Plane and Spherical Trigonometry Reviewer

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CSU- Cabadbaran Advance Review for EE

Topic: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

What is an angle? Transversal

In Euclidean geometry, an angle is the figure formed by In geometry, a transversal is a line that passes through
two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common two lines in the same plane at two distinct points.
endpoint, called the vertex of the angle.
Angle Measurements
1 revolution = 360° 1 3 5 7
= 2π radians 2 4 6 8
= 400 gradians
= 400 gons
= 6400 mils
Alternate interior angles are angles are positioned at
Types of Angles the inner corners of the intersections and lie on opposite
Angle Measurement sides of the transversal.

θ = 0° Alternate Exterior Angles are a pair of angles on the

Null angle
outer side of each of those two lines but on opposite
Acute angle 0° < θ < 90°
sides of the transversal
Right angle θ = 90°
Vertical Angles are the angles opposite each other when
Obtuse angle 90° < θ < 180°
two lines cross. "Vertical" in this case means they share
Straight angle θ = 180° the same Vertex (corner point), not the usual meaning of
Reflex angle 180° < θ < 360° up-down.
Perigon θ = 360° Corresponding angles are angles that are in the same
Angle Pairs position relative to lines intersected by a transversal.
When a transversal intersects two lines, the two lines are
Complementary angles ∠A + ∠B = 90° parallel if and only if corresponding angles are congruent
Supplementary angles ∠A + ∠B = 180° (equal in measure).
Explementary angles ∠A + ∠B = 360° Consecutive Interior Angles are pairs of angles on one
side of the transversal but inside the two lines.
Reference Angle
Consecutive exterior angles are the angles lie on the
A reference angle for an angle in standard position is the outside of the two parallel lines and on the same side of
positive acute angle between the x-axis and the terminal the transversal.
side of angle.
Coterminal Angle Elevation and Depression
Two angles which when placed in standard position, have Angle of elevation denotes the angle from the horizontal
coincident terminal sides are called co-terminal angles. upward to an object.

θ = β + k 360° ) Angle of depression denotes the angle from the
horizontal downward to an object.
Where: ! = the co-terminal angle of β K = an integer (1,
2, 3, 4, 5,...) The angle of elevation and the angle of depression
are congruent.

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

CSU- Cabadbaran Advance Review for EE
Topic: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

Properties of Triangles 2. Incenter is the point of intersection of ll angle

1. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 bisectors in a triangle. It is also the center of the
degrees. inscribed circle in a triangle.
2. The sum of any two sides of a triangle must be greater
than the third side.
3. Largest interior angle must be facing the longest side.
The same rule applies to the smallest sized angle and
its opposite side.
4. The centroid of a triangle is 2/3 of the distance from
any vertex to the midpoint of the side opposite to it.
Angle bisector of a triangle is a segment or ray that
Classification of Triangles
bisects an angle and extends to the opposite side.
Triangles are classified according to the equality of the Incircle is the largest circle that will fit and just touch
lengths of their sides or according to the kind of angles each side of the triangle.
they have. Inradius is the radius of the incircle.
According to the equality of sides 3. Circumcenter is the point of intersection of all
1. A scalene triangle is a triangle having no equal sides. perpendicular bisectors of a triangle. It is also the
2. An isosceles triangle is a triangle having at least two center of the circumscribed circle.
equal sides.
3. An equilateral triangle is a triangle having three
equal sides.
According to the kind of angles
1. A right triangle is a triangle having a right angle.
2. An obtuse triangle is a triangle having an obtuse
3. An acute triangle is a triangle having three
acute angles. Perpendicular bisector are lines passing through the
midpoint of each side which are perpendicular to the
Centers of Triangle given side.
Circumcircle is the unique circle that passes through
1. Centroid is the point of intersection of all the medians each of the triangle's three vertices.
of a triangle. Circumradius is the radius of the circumcircle.
4. Orthocenter is the point of intersection of all the
altitudes of a triangle.

A median of a triangle is a segment from vertex to the

midpoint of the opposite side. Altitude is a line from a vertex to the opposite side,
that is perpendicular to that side.

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

CSU- Cabadbaran Advance Review for EE
Topic: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

5. Excenter is the center of the escribed circle.

Right Triangles

Excircle is a circle lying outside the triangle, tangent

to one of its sides and tangent to the extensions of
c a
the other two.

Nine-point circle
A b C
c2 = a2 + b2
The Pythagorean Theorem
“In a right triangle, the square of the length of the
hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the
lengths of the legs”
opposite hypotenuse
sinθ = cscθ =
It is a circle that can be constructed for any given triangle hypotenuse opposite
by passing through nine significant points defined from adjacent hypotenuse
the triangle. cosθ = secθ =
hypotenuse adjacent
These nine points are:
adjacent opposite
ü The midpoint of each side of the triangle tanθ = cot θ =
ü The foot of each altitude opposite adjacent
ü The midpoint of the line segment from each
vertex of the triangle to the orthocenter Quadrant Signs of Trigonometric Functions
The nine-point circle is also as Feuerbach's circle or Q1 : All Trigonometric functions are positive.
Euler's circle.
Q2 : Sine (and cosecant) are positive.
Euler’s Line Q3 : Tangent (and cotangent) are positive.
It is a straight line through the centroid (orange), Q4 : Cosine (and secant) are positive.
orthocenter (blue), circumcenter (green) and center of the
nine-point circle (red).

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

CSU- Cabadbaran Advance Review for EE
Topic: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

Oblique triangles
Cosine Law
In any triangle, the square of any side is equal to the sum
of the squares of the other two sides minus twice the
product of these sides and the cosine of their included
Mnemonics: Add Sugar to Coffee angle.
a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2bccosA
Reciprocal Relations b 2 = a 2 + c 2 − 2accosB
1 1 1 c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2abcosC
sinθ = cosθ = tanθ =
cscθ secθ cot θ
Sine Law
Quotient Relations
In any triangle, the ratio of any side to its opposite angle
sinθ cosθ
tanθ = cot θ = is constant.
cosθ sinθ
sinA sinB sinC
= =
Negative Relations a b c
( )
cos −θ = cosθ ( )
sec −θ = secθ Areas of a Triangle
sin ( −θ ) = − sinθ csc ( −θ ) = − cscθ Given base and altitude
tan ( −θ ) = − tanθ cot ( −θ ) = − cot θ 1
A Δ = bh
Pythagorean Formulas
Given three sides
sin θ + cos θ = 1
2 2
a +b +c
1+ tan2 θ = sec 2 θ ( )(
AΔ = s s − a s − b s − c )( ) s=
1+ cot 2 θ = csc 2 θ Equilateral triangle
Addition & Subtraction Formula 3 2
AΔ = s
( )
sin u ± v = sinucosv ± cosusinv Triangle with escribed circle
cos ( u ± v ) = cosucosv ∓ sinusinv (
AΔ = r s − a )
tanu ± tanv Equilateral two sides & included angle
tan ( u ± v ) =
1∓ tanutanv 1
A Δ = absinθ
Double Angle Formulas Given two angles and include side
sin2θ = 2sinθcosθ x 2 sinα sinβ
AΔ =
cos2θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ = 2cos2 θ − 1 = 1− 2sin2 θ 2sinθ
2tanθ Triangle Circumscribing a Circle
tan2θ =
1− tan2 θ a +b +c
A Δ = rs s=

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

CSU- Cabadbaran Advance Review for EE
Topic: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

Triangle Inscribed in a Circle A. SIN-CO-OP Rule:

The sine of any middle part is equal to the product of
abc the cosines of its opposite parts.
AΔ =
sina = cosA cosc sinb = cosBcosc
Spherical Trigonometry sinc = cosacosb sinA = cosacosB
It is the branch of spherical geometry that deals with the sinB = cosA cosb
relationships between trigonometric functions of the sides
and angles of the spherical polygons defined by a
B. SIN-TA-AD Rule:
The sine of any middle part is equal to the product of
number of intersecting great circles on the sphere.
the tangents of its adjacent parts
Properties of Spherical Triangle sina = tanb tanB sinb = tana tanA
1. Sum of three vertex angle sinc = tanA tanB sinA = tanb tanc
180° < A + B + C < 540° sinB = tana tanc
2. Sum of any two sides Oblique Spherical Triangle
b+c >a a+c >b a +b > c
3. Sum of three sides
0° < a + b + c < 360°
4. Spherical Excess
( )
E = A + B + C − 180°
5. Spherical Defect
Law of Sines
D = 360° − a + b + c ) sinA sinB sinC
6. Spherical polygon = =
a b c
πR 2E
A= First Law of Cosines: [For Sides]
cosa = cosbcosc + sinbsinccosA
E = Sum of Angles − ( n − 2 )180°
cosb = cosacosc + sinasinccosB
7. Spherical Pyramid cosc = cosacosb + sinasinbcosC
πR 3E
V= Second Law of Cosines: [For Angles]
E = Sum of Angles − n − 2 180°) cosA = − cosBcosC + sinBsinCcosa
cosB = − cosA cosC + sinA sinCcosb
Solution to Right Spherical Triangle
cosC = − cosA cosB + sinA sinBcosc
Law of Tangents
⎛ A +B⎞ ⎛ a +b⎞
tan ⎜ ⎟ tan ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
⎛ A −B⎞ ⎛ a −b⎞
tan ⎜ ⎟ tan ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
Napier’s Rules: (Using Napier’s Circle)

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

CSU- Cabadbaran Advance Review for EE
Topic: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

Sample Problems 12. A tower standing on a level ground is due north of

1. Convert 100 grads to degrees, radian, gons and mils. point A and due west of point B, a distance 150 ft.
2. Find the supplement of an angle whose complement from A. If the angles of elevation of the top of the
is 62O. tower as measured from A and B are 20 and 40
3. A certain angle has a supplement five times its degrees, respectively, find the height of the tower.
complement. Find the angle. 13. In what quadrant will the angle θ terminate, if sine θ
4. Three times the measure of a complement of a is positive and sec θ is negative?
certain angle is equal to 30° more than the measure 14. If arcsin(3x−4y)=1.571 and arccos(x−y)=1.047, what
of its supplement. Find the explement of the angle. is the value of x?
5. If the angle measure is -120 degrees, find the 15. Simplify:
reference angle and the first coterminal angle. 1+ sec x()
6. Two parallel lines are cut by a transversal. A pair of tan( x ) + sin( x )
corresponding angles is represented by the 16. Simplify:
expressions 7x and 5x+40. What is the measure of
each angle? ⎛π ⎞
sin2 ⎜ − θ ⎟
7. In the given figure, p || q and l is a transversal. Find ⎝2 ⎠
the values of x sec θ( )
17. arctan2x+arctanx= π/4, what is the value of x?
18. If sin A = 3/5 and A is in the second quadrant while
cosine B = 7/25 and B is in the first quadrant, find
sin (A+B).
19. Find the exact values cos (α+β) if sinα=3/5,
8. A television antenna 20 m high stands on top of a tanβ=5/12 , 0<α<π/2 and π/2<β<π.
house which is 12 m high. At what distance from the 20. The two legs of a triangle are 300 and 150 m each,
base of the house will the antenna and the house respectively. The angle opposite the 150 m side is
subtend equal angle? 26°. What is the third side?
9. Points A and B are 100 m apart and are of the same 21. Three circles of radii 6, 8 and 10 meters, respectively
elevation as the foot of a building. The angles of are tangent to each other externally. Find the largest
elevation of the top of the building from points A and angle of a triangle formed by joining the centers.
B are 21° and 32° respectively. How far is A from the 22. A pole cast a shadow 15 m long when the angle of
building in meters? elevation of the sun is 61°. If the pole is leaned 15°
10. The angle of elevation of the top of tower B from the from the vertical directly towards the sun, determine
top of tower A is 28° and the angle of the elevation of the length of the pole.
the top of tower A from the base of tower B is 46°. 23. A ship started sailing S 42°35’ W at the rate of 5 kph.
The two towers lie in the same horizontal plane. If the After 2 hours, ship B started at the same port going N
height of tower B is 120 m, find the height of tower A. 46°20’W at the rate of 7 kph. After how many hours
11. An observer wishes to determine the height of a will the second ship be exactly north of ship A?
tower. He takes sights at the top of the tower from A 24. Two ships leave port at the same time, one ship
and B, which are 50 feet apart, at the same elevation sailing in the direction N23°E at a speed of 11 mi hr
on a direct line with the tower. The vertical angle at and the second ship sailing in the direction S67°E at
point A is 30° and at point B is 40°. What is the 15 mi hr. Approximate the bearing from the second
height of the tower? ship to the first, one hour later.

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

CSU- Cabadbaran Advance Review for EE
Topic: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

25. A ship with a heading of 330° first sighted a 41. Find the distance in nautical miles and the time
lighthouse at a bearing of N65°E. After traveling 8.5 difference between Tokyo and Manila if the
miles, the ship observed the lighthouse at a bearing geographical coordinates of Tokyo and Manila are
of S50°E. Find the distance from the ship to the (35.65° N lat. ; 139.75°E long.) and (14.58°N lat. ;
lighthouse when the first sighting was made. 120.98°E long.) respectively.
26. An airplane is traveling with an airspeed of 320 miles
per hour and a heading of 62°. A wind of 42 miles per Take Home Exam
hour is blowing at a heading of 125°. Find the ground
speed and the course of the airplane. 1. The sides of a triangular lot are 130 m, 180 m and
27. An aero lift airplane can fly at an airspeed of 300 190 m. This lot is to be divided by a line bisecting the
mph. If there is a wind blowing towards the east at 50 longest side and drawn from the opposite vertex.
mph, what should be the plane’s compass heading in Find the length of this line.
order for its course to be 30°? What will be the A.120m C.122m
plane’s ground speed if it flies in this course? B.130m D.125m*
28. Find the area of a circle circumscribing an equilateral
triangle having each side measuring 10cm. 2. The areas of two similar triangles are in the ratio of
29. Find the area of the largest circular garden which can 4:1. If the length of the side of the smaller triangle is 5
be made from a triangular lot measuring 5,7, and units, what is the length of the corresponding side of
10m respectively. the larger triangle?
30. The sides of the triangle ABC are: AB=15 cm, A. 15 C. 10*
BC=18cm, and CA=24cm. Compute the distance B. 25 D. 20
from the point of intersection of the angular bisectors
3. Sin(B-A) is equal to_____, when B=270 degrees and
of the triangle to side AB
A is an acute angle.
31. Find the area of the smallest triangle that can be form
from the given parts: b=28.6, c=44.3 and B=23.3O A. –cos A* C. –sin A
32. The corresponding sides of two similar triangles are B. cosA D.sinA
in the ratio 3:2. What is the ratios of their areas.
33. Solve for the side b of a right spherical triangle ABC 4. If sec2 A is 5/2, the quantity 1 - sin2 A is equivalent to
whose parts are a = 46°, c = 75° and C = 90° A. 2.5 C. 0.4*
34. Given an isosceles triangle with angle A=B=64 B. 1.5 D. 0.6
degrees and side b=81 degrees. What is the value of 5. A man standing on a 48.5 ,meter building high, has
angle C? an eyesight height of 1.5 m from the top of the
35. In a spherical triangle ABC, A = 116°19’, B = 55°30’, building, took a depression reading from the top of
and C = 80°37’. Find the value of side a another nearby building and nearest wall, which are
36. Solve for angle A in the spherical triangle ABC, given 50° and 80° respectively. Find the height of the
a = 106°25’, c = 42°16’ and B = 114°53’. nearby building in meters. The man is standing at the
37. One degree on the equator of the earth is equivalent edge of the building and both buildings lie on the
to? same horizontal plane.
38. If the longitude of Tokyo is 139°E and that of Manila
is 121°E, what is the time difference between Tokyo A. 39.49* C. 30.74
and Manila? B. 35.50 D. 42.55
39. If Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is 6 A.M., what is the 6. Solve for θ in the following equation: Sin 2θ = cos θ
time at a place located 30° East longitude
40. If Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is 9 AM, What is the A. 30° * C. 60°
time in a place 45° W of longitude? B. 45° D. 15°

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

CSU- Cabadbaran Advance Review for EE
Topic: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

7. The captain of a ship views the top of a lighthouse at A. 19.65 m* C. 22.22 m

an angle of 60° with the horizontal at an elevation of B. 15.42 m D. 26.32 m
6 meters above sea level. Five minutes later, the 15. A flagpole stands on the edge of the bank of a river.
same captain of the ship views the top of the same From a point on the opposite bank directly across
lighthouse at an angle of 30° with the horizontal. from the flagpole, the measure of the angle of
Determine the speed of the ship if the lighthouse is elevation to the top of the pole is 250. From a point
known to be 50 meters above sea level. 200 ft further away and in line with the pole and the
A. 0.265 m/sec C. 0.169 m/sec* first point, the measure of the angle of elevation to
B. 0.155 m/sec D. 0.021 m/sec the top of the pole is 210. Find the distance across
8. If an equilateral triangle is circumscribed about a the river.
circle of radius 10 cm, determine the side of the A. 930 ft* C. 940 ft
triangle. B. 950 ft D. 960 ft
A. 34.64 cm* C. 36.44 cm 16. Find the length of the altitude of angle A to side a for
B. 64.12 cm D. 32.10 cm a triangle whose sides are a = 16, b = 14, and c =
9. A wheel, 5 ft in diameter, rolls up an incline of 18°20’. 20.
What is the height of the center of the wheel above A. 14 * C. 13
the base of the incline when the wheel has rolled up B. 15 D. 12
5 ft up the incline?
17. Two forces of 17.5 and 22.5 lb act on a body. If their
A. 3ft C. 4ft* directions make an angle of 50010’ each other, find
B. 5ft D. 6ft the magnitude of their resultant.
10. (cosA)^4–(sinA)^4 is equal to_____. A. 36.3 lb * C. 35.6 lb
A. cos 4A C. sin 2A B. 38.6 lb D. 37.3 lb
B. cos 2A* D. sin 4A 18. A pole casts a shadow of 25 ft at one time and a
11. In an oblique triangle, a = 25, b = 16, angle C = shadow of 10ft at a later time when the angle of
94°06’. Find the measure of angle A. elevation is twice as large. Find the height of the
A. 54.5°* C. 24.5° pole.
B. 45.5° D. 55.4° A. 10 ft C. 11 ft *
12. sinAcosB–cosAsinB is equivalent to: B.12ft D.13ft
A. cos(A–B) C. tan(A–B) 19. What is the area, to the nearest acre, of a triangular
B. sin(A–B)* D. cos(A–B) field that is 529 ft on one side and 849 ft on another,
if the angle between these sides measures 102.70?
13. A parcel of land in the form of a triangle has sides
312 m and 485 m long, respectively. The included A.7 C.6
angle is 810 30’. Determine the perimeter of the B.4 D.5*
land. 20. A spherical triangle has an area of 327.25 sq. km.
What is the radius of the sphere if its spherical
A. 1243.22 m C. 1333.5*
excess is 30°?
B. 1354.76 m D. 1426.3 m
A.20km C.25km *
14. The angle of elevation of a tower at place A south of B.22km D.28km
it is 300 and at B west of A and a distance of 50 m
from it the angle of elevation is 180, determine the 21. If Greenwich mean time (GMT) is 6 A.M., what is the
height of the tower. time at a place located 30° East longitude?

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

CSU- Cabadbaran Advance Review for EE
Topic: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

A. 7A.M C. 9A.M 30. The sides of a triangle ABC are AB=15cm, BC=18cm
B. 8A.M * D. 4A.M. and CA = 24 cm. Determine the distance from the
22. Solve the remaining side of the spherical triangle point of intersection of the angular bisector to side
whose given parts are A=B=80° and a=b=89°
A. 5.21 cm C. 3.78 cm
A. 158°12’ C. 168°31’ * B. 4.73 cm* D. 6.25 cm
B. 162°21’ D. 172°12’
23. An arc of a great circle on a sphere of radius 3959
miles subtends at the center and angle of 5°. Find God Bless!
the length of the arc in nautical miles.
A.200 C.300 *
B. 267 D. 313
24. Find in nautical miles the length of an arc of a great
circle on the earth if its length is 10 degrees,
A. 600 miles* C. 300 miles
B. 500 miles D. 400 miles
25. Find the side opposite to angle A of the spherical
triangle with the following given values: A = 116°19’,
B = 55°30’, C = 80°37’.
A. 115.128° C. 115.573° *
B. 115.735° D. 115.891°
26. Determine the great circle distance in nautical miles
between the cities of Tokyo (35°39’ N, 139°45’ E)
and Sydney (33°52’ S, 151°12’ E).
A. 4128.90 C. 4224.84 *
B. 4239.70 D. 4320.80
27. What is the value of angle B of the spherical triangle
whose given parts are C = 90°, A = 80°10.5’ and c =
A. 142°52.1’ C. 148°54.2’
B. 152°52’ D. 153°58.3’ *
28. What is the side opposite to angle B of the spherical
triangle whose given parts are B = 36°42.5’, C = 90°
and c = 110°46.3’
A. 33°32.7’ * C. 37°32.2’
B. 32°33.7’ D. 35°33.7’
29. The sides of a scalene triangle are 5, 7 and 10 cm
respectively. Determine the radius of the inscribed
A. 1.48* C. 2.05
B. 2.22 D. 1.53
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Prepared by: Engr. George Ezar Namoc Quiriado

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