GeoServ A Distributed Urban Sensing Platform
GeoServ A Distributed Urban Sensing Platform
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Hyun Jin Moon on 17 May 2014.
c Copyright by
Jong Hoon Ahnn
The thesis of Jong Hoon Ahnn is approved.
Deborah Estrin
Songwu Lu
Mario Gerla
Dedicated to Jesus Christ my Lord, my parents, my wife, my baby, and my friends.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 GeoServ Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.7 Load Lalancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
7 Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.2 Illustration of unicast routing: Each node has neighbor links and one
long link to a random location. Source located at 0001 sends a packet
to the destination node located at 1001. It uses a long link to 0110
followed by neighbor links to 1000 and 1001 sequentially (thick dotted
lines). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1 Locality of geocasting: routing cost from (0, 0) to (X, Y ) in grid space 30
5.2 Average hop counts with different region sizes located at varying grid
distances (SG: sequential geocasting, CG: concurrent geocasting, CH:
consistent hashing-based DHT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.4 Total published data size per overlay node with different numbers of
mobile clients (a boxplot shows min, 25%, median, 75%, and max; U:
unbalanced, B: balanced, 1K: 1000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.6 Subscription update frequency per node (per minute): Manhattan grids
with different number of mobile and overlay nodes) . . . . . . . . . . 34
First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor Miodrag Potkonjak who is truly
a passionate innovator in computer science research, and I have been very fortunate to
work with and learn from him. He taught me how research is done and especially what
makes an in uential research. Miodrag’s endless energy and devotion for his students
was also remarkable.
During the course of this dissertation, I have also been very fortunate to work with
Uichin Lee at KAIST KSE in Prof. Gerla’s group and Hyun Jin Moon at NEC Lab.
Their deep knowl edge of sensor networking and data management were instrumental
in designing a distributed urban sensing platform called GeoServ.
During the graduate study at UCLA, I am deeply indebted to my wife Yeon Sun. Al-
ways, her love, care, and trust has been the source of my strength and courage. I am
glad that the greatest gifts of God, our first baby, is to be born in June, 2011. I have
been very fortunate to have four parents who supported me throughout my graduate
study. My parents in Korea have always supported me financially, mentally and spritu-
Many people helped to make my years at UCLA a very enjoyable experience. I espe-
cially thank the Korean folks at UCLA CS. I also want to thank folks at GSC and ANC
members who continouly helped discipline me to live in the present of God.
2010–2010 Visiting Student Researcher,USC Information Sciences Institute,
Resource Allocation for Cloud Computing Project, sponsored by
J. H. Ahnn, and M. Potkonjak. What to Read? With Whom to Work? Where to Pub-
lish? - Scientific Techniques for Organizing and Conducting Engineering Research.
To appear in MSE, 2011.
Urban sensing where mobile users continuously gather, process, and share location-
sensitive sensor data (e.g., street images, road condition, traffic flow) is emerging as
a new network paradigm of sensor information sharing in urban environments. The
key enablers are smartphones (e.g., iPhones and Android phones) equipped with on-
board sensors (e.g., cameras, accelerometer, compass, GPS) and various wireless de-
vices (e.g., WiFi and 2/3G). The goal of this paper is to design a scalable sensor
networking platform where millions of users on the move can participate in urban
sensing and share location-aware information using always-on cellular data connec-
tions. We propose a two-tier sensor networking platform called GeoServ where mobile
users publish/access sensor data via an Internet-based distributed P2P overlay net-
work. The main contribution of this paper is two-fold: a location-aware sensor data
retrieval scheme which supports geographic range queries, and a location-aware pub-
lish/subscribe scheme which enables efficient multicast routing over a group of sub-
scribed users. We prove that GeoServ protocols preserve locality, and we validate their
performance via extensive simulations.
The rising popularity of smartphones with onboard sensors (e.g., GPS, compass, ac-
celerometer) and always-on mobile Internet connections via 2/3G (and 4G/LTE) has
led to using smartphones as a platform for large-scale urban sensing (or participatory
sensing) [21, 20]. Mobile users can perform location-aware micro-blogging by pub-
lishing/accessing brief micro-media updates such as photos or audio/video clips [7],
measure personalized estimates of environmental impact and exposure (e.g., PIER [21]),
profile road/driving conditions (e.g., potholes and honking [20]), and share live traffic
information (e.g., Google Maps [10]).
Recent reports estimated that the number of smartphone users will catch and sur-
pass the number of feature phone users in the U.S. by 2011, reaching more than 150
million users [34]. This means that millions of smartphone users on the move will be
able to participate in urban sensing, which would be comparable to supporting large-
scale web services [2]. For instance, 10 million mobile users could generate sensor
data at the rate of 1KB/s per user (e.g., GPS, accelerometer, WiFi scanning data) and
also send queries, requiring networking systems with a sheer amount of bandwidth
(>80Gbps), storage space(>36TB/hr), and computational power. Thus, there is a need
for scalable sensor networking systems that can facilitate information sharing among
millions of mobile users via always-on 2/3G connections.
on the road form a distributed hash table (DHT) to realize scalable information sharing
in vehicular environments (e.g., congestion notification). However, mobile-to-mobile
networking is not practical for several reasons. Most importantly, P2P connections
between mobile devices are typically hampered by network address translation (NAT),
a commonly used technique in the mobile operator’s domain to better utilize limited
IP address blocks and to provide secure Internet connectivity [16]; for P2P we need
additional services such as session initiation protocol (SIP) or P2P proxy servers [18].
Moreover, P2P protocol operations such as routing and searching may require quite a
few message exchanges over mobile nodes, which results in intolerable delays given
that 2/3G cellular networks typically have a large round trip delay (i.e., several hundred
milliseconds [25]). Also this causes significant resource consumption (e.g., battery,
processing power, and bandwidth), which is a serious problem for resource-limited
Therefore, it behooves us to consider using the Internet servers for large-scale ur-
ban sensing. Existing Internet-based systems are mostly based on centralized multi-tier
architecture where sensor data are stored on the centralized back-end database servers
(either directly or through web servers) [36, 23, 29]. Semi-hierarchical architecture
was also proposed in the literature [8, 1] where each organization maintains database
servers for its own stationary sensors, and information access is realized using a global
naming service. While such centralized approaches could provide scalable services
by provisioning more servers and bandwidth at the data centers, a viable alternative
for participatory sensing is to leverage users’ participation by allowing them to share
their computing resources (e.g., desktops and home gateways) via a distributed P2P
network, and to deliver those services in a comparable quality.
For this reason, we consider a two-tier sensor networking architecture for large-
scale participatory sensing: i.e., Internet-based fixed servers form a distributed P2P
sensor networking overlay, through which mobile users can publish/access sensor data.
For those who opt in to services, Internet-based P2P services are installed on their
desktops/laptops, or on always-on micro servers such as home gateways and set-top
boxes (called nanodatacenter nodes) [22].1
Given that urban sensing apps are mostly location-sensitive, we horizontally partition
sensor data based on geographic coordinates across Internet-based P2P overlay nodes.
Moreover, since mobile users continually publish location-sensitive data, they are as-
sociated with overlay nodes that are responsible for the area where they are currently
residing to minimize routing overhead. Both Internet servers and mobile clients have
map data of the associated areas, e.g., Tigermap [35]. Consider the traffic information
system. A mobile user located at location (X, Y ) will be associated with an over-
lay node responsible for the current area. The mobile user generates traffic related
information (e.g., GPS samples and speeds) and publishes that data to the overlay
node—sensor data are “geographically partitioned” along overlay nodes. Representa-
tive queries include finding the average speed of nearby areas, and notifying traffic jam
along one’s driving route. Thus, we envision the following key overlay services:
can create/join a group and efficiently share location-sensitive data; e.g., mobile
users subscribe to congestion information along one’s driving route, and when
congestion happens in a certain area, apps notify an event to all the subscribed
Given that structured P2P overlays or distributed hash tables (DHTs) generally pro-
vide better routing/searching performance with much lower overhead when compared
with structureless P2P overlays (e.g., Gnutella), we consider DHTs as an underlying
routing mechanism for data retrieval. However, conventional DHT-based storage sys-
tems (e.g., CFS [6] and PAST [30]) use consistent hashing which breaks up content
locality, making it hard to support location-aware services. In our scenarios, for in-
stance, two data items which are close in key space, e.g., one item at location (1, 1)
and the other item at location (1, 2) may be far apart in DHT key space, requiring two
individual unicast messages to retrieve them (no geographic locality).
To preserve content locality, several solutions have been proposed so far, such as
SkipNet [13], D2 [24], Mercury [3]. These DHTs, however, are optimized for single
attribute queries and cannot efficiently handle multi-attribute queries (2D geographic
operations in our case). For instance, Mercury creates a distributed hash table for each
attribute, and data (or pointers) are sent to all tables such that a query can be resolved
only using a single table. For a given X coordinate, an overlay node is responsible for
keeping the entire Y coordinate space, which makes the load balancing and storage
management very difficult. Moreover, it is not clear how to support location-aware
publish/subscribe services using these proposals — so far existing DHT-based pub-
lish/subscribe protocols [38, 27, 4] use consistent hashing, failing to preserve content
1.2 Contributions
In this paper, we propose GeoServ, a scalable sensor networking platform for large-
scale participatory sensing on the move. GeoServ linearizes 2D geographic space into
fixed size grids (say 100m×100m grids) with the Hilbert space filing curve (HSFC) [15]
and use this grid ID space as DHT key space to preserve content (geographic) locality.
Location-sensitive sensor data are geographically partitioned across overlay nodes us-
ing the grid ID space, and mobile clients can publish/access data through the overlay
network. Based on this, we significantly extend Symphony DHT [19] and propose
GeoTable, a location-aware data retrieval service over HSFC space which preserves
geographic locality of 2D range queries, which is analogous to geocasting (or geo-
graphic routing) in wireless mobile ad hoc networks. Moreover, we propose GeoPS
which supports “location-aware” publish/subscribe services such as sharing traffic in-
formation with a group of mobile users. The following are the main contributions of
the paper:
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We present the GeoServ system
overview in Chapter 2. Location-aware routing and publish/subscribe of GeoServ are
described in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, respectively. We then discuss our evaluation
method and results in Chapter 5. We present the related work in Chapter 6 and then
conclude in Chapter 8.
GeoServ Overview
This section first summarizes location-aware services that can be supported on GeoServ
and discusses GeoServ system architecture.
Drivers may want to know various events or conditions on the road to make an in-
formed decision; e.g., avoid driving on the roads with bad pavement conditions. The
following are service examples:
• Ride quality monitoring: Municipalities have been profiling roads using expen-
sive profiling devices mounted on the vehicles that use GPS, accelerometer/laser
sensors [40]. Researchers have recently considered using less expensive com-
modity sensors and smartphones (e.g., pothole detection [39, 20]).
GeoServ is a two-tier sensor networking platform which exploits the P2P Internet in-
frastructure. We assume that users who opt in to GeoServ services install GeoServ soft-
ware in both PCs/laptops and smartphones. Internet servers installed on PCs/laptops
provide a distributed P2P sensor storage over the Internet, through which mobile
clients can publish/access location-sensitive sensor data (see Figure 2.1). Since most
sensor data is generated on the roads (and most queries are location sensitive), we as-
sume that the primary search key (or key space) is geographic location. This is also
true for most large-scale web applications [41, 42] which only support single key/table
DB operations. For efficient data management, we divide the physical area into smaller
grids where the grid size is a system parameter (say, 100m×100m). The sensor data
is then horizontally partitioned based on grid points, each of which is maintained by a
corresponding Internet server. We assume that both Internet servers and mobile clients
have map data of the associated grids, e.g., Tigermap [35]. We exploit the computation
power of mobile nodes to reduce upload traffic whenever that is possible. Mobile users
carry raw sensor data, and the processed data (e.g., average reading, image thumbnails)
will be published to the P2P sensor storage.
Given this system model, the design requirements can be summarized as follows.
First, apps should be able to seamlessly access the sensor storage that is horizontally
partitioned based on geographic locations. This can be supported using specialized
P2P routing protocols such as Key-Based Routing (KBR) [43] via Distributed Hash
Table (DHT) [26, 19, 3], assuming geographic location-based key space. For instance,
a traffic information service application may use geographic multicast routing to ac-
Internet Clients
- Internet-based P2P overlay: Internet
location-aware sensor data
retrieval, and publish-
subscribe services
- Applications: traffic, road
quality, micro-blogging, etc.
Cellular: 2/3G
Mobile Clients
- Sensor data acquisition, on-
board processing, and publishing
- Application service access
an efficient publish/subscribe routing method called GeoPS based on the geographic
routing via GeoTable. Other components of GeoServ includes (1) GeoServDB which
manages sensor data of the grid space which the server currently is in charge of and
supports a remote database access protocol like Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
over GeoTable; and (2) GeoServMobile which provides control and transparent ac-
cess of sensing resources and supports various application filters that process raw sen-
sor data based on application demands and publish sensor data to GeoServDB over
GeoTable. In this paper, we mainly illustrate the key components, namely GeoTable
and GeoPS and leave the discussion of other components due to the page limit.
We illustrate the Hilbert space filling curve, review routing semantics, present a de-
tailed routing mechanism and its improvement techniques (e.g., delay and load balanc-
ing) and prove that the Hilbert curve-based approach preserves content (geographic)
In GeoServ, we divide the geographic area of interest into fixed size grids (say R × R),
and there are total 2M × 2M grids where M is the smallest exponent that covers the
entire area. For example, assuming that the size of the contiguous U.S. is approximated
as 3000km × 3000km, it can be represented using 213 × 213 fixed grids where R
is given as 1km. Given this 2D grid space, we use the Hilbert space filling curve,
a linear mapping function where successive points are nearest neighbors in the 2D
grid. The construction of the Hilbert curve is recursively defined. The basic mapping
in Figure 3.1(a) is replicated in four quadrants. The lower left quadrant is rotated
clockwise 90 degrees, the lower right quadrant is rotated anti-clockwise 90 degrees,
and the sense (i.e., direction of traversal) of both lower quadrants is reversed. The two
upper quadrants have no rotation and no change of sense (see Figure 3.1(b)). Thanks
to the recursive construction above, the linear ID along the curve for any given grid
point (x, y) can be easily calculated. The linear coordinate is augmented with two
0101 0110 1001 1010
(a) (b)
bits at a time for each recursion; i.e., the most significant bits (MSBs) of the x and y
give the 2 MSBs of the resulting linear coordinate, along with the rotation and sense
to be applied to the rest of the computation. Readers can find the detail algorithms and
comparisons with other linearization schemes in [15].
by specifying a target region — query packets are delivered to a group of overlay nodes
that cover the region.
Since there is only a single overlay node that covers a given grid point, this can be
seen as geographic unicast routing of a query packet. The unicast routing exactly
follows the routing policy Symphony DHT [19] that uses Kleinberg’s Small World
phenomenon. For completeness, we present Symphony DHT. In Symphony, a node
joins the network by picking up a random ID (equivalent to a numeric grid ID on the
Hilbert curve). Every node maintains two short links to one’s 1-hop neighbors and
k ≥ 1 long distance links. Long distance links are constructed as follows. Consider a
node whose ID is n and is responsible for the range [`, r]. Let I denote the space of
D-bit Hilbert curve, [0, 2D ). For each link, a node draws a number x ∈ I based on the
harmonic probability distribution function: pn (x) = 1/(n log x) if x ∈ [2D /n, 2D ).
Kleinberg showed that such a construction allows us to greedily route packets to a
random node (i.e., in each hop, follow a long link that is closest to the destination) in
O(log2 n) hops on average [19]. Figure 3.2 shows an example. Readers can find the
details of join/leave functions in [19].
1111 0000 0001
1100 0100
1011 0101
1010 0110
contiguous grid points. Consider a rectangular area in thick dotted lines in Figure
3.1(b). Recall that the Hilbert curve looses some of data locality (50% to be precise
as the curve connects only two of its neighbors). Thus, it requires a set of segments
to cover a rectangular area. In Figure 3.3, we have two segments, namely {[0001 −
0010], [1101 − 1110]}. Given this, geocasting is straightforward. For a given ordered
list, a packet is first routed to the head of the first segment (e.g., 0001) using the
aforementioned unicast routing scheme. By following the neighbor links, the first
segment is scanned. Since an overlay node typically covers a span of key space, this
is simply local scanning. After this, the query packet will be forwarded to the head of
the next segment and another scan will be performed. This process repeats until we
cover all the segments in the list.
We show that the expected routing cost of geocasting depends on the size of the
target area. The following theorem shows that once a query is routed to the target
area at the cost of O(log2 n), and it can be resolved locally with a set of nodes that
covers the queried area (which is defined as the least Hilbert curve mapping area in the
theorem), meaning that routing is done only using a much smaller set of nodes (instead
of using all nodes n).
Proof 1 We consider the worst case scenario of placing the square grids at the center
of the geographic area. In Figure 3.1, for instance we place 2×2 square grids in the
area: {0010, 1101, 1000, 0111}. We divide the region into four identical sub-regions
√ √
whose size is s/2 × s/2. In each sub-region, we can find a set of ordered segments
Scan segment Scan
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Start Stop
Figure 3.3: Ordered segments for geocasting in Figure 3.1(b). Query resolution is
performed sequentially; e.g., the query packet is forwarded to the first segment which
is then scanned; after this, it is forwarded to the next segment for scanning.
as in Figure 3.3. The request will be first routed to the first segment in the bottom left
sub-region at the cost of Θ(log2 n) [19].
For a given sub-region, we need to prove that a request packet does not leave
the local area that contains the sub-region. In GeoServ, the entire area is divided
into 2M × 2M grids where the size of a grid is given as R × R. The construction
property of the Hilbert curve shows the following. Basic mapping in Figure 3.1(a)
whose size is 2 × 2 grids is replicated in four quadrants, generating 22 × 22 grids. The
resulted mapping is recursively replicated and will generate 2M × 2M grids. For a
given sub-region, we can find the least size mapping of 2i × 2i that contains the region:
i.e., K = arg mini {2i × 2i ≥ s/4}. Assuming that overlay nodes are uniformly
distributed, we can find the expected number of overlay nodes in that area: S =
2K R·2K R
2M R·2M R
· n = 2K−M · 2K−M · n. Routing is localized within these overlay nodes
(that are responsible for the least size mapping area). Hence, the routing cost is upper
bounded by Θ(log2 S).
Now, let L denote the number of contiguous segments within the sub-region. We
need a look-up for each segment within which we can deliver the packet by following 1-
hop neighbor links. Thus, the expected path length of geocasting is upper bounded by
Θ(L log2 S +s−L); i.e., L unicasts and s−L hop-by-hop packet transfers (scanning).
The upper bound of the number of segments L can be found as follows. Let si = {bi , ei }
denote the i-th segment that ranges from bi to ei in Hilbert Space. By the construction
of the Hilbert curve, bi and ei for any i can only be located at the boundary of the
square area. The circumference of the sub-region is 2 s, and there could be at most
s segments by definition.1 The number of segments is simply upper bounded by
√ √
Θ( s). Therefore, the expected path length within a sub-region is O( s log2 S + s).
Since we only have a constant number of sub-regions (here four regions), the overall
routing cost is simply bounded by the cost of unicast to each sub-region and the routing
cost within a sub-region: i.e., Θ(log2 n + s log2 S + s).
Since we have to scan segment by segment sequentially, geocasting may result in too
much delay. Individual geocasting to each segment can reduce the delay, but the overall
routing overhead is significantly increased (by a factor of the number of segments).
There is a simple, but effective solution that can achieve the comparable result with
minimal extra overhead. The idea is to utilize how the Hilbert curve is constructed;
i.e., for each recursion, the linear coordinate is augmented with two bits at a time
as shown in Figure 3.1 (e.g., 01 to [0100–0111]). This construction process can be
represented using a tree in linear time [15] (see Figure 3.4). This tree allows us to
perform binary search (with a fan-out of four). Any level is sub-space of its parent
level. The goal is to follow the tree structure for routing. Upon finding the longest
prefix where there are segments of interest (i.e., a region that covers those segments),
we select the starting grid point in that region (say, grid 0001 in Figure 3.4) and tunnel
a packet toward that location. Here, by tunneling we mean the packet is encapsulated
Readers can find the exact number of segments for s = Θ(1) in [15].
00 01 10 11
00 00
00 01
00 10
00 11
01 00
01 01
01 10
01 11
10 00
10 01
10 10
10 11
11 00
11 01
11 10
11 11
Figure 3.4: Tree representation of Hilbert curve construction
in the new packet destined to a new location. Once the packet reaches that region, it
is forwarded to its sub-levels (via tunneling toward the starting grid point in each sub-
level region). In Figure 3.4, we have two grid points, namely 0001 and 1101 that are
the starting grid points of sub-regions, and the query packet is individually routed it
to the head of each segment (instead of sequential scanning). Compared to individual
goecasting to each segment, concurrent geocasting sends a query packet to a region
once, and then it will be recursively forwarded to sub-regions in a localized fashion,
which significantly reduces the overall routing overhead (as illustrated in Theorem 1).
Due to skewed distribution of mobile users (e.g., highly dense urban cities vs. low
density rural areas), we should balance loads by placing more overlay nodes in those
dense areas. Overlay nodes located in the less loaded regions can be dynamically
moved to the overloaded regions (known as leave-join method [9]). GeoTable uses
Mercury’s load balancing mechanism to preserve locality of content retrieval [3]. This
load balancing algorithm is simple, fully distributed, and converges quickly. Mercury
uses the approximate node distribution histogram over the key space (i.e., for a given
key range, how many nodes are there). Based on this, Mercury periodically re-arranges
routing tables to preserve the logarithmic DHT operations. The key idea is to arrange
the routing table based on node-based distance instead of key space. In GeoTable,
when a long link is drawn, we use this histogram to permit biased selection from the
dense regions (instead of uniform distribution used in the original Symphony).
We have discussed geocasting in the previous section where a one-shot query is routed
from an application to the region of data sources. In this section, we present the sup-
port for subscription queries of multiple users who are interested in data updates on
a target region: e.g. traffic information on the commute route. We propose GeoPS, a
publish/subscribe service where the data updates on a region are published to all users
who have subscribed to that region. This section details GeoPS’s locality-preserving
multicast tree construction and management methods and their performance bounds
via mathematical proofs.
Given that majority of data consumers of location-sensitive data will be located near
the area where the data are generated (e.g., traffic information on the commute route),
the key design issue is to build a multicast tree a multicat tree that exploits the geo-
graphic locality of the group members.1 Our approach called GeoPS is inspired by
hierarchical geographic location services (HGLS) in mobile ad hoc networks such as
GLS [17] and HIGH-GRADE [37] where the entire area is recursively divided into a
hierarchy of smaller grids, and mobile users’ current locations are efficiently tracked
Note that if all subscribers are originated from a single region, we can easily implement the service
using geocasting. In this section, we focus on more general scenarios where subscribers are from a set
of non-contiguous regions.
Level 2
Level 1
Level 0
under the geographic hierarchy. The key idea of GeoPS is to build a multicast tree over
this geographic hierarchy and to use our geocasting algorithm over the tree to preserve
geographic locality.2 This is a major departure from existing DHT-based multicast
solutions (e.g., Bayeux, Scribe) that destroy locality using consistent hashing and ran-
domly distribute geographically correlated subscribers across the entire key space.
In mobile ad hoc networks, a location service keeps track of mobile nodes’ current
locations and lets mobile nodes to query the current location of an arbitrary node (e.g.,
to use it for geographic routing). In HGLS, a geographic hierarchy tree is constructed
by recursively dividing the entire area into a hierarchy of smaller grids. Figure 4.1
shows an example where the root of a tree covers the entire network area (level 2), and
each of its children covers a sub-region whose size is one fourth of the network area
(level 1). For each level i, nodes have a pair of common hash functions hi,x (id) and
hi,y (id) that map a node ID to a geographic coordinate (x, y) at level i. For a given
We can easily prove that multicast routing is localized as we use our geocasting algorithm presented
in the previous section (using similar proofs used in Theorem 1 and in Yu et al. [37]).
node whose ID is `, one node located around the location (hi,x (`), hi,y (`)) is chosen
as node `’s location server at level i. The node ` publishes its current location to the
leaf region (level 0 area where the node is currently located), and all its upper level
location servers along the single path of the geographic hierarchy tree are initialized
as rendezvous points. Note that up-to-date location information is stored locally (at
level 0 servers where the node is currently located), and rendezvous points are updated
only when the node crosses the level boundary.
Given this, any node can send a location query for the node ` as follows. The query
is first routed to location servers around (h0,x (`), h0,y (`)) in the level 0 area where the
querying node is located. If the level 0 location servers do not have the information,
the query is routed to the level 1 location servers for node ` that are located around
(h1,x (`), h1,y (`)). The process is repeated until it finds the location servers at level
i that have the path information (i.e., rendezvous point). The query then traverses
down the hierarchy to find the exact location available at the level 0 location servers.
In Figure 4.2, node A’s current location is stored in node L0:000, and we have two
rendezvous points at Level 1 (L1:00) and Level 2 (L2:0). Node D can find node A’s
location as follows. It queries node D’s Level 0 sever (L0:033), but it fails to find the
information. It tries Level 1 server (L1:03), fails, and finally finds a rendezvous point
at Level 2 (L2:0). By following the links along the rendezvous points, we can find
node A’s current location at node A’s Level 0 server (L0:000).
In GeoPS, each group has a unique group ID which is the hash of the group’s textual
name concatenated with random string, e.g., hash(“congestion at grid x, y + !?*2@”).
This group ID is used for building a multicast tree per group, similar to node ID in
HGLS. For a given groupID, we construct a multicast tree rooted at the rendezvous
point in level M (top level) using HGLS-like geographic partitioning as follows. Re-
call that the geographic area is divided into 2M × 2M fixed grids where each grid is
given as R × R. At each hierarchy level i, we have a rendezvous point located at
(hi,x (groupID), hi,y (groupID)). This location is mapped to Hilbert curve space, and
the overlay node with node ID closest to this mapped address is selected as a ren-
dezvous point in the overlay network.
When a node joins, the join request message propagates to upper levels starting
from level 0 (where the node is currently located), and at each level, a node stores
subscription information in the routing table for groupID. Note that routing to a
rendezvous point is done via geocasting (with a single grid point) described in the
previous section. When the message finds that there is an existing subscription entry
for a given groupID, the rendezvous points in its upper levels were already initialized
by other group members (a subscription entry of the group is already present). Thus,
the message stops there, and the child node is simply added to the table (i.e., a direct
path to the child). In Figure 4.2, when mobile user A joins, the subscription message
is installed at L0:000, L1:00, and L2:0 sequentially. We repeat the same process when
user B, C, D join, and Figure 4.2 shows the resulting multicast tree (dark gray nodes
have the subscription entry). Now, when a new mobile user N joins, its subscription
message will be installed at L0:003, and it will then be forwarded to L1:00. This level
1 node finds that there is an existing subscription entry set by mobile user A, and the
subscription message stops propagating.
The leave process is similar to the join process. When a mobile node gracefully
leaves the system, it sends a leave message to upper levels to remove the subscription
information. In each level, if there is no more subscription entry for a given group, the
message is sent to the upper levels sequentially.
Level 2
L2:0 Multicast tree
rendezvous nodes L0:000
4 4 not activated 6 5
3 A
L2:0 L0:013
Level 1 6
L1:00 L1:01 L1:02 L1:03 4 B
L1:00 4 L1:01
5 5 3 2
4 3
Level 0
L0:000 L0:003 L0:013 L0:030 L0:033 Level 2 1
6 6 1 Level 1 D
3 2
A N B C D Level 0 L1:03
A mobile client’s subscription needs to be updated (to upper layers) whenever the
client crosses the level boundary (via explicit leave and join). When there is a single
subscriber for a given group, and this client crosses level m boundary, all rendezvous
points at and below level m+1 need to be updated. In Figure 4.2, when mobile client C
moves to the adjacent grid on the left (crossing level 1 boundary), rendezvous points at
level 0, 1, 2 are updated; and when mobile client D moves to the adjacent grid upward
(crossing level 0 boundary), those at level 0, 1 are updated. Interestingly, given that an
overlay node typically keeps a fraction of grid space, one possible optimization would
be not notifying updates as long as a mobile client is associated with the same overlay
A source can send a message along the tree starting from the leaf node (Level 0)
and traversing toward the upper levels. When there is a matching subscription in an
intermediate node, it sends the message to each child in the subscription entry from
which the packet starts traversing down the tree. Figure 4.2 shows an example. We
have four members (mobile clients): A, B, C, and D. Source D sends the packet to
L1:03 (step 1). L1:03 sends it to both L0:030 and L2:0 (step 2 and step 3). After this,
L2:0 sends it to L1:00 and L1:01 (step 4). L1:00 and L1:01 send it to L0:000 and
L0:013 respectively (step 5). They deliver the packet to A and B (step 6).
In practice, the number of overlay nodes is much less than the total number of grids
(i.e., entire key space). Thus, the lowest depth should be configured as LM −K rather
than naught (where M is the maximum level, and K is the depth of a multicast tree)
such that there is at least one overlay node in that region; otherwise, we are storing
redundant rendezvous points (in sub-trees below the lowest level) to the same overlay
node. Note that we can configure the depth in a distributed manner by utilizing the
node distribution histogram and network size estimates from GeoTable’s load balanc-
ing. The following theorem shows that we have K = O(log n) under uniform node
Theorem 2 The depth of a multicast tree is bounded by O(log n) under uniform node
distribution where n is the number of overlay nodes.
Proof 2 Assuming that overlay nodes are uniformly distributed, the expected number
M −K R·2M −K R
of overlay nodes in the lowest level is given as Θ( 2 2M R·2M R
· n) = Θ( 22K ). Now,
we want to assure that the lowest level is covered by at least a constant number overlay
nodes, i.e., Ω(1). By considering this equality condition, we have K = O(log n).
Note that the lowest level configuration has a positive impact under high mobility
scenarios. If all M +1 levels are used for building a multicast tree, a mobile user’s sub-
scription needs to be frequently updated (to upper layers) whenever the node crosses
the level boundary. When the lowest level is configured as LM −K , this frequent update
problem can be easily mitigated.
Some regions could be highly populated with mobile clients because dynamic load
balancing in GeoTable re-organizes overlay nodes such that those regions are served
by more number of nodes. In GeoPS, this can be easily handled by hierarchically
re-partitioning the highly populated area (say R more levels result in the minimum
level of LM −K−R ), which can be done by utilizing the node distribution histogram and
network size estimates from GeoTable’s load balancing.
The following theorem proves that membership subscription can be performed effi-
ciently. The cost of membership updates due to mobility has the same bound and can
be proved similarly.
Proof 3 The lowest level is given as LM −K . The worst case happens when there are
no initialized rendezvous points along the single path of the tree with depth K. This is
also true when we add a new group. In Theorem 1, we show that the routing cost with
a subset of nodes in a given area is bounded by O(log2 S) where S is the number of
overlay nodes in that area. Hence, routing the join message from level i − 1 to level
i takes O(log2 n
) = O(log2 n − i2 ) hops where i = O(log n) as shown in the above
theorem. There are K + 1 levels. The total routing cost is simply (K + 1) log2 n −
PK 2 2 3
0 i = Θ(K log n − K /3). Since we have K = O(log n), the overall cost is
mobile node reports sensor data to its associated overlay node every second. The size
of data is set to 128 Bytes (e.g., GPS sample, timestamp, accelerometer samples). We
assume that each node knows its accurate geographic coordinate and thus can dynami-
cally change their associated overlay node without any errors (e.g., no bouncing at the
boundary). In GeoTable, the number of long links is set to five, as recommended in
Symphony DHT [19]. Unless otherwise mentioned, for each configuration we report
the average value of 30 runs.
GeoTable preserves geographic locality due to the construction of the Hilbert curve,
and packet forwarding happens within the area of interest (usually, small fraction of
the entire key space). To clearly show this, we place a querying node at a grid point
(0, 0) and measure the hop count of a remote query with the square area of size 4×4, by
varying the location of the query’s left-lower corner grid from (0,0) to (252,252). The
number of overlay nodes is set to 1000. In Figure 5.1, we plot average hop counts over
the 256×256 grids. For clarity, we present the average hop count within 16×16 grids
in the figure. The figure shows that as distance from (0, 0) increases, the hop counts
increases (getting brighter). The reason why it shows non-uniform colors is that some
degree of locality is lost after linearization, and long links are randomly assigned. In
general, locality is preserved at the higher level thanks to the recursive construction
property of the Hilbert curve; the average hop count increases as we move clockwise
as in Figure 3.1.
250 25
150 15
100 10
50 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
X-axis in Grid Coordinate
Figure 5.1: Locality of geocasting: routing cost from (0, 0) to (X, Y ) in grid space
We show the sensitivity of routing cost with different query region sizes: 2×2 and
6×6. The querying node is located at grid (0, 0), and it sends queries with different
area sizes. We vary the distance between the querying node and the query region from
0 to 255. We compare the performance of various schemes: conventional DHT with
consistent hashing (CH), sequential geocasting (SG), and concurrent geocasting (CG).
In CH, each grid is randomly mapped into the key space; 2×2 and 6×6 queries require
4 and 36 unicasts respectively.
Figure 5.2 shows that as the grid distance increases, the average hop count of SG
and CG increases due to locality (and CG is better than SG), whereas that of CH
does not change with the distance due to lack of locality. One caveat is that the delay
improvement of CG against SG comes at the cost of more packet forwarding, yet that
is far more efficient than issuing individual unicast to each segment. Figure 5.3 plots
the relative overhead of concurrent geocasting (in log scale), showing that the total
20 2x2-query(SG)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Grid distance: fraction*256
Figure 5.2: Average hop counts with different region sizes located at varying grid dis-
tances (SG: sequential geocasting, CG: concurrent geocasting, CH: consistent hash-
ing-based DHT)
Relative overhead (=cost/SG-1)
10 2x2-query(CG)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Grid distance: fraction*256
Figure 5.3: Relative overhead against sequential geocasting at varying grid distances
(log scale in Y-axis)
Figure 5.4: Total published data size per overlay node with different numbers of mo-
bile clients (a boxplot shows min, 25%, median, 75%, and max; U: unbalanced, B:
balanced, 1K: 1000)
routing cost does not largely deviate from that of sequential geocasting (as the target
region size is much smaller than the entire map).
Mobile clients publish sensor data to the overlay nodes. We study how heterogeneous
distribution of mobile clients influences the overall load imbalance. We use the Los
Angeles map to extract road topology information. The area size is 12,800m×12,800m,
centered at the UCLA campus. The northern parts of the area are residential area (low
road density), whereas the southern parts are commercial districts (high road density).
We use the grid size of 50m×50m, and the area is composed of 256×256 grids. We
simulate different numbers of mobile clients from 1000 to 5000 with a gap of 1000
100 5rand-mcast(Scribe)
32x32 64x64 128x128 256x256
Multicast region size
nodes. The number of overlay nodes is fixed to 1000 nodes. We measure the total
published data size per node and draw a boxplot in Figure 5.4. In the figure, we show
the case with load balancing and load unbalancing (denoted as B and U on the x-axis,
respectively).. As expected, the total data size increases linearly, as the number of
mobile clients increases (proportional to the number of mobile clients as we assumed
data generation at constant rate). The case without load balancing shows much higher
variation (in box plots) as opposed to the case with load balancing. There are still
minor variations in the case with load balancing. This is because the system load of
GeoTable becomes balanced after several iterations of leave/join-based load balancing
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Number of overlay nodes
Figure 5.6: Subscription update frequency per node (per minute): Manhattan grids
with different number of mobile and overlay nodes)
maximum allowable, e.g., for 32×32, it is (224, 224), and report the average hop count.
We compare the performance of GeoPS with Scribe multicast routing protocol [4]. Re-
call that Scribe destroys the locality by using consistent hashing. We randomly choose
5 or 10 random grids within the region, and each grid is assigned with a subscriber
(5 or 10 subscribers). We measure the aggregated number of hop counts to deliver a
packet to all the multicast receivers. Figure 5.5 clearly shows that our multicast routing
exploits the locality of receivers. As the area size (where the subscribers lie) increases,
geographic locality among subscribers disappears, and accordingly, the cost of GeoPS
increases, converging to that of Scribe in the case of 256×256.
We use different numbers of mobile clients, namely 500, 1000, and 1500, moving on
Manhattan grids of size 256×256. We set the nodes’ maximum speed to 50km/h. The
number of overlay nodes is varied from 1000 to 5000. Figure 5.6 shows the average
number of subscription updates per node (per minute). The update frequency increases
with the number of overlay nodes. As the number of overlay nodes increase, the aver-
age key space per node decreases, causing more updates. Note that because an overlay
node typically keeps a fraction of grid space, a mobile client does not necessarily no-
tify its update as long as it is associated with the same overlay node. The figure also
shows that as the number of mobile nodes increases, the update rate decreases. This
is because the more the number of vehicles, the lower the maximum vehicle speed in
urban environments.
Related Work
Internet-based approaches for generic sensor data sharing have a simple multi-tier
structure such as ArchRock [36], SensorBase [29], and SensorMap [23], or semi-
hierarchical structure such as IrisNet [8], and Global Sensor Networks (GSN) [1]. In
ArchRock [36] and SensorBase [29], sensor data from a sensor network is aggregated
at the local gateway and is published to the front-end server through which users can
share the data. In SensorBase, back-end servers (called republishers) further process
sensor data to enable sensor data searching. SensorMap [23] is a web portal service
that provides mechanisms to archive and index data, process queries, and aggregate
and present results on geocentric Web interfaces such as Microsoft Virtual Earth. In
IrisNet [8], each organization maintains database servers for its own sensors, and a
global naming service is provided for information access; a similar approach is used in
GSN [1] to allow users to query local and remote sensor data sources. GeoServ differs
from these approaches in that it focuses on large-scale participatory sensing and facili-
tates information sharing via a scalable structured P2P overlay that efficiently supports
location-sensitive data publish/retrieval.
6.2 DHT-based Distributed Storage Systems
Structured overlay networks (or DHTs) such as Chord, CAN, and Pastry (and file
systems based on DHTs such as CFS [6] and PAST [30]) provide efficient, scalable,
robust methods of locating and storing resources over the overlay network. However,
since these systems use consistent hashing to map node ID and keyword to key space
(i.e., DHT only provides exact match queries), it is non-trivial to support complex
queries such as range queries. Chawathe et al. [5] proposed a Prefix Hash Table (PHT)
that is a trie-like data structure to provide a range query on top of the DHT layer.
PIER [14], a distributed query engine based on DHTs provides rich declarative SQL
queries such as equi-join. The major disadvantage of this layered approach is that an
extra data structure must be maintained over the DHT.
(d = 2), however, the routing cost becomes O( n), failing to guarantee logarithmic
routing properties.
In GeoServ, we linearize 2D geographic space into fixed size grids with the Hilbert
space filing curve (HSFC) [15]. To support location-aware sensor data publish/retrieval,
we significantly extend Symphony DHT [19] that only support (key, value)-based uni-
cast routing with consistent hashing. While HSFC was used in other proposals [28, 33],
none of these schemes are designed for location-aware sensor data publish/retrieval.
The main departure from existing works include that (1) GeoServ is a two-tier ar-
chitecture where Internet-based fixed servers form a distributed P2P overlay network,
through which mobile users publish/access location-aware sensor data; and to min-
imize data publish/retrieval overhead, mobile clients are associated with the overlay
nodes that are responsible for the area where they are residing (like WiFi hotspot as-
sociation); (2) we formally prove that owing to the recursive construction property of
HSFC, GeoServ can always preserve geographic locality; and (3) GeoServ efficiently
supports location-aware publish/subscribe services such as sharing traffic information
with a group of mobile users.
When the keyword space is directly used, it is very important to consider load balanc-
ing because keyword space may be skewed. Existing approaches perform load bal-
ancing using virtual servers as proposed in [9]; i.e., servers located in the less loaded
regions are moved to the overloaded regions. SkipNet uses string name ID space
(augmented with DNS names, e.g.,!skipnet.html) to preserve content
locality and to provide data controllability within domains, yet it can only provide
per-domain load balancing based on virtual servers and assumes that popularity dis-
tribution among domains is uniform. Bharambe et al. [3] showed that such virtual
server-based load balancing approaches cannot efficiently handle skewed key distribu-
tion because after load balancing, the nodes may no longer be uniformly distributed
over the key space, which is a necessary condition for the logarithmic DHT operations.
Mercury DHT [3] periodically re-arranges routing tables to preserve the logarithmic
DHT operations by using the approximate overlay node distribution histogram over
the key space. GeoServ adopts this technique to balance load in HSFC space.
Future Directions
For the future work, we plan to apply GeoServ to traffic information systems (TIS)
such as Peers on Wheels [31] and PeerTIS [32] that support the driver of a car in se-
lecting a route, based on traffic information collected by other cars. We will study how
Internet-based communication can be leveraged to build a distributed, cooperative TIS.
Such a system, implementing well-designed distributed data structures and algorithms,
allows to build the decentralized TIS applications.
The main focus of this paper has been to design a scalable sensor networking sys-
tem that enables location-relevant sensor data sharing among mobile users with smart-
phones. Given that mobile-to-mobile P2P networking over cellular networks is chal-
lenging due to the limitation of cellular networks and constrained resources of mobile
devices, we proposed GeoServ, a distributed two-tier sensor networking system that
exploits the Internet infrastructure, where mobile users publish/access sensor informa-
tion through Internet-based distributed sensor storage. The key services of GeoServ
include GeoTable, a location-aware sensor data retrieval service that efficiently sup-
ports geographic range queries, and GeoPS, a location-aware publishsubscribe service
that enables efficient multicast routing over a group of subscribed users. We proved
that GeoServ protocols preserve geographic locality and validated their performance
via extensive simulations.
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