Destroying Peroxides of Isopropyl Ether

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Reprocessing stored ether to very low A. c.

peroxide levels can be accomplished by treating it
with amines or with a variety of inorganic reagents

T he explosive n a t u r e of peroxides of isopropyl ether
and the risk of fatal accidents have led to a consumer
diethylenetriamine complete removal of the peroxides occurred
within one hour.
d e m a n d for a product with more stringent peroxide —Aqueous 20% solutions of hydroxylamine hydrochloride
limitations. Some customers now specify a peroxide- destroyed peroxides when used in cold washing treatments.
free ether, or an isopropyl ether with a peroxide content
of no more t h a n a few parts per million. Because of the —Sodium metabisulfite solution was the most effective of the
extreme susceptibility of isopropyl ether to oxidation, it is inorganic reagents tried. This reducing reagent was found to
often difficult for the producer to meet these new require- react quickly with the peroxides in isopropyl ether in essentially
ments. T h e producer may find it necessary to reprocess a stoichiometric manner.
stored ether which has acquired some peroxides in order —Stannous chloride was the only inorganic reagent which was
to meet this more exacting grade. effective in the solid form.
Peroxides of isopropyl ether have a higher boiling
point t h a n the ether itself, and the ether therefore cannot Because of other variables that would be introduced, it
be safely dry-distilled unless peroxides are known to be is not possible from the laboratory experience to choose a
absent. T h e temperature and concentration at which single " b e s t " reagent, or to give specific instructions for
explosion becomes probable have never been authorita- removal of peroxides by the use of the inorganic reducing
tively stated. Even a very small amount of peroxide may agents in plant-scale operations. Plant equipment for
be dangerous, since it is concentrated in the still system. conducting the treatment would influence the results,
T h e need for reprocessing a large volume of isopropyl and the peroxide content of the two liquid phases during
ether stored at one of our plants led to a laboratory the mixing operation.
study to find effective and economic means of destroying For our purposes, the best system was chosen as cold-
peroxides. Peroxide content of the stored ether was washing with sodium metabisulfite solutions. While
well below the customary m a x i m u m limit, but did not details of the operations were not given, it was recently
meet the new requirements. It was hoped that per- reported by the Production D e p a r t m e n t of the Chemicals
oxides could be converted to harmless substances while Division that isopropyl ether having 0.017 meq. O2 per
using an a m o u n t of reagent small enough to have no gram of ether was successfully treated with 3.0%
deleterious effect on ether quality. This goal was not sodium metabisulfite solution. After treatment and
attained—any material which completely destroyed subsequent refining, the peroxide content of the ether
peroxides also appreciably degraded the ether. Sub- was a m a x i m u m of 0.0007 meq. O2 per g r a m of ether.
sequent redistillation or dehydration is required to Stainless steel equipment is preferred for this process.
restore the ether to the specifications of a refined product.
Effect of Amines on Decomposition of Peroxides
Materials tested for their effect on peroxides of iso-
propyl ether included several amines, used both in un- Amines and amine-like compounds are known to be
diluted form and as aqueous solutions. Inorganic effective antioxidants. O n e of these chemicals, mor-
pholine, has been successfully used by the Chemicals
reagents previously recommended in the literature were
Division of Union Carbide Corp. to prevent per-
also tested. These included solutions of sodium hy-
oxidation of freshly distilled isopropyl ether. O t h e r
droxide, sodium metabisulfite, ferrous sulfate, and
amines, for example, diethylenetriamine, triethylene-
stannous chloride. In addition, solid stannous chloride,
tetramine, and tetraethylenepentamine appear to be
ferrous sulfate, and sodium metabisulfite were tested.
equally effective as peroxide inhibitors for this ether {6).
Results of these tests showed t h a t :
T h e decomposition of peroxides by amines has been
—In a cold washing operation, high concentrations of peroxides reported by a n u m b e r of investigators. C a p p and
were completely removed by treatment with 25% by weight of Hawkins (2) studied the reaction of organic amines with
undiluted triethylenetetramine, and reduced to very low concen- alkaryl hydroperoxides and stated that these peroxides
trations by treatment with this amount of undiluted diethylene- could be converted smoothly into the corresponding
triamine and propylenediamine. alcohol with loss of one atom of oxygen by treatment
—When ether which contained peroxides was refluxed in the with m a n y amines. Others (7, IG) have reported on
presence of 25% by weight of undiluted triethylenetetramine and the decomposition of peroxides by amines and have

VOL. 56 NO. 6 JUNE 1 9 6 4 37

proposed partial and tentative mechanisms for the This phenomenon is presumably related to the solubility
reaction. T h e use of polyalkylene polyamines as activa- of amine in the ether and the effect of temperature on the
tors for peroxide-catalyzed polymerization by decomposi- solubility.
tion of the peroxide catalyst has been described. M a n y
amines were effective in bringing about rapid polymeri- Effect of Aqueous Amine Solutions
zation at low temperature (77). Since a large excess of the pure amines was required
for satisfactory destruction of the peroxides, the effect
Addition of Undiluted Amines of aqueous solutions was of interest. T h e results of a
T h e effect of undiluted amines on decomposition of cold washing process using aqueous solutions of the
the peroxides was first investigated. None of the amines are shown in T a b l e I I . T h e effect of temperature
amines tried in the undiluted state effectively decom- on decomposition of the peroxides in contact withsolutions
posed the peroxides unless added to the ether in rela- of a variety of amines is summarized in T a b l e I I I .
tively large amounts. Typical data obtained for a cold T h e data given in these tables are typical data taken from
washing process are given in Table I. Triethyl- a large n u m b e r of experiments that were conducted in an
enetetramine was the most effective of the m a n y tried effort to determine the most suitable amine for the
(Trial 17, T a b l e I ) . T h e peroxides were also removed purpose. T h e a m o u n t of reagent required to decompose
by refluxing the ether a short period of time with the peroxides can be estimated from the quantities
2 5 % by weight of either diethylenetriamine or tri- shown.
ethylenetetramine (Trials 6 and 18, Table I ) . Ethyl- While the peroxide content of the isopropyl ether was
enediamine and propylenediamine were less effective appreciably reduced by cold washing for short periods
peroxide decomposition agents than the amines men- of time with m a n y of the aqueous amine solutions, only
tioned above, but results of the studies indicate that one completely destroyed the peroxides—hydroxyl-
these amines also may possibly be used in the undiluted amine hydrochloride. Sufficent data were obtained to
state to remove dangerous amounts of peroxides from indicate that solutions of this amine are effective over a
isopropyl ether. wide range of peroxide concentration. I n addition to
T h e amines, and in particular propylenediamine, the d a t a given in T a b l e I I , it will be observed from
appear to be soluble in isopropyl ether to an appreciable further data shown in T a b l e V that complete decomposi-
extent, so that it would be necessary to separate the tion of peroxides in isopropyl ether containing more t h a n
amine from the isopropyl ether by distillation after 1000 p.p.m. was accomplished by cold washing 3
treatment. W h e n the amines are first added to the volumes of the ether for 2 hours with 1 volume of a 10
isopropyl ether, a cloudiness appears in the ether phase per cent solution of hydroxylamine hydrochloride.
and remains for an hour or two after which it disappears. Hydrazine, like hydroxylamine hydrochloride, is a
W h e n heated, the ether phase clarifies immediately but strong reducing agent. T h e reaction of this chemical
becomes cloudy again when the solution is cooled. with hydrogen peroxide has been described (7), and it


Peroxiues, Meg. Oi/G. Ether
Trial Name Added" Treatment Start End
1 Butylamine 1 Shaken 15 min.; heated 2 hr., 55° C. 0.012 0.012
2 5 Shaken 15 min. 0.036 0.033

3 Diethylenetramine 1 Shaken 15 min.; heated 2 hr., 55 ° C. 0.012 0.006

4 10 Shaken intermittently, 1 hr. 0.200 0.015
5 25 Shaken intermittently, 1 hr. 0.200 0.003
6 25 Refluxed 1 hr. 0.200 nil

7 Ethylenediamine 3 Shaken 15 min.; quiescent 17 hr. 0.021 0.010

8 10 Shaken intermittently 1 hr. 0.200 0.021
9 25 Shaken intermittently 1 hr. 0.200 0.010

10 Morpholine 5 Refluxed 2 hr. 0.058 0.048

11 Propylenediamine 3 Shaken 15 min.; heated 2 hr., 55° C. 0.012 0.001

12 10 Shaken intermittently, 1 hr. 0.200 0.021
13 25 Shaken intermittently, 1 hr. 0.200 0.001

14 Triethylenetetramine 1 Shaken 15 min.; heated 2 hr., 55° G. 0.012 0.005

15 5 Refluxed, 2 hr. 0.058 0.004
16 10 Shaken intermittently, 1 hr. 0.200 0.018
17 25 Shaken intermittently 1 hr.; quiescent 17 hr. 0.200 nil
18 25 Refluxed, 1 hr. 0.200 nil

" Per cent by weight of pure amine added to the isopropyl ether.


was anticipated that the peroxides of isopropyl ether Peroxides of variable compositions form in isopropyl
would respond to the action of this reducing agent in a ether. Some of the peroxides are more easily decom-
manner analogous to its reaction with hydrogen peroxide. posed than others. Some, the cyclic peroxides of di-
In attempts to decompose the peroxides in a low- acetone and triacetone, which are stated to form in iso-
peroxide ether, dilute aqueous solutions of hydrazine propyl ether (P), are claimed to be more dangerously
had no effect. In fact, in some tests, the peroxides explosive than others. For this reason, continued stiudy
increased during treatment. However, tests using a may be needed to determine whether certain of the
high-peroxide ether showed that very strong solutions amines will be effective deperoxidation agents under all
of this reagent appreciably reduced the peroxides. circumstances.
Hydrazine hydrate, a commercial preparation of 85% Experience has been that peroxides often form in
aqueous hydrazine, when used in excess of the amount of isopropyl ether in the latter stages of the refining opera-
peroxides present, destroyed all but a very small amount tion. Peroxidation is a "chain reaction" and proceeds
of the peroxides. Violent effervescence and evolution of at a rapid pace. Such being the case, the addition of an
gas occurred, owing to decomposition of both the per- amine in the ether refining process just prior to the final
oxides and hydrazine. Hydrazine is a very reactive operation may well retard or prevent autoxidation for
chemical and the hazards of handling this reagent make appreciable lengths of time. Unpublished laboratory
it a very unlikely candidate for decomposition of per- data by the author have clearly indicated the benefits
oxides in ethers. of this procedure on subsequent stability of the isopropyl
Under conditions in which the peroxidic ether was ether.
refiuxed in the presence of aqueous 20% amine solu-
tions, the peroxides were completely destroyed when Effect of Inorganic Reagents
hydroxylamine hydrochloride and triethylenetetramine Because ether peroxides are very unstable and are both
were used and reduced to low concentrations using oxidizable and reducible, many inorganic reagents
diethylenetriamine, diethylaminopropylamine, ethylene- have been suggested for purification of ethers. Fisher
diamine, morpholine, propylenediamine, triethanol- and Baxter (4) studied the effect on decomposition of
amine, and tetraethylenepentamine (Table III). peroxides in ethers and dioxane by sodium hydroxide
and reducing agents such as metal oxides, powdered
From the laboratory studies it appears that reaction
zinc, sodium bisulfite, stannous chloride, and ferrous
of the amines with the peroxides of isopropyl ether varies
sulfate. Hunter and Downing (8), and Williams (12),
with the particular amine used for the purpose, the con- in reviewing suggested methods for purification of per-
centration, and the temperature. The reader who has a oxidic ethers to render them free from explosive hazard.
special interest in this aspect will find much information They mention the use of such compounds as powdered
on the chemistry involved from the detailed and extensive iron, mercury, potassium permanganate, aqueous sodium
studies of Hawkins (7) and Tobolsky (70). carbonate, ferrous sulfate, sodium metabisulfite and


Volume, Ml. Peroxides, Meq. O2/G. Ether
Amine, End
Trial Amine Solution aqueous soln. Ether Start Ether Amine
1 Butylamine 25 25 0.024 0.009 0.001
2 Diethylenetriamine 25 25 0.024 0.008 Nil
3 Diethylenetriamine" 10 25 0.101 0.029
4 Dipropylenetriamine 25 25 0.024 0.008 Nil
5 Diethylaminopropylamine 30 75 0.004 0.002 0.003
6 Ethylenediamine 25 25 0.024 0.005 0.001
7 Hydrazine 20 60 0.200 0.014 0.004
8 Hydrazine hydrate", 0 3 60 0.200 0.001 b

9 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride" 25 50 0.017 nil Nil

10 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride 30 75 0.004 nil Nil
11 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride* 20 150 0.097 0.002 Trace
Hydroxyethylpiperazine" 20 50 0.028 0.011 Trace
12 Monoethanolamine 25 25 0.024 0.009 0.001
13 Morpholine" 25 50 0.037 0.015 0.006
14 A^-Methylmorpholi ne" 20 50 0.035 0.013
15 Propylenediamine 20 25 0.024 0.009 0.001
16 Triethylenetetramine" 25 50 0.037 0.013 Nil
17 Triethylenetetramine 25 25 0.024 0.010 Nil
18 Tetraethylene pentamine" 25 50 0.028 0.009 Nil
19 Triethanolamine 25 50 0.036 0.014 0.001

" After shaking together with the isopropyl ether these amine solutions remained in contact with the ether overnight {about 17 hours) before analysisfor peroxide
content. h A heavy white precipitate of hydrazine sulfate formed in the sulfuric acid solution used in the peroxide analysis. ' Eighty-five per cent hydrazine in
water. Strong evolution of gas when shaken with the ether.

V O L 56 NO. 6 JUNE 1 9 6 4 39
stannous chloride, and recommend steam distillation of TABLE I I I . EFFECT OF R E F L U X I N G WITH
ether over dilute sodium hydroxide solutions as a safe pro-
cedure for purification. T h e United K i n g d o m Atomic Peroxides, Meq.02/G.
Energy Authority recently investigated the known
After Reflux"
methods for treating ethyl ether containing high con-
centrations of peroxides after use in purification of ore Trial Amine Solution Start Ether Water
solutions, and reported that the best method was to 1 Butylamine 0.036 0.009 0.001
wash the ether with a n acid solution of ferrous sulfate 2 Diethylenetriamine 0.036 0.003 Nil
(3). 3 Dipropylenetriamine 0.058 0.004 Nil
4 Diethylaminopropylamine 0.004 0.001 Nil
Although sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate 5 Ethylenediamine 0.036 0.003 Nil
solutions have been suggested as ether peroxide de- Hydroxylamine hydrochloride 0.210 0.010 Nil
composition agents, they were not very effective in 6 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride 0.004 Nil Nil
removal of the peroxides developed in isopropyl ether 7 Hydroxyethyl piperazine 0.035 0.004 Trace
under the test conditions employed (Trials 1, 2, 3, and 8 Morpholine 0.024 0.003 0.001
9 iV-Methylmorpholine 0.058 0.008 0.004
4, T a b l e I V ) .
10 A"-Aminopropylmorpholine 0.058 0.005 Nil
Among the most effective inorganic reagents tried for 11 A r -Aminoethylpiperazine 0.058 0.007 Nil
removal of the peroxides in isopropyl ether were sodium 12 Propylenediamine 0.034 0.001 0.001
metabisulfite, ferrous sulfate, and stannous chloride. 13 Triethanolamine 0.052 0.002 0.001
A comparison of the effect of these three reducing agents 14 Tetraethylenepentamine 0.035 0.003 Nil
15 Triethylenetetr amine 0.036 0.002 Nil
may be observed from the data of T a b l e I V .
16 Triethylenetetramine 0.101 Nil Nil
T h e peroxides of isopropyl ether at either low or high 17 Triethylenetetramine 0.210 Nil Nil
concentrations were quickly and completely removed
by washing the ether with cold, very dilute aqueous " One volume of 20% aqueous amine solution was refluxed for two hours
with two and one-half volumes of peroxidic isopropyl ether.
solutions of sodium metabisulfite. T h e a m o u n t of bi-
sulfite present in the wash water, it was determined, need
only be equivalent in a m o u n t or slightly in excess of the
a m o u n t of peroxides calculated to be present in the quired to remove a given a m o u n t of peroxides in iso-
ether that is being washed (compare amounts of sodium propyl ether than are required to destroy the peroxides
bisulfite and peroxide in Trials 8 and 10, Table I V ) . using aqueous sodium metabisulfite. Estimates m a d e
T h e ease and rapidity by which peroxides were de- from d a t a given in T a b l e I V indicate that these reagents
composed in isopropyl ether by use of sodium meta- must be used in excess of a b o u t five times the a m o u n t
bisulfite solution are illustrated in the data obtained in the of peroxides present.
corrosion tests of T a b l e V, where the peroxides in a high- It will be observed that the peroxides of isopropyl ether
peroxide ether were completely destroyed by stirring 10 were destroyed by shaking the ether with stannous
volumes of the ether with 1 volume of the aqueous 5 % chloride in solid form. Sodium metabisulfite and ferrous
solution for 15 minutes. Some later experiments were sulfate did not decompose peroxides when used in the
conducted to determine the actual time required for solid state.
decomposition of the peroxides to take place by reaction T h e mechanism by which the peroxides are removed
with dilute sodium metabisulfite solution. I n these by treatment with inorganic reducing agents is stated
experiments [data not included in the tables] 200 ml. of in its simplest form to be that of reaction of the oxygen
a 5 % solution of sodium metabisulfite was added to 800 of the peroxide with the reducing agent, the reagent
ml. of isopropyl ether containing 0.575 meq. O2 per being simultaneously oxidized (3). W h e n freshly
g r a m of ether in a 2-liter Pyrex reaction vessel equipped prepared, aqueous ferrous sulfate solution is a pale green
with a n electric stirrer and provided with a n access for color. After shaking with the peroxidized ether, oxida-
sampling the ether and water phases. I n this case, the tion of the ferrous ion soon occurred as indicated by a
a m o u n t of bisulfite was only in slight excess of the brown coloration of the solution and precipitation of
a m o u n t of ether peroxide present. Results of these finely divided red ferric hydroxide on the sides of the
tests showed that decomposition of the peroxides was reaction flask. A very fine white precipitate of tin oxide
very rapid. An appreciable rise in temperature oc- (SnO 2) or stannic hydroxide formed when the stannous
curred u p o n addition of the bisulfite solution to the chloride was first added to the ether. This precipitate
ether (about 10° F.). No peroxides were found in coagulates to some extent with continued shaking
samples of the ether or water phase withdrawn at any of but is difficult to remove by filtration.
the test intervals down to as low a time interval as 30 For removal of peroxides, one should consider both
seconds. W h e n the peroxide content is high, consider- the concentration of the reducing solution, and the
able heat is evolved in the treatment with sodium meta- ratio of volume used to t h a t of the ether that is being
bisulfite and the reagent should be added slowly and with
AUTHOR A. C. Hamstead is a Staff Associate in the Re-
Larger quantities of ferrous sulfate a n d stannous search and Development Department of the Chemicals Division
chloride in the form of their aqueous solutions are re- Union Carbide Corp., South Charleston, W. Va.


purified. I n some cases it m a y be advantageous to use bisulfite-water phase need not be continued more t h a n a
a weak solution a n d a large volume to provide better few minutes.
contact. I n other instances, more concentrated solu- It should be mentioned t h a t sulfur dioxide, a de-
tions of the reducing agent may be required to provide composition product of sodium metabisulfite, is slightly
more reducing activity. It appears t h a t very weak soluble in isopropyl ether. I n the iodometric method of
solutions of sodium metabisulfite effectively destroy the analysis used for determining the peroxide content of the
peroxides, while stronger solutions of stannous chloride isopropyl ether this compound will reduce iodine that is
and ferrous sulfate are more effective than weaker released from the potassium iodide reagent by the per-
solutions. oxides causing low results. I n order to be certain,
Results of the comparative d a t a in Tables I V a n d V therefore, that all of the peroxides have been removed
strongly indicated that the bisulfite would be most by treatment with the bisulfite solution, the ether should
effective a n d economical for the purpose. Sodium be washed with dilute sodium hydroxide solution or
metabisulfite is more costly t h a n the ferrous sulfate, the with water alone to remove this impurity before being
cost of this reagent being approximately $14 per analyzed for peroxides.
100 pounds as compared with $7.00 per 100 pounds If other reducing reagents, ferrous sulfate or stannous
for ferrous sulfate, but it is indicated that only about chloride, are preferred for some reason, it is indicated
Zs as m u c h bisulfite as ferrous sulfate and stannous that reprocessing of the ether could be conducted on a
chloride would be needed for treatment of peroxidic plant scale as indicated above for the bisulfite t r e a t m e n t
isopropyl ether. Stannous chloride is quite costly in with the modification t h a t the a m o u n t of reducing agent
comparison with the other two reducing agents, its cost in the wash solution should be 5 to 10 times that of the
being a b o u t $127 per 100 pounds. calculated a m o u n t of peroxides present in the ether that
Results of the experiments conducted in the labora- is being purified. I n t i m a t e mixing of the aqueous
tory provide a reasonable basis for plant-scale operations. phase and ether phase should be continued in this case
As indicated in the d a t a of T a b l e V, where a large volume for at least 15 minutes, as far as is known.
of isopropyl ether was treated in corrosion tests, As in the case of the treatments using amines, the
good success should be obtained by cold washing the purity of refined isopropyl ether is appreciably degraded
ether in a mixing tank with 3 to 5 % aqueous by treatment with the inorganic reagents. T h e limits
sodium metabisulfite solution using 1 volume of the of specific gravity, distillation range, water content, a n d
bisulfite solution in 10 volumes of ether. T h e a m o u n t acidity, in some instances, were affected most by the
of sodium metabisulfite present in the wash water treatments, a n d subsequent redistillation or dehydration
should be equivalent to or slightly in excess of the ether- is required to restore the ether to the specifications of a
peroxide present. I n t i m a t e mixing of the ether a n d refined product.


Peroxides, Meq. O2/G. Ether

Volume, Ml. After Treatment®
Trial Name Reagent Ether Start Ether Water

1 1 0 % Sodium hydroxide 10 50 0.023 0.006

2 2 0 % Sodium hydroxide 25 50 0.028 0.012 0.007
3 2 0 % Sodium hydroxide 6 20 50 0.101 0.017 0.002
4 2 0 % Sodium carbonate 6 30 60 0.200 0.037 0.013
5 1 % Sodium metabisulfite 10 80 0.011 Nil Nil
6 3 % Sodium metabisulfite 15 75 0.220 Nil Nil
7 5 % Sodium metabisulfite 2 50 0.081 Nil
8 5 % Sodium metabisulfite 3.3 50 0.152 Nil
9 5 % Sodium metabisulfite 5 50 0.318 0.017 0.005
10 5 % Sodium metabisulfite 7 50 0.318 Nil Nil
11 5 % Ferrous sulfate 15 50 0.318 0.017 «
12 5 % Ferrous sulfate 20 50 0.314 0.007 C

13 5 % Ferrous sulfate 16 50 0.152 0.001 C

14 5 % Ferrous sulfate 3 50 0.027 Nil C

15 2 0 % Ferrous sulfate 10 50 0.041 Nil C

16 5 % Stannous chloride 7 50 0.314 0.009 0.138

17 5 % Stannous chloride 20 50 0.314 0.001 Nil
18 5 % Stannous chloride 35 50 0.314 Nil Nil
19 2 0 % Stannous chloride 10 50 0.041 Nil Nil
20 Solid stannous chloride 1.4 g. 40 0.338 0.005
21 Solid stannous chloride 2.0g. 50 0.368 Nil
" Treatment consisted of vigorously shaking the ether and reagent together in a small bottle for 15 minutes. Refluxed two hours, The ferric ion liberates
iodine from the potassium iodide reagent, interfering with the analysis for peroxides in the water layer.

VOL. 5 6 NO. 6 JUNE 1 9 6 4 41


Aqueous 70%
Treatment Conditions Aqueous 5% Sodium Bisulfite Hydrochloride
Vol. reagent, ml. 120 120 250
Isopropyl ether, vol. ml. 1200 1200 800
Peroxides start, meq. 0 2 / g . ether 0.179 0.17S 0.037
Peroxides end, meq. Oz/g. ether Nil* Nil" Nil 1
Time of treatment, hr. 2 66 4

Corrosion Rate of Metals, Inch/Year Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor
Mild steel 0.654« 0.283" 0.406 0.013 3.850 0.625
Copper 0.026 0.114 0.029 0.054 0.064 0.150
Aluminum 3003 0.035 Nil d 0.019 0.011 6.150' Nil
Stainless steel type 304 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

" The peroxide content nil after agitating the solution 75 ? The peroxide content at the end of 7 hr. was 0.007 meq. 0%/g. ether; nil after agitating
the solution 2 hr. ' Black deposit on metal; pitted. d Shallow pitting. ' Deeply etched; heavy corrosion deposit; solution contaminated with metal salts.

Materials of Construction bottles. T h e screw caps were not tightened so as to

Corrosion tests were conducted on a few of the c o m m o n provide access of air to the ether, and to avoid the possible
materials of construction using one of the inorganic h a z a r d of explosions arising when the tightened caps
reagents t h a t would most likely be used for the peroxide were removed from concentration of the peroxides
destruction, sodium metabisulfite, and one of the amines, a r o u n d the closure. T h e containers were set aside on the
hydroxylamine hydrochloride, a n effective agent a n d laboratory shelf. Peroxides at various levels of con-
probably the most corrosive of the amines tried for this centration developed in the ether depending upon size
purpose. of the container, position of exposure with respect to
Results of these tests indicated t h a t for the short light, and time of exposure.
intervals of time required for the peroxide conversion T r e a t m e n t of the ether with the various peroxide
using sodium metabisulfite solutions, any of the c o m m o n decomposition reagents in cold washing operations
materials of construction could be used. For con- usually consisted in shaking a small measured volume of
tinuous operation in this service or for prolonged periods the isopropyl ether of known peroxide content with a
of time, appreciable d a m a g e to mild steel, copper, or known a m o u n t of the reagent in small screw-cap bottles,
a l u m i n u m equipment would be expected. Stainless the peroxide content being determined again at the end
steel type 304 was unattacked during the laboratory of the experiment. In some tests larger quantities of
test and would be the preferred material of construction isopropyl ether and reagent were agitated rapidly with
for the bisulfite washing operation. a n electric stirrer in glass containers of suitable size and
Corrosive attack in treatments using aqueous 1 0 % samples of the ether and water phase withdrawn at
hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution would be too various time intervals for peroxide analysis.
severe to conduct in mild steel or a l u m i n u m equipment. T h e peroxide was determined by addition of potassium
Copper would be suitable for occasional treatments. iodide reagent to the ether solutions just previously
Stainless steel type 304 was not attacked during an acidified with dilute sulfuric acid solution, and titration
initial 4-hour exposure in the rapidly agitated isopropyl of the liberated iodine with QAN sodium thiosulfate.
ether-amine hydrochloride solution a n d would be the
preferred material for the deperoxidation treatments Acknowledgment
using this reagent also. T r e a t m e n t of the isopropyl T h e author wishes to thank J. B. Johnson and
ether with any of the other aqueous amine solutions R. M . Berg of the Chemicals Division of Union
tried could very likely be done satisfactorily in mild Carbide Corp. for their valuable assistance in prepara-
steel or copper, b u t not in a l u m i n u m . A l u m i n u m tion of the manuscript.
is rapidly corroded during initial exposures in nearly all
dilute amine solutions. D a t a on the corrosion resistance
of the metal by the peroxide decomposition reagents
(1) A u d r i e t h , L. F., " T h e Chemistry of H y d r a z i n e , " Wiley, New York, 1951.
are summarized in T a b l e V. (2) G a p p , G. W . , H a w k i n s , E. G. G., J. Chem. Soc. 1953, p . 4106.
(3) Dukes, J. A., " R e m o v a l of Peroxides from E t h e r , " Unclassified R e p o r t DL(S)
IN-2010, U . K . Atomic Energy Authority, 1958.
(4) Fisher, F . R., Baxter, R . A., Mines Mag., August 1940, p . 447.
Refined isopropyl ether meeting all specification (5) H a m s t e a d , A. G., Leis, D . G., V a n D e l i n d e r , L. S., I N D . E N O . J C H E M . 53, N o . 2
pp. 63A-6A(1961).
requirements was used to prepare peroxidized ether for (6) H a m s t e a d , A. G., V a n D e l i n d e r , L . S., J. Chem. and Ene.Oata 5, N o . 3, p p . 3 8 3 -
6(1960). *
the investigation. (!) H a w k i n s , E. G. C., " O r g a n i c Peroxides," p . 107, V a n Nostrand, T o r o n t o , 1 9 6 1 .
Autoxidation of the isopropyl ether did not proceed (8) H u n t e r , W . , D o w n i n g , J., J.S.C.I. 68, p p . 362-4, Dec. (1949).
(9) Rieche, A., Angew. Chem. 70, N o . 9, 251-66 (1958).
readily as anticipated by simple aeration. T h e best (10) Tobolsky, A r t h u r V., Mesrobian, R o b e r t B., " O r g a n i c Peroxides," p . 104
method used for this purpose was to repackage the iso- Interscience, New York, 1954.
(11) W h i t b y , G. S., it a!., I N D . E N G . C H E M . 42, N o . 3, p p . 445-52 (1950).
propyl ether in variously sized, clear glass, screw-cap (12) Williams, E. C., Chem. Ind. (London), July 17, 1936, p p . 5 8 0 - 1 .


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