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Social Signal Processing: Understanding Social Interactions Through Nonverbal Behavior Analysis

Social signals include (dis-)agreement, empathy, hostility, and any other attitude towards others that is expressed not only by words but by nonverbal behaviors. This paper presents not only a survey of the related literature and the main concepts underlying SSP, but also an illustrative example of how such concepts are applied to the analysis of conflicts in competitive discussions.

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Social Signal Processing: Understanding Social Interactions Through Nonverbal Behavior Analysis

Social signals include (dis-)agreement, empathy, hostility, and any other attitude towards others that is expressed not only by words but by nonverbal behaviors. This paper presents not only a survey of the related literature and the main concepts underlying SSP, but also an illustrative example of how such concepts are applied to the analysis of conflicts in competitive discussions.

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Social Signal Processing: Understanding Social Interactions

through Nonverbal Behavior Analysis

A.Vinciarelli and H.Salamin∗ M.Pantic†

Idiap Research Institute Imperial College London
CP592 - 1920 Martigny (Switzerland) 108 Queens Gate London
EPFL - 1015 Lausanne (Switzerland) EEMCS - University of Twente
{vincia,hsalamin}@idiap.ch [email protected]

Abstract whether they are couples or members of the same soccer

team), etc.
This paper introduces Social Signal Processing (SSP), How can we be so effective in interpreting social inter-
the domain aimed at automatic understanding of social actions without the need of understanding what is being
interactions through analysis of nonverbal behavior. The said? Psychologists have been studying this phenomenon
core idea of SSP is that nonverbal behavior is machine de- for decades and they have shown that extracting social in-
tectable evidence of social signals, the relational attitudes formation from nonverbal communication is hard wired in
exchanged between interacting individuals. Social signals the human brain [33][54]. Any facial expression, vocal out-
include (dis-)agreement, empathy, hostility, and any other burst, gesture or posture triggers often unconscious analy-
attitude towards others that is expressed not only by words sis of socially relevant information [4]. Furthermore, this
but by nonverbal behaviors such as facial expression and mechanism seems to be so deeply rooted in our brain, that
body posture as well. Thus, nonverbal behavior analysis is we cannot escape it, even when we deal with synthetic
used as a key to automatic understanding of social interac- faces [10] and voices [42] generated by computers.
tions. This paper presents not only a survey of the related
If nonverbal communication plays such an important role
literature and the main concepts underlying SSP, but also
in our life, shouldn’t we enable computers to sense and
an illustrative example of how such concepts are applied to
interpret social meaning of human user’s nonverbal cues?
the analysis of conflicts in competitive discussions.
This is exactly the problem addressed by Social Signal Pro-
cessing (SSP), the new, emerging, domain aimed at un-
derstanding social interactions through machine analysis of
1. Introduction nonverbal behavior [51][68][69]. The core idea of SSP is
that nonverbal behavioral cues can be detected with micro-
Imagine watching the television in a country of which
phones, cameras, and any other suitable sensors. The cues
you do not know the language. While you cannot under-
can then be used as a machine detectable evidence for auto-
stand what is being said, you can still catch a good deal
matic analysis and understanding of social behavior shown
of information about social interactions taking place on the
by the human user.
screen. You can easily spot the most important guest in a
talk-show, understand whether the interaction is tense or SSP enables Human-Centred computing paradigm [ 46],
relaxed, guess the kind of relationships people have (e.g., effectively dealing with psychological and behavioral re-
sponses natural to humans, in contrast to computing-centred
∗ The work of A. Vinciarelli and H.Salamin has been supported paradigm that requires people to operate computers fol-
in part by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme lowing technology-driven criteria. This will have a major
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 231287 (SSPNet) and in part
impact on various domains of computing technology such
by the Swiss National Science Foundation through the National Center of
Competence in Re- search on Interactive Multimodal Information Man- as Human-Computer Interaction which will become more
agement (IM2). adept to social interactions with users [46], multimedia con-
† The work of M. Pantic has been supported in part by the Euro-
tent analysis which will be analyzed according to the way
pean Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) un-
humans perceive the reality around them [ 22], computer
der grant agreement no. 231287 (SSPNet), and in part by the European
Research Council under the ERC Starting Grant agreement no. ERC-2007- mediated communication (e.g., see [24]) because transmis-
StG-203143 (MAHNOB). sion will include social cues necessary for establishing a

978-1-4244-3993-5/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 42

to modify their appearance. While human sciences have
gaze vocal
height behaviour extensively investigated the role of appearance in social
interactions (e.g., see [18] for the effect of attractiveness,
forward Social Signal and [12] for the influence of body shape on social percep-
tions), only few works, to the best of our knowledge, have
posture been dedicated to the automatic analysis of the way people
Behavioural look. These are mostly dedicated to the attractiveness of
faces (e.g., [27]) and to the recognition of clothes for track-
interpersonal gesture
distance ing and surveillance purposes (e.g., [15]).
The second code relates to gestures and postures, ex-
Figure 1. Social signals. A constellation of nonverbal behavioral tensively investigated in human sciences because they are
cues (posture, interpersonal distance, gestures, etc.) is perceived considered the most reliable cue revealing actual attitude
as a social signal (hostility, aggressiveness, disagreement, etc.). of people towards others (see [54] and references therein).
Automatic analysis of gestures is a hot topic in technol-
ogy as well, but the goal is mainly to replace keyboards
natural contact with others, and other domains where com- and mouces with hand movements as computer interfaces
puters must seamlessly integrate into the life of people.
(see [72] for recent technologies). Gestures and postures
The paper starts by introducing the most important as- have been also analyzed for their affective content (see [ 28]
pects of nonverbal communication (Section 2). It illustrates for a survey). However, there are only a few works pre-
the main technological components necessary to analyze sented so far addressing the problem of interpreting ges-
social behavior (Section 3) and provides an example show- tures and postures in terms of social signals (see [68] for a
ing how SSP principles and ideas are applied to the anal- survey).
ysis of conflicts in competitive discussions (Section 4). It
also provides a brief survey of the main SSP applications Face and eye behavior is a crucial code, as face and eyes
presented so far in the literature. Section 6 concludes the are our direct and naturally preeminent means of commu-
paper. nicating and understanding somebodys affective state and
intentions on the basis of the shown facial expression [ 32].
Not surprisingly, facial expressions and gaze behavior have
2. Nonverbal Behavior and Social Signals been extensively studied in both human sciences and tech-
Nonverbal communication includes all the messages nology. The first study on facial expressions dates back to
other than words that people exchange in interactive con- Darwin [16], and a comprehensive framework for the de-
texts. In some cases, messages are exchanged consciously, scription of facial expressions (and messages they convey)
and nonverbal behaviors have a precise meaning attached to has been elaborated in the last decades [21]. Facial expres-
them (e.g., the thumbs up gesture). More frequently, non- sion analysis is a well established domain (see [76] for the
verbal behavior gives away messages, leaking information most recent and extensive survey), and gaze has been the
about the state of people, e.g. about their emotions, self- subject of significant attention in the last years [64].
confidence, status, etc. [25]. Vocal behavior is the code that accounts for how some-
SSP focuses on human nonverbal communication and, thing is said and includes the following aspects of spoken
in particular, on social signals [3], the relational attitudes communication [33][54]: voice quality (prosodic features
displayed by people during social interactions. Consider like pitch, energy and rhythm), linguistic vocalizations (ex-
Figure 1. It is not difficult to guess that the two individu- pressions like “ehm”, “ah”, etc.) and non-linguistic vocal-
als are a couple and that they are fighting, even if the only izations (laughter, crying, sobbing, etc.), silence (use of
information at disposition are their silhouettes. The reason pauses), and turn-taking patterns (mechanisms regulating
is that the picture shows a sufficient number of nonverbal floor exchange) [53][74]. Each one of them relates to social
behavioral cues to correctly understand the kind of interac- signals that contribute to different aspects of the social per-
tion taking place. Mouths wide open suggest that the two ception of a message. Both human sciences and technology
persons are shouting, the tension of gestures shows that the have extensively investigated vocal behavior. The former
atmosphere is not relaxed, the distance is too close for per- have shown, e.g., that vocal behavior plays a role in ex-
sons not sharing an intimate relationship, etc. pression of emotions [57], is a personality marker [56], and
For the sake of simplicity, psychologists have grouped all is used to display status and dominance [59]. The speech
possible nonverbal behavioral cues occurring in social inter- analysis community has worked on the detection, e.g., of
actions into five major classes called codes [30]. The first disfluencies [58], non-linguistic vocalizations (e.g., partic-
is physical appearance, including not only somatic char- ular laughter [52][62]), or rhythm [40], but with the goal of
acteristics, but also clothes and ornaments that people use improving the speech recognition performance rather than


Data Person Multimodal

Capture Detection Behavioural
Raw Data

Social Interaction Analysis

Multimodal Behavioural
Behavioural Cues Social Signals Social
Streams Extraction Behavioural Understanding Behaviours

Figure 2. Machine analysis of social signals and behaviors: a general scheme. The process includes two main stages. Preprocessing takes as
input the recordings of social interaction and gives as output multimodal behavioral streams associated with each person. Social interaction
analysis maps the multimodal behavioral streams into social signals and social behaviors.

analysing social behavior. ically performed with speaker diarization [61], face detec-
The last code relates to space and environment, i.e. tion [73], or any other kind of technique that allows one to
the way people share and organize the space they have at identify intervals of time or scene regions corresponding to
disposition. Human sciences have investigated this code, specific individuals.
showing in particular that people tend to organize the space Person detection is the step preliminary to behavioral
around them in concentric zones accounting for different cues extraction, i.e. the detection of nonverbal signals dis-
relationships they have with others [29]. For example, Fig- played by each individual. Some approaches for this stage
ure 1 shows an example of individuals sharing the intimate have been mentioned in Section 2. Extensive overviews are
zone, the concentric area closest to each individual. Tech- available in [68][69].
nology has started only recently to study the use of space, The two main challenges in social behavior understand-
but only for tracking and surveillance purposes. ing are the modeling of temporal dynamics and fusing the
data extracted from different modalities at different time
3. State-of-the-art scales.
Figure 2 shows the main technological components (and Temporal dynamics of social behavioral cues (i.e., their
their interrelationships) of a general SSP system. The timing, co-occurrence, speed, etc.) are crucial for the inter-
scheme does not correspond to any approach in particular, pretation of the observed social behavior [ 3][21]. However,
but most SSP works presented in the literature follow, at relatively few approaches explicitly take into account the
least partially, the processing chain in the picture (see Sec- temporal evolution of behavioral cues to understand social
tion 5). behavior. Some of them aim at the analysis of facial ex-
The first, and crucial, step is the data capture. The most pressions involving sequences of Action Units (i.e., atomic
commonly used capture devices are microphones and cam- facial gestures) [60], as well as coordinated movements of
eras (with arrangements that go from a simple laptop we- head and shoulders [63]. Others model the evolution of col-
bcam to a fully equipped smart meeting room [ 36][70]), lective actions in meetings using Dynamic Bayesian Net-
but the literature reports the use of wearable devices [ 20] works [17] or Hidden Markov Models [37].
and pressure captors [41] (for recognizing posture of sitting To address the second challenge outlined above (tempo-
people) as well. ral, multimodal data fusion), a number of model-level fu-
In most cases, the raw data involve recordings of dif- sion methods have been proposed that aim at making use of
ferent persons (e.g., the recording of a conversation where the correlation between audio and visual data streams, and
different voices can be heard at different moments in time). relax the requirement of synchronization of these streams
Thus, a person detection step is necessary to know which (see [76] for a survey). However, how to model multimodal
part of the data corresponds to which person (e.g., who fusion on multiple time scales and how to model tempo-
talks when in the recording of a conversation). This is typ- ral correlations within and between different modalities is

largely unexplored. 4.1. Nonverbal Behavior in Conflicts
Context Understanding is desirable because no correct Human sciences have studied conversations in depth as
interpretation of human behavioral cues in social interac- these represent one of the most common forms of social in-
tions is possible without taking into account the context, teraction [53]. Following [74], conversations can be thought
namely where the interactions take place, what is the ac- of as markets where people compete for the floor (the right
tivity of the individuals involved in the interactions, when of speaking):
the interactions take place, and who is involved in the inter-
action. Note, however, that while W4 (where, what, when, [...] the most widely used analytic approach is
who) is dealing only with the apparent perceptual aspect of based on an analogy with the workings of the
the context in which the observed human behavior is shown, market economy. In this market there is a scarce
human behavior understanding is about W5+ (where, what, commodity called the floor which can be defined
when, who, why, how), where the why and how are directly as the right to speak. Having control of this scarce
related to recognizing communicative intention including commodity is called a turn. In any situation
social behaviors, affective and cognitive states of the ob- where control is not fixed in advance, anyone can
served person [47]. Hence, SSP is about W5+. attempt to get control. This is called turn-taking.

However, since the problem of context-sensing is ex- This suggests that turn-taking is a key to understand con-
tremely difficult to solve, especially for a general case (i.e., versational dynamics.
general-purpose W4 technology does not exist yet [ 47]), In the specific case of conflicts, social psychologists have
answering the why and how questions in a W4-context- observed that people tend to react to someone they disagree
sensitive manner when analysing human behavior is virtu- with rather than to someone they agree with [53][74]. Thus,
ally unexplored area of research. the social signal conveyed as a direct reaction is likely to
be disagreement. Hence, the corresponding nonverbal be-
havioral cue is adjacency in speakers turns. This social psy-
chology finding determines the design of the conflict analy-
4. An Example: the Analysis of Conflicts sis approach described in the rest of this section.

This section aims at providing a concrete example of 4.2. Data Capture and Person Detection
how principles and ideas outlined in previous sections are
The previous section suggests that turn-taking is the key
applied to a concrete case, i.e. the analysis of conflicts in
to understand conversational dynamics in conflicts. The
competitive discussions. Conflicts have been extensively in-
data at disposition are television political debates and the
vestigated in human sciences. The reason is that they influ-
turn-taking can be extracted from the audio channel using a
ence significantly the outcome of groups expected to reach
speaker diarization approach (see [61] for an extensive sur-
predefined targets (e.g., deadlines) or to satisfy members
vey on diarization). The diarization approach used in this
needs (e.g., in families) [35].
work is that proposed in [1]. The audio channel of the po-
This section focuses on political debates because these litical debates is converted into a sequence S:
are typically built around the conflict between two fronts
(including one or more persons each) that defend opposite S = {(s1 , t1 , Δt1 ), . . . , (sN , tN , ΔtN )}, (1)
views or compete for a reward (e.g., the attribution of an
where each triple accounts for a turn and includes a speaker
important political position) that cannot be shared by two
label si ∈ A = {a1 , . . . , aG } identifying the person speak-
parties. The corpus used for the experiments includes 45
ing during the turn, the starting time t i of the turn, and
debates (roughly 30 hours of material) revolving around
the duration Δt i of the turn (see Figure 3). Thus, the se-
yes/no questions like “are you favorable to new laws on en-
quence S contains the entire information about the turn-
vironment protection?”. Each debate involves one moder-
taking, namely who talks when and how much. The pu-
ator, two guests supporting the yes answer, and two guests
rity (see [67] for a definition of the purity) of the resulting
supporting the no answer. The guests state their answer ex-
speaker segmentation is 0.92, meaning that the groundtruth
plicitly at the beginning of the debate and this allows one to
speaker segmentation is mostly preserved.
label them unambiguously in terms of their position.
The diarization can be considered a form of person de-
The goal of the experiments is 1) to identify the moder- tection because it identifies the parts of the data that corre-
ator, and 2) to reconstruct correctly the two groups (yes and spond to each person. In the case of this work, this allows
no) resulting from the structure outlined above. The next for the identification of speaker adjacencies representing the
sections show how the different steps depicted in Figure 2 target cue based on which agreement and disagreement be-
are addressed. tween debate participants will be detected.

s1 =a1 s 2 =a 3 s 3 =a1 s 4 =a 3 s 5 =a 2 s 6 =a 1 s 7 =a 2
 t1 t 2  t3  t4 t 5 t 6  t7 t

Figure 3. Turn-Taking pattern. The figure shows an example of turn-taking where three persons are assigned to different states.

4.3. Social Signal Understanding above model, even if rather simple, still performs ten times
better than chance.
The suggestion that people tend to react to someone
they disagree with rather than to someone they agree with
can be expressed, in mathematical terms, by saying that 5. Main SSP Applications
speaker si is statistically dependent on speaker s i−1 (see The first extensive surveys of SSP applications have been
Figure 3). Statistical dependence between sequence el- proposed in [68][69], after the expression Social Signal
ements that follow one another can be modeled using a Processing has been introduced for the first time in [ 51] to
Markov Chain where the set Q of the states contains three denote several pioneering works published by Alex Pent-
elements, namely T 1 (the first group), T 2 (the second group) land and his group at MIT.
and M (the moderator).
The earliest SSP works focused on vocal behavior with
If ϕ : A → Q is a mapping that associates a speaker s i ∈ the goal of predicting (with an accuracy higher than 70%)
A with a state qj ∈ Q, then the conflict analysis problem the outcome of dyadic interactions such as salary ne-
can be thought of as finding the mapping ϕ ∗ satisfying the gotiations, hiring interviews, and speed dating conversa-
following expression: tions [14]. One of the most important contributions of these
N works is the definition of a coherent framework for the anal-

ϕ∗ = arg max p(ϕ(s1 )) p(ϕ(sn )|ϕ(sn−1 )), (2) ysis of vocal behavior [48][49], where a set of cues accounts
ϕ∈QA for activity (the total amount of energy in the speech sig-
nals), influence (the statistical influence of one person on
where N is the number of turns in the turn-taking, p(ϕ(s 1 )) the speaking patterns of the others), consistency (stability
is the probability of starting with state q 1 = ϕ(s1 ), and of the speaking patterns of each person), and mimicry (the
p(ϕ(sn )|ϕ(sn−1 )) is the probability of a transition between imitation between people involved in the interactions). Re-
state qn = ϕ(sn ) and state qn−1 = ϕ(sn−1 ). cent approaches for the analysis of dyadic interactions in-
The expression on the left side of Equation ( 2) has the clude the visual analysis of movements for the detection of
same value if all the speakers assigned state T 1 are switched interactional synchrony [38][39].
to state T2 and viceversa. In other words, the model is sym- Other approaches, developed in the same period
metric with respect to an exchange between T 1 and T2 . The as the above works, have aimed at the analysis of
reason is that T1 and T2 are simply meant to distinguish small group interactions [35], with particular empha-
between members of different groups. sis on meetings and broadcast data (talk-shows, news,
The Markov Model is trained using a leave-one-out ap- etc.). Most of the works have focused on recogni-
proach: all debates at disposition but one are used as train- tion of collective actions [17][37], dominance detec-
ing set, while the left out one is used as the test set. The tions [31][55], and role recognition [7][19][23][34][75].
experiment is reiterated and each time a different debate is The approaches proposed in these works are often mul-
used as the test set. The results show that 64.5% of the de- timodal [17][19][31][37][55][75], and the behavioral cues
bates are correctly reconstructed, i.e., the moderator is cor- most commonly extracted correspond to speaking energy
rectly identified and the two supporters of the same answer and amount of movement. In many cases, the approaches
are assigned the same state. This figure goes up to 75% are based only on audio, with features that account for
when using the groundtruth speaker segmentation (and not turn-taking patterns (when and how much each person
the speaker segmentation automatically extracted from the talks) [7][34], or for combinations of social networks and
audio data). The average performance of an algorithm as- lexical features [23].
signing the states randomly is 6.5% and this means that the Social network analysis has been applied as well

in [65][66][71] to recognize the roles played by people ambiguous, sometimes they actually convey social mean-
in broadcast data (movies, radio and television programs, ing, but sometimes they simply respond to contingent fac-
etc.), and in an application domain known as reality min- tors (e.g., postures can communicate a relational attitude,
ing, where large groups of individuals equipped with smart but also be determined by the search for comfort). Finally,
badges or special cellular phones are recorded in terms of an important issue is the use of real-world data in the ex-
proximity and vocal interactions and then represented in a periments. This will lead to more realistic assessments of
social network [20][50]. technology effectiveness and will link research to potential
The reaction of users to social signals exhibited by com- application scenarios.
puters has been investigated in several works showing that The strategic importance of the domain is confirmed
people tend to behave with machines as they behave with by several large projects funded at both national and
other humans. The effectiveness of computers as social ac- international level around the world. In particular, the
tors, i.e., entities involved in the same kind of interactions European Network of Excellence SSPNet (2009-2014)
as the humans, has been explored in [42][43][44], where aims not only at addressing the issues outlined above, but
also at fostering research in SSP through the diffusion of
computers have been shown to be attributed a personality
knowledge, data and automatic tools via its web portal
and to elicit the same reactions as those elicited by persons. (www.sspnet.eu). In this sense, the portal is expected
Similar effects have been shown in [13][45], where chil- to be not only a site delivering information, but also an
dren interacting with computers have modified their voice to instrument allowing any interested researcher to enter
match the speaking characteristics of the animated personas the domain with an initial effort as limited as possible.
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