Visit Bangladesh SRS

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Visit Bangladesh SRS

Software Requirement
Specification and Analysis

Visit Bangladesh
An Android App

Course: SE 505

Submitted by

S.M. Shahriyar (BSSE 0902)

Sudip Kumar Sah (BSSE 1040)
BSSE Session: 2016-2017

Supervised by

Sumon Ahmed
Assistant Professor

Institute of Information Technology

University of Dhaka

Date: 16/03/202
We are highly indebted for getting such a wonderful opportunity to prepare the
Software Requirements Specifications report of the project ‘Visit Bangladesh’. We
would like to thank whole-heartedly our supervisor, Sumon Ahmed, Assistant
Professor, Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka, our teacher,
Nadia Nahar, Lecturer, for giving us guidelines on preparing this report.

A majority of smartphone users use navigation apps. Visit Bangladesh is a daily

life android application for navigation purpose. The application provides both
Bengali and English voice assistance in the course from source to destination. The
user of the android application can not only suit himself but also aid others with
information regarding routes. This documentation illustrates the objective and
overall overview of the Software Requirement Specification of the android
application Visit Bangladesh.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction 7
1.1 Purpose 7
1.2 Intended Audience 7
1.3 Conclusion 8
Chapter 2: Inception 9
2.1 Introduction 9
2.1.1 Identifying Stakeholders 11
2.1.2 Recognizing Multiple Viewpoints 12
2.1.3 Working towards collaboration 13
2.1.4 Asking the First Questions 15
2.2 Conclusion 15
Chapter 3: Elicitation 16
3.1 Introduction 16
3.2 Eliciting Requirements 16
3.2.1 Collaborative Requirements Gathering 17
3.2.2 Quality Function Deployment 17 Normal Requirements 18 Expected Requirements 19 Exciting requirements 20
3.2.3 Usage scenario 21
Chapter 4: Scenario Based Modeling 25
4.1 Introduction 25
4.2 Use Case Scenario 25
4.3 Use Case Descriptions 26
4.3.1 Authentication 26

4.3.2 Browse 28
4.3.3 Navigation 30
4.3.4 Geo-fencing 33
4.4 Use Case Diagrams 37
4.5 Activity Diagrams and Swimlane Diagrams for generated Use Cases 40
Chapter 5: Data Modeling 68
5.1 Data modeling concept 68
5.2 Data objects 68
Chapter 6: Class Based Modeling 78
6.1 Class Based Modeling Concept 78
6.2 General Classification 78
6.3 Selection Criteria 81
6.4 Associate Noun and Verb Identification 82
6.5 Attribute Selection 83
6.6 Methods Identification 84
6.7 Finalizing Classes 85
6.8 Class Cards 86
6.8 UML Diagram 91
Chapter 7: Flow-Oriented Model 92
7.1 Introduction 92
7.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 92
Chapter 8: Behavioral Model 98
8.1 State Diagram 98
8.2 Sequence Diagram 105

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Level 0 for Visit Bangladesh............................................................................................32
Figure 2: Level 1 for Visit Bangladesh............................................................................................33
Figure 3: Level 1.1 for Visit Bangladesh.........................................................................................34
Figure 4: Level 1.1.1 for Visit Bangladesh......................................................................................34
Figure 5: Level 1.2 for Visit Bangladesh.........................................................................................35
Figure 6: Level 1.3 for Visit Bangladesh.........................................................................................35
Figure 7: Level 1.3.1 for Visit Bangladesh......................................................................................36
Figure 8: Level 1.4 for Visit Bangladesh.........................................................................................36
Figure 9: Level 1.5 for Visit Bangladesh.........................................................................................37
Figure 10: Level 1.5.1 for Visit Bangladesh....................................................................................37
Figure 11: Level 1.6 for Visit Bangladesh.......................................................................................38
Figure 12: Activity diagram for Sign In..........................................................................................39
Figure 13: Swimlane diagram for Sign In........................................................................................40
Figure 14: Activity diagram for Register.........................................................................................41
Figure 15: Swimlane diagram for Register......................................................................................42
Figure 16: Activity diagram for Guest User.....................................................................................43
Figure 17: Swimlane diagram for Guest User..................................................................................44
Figure 13: Activity diagram for Browse Map..................................................................................46
Figure 14: Swimlane diagram for Browse Map................................................................................47
Figure 15: Activity diagram for Search Place..................................................................................48
Figure 16: Swimlane diagram for Search Place................................................................................49
Figure 17: Activity diagram for Show Details..................................................................................50
Figure 18: Swimlane diagram for Show Details...............................................................................51
Figure 19: Activity diagram for Set Direction Aid............................................................................52
Figure 20: Swimlane diagram for Set Direction Aid.........................................................................53
Figure 21: Activity diagram for Send Direction Aid.........................................................................54
Figure 22: Swimlane diagram for Send Direction Aid.......................................................................55
Figure 23: Activity diagram for Edit Direction Aid..........................................................................56
Figure 24: Swimlane diagram for Edit Direction Aid........................................................................57
Figure 25: Activity diagram for Update position..............................................................................58

Figure 26: Swimlane diagram for Update position............................................................................59
Figure 27: Activity diagram for Set Parental Control........................................................................60
Figure 28: Swimlane diagram for Set Parental Control.....................................................................61
Figure 29: Activity diagram for Edit Parental Control.......................................................................62
Figure 30: Swimlane diagram for Edit Parental Control....................................................................63
Figure 31: Activity diagram for Restrict Area..................................................................................64
Figure 32: Swimlane diagram for Restrict Area...............................................................................65
Figure 33: Activity diagram for Edit Restrict Area...........................................................................66
Figure 34: Swimlane diagram for Edit Restrict Area.........................................................................67
Figure 35: Entity Relationship diagram for E-Shongee.....................................................................72
Figure 36: UML diagram for E-Shongee.........................................................................................91
Figure 37: Level 0 DFD diagram for E-Shongee..............................................................................92
Figure 38: Level 1 DFD diagram for E-Shongee..............................................................................93
Figure 39: Level 2.1 DFD diagram for E-Shongee...........................................................................94
Figure 40: Level 2.2 DFD diagram for E-Shongee...........................................................................95
Figure 41: Level 2.3 DFD diagram for E-Shongee...........................................................................96
Figure 42: Level 2.4 DFD diagram for E-Shongee...........................................................................97
Figure 43: Database Class State Diagram for E-Shongee..................................................................98
Figure 44: Geofence Class State Diagram for E-Shongee..................................................................99
Figure 45: Map Class State Diagram for E-Shongee.......................................................................100
Figure 46: Notification Class State Diagram for E-Shongee............................................................101
Figure 47: Route Class State Diagram for E-Shongee.....................................................................102
Figure 48: System Class State Diagram for E-Shongee...................................................................103
Figure 49: Waypoint Class State Diagram for E-Shongee...............................................................104
Figure 50: Sequence diagram (Sign In).........................................................................................105
Figure 51: Sequence diagram (Sign Up)........................................................................................106
Figure 52: Sequence diagram (Manage Account)...........................................................................107
Figure 53: Sequence diagram (Browse Map).................................................................................108
Figure 54: Sequence diagram (Search Place and Show Details).......................................................109
Figure 55: Sequence diagram (Set Direction Aid)..........................................................................110
Figure 56: Sequence diagram (Edit Direction Aid).........................................................................111
Figure 57: Sequence diagram (Send Direction Aid)........................................................................112
Figure 58: Sequence diagram (Set Parental Control).......................................................................113
Figure 59: Sequence diagram (Edit Parental Control).....................................................................114
Figure 60: Sequence diagram (Restrict Area).................................................................................115
Figure 61: Sequence diagram (Edit Restrict Area)..........................................................................116

List of Tables
Table 1: Noun Identification.......................................................................................................... 60
Table 2: Final Data objects............................................................................................................ 61
Table 3: Relational Schema (User).................................................................................................63
Table 4: Relational Schema (Place)................................................................................................63
Table 5: Relational Schema (User Searches Place)...........................................................................64
Table 6: Relational Schema (User Notifies User).............................................................................64
Table 7: Relational Schema (Route)...............................................................................................65
Table 8: Relational Schema (User Follows Route)...........................................................................65
Table 9: Relational Schema (User Shares Route).............................................................................66
Table 10: Relational Schema (Route Contains Waypoints)................................................................67
Table 11: Relational Schema (User creates Geo-fence).....................................................................67
Table 12: Noun of General Classification........................................................................................70
Table 13: Potential Classes............................................................................................................ 71
Table 14: Associate Noun and Verb...............................................................................................72
Table 15: Attribute Selection......................................................................................................... 73
Table 16: Method Identification.....................................................................................................75
Table 17: Class Card (User)........................................................................................................... 76
Table 18: Class Card (System).......................................................................................................77
Table 19: Class Card (Database)....................................................................................................77
Table 20: Class Card (Map)........................................................................................................... 78
Table 21: Class Card (Route).........................................................................................................78
Table 22: Class Card (Waypoint)...................................................................................................79
Table 23: Class Card (Geo-fence)..................................................................................................79
Table 24: Class Card (Notification)................................................................................................80

Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter is a part of Software Project Lab-2(SPL-2), intended to specify the
purpose of this document and the intended audience of it.

1.1 Purpose

This document is the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for Visit

Bangladesh which is the name of our project for SPL-2. It contains detailed
functional, non-functional, and support requirements and establishes a
requirements baseline for development of the android app. The requirements
contained in the SRS are independent, uniquely numbered, and organized by topic.
The SRS serves as the official means of communicating user requirements to the
developer and provides a common reference point for both the developer team and
stakeholder community. The SRS will evolve over time as users and developers
work together to validate, clarify and expand its contents.

1.2 Intended Audience

This SRS is intended for several audiences, including the customers, as well as the
project managers, designers, developers, and testers.

● The customer will use this SRS to verify that the developer team has created a
product that is acceptable to the customer.

● The project managers of the developer team will use this SRS to plan milestones
and a delivery date, and ensure that the developing team is on track during
development of the system.

● The designers will use this SRS as a basis for creating the system’s design. The
designers will continually refer back to this SRS to ensure that the system they are
designing will fulfill the customer’s needs.

● The developers will use this SRS as a basis for developing the system’s
functionality. The developers will link the requirements defined in this SRS to the
software they create to ensure that they have created software that will fulfill all of
the customer’s documented requirements.

● The testers will use this SRS to derive test plans and test cases for each
documented requirement. When portions of the software are complete, the testers
will run their tests on that software to ensure that the software fulfills the
requirements documented in this SRS. The testers will again run their tests on the
entire system when it is complete and ensure that all requirements documented in
this SRS have been fulfilled.

1.3 Conclusion

This analysis of the audience helped us to focus on the users who will be using our
analysis. This overall document will help each and every person related to this
project to have a better idea about the project.

Chapter 2: Inception

In this chapter, the Inception part of the SRS will be discussed briefly.

2.1 Introduction

Inception is the beginning phase of requirements engineering. It defines how does

a software project get started and what is the scope and nature of the problem to be
solved. The goal of the inception phase is to identify concurrence needs and
conflict requirements among the stakeholders of a software project. To establish
the groundwork we have worked with the following factors related to the inception

➢ Identifying Stakeholders

➢ recognizing multiple viewpoints

➢ Working towards collaboration

➢ Asking the First Questions

2.1.1 Identifying Stakeholders

Stakeholder refers to any person or group who will be affected by the system
directly or indirectly. Stakeholders include end-users who interact with the system
and everyone else in an organization that may be affected by its installation. At
inception, a list of people who will contribute input as requirements are elicited.
The initial list will grow as stakeholders are contacted because every stakeholder
will be asked: “whom else do you think I should talk to?”

The following stakeholders were identified for the Visit Bangladesh.

➢ Customer: A customer is an individual or business that purchases or consumes

the goods or services produced by a business. Attracting customers is the primary
goal of most businesses as it is the customer who creates demand for goods or
services. In our case the customer is the end user of the mobile application. The
demands of the end user will be of top most priority for developing the mobile

➢ Software Developer: A software developer is concerned with facets of the

software development process, including the research, design, programming,
maintenance and testing of computer software. She will be responsible for the
outcomes of the software.

2.1.2 Recognizing Multiple Viewpoints

Different stakeholders demand different features from the software. To satisfy the
stakeholders, most of these features should be included in the software.

Customers’ viewpoint

● Allow any user to search for various places on the map

● Allow user to find know his/her own current location

● Supply user with appropriate route from source address to destination address

● Edit route information according to will

● Supply audio data for navigation

● Able to send the customized route information to another user

Developer’s viewpoint

● Easy to built

● Error free effective software

● No conflicting requirement

● Getting maximum experience from development

2.1.3 Working towards collaboration

While working with different customers, some conflicting and common viewpoints
can be noticed. For this reason, final requirements can be obtained by collaborating
the viewpoints. We followed following steps to merge these requirements:

Identify the common and conflicting requirements

Categorize the requirements

Take priority points for each requirements from customers and on the basis of this
voting prioritize the requirements

Make final decision about the requirements

Common Requirements:

 Android application interfaces

 The application can be accessed from any android device that has internet
 Allow any user to navigate the map
 Allow any user to search for location

 Maintain a database for all users and all locations in the system

Conflicting Requirements:

● Strong authentication problem when sign in

● Weather unauthorized user allowed to navigate map

Final Requirements:

● Error free authenticated accessible system

● Android-based interfaces
● Accessible via any android device about Android API version 24
● Allow valid users to login and logout.
● Restrict access to functionality of the system based upon user roles
● Allow registered user to search for places in the application after following
proper login method
● Allow valid users that log in to get route from source to destination
● The server only needs to be installed and maintained on one computer
● Allows valid users to modify the route generated initially
● Maintain a database of all places and all users.
● Allows user to have parental privileges
● Allows user to set restrictions to users to whom they have parental control
● The system should send proper push notifications

Restrict access to functionality of the system based upon user roles. For example,
only users with parental control over other user can set restrictions for places and
not the other way around.

2.1.4 Asking the First Questions

We set our first set of context-free questions focuses on the customer, overall
project goals and benefits. The questions are mentioned above. These questions
helped us to identify all customers, measurable benefit of the successful
implementation and possible alternatives to custom software development. Next
set of question helped us to gain a better understanding of problem and allows the
customer to voice his or her perception about the solution. The final set of question
focused on the effectiveness of the communication activity itself.

2.2 Conclusion

Inception phase helped us to establish basic understanding about “E-Shongee” in a

library, identify the people who will be benefited if the application is developed,
define the nature of the android application and establish a preliminary
communication with our users. More studies and communication will help both
side (developer and client) to understand the future prospect of the project.

Chapter 3: Elicitation

This chapter specifies the Elicitation phase.

3.1 Introduction

Requirements Elicitation is a part of requirements engineering that is the practice

of gathering requirements from the users, customers and other stakeholders. Many
difficulties were faced, like understanding the problems, making questions for the
stakeholders, limited communication with the stakeholders due to a short amount
of time and volatility. Though it is not easy to gather requirements within a very
short time, these problems have been surpassed in an organized and systematic

3.2 Eliciting Requirements

The main task of this phase is to combine the elements of problem solving,
elaboration, negotiation and specification. The collaborative working approach of
the stakeholders is required to elicit the requirements. The following tasks were
done for eliciting requirements:

1. Collaborative Requirements Gathering

2. Quality Function Deployment
3. Usage Scenarios
4. Elicitation work products

3.2.1 Collaborative Requirements Gathering

Many different approaches to collaborative requirements gathering have been

proposed. Each makes use of a slightly different scenario. We completed following
steps to do it.

● The meetings were conducted with a few customers, questioned about their
requirements and expectations from E-Shongee
● The customers were asked which requirements should be added to the
● At last we selected our final requirements from the discussions

3.2.2 Quality Function Deployment

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a technique that translates the needs of the
customer into technical requirements for software. It concentrates on maximizing
customer satisfaction from the Software engineering process. With respect to our
project the following requirements are identified by a QFD.

17 Normal Requirements

The normal requirements are generally the objectives and goals that are stated for a
product or system during meetings with the customer. The presence of these
requirements fulfills customers’ satisfaction. These are the normal requirements for
the project.

 Android application
 Accessible via the Internet.
 Allow any user to search for places.
 Allow Administrators to check user information(not personal)
 Allow valid users to login and logout
 Restrict access to functionality of the system based upon user roles
 Allow valid users that log in to navigate the map
 Getting information about preferred locations and search strings
 The server only needs to be maintained on one computer.
 User manual and guidelines
 Storing information regarding favorite places
 Storing profit records for autosuggestions
 Using limited budget for making the software
 Keeping track of restricted areas
 Storing accurate records of transactions
 Identifying restricted locations
 Contacting users in times of danger
 Calculating distance between source and destination

18 Expected Requirements

These requirements are intrinsic to the product or system and may be so

elementary that the customer does not explicitly state them. Their absence will be a
cause for significant dissatisfaction. Below the expected requirements for our
project are briefly described.

 Error free software

 Strong authentication system
 User friendly
 Effective system
 No ambiguous feature
 Data backup
 Allow administrators to change data for the user
 The system shall automatically check the location availability
 The system shall allow the user to login based upon an assigned phone
 Search locations based on search text
 Share navigation information to other users
 Restrict user from entering/ leaving marked area

19 Exciting requirements

These requirements are for features that go beyond the customer's expectations and
prove to be very satisfying when present

 The user interface should provide appropriate error messages for invalid
input as well as tool-tips and guidelines
 The user interface should follow standard android application interface
practices such as navigation bars search panels etc.
 Offer log in with mobile phone number after sending verification code to
 Confirming parental supervision by generating code
 Autosuggestion of places based on country
 Change view of map
 Change mode of navigation
 Add audio based aid in routing
 Send navigation route to other users after establishing proper connection\
 Users can modify the route and shared routes will be updated after
confirming modification
 System sends notification to users informing current situation of friends and
 Alerts user when getting closer to destination

3.2.3 Usage scenario


Sign Up:

In the android application, there is an authentication part, where it allows the

user to access the system. Users of this system are the mass people. To access
the system, a user requires an account and for that he/she must fill up a form.
Users have to give first name, last name, email id, address, and phone number.
No user name can contain any number, punctuation mark or any special
character and the length of the name should be between 2 characters and 30
characters. There will be duplicity and validity (syntax) checking for email and
mobile number. If all the information is correct, user will be sent a verification
code to his/her phone number. The process will require the phone number at
first. Later a verification code and the user has to insert the code in appropriate
field within 60 seconds. If the phone number is new to the system then a form
will show up asking for further personal information such as name, email,
home location etc. Each user will have a unique user_id.

Sign in:

If any user has an account, he/she can sign in to the system. To sign in, user
has to give his/her mobile number and enter the verification code that will be
sent to the number. The mobile number and code will be verified. If the
verification is successful, the user can sign in to the system successfully. If the
code/number is wrong, there is a retry option.

Sign Out:

User has an option to log out from the system. The phone number associated
with the user will be displayed on the login application interface.

Manage Account:

Any user can change their information. To change information, he/she has to sign in then change
information. He/she has to confirm the changes and the changes will be confirmed.


Browse Map:

When the user logs in to the android application then a map will be loaded. If location and gps
permissions are not enabled then the application would require user approval for gps services.
The current location of the user will be displayed on the map and the user can swipe the map to
view adjacent places. The user can zoom on/zoom out the map to provide more detail about the

Search Place:

There must be a search bar to search for locations with the name of the places and the data will
be retrieved from the database of place having a unique place_id. The location could be a
specific shop or an area. The search panel will provide auto suggestions of places in Bangladesh.
The system will keep a cache of user’s choice ad make a list of recommended from previous
searches. If user wants to see, system can show a list of recommended location for him/her. After
the search has been completed and a place is selected, the camera will move to the specified

Place Detail:

If the user selects a specific place and wants to know details about the place then the system
will provide with information about the place such as place-type, latitude, longitude etc.


Update Position:

When a user changes his/her location then it is tracked by the gps system of the android device
and the application gets notified about the change in position. The marker of current location is
also changed based on the actual location of the user. There must be internet availability for the
gps system to track the user. This procedure is also applicable during navigation from source to
destination. If direction is set by other user then after getting close to the destination, the sender
will get informed continuously with approximate time for arrival.

Set Direction Aid:

When the user selects a destination address and wishes to get directions to the address, then a
route will be generated from the user’s current location to that specified destination. The routing
information made by the user will be stored in the database with a route_id. The user can also
change the source address and then generate the route for the selected source and destination
address. The users can also modify the way points in the route by selecting a specific waypoint
and can also add multimedia such as audio aid for a specific waypoint.

Send Direction Aid:

After setting the direction aid, the user can send the navigation aid to other users via phone
number. This route with multimedia aid will be shown in the receiving side if the user wishes to
accept the coming routing information.

Edit Direction Aid:

Once the direction is obtained from source to destination, it can be modified using voice aided
information. Even after the data is sent to other users it can be modified by the user who made
the direction aid. One the modification of navigation information is completed, the user will
confirm the change and the change will be updated to other users who are concerned. And the
receiving side will be notified about the change.


Set Parental Control:

A user can set restriction in areas to visit to other users only after following some procedures.
After a user sends request for parental control using phone number of other users. Then a
confirmation code generated by other user will be required for the confirmation of the process.
The code generated will be unique for each user. The user can have parental control over various
users. Appropriate notification will be sent to each of the users with a notification_id.

Edit Parental Control:

A user can modify the list of parents i.e. can remove or add new users to allow restriction and
monitoring. Information of user will be sent to the listed users accordingly. If a user wishes to
remove a user as parent, then notification will be send to the other user. This process will be
completely effective only after confirming the actions.

Restrict Area:

A user can set restriction in areas to visit to other users if and only if the user has parental
control over the intended user. The user can set the restriction area in two ways-
1. Placing markers to draw polygon
2. Selecting center and radius on the map to draw circle
The restriction can work in both ways which will be determined by the parent user. One of the
ways would be determining the inner fence and the other would be the outer fence. If the user
enters/leaves the restricted area then the parental user responsible for that particular restriction
will be alarmed. The fence will have a geofence_id for each.

Edit Restrictions:

A user can see the restrictions set by other users. First the user can see all the restrictions set
by various users in the map. On the hand, the user can select specific parental user and see the
restrictions set by that user on the map. He/she can also request for a restriction to be removed to
the parental users and thus appropriate notifications will be sent. If the parent agrees then that
particular restriction will no longer be valid and will not be valid to the user.

Chapter 4: Scenario Based Modeling
4.1 Introduction
In this model the system is described from the user’s point of view. As this is the
first model, it serves as input for creation of other modeling elements.

4.2 Use Case Scenario

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Log In Reset Password

Guest User

Images of tourist places

Browse Name and Facts of places

Route to tourist places

Comments and Reviews

Add image
Add new places Add details
Visit Bangladesh
Add comments

Add route

Search by State/Division

Search Search by names of places

Change profile
Settings Edit Account
Reset Username

Add contact

Send notification

4.3 Use Case Descriptions

4.3.1 Authentication Register

Use Case: Register

Primary Actor: User, Guest User, Admin
Goal in context: To create an account

1. System has been designed for Sign up
2. System has interface for Sign

Triggers: Customer has to sign up

1. Run app and sign up
2. Provided phone number
3. Check availability of phone number
4. Verify information
5. Send verification code
6. Match input verification code
7. Provide required information

1. Same phone number
2. Mismatched verification code
3. Time limit exceeded Log In
Use Case: Log In

Primary Actor: User, Admin

Goal in context: To enter the system

1. System has been designed for login
2. System has interface for login

1. Visit page and login
2. Provide the required information
3. Proceed to App Interface

1. Unrecognized phone number
2. Wrong verification code Guest User

Use Case: Guest User

Primary Actor: Guest User

Goal in context: One can only view different places

1. System has been designed for Guest user
2. This type of user cannot access all section of app
3. This type of user do not need to login
1. Can view tourist places

1. User not logged in

4.3.2 Browse Images of Tourist places

Use Case: Browse images

Primary Actor: User, Guest User

Goal in context: To browse the images of visiting places

1. System has been designed for viewing images of places
2. System has interface for browsing
3. Has list of images

Triggers: Customer wants to view images of visiting places

1. Complete Login/Guest User
2. Provide route
3. Load images based on places

1. Collection of images Name and Facts of places

Use Case: getting idea about visiting places of Bangladesh and their interesting

Primary Actor: User, Guest User

Goal in context: getting knowledge of historical and tourist places

1. System has been designed for making tourist to convey knowledge
2. System has interface for names and facts of places

Triggers: Customer will come to know interesting facts

1. View interesting information

1. Invalid facts Route
Use Case: Way to reach destination

Primary Actor: User

Goal in context: To collect overview of a specific place

1. System has been designed for viewing the route to tourist place

1. Users have to navigate to a place
1. Place not selected properly

4.3.3 Update Add new places

Use Case: Update Places

Primary Actor: User

Goal in context: Enable local people to add exciting places in their locality


1. System has been designed for making application working on large scale
2. System has interface for adding new places

Triggers: User has chance to place valuable facts to world

1. Approved user can directly add new place

Exception: Some user may not interested Add Images Add Details Add Comments Add new route

Use Case: Set Direction to reach destination

Primary Actor: User

Goal in context: To set route support

1. System has been designed for finding routes
2. System has interface for showing routes

Triggers: User has to click the add directions button

1. Press the add directions button
2. Define mode of navigation like driving, walking, etc.

1. Source/destination not found
2. Direction not available

4.3.4 Search

30 Search by Division/State

Use Case: Set User control

Primary Actor: User, Guest User

Goal in context: To perform search for different states

1. System has been designed for easy search

Triggers: Customer wants to perform search

1. User can enter state name on navigation pane

1. Invalid state name Search by place

Use Case: Set user to get information

Primary Actor: User, Guest User

Goal in context: To make faster search to specific places

1. System has been designed for modifying search operation
Triggers: Customer wants to modify search option

1. User can enter place name on navigation pane

2. Invalid and unfamiliar place name

4.3.5 Setting Edit Account Change profile images Reset Username/password

4.3.6 Emergency contact Add contacts Send notification

4.4 Use Case Diagrams

Figure 1: Level 0 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 2: Level 1 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 3: Level 1.1 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 4: Level 1.1.1 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 5: Level 1.2 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 6: Level 1.3 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 7: Level 1.3.1 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 8: Level 1.4 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 9: Level 1.5 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 10: Level 1.5.1 for Visit Bangladesh

Figure 11: Level 1.6 for Visit Bangladesh

4.5 Activity Diagrams and Swimlane Diagrams

4.5.1 Use Case 1: Log In

Activity Diagram:

Figure 12: Activity diagram for Log In

Swimlane Diagram:

Figure 13: Swimlane diagram for Log In

4.5.2 Use Case 2: Register
Activity Diagram:

Figure 14: Activity diagram for Register

Swimlane Diagram:

Figure 15: Swimlane diagram for Register

4.5.3 Use Case 3: Guest User
Activity Diagram:

Figure 16: Activity diagram for Guest User

Swimlane Diagram:

Figure 17: Swimlane diagram for Guest User

4.5.4 Use Case 4: Browse
Activity Diagram:

Figure 18: Activity diagram for Browse

Swimlane Diagram:

Figure 19: Swimlane diagram for Browse

4.5.5 Use Case 5: Update
Activity Diagram:

Figure 20: Activity diagram for Update

Swimlane Diagram:

Figure 21: Swimlane diagram for Update

4.5.6 Use Case 6: Search
Activity Diagram:

Figure 22: Activity diagram for Search

Swimlane Diagram:

Figure 23: Swimlane diagram for Search

4.5.7 Use Case 7: Setting
Activity Diagram:

Figure 24: Activity diagram for Setting

Swimlane Diagram:

Figure 25: Swimlane diagram for Setting

4.5.8 Use Case 8: Emergency contact
Activity Diagram:

Figure 26: Activity diagram for Emergency contact

Swimlane Diagram:

Figure 27: Swimlane diagram for Emergency contact

Chapter 5: Data Modeling

5.1 Data modeling concept

If software requirements include the necessity to create, extend or interact with a database or
complex data structures need to be constructed and manipulated, then the software team
chooses to create data models as part of overall requirements modeling. The entity-
relationship diagram (ERD) defines all data objects that are processed within the system, the
relationships between the data objects and the information about how the data objects are
entered, stored, transformed and produced within the system.

5.2 Data objects

A data object is a representation of composite information that must be understood by the

software. Here, composite information means an information that has a number of different
properties or attributes. A data object can be an external entity, a thing, an occurrence, a role, an
organizational unit, a place or a structure.

Noun Identification

● All nouns in the scenario were identified

# Noun P/S Attributes

1 Android S

2 Application S

3 Authentication P

4 User P

5 System P

6 People S

7 Account P

8 Form S

9 First name S 4

10 Last name S 4

11 Email-id S 4

12 Address S 4

13 Phone number S 3,4

14 Message S 8,9,10,12,13,45

15 Length S 8,9,10,12,13,45

16 Database P

17 Information S

18 Verification code S 3,4

19 Location S 4,25,44

20 Interface S

21 Map P

22 GPS S 21

23 Services S

24 Detail S 25,39

25 Place P

26 Shop P

27 Area S 25,44

28 Cache S

29 Latitude S 25,44,39

30 Longitude S 25,44,39

31 Navigation P

32 Mode S 36,37

33 Marker S

34 Source S 36,37

35 Destination S 36,37

36 Direction P

37 Route P

38 Point S 39, 44

39 Waypoint P

40 Multimedia S 36, 39

41 Audio S 36

42 Sender S 45

43 Receiver S 45

44 Geo-fence P

45 Notification P

46 User_id S 4

47 Place_id S 25

48 Geofence_id S 44

49 Notification_id S 45

50 Route_id S 37

51 Distance S 37

52 Polygon S 36,37,44

53 Radius S 44

54 Center S 44

55 Parent S 4

56 Children S 4
Table 1: Noun Identification

Potential Data Objects:

● User: 9-13, 18-19, 46, 55-56

● Place: 19, 24, 27, 29, 30, 47
● Address: 14,15
● Route: 32, 34, 35, 39, 40, 50-52
● Polygon: 38
● Geo-fence: 19, 27, 29-30, 38, 48, 52-54
● Multimedia: 41
● Waypoint: 29-30, 40

Analysis for finalizing Data objects

● Address, polygon, multimedia are attributes of other data object. So they are not
● All other data objects can be used as data objects as they have enough importance in the

Final Data objects

1 User: U_id, first name, last name, email, address, phone number, parent, children

2 Place: P_id, location, detail, latitude, longitude

3 Route: R_id, source, destination, mode, polygon, distance

4 Waypoint: R_id, latitude, longitude, multimedia

5 Geo-fence: G_id, area, latitude, longitude, polygon, radius

Table 2: Final Data objects

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 28: Entity Relationship diagram for E-Shongee

Relational Schema

Attribute Type Size


Location VARCHAR2 80

Name VARCHAR2 50

Email VARCHAR2 50

Address VARCHAR2 80

Phone number VARCHAR2 14

Table 3: Relational Schema (User)

Attribute Type Size


Location VARCHAR2 80

Detail VARCHAR2 80

Latitude NUMBER

Longitude NUMBER
Table 4: Relational Schema (Place)

User Searches Place

Attribute Type Size


Location VARCHAR2 80

Name VARCHAR2 50

Email VARCHAR2 50

Address VARCHAR2 80

Phone number VARCHAR2 14


Frequency NUMBER

Location VARCHAR2 80

Detail VARCHAR2 80

Latitude NUMBER

Longitude NUMBER
Table 5: Relational Schema (User Searches Place)

User Notifies User

Attribute Type Size

Sender_id NUMBER

Location VARCHAR2 80

Name VARCHAR2 50

Email VARCHAR2 50

Address VARCHAR2 80

Phone number VARCHAR2 14

Table 6: Relational Schema (User Notifies User)

Attribute Type Size


Source VARCHAR2 80

Destination VARCHAR2 80

Mode VARCHAR2 80

Polygon VARCHAR2 80

Distance NUMBER
Table 7: Relational Schema (Route)

User follows Route

Attribute Type Size

User_id NUMBER

Location VARCHAR2 80

Name VARCHAR2 50

Email VARCHAR2 50

Address VARCHAR2 80

Phone number VARCHAR2 14


Source VARCHAR2 80

Destination VARCHAR2 80

Mode VARCHAR2 80

Polygon VARCHAR2 80

Distance NUMBER

Table 8: Relational Schema (User Follows Route)

User Shares Route

Attribute Type Size

Sender_id NUMBER

Receiver_id NUMBER

Location VARCHAR2 80

Name VARCHAR2 50

Email VARCHAR2 50

Address VARCHAR2 80

Phone number VARCHAR2 14


Source VARCHAR2 80

Destination VARCHAR2 80

Mode VARCHAR2 80

Polygon VARCHAR2 80

Distance NUMBER
Table 9: Relational Schema (User Shares Route)

Route Contains Waypoint

Attribute Type Size



Latitude NUMBER

Longitude NUMBER

Multimedia VARCHAR2 80

Source VARCHAR2 80

Destination VARCHAR2 80

Mode VARCHAR2 80

Polygon VARCHAR2 80

Distance NUMBER
Table 10: Relational Schema (Route Contains Waypoints)

User creates Geo-fence
Attribute Type Size



Polygon VARCHAR2 80


Latitude NUMBER

Longitude NUMBER

Parent_id NUMBER

Child_id NUMBER

Location VARCHAR2 80

Name VARCHAR2 50

Email VARCHAR2 50

Address VARCHAR2 80

Phone number VARCHAR2 14

Table 11: Relational Schema (User creates Geo-fence)

Chapter 6: Class Based Modeling

6.1 Class Based Modeling Concept

Class-based modeling represents the objects that the system will manipulate, the operations that will
applied to the objects, relationships between the objects and the collaborations that occur between
the classes that are defined.

6.2 General Classification

To identify the potential classes, nouns were selected from the solution space of the story. These
were then characterized in seven general classifications. The seven general characteristics are as

1. External entities
2. Things
3. Events
4. Roles
5. Organizational units
6. Places
7. Structures

Following are the specifications of the nouns according to the general classifications.

# Noun GC

1 Android 2

2 Application 2

3 Authentication 3

4 User 1,2,4

5 System 2,4,7

6 People 1,2

7 Account 2

8 Form

9 First name

10 Last name

11 Email-id

12 Address

13 Phone number

14 Character

15 Length

16 Database 2,4,7

17 Information 2

18 Verification code 4

19 Location 2,6

20 Interface 2

21 Map 1,2,7

22 GPS 2

23 Services 3

24 Detail

25 Place 1,6

26 Shop 6

27 Area

28 Cache

29 Latitude 2

30 Longitude 2

31 Navigation 3

32 Position

33 Marker

34 Source 6

35 Destination 6

36 Direction 2,6,7

37 Route 2,4

38 Point 2

39 Waypoint 2,6

40 Multimedia 4

41 Audio

42 Sender 2,4

43 Receiver 2,4

44 Geo-fence 2,3,4

45 Notification 2,4

46 User_id

47 Place_id

48 Notification_id

49 Geofence_id

50 Route_id

51 Process 4

52 Polygon

53 Radius

54 Circle

55 Parent 4

56 Children 4
Table 12: Noun of General Classification

6.3 Selection Criteria

The potential classes were then selected as classes by six Selection Criteria. A potential class becomes
a class when it fulfills all six characteristics.

1. Retained Information
2. Needed Services

3. Multiple Attributes
4. Common attributes
5. Common operations
6. Essential requirements

# Noun AC

1 Authentication 1,6

2 User 1,2,3,4,5

3 System 1,2,3,5,6

4 People 3,4

5 Database 1,2,5,6

6 Location 1,3

7 Map 1,2,3,5

8 Place 1,3

9 Shop 1

10 Navigation 2,6

11 Direction 1,4

12 Route 1,2,4,5,6

13 Waypoint 1,2,3,6

14 Multimedia 1

15 Geo-fence 1,2,3,4,6

16 Notification 1,2,4,6
Table 13: Potential Classes

6.4 Associate Noun and Verb Identification

The nouns and the verbs associated with the potential classes are identified to find out the
attributes and methods of each class.

# Potential Class Noun Verb

1 User Full name, phone Updating user information(full name, address,

number, email,home phone number, email, set parental control
address, profile picture,
parents, children

2 System Database, users, Sign up, sign in, log out, update database, load
waypoints, map map, store waypoints, search place, generate
route, create geo-fence for users

3 Database Table name, status, key Insert, update, delete, access, store data

4 Map Api key, location, Browse map, get location information, show
marker, waypoints, user position, load place data, draw polygon,
polygon, geo-fence remove polygon, edit polygon, show restriction

5 Route Waypoints, source, Load waypoints, track user, play multimedia on

destination, mode, user arrival of waypoint, edit route

6 Waypoint Latitude, longitude, Store multimedia, show place detail

detail, type, multimedia

7 Geo-fence Type, polygon, center, Create geo-fence, edit points


8 Notification Id, sender, receiver Send notification, parse notification

Table 14: Associate Noun and Verb

6.5 Attribute Selection

# Potential Class Noun

1 User Full name

phone number
home address
profile picture

2 System Database


3 Database Table name


4 Map Location

5 Route Waypoints

6 Waypoint Latitude

7 Geo-fence Type

8 Notification Sender
Table 15: Attribute Selection

6.6 Methods Identification

# Potential Class Methods

1 User ● getName()
● setName()
● getProfilePicture()
● setProfilePicture()
● getAddress()
● setAddress()
● getParent()
● setParent()

● getChildren()
● setChildren()

2 System ● initializeDatabase()
● initializeMap()
● validateCode()
● signUp()
● signIn()
● signOut()
● addParent()
● removeParent()
● addChild()
● removeChild()
● searchPlace()
● addRoute()
● removeRoute()
● modifyRoute()
● addGeofence()
● removeGeofence()
● modifyGeofence()
● sendNotification()

3 Database ● insert()
● delete()
● update()
● search()

4 Map ● loadMap()
● getUserPositiion()
● setUserPosition()
● getMarkers()
● setMarkers()
● drawPolygon()
● editPolygon()
● removePolygon()
● getPlaceData()
● getRoute()
● setRoute()
● getRestrictions()
● setRestrictions()
● showRestrictions()
● changeView()

5 Route ● getSource()
● setSource()
● getDestination()
● setDestination()
● getMode()
● setMode()
● getWaypoints()

● setWaypoints()

6 Waypoint ● getLatitude()
● setLatitude()
● getLongitude()
● setLongitude()
● getDetail()
● setDescription()
● getMultimedia()
● setMultimedia()
● modifyMultimedia()

7 Geo-fencing ● getType()
● setType()
● getPoints()
● setPoints()
● getPolygon()
● setPolygon()
● getCenter()

8 Notification ● generateMessage()
● parseMessage()
● sendNotification()
Table 16: Method Identification

6.7 Finalizing Classes

To identify the final classes, it was required to check if there can be any hierarchies, merges,
additional attributes, methods or classes. These identifications are given below:

1. No separate class for parent and child is required as the functionalities are similar and
the difference can be compared using a tag. Thus separating the two as subclasses of
user class is unnecessary.
2. Since places and waypoints indicated related attributes and methods in potential
classes, they were merged as waypoints. The same is done for directions and routes
and merged as route.
3. No authentication class is required as system can monitor the functionalities with the
cooperation of the database class.

6.8 Class Cards


Attributes Methods

● Full name ● getName()

● Phone number ● setName()
● Email ● getProfilePicture()
● Home address ● setProfilePicture()
● Profile picture ● getAddress()
● Parents ● setAddress()
● Children ● getParent()
● setParent()
● getChildren()
● setChildren()

Responsibility Collaborator

● Updating user information(full name, address, ● System

phone number, email
● Set parental control
Table 17: Class Card (User)


Attributes Methods

● Database ● initializeDatabase()
● User ● initializeMap()
● Route ● validateCode()
● Map ● signUp()
● Polygon ● signIn()
● signOut()
● addParent()
● removeParent()
● addChild()
● removeChild()
● searchPlace()
● addRoute()
● removeRoute()
● modifyRoute()
● addGeofence()
● removeGeofence()
● modifyGeofence()
● sendNotification()

Responsibility Collaborator

● Sign up ● User
● Sign in ● Database
● Log out ● Map
● Update database
● Search place
● Generate route
● Create geo-fence for users
Table 18: Class Card (System)


Attributes Methods

● Table name ● insert()

● Status ● delete()
● Query ● update()
● search()

Responsibility Collaborator

● Insert data ● System

● Update data
● Delete data
Table 19: Class Card (Database)


Attributes Methods

● Location ● loadMap()
● Markers ● getUserPositiion()
● Polygon ● setUserPosition()
● Geo-fence ● getMarkers()
● Route ● setMarkers()
● drawPolygon()
● editPolygon()
● removePolygon()
● getPlaceData()
● getRoute()
● setRoute()
● getRestrictions()
● setRestrictions()
● showRestrictions()

● changeView()

Responsibility Collaborator

● Browse map ● System

● Get location information ● Geo-fence
● Track user ● Route
● Show user position
● Load place data
● Handle polygons
● Show restrictions
Table 20: Class Card (Map)


Attributes Methods

● Source ● getSource()
● Destination ● setSource()
● Waypoints ● getDestination()
● Mode ● setDestination()
● getMode()
● setMode()
● getWaypoints()
● setWaypoints()

Responsibililty Collaborator

● Load waypoinits ● Map

● Store waypoints from source to destination ● Waypoint
● Store route information
Table 21: Class Card (Route)


Attributes Methods

● Latitude ● getLatitude()
● Longitude ● setLatitude()
● Detail ● getLongitude()
● Multimedia ● setLongitude()
● getDetail()
● setDescription()
● getMultimedia()
● setMultimedia()
● modifyMultimedia()

Responsibility Collaborator

● Store multimedia ● Route
● Show place detail
Table 22: Class Card (Waypoint)


Attributes Methods

● Type ● getType()
● Points ● setType()
● Polygon ● getPoints()
● Center ● setPoints()
● getPolygon()
● setPolygon()
● getCenter()

Responsibility Collaborator

● Create geo-fence ● Map

● Modify fence
Table 23: Class Card (Geo-fence)


Attributes Methods

● Sender ● getMessage()
● Receiver ● setMessage()
● Message ● getSender()
● setSender()
● getReceiver()
● setReceiver()
● parseMessage()
● sendNotification()

Responsibility Collaborator

● Send notification ● System

● Parse notification ●
Table 24: Class Card (Notification)

6.8 UML Diagram

Figure 29: UML diagram for E-Shongee

Chapter 7: Flow-Oriented Model

This chapter focuses on the flow oriented modeling.

7.1 Introduction

Although data flow-oriented modeling is perceived as an outdated technique by some software

engineers, it continues to be one of the most widely used requirements analysis notations in use
today. It provides additional insight into system requirements and flow.

7.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

The DFD takes an input-process-output view of a system. In the figures, data objects are represented
by labeled arrows and transformations are represented by circles.

Figure 30: Level 0 DFD diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 31: Level 1 DFD diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 32: Level 2.1 DFD diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 33: Level 2.2 DFD diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 34: Level 2.3 DFD diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 35: Level 2.4 DFD diagram for E-Shongee

Chapter 8: Behavioral Model

The behavioral model indicates how software will respond to external events.

8.1 State Diagram

State diagram represents active states for each class the events (triggers).

Figure 36: Database Class State Diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 37: Geofence Class State Diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 38: Map Class State Diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 39: Notification Class State Diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 40: Route Class State Diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 41: System Class State Diagram for E-Shongee

Figure 42: Waypoint Class State Diagram for E-Shongee

8.2 Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagram indicates how events cause transitions from object to object.

Figure 43: Sequence diagram (Sign In)

Figure 44: Sequence diagram (Sign Up)

Figure 45: Sequence diagram (Manage Account)

Figure 46: Sequence diagram (Browse Map)

Figure 47: Sequence diagram (Search Place and Show Details)

Figure 48: Sequence diagram (Set Direction Aid)

Figure 49: Sequence diagram (Edit Direction Aid)

Figure 50: Sequence diagram (Send Direction Aid)

Figure 51: Sequence diagram (Set Parental Control)

Figure 52: Sequence diagram (Edit Parental Control)

Figure 53: Sequence diagram (Restrict Area)

Figure 54: Sequence diagram (Edit Restrict Area)


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