Comparison and Evaluation of Multiple Sequence Alignment Tools in Bininformatics

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IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.9 No.

7, July 2009 51

Comparison and Evaluation of Multiple Sequence

Alignment Tools In Bininformatics
Asieh Sedaghatinia, Dr Rodziah Binti Atan, KhairinaTajul Arifin, Masrah Azrifah Binti Azmi Murad

Dept of Computer Science and Information Technology, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM-Serdang, Malay

Summary McClure et al. (1994) tested the ability of MSA methods

Comparison and alignment of a series of protein and DNA to identify short motifs found in four datasets of
sequences were among the first and are now established as the homologous. Henikoff and Henikoff (1997) evaluated the
most powerful and frequently used bioinformatics methods. A ability of multiple alignments in identifying new family
variety of computational algorithms and programs have been members in database search. Thompson et al. (1999a)
created for this purpose. Decision about which tools to use is one
presented a systematic analysis and comparison of several
of the important problems for bioinformaticians, especially for
the majority of biologists who are non-specialist users. Therefore, alignment programs using the BALiBASE reference
a comparisons study for the different multiple sequence alignments as test cases.
alignment tools (MSA) is necessary for the biologists and Diamantis and Anna (2005) compared the interfaces, the
bioinformaticians to use the proper software that interprets functionalities and parameterization for the 15 MSA tools
correctly their biological data. This study addresses this critical and secondly the algorithms and the quality of the results
issue in relation to MSA algorithms by systematically comparing were evaluated by using BALiBASE database.
and evaluating the functionality, usability and the algorithms of Nevertheless, the ideal choice in a given setting still eludes
three famous multiple sequence alignment tools. A novel method non-specialist biologists (Purkinkis, 2006). Misuse
was proposed for qualifying the MSA tools result by using
compounds the dilemma as it can lead to poor quality or
Scorecons server to compute the conservation scores which was
named SCS method (ScoreCons Server method). Furthermore, to erroneous results. Therefore, it seemed essential to
assert the accuracy of this method for evaluating the quality of conduct a comparison study in order to provide not only
MSA tools, the results were compared with the results of SPS novice users but also experienced bioinformaticians with
and CS. Finally, based on the achievement some considerations guidance regarding the top choice of MSA tools.
in choosing the proper MSA tools were proposed. A more detailed knowledge of all currently available
methods helps scientists to opt for the ideal software
Key words: corresponding to their specific needs.
BALiBASE, Conservation score, MSA, Scorecons server, This study addresses this critical issue in relation to
MSA algorithms by systematically comparing and
evaluating three famous multiple sequence alignment
1. Introduction
1-Clustal (Tompson et al., 1994),
MSA (Multiple sequence alignment) is an efficient method
2-MUSCLE (Edgar, 2004),
to compare and align proteins as well as DNA sequences
3-T_Coffee (Notredame et al., 2000)
so that similarities and differences can accurately be
detected. This is done through searching for a series of
The rationale behind the choice was that the above-
individual characters and patterns which follow the same
mentioned have been widely used as well-established
order in sequential analysis. It is widely employed to
means of alignment in bioinformatics.
identify conserved sequence regions which can be
In this study, SCS method computes the conservation
regarded as evolutionary related.
score for each column of the alignment with using
In addition, MSA helps to test, modify and predict the
Scorecons server, in order to assess the quality of the
function of specific proteins as well as to identify new
alignment by comparing the obtained values with the
members of protein families.
human created BALiBASE alignment (Thompson et al.,
Over the past decades more than fifty MSA packages
were developed to present biologically meaningful
Scorecons server shows the relation of physico-chemistry
alignment of multiple sequences. This reflects the
properties among different amino acids residue that are
importance of MSA tools in day-to-day sequences analysis
exist in each sequences.
and the variety of purposes for which they are needed.
To assert the accuracy of this method, the result are then
to be compared with the data obtained from two other

Manuscript received July 5, 2009

Manuscript revised July 20, 2009
52 IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.9 No.7, July 2009

Fig.1 The Characteristics that are evaluated in MSA Tools

common methods; Sum-of-Pair Score (SCS) and BALiBASE version 3 (Thompson et al., 2005) was used
Column Score (CS). as the globally accepted benchmark. Multiple sequence
This new perspective offers both advantages and alignment tools were run through the web interface
disadvantages in regard to the choice of particular MSA separately with the protein groups of BALiBASE
tools by users according to specific biological problems. reference datasets.
Defaults parameters were used according to the defined
setting. The quality of alignments was initially acquired
2. Methodology through a score system implemented in BALiBASE.

Sum-of-Pair score and Column score were obtained for

The latest version of MSA tools which are available as every alignment from Clustal, Muscle and T_Coffee
web interfaces were compared and evaluated. Two main respectively. We used Scorecons server to achieve residue
aspects were given special importance: functionality and conservation score for every column in all sequence
features as well as accuracy and precision. alignments.

2.1 Functionality and Features Results were then plotted graphically to make visual
Main features and specifications were selected in view comparison possible. Needles to say that the most accurate
of functionality, as were listed in Fig 1. These features measure was the closest to BALiBASE.
affect the usability and therefore the popularity of the
program. Comparison and contrast yielded detailed criteria Fig.2 illustrates Scorecons results for a certain series of
as can be seen in the summary in Table І. alignments, compared against BALiBASE scores.
The minimum distance with BALiBASE conservation
score was computed, followed by the credit given to the
2.2 Algorithms and Accuracy specified tool.
The latter process is comparing the “heart” of the
programs, i.e., the algorithms that define the quality and
biological meaning of their results.

Fig. 2 Part of the Scorecons results for RV20:BB20019

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.9 No.7, July 2009 53

Fig. 3 The view of the proposed method for computing SCS

Fig. 3 shows few excel files which includes conservation remarkable length of 50000 characters, T_Coffee is
score results and the calculation of minimum distance for limited to a mere number of 2000 sequences and thus
each. Fig. 4 shows the algorithm used to find the overall unsuitable for such calculation.
distance between each of these tools with BALiBASE Portability among different operating systems is of
benchmark. paramount significance as users may intend to run the
program on their PC rather than web interfaces. T_Coffee
For I:=1 to number of column BALIBASE seems deficient since it can not be run in windows and
{ requires Cygwin to provide a Linux-like environment.
Distance1:=Conservation score (Clustal)
Distancne2:=Conservation score (MUSCLE)
Distrance3:=Conservation score (T-Coffee) 4. Experimental Results
Minimum score: =min (distance1, distance2, distance3)
If minimum score: =distance1
{ Clustal.count:=Clustal count+1 Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig .7 summarize the results of Friedman
If minimum score: =distance2 test pertaining to the data obtained from Scorecons Score,
MUSCLE.count:=MUSCLE.count+1 Sum-of-Pair Score, and Column Score for each of the
Else reference datasets in BALiBASE 3.0 respectively.
T-Coffee.count :=T-Coffee.count+1
Noticeably, there is a statistically significant difference in
the comparison.
Minimum of distance: =min (T-Coffee.count,
MUSCLE.count, Clustal.count) This lends to the need for improvement as there is a
considerable gap between MSA tools findings and the
already established BALiBASE benchmark values.
Fig. 4 The proposed algorithm for computing the SCS.

3. Analysis What is also noteworthy is that SCS results were similar

to the ones achieved by SPS and CS for each category of
Although the three mentioned programs have similar
reference datasets of BALiBASE.
functionality, this study only concerns multiple sequence
For references RV11, RV12, RV20, RV40 and RV50,
alignment and thus functionality and the characteristics of
T_Coffee achieved the highest SPS and SCS while RV30
MSA tools were observed in this particular setting: was best aligned by Muscle in CS and SCS.
Given the input-output format available in tools, Muscle
turned out to be the one more limitations as the input can
only be in Fasta, which might not be the desired format in
certain performances. Other tools favor wider possibilities
of format as input sequence.
Another determining factor is the maximum number and
length of sequences used to create the alignment. While
Muscle can process infinite numbers as well as a
54 IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.9 No.7, July 2009

Table1: Summary of the Comparison of the functionality and usability

of the MSA tools.

Characters Clustal MUSCLE T_Coffee

TKB/ UniprotKB/
Pearson(Fasta) Pearson(FA
Input format GDE STA)
ALN Fasta Clustalw2
GCG Clustalw2 MSF
format PIR Html PHYLIP
LINUX Unix Windows/
MAC Windows Cygwin
Mac OS X. Mac OS X.

Blosum Blosum Blosum

Substitution Pam Pam Pam
matrix Gonnet Gonnet Gonnet
Id Id
Pair wise Output tree Matrix
alignment parameters. parameters.
method, Word
Parameters method, MSA
method and
Guide tree
WEB yes yes yes
Stand-alone yes yes yes
I/E* I/E I/E I/E
Progressive Iterative method
Algorithms method method with
Maximum of 500 No Maximum 5. Discussion
Max sequences limitation of 50
sequences sequences Based on all the results that achieved from qualifying
the quality of the alignment and with considering the
Max length NO limitation Maximum Maximum information based on the quality of the characteristics of
of sequences of 50,000 of 2000 MSA tools, Table 2 shows some consideration about
characters. characters. choosing the proper tools between three online multiple
sequence alignment tools.
*The Result field indicates whether the results of a query are obtained instantly
(I) through the web interface, or are sent via e-mail to the user (E).

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.9 No.7, July 2009 55

Table 2: Some consideration in choosing the proper MSA tools 6. Conclusion

The aim of this study was to evaluate well-known
Some major MSA tools used by biologists and bioinformaticians in
Program order to select the proper software which corresponds best
to their specific needs. Alignment results were compared
>This tool is known as one of the old and to the BALiBASE benchmark output while scorecons
famous and creditable MSA tools. server was employed to achieve scorecons score (SCS) as
>There are a series of remarkable
parameters that are accessible for user to
a new method to assess MSA tools. SCS results were close
select. to SPS and CS finding as T_Coffee had the highest quality
>There is no limitation on the length of among the five reference datasets. The downside was the
the sequences. limitation as to the number of input sequences in addition
>There is no limitation on the number of
to Linux-like environment the tools require to run rather
input sequences to be aligned.
MUSCLE >Faster and more accurate than Clustal. than conventional windows.
>So useful for huge amount of data. Muscle receive the second score for the accuracy of the
produced alignment while the only possible input format is
>It is useful when high accuracy and high
quality of the alignment is needed.
Fasta; however as opposed to T_Coffee there is no limit to
>There are so much useful features that T- the number of input sequences, which makes it the ideal
Coffee is able to do, compare with the other choice in case of vast data input.
MSA tools.
Clustal turned out to be the least accurate as well as
Some major
Disadvantages scalable program. Nevertheless, there is no denying that it
Program favors remarkable parameters with no limitation as to the
length of sequences.
>Less accurate or scalable than modern Evidently, the quality of alignment depends on several
Clustal programs.
parameters since highly divergent sequences make results
less accurate whereas sequence conservation improves the
>The acceptable format as input sequences
is limited to only FASTA format. discrepancy. Nevertheless, there is still need to improve
these tools so that higher quality can be achieved.

>The number of sequences that can be

aligned is limited to 50 sequences.
T-Coffee >This program does not install on Windows Acknowledgments
alone and needs to have a Linux-like
environment. A. SedaghatiniAa thanks Dr Waqas Awan because of all
his useful guidance, critical advice, encouragement and
Past studies stated that T_Coffee achieved the highest suggestions during this study.
score in all reference sets (Notredame et al., 2000) while
Muscle had the highest CS score in the entire reference References
categories (Edgar, 2004).
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