Latihan Aline

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The old woman  __________ some cookies for her family yesterday.
A. Climbed B. baked C. ate D. cried
2. Which two of these are interrogative sentences of simple past?
A. I went to Amilia's birthday yesterday. C. I didn’t have a good time with my family yesterday
B. Did they like their trip to the beach? D. Do you live with your parents?
3. I (visit)------------- lots of interesting places. I (be)-------------- with two friends of mine .
A. Visiting-was C. visited- was
B. visited-were D. Visit-was
4. Where________ your last holiday?
A. did you spend C. Do you spent
B. did you spent d. were you spend
5. this restaurant two days ago.
A. Ate B. Eaten C. Eating D. Eats
6. ..............he read novel last night?
A. Do B. Were C. Does D. Did
7. I _____ my homework, because I was sleepy.
A. didn't do B. didn't C. not do D. do
8. Steve _________ bed two hours ago.
A. go to B. goes to C. went to D. going to
9. They did not play football last month. The introgative sentence is ....
A. I did played football last month? C. were I played football yesterday?
B. Did I played football last month? D. Did I play footbal yesterday?
10. We bought a magazine in the bookshop. The negative sentence is .....
A. I didn’t bought a megazine in the bookshop C. I wasn’t buy a megazine in the bookshop
B. I didn’t buy a megazine in the bookshop D. I weren’t buy a megazine in the bookshop
11. Did she say something to you last night? The positive sentence is .....
A. She did say something to you last night. C. She was said something to you last night.
B. She says something to you last night. D. Did she say something to you last night?

         Sarah, I am writing to you just to memorize about our holiday in your city last
        I (12).... so happy being there with you. We (13)..........many tourism objects like
Parangtritis Beach, Prambanan Temple, and Malioboro. I really enjoyed the places.
We (14).......many foods and souvenirs there. We also (15)... the pictures scenery. We
(16)... so happy spending time together.  I hope we can visit there again next time.
12. A. is B. was C. did D. Were
13. A. Visits B. Visiting C. Visit D. Visited
14. A. buy B. Buyed C. buys D. Bought
15. A. Took B. Taked C. Taking D. Takes
On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel
which is not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples,
the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana
and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were
lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to
Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borobudur
gate would be closed.
In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.
16. The text above mainly discusses about……..
a. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta c. the writer’s impression about the guide
b. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan d.the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton
17. The text is written in the form of a/an………
a. recount b. narrative c. report d. anecdote
18. The purpose of the text is to……….
a. tell past event c. describe the smugglers
b. entertain readers d. inform readers about events of the day
19. What are the big temples in Prambanan?
a. angkor wat, syiwa, and sudra temples c. brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples
b. paria, brahmana, and temples d. wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples

At the frist break, Arin went to the school library. As usual, she walked towrds she fiction
section, her favourite one. She took an interesting storybook from the shelf, then sat at the
corner. The book was about a handsome and brave prince who tried to free a princess from a
Arin way very sleepy. She didn’t realise that she fell asleep while reading. On her dream,
she was the princess who was saved by the prince. The giant didn’t let Arin go. He held her
strongly and she struggled to get loose. Consequently she fell down to the ground. Suddenly,
Arin heard people laughing. She opened her eyes and saw several students looking and
laughing at her.

Arin was confused, but she finaly realised what had happened. She dreamt about the
story in the book she read. For matters wors, she tell down from the chair due to her dream.

20. Why is the text written?

A. To relate Arin’s experience
B. To amuse readers by telling a story
C. To describe Arin’s activity during the break
D. To tell readers the story of a giant and a princess
21. In Arins’s dream, the giant …. her.
A. pulled B. pushed C. captured D. released
22. What kind of books does Arin like to read?
A. Storybooks B. Biography books C. Science books D. Engineering books
23. What did Arin probably feel when her schoolmates laughed at her?
A. Bored B. Upsed C. Jealous D. Embarrassed

On Monday morning Adi woke up late.. Before leaving for school, his mother reminded
him of having breakfast, but he refused. He was afraid of being late. Adi arrived at school only
one minute before the bell rang. All students walked towards the school yard. They would have
a flag hoisting ceremony.
It was very hot and the sun shone very brightly. During the ceremony, Adi felt dizzy and
his eyes were blurred. He tried to stand up still, but he could bot hold on. He trembled and
He didm’t know what happened next . When he opened her eyes, he was in the medical
room with his class teacher and Riski, his best friend. Riski gave him a glass of hot tea and a
piece of bread.

24. What is the main idea of paragraph one?

A. Adi woke up late. C. Adi was afraid of arriving late at school.
B. Adi skipped breakfast. D. Adi’s mother reminded him of having breakfast.
25. Where did Adi tremble and faint?
A. At home B. In his classroom C. At the school yard D. In the medical room
26. What would happen if Adi had breakfast?
A. His mother would be angry with him C. He would arrive at school early
B. He could attend the ceremony well D. He missed the hoisting flag ceremony
27. From the text we know that …
A. nobody cared about Adi C. Adi felt unwell during the ceremony
B. Adi arrived late at school D. Riski stood up next to Adi during the ceremony

Last year, my family and i had a vacational to Jakarta, to visit Aunt Marina. We had
planned to go there a month before the school holiday. We agreed to go there by train.
My father drove us to the train station before noon. It took only an hour and half to reach the
station. We stopped to have lunch on the way to the railway station. We had lunch at a Padang
Restaurant near the station. My brother requested to have lunch there. After that, we continued
to our trip to the station.

The train departed from Gubeng Station at 4 p.m. it was my first time to travel by train.
Unfortunately, the train was a night train, so i could not see the scenery. i only saw rice fields,
mountains and many other beautiful sunset sceneries before the night came.
We arrived at Gambir Station at 5 in the morning. it took more than two hours by car. Finally, we
arrived at his house. Aunt Marina and her daughter, Dayana, had cooked special breakfast for
us. After we took at bath, we enjoyed the breakfast together.

28. Who do you think the writer of the text is?

A. Dadang’s sister. B. Marina’s daughter. C. Dayana’s sister. D. Dayana’s cousin.
29. What did the writer and his family do after they arrived at Gambir Station?
A. They walked to the exit gate. C. They looked for a taxi.
B. They went to a costumer service. D. They bought souvenirs.
30. How did the writer go to the station?
A. By train. B. By car. C. By bus. D. By bicycles.

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