Syntax Analysis: Role of Parsers

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Syntax Analysis

Role of Parsers
A parser for a grammar ‘G’ is a program that takes as input a string ‘w’ and
produces as output either a parse tree for ‘w’ if ‘w’ is a sentence of G or an
error message indicating that ‘w’ is not a sentence of G.

The parser has two functions:

• It checks that the tokens appearing in its input, which is the output of
the lexical analyzer, occurs in the patterns that are permitted by the
specification for the source language.
• It also imposes on the tokens a tree like structure that is used by the
subsequent phases of the compiler.

For example, if a PL/I program contains the expression


Then after lexical analysis this expression might appear to the syntax
analyzer as the token sequence:

On seeing the / after +, the syntax analyzer should detect an error situation,
because the presence of these two adjacent binary operators violates the
rules of PL/I expression.

The second aspect of syntax analysis is to make explicit the hierarchical

structure of the incoming token stream by identifying which parts of the
token stream should be grouped together. For example, the following
has two possible interpretations:
a) Divide A by B, and then multiply by C; or
b) Multiply B by C, and then use the result to divide A.

Each of these two interpretations can be represented in terms of a parse tree

as shown:

Expression Expression

Expression Expression

A / B * C



Expression Expression

Expression Expression

A / B * C


The language specification must tell that which of the interpretations (a) and
(b) is to be used, and in general, what hierarchical structure each source
program has. These rules form the syntactic specification of a programming

Types of Parsers
There are two types of parsers:
1. Bottom-up parser, and
2. Top-down parser.

1 Bottom-up Parser

These build the parsers from the bottom or leaves to the top i.e., root. It is
also called as Shift-Reduce-Parser because it consists of shifting the input
symbols onto a stack until the right side of a production appears on the top
of the Stack.

The right side then be replaced or reduced by the symbol on the left side of
the production. One kind of shift-reduce parsers are Operator-precedence
parsers and more general type of shift-reduce parsers are LR parsers.

2 Top-down Parser

These start with the root and work down to the leaves. This method is called
as Recursive-Descent Parsing and its tabularized form is called as
Predictive Parser and a special kind of predictive parser is called as LL

Ambiguous Grammar
A grammar that produces more than one parse tree for same sentence is
said to be ambiguous. An ambiguous grammar is one that produces more
than one left most or more than one right most derivations for same
sentence. For some type of parsers, it is desirable that the grammar be
made unambiguous, for if it is not, then it is difficult to uniquely determine
which parse tree to select for a sentence.

For example, consider the following grammar for arithmetic expressions
involving +, -, *, /, and ↑ (exponentiation).

E  E + E | E - E | E * E | E / E | E ↑ E | ( E ) | -E | id

This grammar is ambiguous.

However, this grammar can be disambiguated by specifying the associativity

and precedence of the arithmetic operators. Suppose the operators have the
following precedence in decreasing order:

- (unary minus)

* /
+ -

Suppose further ↑ operator be right associative [e.g. a ↑ b ↑ c is to mean

a ↑ (b ↑ c)] and other binary operators to be left associative [e.g. a – b – c is
to mean (a - b) - c]. These precedence and associativities are the ones
customarily used in mathematics and in many, but not all, programming
languages. These rules concerning the associativity and precedence of
operators are sufficient to disambiguate such grammars. For each sentence
of these grammars, there is exactly one parse tree that groups operands of
operators according to these associativity and precedence rules.

Thus using these precedence and associativity rules the above given
ambiguous grammar can be simplified as follows:

Step I: E  E | id
II: E  - E | id
III: E  - E ↑ E | id
IV: E  -E↑E*E| id
V: E  -E↑E*E/ E | id
VI: E  -E↑E*E/ E + E | id
VII: E  -E↑E*E/ E + E – E | id

Context Free Grammar

A language is said to be context-free if the productions may be applied
repeatedly to expand the non-terminals in a string of non-terminals and
terminals. A grammar that supports the context-free languages is called as
a context-free grammar (CFG).

For example, consider the following grammar for an arithmetic expression:

E  E + E | E * E | ( E ) | - E | id --(1)

In general, a grammar involves four quantities:

- Terminals
- Non-terminals
- Start symbol, and
- Productions


Terminals are the basic symbols of which strings in the language are
composed. The term "token name" is a synonym for “Terminal". For e.g., +,
id, *, (, ), a, b, etc.


Non-terminals are the special symbols or syntactic variables that denote the
set of strings. The sets of strings denoted by non-terminals help define the
language generated by the grammar. For e.g., E, F, T in the productions as

T  ( E ) / id


The productions of a grammar defines the ways in which the syntactic

categories may be built up from one another and form the terminals. Each
production consists of a non-terminal followed by an arrow, followed by a
string of terminals and non-terminals as shown above.

Start Symbol:

One non-terminal is selected as a start symbol and it denotes the language


Notational Conventions

To avoid always having to state that “these are non-terminals”, or “these are
terminals”, and so on, some notational shorthands shall be employed. These
may be summarized as follows:

1) Following symbols are usually non-terminals:

a. Lower-case italic names such as expression, statement, operator,
b. Upper-case letters near the beginning of the alphabet, such as
A, B, C.
c. The letter, S, which, when appears, is usually the start symbol.

2) Following symbols are usually terminals:
a. Lower-case letters such as a, b, c.
b. Operator symbols such as +, -, etc.
c. Punctuation symbols such as parentheses, comma, etc.
d. The digits 0, 1, …., 9.
e. Bold-face strings such as id or if.

3) Capital symbols near the end of the alphabet, chiefly X, Y, Z,

represents grammar symbols, i.e., either non-terminals or terminals.
4) Small letters near the end of the alphabet, chiefly u, v, z, represents
the strings of terminals.
5) Lower case Greek letters, M, β, γ, for example, represents strings of
grammar symbols. Thus a generic production could appear as A  M,
indicating that there is a single non-terminal A on the left side of the
production and a string of grammar symbols ‘M’ to the right side of the
6) If A  M1, A  M2, … , A  Mk are all productions with A on the left, it
can be written as A  M1 | M2 | …. | Mk. Here M1, M2, …. , Mk are the
alternates of A.
7) Unless otherwise stated, the left side of the first production is the
start symbol.

Parse Trees and Derivations

A graphical representation for derivations that filters out the choice
regarding the replacement order is called the PARSE TREE. It has the
important purpose of making explicit the hierarchical syntactic structure of
sentences that is implied by the grammar.

Each interior node of the parse tree is labeled by some non-terminal A, and
the children of the node are labeled, from left to right by the symbols in the
right side of the production by which this A can be replaced in the
derivation. For e.g., if A  XYZ is a production used at some step of
derivation, then the parse tree for that derivation will have the following sub


The leaves of the parse tree are labeled by the non-terminals or terminals,
and read from left to right. They constitute a sentential form called the
YIELD or FRONTIER of the tree.

For e.g., the parse tree for – (id + id) implied by the derivation is shown as

- E

( E )

E + E

Id id

Parse Tree

The parse tree ignores variations in the order in which symbols are replaced.
These variations in the order in which productions are applied can also be
eliminated by considering only leftmost (or rightmost) derivations. It is not
hard to see that every parse tree has associated with it a unique leftmost
and a unique rightmost derivation. However, it should not be assumed that
every sentence necessarily has only one parse tree or only one leftmost or
rightmost derivation.


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