The Mad Manor of Astabar
The Mad Manor of Astabar
The Mad Manor of Astabar
The Mad Manor of Astabar is an epic Mini-Quest by Survive RPG. It offers a compelling adventure
that is great for a one-off session, convention play or a side quest for your campaign. Check out
other Mini-Quest adventures like Beware The Wyvern Wood, Maze Of The Man-Bull, The Hollowing
Of Greyhaven, The Baron's Bastard, Song Of The Siren Queen, Rise Of The Vampire And Revenge Of
The Kobold King.
Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A
Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A
As you finish your meal, you notice a raven- Don’t feel like singing, check out this version of
haired woman walk to the front of the room the song by the amazing Sylvia Wendelin:
with a lyre in hand. She plucks a few practice
cords before breaking into song.
Give the characters a DC12 Perception check to
Seasons come and go notice the local patrons appear uninterested in
Moons wax and wane the Rivana or the song (in fact they don’t’ see
Time seems so slow her). Once she finishes singing, she’ll walk
To the spirits of Havehollow around to a few tables, but none will offer a
single coin.
One is the spirit of Astabar
A mage who traveled wide and far
A collector of items of magic lore
Seeker of secrets from times of yore
Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A
Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A
Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A
Anyone who is splashed by or drinks the liquid Starting on the left side of the table and going
(water) suffers from the Faerie Fire spell. clockwise they must place the symbol for the full
There are 20 ounces of liquid in the decanter. moon, waxing gibbous, first quarter, waxing
The spell effect will last 1 minute per ounce of crescent, new moon, waning crescent, third
water used/consumed. This water could be quarter, and waning gibbous.
useful later in the adventure to neutralize the
imp’s invisibility power or to reveal the
3. Dining Hall
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This 20’ x 20’ area has two long tables with On the same round the rats are turned to flesh all
benches that run the room’s length. The the characters must make a save or be turned to
tables are laden with platters of meat, stone.
vegetables, cheese, fruit, and bread, but the
food has long since spoiled. Now a blanket of This repeats every two rounds. All creatures who
mold covers the former feast. are stone turn back to flesh, and those that are
flesh must make the saving throw or turn to
Someone appears to have gone through the stone.
trouble of setting up a dozen stone statures
of large rats throughout the room. Three are If all the characters and rats are turned to stone
on the tabletops amidst the moldy food. in the same round, the spell effect stops. The
Another is on a bench perched on his hind characters will remain stone until another living
legs and two are on the floor under the thing enters the room. Rivana Greywyre does not
tables. need to make a save as she is not alive.
These dire rats were turned to stone by the If the characters are all turned to stone, Rivana
wands Flesh to Stone ability. The power of the will go back to the Inn every night, looking for
wand remains dormant so long as there are no other adventurers to come and help. She will
living creatures in the room. As soon as a living eventually return with a 1st level warrior named
creature enters the room, the Stone to Flesh Pedrin Tannerhorn. To determine how much
effect activates every two rounds. time has passed roll a d10 and consult the
following table:
When it activates, any creature which is stone
automatically turns to flesh. So on the second 1 1d10 days
round the characters are in the room the dire 2–3 3d10 days
rats will turn to flesh and attack. 4-7 1d10 weeks
8-9 1d10 months
Any creature that is not stone must make a DC 10 1d10 years
12 Constitution saving throw or be turned to
Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A
The butterfly swarm will vanish if the three You open the door in the east wall of the
large butterflies are slain. kitchen and discover impenetrable darkness
GIANT BUTTERFLY (Medium beast)
Armor Class: 12 Hit Points: 13 The pantry is under a permanent darkness spell.
Speed: 30ft fly Challenge: 100XP Inside are several shelves holding various food
Abilities: Blindsight 10ft, Immune to items like grain, flour, and jars of preserves.
bludgeon, slashing and piercing, swarm.
Actions: On a shelf at the very back of the room are three
Bite: Attack +3 to hit, reach 5ft, Hit:1d4+2 potions mixed in with jars of jam and pickled
piercing. vegetables. They include a potion of healing
(2d4+2), a potion of mage armor (AC13+Dex) and
7. Kitchen a potion of magic weapon (When poured over a
weapon, it gains +2 to hit/damage for 1 hour).
This 15’ x 35’ room once served as the manor’s
kitchen. The room has several worktables, Also on one of the shelves is a skull with the full
and a large fireplace dominates the northern moon symbol carved into its forehead.
wall. There is an extensive collection of
cooking utensils and pans. A row of clay jars
rests on a shelf along the south wall.
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Surprise Attack: If a doppelganger hits a Once the characters reach the chest on the far
surprised creature in the first round of side of the room, they’ll start feeling dizzy and
combat it does an extra 3d6 damage. suffer from blurred vision (no save). When their
vision clears, they will be 1/12 their normal height.
Slam: Attack +6 to hit, reach 5ft, Hit:1d6+4 So, a character 6 feet tall will be reduced to six
bludgeon. inches in height. Read the following:
As mentioned previously, the doppelganger is As the dizziness passes, you look in amazement
emaciated due to lack of nutrition. As a result at your surroundings. The chest, which was two
its hit points have been reduced to 32 from 52. feet in height, now stands at over twenty feet
tall. In fact, the entire room has grown. The
twenty feet from one wall to the other now
spans over two hundred feet.
At the top of the stairs, a hallway runs the Even though this is a regular centipede, it’s
entire length of the west side of the manor. considered giant relative to the character size. If
There must be an open window nearby as the characters are low on hit points, reduce the
there is a slight breeze in the air. centipede’s hit points to 20 from 40.
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If the characters can make it across the Anyone who successfully makes the roll will hear
threshold of the door, which is the equivalent what seems like whispers that get clearer as the
of 100 feet away they will grow back to normal person moves closer to the bed. What they are
height in 1d4 rounds. hearing is the surface thoughts of the other
If the characters re-enter the room they will
shrink again. They will need to get creative if Anyone lying on the bed can automatically
they want to open the chest. Inanimate detect the surface thoughts of any creature in
objects not carried by a person don’t’ shrink. any room of the manor. They can only
The characters could use a grappling hook, or concentrate on one room at a time and cannot
several shrunken characters could drag a full- focus on rooms they’ve never visited. This
sized rope around the chest and back out the includes the imp, doppelganger and poltergeists.
12. Library
Inside the chest is a metal box containing 100
gold coins and one of the skulls with the Shelves containing hundreds of books line the
symbol for the waning gibbous. walls of this 20’ x 30’ library. A large oak desk
dominates the middle of the room. The legs of
the desk are carved to resemble coiled dragons.
Behind it is a chair of a similar design.
There is also a large wooden dresser made of Gazz’ik will start following the characters and
cherry wood. Sitting on the dresser is a secretly try to foil their attempts to recover the
beautifully designed set of silver grooming skulls. It will avoid combat with the characters
items. until it is certain they will gain access to Astabar’s
study on the third floor.
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Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A
15. Master Bedroom At the far end of the chamber is a metal tub that
is overflowing with water. A later of algae
This well-lit 20’ x 25’ chamber is the master covers the surface.
bedroom of the wizard Astabar. The light is
coming from a glass sphere sitting on a A giant frog is hiding in the tub. If any of the
dresser. Contained inside the sphere appears characters get within 10 feet, they can male a
to be a fiery inferno. DC13 Perception check to notice the frog’s eyes
just above the waterline. If they fail, the giant
There is a large bed adorned with furs and a frog it will gain advantaged on it’s first attack.
high backed chair with a battle scene between
elves and goblins carved into the wood. GIANT FROG (Medium Beast)
Armor Class: 11 Hit Points: 18
The glass sphere gives off heat and is Speed: 30ft, 30ft swim Challenge: 50XP
somewhat hot the touch (easily handled with Abilities: Darkvision 30ft, Standing leap (20ft).
gloves). Inside the glass sphere is a fireball Skills: Perception +2, Stealth +3
spell. It will expand to a 20’ fireball doing 8d6 Actions:
damage if the glass sphere is broken. To break Bite: Attack +3 to hit, reach 5ft, Hit:1d6+1
the sphere, a character needs to throw it piercing. The target is grappled (Escape DC
against a hard surface and make a DC 10 11). If small, another hit on a grappled target
Strength check. means they are swallowed (blinded, restrained
and 2d4 acid damage per turn).
In the bedside table, there is a key that unlocks
the desk drawers in the library (Area #12). If a At the bottom of the algae filled tub is a sodden
character makes a DC12 Insight roll, they will pouch containing 28 silver pieces and 12 gold
recognize the designs on the key as matching pieces. There is also one of the skulls with the
those of the desk. symbol for the New Moon.
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The trap door opens into a windowless 15’ x 19. Main Attic
20’ room. The only item of furniture is a
square table. Lying on the floor next to the
This large cluttered room runs almost the entire
table is a body of a woman. She appears to be
length of the building. It is filled with all manner
similarly dressed to Rivana Greywyre and is
of strange objects.
clutching a skull in her dead hands.
On your left, there is a birdcage overflowing
Rivana will stare blankly at the body. As the
with pink feathers, a taxidermized two-headed
characters investigate, they’ll discover to their
cat, and the skeletons of various species. On the
surprise that it is Rivana’s body. She’ll start to
right is a cracked crystal ball, a mirror that
weep as she tells them her tale.
shows no reflection, a giant tooth, and piles of
oddly-colored clothing.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t intentionally deceive you. It
wasn’t until this very moment that I realized I
A path through the clutter leads to a wooden
was dead. Two other adventurers and I came
door inlaid a metallic silver moon. In the center
to the manor a year ago. We found all but one
of the moon is a keyhole.
of the skulls. We decided to split up and search.
I found the skull here, sitting on the table.
The room is filled with many different items that
are odd but not magical.
Then a small devilish creature with a scorpion’s
tail appeared and attacked me. I was poisoned
The entire area is under the effect of the Wand
and died. My allies never came for me – they
of Wonder’s slow spell. Each character needs to
fled in fear.
make a DC12 Wisdom saving throw or suffer a -2
penalty to AC and Dexterity saves. They also
I’ve been doomed to repeat my missteps ever
can’t use reactions.
since. Each night I travel to the Inn looking for
those who would help end the madness of this
If the characters move towards the door Gazz’Ik,
place. I’m sorry but this is as far as I can go.
the imp will cry out in his most intimidating, yet
Please finish this quest so that I can finally
impish, voice.
“Pesky adventurers are not wanted in this place.
The skull has the waning crescent symbol
Leave now or incur the wrath of Gazz’Ik of the
carved into its forehead.
Nine Hells.”
Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A
Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A
Game mechanics, monster stat blocks and other Open Gaming Content reproduced under the OGL License 1.0A