DNA Technology and Genomics: Chapter Objectives

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DNA Technology and Genomics

Chapter Objectives
Opening Essay
Explain how DNA technologies affect our lives.

Gene Cloning
12.1 Explain how plasmids are used in gene cloning.
12.2 Explain how restriction enzymes are used to “cut and paste” DNA into
12.3 Explain how plasmids and phages are used to construct genomic
12.4 Explain how a cDNA library is constructed and how it is different from
genomic libraries constructed using plasmids or phages.
12.5 Explain how a nucleic acid probe can be used to identify a specific gene.

Genetically Modified Organisms

12.6 Explain how different organisms are used to mass-produce proteins of human
interest. Note the advantages and disadvantages of each organism.
12.7 Explain how DNA technology has helped to produce insulin, growth hormone,
and vaccines.
12.8 Explain how genetically modified (GM) organisms are transforming
12.9 Describe the risks posed by the creation and culturing of GM organisms and the
safeguards that have been developed to minimize these risks.
12.10 Describe the benefits and risks of gene therapy in humans. Discuss the ethical
issues that these techniques present.

DNA Profiling
12.11 Describe the basic steps of DNA profiling.
12.12 Explain how PCR is used to amplify DNA sequences and how it has been used
in science.
12.13 Explain how gel electrophoresis is used to sort DNA and proteins.
12.14 Explain how short tandem repeats are used in DNA profiling.
12.15 Describe the diverse applications of DNA profiling.
12.16 Explain how restriction fragment analysis is used to detect differences in DNA

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12.17 Explain what we have learned by sequencing the genomes of humans and other
12.18 Describe the structure and possible functions of the noncoding sections of the
human genome. Give the current estimate of the total number of human genes.
12.19 Explain how the human genome was mapped.
12.20 Compare the fields of genomics and proteomics.
12.21 Describe the significance of genomics to the study of evolutionary relationships
and our understanding of the special characteristics of humans.

Lecture Outline
I. Introduction
1. Hawaii’s papaya industry seemed doomed just a few decades ago.
a. A deadly pathogen called papaya ringspot virus (PRV) had spread throughout the
b. It appeared poised to completely decimate the papaya plant population.
2. Scientists from the University of Hawaii were able to rescue the industry by creating
new, genetically engineered PRV-resistant strains of papaya.
3. Today, the papaya industry is once again vibrant, and the vast majority of Hawaii’s
papayas are genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
4. Some critics have raised safety concerns
a. for the people who eat them and
b. for the environment.
5. Should we, in fact, be concerned about the safety of GMO crops?
a. This question continues to foster considerable debate and disagreement.
6. In addition to GMOs in our diet, DNA technologies affect our lives in many other
a. Gene cloning is used to produce medical and industrial products.
b. DNA profiling has changed the field of forensic science.
c. New technologies produce valuable data for biological research.
d. DNA can be used to investigate historical questions.
II. Gene Cloning
A. 12.1 Genes can be cloned in recombinant plasmids
1. Biotechnology is the manipulation of organisms or their components to make useful
2. For thousands of years, humans have
a. used microbes to make wine and cheese and
b. selectively bred stock, dogs, and other animals.
3. DNA technology is the set of modern techniques used to study and manipulate genetic
4. Genetic engineering involves manipulating genes for practical purposes.
5. Gene cloning leads to the production of multiple, identical copies of a gene-carrying
piece of DNA in vitro (in a test tube) to form a single DNA molecule.

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6. Recombinant DNA is formed by joining nucleotide sequences from two different
sources and often different species.
a. One source contains the gene that will be cloned.
b. Another source is a gene carrier called a vector.
c. Plasmids are small, circular DNA molecules that replicate separately from the
much larger bacterial chromosome; they are often used as vectors.
7. The following are the steps in cloning a gene:
a. Plasmid DNA is isolated.
b. DNA containing the gene of interest is isolated.
c. Plasmid DNA is treated with a restriction enzyme that cuts in one place, opening
the circle.
d. DNA with the target gene is treated with the same enzyme and many fragments are
e. Plasmid and target DNA are mixed and associate with each other.
f. Recombinant DNA molecules are produced when DNA ligase joins plasmid and
target segments together.
g. The recombinant plasmid containing the target gene is taken up by a bacterial cell.
h. The bacterial cell reproduces to form a clone, a group of genetically identical cells
descended from a single ancestral cell.
8. Gene cloning can be used to produce a variety of desirable products.
B. 12.2 VISUALIZING THE CONCEPT: Enzymes are used to “cut and paste” DNA
1. Restriction enzymes recognize a particular short DNA sequence, called a
a. restriction site, and
b. cut both strands of the DNA at precise points in the sequence, yielding pieces of
DNA called restriction fragments.
2. Once cut, fragments of DNA can be pasted together by the enzyme DNA ligase.
C. 12.3 Cloned genes can be stored in genomic libraries
1. A genomic library is a collection of all of the cloned DNA fragments from a target
2. Genomic libraries can be constructed with different types of vectors.
a. In a plasmid library, genomic DNA is carried by plasmids.
b. In a bacteriophage (phage) library, genomic DNA is incorporated into
bacteriophage DNA.
D. 12.4 Reverse transcriptase can help make genes for cloning
1. A researcher can focus on the genes expressed in a particular kind of cell by using its
mRNA as the starting material for cloning.
2. In this process,
a. mRNA from a specific cell type is the template,
b. reverse transcriptase produces a DNA strand from mRNA,
c. DNA polymerase produces the second DNA strand, and
d. the DNA that results from such a procedure, called complementary DNA (cDNA),
represents only the subset of genes that had been transcribed into mRNA in the
starting cells.
3. Advantages of cloning with cDNA include the ability to
a. study genes responsible for specialized characteristics of a particular cell type and
b. obtain gene sequences that are smaller in size, easier to handle, and do not have

E. 12.5 Nucleic acid probes identify clones carrying specific genes
1. Nucleic acid probes bind very selectively to cloned DNA.
a. Probes can be DNA or RNA sequences complementary to a portion of the gene of
b. A probe binds to a gene of interest by base pairing.
c. Probes are labeled with a radioactive isotope or fluorescent tag for detection.
2. One way to screen a gene library is as follows:
a. Bacterial clones are transferred to filter paper.
b. A chemical treatment is used to break open the cells and separate the DNA strands.
c. A probe solution is added, and any bacterial colonies carrying the gene of interest
will be tagged on the filter paper.
d. The clone carrying the gene of interest is grown for further study.
III. Genetically Modified Organisms
A. 12.6 Recombinant cells and organisms can mass-produce gene products
1. Recombinant cells and organisms constructed by DNA technologies are used to
manufacture many useful products, chiefly proteins.
2. Bacteria are often the best organisms for manufacturing a protein product because
a. have plasmids and phages available for use as gene-cloning vectors,
b. can be grown rapidly and cheaply,
c. can be engineered to produce large amounts of a particular protein, and
d. often secrete the proteins directly into their growth medium.
3. Yeast cells
a. are eukaryotes,
b. are easy to grow,
c. have long been used to make bread and beer,
d. can take up foreign DNA and integrate it into their genomes, and
e. are often better than bacteria at synthesizing and secreting eukaryotic proteins.
4. Mammalian cells must be used to produce proteins with chains of sugars. Examples
a. human erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates the production of red blood cells,
b. factor VIII to treat hemophilia, and
c. tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), used to treat heart attacks and strokes.
5. Pharmaceutical researchers are currently exploring the mass production of gene
products by
a. whole animals or
b. plants.
6. Recombinant animals
a. are difficult and costly to produce and
b. must be cloned to produce more animals with the same traits.
B. 12.7 CONNECTION: DNA technology has changed the pharmaceutical industry and
1. DNA technology, including gene cloning, is widely used to produce medicines and to
diagnose diseases.
2. Therapeutic hormones produced by DNA technology include
a. insulin to treat diabetes,
b. human growth hormone to treat dwarfism, and

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c. tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), a protein that helps dissolve blood clots and
reduces the risk of subsequent heart attacks.
3. DNA technology is used to
a. test for inherited diseases,
b. detect infectious agents such as HIV, and
c. produce vaccines, harmless variants (mutants) or derivatives of a pathogen that
stimulate the immune system to mount a lasting defense against that pathogen,
thereby preventing disease.
C. 12.8 CONNECTION: Genetically modified organisms are transforming agriculture
1. Since ancient times, people have selectively bred agricultural crops to make them
more useful.
2. DNA technology is quickly replacing traditional breeding programs to improve the
productivity of agriculturally important plants and animals.
3. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) contain one or more genes introduced by
artificial means.
4. Transgenic organisms contain at least one gene from another species.
5. The most common vector used to introduce new genes into plant cells is
a. a plasmid from the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens
b. called the Ti plasmid.
6. GMO crops may be able to help a great many hungry people by improving
a. food production,
b. shelf life,
c. pest resistance, and
d. the nutritional value of crops.
7. Golden Rice, a transgenic variety created in 2000 with a few daffodil genes, produces
yellow grains containing beta-carotene, which our body uses to make vitamin A.
8. Genetic engineers are now creating plants that make human proteins for medical use.
9. Pharmaceutical trails currently under way involve using modified
a. rice to treat infant diarrhea,
b. corn to treat cystic fibrosis,
c. safflower to treat diabetes, and
d. duckweed to treat hepatitis.
10. Although promising, no plant-made drugs intended for use by humans have been
approved or sold.
11. Agriculture researchers are producing transgenic animals by injecting cloned genes
directly into the nuclei of fertilized eggs.
a. Genetically modified pigs convert less healthy fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids, pro-
ducing meat with four to five times as much healthy omega-3 fat as regular pork.
b. Atlantic salmon have been genetically modified to mature in half the time of
conventional salmon and grow to twice the size.
D. 12.9 SCIENTIFIC THINKING: Genetically modified organisms raise health concerns
1. Scientists use safety measures to guard against production and release of new
2. To guard against rogue microbes, scientists developed a set of guidelines, including
a. strict laboratory safety and containment procedures,
b. the genetic crippling of transgenic organisms to ensure that they cannot survive
outside the laboratory, and

c. a prohibition on certain obviously dangerous experiments.
3. Today, most public concern centers on whether GMOs are safe for humans and the
4. GMOs are used in crop production because they are
a. more nutritious or
b. cheaper to produce.
5. But do these advantages come at a cost to the health of people consuming GMOs?
6. A 2012 animal study involved 104 pigs that were divided into two groups.
a. One group was fed a diet containing 39% GMO corn.
b. Another group was fed a closely related non-GMO corn.
7. The health of the pigs—in terms of growth, organ structure, and immune response
against foreign DNA—was measured in the short term (31 days), in the medium term
(110 days), and over the normal generational life span.
8. The researchers reported no significant differences between the two groups and no
traces of foreign DNA in the slaughtered pig.
9. Although pigs are a good model organism for human digestion, critics argue that
human data are required to draw conclusions about the safety of dietary GMOs in
10. A human study of Golden Rice
a. was conducted jointly by Chinese and American scientists and published in 2012 and
b. concluded that GMO rice can indeed be effective in preventing vitamin A
deficiency among children who rely on rice as a staple food.
11. To date, no study has documented health risks in humans from GMO foods and there
is general agreement among scientists that the GMO foods on the market are safe.
12. On the other hand, because they are new, it is not yet possible to measure the
long-term effects (if any) of GMOs on human health.
13. Concerns remain that transgenic plants might
a. pass their new genes to related species in nearby wild areas and
b. disturb the composition of the natural ecosystem.
14. Although the majority of several staple crops that are grown in the United States—
including corn and soybeans—are genetically modified, products made from GMOs
are not required to be labeled in any way.
a. In 2012, citizens of California voted down (53% to 47%) a ballot measure requiring
GMO labeling of food and drink in that state.
15. In the case of GMO crops, zero risk is probably unattainable.
16. Scientists and the public need to weigh the possible benefits versus risks on a case-by-
case basis.
17. The best scenario would be to proceed with caution, basing our decisions on sound
scientific information rather than on either irrational fear or blind optimism.
E. 12.10 CONNECTION: Gene therapy may someday help treat a variety of diseases
1. Gene therapy is the alteration of a diseased individual’s genes for therapeutic
2. One possible procedure is the following:
a. A gene from a healthy person is cloned, converted to an RNA version, and then
inserted into the RNA genome of a harmless virus.
b. Bone marrow cells are taken from the patient and infected with the recombinant

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c. The virus inserts a DNA version of its genome, including the normal human gene,
into the cell’s DNA.
d. The engineered cells are then injected back into the patient.
3. The promise of gene therapy thus far exceeds actual results, but there have been some
successes in the treatment of
a. severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and
b. Leber’s congenital amaurosis (LCA).
4. The use of gene therapy raises ethical questions.
a. Some critics suggest that tampering with human genes in any way will inevitably
lead to the practice of eugenics, the deliberate effort to control the genetic makeup
of human populations.
b. Other observers see no fundamental difference between the transplantation of genes
into somatic cells and the transplantation of organs.
IV. DNA Profiling
A. 12.11 The analysis of genetic markers can produce a DNA profile
1. DNA profiling is the analysis of DNA samples to determine whether they come from
the same individual.
2. In a typical investigation involving a DNA profile:
a. DNA samples are isolated from the crime scene, suspects, victims, or other
b. selected markers from each DNA sample are amplified (copied many times),
producing a large sample of DNA fragments, and
c. the amplified DNA markers are compared, providing data about which samples are
from the same individual.
B. 12.12 The PCR method is used to amplify DNA sequences
1. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique by which a specific segment of a
DNA molecule can be targeted and quickly amplified in the laboratory.
2. PCR relies on a pair of primers, which are chemically synthesized, single-stranded
DNA molecules with sequences that are complementary to sequences at each end of
the target sequence.
a. One primer is complementary to one strand at one end of the target sequence.
b. The second primer is complementary to the other strand at the other end of the
c. The primers thus bind to sequences that flank the target sequence, marking the start
and end points for the segment of DNA being amplified.
3. The basic steps of PCR are as follows:
a. The reaction mixture is heated to separate the strands of the DNA double helices.
b. The strands are cooled. As they cool, primer molecules hydrogen-bond to their
target sequences on the DNA.
c. A heat-stable DNA polymerase builds new DNA strands by extending the primers
in the 5′→3′ direction.
4. These three steps are repeated over and over, doubling the amount of DNA after each
three-step cycle.
5. The advantages of PCR include
a. the ability to amplify DNA from a small sample,
b. rapid results, and
c. a reaction that is highly sensitive, copying only the target sequence.

6. Devised in 1985, PCR has had a major impact on biological research and
biotechnology. PCR has been used to amplify DNA from
a. fragments of ancient DNA from a mummified human,
b. a 40,000-year-old frozen wooly mammoth,
c. a 30-million-year-old plant fossil, and
d. DNA from fingerprints or from tiny amounts of blood, tissue, or semen found at
crime scenes.
C. 12.13 Gel electrophoresis sorts DNA molecules by size
1. Many DNA technology applications rely on gel electrophoresis, a method that
separates macromolecules, usually proteins or nucleic acids, on the basis of size,
electrical charge, or other physical properties.
2. Gel electrophoresis can be used to separate DNA molecules based on size as follows:
a. A DNA sample is placed at one end of a porous gel.
b. Current is applied, and DNA molecules move from the negative electrode toward
the positive electrode.
c. Shorter DNA fragments move through the gel matrix more quickly and travel
farther through the gel.
d. DNA fragments appear as bands, visualized through staining or detecting
radioactivity or fluorescence.
e. Each band is a collection of DNA molecules of the same length.
D. 12.14 Short tandem repeat analysis is commonly used for DNA profiling
1. Repetitive DNA consists of nucleotide sequences that are present in multiple copies in
the genome.
2. Short tandem repeats (STRs) are short nucleotide sequences that are repeated in
tandem, composed of different numbers of repeating units in individuals, that are used
in DNA profiling.
3. STR analysis
a. compares the lengths of STR sequences at specific sites in the genome and
b. typically analyzes 13 sites scattered in the genome.
E. 12.15 CONNECTION: DNA profiling has provided evidence in many forensic investigations
1. DNA profiling is used to
a. determine guilt or innocence in a crime,
b. settle questions of paternity, and
c. probe the origin of nonhuman materials.
2. Lawyers at the Innocence Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to overturning
wrongful convictions, used DNA technology and legal work to exonerate more than
300 convicted criminals since 1989, including 17 who were on death row.
3. One of the strangest cases of DNA profiling is that of Cheddar Man, a 9,000-year-old
skeleton found in a cave near Cheddar, England.
a. DNA was extracted from his tooth and analyzed.
b. The DNA profile showed that Cheddar Man was a direct ancestor—through
approximately 300 generations—of a present-day schoolteacher who lived only a
half mile from the cave!
F. 12.16 RFLPs can be used to detect differences in DNA sequences
1. Geneticists have cataloged many single-base-pair variations in the genome.
2. Such a variation found in at least 1% of the population is called a single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP, pronounced “snip”).

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3. SNPs occur on average about once in 100 to 300 base pairs in the human genome,
a. in the coding sequences of genes and
b. in noncoding sequences between genes.
4. SNPs may alter a restriction site—the sequence recognized by a restriction enzyme.
a. Such alterations change the lengths of the restriction fragments formed by that
enzyme when it cuts the DNA.
b. A sequence variation of this type is called a restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP, pronounced “rif-lip”).
c. Thus, RFLPs can serve as genetic markers for particular loci in the genome.
V. Genomics
A. 12.17 Genomics is the scientific study of whole genomes
1. Genomics is the study of an organism’s complete set of genes and their interactions.
a. Initial studies focused on prokaryotic genomes.
b. Many eukaryotic genomes have since been investigated.
c. As of 2013, the genomes of nearly 7,000 species have been completed, and
thousands more are in progress.
2. Genomics allows another way to examine evolutionary relationships.
a. Genomic studies showed a 96% similarity in DNA sequences between chimpanzees
and humans.
b. Functions of human disease-causing genes have been determined by comparing
human genes to similar genes in yeast.
B. 12.18 CONNECTION: The Human Genome Project revealed that most of the human
genome does not consist of genes
1. The goals of the Human Genome Project (HGP) included
a. determining the nucleotide sequence of all DNA in the human genome and
b. identifying the location and sequence of every human gene.
2. Results of the HGP indicate that
a. humans have about 21,000 genes in 3 billion nucleotide pairs,
b. only 1.5% of the DNA codes for proteins, tRNAs, or rRNAs, and
c. the remaining 98.5% of the DNA is noncoding DNA.
3. Much of the DNA between genes consists of repetitive DNA, nucleotide sequences
present in many copies in the genome.
4. Stretches of DNA with thousands of short repetitions are also prominent at
a. the centromeres and
b. ends of chromosomes—called telomeres.
5. In a second main type of repetitive DNA, each repeated unit is hundreds of nucleotides
long, and the copies are scattered around the genome.
6. Most of these sequences seem to be associated with transposable elements (“jumping
genes”), DNA segments that can move or be copied from one location to another in a
chromosome and even between chromosomes.
C. 12.19 The whole-genome shotgun method of sequencing a genome can provide a wealth
of data quickly
1. The HGP proceeded through three stages that provided progressively more detailed
views of the human genome.
a. A low-resolution linkage map was developed using RFLP analysis of 5,000 genetic

b. A physical map was constructed from nucleotide distances between the linkage map
c. DNA sequences for the mapped fragments were determined.
2. The whole-genome shotgun method was proposed in 1992 by molecular biologist
J. Craig Venter.
3. He used restriction enzymes to produce fragments that were cloned and sequenced in
just one stage and ran high-performance computer analyses to assemble the sequence
by aligning overlapping regions.
4. Today, this whole-genome shotgun approach is the method of choice for genomic
researchers because it is
a. relatively fast and
b. inexpensive.
5. However, limitations of the whole-genome shotgun method suggest that a hybrid
approach using the genome shotgunning and physical maps may prove to be the most
D. 12.20 Proteomics is the scientific study of the full set of proteins encoded by a genome
1. Proteomics
a. is the study of the full protein sets encoded by genomes and
b. investigates protein functions and interactions.
2. The human proteome includes about 100,000 proteins.
3. Genomics and proteomics are helping biologists study life from an increasingly
holistic approach.
E. 12.21 EVOLUTION CONNECTION: Genomes hold clues to human evolution
1. Human and chimp genomes differ by
a. 1.2% in single-base substitutions and
b. 2.7% in insertions and deletions of larger DNA sequences.
2. Genes showing rapid evolution in humans include
a. genes for defense against malaria and tuberculosis,
b. a gene regulating brain size, and
c. the FOXP2 gene, which is involved with speech and vocalization.
3. Neanderthals
a. first appeared at least 300,000 years ago,
b. were humans’ closest relatives,
c. were a separate species,
d. also had the FOXP2 gene,
e. may have had pale skin and red hair, and
f. were lactose intolerant.

Chapter Guide to Teaching Resources

Gene Cloning (12.1–12.5)

Student Misconceptions and Concerns
• Student comprehension of restriction enzymes, nucleic acid probes, and many other
aspects of recombinant DNA techniques depends on a comfortable understanding of basic

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molecular genetics. Consider addressing Chapter 12 after an exam that covers the content
in Chapters 10 and 11. (12.1–12.5)
• Students might bring some awareness and/or concerns about biotechnology to the
classroom, for example, in their reactions to the controversies regarding genetically
modified (GM) foods. This experience can be used to generate class interest and to
highlight the importance of good information when making judgments. Consider starting
class with a headline addressing one of these issues. The recent process of FDA approval
for genetically engineered salmon raised for food might be particularly useful and relevant.

Teaching Tips
• Figure 12.1B is a synthesis of the techniques discussed in further detail in Modules
12.2–12.5. Figure 12.1 is therefore an important integrative piece that lays the foundation
of most of the biotechnology discussion. Repeatedly referring to this figure in class helps
students relate the text to your lecture. (12.1)
• The general genetic engineering challenge discussed in Module 12.1 begins with the need
to insert a gene of choice into a plasmid. This process is very similar to film or video
editing. What do we need to do to insert a minute of one film into another? We will need
techniques to (a) cut and remove the minute of film to be inserted, (b) a way to cut the new
film apart, and (c) a way to insert the new minute. In general, this is also like removing one
boxcar from one train and transferring the boxcar to another train. Students can become
confused by the details of gene cloning through misunderstanding this basic editing
relationship. (12.1)
• In nature, restriction enzymes protect bacterial cells against foreign DNA. Thus, these
enzymes “restrict” the invasion of foreign genetic material. (12.2)
• A genomic library of the sentence you are now reading would be all of the sentence
fragments that made up the sentence. One could string together all of the words of this first
sentence, without spaces between letters, and then conduct a word processing edit, placing
a space between any place where the letter “e” is followed by the letter “n.” The resulting
fragments of this original sentence would look like this and would be similar to a genomic
- Age nomiclibraryofthese nte nceyouare nowreadingwouldbeallofthese nte ncefragme
ntsthatmadeupthese nte nce. (12.2–12.3)
• A cDNA library is a way to learn what portion of the genome is active at any given time in
a cell’s life. In a very general way, it is like looking at the list of books checked out at a
school library (assuming that the checked-out books are being used). (12.4)
• Reverse transcriptase is introduced in Module 10.20, where HIV is discussed. Even if
students were not assigned Chapter 10, Module 10.20 provides a meaningful background
for the natural and significant roles of this enzyme. (12.4)
• Google and other search programs rely on a methodology similar in one way to the use of
a nucleic acid probe. For example, if you want to find the lyrics to a particular song, but do
not know the song title or artist, you might search the Internet using a unique phrase from
the song. The search engine will scan millions of web pages to identify those sites
containing that particular phrase. However, unlike a nucleic acid probe, you would search

for the song by using a few of the lyrics. A nucleic acid probe search uses a sequence
complementary to the desired sequence. (12.5)

Active Lecture Tips

• As you begin to address genetic engineering and GMO foods, ask students to work in
small groups to brainstorm about what they know about genetically engineered food. Have
each group create a list of statements that can be short or long, reflecting their impression
of the technology. The results may surprise you and help you address some common
misunderstandings and concerns. (12.1–12.5)

Genetically Modified Organisms (12.6–12.10)

Student Misconceptions and Concerns
• The genetic engineering of organisms can be controversial, creating various degrees of
social unease and resistance. Yet, many debates about scientific issues are confused by
misinformation. This provides an opportunity for you to ask students to research an issue
before taking firm positions. Students might debate whether a food or drug made from
GM/transgenic organisms should be labeled as such, or discuss the risks and advantages of
producing GM organisms. (12.6–12.10)
• The fact that the technologies described in this chapter can be used to swap genes between
prokaryotes and eukaryotes reveals the fundamental similarities in genetic mechanisms
shared by all forms of life. This very strong evidence of common descent is evidence of
evolution that may be missed by your students. (12.6–12.10)

Teaching Tips
• Annual flu vaccinations are a common way to prevent diseases that cannot be easily
treated. However, students might not understand why many people receive the vaccine
every year. A new annual vaccine is necessary because the flu viruses keep evolving,
another lesson in evolution that may be missed by your students. (12.7)
• Roundup Ready Corn, a product of the agricultural biotechnology corporation Monsanto, is
resistant to the herbicide Roundup. The general strategy for farmers is to spray fields of
Roundup Ready corn with the herbicide Roundup, killing weeds but not the corn. A search
of the Internet will quickly reveal the controversy associated with this and other genetically
modified organisms (GMOs), which can encourage interesting discussions and promote
critical thinking skills. Module 12.9 discusses some of the issues related to the concerns over
the use of GM organisms. (12.8–12.9)
• In 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) was signed into law. The
following link to a related U.S. government website characterizes the effect of the act as
follows. GINA “. . . prohibits U.S. insurance companies and employers from discriminat-
ing on the basis of information derived from genetic tests.” The website can be found at
www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/legislat.shtml. (12.10)
• As gene therapy technology expands, our ability to modify the genome in human embryos
through in vitro fertilization permits genetic modification at the earliest stages of life.
Future generations of humans, like our crops today, may include those with and without a
genetically modified ancestry. The benefits and challenges of these technologies raise

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issues many students have never considered. Our students, and the generations soon to
follow, may face the potential of directed human evolution. (12.10)

Active Lecture Tips

• If you have already addressed basic transcription and translation in your course, consider
asking small groups of students in your class to explain the following. DNA technology is
primarily used to produce proteins. Why aren’t lipids and carbohydrates typically
produced by these processes? (12.6)

DNA Profiling (12.11–12.16)

Student Misconceptions and Concerns
• Television programs might lead some students to expect DNA profiling to be quick and
easy. Ask students to consider why DNA profiling actually takes many days or weeks to
complete. (12.11–12.16)
• Students might expect DNA profiling for criminal investigations to involve an analysis of
the entire human genome. Consider explaining why such an analysis is unrealistic and
unnecessary. Modules 12.12–12.16 describe methods used to describe specific portions of
the genome of particular interest. (12.12–12.16)

Teaching Tips
• Figure 12.11 describes the general steps of DNA profiling. This overview is a useful
reference to employ while the details of each step are discussed. (12.11)
• In PCR, the product becomes another master copy. Imagine that while you are
photocopying, every copy is used as a master at another copy machine. This would require
many copy machines. However, it would be very productive! (12.12)
• Separating ink using paper chromatography is a simple experiment that approximates some
of what occurs in gel electrophoresis. Consider doing this as a class demonstration while
addressing electrophoresis. Cut a large piece of filter paper into a rectangle or square. Use
markers to color large dots about 2 cm away from one edge of the paper. Separate the dots
from each other by 3–4 cm. Place the paper on edge, dots down, into a beaker containing
about 1 cm of ethanol or isopropyl alcohol (50% or higher will do). The dots should not be
in contact with the pool of alcohol in the bottom of the beaker. As the alcohol is drawn up
the filter paper by capillary action, the alcohol will dissolve the ink dots. As the alcohol
continues up the paper, the ink follows. Not all of the ink components move at the same
speed, based on their size and chemical properties. If you begin the process at the start of
class, you should have some degree of separation by the end of a 50-minute period.
Experiment with the technique a day or two before class to fine-tune the demonstration.
(Save and air-dry these samples for your class.) Consider using brown, green, and black
markers, because these colors are often made by color combinations. (12.13)
• In most legal cases, the probability of two people having identical DNA profiles can be
one in 10 billion or more. However, eyewitness testimony has been a standard part of the
justice system. If you want to make the point about the unreliability of eyewitnesses in a
trial, compared to techniques such as genetic profiling, consider this exercise. Arrange for
a person who is not well known to the class to run into your classroom, take something
you have placed near you (perhaps a bag, stack of papers, or box), and leave quickly. You

need to take care that no one in the class is so alarmed as to do something dangerous. Once
the “thief” is gone, tell the class that this was planned, and do not speak. Have them each
write a description of the person, including height, hair color, clothing, facial hair,
behavior, etc. Many students will be accurate, but some will likely get details wrong. This
is also an effective exercise to demonstrate the need for large sample sizes and accurate
recording devices for good scientific technique. (12.14)
• Although the statistical odds of a DNA-profiling match can exceed one in 10 billion, the
odds of a mistake in the collecting and testing procedures can be much greater. This is an
important distinction. An error as simple as mislabeling a sample can confuse the results.
Unfortunately, the odds of human error will vary and are difficult to determine. (12.15)
• Here is another way to explain restriction fragment analysis. Consider these two words,
equilibrium and equalibrium. Imagine that a mutation produced the spelling error of the
second word. If we used a “restriction enzyme” that splits these words between u and i,
how will the fragments compare in size and number?
equilibrium = equ ilibri um (three fragments of three, six, and two letters)
equalibrium = equalibri um (two fragments of nine and two letters) (12.16)

Active Lecture Tips

• See the Media Review: “Learn.Genetics” Genetic Science Learning Center from the
University of Utah,” on the Instructor Exchange. Visit the Instructor Exchange in the
Mastering Biology. (12.11–12.16)

Genomics (12.17–12.21)
Student Misconceptions and Concerns
• The similarities in genotypes and phenotypes among members of a human family are
expected and understood by most students. Yet many students have a difficult time
extrapolating this knowledge and applying it to the phylogenetic relationships of other
groups. The use of genomics to test phylogenetic relationships is an enormously powerful
tool for modern systematics. Genomics provides significant support of the other types of
evidence for evolution. (12.17–12.21)
• Students might assume that the term junk DNA implies that these noncoding regions of
DNA are useless. This might be a good time to note the old saying, “absence of evidence is
not evidence of absence.” Our current inability to understand the role(s) of noncoding
DNA does not mean that these regions have no significance. (12.18)
• Students might know that humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Consider asking them
how many different types of chromosomes are found in humans. Some will not have
realized that there are 24 types, 22 autosomes plus X and Y sex chromosomes. (12.18)

Teaching Tips
• The first targets of genomics were prokaryotic pathogenic organisms. Consider asking
your students in class to suggest why this was a good choice. Students may note that the
genomes of these organisms are smaller than eukaryotes and that many of these organisms
are of great medical significance. (12.17)

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. CHAPTER 12 DNA Technology and Genomics 165
• The main U.S. Department of Energy Office website in support of the Human Genome
Project is found at www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/home.shtml. (12.18)
• The website for the National Center for Biotechnology Information is
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. The center, established in 1988, serves as a national resource for
biomedical information related to genomic data. (12.18)
• The authors note that there are 3 billion nucleotide pairs in the human genome. There are
about 3 billion seconds in 95 years. This simple reference can add meaning to the
significance of these large numbers. (12.8)
• Challenge students to explain why a complete understanding of an organism’s genome and
proteomes is still not enough to understand the full biology of an organism. Ask them to
consider the role of the environment in development and physiology. (One striking
example of the influence of the environment is that the sex of some reptiles is determined
not by the inheritance of certain chromosomes, but by incubation temperature.)
• Students may enter your course with little appreciation of the scientific questions that
remain unanswered. Struggling with the details of what we now know can overwhelm our
students, leaving little room to wonder about what is not yet understood. The surprises and
questions noted in Modules 12.18–12.21 reveal broad challenges that await the work of
our next generation of scientists. Emphasize the many opportunities that exist to resolve
unanswered questions, here and throughout your course, as an invitation to future
adventures for students. (12.18–12.21)

Active Lecture Tips

• See the Activity, Personal Genomics: Would You Give Your DNA Away, on the Instructor
Exchange. Visit the Instructor Exchange in the Mastering Biology. (12.17–12.21)
• See the Media Review: “Learn.Genetics” Genetic Science Learning Center from the
University of Utah,” on the Instructor Exchange. Visit the Instructor Exchange in the
Mastering Biology. (12.17–12.21)

Key Terms
biotechnology genomic library restriction fragments
clone genomics restriction site
complementary DNA Human Genome Project (HGP) reverse transcriptase
(cDNA) nucleic acid probe short tandem repeat (STR)
DNA ligase plasmids single nucleotide
DNA profiling polymerase chain reaction polymorphism (SNP)
DNA technology (PCR) STR analysis
forensics primers telomeres
gel electrophoresis proteomics transgenic organism
gene cloning recombinant DNA transposable elements
gene therapy repetitive DNA vaccine
genetically modified restriction enzymes vector
organism (GMO) restriction fragment length whole-genome shotgun method
genetic engineering polymorphism (RFLP)

Word Roots
bio- = life; -tech- = skill or art (biotechnology: the manipulation of organisms or their components
to make useful products)
electro- = electricity (gel electrophoresis: a technique for separating and purifying macromolecules,
including DNA, by using an electrical charge to stimulate their migration through a gel-based matrix)
gen- = produce (genetic engineering: the direct manipulation of genes for practical purposes)
liga- = bound, tied (DNA ligase: an enzyme that catalyzes the covalent bonding of adjacent DNA
nucleotides in DNA replication)
poly- = many (polymerase chain reaction: a technique used to obtain many copies of a DNA
molecule or part of a DNA molecule, involving use of the enzyme DNA polymerase)
proteo- = proteins (proteomics: the study of whole sets of proteins and their interactions)
telos- = an end (telomere: the repetitive DNA at each end of a eukaryotic chromosome)
trans- = across (transgenic organism: an organism that contains genes from a different species)

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. CHAPTER 12 DNA Technology and Genomics 167

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