Sticky Note Stations Lled

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Lesson Plan: Sticky Note Stations (60 minutes)

Content: Advanced ELA

Grade Level: 7th Grade

1. OBJECTIVES: What do you want your students to know, understand, and be able to do? What skills, concepts, and processes are you assesses over the course of the unit as well
as during the lesson? Share your reason(s) for this lesson in measurable terms that students can understand (I can…).

 The students should have a better understanding of themselves as learners at the conclusion of these sticky note stations. Since it is the beginning of the
year and many of these students were either kept home for the last school year, or were absent for most of the time, they need to realize that their peers
often feel similar. For example, several students in this seventh-grade class haven’t yet experienced middle school or met the peers that they now have
within this school building.

o I can self-reflect on what I already know and what I would like to learn in ELA this school year.
o I can evaluate my reading interests and know how to expand upon them.
o I can participate in classroom discussions with a group and as a whole class.
o I can compose a reflection on what I have learned and what I still need to learn.

2. GEORGIA STATE STANDARDS ADDRESSED AND ASSESSED: Cite the Common Core standards (including the code) that directly relate to this lesson.

 ELAGSE7W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

3. ACCOMMODATION: After you review various data (collected through your own observations, discussions with your cooperating teacher, student conferences, etc.), how will you
adjust instructional materials, activities, and sequencing given what you have learned about students’ academic skills, attitudes, and needs?

 There are some students who are considered gifted within this class because it is an advanced placement. However, these students will be spread out amongst the groups
to ensure that each group will have those that usually exceed and those that only do the minimum requirements. The students can also be divided by organizing students
who are more talkative to be spread out evenly among the groups instead of having all the shy students within one group.

 The students will be assessed by what they write on the sticky notes and how they collaborate and share as a group. I will be walking around the room
during the station changes and discussions to ensure that each student is contributing to their group. The reflection that the students complete after this
mini writing lesson will also be used as a type of formal assessment. This is because the students should be writing in complete sentences and using
correct punctuation.

5. INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN: How are you inviting students to learn? How are you moving them through the lesson and engage them in the activities? How are you bringing the
lesson to a close? Provide basic “step-by-step” directions and prompts for implementing these three areas of the lesson. A substitute teacher should be able to pick up your lesson
plan and say and do everything you would have if you were there. Make sure to show what each member of the co-teaching team will be doing.

 There is poster paper on each group of desks throughout the room. Students have also been given a stack of sticky notes in the center of their groups. Each student will
need to count out eight sticky notes for themselves and number them 1-8. These will coordinate with each of the eight different sentence starters on each of the poster
papers. The students will then be given five minutes per station to complete the sentence starter on the sticky note and place it on the poster paper. Students should stay on

topic and discuss with their group for the entire five minutes. Students can also refer to the “Small Group Discussion Norms” that we created last week to hang in the
classroom for reference. These norms help the students continue group discussions by reminding them that they can ask their friends questions to get clarification or to
elaborate and continue the conversation flowing.

 The sentence starters on each of the posters:

o This year in ELA I want to _____.
o In my previous ELA classes, my strengths were _____.
o In my previous ELA classes, my weaknesses were ____.
o This semester I would like to better myself by ______.
o During this school year my goal is to accomplish _____.
o My favorite types of books to read are _____.
o I often don’t make time to read because _____.
o I can uphold the small group discussion norms by _____.

 After the students have completed each of the eight stations, each group should have their original poster paper. They will then get another five minutes in which they
organize the sticky notes into categories that show which topics or ideas were the most popular or if anyone had similar ideas. After this is complete and the categories are
label onto the poster paper, students can now discuss as a whole class instead of only with their group. During the last five minutes of class, students can start on their
reflection and ask any questions that they have about this assignment or the reflection piece that will need to be completed for homework.

 Students will write a one-page reflection on this activity for homework. This reflection will allow each of them to be aware of cognitive learning skills and be active
participants in their individualized learning process. The students will complete this activity within Canvas on their Chrome Books.
o What did you learn from today’s sticky note stations?
o Do you prefer to work in stations like this? If not, why?
o How can you remain an active listener while contributing to your group?
o How can you stick to the goals that you set for yourself today?
o How can each of us hold one another accountable?

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