De Thi TS Chuyen 2014-2015

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Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài:150 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)


GIÁM KHẢO (Do Chủ tịch
Hội đồng chấm thi ghi)
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Đề thi gồm 04 phần trong 05 trang.
Thí sinh viết đáp án vào những ô trống (có đánh số) dưới mỗi phần.
Hướng dẫn thi nghe: Nội dung thi nghe gồm 03 phần. Thí sinh được nghe mỗi phần 02 lần
liên tiếp. Mở đầu và kết thúc có tín hiệu nhạc. Thời gian đọc đề bài được mặc định trong đĩa CD.
Part I. Listen to a dialogue and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). Write
your answer in the numbered box. (0,5 point)
1. You can only make an appointment by phone.
2. A nurse gives vaccinations.
3. You have to call before ten thirty if you want a home visit.
4. A nurse or doctor is available seven days a week.
5. There is a Well Person Clinic for people with hay fever.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part II. Listen to a recorded passage and fill in each blank with ONE missing word/number.
Write your answer in the numbered box. (1,0 point)
When it appeared on newsstands ______ (6) years ago, the first edition Action Comics cost ten cents.
The cover design showed a well-built man in ______ (7) tights and a red cape, smashing in a car against a rock.
Superman was introduced to readers as “the ________ (8) of the oppressed”, who could run
faster than an _______ (9) train. Only a hundred ________ (10) of that first issue survived. And of
comic buffs this one was in breathtakingly good ________ (11).
In an online auction it fetched a little over $2 ________ (12), a world record for a comic. The
buyer remains anonymous. The ________ (13) is rumored to have been the actor Nicolas Cage.
Connoisseurs of the comic world say this type of investment has become _______ (14) during
troubled economic times because rare collectibles hold their more reliably than properties or _______ (15).
Your answers:
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Part III. Listen and choose the best option for each sentence. Write your answer in the
numbered box. (0,5 point)
16. ___ American states have not approved the common core state standard.
A. fewer than 10 B. 50 C. 40
17. The project involves those people EXCEPT ___.
A. teachers B. experts C. students
18. The standards are for ___ now.
A. 1 subject B. 2 subjects C. 3 subjects
19. Why is the standard supported?
A. It helps to reform the school.
B. It provides clear goals.
C. It increases the number of college students.
20. Political conservatives generally ___ federal intervention in schools.
A. put off B. carry out C. disapprove of
Your answers:

16. 17. 19. 20.

I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences by circling A, B, C
or D. Write your answer in the numbered box. (1,0 point)
1. I just can’t ___ that noise any longer.
A. stand up for B. stand in for C. put off with D. put up with
2. He showed no ___ of feeling guilty for all the trouble he had caused.
A. sign B. mark C. signal D. proof
3. The teacher gave back the papers which ___ marked.
A. was B. has been C. had been D. have been
4. If we get ___ to the Internet, we can communicate with each other by email.
A. touch B. access C. information D. forum
5. There is ___ in trying to contact him.
A. no way B. no point C. no where D. no quarter
6. Our telephone has been ___ for three weeks.
A. out of line B. out of touch C. out of order D. out of place
7. Thank you very much for ___ me with my English.
A. helping B. to help C. help D. being helped
8. Can you help me sort ___these clothes into different sizes?
A. for B. off C. with D. out
9. ___ he connected the plug up properly, he still got an electric shock.
A. Because B. However C. Since D. Although
10. “How is your new stereo?” – “Oh, it really ___.”
A. sounds great B. sounds greatly C. is sounding great D. sounded greatly
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Give the correct form of the word in the brackets. Write your answer in the numbered box. (0,5
11. Tom spoke (breath) ___ because he was so excited.
12. My tooth was extremely (pain) ___, so I went to see the dentist.
13. The government has plans to (modern) ___ this city.
14. (Environment) ___ are concerned about the use of dynamite to catch fish.
15. Please make your (pay) ___ at the counter over there.
Your answers:
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

III. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify and then correct it. Write your
answer in the numbered box. (0,5 point)
16. These televisions are very expensive for us to buy at this time, but perhaps we will return later.
17. The food that Mary is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious.
18. I told him I’d prefer to walk, but he insisted on to give me a lift.
19. Ralph wishes that he went to the bank this morning before he traveled to work.
20. The company did not want to hire a man that his experience was so limited.
Your answer:
Mistakes Corrections
I. Choose the best answer to complete the passage. Write your answer in the numbered box. (1,0 point)
Running is now very popular both as a sport ___ (1) as a way of keeping fit. Even if you only
run a short ___ (2) once or twice a week, you have to make sure you wear ___ (3) shoes. There is a lot
of ___ (4) nowadays in running shoes. First of all, decide how much you want to spend on your shoes.
Then find a pair which fits you well. Be ___ (5) to try different ___ (6) in different types of shoes.
Women’s shoes are made narrower than men’s and, ___ (7) most women will find a woman’s shoe
which suits them, there is no ___ (8) why a woman can’t wear a man’s shoe. The same is true for a
man. If a woman’s shoe fits you better, then wear it. Take your time in the shop. If you ___ (9) a
mistake and buy the wrong shoes, your feet will let you ___ (10).
1. A. as well B. and C. also D. but also
2. A. distance B. way C. route D. stretch
3. A. bad B. worst C. best D. good
4. A. determinations B. choices C. collections D. varieties
5. A. prepare B. preparation C. preparing D. prepared
6. A. numbers B. ratios C. sizes D. measures
7. A. although B. so C. when D. as long as
8. A. point B. motive C. cause D. reason
9. A. get B. take C. make D. have
10. A. know B. realize C. understand D. notice
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
II. Read the text then choose the correct answer. Write your answer in the numbered box. (0,5 point)
Almost all our energy comes from oil, coal and natural gas. We call them fossil fuels. The earth’s
fossil fuels are running out. What would happen if there were no oil, coal and gas on earth?
Scientists are trying to find and use other alternative sources of energy. We can use energy
from the sun, the wind and the water.
Solar energy is unlimited. It supplies all the energy used to grow plants, to evaporate water for
rain, and to maintain the temperature of the planet. All are necessary for human life. If we’re able to
collect solar energy, we’ll be sure to make good use of this abundant source of power.
Another source of energy from nature is the wind. Wind power is clean and plentiful. Energy
from the wind has been used for centuries to move ships, grind grain, pump water and do other kinds
of work. In more recent time, wind power has been used to generate electricity.
Water can also provide power. For a long time, people have used water to power machines.
Some early uses of water power were to mill grain, saw wood and power machinery for the textile
industry. Today water power is mostly used to generate electricity.
11. We are asking the question “What would happen if there were no oil, coal and gas on earth?” because ___.
A. we are now depending so much on fossil fuels.
B. we are looking forward to seeing great changes.
C. we are looking for other alternative sources of energy.
D. other sources of energy can come from the sun, the wind and the water.
12. Which of the following can NOT be used as alternative sources of energy?
A. coal/gas B. the sun/the water
C. the sun/the wind D. solar energy/nuclear power
13. Centuries ago, people used wind power to ___.
A. maintain the earth’s temperature B. get water from underground
C. grow plants D. generate electricity
14. Up till now, water energy has been used for ___.
A. similar purposes C. the textile industry
B. moving ships D. different purposes

15. The word “plentiful” in line 8 mostly means ___.
A. fresh B. natural C. available D. limited
Your answer:
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
III. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the numbered
box. (1,0 point)
Mickey Mantle was one of (16) ___ greatest baseball players of all times. He played for the
New York Yankees in their years of glory. From the time Mantle began to (17) ___ professionally in
1951 to his last year in 1968, baseball was the most popular (18) ___ in the United States. For many
people, Mantle symbolized the hope, prosperity, and confidence of America at that time.
Mantle was a fast and powerful (19) ___ who could bat both (20) ___ and left-handed. He won
game after game, one World Series championship (21) ___ another, for his team. He was a wonderful
athlete, but this alone cannot explain America’s fascination with him.
Perhaps it was because he was a handsome, red-haired country boy, the son of a poor miner
from Oklahoma. His career, from the lead mines of the West (22) ___ the heights of success and fame,
was a fairy-tale version of the American dream. Or perhaps it was because America always loves a
“natural”: a person who wins without seeming to try, (23) ___ talent appears to come from an inner
grace. That was Mickey Mantle.
But like many celebrities, Mickey Mantle had a private life (24) ___ of problems. He played
without complaint despite constant pain from injuries. He lived to (25) ___ his father’s dreams and drank
to forget his father’s early death. Mickey Mantle died of cancer at the age of 63.
Your answer:
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.


I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (0,5 point)
1. Lan did not reach home until midnight.
It ……………………………………………………………………………………...
2. This is the first time that I have seen an eclipse of the sun.
Never before …………………………………………………………………………
3. Please don’t ask me that question.
I’d rather …………………………………………………………………………….
4. You may get hungry on the train, so take some sandwiches.
In case ……………………………………………………………………………….
5. We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money.
If it ……………………..………………………………….…………………………

II. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold and the meaning stays the same. (0,5 point)
6. He has a good relationship with all his students. (gets)
7. What a pity we can’t go to the seaside. (wish)
8. Although I tried hard, I could not pass my driving test. (might)
9. The question was so difficult that no one could answer it. (such)
10. “Turn down the volume or I will call the police” said the neighbour to us. (threatened)

III. Write a paragraph of about 150 words on the following topic. (1,0 point)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Doing homework given by teachers is
the best way to study well.” Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.


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