Acknowledgement: Banglalink Telecommunication

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Firstly, we would like to think almighty Allah for enabling us to complete the report on due time.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Quazi Tafsirul Islam, lecturer, school of
business, department of management, north south university for providing us with detailed
advice on this report.

I am also thankful to Tanzina Giash Tanni, talent acquisition lead specialist, Banglalink, for
providing us with valuable information. Without her help this report was not possible. All the
group members were active and we all working together to prepare this report, the effortless
work of the group members is truly appreciable. We all have enjoyed working on this report

1 Banglalink Telecommunication
Exclusive Summary :
We all have delighted in making this report. Without the easy offer assistance and back of the
whole gather individuals, this would not have been conceivable. We went to Banglalinks office
“Tigers Den” which is arranged in banani to accumulate data for our report. Tanzina Gias Tanni
who is an Talent Acquisition Lead Specialist in banglalink made a difference us to get it the HR
and Enlistment Handle of Banglalink. She replied all our questions without any hesitation. After
gathering all the data, we all separated our work into 6 portions and disseminated them among
our bunch. This report begun with the presentation, technique and foundation data of Banglalink.
At that point we portrayed the culture of this organization. After that, we examined
approximately the current HR framework, which incorporates “Recruitment, Determination
Prepare, Preparing and advancement, Execution administration and benefits advertised. We have
moreover talked about how SHRM works in banglalink. At last, we suggested a few change for
2 the organization. Banglalink Telecommunication
Table Of Contents
Name Page Number
Introduction 5
Methodology 5
Data Collection Method Processing 6
Company Overview 6
Culture of Interpersonal relationship/Team Leadership 6
Recruitment and selection process 7
Recruitment Process of Banglalink 8
Training and development 8
Performance Management 9
Performance Evaluation Techniques 9
Performance appraisal 9
Incentive and benefits offered 10
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) 10
Recommendation 12
3 Banglalink Telecommunication
Conclusion 12

This report encases a point by point analysis of the organizational outline and HR practices of
one of the driving media telecommunication companies of Bangladesh – Banglalink Digital
Communication Ltd. The report portrays about its visions and values, and the functions as to the
ground level occupations that make a difference in how the company runs. And the basic
objectives of this study are the following factors.

 To know each and each potion of the HR Operations process.

 The academic requirements need to be a part of the organization.
 To focus on major components of HR operations.
 To focus on the upgrades and the superior strategies of advanced HRM strategy.
 To focus on the HR practices taken by Banglalink as per the labor act.
 To prescribe ways or steps to solve issues with respect to HR policies.

However, the limitation of the study was the restrain on information, as most of the data were
confidential. Thus, neither the organization nor the employees needed to disclose those. Thus,
the outcome of the study can be regarded as exploratory and may not be treated as absolute.

4 Banglalink Telecommunication

For the data and information collection, both primary and secondary methods of data collection
were used.

Primary Sources:
 Interview session with Tanzina Giash Tanni, Talent Acquisition Lead Specialist of
Secondary Sources:
 Official website of the Banglalink.

 Annual report of the company.

Data Collection Method Processing:

The interview with the HR personnel was held in a formal and informal dialogue process. Before
the interview, a set of questionnaires was prepared to assist the interviewer in
getting positive facts in a quick time period.

Company Overview

Banglalink digital communications Ltd. is a completely owned venture by Telecom Ventures

Ltd., which is a 100% owned subsidiary of Global Telecom Holding. Veon owns 51.92% shares
of Global Telecom Holding following a business aggregate in April 2011, between Veon ltd. and
wind telecom S.P.A. Veon is one the largest integrated limited telecommunication offering
operators imparting voice and records services via a vary of usual and broadband cellular and
constant applied service in many countries of the world.
5 Banglalink Telecommunication
Since the launch of Banglalink in February 2005, its impact is still felt now. Mobile telecom has
become a reasonable possibility for purchasers across a large variety of market segments. The
initial success of Banglalink was supported by their mission, “bringing mobile telecom to the
masses,” that was the cornerstone of their strategy. Banglalink modified the itinerant standing
from luxury to a necessity transportation mobile phone to the overall folks of Bangladesh and
creating an area in their hearts.

Culture of Interpersonal relationship/Team Leadership

The culture of interpersonal relationship is primarily how the representatives inside the
organization holds a sense of bond and companionship among themselves, for occurrence
individuals working next to them at the same level, as well as their seniors within the working
environment. Banglalink contains a exceptionally extraordinary set of aptitudes in keeping their
working environment and authority ways inviting which comes about in their benefit
administrations, and made a difference them to be one of the driving organizations. For
occurrence, the representatives in Banglalink have an alloted floor but don't have any relegated
working work areas for themselves getting the opportunity to work wherever they need to,
indeed on the off chance that it implies working next to their group heads or line supervisors etc.
This approach makes a straightforwardness among each other. Moreover, for official work like
marking documentations and appearing paper works, the worker can straightforwardly approach
the head and not follow a handle that channels through the posts of their bosses

Recruitment and selection process

6 Banglalink Telecommunication
Banglalink pursues a clear and solid procedure when recruiting; upholding equal employment
opportunities for all. The enrollment decisions are solely based on the individual’s education,
skillset, and experience. The recruitment process is verified and justified every step of the
procedure. Banglalink aims to collect an ideal employee whom can add value to the company
from a pool of candidates.

The first stage of the recruitment process is requisition. Vacancies caused by resignation,
restructuring of organization, termination of employees, retirement or new projects, the
organization’s departments send out a headcount requisition form with the number of employees
needed and of which hierarchical level to the recruitment division of the HR department. When
the recruitment division receives the form, they assess the budget and takes the next step.

The recruitment team gathers sufficient information on position, level of hierarchy, department,
job location, job specification, job description, experience, required expertise and etc. for the
vacant position. The information is then shared as a plan with the respective department with the
vacancy. The plan presented includes a time frame for announcing the vacancy, collecting CV’s,
conducting interviews and tests appropriate to make the final selections. The recruitment team
announces the vacancy in different portals based on the recruitment type whether it be internal or
external. For internal, emails are sent out through the company email to all the employees. For
external, an advertisement is published in different portals such as Bdjobs, Facebook, LinkedIn
etc. After the CV’s start coming in, the CV’s are then shortlisted and again screened by the
respective departments.

The HR department then takes the final shortlisted CV’s and schedules tests and interviews. The
recruitment team them prepares IQ tests, functional tests, etc. for this step. The IQ test is taken
by the HR department and the functional test is by the concerned departments, it verifies the
English, mathematical, logical reasoning and analytical abilities of the candidate; the functional
tests on the other hand verifies the candidate’s education, learning and knowledge. Certain jobs
where computer skill is relevant in their job description must sit for a computer exam where they
are asked to solve problems with different software, applications and show their proficiency in
Microsoft office. Certain rules must be adhered to in this step, an existing employee does not
need to sit for the IQ or functional tests but sit for the interviews. In terms of an external
7 candidate, he or she must go through all the interviews and tests. Having Telecommunication
Banglalink passed the IQ and
functional tests, the candidate sits for the interviews, the first interview takes place right after the
tests are completed with the line manager from the respected department whom they have
applied for, they check the candidates ability, functional abilities while the HR personnel looks at
their personality, behaviors to ensure that they are fit for Banglalink. The head of unit then
interviews the candidates to verify teamwork, decision making, leadership, strategic thinking,
planning, etc.

Lastly the final interview is with the head of department, the head of department selects the final
candidates to whom the job is offered to. The recruitment team gives a verbal offer to the passing
candidates in which the compensation and benefits, incentives, job location, level in hierarchy
and deadline for accepting the offer is discussed. Following the acceptance of the verbal offer by
the candidate, they must go through one more procedure which is the medical checkup at the
organizations expense, this is to check whether they are physically and mentally fit. Medically fit
candidates are asked to sign the appointment letter on a suitable date, on signing it the candidate
who is an employee is given a date to join where he or she will have to report to their line
managers on the very day of joining the department.

Recruitment Process of Banglalink:

Mental &
Job Shortlist Test & Permenant Job
Requisition Planning Physical
Advertisement Resumes Interviews Offer

Training and development

Banglalink provides training for all employees no matter which level in the hierarchy they fall
under. Trainings of all sort takes place locally, meaning in house and also external, and also
internationally. Local training consists of programs that are held locally or by a local vendor, are
generally held in the Banglalink offices, seminar halls, or the vendor’s place of business. In-
house trainings provide customized trainings for each employee with the objective to recognize
internal talents and providing trainings that they require with the help of in-house trainers who
8 have the knowledge and experience to conduct such training programs. In-house
Banglalink trainers deliver
qualitative, cost-effective and customized training programs that the organization needs. The
Banglalink employees that provide the training are also entitled to honorariums as per policy.
International training programs consist of workshops, conferences, seminars that are held outside
of Bangladesh

Performance Management
It is amazingly basic to supervise and screen representative execution advance for the
advancement of the organization. A executive ought to work with his agents to make standard so
both can comprehend and seek after successfully. To set execution models Banglalink seeks after
these things: At to begin with, they overview sets of desires and conversation around what sort of
goals the laborer ought to set. A standard ought to be quantifiable with the objective that the
laborer has something to differentiate the introduction from year with year. It contrasts one
worker's presentation and another representative's introduction so also situated Then they analyze
verifiable information for the execution objectives, they can start making execution objectives
based on the verifiable data. Then they decide what sort of advance they need from their
employees. After that, they create execution benchmarks based on employee’s execution data.

Performance Evaluation Techniques

Banglalink evaluate their agent execution through their line directors. They survey execution
numerous times in a year. By the structure of the organization, each office has line chairmen (in
light of the measure of the division). A line chief is the pioneer of a bunch containing 8-10
subordinate people. The evaluation method starts from agents have examination around his/her
work. Laborer rates him/herself to begin with at that point his/her line chief provide rating. For
dodging any individual inclination or struggle, the line supervisor has to legitimize the rating
he/she gave to the representatives. Line director legitimize the rating to other line directors of the
9 Banglalink
department. Therefore, an employee’s execution must be assessed by Telecommunication
coordinate and roundabout
line supervisors both

Performance appraisal
Execution examination may be a handle and a implies of setting objectives, measuring and
improving person and organizational execution. It moreover cultivates proficient and career
improvement on sake of standard staff members. It serves as a instrument to help workers those
who are battling in parts or arrangement with objectives. After doing execution assessment the
following step is execution examination. It is additionally required for the inspiration of the
employee’s. Execution evaluation is taken after for both authoritative and improvement utilize.
360-degree examination is additionally taken after here. In this company, they take audits at the
center of the year and conclusion of the year. After collecting audits, they check that they are on
track or not. They can moreover know how much target their representatives have satisfied.
Based on their target fulfillment they can get reward. In the event that they cannot fulfill their
target, they cannot get reward. Both outward and inborn rewards are accessible. Motivating
forces are too accessible

Incentive and benefits offered

Banglalink recognizes employee contribution to the organization, this reflects on employee’s

salaries. Salaries are subject to review in January of each year, employees are compensated in
terms of the job title, job specification and job experience. A minimum salary is set for each and
every one working at the organization but when they overlap between levels, a salary merit of
promotional increment is offered.

The employee must be a part of the organization for a minimum number of years to be promoted.
An ME, meet expectation must be accomplished in competency rating and a full 100% in
objective. This is what makes the employee eligible to acquire the promotional benefit.
10 Banglalink Telecommunication
Overtime although is highly discouraged by Banglalink, however all employees are eligible to
receive overtime, overtime should be applied for to either the HR or the departments line
manager, the overtime performed in the current month will be compensated in the following

Festival bonuses are provided to employees in order to encourage them to enjoy two festival in
each year, namely Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha. All regular and temporary employees are eligible
to get this benefit.A provident fund is given to permeant staff when they contribute monthly of
10% basic salary of each month, which is deducted by the company and deposited to the
provident fund account.

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

The HR department of Banglalink designed its HR strategy in a way that its personnel is always
conscious of the mission and vision of Banglalink. They fragmented their techniques into teams,
talent acquisition teams, HR operation teams, reward group, etc. The set their approach
according to their challenges, which they wanted to accomplish in a short time. When they can
attain a short-time approach, then they collect all the short-term methods and structure a long-
term strategy. Every employee has an overall key performance indicator (KPI). Which the line
manager decides employees by their KPI level. If the employee can complete the task, then their
KPI increases, and when the employee works under a team, then their approach to expand the
degree of KPI and operate as well.

For being a pioneer within the telecom industry, Banglalink takes after five organizational values
of their claim which are given by its parent company Veon, and they are:


 We bring individuals together, joined together by our enthusiasm for our customers.
 We work with each other, and we regard the time of others. 
11  We do not look to blame; we hunt for arrangements to issues, and we take
Banglalink ownership. 

 We accomplice with others - both inside and remotely- in arrange to attain more. 

 When doing things together, we do them more brilliant and faster as a team.


 We never halt. We are continuously moving, seeking out fort he following troublesome
digital ideas.
 We are bold and energized around attempting new things.
 We are speedy to bring unused digital items and administrations to showcase,
continuously driven by a clear client need.
 We do not take after the status quo; we are enthusiastic approximately making our own

 We are open, fair and illustrate judgment in all our dealings – both inside and outside
  We are reliable, we keep our guarantees and concede our mistakes
 We are centered on maintaining the most noteworthy level of morals at all times 
 We seat desires and communicate input in a straight forward way


 We have the attitude towards enthusiasm and taking the obligation of the trade as if they
were our own.
 We are agile and energetic. We like to thrust boundaries and explore what’s possible. We
do not hold back with fear and continue to look for creating new things.
 We take savvy dangers, but as it were when it's in our customers' best interests 
 We lead by illustration – we do what we say we are aiming to do


 We have an enthusiasm for our customers - they are at the heart of everything we do.

12  We are able to form troublesome choices when we knowBanglalink

it's in our customers' best
 We keep an eye on our competitors, but it's our customers who are continuously in front
of the mind. 
 We are driven by our client's understanding – all our computerized advancements are
borne out of customers' needs

In spite of the fact that HR hones in Banglalink, it is commendable but we would cherish to
propose them for a few changes for advance enhancements. They accentuation more on outside
enlistment for higher administrators which may well be not continuously a great choice. All
things considered, on the off chance that they would do inner enlistment more than the workers
would be more energetic around performing superior and Banglalink would discover a great
pioneer inside the company who bears the company’s reasoning. Their meet handle can be more
organized and ought to be done more truly counting stretch meet, confuse meet. They too ought
to incorporate phone meet to check the employee’s moment response and awareness. Selection
apparatuses like identity tests and genuineness tests can be done to guarantee a dependable
representative inside the organization. Training programs are not that much practiced in
Banglalink. They ought to give more chances for preparing for the modern worker almost
dealing with customers

Banglalink is one of the largest telecommunication service providers in Bangladesh. it serves
innovative and high-quality service to the millions of people. They have a well-structured
corporate culture, where the employees can do their job comfortably. The administration
department plays an important role in success of the organization. Banglalink set a benchmark
for another competitor as well as. they take care of their employee very well.The most interesting
part of banglalink is there is no permanent sit for any employee. Everyone works at the same

13 situation. It helps to communicate between a senior employee and Banglalink

junior employee.Through
study I have been able to understand about the recruiting process in big company like banglalink.
And how they motivate their employee to change the process positively. The report has helped
me to have an idea about working professionally. In short, their HR system is one of the effective
one in Bangladesh.

Appendix :
14 Banglalink Telecommunication

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