English: Law and Regulations

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一 法規 Law and regulations

中華民國刑法 Criminal Code of the Republic of China

少年事件處理法 Juvenile Accident Act

少年事件處理法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Juvenile Accident


Rules of Committee Meeting for Reform

少年輔育院院務委員會會議規則 Schools

少年輔育院條例 Organic Statute of Reform Schools

少年矯正學校設置及教育實施通 Establishment and Education Statute of

則 Juvenile Correction Schools

Regulations Governing Students’ Appeals

少年矯正學校學生申訴再申訴案 and Re-appeals at Juvenile Correction
件處理辦法 Schools

Rules on Visit to Students of Juvenile

少年矯正學校學生接見規則 Rectification Schools

Regulations Governing Progressive

少年矯正學校學生累進處遇分數 Correction Scores for Students of Juvenile
核給辦法 Correction Schools

少年矯正學校學生處遇審查委員 Meeting Rules of Correction Committee of

會會議規則 Juvenile Correction Schools

Regulations Governing Status of Students

少年矯正學校學生學籍管理辦法 at Juvenile Correction Schools

Regulations for Holding Out-of-School

少年矯正學校辦理校外教學活動 Teaching Activities by Juvenile Correction
實施辦法 Schools

少年觀護所設置及實施通則 Statute on Establishment of Juvenile

Detention Houses

外役監受刑人返家探視辦法 Regulations Governing Home Visits by

Open Prison Inmates

Regulations Governing Inmate Selection for

外役監受刑人遴選實施辦法 Open Prison

外役監條例 Statute of Open Prisons

刑事訴訟法 Code of Criminal Procedure

收容人違規情節及懲罰參考標準 Reference Standard for inmate violations

表 and punishment
行刑累進處遇條例 Statute of Progressive Execution of Penalty

行刑累進處遇條例施行細則 Enforcement Rules for Statute of

Progressive Execution of Penalty

Regulations Governing Correction and

妨害性自主罪及妨害風化罪受刑 Treatment for Inmates of Sexual and Social
人輔導與治療實施辦法 Custom Violations

戒治處分執行條例 Statute of Rehabilitation Penalty

受刑人外出實施辦法 Regulations Governing Exit of Inmates

Regulations Governing Smoke Cessation

受刑人吸菸管理及戒菸獎勵辦法 and Cessation Encouragement

Regulations Governing Custody of Inmates’

受刑人金錢及物品保管辦法 Money and Articles

Regulations Governing Special Rewards to

受刑人特別獎賞辦法 Inmates

受刑人監外作業實施辦法 Regulations Governing Out-of-Prison

Labor by Inmates

受刑人調查分類辦法 Regulations Governing Inmate

Investigation and Classification

Regulations Governing Out-of-Prison

受戒治人所外戒治實施辦法 Rehabilitation for Inmates

法務部戒治所組織通則 Organic Law for Ministry of Justice

Rehabilitation Institution

Statute of Ministry of Justice Skill Training

法務部技能訓練所組織條例 Institute

法務部組織法 Organic Law of Ministry of Justice

法務部監所作業基金收支保管及 Regulations Governing Management of

運用辦法 Business Funds of Prisons

法務部矯正人員訓練所組織通則 Organic Statute for Ministry of Justice

Corrective Personnel Training Institute

Rules of Control for Inmates for Receiving

保外醫治受刑人管理規則 Out-of-Prison Medical Treatment on Bail

保安處分執行法 Rehabilitative Measure Execution Act

Regulations Governing Progressive

保安處分累進處遇規程 Implementation of Rehabilitative Measures

Regulations Governing Guard and Control

保安處分處所戒護辦法 in Rehabilitative Measure Institutions

毒品危害防治條例 Drug Prevention and Control Act

看守所組織通則 Organic Statute for Detention Centers

執行死刑規則 Rules for Executing Death Sentences

Rules for Compulsory Implementation of

強制工作作業規則 Work Assignment

Regulations Governing the Implementation

感訓處分執行辦法 of Disciplinary Education

解送人犯辦法 Regulations Governing Sending Inmates

Under Escort

Regulations Governing Disbursement of

監所作業勞作金給付辦法 Labor Income in Prisons

Regulations Governing Disbursement of

Inmate Labor Consolation Payment in
監所受刑人作業慰問金發給辦法 Prisons

監所受刑人被告作業獎勵金發給 Regulations Governing Disbursement of

辦法 Inmate Labor Rewards in Prisons

監獄行刑法 Law of Execution in Prison

監獄行刑法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Law of Execution in


監獄受刑人與眷屬同住辦法 Regulations Governing Co-inhabitation of

Inmates and Families

監獄組織通則 Organic Statute of Prisons

管收所規則 Rules for Custodian Institutions

管收條例 Statute of Custody

The United Nations Standard Minimum

聯合國在監人處遇最低標準規則 Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners

Statutes of Rehabilitative Measures for

竊盜犯贓物犯保安處分條例 Burglars and Fence Offenders

羈押法 Detention Act

羈押法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Detention Act

觀察勒戒處分執行條例 Statute of Execution for Rehabilitation


二 機關 Organizations

Training Institute for Correctional Officers,

法務部矯正人員訓練所 Ministry of Justice

Prison, Women’s Prison, the Second

監獄,女子監獄,第二監獄,外役監獄 Prison, Open Prison
Rehab Institution, Under-One-Roof
戒治所,戒治所合署辦公 Operation (working under one roof with)
Skill Training Institution, Under-one-Roof
技能訓練所,技能訓練所合署辦公 Operation (working under one roof with)

少年輔育院 Juvenile Reform School

少年矯正學校 Juvenile Correction School

看守所,看守所合署辦公 Detention Center, work under one roof with

Juvenile Detention House, work under one

少年觀護所,少年觀護所合署辦公 roof with
Juvenile Rehabilitation Institution, work
少年戒治所,少年戒治所合署辦公 under one roof with

三 單位 Unit

矯正司 Department of Correction

調查科 Investigation Section

教化科 Edification and Education Section

作業科 Business Section

衛生科 Sanitation and Health Section

戒護科 Guard and Control Section

General Affair Section )Division,

總務科,總務組,總務處 Department)

技訓科 Skill Training Section

教務組,教務處 Educational Affairs Division (Department)

訓導組,訓導處 Discipline Division (Department)

保健組 Healthcare Division

Assistance and Guidance Section

輔導處,輔導科 (Department)

警衛隊 Guard detachment

醫護室 Nursing Room

教導組,教導科 Educational Assistance Division (Section)

鑑別組,鑑別科 Lab Test Division (Section)

行政室 Administrative Office

人事室 Personnel Office

會計室 Accounting Office

統計室 Statistics Office

政風室 Government Ethics Office

分監,分所 Branch Prison, Branch

女監,女所 Women’s Prison, Women’s Institution

名籍股 Roster Management Section

庶務股 Miscellaneous Affairs Section

保管股 Custodian Unit

四 職員 Staff

Substitute military men, Military conscripts

替代役男 serving civil service

雇員 Clerk

書記 Clerk

管理員,辦事員,書記官 Controller, Assistant

主任管理員 Chief controller

Member of _______ Section, Assistant,

科員,課員,組員,技士 technical assistant

導師,調查員,教誨師,輔導員,專員, Coach, investigator, counsel, advisor,

教導員,訓導員 specialist, educational assistant, discipliner

Section chief, director, chief guard, senior

課長,科長,主任,警衛隊隊長,編審 editor

Secretary, Superintendent, Inspector, Senior

秘書,監長,視察,技正 technician

Senior administrator, Senior inspector,

Senior technician (technician holding
專門委員,簡任視察,簡任技正 selected rank)

助理員 Assistant

人事管理員 Assistant personnel officer

電腦操作員 Computer operator

資訊管理師 Information manager

Depute superintendent, Deputy director,

副典獄長,副院長,副所長,副校長 Deputy Principal

典獄長,院長,所長,校長 Superintendent, Director, Head, Principal

副司長 Vice Director

司長 Director

五 收容人 Inmates

受刑人 Inmates serving prison sentence

被告 Defendant

被收容少年 Juvenile inmate

受強制工作處分人 People subjected to compulsory labor

學生 Student

受觀察.勒戒人 People under observation, rehab people

People receiving rehabilitation

受戒治人 (detoxification) treatment

受保護管束人 People under custody

受感訓處分人 People subjected to educational discipline

被管收人 Inmates, people under custody

感化教育受處分人 People subjected to educational discipline

被留置人 Detainees

六 場地 Sites

行政大樓 Administrative Building

戒護大樓 Guard and Protection Building

技藝大樓 Skill Training Building

中央台 Central Station

備勤室 Rehab Preparation Room

值日官室,督勤官室 Duty Officer’s Room

替代役男寢室 Dormitory for substitute military men

教區 Educational block

炊場 Kitchen site

工場 Worksite, workshops

舍房 Ward
新收舍房 Ward for new inmates

違規舍房 Ward for rule breakers

獨居房 Single ward

考核房 Observation ward

鎮靜室 Pacification ward

病舍,病室 Patient ward

常教室 Room for habitual education

教誨堂 Inculcation Room

禮堂 Assembly hall

諮商室 Consultation room

接見室 Reception room

律見室 Room for meeting attorney

庫房 Storage

合作社 Cooperative store

崗哨 Sentinel, sentinel post

巡邏道 Patrol path

內圍牆,三米牆 Inner wall, three-meter wall

外圍牆,五米牆 Outer wall, five-meter wall

三道門 Triple-section gates

車檢站 Car inspection station

複驗站 Re-inspection station

風雨走廊 All-weather Corridor

晒衣場 Laundry drying year

資源回收場 Recycle yard

農場 Farm

有機堆肥場 Compost yard

七 委員會 Committees
Prison (institution, school) Affairs
監(院,所,校)務委員會 Committee

Screening Committee on Progressive

累進處遇審查會 Corrective Measures

八 其他 Others

管教小組 Discipline Small Group

搬運隊 Moving and loading team

內清潔隊 Inside cleaning squad

外清潔隊 Outside cleaning squad

外役隊 Out-of-prison labor squad

園藝隊 Horticultural squad

外農隊 Out-of-prison farming squad

技藝訓練班 Skill training class

收容人作業 Inmate labor operations

收容人技訓 Skill training for inmates

徒刑 Penalty sentence

拘役 detention

判決書 Verdict, decision of judgment

裁定書 Statement of decision

指揮執行書 Command instructions for execution

交付書 Referral letter

押票 Escort warrant

指紋 fingerprint

人相 Facial photo, facial image

筆跡 handwriting

獨居監禁 Solitary confinement

雜居監禁 Mix-up confinement

分類雜居 Classified mix-up confinement

累進處遇 Progressive corrective treatment (measures)

和緩處遇 Mild measure

檢身 Body search

檢房 Ward search

Guard instruments (handcuffs and leg

戒具 shackles)

手梏 Handcuffs, hand shackles

腳鐐 Foot shackles, leg shackles

聯鎖 Chain

捕繩 Catch rope

脫逃 Escape, jailbreak

返家探視 Home visit

日間外出就學,日間外出就業 Go school at daytime, go work at daytime

視同作業 Regarded as labor

接受委託作業 Take commissioned labor job

承攬作業 Canvass business

自營作業 Self-run business

勞作金 Labor compensation

易服勞役 Conversion to labor penalty

作業基金 Business fund

勞作金 Labor compensation

慰問金 Consolation money

個別輔導 Individual guidance, individual counsel

入監教誨 Be sent to prison for correction

在監教誨 In-prison education

Post-imprisonment education, education

出監教誨 after discharge

團體輔導 Group counseling

集體輔導 Collective counseling

集體教誨 Collective education

類別教誨 Classified education

個別教誨 Individual education

補習教育 Cram lessons

宗教教誨 Religious education

Medical treatment at own expense, self-paid

自費延醫 medical treatment

保外醫治 Medical treatment on bail

強制營養 Compulsory feeding

接見 Reception, meeting, visit

通信 Correspondence, communications

訓誡 Injunction, reprimand

停止接見 Suspension of visit, visit suspension

強制勞動 Forced labor, compulsory labor

告誡 Warning

勞動服務 Labor service

假釋 parole

假釋證書 Parole certificate

釋放 Release, discharge

收容 Take in, hold, accommodate, admit

羈押 Detain, detention

身分簿 Status book

名籍簿 Roster, name list

一般教學部 Ordinary teaching sector

特別教學部 Special teaching sector

嚴為分界 Strict demarcation

分別監禁 Separate confinement

Demarcated confinement, confinement in

分界監禁 demarcated quarters

分界收容 Admission according to boundaries

分別羈押 Separate detention, be detained separately

Outsourced detention, commissioned

寄禁 detention

責任分數 Responsibility score

成績分數 Score

留級 Class demotion

停止晉級 Promotion suspension

降級 Demotion

調適期 Adaptation period

心理輔導期 Period (phase) of psychological guidance

社會適應期 Period (phase) of social adaptation

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