Sealion Tiecoat Data

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Technical Data Sheet

2021;2162;2163 2 2021 silicone resin based VValidationDate). 1


SeaLion Tiecoat

Product description
This is a three component elastomeric silicone tie coat. It provides excellent adhesion for SeaLion Repulse.
Suitable on approved primers and tie coats on aluminium and carbon steel substrates.

Typical use
Recommended for under water hull in newbuilding and dry docking. Specially designed as a tie coat for SeaLion
Repulse ensuring a relatively long over coating interval giving flexibility in production.

light red

Product data
Property Test/Standard Description
Solids by volume ISO 3233 58 ± 2 %
Flash point ISO 3679 Method 1 24 °C
Specific gravity calculated 1 kg/l
VOC-USA / VOC Hong Kong EPA Method 24 400 g/l
VOC-Solvent Emission Directive SED (1999/13/EC) 340 g/kg

The provided data is typical for factory produced products, subject to slight variation depending on colour.
All data is valid for mixed paint.

Recommended film thickness per coat

Film thickness and Dry film thickness Wet film thickness Theoretical
spreading rate spreading rate
(μm) (μm) (m²/l)

Typical 90 150 6,4

Surface preparation
To secure lasting adhesion to the subsequent product all surfaces shall be clean, dry and free from any

Date of issue: 1 August 2014 by Jotun Group Page: 1/4

This Technical Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued.

The Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is recommended to be read in conjunction with the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the
Application Guide (AG) for this product. For your nearest local Jotun office, please visit our website at
Technical Data Sheet
SeaLion Tiecoat

Surface preparation summary table

Surface preparation

Substrate Minimum Recommended

Coated surfaces Clean, dry and undamaged Clean, dry and undamaged
compatible coating (ISO 12944-4 6. compatible coating (ISO 12944-4 6.
1) 1)

Application methods
The product can be applied by

Spray: Use airless spray.

Care should be taken to avoid overspray onto other areas.

Product mixing ratio (by volume)

SeaLion Tiecoat Comp A 16,7 part(s)

SeaLion Tiecoat Comp B 0,6 part(s)
SeaLion Tiecoat Comp C 0,9 part(s)

Thinner/Cleaning solvent
Do not add thinner.
Cleaning solvent: Jotun Thinner No. 7

Guiding data for airless spray

Nozzle tip (inch/1000): 15-21

Pressure at nozzle (minimum): 210 bar/3000 psi

Drying and Curing time

Substrate temperature 0 °C 10 °C 15 °C 23 °C 40 °C

Surface (touch) dry 12 h 8h 6h 4h 2h

Dried to over coat, minimum 24 h 18 h 16 h 12 h 6h
Dried to over coat, maximum, immersed 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d

Drying and curing times are determined under controlled temperatures and relative humidity below 85%, and
within the DFT range of the product.

Date of issue: 1 August 2014 by Jotun Group Page: 2/4

This Technical Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued.

The Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is recommended to be read in conjunction with the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the
Application Guide (AG) for this product. For your nearest local Jotun office, please visit our website at
Technical Data Sheet
SeaLion Tiecoat

Surface (touch) dry: The state of drying when slight pressure with a finger does not leave an imprint or reveal
tackiness. Dry sand sprinkled on the surface can be brushed off without sticking to or causing damage to the

Dried to over coat, minimum: The shortest time allowed before the next coat can be applied.
Dried to over coat, maximum, immersed: The longest time allowed before the next coat can be applied without
any surface preparation.

Induction time and Pot life

Paint temperature 23 °C 40 °C

Pot life 1h 30 min

Recommended type of primer

Anticorrosive primer system suitable for purpose. Recommended tie coat for the subsequent antifouling coat is
Safeguard Universal ES or Safeguard Plus.

Packaging (typical)
Volume Size of containers
(litres) (litres)

SeaLion Tiecoat Comp A 16.7 20

SeaLion Tiecoat Comp B 0.6 0.75
SeaLion Tiecoat Comp C 0.9 1

The volume stated is for factory made colours. Note that local variants in pack size and filled volumes can vary
due to local regulations.

The product must be stored in accordance with national regulations. Keep the containers in a dry, cool, well
ventilated space and away from sources of heat and ignition. Containers must be kept tightly closed. Handle
with care.

Shelf life at 23 °C
SeaLion Tiecoat Comp A 12 month(s)
SeaLion Tiecoat Comp B 18 month(s)
SeaLion Tiecoat Comp C 18 month(s)

In some markets commercial shelf life can be dictated shorter by local legislation. The above is minimum shelf
life, thereafter the paint quality is subject to re-inspection.

Date of issue: 1 August 2014 by Jotun Group Page: 3/4

This Technical Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued.

The Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is recommended to be read in conjunction with the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the
Application Guide (AG) for this product. For your nearest local Jotun office, please visit our website at
Technical Data Sheet
SeaLion Tiecoat

This product is for professional use only. The applicators and operators shall be trained, experienced and have
the capability and equipment to mix/stir and apply the coatings correctly and according to Jotun's technical
documentation. Applicators and operators shall use appropriate personal protection equipment when using this
product. This guideline is given based on the current knowledge of the product. Any suggested deviation to suit
the site conditions shall be forwarded to the responsible Jotun representative for approval before commencing
the work.

Health and safety

Please observe the precautionary notices displayed on the container. Use under well ventilated conditions. Do
not inhale spray mist. Avoid skin contact. Spillage on the skin should immediately be removed with suitable
cleanser, soap and water. Eyes should be well flushed with water and medical attention sought immediately.

Colour variation
Products primarily meant for use as primers and antifoulings may have slight color variations from batch to
batch. Such products may fade and chalk when exposed to sunlight and weathering.

The information in this document is given to the best of Jotun's knowledge, based on laboratory testing and
practical experience. Jotun's products are considered as semi-finished goods and as such, products are often
used under conditions beyond Jotun's control. Jotun cannot guarantee anything but the quality of the product
itself. Minor product variations may be implemented in order to comply with local requirements. Jotun reserves
the right to change the given data without further notice.

Users should always consult Jotun for specific guidance on the general suitability of this product for their needs
and specific application practices.

If there is any inconsistency between different language issues of this document, the English (United Kingdom)
version will prevail.

Date of issue: 1 August 2014 by Jotun Group Page: 4/4

This Technical Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued.

The Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is recommended to be read in conjunction with the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the
Application Guide (AG) for this product. For your nearest local Jotun office, please visit our website at

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