ADS Environmental Services Patrick L. Stevens, P.E. and Kevin L. Enfinger, P.E

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The scattergraph is a powerful tool that displays depth and velocity data Several important scattergraph tools are presented and discussed
from a sewer flow monitor. The resulting patterns form characteristic throughout this poster, including the Design Method, the Lanfear-Coll
signatures that provide insight into the conditions within a sewer. The flow Method, and the Stevens-Schutzbach Method, along with iso-QTM lines
monitor data also leave distinct patterns that even allow the performance and iso-Froude lines. The combination of these tools makes it easy to
Patrick L. Stevens, P.E. and Kevin L. Enfinger, P.E. of the flow monitor itself to be evaluated. determine the Operational Capacity of a sewer.

This poster is designed as an educationa l resource for wastewate r The examples in this poster were selected from thousands of flow
ADS Environmental Services professionals, including operators, engineers, and managers. It provides a monitoring locations evaluated by ADS each year. The flow monitor collection of scattergraphs, along with a brief explanation of what can be data originate from 24 cities in 15 states in sewers ranging from 10 to 120
learned from each one. Basic principles are introduced and practical inches in diamete r. Examples include many common situations
applications are explored, addressing both engineering and operational encountered in both sanitary and combined sewers, as well as some
situations. uncommon and entertaining examples captured over the years.
ADS. An IDEX Water & Wastewater Business.

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