Northwest Queens Community Health Profile

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New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene



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(Including Astoria,
Long Island City, and
Community Health Profile, Second Edition: Northwest Queens
New York City is the most diverse city in the U.S. — a fact reflected in the distinct character of each neighborhood.
The second edition of the Community Health Profiles uses Take Care New York (TCNY), the city’s health policy, to
examine preventable causes of illness and death in all of NYC’s 42 neighborhoods. This report updates the 2002 profile
(available at by providing more recent and time-trend data, and a greater variety of health statistics.
Key health issues in Northwest Queens include:
■ One in 5 Northwest Queens adults smokes, and smokers in this community are less likely to be trying to quit
than smokers in NYC overall (page 6).
■ Women in Northwest Queens are less likely to get regular Pap tests for cervical cancer than women in NYC
overall (page 11).
■ Northwest Queens has the second highest proportion of uninsured adults among all NYC neighborhoods, and
foreign-born residents in this community are more likely to be without health insurance than those born in the
U.S. (page 14).
Methods: While this report provides important information, it is not intended to be an exhaustive examination of the health of
Northwest Queens residents, as not all health problems and their causes could be covered. Only statistically significant findings are
discussed in the text. For complete information on methods, see Technical Notes (page 15).

Northwest Queens at a Glance

Population Age Poverty
Total number of People in Northwest Queens are more likely to be middle- In Northwest Queens, the percent of residents
people living in aged than in Queens and New York City overall living below the poverty level is higher than in
Northwest Queens overall
Queens in 2000: 50
Northwest Queens Queens NYC
0-17 years 23% 24%
18-24 years 9% 10%
Percent of residents

25-44 years 33% 33%

221,000 11%

45-64 years 22% 21%


65+ years 13% 12%

20% 30
11% 20 21


Northwest Queens New York City

Three in 10 Northwest Queens residents aged 25 and older do not have a high 0
school diploma Queens

Northwest Queens Queens NYC

Up to 8th grade 11% 12% Foreign-born
Some high school, no diploma 15% 16%

High school diploma 28% 25%

14% More than half of Northwest Queens

Some college, no degree 22% 20%

26% residents were born outside the U.S.

College graduate 24% 27%

26% Northwest Queens Queens NYC
51% 46% 36%

Race / Ethnicity Northwest Queens Queens NYC

Northwest Queens has a Other 8% Other 6% Other 4%

higher proportion of Asian 15% Asian 10% White 35%
Asian 17%
white residents than White 33%
Queens and NYC overall Black 6% 24%
White 43%
Black 19%
Hispanic 27%
Hispanic 28% Hispanic 25%

Data Source: U.S. Census 2000/NYC Department of City Planning

2 TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S
Take Care Northwest Queens
In 2004, the Health Department created a citywide health policy called Take Care New York
(TCNY) to help improve the health of New Yorkers. TCNY identifies 10 key areas that cause
significant illness and death but can be improved through intervention by individuals, health care
providers, government agencies, and other organizations.
This report examines how well Northwest Queens residents are doing on health indicators for each
of the 10 TCNY goals. It examines areas in which the community is a health leader, as well as areas
that need improvement. The TCNY report card below shows where Northwest Queens ranks
among all 42 New York City neighborhoods. (See Technical Notes for information about how
neighborhoods were defined and ranked.)
Take Care New York report card
Northwest Queens ranks as average on nearly all indicators when compared to the 41 other NYC neighborhoods

Below Average (bottom 10) Average (middle 22) Above Average (top 10)
Take Care New York Goals
1 Have a regular doctor ✓
2 Be tobacco-free ✓
3 Keep your heart healthy ✓
4 Know your HIV status ✓
5 Get help for depression ✓
6 Live free of alcohol and drugs ✓
7 Get checked for cancer ✓
8 Get the immunizations you need

9 Make your home safe and healthy ✓
10 Have a healthy baby ✓

How Residents Rate Their Own Health

Overall health
More than 1 in 5 adults in Northwest Queens consider People are good at rating their own health. In general,
themselves to be in fair or poor health
when asked to rate their general health as excellent, very
good, good, fair, or poor, those who say “fair” or “poor” are
more likely to have health problems than those who report
Percent of adults (18+)

better health.
22 21
20 In Northwest Queens, more than one fifth of residents
report being in fair or poor health (22%).

Northwest Queens New York City


Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04

TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S 3
Overall Death Rates in Northwest Queens
Death rates
In Northwest Queens, death rates have dropped over the past The death rate in Northwest Queens has decreased by
10 years and are lower than in NYC overall
more than 15% in the past decade, mirroring the rate drop
1000 in New York City overall.
In 2003-2004, the average annual death rate in Northwest
Deaths per 100,000 people


Queens was similar to the rate in Queens and more than

15% lower than in New York City overall (587/100,000 vs.
610/100,000 in Queens and 718/100,000 in NYC).
Northwest Queens
Throughout this profile, cause-specific death rates are
New York City
200 provided for TCNY goals.

1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 Line graphs. All time-trend data are presented as annual
averages with 2 or 3 years of data combined. For example, in
Rates are age-adjusted. this graph, the first point on each line represents the average
Data Sources: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 1995-2004; U.S. Census 1990 annual death rate for 1995 and 1996 combined.
and 2000/NYC Department of City Planning

Premature death
People who die before age 75 can be thought of as dying early, or
prematurely. If a person dies early, their years of potential life lost (YPLLs)
can be calculated by subtracting their age at death from 75 years to get a
Death before age 75
measure of premature death. The 2003-2004 average annual
death rate for people younger than
The causes of premature death differ across communities. The primary cause 75 years in Northwest Queens ranks
of premature death in Northwest Queens is cancer, as well as in both Queens 13th among 42 NYC neighborhoods

and New York City overall.

Top 5 causes of years of potential life lost
Cancer causes the most years of potential life lost in
Northwest Queens
Queens Queens
Cancer 25%
2,414 years lost
Other* 39% NYC
3,892 years lost

Heart Disease 18%

Accidents 5% 1,776 years lost
516 years lost

Drug-related 6% Certain Perinatal Conditions 7% Data Sources: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC
675 years lost
630 years lost
DOHMH, 2003-04; U.S. Census 2000/NYC
Department of City Planning

*Other includes HIV-related (5%), Homicide (3%), Suicide (3%), Chronic Lower Respiratory
Disease (2%), Congenital Conditions (2%), and Other (24%).

Data Source: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 2002-04

4 TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S
Take Care New York Goals
GOAL 1 Have a Regular Doctor or Other Health Care Provider
Access to good medical care helps people prevent illnesses, identify health
conditions early, and treat health problems. Some conditions can and should be
managed regularly outside the hospital. Higher rates of these avoidable
hospitalizations can indicate reduced access to health care in a community. Avoidable hospitalizations
Having a “medical home”— a personal doctor or other health care provider and The 2004 avoidable hospitalization
rate in Northwest Queens ranks 11th
a regular place of care other than the emergency department (ED) — is a critical among 42 NYC neighborhoods
component of good health care access. In Northwest Queens, almost 3 in 10
residents (28%) do not have a regular doctor, compared to the TCNY goal of BETTER

less than 20%. In addition, nearly 1 in 10 Northwest Queens residents goes to

the ED when they are sick or need health advice (8%).

Access to care Queens

Without a primary provider, people may seek routine health care in the
emergency department (ED) NYC

TCNY Target: <20% by 2008 Northwest Queens


New York City
30 28
Percent of adults (18+)

25 24 24

15 Data Sources: New York State Department of Health

Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System,
10 8 8 2004; U.S. Census 2000/NYC Department of City
7 Planning

No personal doctor1 Go to ED when sick or need health


Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Sources: 1NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04, 2NYC Community Health Survey 2003-04

Health insurance
Adults in Northwest Queens are more likely to be uninsured than those Health insurance is important for
in NYC overall
access to health care. Northwest
Insured now, and for
Queens adults are more likely to be
entire past year currently uninsured than those in
Percent of adults (18-64)

Insured now, but


uninsured some time NYC overall (25% vs. 18%). In

60 62 66 71 in past year
Uninsured now
addition, another 13% of residents in
40 this community went without health
12 insurance at some time during the past
25 22 18

Northwest Queens New York City


Insurance rates are calculated for adults aged 18-64 and age-adjusted.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04

TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S 5
GOAL 2 Be Tobacco-Free
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in New York City and the cause of many illnesses, including heart
disease, stroke, emphysema, and lung cancer. One fifth of Northwest Queens residents (21%) currently smoke. Many
methods to quit smoking are available, but smokers in Northwest Queens are less likely to be trying to kick the habit than
those in Queens and NYC overall.
Residents who smoke Attempts to quit smoking in the past year
More than 1 in 5 adults in Northwest Queens smoke Smokers in Northwest Queens are less likely to
try to quit
50 100

Percent of adult smokers (18+)

Percent of adults (18+)

40 80
TCNY Target: <18% by 2008
68 66
30 60 51
20 16 18

10 20

Northwest Queens New York City Northwest Queens New York City
0 0

Queens Queens
Percents are age-adjusted. Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2004 Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2004

GOAL 3 Keep Your Heart Healthy

Heart disease can cause severe illness and death. The heart disease hospitalization rate in Northwest Queens has increased
by more than 10% in the past decade. Residents had an average annual heart disease hospitalization rate in 2003-2004
that was similar to both the Queens and NYC overall rates (1,709/100,000 vs. 1,727/100,000 in Queens and
1,856/100,000 in NYC). In contrast to hospitalizations, the heart disease death rate in Northwest Queens has decreased in
the past 10 years. The 2003-2004 rate (280/100,000) was similar to the rates in Queens (288/100,000) and NYC overall
Heart disease hospitalizations Deaths due to heart disease
The heart disease hospitalization rate in Northwest The heart disease death rate in Northwest Queens
Queens has increased in the past decade has decreased in the past decade
2400 500
Hospitalizations per 100,000

Deaths per 100,000 people

2000 400

adults (18+)


Northwest Queens
Northwest Queens


New York City

New York City

1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04
0 0

Rates are age-adjusted.

Data Sources: New York State Department of Health Statewide Planning and Research Rates are age-adjusted.
Cooperative System, 1995-2004; U.S. Census 1990 and 2000/NYC Department of City Data Sources: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 1995-2004;
Planning U.S. Census 1990 and 2000/NYC Department of City Planning

High blood pressure and high cholesterol. Both of these conditions contribute to heart disease. In Northwest Queens, 23% of adults
were told by a health care professional that they have high blood pressure (similar to 26% in Queens and NYC overall), and one
quarter (25%) were told that they have high cholesterol (similar to 26% in Queens and NYC overall).
Percents are age-adjusted. Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002

6 TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S
Nearly 1 in 5 adults in Northwest Queens is obese In addition to smoking, high blood cholesterol and high blood
pressure, other factors that put people at risk for heart disease — lack
25 of physical activity and obesity — can be prevented or controlled.
Percent of adults (18+)

19 20
20 18
Obesity can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart
15 disease and diabetes. Rates of obesity are increasing rapidly in New
10 York City and across the U.S., making it a major public health
concern. In Northwest Queens, nearly one fifth of adults are obese
Northwest Queens New York City

Obesity is defined as a body-mass-index (BMI) of 30 or greater.
Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04

One in 12 adults has diabetes in Northwest Queens The increasing prevalence of obesity in the U.S. has contributed to an
epidemic of diabetes. About 95% of diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes,
25 which is strongly associated with obesity. Uncontrolled diabetes can
Percent of adults (18+)

20 worsen the harmful effects of high blood pressure, high cholesterol,

and other risk factors for heart disease.

10 8 8 9 In Northwest Queens, 8% of adults have diabetes.

Northwest Queens New York City


Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04

Days per week of recreational exercise

Less than half of Northwest Queens adults are meeting physical activity Physical activity helps people maintain a
healthy weight and strengthens the
Northwest cardiovascular system. More than 4 in 10
42 13 23 22
Northwest Queens residents report doing no
physical activity at all (42%). Less than half of
Queens 46 15 21 18
residents in this community (45%) report
exercising at least 3 days a week.
New York
43 15 23 19

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of adults (18+) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
0 days 1-2 days 3-4 days 5-7 days Adults should do either 20 minutes of vigorous
Survey Question: On average, how many days per week do you exercise for at least 30 minutes? exercise 3 times per week or 30 minutes of
Percents are age-adjusted. moderate exercise 5 times per week.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2003

TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S 7
GOAL 4 Know Your HIV Status
Wide disparities exist in HIV across New York City communities. In Northwest Queens, the rate of HIV diagnoses
(34/100,000) and the rate of people living with HIV/AIDS (755/100,000) fall between the borough and NYC — higher
than the Queens rates and lower than NYC overall.
HIV/AIDS in 2004
The death rate due to HIV disease has dropped by more than 70% during the past
Total HIV diagnoses
decade in this community. In 2003-2004, the average annual HIV-related death per 100,000 people* (13+)
rate in Northwest Queens was similar to the Queens rate and less than half the Northwest Queens 34
Queens 30
New York City 55
NYC overall rate (8/100,000 vs. 6/100,000 in Queens and 18/100,000 in NYC).
Death rate due to HIV
HIV-related death rates in Northwest Queens have dropped dramatically in the past decade
% HIV diagnosed concurrently
and remain lower than NYC overall
with AIDS** (13+)
Northwest Queens 31%
Queens 35%
Northwest Queens

New York City 29%

Deaths per 100,000 people


New York City

TCNY Target: <12 per 100,000 by 2008
People living with HIV/AIDS
60 per 100,000 people* (13+)
Northwest Queens 755
Queens 680
New York City 1,419

20 Rates are age-adjusted. *Rates are age-adjusted.

Data Sources: Bureau of Vital **Within 31 days of HIV diagnosis — crude percents
Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 1995-2004; Data Source and Analysis: HIV Epidemiology

1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04

0 U.S. Census 1990 and 2000/NYC Program, NYC DOHMH, 2004
Department of City Planning

HIV/AIDS testing and prevention

Everyone should know their HIV status. However, an estimated one quarter of New Yorkers living with HIV do not know
they are infected, delaying treatment and increasing the risk that they will transmit the disease to others. Only 1 in 5
Northwest Queens residents (20%) has been tested for HIV in the past year. In addition, nearly one third of positive HIV
test results (31%) are “late” diagnoses (HIV has already progressed to AIDS) in this community.
The most common way people get HIV is through sexual contact, and having multiple sex partners increases the risk of
HIV. Condoms offer protection from HIV when engaging in sexual activities. Less than one quarter (24%) of Northwest
Queens adults who had more than 1 sex partner in the past year reported using a condom at their last sexual encounter.
HIV testing Condom use at last sexual encounter
Only one fifth of Northwest Queens adults have had Only 1 in 4 Northwest Queens adults with multiple
an HIV test in the past year sex partners used a condom
50 50

Percent of adults (18-64)

40 40 37
Percent of adults (18+)

30 30
20 20
20 20

10 10

Northwest Queens New York City Northwest Queens New York City
0 0

Queens Queens
Percents are age-adjusted. Analysis limited to adults aged 18-64 who reported having >1 sex partner in the
past year, excluding women who reported having sex only with women.
Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2003

Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04

8 TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S
GOAL 5 Get Help for Depression
Psychological distress
One in 12 adults in Northwest Queens suffers from Depression is a serious but treatable health condition that
serious psychological distress
frequently goes undiagnosed. Serious psychological distress
is associated with depression and other mental illnesses.
Percent of adults (18+)

In Northwest Queens, 8% of residents experience serious
6 psychological distress.

Northwest Queens New York City


Serious psychological distress can be identified in individuals using Kessler’s K6
scale, a validated measure consisting of 6 simple questions about mood.
Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03

Mental illness
Hospitalizations for mental illness are lower in Northwest Hospitalization rates are one way to look at serious mental
illness in a neighborhood. Residents in Northwest Queens
have had a lower mental illness hospitalization rate over the
Hospitalizations per 100,000

800 past 10 years (excluding alcohol- or drug-related illness)

than residents in Queens and in New York City overall.
adults (18+)

However, the mental illness hospitalization rate has
increased by 15% during the past decade.
Northwest Queens

In 2003-2004, the community’s average annual rate of
New York City
mental illness hospitalizations (496/100,000) was lower
than both the Queens rate (636/100,000) and the rate in
1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04
New York City overall (813/100,000).
Rates are age-adjusted.
Data Sources: New York State Department of Health Statewide Planning and
Research Cooperative System, 1995-2004; U.S. Census 1990 and 2000/NYC
Department of City Planning

Understanding hospitalizations and access to health care. Hospitalization data are useful in understanding the burden that
certain conditions place on the health care system, but not necessarily in measuring the exact extent of illness in a community.
Variations in hospitalization rates may reflect not only differences in rates of illness, but also differences in access to health
care. For example, the kinds of health institutions available to residents differ by community, as might the ability of residents to
pay for those resources. If a community has a specialized residential institution for a certain type of disease, such as mental
illness or stroke, people from outside that neighborhood may come to reside at this institution for care, resulting in an increase
in reported hospitalizations for that disease in the community.

TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S 9
GOAL 6 Live Free of Dependence on Alcohol and Drugs
Binge drinking
Nearly 1 in 6 adults in Northwest Queens engaged in The abuse of alcohol and drugs can lead to many
binge drinking in the past month
preventable injuries, illnesses, and deaths, including injury
in motor-vehicle crashes, liver disease, and violence.
Percent of adults (18+)

Estimates of binge drinking represent the risk of immediate
15 14 14 alcohol-related problems, such as alcohol-poisoning, injury
and violence. In Northwest Queens, 16% of adults report
engaging in at least one episode of binge drinking (defined
5 as consuming 5 or more drinks on one occasion) in the
past month.
Northwest Queens New York City

Queens Alcohol-related hospitalizations reflect both acute and

Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04
chronic (e.g., liver disease) consequences of alcohol abuse.
In 2003-2004, the average annual alcohol-related
Alcohol-related hospitalizations hospitalization rate in Northwest Queens was similar to the
The alcohol-related hospitalization rate in Queens rate and lower than the rate in New York City overall
Northwest Queens is lower than the NYC rate
(218/100,000 vs. 235/100,000 in Queens and 439/100,000
Northwest Queens

in NYC).
Hospitalizations per 100,000 adults

New York City

600 The drug-related hospitalization rate in Northwest Queens
has decreased by 35% in the past decade. In 2003-2004, the

400 rate (174/100,000) was lower than in Queens (234/100,000)

and New York City overall (595/100,000).
200 The 2003-2004 death rate due to drugs in Northwest
Queens (10/100,000) was more than 65% higher than the
Queens overall rate (6/100,000) and same as the rate in NYC
1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04

Rates are age-adjusted.

Data Sources: New York State Department of Health Statewide Planning and Research
Cooperative System, 1995-2004; U.S. Census 1990 and 2000/NYC Department of City

Drug-related hospitalizations Drug-related deaths

The drug-related hospitalization rate in Northwest Queens The drug-related death rate is higher in Northwest Queens
has decreased and remains lower than in NYC overall than in Queens overall
800 35
Hospitalizations per 100,000 adults

Deaths per 100,000 people



TCNY Target: <8 per 100,000 by 2008


1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04
0 0

Northwest Queens Queens New York City Northwest Queens Queens New York City
Rates are age-adjusted. Rates are age-adjusted.
Data Sources: New York State Department of Health Statewide Planning and Data Sources: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 1995-2004; U.S. Census
Research Cooperative System, 1995-2004; U.S. Census 1990 and 2000/NYC 1990 and 2000/NYC Department of City Planning
Department of City Planning

10 TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S
GOAL 7 Get Checked for Cancer
Cancer screenings
In Northwest Queens, cancer screening is lower than TCNY targets Cancer screening can save lives by preventing disease,
100 TCNY Target: >85% by 2008 catching cancer in its early stages and providing
80 78 opportunities for treatment. TCNY has set specific
Percent of adults (18+)

80 76 75 76
TCNY Target: >60% by 2008
69 screening targets for cervical, breast, and colon
60 cancers.
44 47
40 Women in Northwest Queens are less likely to get
Pap tests for cervical cancer than women in NYC
overall (69% vs. 80%). In addition, the percent of
women in this community who have had a timely
Cervical cancer Breast cancer screening Colon cancer screening
screening (Pap test), (mammogram), past 2 (colonoscopy), past 10 mammogram for breast cancer is below the TCNY
past 3 years (all women)1 years (women 40+)1 years (adults 50+)2 target of more than 85%. Similarly, only about 4 in
Northwest Queens Queens New York City 10 adults aged 50 and older in Northwest Queens
Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Sources: 1NYC Community Health Survey 2002 & 2004, 2NYC Community Health Survey 2003-04
have had a colonoscopy in the past 10 years.

Cancer deaths
The death rate due to cancer is lower in Northwest Queens than The death rate due to cancer has decreased in
in NYC overall
Northwest Queens during the past decade. The 2003-
Northwest Queens

2004 average annual cancer death rate was the same
New York City
Deaths per 100,000 people

as the Queens rate and 15% lower than the NYC
200 overall rate (137/100,000 vs. 161/100,000 in NYC).


Preventing cancer and related deaths. Individuals can

reduce their risk of the most common cancers. Never

smoking or quitting the habit greatly reduces the risk of

1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 lung and other cancers. High colon and breast cancer

Rates are age-adjusted. death rates highlight the importance of getting

Data Sources: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 1995-2004; U.S. Census 1990 and
2000/NYC Department of City Planning
recommended screenings so treatment can begin early.

The highest cancer-related death rates among men in Northwest Queens are due to lung, colon, and prostate cancers.
Among women, lung, breast, and colorectal cancers are the top 3 causes of cancer-related death.
Highest cancer death rates in Northwest Queens (2003-2004)

Type of Cancer Northwest Queens NYC Type of Cancer Northwest Queens NYC
Lung, trachea, bronchus 45 51 Lung, trachea, bronchus 24 28
Colorectal 22 23 Breast 20 26
Prostate 18 25 Colorectal 14 17
Pancreas 15 12 Blood-related 11 12
Blood-related 13 18 Pancreas 7 9
Rates are age-adjusted. Data Sources: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 2003-2004; U.S. Census 2000/NYC Department of City Planning

TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S 11
GOAL 8 Get the Immunizations You Need
Flu shot rates among older adults fall below the TCNY target Immunizations are not just for kids. Of all the deaths that
and pneumococcal (pneumonia) immunizations are even lower
could have been prevented by vaccination, 99% occur in
100 TCNY Target: >80% by 2008
adults. Take Care New York has set a target that more than
Percent of older adults (65+)

80 80% of adults aged 65 and older will get an annual flu

60 60 60 (influenza) shot by 2008. The Northwest Queens flu
50 48 48
immunization rate among older adults falls short of the
TCNY target by 25%.
Immunization rates for pneumonia are lower than those for
flu across NYC. Only half of older adults in Northwest
Flu immunization in past year Pneumococcal immunization ever

(adults aged 65+) (adults aged 65+) Queens have ever received the pneumococcal vaccine,
Northwest Queens Queens New York City which protects against one common cause of pneumonia.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04

GOAL 9 Make Your Home Safe and Healthy

Childhood lead poisoning
Lead poisoning among young children continues to be a problem Childhood lead poisoning is a health problem that may
be associated with decreased intelligence, learning and
Rate per 1,000 children (0-17)

10 behavioral problems, and delayed growth and development.
8 8
8 While the number of lead-poisoned children (0-17 years
old) in New York City has declined dramatically over the

past decade, the Health Department aims to eliminate lead
poisoning by preventing children’s exposure to lead-based
2 paint and other sources of lead.

Northwest Queens New York City

0 In 2004, 71 children in Northwest Queens (8/1,000) were
Queens newly identified with lead poisoning (defined as a blood
Lead poisoning is defined as a blood lead level ≥10 µg/dL.
Data Source and Analysis: Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, NYC DOHMH, 2004 lead level greater than or equal to 10 µg/dL).

Asthma in Adults and Children

Fewer than 1 in 20 adults in Northwest Queens Conditions, or “triggers,” in the home environment, such
suffers from asthma
as the presence of second-hand smoke or dust, can cause
asthma attacks. Some housing conditions associated with
Percent of adults (18+)

asthma triggers, such as rodent or roach infestation, are

8 more common in some neighborhoods than others.
6 5 Many adults in Northwest Queens report having asthma
4 4
4 (4%).

Northwest Queens New York City


Percents are age-adjusted.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04

12 TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S
Neighborhood asthma hospitalization rates depend in part on the percent of residents who have asthma. However, good
medical management of asthma can prevent many asthma-related hospitalizations, and patients can work with health care
providers to better control their asthma. Thus, the asthma hospitalization rate can also indicate poor access to health care.

Asthma hospitalization rates for adults in Northwest Queens are lower than in NYC overall (2/1,000 vs. 3/1,000). The
rate among children (0-17 years old) has declined nearly 60% in the past decade, and the 2003-2004 rate was lower than
both the Queens and NYC overall rates (3/1,000 vs. 4/1,000 in Queens and 6/1,000 in NYC).
Adult asthma hospitalizations Child asthma hospitalizations
Rates of asthma hospitalization are lower in The child asthma hospitalization rate has decreased
Northwest Queens than in NYC overall and remains lower in Northwest Queens
15 15

Hospitalizations per 1,000

Hospitalizations per 1,000

children (0-17)
10 10
adults (18+)

5 5

1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04
0 0

Northwest Queens Queens New York City Northwest Queens Queens New York City
Rates are age-adjusted.
Data Sources: New York State Department of Health Statewide Planning and Data Sources: New York State Department of Health Statewide Planning and
Research Cooperative System, 1995-2004; U.S. Census 1990 and 2000/NYC Research Cooperative System, 1995-2004; U.S. Census 1990 and 2000/NYC
Department of City Planning Department of City Planning

Goal 10 Have a Healthy Baby

The health of babies depends on the health of mothers. Good health care for pregnant women includes high quality
prenatal care beginning in the first trimester of pregnancy. The average annual percent of women who received late or no
prenatal care has declined in Northwest Queens in the past decade and was higher in 2003-2004 than the percent in NYC
overall (35% vs. 28%).
Teenage mothers and their babies face a number of risks. Pregnant teens are more likely to be poor and not complete high
school than other teens, and they are more likely to have babies born with low birthweight than older women. The birth
rate to teenage mothers has decreased over the past 10 years by nearly 20% in Northwest Queens. In 2003-2004, the
average annual teen birth rate in this community (60/1,000) was 20% lower than in NYC overall (75/1,000).
Prenatal care Teenage mothers
Mothers in Northwest Queens are more likely to receive late The birth rate to teenage mothers (15-19 years) is
or no prenatal care than those in New York City overall lower in Northwest Queens than in NYC overall
60 125
Births to teenagers (15-19) per

Percent of live births

1,000 live births



1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04
0 0

Northwest Queens Queens New York City Northwest Queens Queens New York City
Data Source: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 1995-2004 Data Source: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 1995-2004

TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S 13
Babies born with low birthweight tend to have more health problems than others. In 2003-2004, the average percent of
babies born with low birthweight in Northwest Queens was 7% — lower than in Queens (8%) and NYC overall (9%).
Infant mortality (the death of babies in the first year of life) has declined over the past 10 years in NYC. The 2002-2004
rate in Northwest Queens was 5/1,000, similar to both Queens and NYC overall.
Low birthweight Infant mortality rate (IMR)
Low-birthweight babies are less common in The IMR is similar in Northwest Queens and NYC
Northwest Queens overall
20 20

Deaths per 1,000 live births

TCNY Target: <5.0 per 1,000 by 2008
Percent of live births

15 15

10 10

5 5

1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 1993-95 1996-98 1999-2001 2002-04

0 0

Northwest Queens Queens New York City Northwest Queens Queens New York City
Low birthweight is defined as <2,500 grams (5.5 pounds). Data Source: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 1993-2004
Data Source: Bureau of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH, 1995-2004

Neighborhood Health Highlight: The Uninsured

Uninsured residents are less likely to have a Every New York City neighborhood has different health concerns.
regular doctor in Northwest Queens Here we highlight the uninsured in Northwest Queens.
One quarter of Northwest Queens adults (25%) do not have
Percent of adults (18-64) with

80 78 health insurance, making it the neighborhood with the second

primary care physician

highest proportion of uninsured adults in New York City.

Lack of health insurance can lead to poor access to care, which
41 can threaten good health. In fact, those without insurance in
Northwest Queens are significantly less likely to have a
primary care physician than those with insurance (78% vs.
Insured Uninsured

Percents are calculated for adults aged 18-64 and age-adjusted. In Northwest Queens, individuals born outside the U.S. are
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04
twice as likely to be uninsured as those born in the U.S. (35%
vs. 17%). Northwest Queens has the third highest proportion
Foreign-born residents are more likely
to be uninsured in Northwest Queens of foreign born residents (51%) among all NYC
50 neighborhoods, and most recent immigrants are not eligible
for public health insurance because of their immigration
Percent of uninsured adults

35 status.

20 17
Free and low cost health insurance is available through

Despite this, 37% of Northwest Queens residents living below the

10 Medicaid and Family Health Plus for eligible low-income groups.

poverty level are uninsured.

Born in the U.S. Born outside the U.S. For information on finding affordable or free health insurance,

Percents are calculated for adults aged 18-64 and age-adjusted. call 311.
Data Source: NYC Community Health Survey 2002-03-04

14 TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S
Technical notes
All analyses were conducted by the Bureau of Epidemiology Services, NYC DOHMH, unless otherwise indicated. All estimates in this
report were age standardized to the Year 2000 Standard Population, except for age-specific data and mother-child health indicators. All
CHS analyses were done in SUDAAN to account for complex survey design and were weighted to the New York City population according
to the U.S. Census 2000.

Data sources
NYS DOH hospitalization data: Includes hospitalizations of NYC residents that occurred anywhere in New York State. Patient zip code was
used to classify hospitalizations into 42 neighborhoods. Data from 1995-2003 updated in April 2005; 2004 data updated in July 2005.
Vital Statistics data: Includes births and deaths of NYC residents that occurred within New York City. Data were combined across years to
increase statistical stability and average annual rates are presented. In addition, infant mortality rates (IMR) were calculated as 3-year
annual averages, and this statistic and others may differ from the presentation in “Summary of Vital Statistics” reports from the Bureau
of Vital Statistics, NYC DOHMH.
Community Health Survey data: The NYC Community Health Survey (CHS) is an annual random-digit-dial telephone survey of
approximately 10,000 adults in New York City. This profile uses the following datasets from this survey: NYC CHS 2002, NYC CHS 2003,
NYC CHS 2004, NYC CHS 2002-03-04, NYC CHS 2002-03, NYC CHS 2002 & 2004, and NYC CHS 2003-04. The combined-year datasets
increase statistical power, allowing for more stable analyses at the neighborhood level.

Neighborhood Definitions
The 42 NYC neighborhoods are based on the United Hospital Fund definitions of neighborhood, which are specified by zip code. For a
complete listing of all 42 neighborhoods and their zip codes, go to The zip codes included in analyses of Northwest
Queens are 11101, 11102, 11103, 11104, 11105, 11106, and 11109. Please note that some neighborhoods were combined for statistical
purposes in the CHS 2002, CHS 2003 and CHS 2004 datasets to make a total of 33 (2002) or 34 (2003, 2004) neighborhoods. Northwest
Queens statistics from the 2003 and 2004 individual-year datasets include data from the neighboring communities in West Queens,
including Corona, Elmhurst, Jackson Heights, Maspeth, and Woodside.
Avoidable Hospitalizations
Data based on Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (called “avoidable hospitalizations” in this report) were calculated using the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) classification of inpatient hospitalization data. Conditions in the overall measure include:
Diabetes Short-term Complications Admission Rate, Diabetes Long-term Complications Admission Rate, Pediatric Asthma Admission Rate,
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Admission Rate, Pediatric Gastroenteritis Admission Rate, Hypertension Admission Rate,
Congestive Heart Failure Admission Rate, Dehydration Admission Rate, Bacterial Pneumonia Admission Rate, Urinary Tract Infection
Admission Rate, Angina without Procedure Admission Rate, Uncontrolled Diabetes Admission Rate, Adult Asthma Admission Rate, and
Rate of Lower-extremity Amputation among Patients with Diabetes.

Significance Testing
For all data, 95% confidence limits were calculated for neighborhood, borough, and NYC estimates. If these ranges did not overlap, a
significant difference was inferred. This is a conservative measure of statistical difference. This methodology also was used to examine
differences between years in neighborhood trend data. Only robust findings found to be statistically significant are discussed in the
text. In addition, all NYC CHS estimates were evaluated for statistical stability using the relative standard error (RSE). Those estimates
with an RSE > .30 are flagged in graphs, “Estimate is unstable due to small sample size and should be interpreted with caution."

TCNY report card

The neighborhood was classified according to where it ranked in comparison to the other 41 NYC neighborhoods with Above Average =
rankings 1-10, Average = rankings 11-32, and Below Average = rankings 33-42 where 1 = the best neighborhood score. Rankings were
computed by combining (or in some cases, using only one indicator) standardized measures (z-scores) of the following health indicators for
each TCNY goal: TCNY#1 - primary care provider, insurance, ED visits; TCNY#2 - current smokers; TCNY#3 - diabetes, obesity, exercise,
heart disease hospitalizations, heart disease mortality; TCNY#4 - HIV testing, AIDS mortality; TCNY#5 - serious psychological distress,
mental illness hospitalizations; TCNY#6 - binge drinking, alcohol-related hospitalizations, drug-related hospitalizations, drug-related
mortality; TCNY#7 - cervical cancer screening, breast cancer screening, colon cancer screening, cancer mortality; TCNY#8 - flu
immunization; TCNY#9 - child lead poisoning, adult asthma rates; TCNY#10 - prenatal care, teenage mothers, low birthweight, infant
Cover Photograph: 38th Street, Queens. Photo by Dejana Selenic. Maps by Susan Resnick.

Thank you to all the individuals who contributed to these reports: Sonia Angell, Fatima Ashraf, Birgit Bogler, Shadi Chamany, Louise
Cohen, Lorna Davis, Erica Desai, Tamara Dumanovsky, Donna Eisenhower, Jennifer Ellis, Tim Frasca, Stephen Friedman, Renu Garg, Chris
Goranson, Leena Gupta, Charon Gwynn, David Hanna, Kelly Henning, Mary Huynh, John Jasek, Qun Jiang, Deborah Kaplan, Adam
Karpati, Elizabeth Kilgore, Marty Kim, Vani Kurup, Brooke Levinson, Cortnie Lowe, Jingsong Lu, Xiaowu Lu, Jenna Mandel-Ricci, Thomas
Matte, Tina McVeigh, Rachel Miller, Trang Nguyen, Leze Nicaj, Preeti Pathela, Robyn Philburn, Jane Plapinger, Chitra Ramaswamy, Judy
Sackoff, Julia Schillinger, Tejinder Singh, Sally Slavinski, Catherine Stayton, Parisa Tehranifar, William Vaughn, Joshua Volle, Joyce
Weinstein, Kellee White, Candace Young, and Regina Zimmerman.

TA K E C A R E N O R T H W E S T Q U E E N S 15
Community Health Profile for Northwest Queens
This report is an updated, expanded second edition of the
2002 Community Health Profile for Northwest Queens.
■ Take Care New York report card Community-specific
■ Time-trend data on births, hospitalizations, and deaths information on . . .
■ More neighborhood-specific health statistics Census Data 2
■ Robust estimates from data through 2004
TCNY Report Card 3

First and second edition reports on all 42 New York City Death Rates 4
neighborhoods are available from the New York City
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene online or by mail.
Take Care New York
Have a Regular Doctor 5

Web: Be Tobacco Free 6

Click on “My Community’s Health” Keep Your Heart Healthy 6

Email: [email protected]
Know Your HIV Status 8
Get Help for Depression 9

Live Free of Dependence
on Alcohol and Drugs 10
Community Health Profiles Get Checked for Cancer 11
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Get the Immunizations
Division of Epidemiology
You Need 12
125 Worth Street, Room 315, CN-6
New York, NY 10013 Make Your Home Safe
and Healthy 12
Have a Healthy Baby 13
For more information about health issues
in this report, Neighborhood Health
please call 311. Highlight 14

NYC Community Health Profiles U.S. POSTAGE


New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene NEW YORK, N.Y.
Division of Epidemiology, Bureau of Epidemiology Services, 125 Worth Street, CN-6, New York, NY 10013 PERMIT NO. 6174

Michael R. Bloomberg

Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH

Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
NYC Community Health Profiles, Second Edition feature information about 42 neighborhoods in New
York City.

Suggested citation: Olson EC, Van Wye G, Kerker B, Thorpe L, Frieden TR. Take Care Northwest
Queens. NYC Community Health Profiles, Second Edition; 2006; 29(42):1-16.

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