Computing Sensitivities of Cva Using Aad
Computing Sensitivities of Cva Using Aad
Computing Sensitivities of Cva Using Aad
d-fine GmbH
Kellog College
University of Oxford
In this thesis it is shown how one can use adjoint algorithmic differentiation in order
to compute sensitivities of a CVA computation for a portfolio of single currency plain
vanilla swaps, where the underlying model is chosen such that it takes into account
the phenomenon of wrong way risk. Besides giving a basic introduction to CVA in
general and describing the concrete model used for this work, this work focuses on
the computational techniques needed to implement the adjoint sensitivity computa-
tion for first order interest, credit, model volatility and correlation sensitivities. The
implementation presented in this work is based on the library dco-c++, developed by
NAG / RWTH Aachen.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Short Review of CVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Sensitivities for Monte Carlo based Algorithms and Algorithmic Dif-
ferentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 Pathwise Sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.2 Algorithmic Differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Scope of this Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Numerical Results 32
4.1 Single IR Swap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.1.1 Monte Carlo Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.1.2 Comparison with Forward Induction Algorithm . . . . . . . . 38
4.1.3 AD and Correlation Sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.1.4 Performance Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2 Portfolio of IR Swaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5 Summary and Conclusion 48
Bibliography 49
List of Figures
4.1 Plot of initial zero rates. X-axis: time in years, Y-axis: corresponding
zero rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2 EE(t) for a 10Y Payer Swap. X-axis: time in years, Y-axis: exposure
in units of currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3 CVA Zero Sensitivities for 10Y Payer Swap. X-axis: time in years,
Y-axis: corresponding zero rate sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4 CVA Par Sensitivities 10Y Payer Swap. X-axis: time in years, Y-axis:
corresponding par rate sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.5 Convergence of central difference approximation to AD sensitivities.
X-Axis: − log10 , where is the bump size. Y-Axis: Logarithm of
average relative error across all sensitivities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.6 Convergence of the AMC based backward induction algorithm. X-axis:
number of paths, Y-axis: resulting CVA in units of currency . . . . . 39
4.7 Exposure profiles for backward and forward induction algorithms. X-
axis: time in years, Y-axis: exposure in units of currency. . . . . . . . 41
4.8 Zero rate sensitivities for backward and forward induction algorithms.
X-axis: time in years, Y-axis: CVA zero rate sensitivity. . . . . . . . 42
4.9 Par rate sensitivities for backward and forward induction algorithms.
X-axis: time in years, Y-axis: CVA par rate sensitivity. . . . . . . . . 42
4.10 Convergence of central difference approximation to AD sensitivities for
both algorithms. X-Axis: − log10 , where is the bump size. Y-Axis:
Logarithm of average relative error across all sensitivities. . . . . . . . 43
4.11 Convergence of central difference approximation to AD sensitivities for
both algorithms - ρ̄ = 1. X-Axis: − log10 , where is the bump size.
Y-Axis: Logarithm of average relative error across all sensitivities. . . 44
4.12 Exposure profile for a portfolio of 10 payer swaps X-axis: time in years,
Y-axis: exposure in units of currency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.13 Zero rate sensitivities for a portfolio of 10 payer swaps. X-axis: time
in years, Y-axis: CVA zero rate sensitivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.14 Par swap rate sensitivities for a portfolio of 10 payer swaps. X-axis:
time in years, Y-axis: CVA par rate sensitivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Chapter 1
where both the inner and outer expectations are taken under the risk neutral measure Q
w.r.t the numeraire corresponding to the discount factors D. The expression EE(t) =
E0 [Π+
t ] is usually referred to as the Expected Exposure. A plot of EE(t) versus t is
usually referred to as the Exposure Profile. The expression (1 − R) is also called
loss given default, or LGD for short.
Assuming independence between the default time τ and the market evolution deter-
mining Πt 1 , we get
CVA = (1 − R) E0 [D(0, t)Πt ]+ φ(t)dt.
with the density φ(t) belonging to the probability of a default, i.e.
Z t
Q(0 < τ < t) = φ(s)ds.
The previous expression can then be further simplified to
CVA = (1 − R) E0 [D(0, t)]E0 [Πt ]+ φ(t)dt
= (1 − R) P (0, t)E0 [Π+
t ]φ(t)dt, (1.3)
where P (0, t) are the zero bond prices for maturities t oberserved at time 0. We can
thus interpret the above expression in the following way: CVA can be thought of as
the discounted expected exposure weighted by probability of default and multiplied
by the loss given default.
To get a better feeling for what is to come, we follow again [4] and start to discretize
Eq. (1.1). Of course, we could now directly discretize the integral in Eq. (1.3).
However, we would like to show that a discretization can also be done at an earlier
stage. Thus, we first introduce a timegrid t = T0 , T1 , . . . , TN = T , such that it forms
a partition of (0, T ). Bringing this together with Eq. (1.1) we get
CVA = (1 − R) E0 [1Ti−1 <τ <Ti D(0, τ )Π+
τ ].
This expression can now be approximated by assumming that a default may only
occur on time Ti :
CVA ≈ (1 − R) E0 [1Ti−1 <τ <Ti D(0, Ti )Π+
Ti ].
Supposing again, that default and market evolution are independent we may simplify
the previous expressions to
CVA ≈ (1 − R) Q(ti−1 < τ < ti )E0 [D(0, Ti )Π+
Ti ],
= (1 − R) Q(ti−1 < τ < ti )P (0, Ti )E0 [Π+
Ti ], (1.4)
1.2 Sensitivities for Monte Carlo based Algorithms
and Algorithmic Differentiation
We give here a brief overview of some standard techniques used for computing sen-
sitivities of Monte Carlo based algorithms for the valuation of financial derivatives.
Unless stated otherwise, the material presented here is based on Chapter 7 in Glasser-
mann’s book [15].
2. The evaluation of one partial derivative of V requires at least two full evaluations
of V . This fact may cause the evaluation of multiple partial derivatives to
become prohibitively expensive, especially when one evaluation of V requires a
Monte Carlo simulation.
3. Even if both evaluations of V make use of the same set of random numbers, the
variance of ∆θ V (t; θ) may be in the order of h−1 . Hence, even if the numerical
finite difference could be computed in a stable manner, the variance of the finite
difference estimator could easily render results unreliable.
One way to improve this situation is to choose an approach called ”pathwise
sensitivities”. One assumes here a sufifcient regularity of the payoff P, such that one
may write
∂θ E[P (T ; θ)] = E[∂θ P (T ; θ)].
Let us make this more concrete and assume that we are given an asset Sθ (t) and payoff
P = P (Sθ (t)). In this form, θ could for example be the initial value of the asset S0 ,
while P could be the payoff of a standard call option on S, i.e. P (S) = (S − K)+ .
The regularity conditions required for the interchange of the expectation and
differentiation operators can then be summarized as follows:
4. A similar condition of Sθ , i.e. there has to exist a random variable κ, such that
for all θ1 , θ2 there holds
A typical example where these conditions do not hold is the case of digital payoffs.
The rest of this section is now devoted to the efficient implementation of the pathwise
sensitivities approach. Our standard reference for this is the famous paper [14] by
Giles and Glassermann.
In the situation, where ∂θ P (T ; θ) is available in explicit form, one thus obtains an
estimator for the sensitivity with respect to θ by directly evaluating ∂θ P (T ; θ) along
each path and then taking the usual average.
In most applications, S(t) is defined as a diffusion proccess
Given the fact that this equation might not be explicitly solvable, one often has to
apply a discretization scheme on the previous equation, which gives a discrete version
of the process via a relationship of the form
with a suitable function F and timegrid 0 = t0 ,t1 ,. . . ,tn = T . Differentiating both
sides gives
∂θ S(tn+1 ) = ∂S F (S(tn ))∂θ S(tn ), (1.8)
which then gives
Hence, in order to evaluate ∂θ [P (Sθ (T ))] we would make use of the iteration (1.7) to
obtain the option value itself and at the same time simulate the ”tangent process”
(1.8), the result of which is then multiplied by the derivative of the payoff ∂S P (Sθ (tn )).
Clearly, there are two ways of algorithmically calculating ∂θ [P (Sθ (T ))]:
1. Forward mode: In each step evaluate S(tn+1 ) and ∂θ S(tn+1 ), where the latter
is obtained by evaluating ∂S F (S(tn )) and multiplying it by ∂θ S(tn ) obtained in
the previous step. At the final step, multiply ∂θ S(tn ) by ∂S P (Sθ (tn )).
2. Backward (or adjoint) mode: In each step evaluate S(tn+1 ), ∂S F (S(tn+1 )). Save
all ∂S F (S(ti )) in memory and do not perform the multiplication in each indi-
vidual step. Instead, at the final step evaluate ∂S P (Sθ (tn )) and then multiply
it successively by ∂S F (S(tn )), ∂S F (S(tn−1 )),...
One might wonder, as to why one would choose either the forward or backward
mode. This is, in fact, a question of efficiency. Suppose, that we want to compute sen-
sitivites of an option that is dependent on m > 1 assets, i.e. that S = (S (1) , . . . , S (m) )
and that we are computing the Delta of this option with respect to S, so that
(1) (m)
θ = (S0 , . . . , S0 ). In this setting, each of the expressions ∂S F (S(ti )) turns into
an m by m Jacobian matrix. This means that in the forward mode we would have to
compute in each step a matrix multiplication at the cost of O(m3 ).
In the backward mode, however, since ∂S P (Sθ (tn )) is a vector of size m, we would
only be required to perform one vector-matrix multiplication, which we can do at the
cost of O(m2 ). Hence, if we use the backward mode for this situation, we can evaluate
the derivative ∂θ [P (Sθ (T ))] one order of magnitude cheaper than in the forward mode.
Note: This subsection is partly based on the material already presented by the
author in [26]
The idea of automatic differentiation (see [17, 23] for an introduction) is to take
a computer program which represents a function F (x) and then ”differentiate” the
program, i.e. the algorithmic realization of F (x). To this end, the function F (x) is
first split up into into its most basic parts, i.e. addition, multiplication, etc. Each
atomic operation is then extended to be performed not only on the input values x
but also on the corresponding tangent space.
There are two major computational techniques used:
+ : (a, b) → (a + b)
is automatically replaced by
+ : ((a, a0 ), (b, b0 )) → (a + b, a0 + b0 ).
× : (a, b) → (ab),
The two major advantages of using AD can be summarized in the following points:
2. Efficiency: Similar to the case described in the previous subsection, the evalua-
tion of the derivative can be performed in the so called reverse or adjoint mode.
In this mode, all operations during the evaluation are first recorded in memory.
After the evaluation of F is finished, the gradient is then reconstructed by back-
ward execution of the operations saved in memory during the first sweep. It can
be shown (see i.e. [17]) that the cost of the derivative evaluation for a function
F : Rn → R is then given by a constant factor multiplied by the cost of one
function evaluation of F . Moreover, the constant is independent of the number
of partial derivatives. This behavior gives a very distinct advantage over using,
for instance, finite differences where one would need at least two function calls
for the evaluation of one single partial derivative, thus leading to a complexity
growing linearly with the number of partial derivatives to be computed.
Note that the situation reverses for a function F : Rn → Rm with m > n. In this
situation, the forward mode of AD will outperform the backward mode.
where Πt is given by the risk neutral price process of a portfolio of interest rate
swaps. This problem has already been adressed in a series of papers by Capriotti et
al. in [7, 8] and the article [27] by Savickas et al. Their work is mainly based on the
following two assumptions:
so that " #
CVA = (1 − R)E0 Q(ti−1 < τ < ti )P (0, Ti )Π+
Ti , (1.9)
which means nothing other than interpreting CVA as an option with (path-
dependent) payoff P = N +
i=1 Q(ti−1 < τ < ti )P (0, Ti )ΠTi .
Unsurprisingly, they go on and and apply the pathwise method outlined in the pre-
vious section: while Savickas [27] manually implements the pathwise approach in
forward mode for an implementation on GPUs, Capriotti [7, 8] chooses an adjoint
(i.e. backward) implementation supported by AD tools. Moreover, it is easy to imag-
ine that all authors report a successful application of the pathwise/AD approach to
CVA sensitivities and emphasize the performance gains compared to the ordinary
”bumping” (i.e. finite difference) technique.
In this thesis we will, however, approach the problem of CVA sensitivities under
different assumptions: First of all we assume a stochastic model of default probabil-
ities which is correlated with the stochastic evolution of market factors. Secondly,
while the asumption that Πt = F (S1 (t), . . . , Sn (t)) is not an unreasonable one, espe-
cially when the portfolio in question is made up of plain vanilla products, the situation
changes when dealing with a portfolio of more complex products, where prices cannot
be obtained using explicit formulas anymore. Often, this is already the case when
the products in question exhibit an early exercise feature or involve more than one
risk factor. For a portfolio consisting of a single such product, all we know is that
Πt = E[V (t, T )|Ft] is defined by a conditional expectation, which may have to be
computed by another (Sub-)Monte-Carlo simulation or a different similarly expensive
procedure (PDEs,...). Implemented naively this could render the overall CVA com-
putation prohibitively expensive, as one would for instance be forced to run a whole
Monte Carlo compuation for all time steps along each individual path.
This is where the American Monte Carlo (AMC) approach to CVA comes in, which
seems to have been independently proposed by Brigo and Palliavicini in [5], Cesari et
al. in [10], as well Schöftner in [28]. Under the AMC approach one first simulates all
market factors until maturity T and then determines conditional expectations giving
Πt backwards in time by approximating them for each time step using a Longstaff-
Schwartz-type regression [22]. This means that the simultaneous evaluation of Πt
along all paths for a fixed t is about as expensive as one Longstaff-Schwartz-type
Regression. This can lead to a significant speedup in CVA computations and has
thus become a popular choice among practitioners in the field.
Of course, a CVA implementation based on AMC drastically changes the way of
computing its sensitivities. Although - given the results for pathwise sensitivities of
American options outlined in [21] - one might suspect differently, we will not be able
anymore to apply the ordinary pathwise method and will have to apply AD on the
implementation as a whole. This will be the main topic of Chapter 3. There, we will
present the basic underlying AMC algorithm and then show how it can be equipped
with AD sensitivities. Before we discuss the actual algorithm and its differentiation,
we will first present a concrete model problem for the compuation of CVA for a
portfolio of interest rate swaps which includes a possibility for wrong way risk. This
is the subject of Chapter 2. After having discussed concrete numerical examples in
Chapter 4, we move on to the conclusion of this work in Chapter 5.
Currently there seems to be no literature regarding the combination of AD and
regression-based CVA, yet there is evidence (see [18]) that the two are already being
combined in practice. This thesis hopes to make this gap between theory and practice
a bit smaller.
Finally, we would like to mention that in this thesis, the concrete implementation
of AD sensitivities is performed using the software package dco-c++, which is part
of the NAG libraries and developed by Naumann et al. at RWTH Aachen [24].
Chapter 2
The eventual goal of this thesis is to compute sensitivities for the CVA of a set
of interest rate swaps. As we have seen, we thus have to specify a model for the
evolution of the interest rate term structure, as well as a credit risk model from which
we can obtain default probabilities. Moreover, we will incorporate the phenomenon
of Wrong Way Risk into our model. This means that we will have to specify how our
interest rate and credit risk model are correlated. Our basic setup will be that of the
papers [5] and [6], condensed versions of which have been added as chapters into the
monograph [4]. Because our emphasis is on sensitivities, we will however, simplify
the setup of Brigo et. al. at certain points. Now, before we move on to the actual
CVA modelling, we first review the elementary financial instrument that we will be
the basis for our CVA computations
P (t, T ), P (T, T ) = 1,
Here, as usual, the random variable r(s) denotes the so called short rate, correspond-
ing to the bank account numeraire
Z t
Nt = exp r(s)ds ,
and the expectation is taken under the measure coming from this choice of numeraire.
Now, if we wanted to calculate the present value (i.e. t = 0) of a cashflow C, paid to
us at time T , then this would be equal to
P (0, T ) C,
assuming that we are already given an initial term structure P (0, T ), which is usually
called the zero curve. The initial term structure P (0, T ) is in general constructed in
the following way:
• Observe prices (i.e. interest rates) quoted by market participants for different
(mostly simple) financial instruments.
• Make an assumption about how most market participants determine their quoted
prices, that is choose a number of models.
• Use these models to compute the initial term structure P (0, T ) from the ob-
served prices.
For our purposes we will be content with constructing this term structure from ob-
served swap rates, only. As we will also compute CVA for these very instruments it
seems apt to briefly review the details of how to price a simple interest rate swap.
An interest rate swap is a contract between two parties where a fixed or floating
interest rate payment on one side is exchanged for a floating rate payment on the
other side. A swap trade is entered at par, this means that at inception, the value of
the trade is zero for either side. The rates which are quoted for these par swaps are
used for the construction of P (0, T ) where T is typically greater or equal than one
year (the so called far end of the curve).
Assume now a swap with start date T0 (used for the first interest rate period)
and payment dates T1 ,...,TN , which at these dates exchanges a fixed payment with
interest rate r for a floating payment L(Ti−1 , T i) (the letter L chosen in order to
resemble LIBOR). We will call L(Ti−1 , Ti ) the forward rate. The day count fraction
for each period [Ti−1 , Ti ] is denoted by δn . Then, assuming a notional of X, the value
of this swap is given by
Thus, knowing the current term structure P (0, t) we already have enough infor-
mation at hand to price the majority of plain vanilla interest rate swaps. We finish
this section by showing how we may use this knowledge to construct the initial ter
mstructure from observed quotes for interest rate swaps.
Because all swap quotes refer to par swaps, that is VSwap = 0, and there is typically
no exchange of notional, we obtain the following equation:
r δn P (0, Tk ) = δn P (0, Tk )L(Tk−1 , Tk ). (2.2)
k=1 k=1
In pre-crisis text books (see for instance [11]) it was usually assumed that all interest
rates, including the forward rates L(Ti−1 , Ti ) could be obtained from one curve P (0, t),
which was also used for the discounting of the cashflows. Hence, in this situation,
1 P (0, Ti−1 )
L(Ti , Ti−1 ) = −1 .
δn P (0, Ti )
Plugging this into (2.2) we obtain
r δn P (0, Tk ) = P (0, T0 ) − P (0, TN ), (2.3)
because all the terms on the right hand side of (2.2) turn into differences P (0, Ti−1 ) −
P (0, Ti ). If we assume now that we already know P (0, T0 ) Eq. (2.2) is then the basis
for a general procedure of obtaining the values P (0, Tk ), which is usually termed
bootstrapping a zero curve. In the above setting, suppose that one is given a discount
factor P (0, T0 ), for instance by considering money market rates, zero-coupon bond
prices, or similar vanilla instruments. Furthermore, assume that one can observe N
par swap rates ri for the N maturities TN , then there hold the following N equations
rM δn P (0, Tk ) = P (0, T0 ) − P (0, TM ), M = 1, . . . , N.
As we are already given P (0, T0 ) and because the i-th equation depends only on the
variables P (0, T0 ), ..., P (0, Ti ), we can therefore recursively compute the discount
factors P (0, Ti ).
Note: This subsection is partly based on the material already presented by the author
in [25].
dx = −ax dt + σ dW1 ,
dy = −by dt + η dW2 ,
where the parameters a,b, σ, η are assumed to be constant, postive, real numbers.
The two Brownian motions are correlated, i.e. dW1 dW2 = ρ dt, thus adding another
parameter ρ > 0. In this model, the evolution of the short-rate r is determined in the
following way: Assume one has observed the initial term structure at time t = 0 in
the form of instantaneous forward rates f (t). The simulated short rate in the G2++
model is then given by:
r(t) = x(t) + y(t) + f (t), (2.4)
From Chapter 4.2. in [3] we can then obtain simulated zero coupon bond prices:
Proposition 1 (Pricing a zero coupon bond in the G2++ model) Under the
G2++ model the price of a zero coupon bond
P (t, T ) = E exp − r(s)ds
is given by
P (0, T )
P (t, T ) = exp(A(t, T ))
P (0, t)
A(t, T ) = [V (t, T ) − V (0, T ) + V (0, t)]
1 − exp (−a(T − t)) 1 − exp (−b(T − t))
− x(t) − y(t), (2.5)
a b
where V is given by
2 1 3
V (t, T ) = 2 T − t + exp (−a(T − t)) − exp (−2a(T − t)) −
a a 2a 2a
η 2 1 3
+ 2 T − t + exp (−b(T − t)) − exp (−2b(T − t)) −
b b 2b 2b
2ρση 1 1
+ T − t + (exp(−a(T − t)) − 1) + (exp(−b(T − t)) − 1)
ab a b
− (exp(−(a + b)(t − t)) − 1)
1. Structural models
For our purposes we will choose the intensity based approach. Following the seminal
paper [20] we suppose that we are given an inhomogeneous Poisson process N with
a non-negative intensity function λ. Then, there holds
Z t
P(Nt = 0) = exp − λ(s)ds , N0 = 0. (2.6)
We may interpret this expression as a survival probability, i.e. the probability that
our counterparty does not default in the time interval [0, t]. The values λ(t) may be
interpreted as conditional probabilities, meaning that
Given the intensity function λ(t), we may already simulate the default time τ :
For one simulation of τ draw a mean one exponentially distributed random variable
E and choose τ , such that
Z t Z t
τ = inf exp − λ(s)ds ≥ E = inf λ(s)ds ≥ − log E (2.7)
t 0 t 0
Often, this is taken as the very definition of a default time. In terms of the default
time Eq. (2.6) becomes
Z t
P (τ > t) = exp − λ(s)ds . (2.8)
In practice, whenever risk neutral default probababilities are needed for the pricing of
a credit risky financial instrument, the default intensity function is bootstrapped from
market quotes for Credit Default Swaps. This procedure is similar to that presented
in Section 2.1. For more details the reader is referred to [4] and [9].
The approach that we have outlined just now may be readily extended to the
setting of Cox processes where λ is not a deterministic function but taken as a non-
negative stochastic process [20]. In this setting, Eq. (2.8) generalizes to
Z t
P (τ > t) = E exp − λ(s)ds .
What remains here is to specify the evolution of λ. For this thesis, we adopt the same
choice as Brigo in [5], that is a CIR++ model. This model is structurally very similar
to short rate models for the term structure evolution. To specify the model we start
with the SDE
dz = κ(µ − z) dt + ν z dW, z(0) = z0 , (2.9)
depending on the three real parameters κ,µ, ν and the initial condition z0 . Fur-
thermore, assume that we have bootstrapped an initial hazard rate curve λ0 (t) from
quotes for Credit Default Swaps. Following [3, 4] we set
2.4 A Concrete CVA Problem
We now have all the building blocks in place that we need to formulate a concrete
CVA model problem. These two building blocks are the G2++ model and the CIR
default intensity model as presented earlier in this chapter. Again we now follow our
reference paper [5] and combine these models using correlated Brownian motions in
order to incorporate the phenomenon of wrong way risk into our model.
The combined system of SDEs reads as:
dx = −ax dt + σ dW1
dy = −by dt + η dW2 (2.10)
dz = κ(µ − z) dt + ν z dW3 ,
where f (t) are the instantaneous forward rates observed in the market. Similarly, we
get the default intensity λ via
with λ0 (t) assumed to have been bootstrapped from market quotes for CDS spreads
and γ defined by
Our goal is to use the above formulation to obtain the CVA for a portfolio of plain
vanilla interest rate swaps. Assuming hence that Πt is the risk neutral price process
under the above system of SDEs, we want to compute
Because we want to avoid explicit sampling of the default indicator and bring the
expression into a form that is more suitable for differentation w.r.t parameters entering
λ (resp. τ ), we rewrite the previous expression using λ(t). For this end we apply
Lemma 1 in [13] and obtain
E0 λ(s)Λ(s)D(0, s)Π+
CVA = (1 − R) s ds,
where Z t Z t
Λ(t) = exp − λ(s)ds , D(0, t) = exp − r(t)ds .
0 0
Due to the correlation between λ and r it is not possible to simplify the expectation
under the integral any further. In terms of ρ and λ the overall correlation between
the interest rate and the default intensity [4] is given by
σρ13 + ηρ23
ρ= p . (2.11)
σ 2 + η 2 + 2σηρ12
1. Calibration: Although in the CVA context one deals with a combined credit and
market risk model, it appears to be common practice to calibrate the two blocks
of the model independently [4, 5]. This means that for the interest rate part we
first bootstrap an appropriate zero curve from market quotes for par swap rates
(or other suitable instruments) and then determine the remaining parameters
using quotes by calibration of the G2++ model to implied volatilities of Euro-
pean swaptions of different tenors and maturities. The initial default intensities
are obtained from CDS spread quotes, while the credit spread volatilities and
mean reversion parameters are calibrated to implied volatilities for CDS op-
tions. The three correlation parameters may be estimated from historical time
series data. For the remainder of this thesis we will assume that the calibration
procedure has already been dealt with and only work with the final parameter
2. Choice of model : The main reason for the choice of our model is that is has
already been studied in the same context in the paper [5]. However, in order
to keep the presentation as streamlined as possible and keep the focus on the
computation of sensitivities and its algorithmic realization we have chosen not
to model the evolution for λ using a jump diffusion but rather an ordinary
square root diffusion process.
Chapter 3
In this chapter we will describe the algorithm that we will use to implement the model
described in the previous chapter. It is based on two basic techniques: numerical
simulation of a stochastic differential equations and the estimation of conditional
expectations via regression. These two techniques will be briefly desribed in the
first two sections of this chapter. Both of these sections are based on Glassermann’s
book [15]. Afterwards we will present the final AMC CVA algorithm, show how it
relates to a standard forward Monte-Carlo simulation and finally describe how one
can equip the AMC algorithm with sensitivities obtained from adjoint algorithmic
Note that the algorithm, that is presented eventually, does not make use of fully
optimized individual techniques. Here and there, i.e. regarding the choice of an SDE
discretization scheme, the choice of regression basis functions, interpolation schemes,
etc. we might not always choose the approach that would be optimal in the sense
of accuracy, stability or efficiency. The main reason for this is that we keep focusing
more on the eventual goal of producing sensitivities. Furthermore, we note that our
simplified choice does not change the overall structure of the algorithm and that we
will point out shortcomings of our implemenation wherever it seems necessary.
with deterministic functions µ, σ, a Brownian motion W , and a step size h we are
interested in finding discrete approximated paths S(0),
b S(h),
b S(2h),.
b . ., such that for
T = nh and constants c, β there holds
b − S(T )|] ≤ chβ .
In this case we say that the approximation scheme from which we have obtained Sb
has a strong order of convergence of β. Alternatively we could require that
|E[f (S(nh))]
b − E[f (S(T ))]| ≤ chβ ,
for all sufficiently regular f . In this case we speak of a weak order of convergence
of β. As a concrete example for a scheme producing Sb we consider the so called
Euler-Maruyama scheme. For an initial value S0 and a timegrid tn = hn the scheme
b n+1 ) = S(t
b n ) + µ(S(t
b n ))h + σ(S(t
b n )) h Zn+1 . (3.1)
The extension to the case where µ and σ are time dependent as well is straight-
b n+1 ) = S(t
b n ) + µ(S(t
b n ), tn )h + σ(S(t
b n ), tn ) h Zn+1 , (3.2)
where Zi ∼ N (0, 1). It can be shown that this scheme has a strong order of con-
vergence of β = 1/2 and may produce a weak order of convergence of β = 1. The
situation gets in general more complicated when dealing with a multidimensional
state space, i.e. when the vector S of random processes Si follows the system of SDEs
If, however, Σi (S, t)T dW = σi (S, t) dWi , the system of SDEs may be discretized by
considering each equation independently from each other. Let us recall the system of
SDEs governing our joint evolution of market and credit risk factors:
dx = −ax dt + σ dW1
dy = −by dt + η dW2
dz = κ(µ − z) dt + ν z dW3 .
where Zni ∼ N (0, 1) and Corr(Zni , Znj ) = ρij . The above scheme may be readily
implemented while taking into account the following two points:
2. Clearly, there is no guarantee that for some n > 0 and initial condition z0 we
do not have zn < 0, which due to the square root would make the iteration
become ill-defined. In [5] Brigo proposes here to use an implicit scheme for the
CIR process for z presented by Alfonsi and Brigo in [2]. For this work, however,
we will be content with the quick fix of replacing the square-root term in (3.3)
with max(zn , 0).
of suitable basis functions ϕi , that is
E[V (XT )|Xt = x] ≈ αi ϕi (x) =: Ψ(x, α),
E (E[V (XT )|Xt ] − Ψ(Xt , α))2 = −E [2 (E[V (XT )|Xt ] − Ψ(Xt , α)) ϕi (Xt )] = 0.
These equations can be simplified further using the tower rule for conditional expec-
E[V (XT )ϕi (Xt )] − E[ϕi (Xtj )Ψ(Xt , α)] = 0.
Introducing the matrix M and the vector v, the components of which are defined by
Mij = E[ϕi (Xt )ϕj (Xt )], vi = E[V (XT )ϕi (Xt )], i, j = 1..k,
M α = v.
Of course, the expectations defining M and v are usually not available explicitly. To
proceed further, we use our N sampled paths (Xtl , XTl ) and introduce estimates M c,
vb via
1 X 1 X
Mij =
c ϕi (Xtl )ϕj (Xtl ), vbi = V (XTl )ϕi (Xtl ),
N l=1 N l=1
so that we may readily compute α by
c−1 vb,
which amounts to solving a linear system of k equations. It remains to choose a
suitable set of basis functions φ. A natural choice would, of course, be given by the
ordinary monomials 1, X, X 2 , . . . . Alternatives are given by Hermite, Legendre,
Chebyshev or LaGuerre polynomials (see e.g. [19]). Note that there are no general
rules for an optimal choice of the basis functions.
using the combined interest rate and credit risk model described at the end of Chap-
ter 2. We first present the algorithm for a single interest rate swap only. Later
on we will describe the extension to a whole portfolio of interest rate swaps. This
algorithm should be considered as a concrete adaption of the method presented in [1].
2. An initial interest rate term structure P (0, t) together with instantaneous for-
ward rates f (t). We assume that the algorithm is provided with a set of initial
zero rates (ti , Ri ) and an interpolation scheme, which eventually lets us compute
an approximate value of f (t) for any t ∈ [T0 , TN ].
3. An initial term structure of hazard rates given by λ0 (t). Again, we assume
that the algorithm is provided with a set of initial hazard rates (ti , λi ) and an
interpolation scheme.
5. A step size h. For presentational reasons we assume here that Ti = iJh for a
fixed integer J > 0.
yn+1 = (1 − b)yn(p) h + η h Zn2
zn+1 = zn + κ(µ − zn )h + ν max(zn , 0) h Zn3 , (3.4)
Furthermore we apply Proposition 1 in order to obtain P (p) (k · h, Ti ) and
P (p) (k · h, Ti+1 ), so that we may compute the simulated Libor fixings along
path p via
P (p) (k · h, Ti )
(p) 1
L (Ti , Ti+1 ) = −1 ,
∆ P (p) (k · h, Ti+1 )
where ∆ denotes the year fraction suitable for the tenor of the floating leg
of the swap in question. Additionally, we compute approximate discount
factors for periods [k · h, l · h] by
X (p)
Dk,l = exp −h rj .
3. Backward pass
(a) Evaluate swap payoff at maturity, that is for every path compute
ΠN = φδ(TN −1 , TN )N (L(p) (TN −1 , TN ) − K),
i. Compute the expected exposure profile by
1 X (j)
EE(kh) = max(Πk , 0).
M j=1
As output we have thus obtained the CVA, as well as an exposure profile EE(kh).
At this point we should make a few remarks regarding the algorithm above. Firstly,
it uses the same set of paths for determining the regression coefficients and the condi-
tional expectations itself. One can assume that this would allow for a potential bias
on top of the bias introduced by the regression itself. Secondly, as basis functions
we have chosen ordinary monomials up to degree 2. This is again another possible
source for an increased bias in the estimated conditional expectation.
As this thesis is mostly concerned with the question of how to equip an algorithm
structured like the above with AD sensitivities, we shall be content with the formu-
lation as it stands. For a possible list of improvements, the reader is referred to the
final Chapter.
It remains to show how the above method may be extended to a portfolio of
interest rate swaps. Luckily, this is a rather straightforward exercise which amounts
to the following modifications:
1. Step 3. a.: Substitute the individual payoff by the sum of the final payoffs of
all swaps.
2. Step 3. b.: Similarly, substitute β with the sum of the payoffs of all swaps in
the portfolio.
3. Step 3. c.: Instead of pricing the single swap only, compute the sum of present
values of all swaps in the portfolio.
3.4 Backward Induction vs Forward Induction
As we have mentioned in Section 1.3, there exists an alternative to the algorithm
presented in the previous subsection, which is based on a single pass forward Monte
Carlo simulation. Later on, we will compare both algorithms.
yn+1 = (1 − b)yn(p) h + η h Zn2
zn+1 = zn + κ(µ − zn )h + ν max(zn , 0) h Zn3 ,
(b) Use Proposition 1 in order to compute the zero bonds P (p) (k · h, Ti ) for all
Ti ≥ kh and use them in turn to determine the price Πk of the underlying
swap at time t = k · h using (2.1).
(a) For every k = 0, . . . , N
i. Compute the expected exposure profile by
1 X (j)
EE(kh) = max(Πk , 0).
M j=1
2. Except for the final aggregation, all computations are performed within indi-
vidual single paths and fit within the structure of Eq. (1.9). Thus, computing
sensitivities can be achieved using the traditional path-wise approach as out-
lined in Chapter 1.
Clearly, the concrete choice of whether to use a forward or backward induction based
CVA computation depends on the nature of the underlying portfolio of trades.
However, before we go directly into the matter, we first specify which derivatives
we want to compute exactly. These are the following:
1. ∂CVA/∂Ri and ∂CVA/∂λi : The sensitivities w.r.t. the initial zero rates and
initial hazard rates. We may view these as Delta sensitivities.
2. ∂CVA/∂σ and ∂CVA/∂η: The sensitivities w.r.t. the interest rate volatility
model parameters. We may view these as Vega sensitivities.
Depending on the concrete parametrization of the initial yield curve and hazard
rate curve this can make for about 50 individual derivatives of the single real val-
ued function CVA. Thus, it seems like a good choice to use the backward mode
of automatic differentiation. Furthermore, we will restrain ourselves to first order
sensitivities only.
dco-c++ is based on the concept of operator and function overloading. In the ad-
joint mode this means that all operations performed on the special dco-c++ datatypes
are recorded on a so-called tape, meaning that dco-c++ is keeping track of all individ-
ual jacobians produced along the execution of individual operations (compare this to
the example in Sect. 1.2.1). Once the execution of the function has finished, the flow
of operations is automatically reversed and the previously recorded tape is executed
backwards, eventually giving the desired derivatives.
For concrete purposes this means that all occurences of floating point variables
(i.e. C++ doubles) have to be substituted by the correct dco-c++ datatype. Then,
the code has to be inspected for statements which can affect the differentiability of
the function of part of it. While this is in general no problem for loops, special care
has to be taken whenever an if-statement involves a numerical variable. Finally, the
function call that is to be differentiated needs to be wrapped into a few lines of driver
code needed to mark independent and dependent variables, as well as performing
the backward execution of the tape. To develop a better feeling for this, one should
inspect an example in the dco-c++ documentation [24].
While it seems that this approach will quickly lead to a fully differentiated piece
of source code, one should be aware of the following points:
(a) Interpolation of yield curves.
(b) LU decomposition for the solution of linear equations.
(c) Cholesky decomposition for the generation of correlated Brownian incre-
For the remainder of this section we now proceed by showing how we have dealt with
the first two points.
Dealing with the first item is not overly difficult. For this work, we have manually
implemented a linear interpolation and dealt with the two matrix decompositions
using standard, publicly available, code [29].
The second point, however, requires more care. Before describing how it has been
dealt with concretely, we briefly sketch the idea behind the checkpointing technique.
Suppose for instance, that a numerical algorithm that is to be differentiated using the
backward mode of AD requires repeated execution of a function g : Rn → R. One
can think of g as all operations that are performed for an indivdual path in a Monte
Carlo simulation. Now, instead of having dco-c++ record all operations coming from
the repeated execution of g we ”wrap” g inside a dco checkpoint:
3. After the execution of g we save the output of g in the data structure reserved
for the checkpoint.
4. Once, the AD backward pass is executed and control flow reaches the point
where the derivative of g is to be computed, all information is read from the
corresponding checkpoint. Then, a ”sub AD process” is run for every check-
pointed created for g on a local tape, the memory occupied by which is freed
afterwards. This leads to a oscillating amount of memory being consumed by
the process.
Given an ordinary Monte Carlo option pricing problem, we can think of this approach
as a concrete technical realization of the pathwise sensitivities approach, where the
derivatives are computed individually along each path. This is also the approach that
we have applied for differentiating the forward induction based algorithm, which is
mostly based on independent path-wise computations.
While checkpointing clearly reduces memory consumption it introduces an extra
computational overhead. Thus, for most concrete implementations there will always
be a trade off between execution speed and memory requirements.
For the differentiation of the backward induction based algorithm we have applied
the following checkpointing strategy:
1. All pathwise computations in the forward pass are wrapped in one individual
This strategy has been successively developed in the form of a large number of
numerical experiments. It would be of great interest to see how it would fit with an
optimal checkpinting strategy produced by the algorithm Revolve [16].
Chapter 4
Numerical Results
In this chapter we present a series of numerical results obtained using our imple-
mentations of the backward and forward induction based algorithms. Unless stated
otherwise, we will use the set of parameters as displayed in Table 4.1.
Parameter Value
σ 0.0093
η 0.0138
ρ12 -0.7
ρ23 0.0
ρ13 0.0
λ 0.07
a 0.058
b 0.5493
κ 0.4
µ 0.14
ν 0.14
z0 0.0165
Table 4.1: Standard parameters used for the examples in this Chapter
To streamline the presentation we have chosen to use a constant hazard rate given
by λ0 (t) = λ = 0.07 which corresponds to a stylized credit spread of 700bps. The
initial interest rate term structure, defined in continously compunded zero rates with
ACT/ACT day count convention can be seen in Table 4.2 and Figure 4.1.
The zero rates have been bootstrapped using the library QuantLib [12] from fixed
for float par swap rates as displayed in Table 4.3. The underlying swaps are assumed
to have a 6M payment frequency for the float the floating leg and annual payments
for the fixed leg.
t1..9 R1..9 t10..19 R10..19 t20..29 R20..29 t30..33 R30..33
0 0.0177558 4.49513 0.0223713 8.99924 0.0280456 13.4951 0.0316604
0.495134 0.0177558 4.99924 0.0228294 9.49513 0.0286111 13.9992 0.031921
0.999244 0.0177558 5.49513 0.0239433 9.99924 0.0291297 14.4951 0.0321597
1.49513 0.0190884 5.99924 0.0248948 10.4951 0.0295913 14.9992 0.0323862
1.99924 0.0197884 6.49513 0.0254371 10.9992 0.0300179
2.49513 0.0203974 6.99924 0.025907 11.4973 0.0304026
2.99924 0.0208129 7.49727 0.0264736 12 0.0307585
3.49727 0.02138 8 0.0269776 12.4951 0.0310811
4 0.0218119 8.49513 0.0275375 12.9992 0.0313842
Table 4.2: Input zero rates defining the initial term structure of interest rates.
Maturity Rate
1Y 0.018
2Y 0.02
3Y 0.021
4Y 0.022
5Y 0.023
6Y 0.025
7Y 0.026
8Y 0.027
9Y 0.028
10Y 0.029
Figure 4.1: Plot of initial zero rates. X-axis: time in years, Y-axis: corresponding
zero rate
4.1 Single IR Swap
We first test our backward induction CVA algorithm on a single interest rate swap
that is defined by the following characteristics:
• Fixed rate K = 0.029. This ensures that the swap’s PV as of t = 0 equals zero.
• The payment frequency of both swap legs equals 6M . Fixing Dates are assumed
to coincide with payment dates.
The exposure profile is evaluated on a bi-monthly (60 days) time grid. Initially,
we use N = 1000 paths. The resulting exposure profile can be seen in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2: EE(t) for a 10Y Payer Swap. X-axis: time in years, Y-axis: exposure in
units of currency
A plot of the resulting sensitivities (ti , ∂CVA/∂Ri ) is shown in Figure 4.3. Often,
one is interested how these sensitivities correspond to par swap rate sensitivities. We
therefore numerically approximate the Jacobian of the QuantLib curve bootstrapping
procedure using ordinary finite differences and multiply it on the vector ∂CVA/∂R.
This gives us the CVA sensitivities w.r.t. to par swap rates. They are displayed
in Figure 4.4. Finally, we report concrete figures for the CVA and its remaining
sensitivities in Table 4.4. Error estimations are presented in the next subsection.
Figure 4.3: CVA Zero Sensitivities for 10Y Payer Swap. X-axis: time in years, Y-axis:
corresponding zero rate sensitivity
Figure 4.4: CVA Par Sensitivities 10Y Payer Swap. X-axis: time in years, Y-axis:
corresponding par rate sensitivity
CVA 14581.8
Parameter ∂CVA/∂θ
ρ23 907.19
ρ12 1752.2
ρ13 2816.56
σ 1080790
η -92566.5
λ 146525
with sensitivities computed using the forward mode. For that end we have imple-
mented an additional driver routine which makes use of the dco-c++ forward mode
implementation instead of the adjoint mode implementation. The relative errors be-
tween the sensitivities obtained with backward and forward mode AD are reported
in Table 4.6.
the term to max(zn , ), with = 10−8 , forward and backward sensitivities were
identical up to the errors reported in 4.6.
Table 4.6: Comparison of sensitivites obtained using forward and backward mode AD
Overall, we may assume that our implementation provides correct sensitivity fig-
Figure 4.6: Convergence of the AMC based backward induction algorithm. X-axis:
number of paths, Y-axis: resulting CVA in units of currency
Table 4.7: Mean and Standard Deviation of CVA and its sensitivities (1)
∂CVA/∂r23 ∂CVA/∂r13 ∂CVA/∂σ
N=1000 Mean 2049.43661 2761.77101 1024517.742
N=1000 Standard Deviation 369.3475393 217.6215131 70222.60755
N=1000 Standard Deviation 0.036934754 0.021762151 7.022260755
(percent w.r.t swap
N=10000 Mean 2038.19709 2765.13661 1023295.59
N=10000 Standard Deviation 111.5309582 68.35470611 22246.94653
N=10000 Standard Deviation 0.011153096 0.006835471 2.224694653
(percent w.r.t swap
Table 4.8: Mean and Standard Deviation of CVA and its sensitivities (2)
∂CVA/∂η ∂CVA/∂λ
N=1000 Mean -68714.40264 143001.493
N=1000 Standard Deviation 22330.50033 7455.073386
N=1000 Standard Deviation 2.233050033 0.745507339
(percent w.r.t swap
N=10000 Mean -68232.5249 142937.481
N=10000 Standard Deviation 6761.467513 2339.201592
N=10000 Standard Deviation 0.676146751 0.233920159
(percent w.r.t swap
Table 4.9: Mean and Standard Deviation of CVA and its sensitivities (3)
After transforming the zero rate sensitivities back to par rate sensitivities (See Figure
4.9) these differences appear to become smaller.
Figure 4.7: Exposure profiles for backward and forward induction algorithms. X-axis:
time in years, Y-axis: exposure in units of currency.
Again, we verify the sensitivities of the forward induction algorithm using central
differences. The convergence behaviour is similar to that of the backward induction
algorithm (See Figure 4.10).
It may be conjectured that the visible differences for the zero rate sensitivities
are due to an increased variance of the backward induction based algorithm. To
provide evidence for this conjecture we estimate the variance of CVA and the zero
rate sensitivites produced by the forward induction algorithm. The result is shown in
Table 4.10. Supporting our evidence, we find that the forward induction algorithm
exhibits a standard deviation which is about half of that of the backward induction
based algorithm.
Table 4.10: Mean and Standard Deviation of CVA and its sensitivities produced by
forward induction algorithm.
Figure 4.8: Zero rate sensitivities for backward and forward induction algorithms.
X-axis: time in years, Y-axis: CVA zero rate sensitivity.
Figure 4.9: Par rate sensitivities for backward and forward induction algorithms.
X-axis: time in years, Y-axis: CVA par rate sensitivity.
Figure 4.10: Convergence of central difference approximation to AD sensitivities for
both algorithms. X-Axis: − log10 , where is the bump size. Y-Axis: Logarithm of
average relative error across all sensitivities.
Figure 4.11: Convergence of central difference approximation to AD sensitivities for
both algorithms - ρ̄ = 1. X-Axis: − log10 , where is the bump size. Y-Axis:
Logarithm of average relative error across all sensitivities.
2. For the backward algorithm we observe another performance gain of one or-
der of magnitude by using AAD instead of finite differences for the sensitivity
N Algorithm Sensitivities Number of sensitivities Execution time in secs.
1000 Backward dco 37 0.7
1000 Forward dco 37 11
1000 Backward bumping 37 11
1000 Forward bumping 37 81
10000 Backward dco 37 7
10000 Forward dco 37 1879
10000 Backward bumping 37 114
10000 Forward bumping 37 837
1000 Backward dco 67 0.7
1000 Forward dco 67 11
1000 Backward bumping 67 20
1000 Forward bumping 67 152
10000 Backward dco 67 7
10000 Forward dco 67 1836
10000 Backward bumping 67 215
10000 Forward bumping 67 1567
Table 4.11: Execution times for CVA sensitivity calculations - single interest rate
4. For the forward algorithm we observe this kind of performance gain only for
N = 1000. Surprisingly, for N = 1000 the finite difference version of the
code seems to outperform the dco version. We conjecture that this is due to a
suboptimal implementation of the checkpointing technique in our code.
The exposure profile of the swap portfolio is displayed in Figure 4.12, and plots
of the zero rate and par rate sensitivities can be seen in Figures 4.13 and 4.14.
Figure 4.12: Exposure profile for a portfolio of 10 payer swaps X-axis: time in years,
Y-axis: exposure in units of currency.
We notice that the exposure profile looks less symmetric when compared to that
of the single interest rate swap. This comes to no surprise, since the individual swaps
all have maturities less than or equal to 10 years.
Similarly, we can observe that for the swap portfolio the absolute values of the
zero rate sensitivities corresponding to times smaller than 10 years have increased
(Figure 4.13 ). Similarly, we can see more sensitivity on par swap rates with lower
maturities (Figure 4.14 ).
Finally, we report performance measurements for the case of the swap portfolio
in Table 4.12. We notice that the backward induction seems to scale better with an
increasing number of swaps.
Table 4.12: Execution times for CVA sensitivity calculations - portfolio of 10 interest
rate swaps.
Figure 4.13: Zero rate sensitivities for a portfolio of 10 payer swaps. X-axis: time in
years, Y-axis: CVA zero rate sensitivity.
Figure 4.14: Par swap rate sensitivities for a portfolio of 10 payer swaps. X-axis:
time in years, Y-axis: CVA par rate sensitivity.
Chapter 5
At this point it should have become apparent that a CVA computation, even for seem-
ingly simple trade portfolios und underlying models, can become a rather challenging
task. Implementing CVA sensitivities on top of an existing code becomes even more
difficult, when faced with constraints on performance in general and the number of
sensitivities in particular.
In this thesis we have presented two algorithms that can be used to implement
CVA for a combined interest rate and credit risk model exhibiting the phenomenon
of wrong way risk. The first algorithm is based on a backward induction procedure
using linear regression in order to estimate conditional expectations (American Monte
Carlo). This algorithm has been the main object of study in this thesis. For compar-
ison we have presented another algorithm, which represents the traditional approach
to CVA and is based on a pure forward Monte Carlo simulation, similar to the pricing
of a path dependent European option. We have implemented both of these algorithms
in C++ and computed their sensitivities using the AD tool dco-c++. All sensitivities
were computed using the backward (adjoint) mode of AD and have been validated
against ordinary finite difference sensitivities.
The main results of this work can be summarized as follows:
1. We have shown that an American Monte Carlo based CVA computation may
be equipped with AAD sensitivities, if one has all of the underlying source
code available. However, the concrete technical implementation is highly non-
trivial and requires extensive usage of the checkpointing technique. Yet, the
performance gain for the sensitivity computation (compared to finite differences)
is in the order of one magnitude.
2. Comparing the forward and backward algorithms we have found that the latter
clearly outperforms the former in terms of speed. The price for this is an increase
in variance.
3. The implementation of the backward algorithm scaled well w.r.t. the number of
sensitivities, as well as trades and MC paths. Our implementation of the forward
algorithm did, however, not scale well w.r.t. the number of Monte Carlo paths:
an increase in the number of paths did not lead to a linear, but rather quadratic
increase in computation time, most likely due to the extra overhead caused by
the suboptimal checkpointing strategy chosen for the forward algorithm.
Concluding this thesis, we mention possibilities for future extension of this work:
2. Find an optimal checkpointing strategies for both algorithms with the help of
the algorithm Revolve [16].
5. Use AAD for calibration of the underlying models: So far, we have set aside
the question of how to calibrate the underlying model(s) in this work. However,
as almost all calibration routines amount to numerical optimization or root
finding, this appears to be a well fitting application for AAD sensitivities.
6. Use AAD for second order derivatives: In the case of CVA sensitivites this would
be of particular interest, especially because it would allow for a systematic study
of so-called ”cross-gamma” sensitivities, i.e. second order mixed interest rate
and credit sensitivities.
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