Introduction To T24 - Customer - T2ITC - Customer R10 (1) .1

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The key takeaways are that the customer record in T24 is central to the system and contains descriptive non-financial details about customers. It is important to create a record before conducting any business activities with a customer.

The customer record stores descriptive non-financial details about customers such as occupation, residence, contact details, and sector classification. It does not contain financial information like account balances.

It is important to create a customer record before conducting any business activities with that customer because all business process applications refer to the customer record during processing. This helps minimize data input for activities like funds transfers and foreign exchange.

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Customer R10.1 1
CUSTOMER application is central or “Core” to T24 system as all activities are
customer centric in nature. All management information and services are organised
around Customer record. Details mentioned in Customer records are not repeated
any where else, but used by all applications. Any subsequent change in these details
are hence required to be done only at CUSTOMER application and hence it is easy
to maintain.
It contains all the basic information about any entity which the bank has dealings
with. In T24, Customer record creation is not restricted to ‘Bank’s Customer’ in the
conventional sense of the word. A customer record will need to be opened for
correspondent banks, brokers, guarantors etc., as well as for Bank’s customers like
current and savings account holders, borrowers, depositors and the like.
Details in Customer record are descriptive in nature and not financial. For example,
it holds the occupation, residence and contact details of a Customer. It will not hold
the account numbers or balances in those accounts of a Customer

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All business process applications refer to the Customer record during processing.
Therefore it must be opened before any Customer business activity.
Customer records for Banks, Correspondent Banks and Agents should ideally be
opened at the initial stage itself as this will help to minimise data input for
settlement instructions in Money Market, Foreign Exchange and Funds Transfer
Though some Banks insist that their Customers should always have an account with
them before getting into any Contractual relationship, this is not mandatory
universally. In Retail Banking, a private or corporate customer would normally have
some kind of account such as savings account, current account or Overdrafts. Banks
have Nostro Account with other Banks. But a Customer need not be in account
relationship with a Bank to do business. Contract type transactions such as FOREX,
Money Market and Securities can still be arranged and a limit would normally be
set up for a Customer for such dealings.
T24 distinguishes its business applications as Account based and Contract based.
This comes from the underlying business of Banks which do allow balances in
accounts to switch from positive to negative sign on the one hand and a loan
remaining always a loan and a deposit always a deposit. Balances in these contracts
never switch their accounting sign

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Customer record holds all the basic information about a Customer.
Ideally only one Customer record should exist for each Customer. This can be
created whenever a name, address and other such essential information is obtained
and is not dependent on the existence of an account.
In T24, creating a Customer record need not wait till we are ready to open an
account or till we propose to have a business transaction.
For example, a Customer record can be set up even when a Bank is considering
having any relationship. Later, when it decides to enter into any contractual
obligation, like Foreign exchange or Money Market dealings, it can use the
Customer record already created. If at any later stage, the Bank proposed to open a
current account, it need not create another record for the Customer. It can as well
use information already stored.
Once a customer record is authorised, it is not possible to reverse the record. We
can however amend any details as and when needed

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Customer R10.1 4
We saw earlier that all descriptive details of Customers are stored in their Customer records.
Standard information to be filled in some fields are designed to be picked from pre-defined
information in Static tables. Information in the Static tables can be amended. If the existing
Customer records also are to get new values, then suitable changes could be done there.
Static tables are maintained using MB Admin menu in Model Bank.
INDUSTRY table holds occupation related information. Helps to identify the activity or
business of Customer is involved in.
CUSTOMER.STATUS table holds status related information like Large Corporate,
Bankrupt Company and Private Standard Client. Helps to identify the current status of
COUNTRY table holds name and important details of all countries. In a Customer record,
these values are used to indicate Nationality as well as Residence of Customers.
TARGET table defines classification of Customers from Bank’s marketing strategy like
High net worth and Prime borrower. Useful for future marketing.
SECTOR table helps in defining grouping Customers at a top level for several purposes.
This classification can be used for areas not covered by other classifications. Sectors can be
like Private sector, Public Sector, Infrastructure sector, Banks and IT sector. We shall be
seeing in later trainings the importance of Sector as it is used in ACCOUNT.CLASS and
CUSTOMER.DEFAULT tables also. All these classifications, beside holding information,
can also be used to classify Customers for preferential treatments like interest conditions, tax
rules and concessions in charges.
DEPT.ACCT.OFFICER table contains the Departmental hierarchy in a Bank. It can go
down up to naming all the Staff individually or stop at Department level. In a Customer
record, the value indicates the Relationship manager.
Whenever there is a business dealing, then the Value from Customer record is defaulted,
unless otherwise organised. This also appears in all accounting entries so that Departmental
Assets and Liabilities or Profits could be measured.

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Customer R10.1 5
Id is the numeric identification code for a Customer. Id can go from 1 to 10 digit
number. It is possible to set automatic generation of Ids while opening new records.
Mnemonic is an alternative and easy means of referencing the Customer. A
mnemonic is a memory aid. In any T24 application, it can be used instead of
customer id. System maintains information in MNEMONIC.CUSTOMER, an
internal file.
A briefer version of the name of the Customer can be defined as a short name,
which will be used for on-line enrichments, in any field where a Customer ID or
Mnemonic has been input
SECTOR Field is a Hot validate Field. It is possible to default values for Industry,
Target, Nationality, Residence, Account officer and Customer Status of a Customer,
depending on the value in this Field. To achieve this, a record with the id of Sector
in usage should have been pre-defined in CUSTOMER.DEFAULT table.
This facility will come in handy to quickly input Customer records of select
Customers, who have more or less same values in one or more of these above
aspects. The defaulted values can also be selectively over written at individual
record level. Useful only during initial creation and not during subsequent

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Customer R10.1 6
Language for correspondence with the Customer can be chosen from any of the pre-
defined languages set in LANGUAGE static table. It may however be noted that
T24 does not act automatically as a translating software. Any text matter that
requires to be translated should have been duly pre-defined for multi language
handling capacity.
Generally Banks make it mandatory to record Customer’s mailing address. Hence,
T24 also insists on providing proper address of a Customer. System maintains the
address in STREET field as First print address of Customer in DE .ADDRESS.
Additional mailing addresses can also be created through DE.ADDRESS. Email
address, Telephone numbers, Fax numbers can also be mentioned in the appropriate
field in the customer record.
Some Banks would like to maintain anonymity of Customer records. They would
not like to record address of Customers nor send any mails. To make the address
field as non-mandatory and purely optional, CUSTOMER.DEFAULT table could be
used. For a chosen sector, a record can be created in this static table to indicate that
while creating Customer records for people of this sector, we need not mandatorily
record their mailing address

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Identification document details can be held for multiple identifications by using the
multi value facility. Passport, National Identification, if any can be mentioned here.
We can indicate how an existing Customer is related to the current Customer – who
is related and how. By using the facility to multi value, we can also indicate
multiple relationships. Our Customer is Father of another existing customer and
employee of yet another existing customer. Such multiple relationships can also be
All relationships that are required to be used are pre-defined in RELATION static
table. We should also define reverse relationship code while defining the first
relationship. For example Relation code of 1 is Father and reverse relationship of
this is Child and its proposed code is 11. The System creates a record with id 11
automatically in RELATION static table.
Role, the customer plays with this customer like authority to sign on behalf of the
company, power of attorney etc., Data entered in this field must exist on the
application EB.ROLE.
There is another field called ROLE.MORE.INFO this field is mandatory if the
ROLE selected has OTHER.INFO.REQ set to YES in the EB.ROLE table otherwise
this field may be left blank.

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RELATION DELV OPTION: Used on select CUSTOMER records that are setup as
a joint customer relationship. Each of the clients has their own record which can be
linked to the relation. This field is used to specify what delivery address is to be
used for the link customer. This field is used to specify other customers for whom a
copy of the message needs to be printed.
CUSTOMER.RATING table contains various types of ratings given by various
rating agencies like standard and poor. For example AAA rating, AA+ AA- etc.
Various credit rating agencies like standard and poor rate the customer based on
their financial performance.
CUSTOMER.LIABILITY field indicates the Customer consolidation number for
credit grouping purposes and limit sharing. This is a no change field. Changes can
be done only through LIMIT.CHANGE application.
CUSTOMER application has been built to capture some information required for
CRM. Static information about the customer include Previous name, date of
changing the name, Number of dependents, spoken language, other nationality,
Domicile details, past time etc.

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Customer R10.1 11
CRM or Customer Relationship Management is aimed at client-bank relationship.
It aims at bringing all customer information relating to products used, accounts,
personal details, contact details and campaigns together. CRM includes client static
data like personal details, contact information, financial products used by them,
history of interactions and transaction made by client with Bank, future scheduled
events like mortgage dues and potentiality for availing future facilities.
For example, A Bank has sanctioned a car loan to a customer. Bank may also cross
sell its car insurance to the same customer based on the information available with
CUSTOMER application has been built to capture some information required for
Static information about the customer Employer name, salary, frequency details of
the salary, Customer interest etc. This gives a complete picture about a customer
details of his personal record.
General details regarding residential details as to the status, Type, value of the
property can also be recorded, in the residential details.
In communication details different types of communication can be recorded like,
alerts, advice or Campaign etc. User can also indicate the preferred method of
contract like branch, internet banking Email etc.

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Customer R10.1 12
In contact details , the user can indicate the introducer name, date of first contact
and the secondary officer as a point of contact.
Apart from this banks are also subjected to KYC norms audit. These information
can now be recorded in called LATEST.KYC.REVIEW.DATE,
Banks are also subjected to various AML (Anti money laundering)checks and audit.
Those details can be recorded in the following field AML.CHECK Field. The value
for the following field are yes, sent, no and null. If AML.CHECK Field is null then
the AML.RESULT Field will default null value.
If AML.CHECK Field is set to sent, then the AML.RESULT Field will be
RESULT.AWAITED. If the AML.CHECK Field is set to yes, then AML.RESULT
Field should be either positive or negative. If the result is positive then the customer
has failed in the AML check. If it negative then the customer has passed the AML
TAX Id will hold the details of customer TAX/SSN Id.

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T24 records particulars of a prospective customer, when certain basic details are
available. Prospect may or may not be allowed business activity with the bank ,
based on setup in COMPANY table. PROSPECT.ALLOWED in COMPANY when
set as YES allows opening of accounts and contracts of prospect. On opening an
account for prospect, CUSTOMER.TYPE in CUSTOMER gets automatically
updated as Active. When the field is set as NO, then T24 does not allow any
business activity of prospect. In this case, CUSTOMER.TYPE has to be set as
Active manually before initiating any activity.
Prospect record can be purged if the customer does not form a business relationship
with the bank, such as opening an account, limit or contract for a certain period of
time. This retention period of a customer as a Prospect can be defined on the
CUST.RETENTION field in COMPANY. Input should be numeric followed by D
(Days) or M (Months).
For example under the UK data protection act prospective customer details can be
held for a maximum of 6 months. A input of180D is indicated so that prospective
data will be held for 180 days before purging if no activity is initiated.
NOTE: A Prospective CUSTOMER record can be reversed. But once the customer
forms a business relationship with the bank then the customer record cannot be

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Customer R10.1 21
Before any customer record is opened, banks undertake the responsibilities of
completing the KYC formalities. As banks are frequently subjected to various KYC
audit, there will be a separate KYC manager who will be the point of contact. There
is a mandatory field called Relationship Manager, which indicates a descriptive
nature. He will be the point of contact for all KYC related matters. Once all details
are filled up, front end user can open a customer record and link this KYC Id to the
customer record. Alternatively this KYC Id can also be linked to any one of the
existing customer record.

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In Model Bank, Sectors 3001 (Banks) and 3002 ( Central Banks) have been pre
defined in ACCOUNT.CLASS application with BANK as Id. This helps in
validating whether a Customer used in other applications is to be treated as a BANK
or not.
For example, in FUNDS.TRANSFER application when the ordering Customer is a
Bank, the SWIFT message field would be different from another message when the
ordering Customer is not a Bank. Likewise, in other applications also, where it is
required to differentiate a Customer being a Bank or not, System will validate only
on the basis of proper usage of Sector classification conforming to
This is another use of SECTOR classification that should be borne in mind while
creating suitable records in SECTOR static table.
After authorisation of the Bank Customer record, a record in AGENCY table can be
set up with Id being same as this Customer Id. This table is used to record standard
settlement instructions while dealing with the concerned Bank. Auto routing of
settlement instruction can also be setup for different types of transactions and
For example, all payment to this Bank should be routed through our Nostro account
with them, while LC payments in GBP alone should be routed through Barclays
Bank, London

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By using the menus for enquiries, we can get on line information on our Customers.
Customer details gives full enquiry like details of Name, Nationality, Residence,
Sector, Account officer Mnemonic and customer Id. We can drill down further to
view Customer overview and customer details.
Prospect search gives the details of prospective customer. It gives the details of
Prospect Number, Mnemonic, Short name, street, Town Country, sector name,
Target, Nationality and Residence. We can drill down further to view the record and
activate the customer.
Customer list will show the complete list of customer wise details, indicating
customer number, name, account officer, Nationality, Residence and Customer

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Customer R10.1 34
T24 is Customer centric software. Descriptive details of Customer are all stored at
one place – CUSTOMER record.
All other applications get linked to this.
By this, any change in Customer details are required to be done only at one place.
CUSTOMER record gets pick up values from several static tables, which are pre
defined to suit individual bank’s way of reporting or recording information.
Reports, even when designed to pick information from business applications can
always get relevant information from underlying CUSTOMER records.
Hence, Customer wise profitability or exposure will in turn lead to industry wise or
sector wise details also.
Customer details are also useful for future marketing efforts of a Bank.

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