Insecure Deserialization: Description

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Insecure Deserialization is a vulnerability which occurs when untrusted data is used to abuse the
logic of an application, inflict a denial of service (DoS) attack, or even execute arbitrary code upon it
being deserialized. It is in the top 10 of OWASP list.


Serialization refers to a process of converting an object into a format which can be

persisted to disk (for example saved to a file or a datastore), sent through streams (for
example stdout), or sent over a network. The format in which an object is serialized into, can
either be binary or structured text (for example XML, JSON YAML…). JSON and XML are two
of the most used serialization formats within web applications.

Deserialization on the other hand, is the opposite of serialization, that is,

transforming serialized data coming from a file, stream, or network socket into an object.
Web applications make use of serialization and deserialization on a regular basis and most
programming languages even provide native features to serialize data (especially into
common formats like JSON and XML). It is important to understand that safe deserialization
of objects is normal practice in software development. The trouble, however, starts when
deserializing untrusted user input.

Most programming languages offer the ability to customize deserialization

processes. Unfortunately, it is frequently possible for an attacker to abuse these
deserialization features when the application is deserializing untrusted data which the
attacker controls. Successful insecure deserialization attacks could allow an attacker to carry
out denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, authentication bypasses and remote code execution


Insecure deserialization typically arises because there is a general lack of

understanding of how dangerous deserializing user-controllable data can be. Ideally, user
input should never be deserialized at all. However, sometimes website owners think they
are safe because they implement some form of additional check on the deserialized data.
This approach is often ineffective because it is virtually impossible to implement validation
or sanitization to account for every eventuality. These checks are also fundamentally flawed
as they rely on checking the data after it has been deserialized, which in many cases will be
too late to prevent the attack.

Vulnerabilities may also arise because deserialized objects are often assumed to be
trustworthy. Especially when using languages with a binary serialization format, developers
might think that users cannot read or manipulate the data effectively. However, while it may
require more effort, it is just as possible for an attacker to exploit binary serialized objects as
it is to exploit string-based formats.


 Use language-agnostic formats: prefer standard formats such as JSON or YAML

as opposed to native binary formats.

 Include integrity checks: when possible, include positive validation based on

signatures for serialized data. Never trust data that has been provided by the

 Ensure that your protection tool has full visibility: avoid protection based on
blacklisting or pattern matching (such as WAF and DAST) because it is not
flexible enough to block unknown threats. RASPs on the other hand enjoy full

 Prevent remote execution: one of the most frequent and pernicious effects of
Insecure Deserialization is execution of remote code. RASPs wrap your
application to ensure that no remote execution occurs.

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