function of the base motion, the amplifying characteristics of the
embankment, and the location of the sliding mass within the embankment: (2) the frequency

content of the average acceleration time history, which is governed by the embankment
height and stiffness characteristics, and is usually dominated by the first natural frequency of
the embankment: and (3) the duration of significant shaking, which is a function of the
magnitude of the specified earthquake.

Thus to reduce the large scatter exhibited in the data in Fig. 10(b), the permanent
displacements for each embankment were normalized with respect to its calculated first
natural period, To, and with respect to the maximum value, kmax, of the average acceleration
time history used in the computation. The resulting normalized permanent displacements for
the three different earthquakes are presented in Fig. 11(a). It may be seen that a substantial
reduction in the scatter of the data is achieved by this normalization procedure as evidenced
by comparing the results in Figs. 10(b) and 11(a). earthquake. This shows that for the
ranges of embankment heights considered in this study (75 ft-150 ft (50 m-65 m)) the first
natural period of the embankment and the maximum value of acceleration time history
may be considered as two of the parameters having a major influence on the calculated
permanent displacements. Average curves for the normalized permanent displacements
based on the results in Fig. 11(a) are presented in Fig. 11(b). Although some scatter still
exists in the results as shown in Fig. 11(a), the average curves presented in Fig. 11(b) are
considered adequate to provide an order of magnitude of the induced permanent
displacements for different magnitude earthquakes. At yield accelerations ratios less than
0.2 the average curves are shown as dashed lines since, as mentioned earlier, the
calculated displacements at these low ratios may be unrealistic.

10 10

M ∼ 81/4 1
M ∼ 81/4
M ∼ 71/2
U/ kmax g To - seconds

U/ kmax g To - seconds

0.1 0.1

0.01 0.01

0.001 0.001

0.0001 0.0001
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ky/max ky/max

Fig. 11 Variation of Yield Acceleration with: (a) Normalized Permanent Displacement-Summary

of All Data; and (b) Average Normalized Displacement

Thus, to calculate the permanent deformation in an embankment constructed of a soil that
does not change in strength significantly during an earthquake, it is sufficient to determine its
maximum crest acceleration, ümax, and first natural period, To, due to a specified earthquake.
Then by the use of the relationship presented in Fig. 7, the maximum value of average
acceleration history, kmax, for any level of the specified sliding mass may be determined.
Entering the curves in Fig. 11(b) with the appropriate values of kmax and To, the permanent
displacements can be determined for any value of yield acceleration associated with that
particular sliding surface.

It has been assumed earlier in this paper that in the majority of embankments, permanent
deformations usually occur due to slip of a sliding mass on a horizontal failure plane. For
those few instances where sliding might occur on an inclined failure plane it is of interest to
determine the difference between the actual deformations and those calculated with the
assumption of a horizontal failure plane having the same yield acceleration. A simple
computation was made to investigate this condition using the analogy of a block on an
inclined plane for a purely frictional material. It was found that for inclined failure planes with
slope angles of 15° to the horizontal, the computed displacements were 10%-18% higher
than those based on a horizontal plane assumption.



To illustrate the use of the simplified procedure for evaluating earthquake-induced

deformations, computations are presented herein for the 135-ft (41-m) high Chabot Dam,
constructed of sandy clay and having the section shown in Fig. 12.

The shear wave velocity of the embankment was determined from a field investigation and
the strain-dependent modulus and damping were determined from laboratory tests on
undisturbed samples. The dam, located about 20 miles (32 km) from the San Andreas fault,
was shaken in 1906 by the magnitude 8-1/4 San Francisco earthquake with no significant
deformation being noted; peak accelerations in the rock underlying the dam in this event are
estimated to have been about 0.4 g. Accordingly the response of the embankment to ground
accelerations representative of a magnitude 8-1/4 earthquake and having a maximum
acceleration of 0.4 g was calculated by a finite element analysis. The maximum crest
acceleration of the embankment, ümax, was calculated to be 0.57 g and the first natural
period, To = 0.99 sec. The maximum values of the calculated shear strain were less than 0.5
%. On the basis of static undrained tests on the embankment material, the static failure
strains ranged between 3%-8%, so that for the purposes of this analysis the cyclic yield
strength of this material can be considered equal to its static undrained strength. From
consolidated undrained tests on representative samples of the embankment material two
interpretations were made for the strength of the material: (1) Based on an average of all the
samples tested resulting in a cohesion value, c. of 0.72 tsf (69 kN / m2) and a friction angle φ,
of 13°; and (2) a conservative interpretation, based on the minimum strength values with a
cohesion of 0.4 tsf (38 kN/m2) and a friction angle of 16°. Using these strength estimates,
values of yield accelerations were calculated for a sliding mass extending through the full
height of the embankment as shown in Fig. 12.

Considering the average relationship of kmax/ümax with depth shown in Fig. 7, the ratio for a
sliding mass extending through the full height of the embankment (y/h = 0.95) is 0.35,
resulting in a maximum average acceleration kmax of 0.35 x 0.57 g = 0.2 g. From Fig. 12 the
yield acceleration calculated for the average strength values is 0.14 g. Thus the parameters
to be used in Fig. 11(b) to calculate the displacements for this particular sliding surface are
as follows: magnitude = 8-1/4; To = 0.99 sec; kmax = 0.2; and ky / kmax = 0.14/0.20 = 0.7. From
Fig. 11(b): U/ kmax g To = 0.013 sec, therefore, the displacement U = 0.013 x 0.2 x 32.2 x
0.99 = 0.08 ft (0.02 m).

Using the most conservative value of kmax/ümax shown in Fig. 7 of 0.47, the computed
displacement would have been 0.58 ft (0.18 m). Similarly using the conservative strength
parameters for the soil (giving ky = 0.07) and the average curve for kmax/ümax shown in Fig. 7,
the computed displacement would have been 1.5 ft (0.45 m). All of these values are in
reasonable accord with the observed performance of the dam during the 1906 earthquake.

The calculation was repeated for a sliding mass extending through half the depth of the
embankment. The computed permanent displacements ranged between 0.02 ft-1.08 ft (0.006
m-0.33 m) indicating that the critical potential sliding mass in this case was that extending
through the full height of the embankment.

1 Average Strength Properties : C = 0.7 tsf, φ = 13°
2 Conservatie Strength Properties : C = 0.4 tfs, φ = 16°
1.2 2
ky 250
Elevation - feet

0 0.1 0.2 200




Fig. 12 Yield Acceleration Values for Slide Mass Extending through Full Heigt of


A simple yet rational approach to the design of small embankments under earthquake
loading has been described herein. The method is based on the concept of permanent
deformations as proposed by Newmark (13) but modified to allow for the dynamic response
of the embankment as proposed by Seed and Martin (26) and restricted in application to
compacted clayey embankment and dry or dense cohesionless soils that experience very
little reduction in strength due to cyclic loading. The method is an approximate one and
involves a number of simplifying assumptions that may lead to somewhat conservative

On the basis of response computations for embankments subjected to different ground

motion records, a relationship for the variation of induced average acceleration with
embankment depth has been established. Design curves to estimate the permanent
deformations for embankments, in the height range of 100 ft-200 ft (30 m-60 m), have been
established based on equivalent linear finite element dynamic analysis for different
magnitude earthquakes. The use of these curves requires a knowledge of the maximum
crest acceleration and the natural period of an embankment due to a specified ground

It should be noted that the design curves presented are based on averages of a range of
results that exhibit some degree of scatter, and are derived from a. limited number of cases.
These curves should be updated and refined as analytical results for more embankments are

Finally, the method has been applied to an actual embankment that was subjected to a
magnitude 8-1/4 earthquake at an epicentral distance of some 20 miles. Depending on the
degree of conservatism in estimating the undrained strength of the material and in estimating
the maximum accelerations in the embankment, the calculated deformations for this 135-ft
(40-m) clayey embankment ranged between 0.1 ft-1.5 ft (0.3 m-0.46 m). These approximate
displacement values are in good accord with the actual perfomance of the embankment
during the earthquake.

Whereas the method described herein provides a rational approach to the design of
embankments and offers a significant improvement over the conventional pseudostatic
approach, the nature of the approximations involved requires that it be used with caution and
good judgment especially in determining the soil characteristics of the embankment to which
it may be applied.

For large embankments, for embankments where failure might result in a loss of life or major
damage and property loss, or where soil conditions cannot be determined with a significant
degree of accuracy to warrant the use of the method. the more rigorous dynamic method of
analysis described earlier might well provide a more satisfactory alternative for design


The study described in this paper was conducted under the sponsorship of the National
Science Foundation (Grant ENV 75-21875). The support of the National Science Foundation
is gratefully acknowledged.


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