E45&M4 Config Protocol V1.4

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USR-TCP232-E45/M4 Cofig Protocol

All data must be sent via UDP boardcast, local port 1901, sent to remote port 1901, broadcast
First PC send a command, the device reply.

1. Send Command
All the search or config command format list below.
Length Com User/Passwo Check
Function (Command~ man rd Parameter Byte
d (6 byte)
Parameter) d (12 bytes) (sum)

Search FF 01 01 02

Reset FF xx 02 [MAC] xx
Read FF xx 03 [MAC] xx
Store FF xx 04 [MAC] xx
[usrname] Basic
Basic Setting FF xx 05 [MAC] xx
[password] param
[usrname] Port0
COM 0 setting FF xx 06 [MAC] xx
[password] param
[usrname] Port1
COM 1 setting FF xx 07 [MAC] xx
[password] param
[usrname] Port2
COM 2 setting FF xx 08 [MAC] xx
[password] param

Expand setting

temporary FF xx 0A [MAC] xx

MAC setting FF xx FE [MAC] xx

1.1. About Checksum

Last byte is checksum, it calculated from length byte(length byte included), until the checksum
byte(not include checksum itself), the result byte is checksum, checksum reserves only 1 byte.

1.2. Search command

Search command is fixed to such format

FF 01 01 02
The cheksum byte 02 is calculated as 02 = 01 + 01 .

1.3. Reset command

The command is used to reset a selected one device, one device only
FF 13 02 d8 b0 4c 00 04 c9 61 64 6d 69 6e 00 61 64 6d 69 6e 00 c8
Checksum C8 = 13 + 02 + ... + 6E + 00
Red part is module's mac address
Last 12 byte is the module's user name and password, if the string length less than 6 byte, rest byte
must be filled with 0.

1.4. Read param

This command is used to read all parameters out of the selected device
Send(16 bytes):
FF 13 03 AC CF 23 66 66 67 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 F9
Checksum F9 = 13 + 03 + AC + ... + 6E + 00
The green part is username, red part is password, if the string length less than 6 byte, rest byte
must be filled with 0.

1.5. Store param

This command is used to save param into module.

FF 13 04 AC CF 23 66 66 67 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 FA
1.6. Basic config

Basic config parameters, 67 byte total.

Name Byte Example Instruction


ucCRC 1

ucVersion 1

IP address type:
ucFlags 1 80
The eighth is 0: DHCP; 1: Statics IP
2 20 19 UPNP port
2 50 00 HTTP service port

ucUserFlag 1

ulStaticIP 4 38 00 A8 C0 Statics IP

ulGatewayIP 4 01 00 A8 C0 Gateway

ulSubnetMask 4 00 FF FF FF Subnet mask

55 53 52 2D 54 43 50
ucModName 16 32 33 32 2D 45 00 00 Module name
00 00

username 6 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 Username
password 6 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 Password

ucNetSendTime 1

uiId 2 01 00 Device ID

Device ID (0~3)
0:no use
ucIdType 1 00 1:send id when connect
2:send id when send data

ucUserMAC 6 FF FF FF FF FF FF MAC address

ucReserved 8 Any will do unused

Below is a sample command, send:
FF 56 05 AC CF 23 66 66 67 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 61 66 03 80 20 19 50 00 02 07 00
A8 C0 01 00 A8 C0 00 FF FF FF 55 53 52 2D 54 43 50 32 33 32 2D 45 34 35 00 00 61 64 6D 69 6E 00
61 64 6D 69 6E 00 02 01 00 00 AC CF 23 66 66 67 00 48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 1C
Checksum 1C = 56 + 05 + AC + ... + 2E.
Red part is module's mac address, followed with 12 byte username and password(rest
byte filled 0)
The rest byte is basic parameters you want to config. Checksum is the last byte.

1.7. Port config

Each port's parameters is 63 byte, the is usually 3 port for each module. Port0,
port1, port2.
Name byte sample description

ulBaudRate 4 00 C2 01 00 baudrate
ucDataSize 1 08 databit(0X05/0x06/0x07/0x08)
ucParity 1 01 1:no,2:odd,3:even,4:mark,5:
ucStopBits 1 01 stopbit(0x01/0x02)
ucFlowControl 1 01 flowcontrol( 0x01:no,0x03:HW)
ulTelnetTimeout 4 00 00 00 00 Unused
usTelnetLocalPort 2 17 00 Local port
usTelnetRemotePort 2 17 00 Remote port
31 39 32 2E 31 36 38 2E
Ip address or domain name is sent with
30 2E 31 00 00 00 00 00
uiTelnetURL 30 string format, such as "", or
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
ulTelnetIPAddr 4 00 00 00 00 unused
ucFlags 1 02 by default unused
Work mode
ucWorkMode 1 03 0:UDP, 1:TCP Client, 2:UDP Server, 3:
TCP Server, 4:HTTPD Client
uiPackLen 4 C8 00 00 00 Serial packet length
ucPackTime 1 0A Serial packet time ms(10 by default)
ucTimeCount 1 91
Higher 4 bits: pls set this bit to 8
TCP server type 1 80 (by default)
Lower 4 bits: tcp server type(this bit is only
useful when module work as tcp server)
1: transparent transportation
2: send with ID(discard packet if there is
no id)
3: send with ID(send to all client if there is
no ID)
(usually 4 bytes , but 60 byte when u used
ucReserved 4(60)
a httpd client firmware)

FF 52 06 AC CF 23 66 66 67 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 00 C2 01 00 08 01 01 01 00 00 00
00 17 00 17 00 31 39 32 2E 31 36 38 2E 30 2E 32 30 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 03 C8 00 00 00 0A 95 11 00 00 00 00 42
Checksum: 42 = 52 + 06 + ... + 00
Red part is mac address, followed with username + password + portx param + checksum(1 byte)

1.8. program MAC

Attention, the mac address can only be programed once(when mac is default
FF 07 FE 00 11 22 33 44 55 sum
FF 01 FE 4B
2. Return command

2.1. Search return

Byte name Example Instruction


1 Packet_length 24


3 Board_type 00

4 Board_ID 00

5~8 Client_IP_address C0 A8 00 07 Device IP(High bit in front)

AC CF 23 20 FE
9~14 MAC_address Device MAC(High bit in front)
D0 07:Device version number (low
bit in front)
12 34:Encrypted version ;The others
is non encrypted version;Encrypted
15~18 Firemware_version D0 07 12 34
program upgrade directly in
encryption version;Non encrypted
version need to decrypt the
encrypted program,then send
55 53 52 2D 54
43 50 32 33 32
19~34 Application_title Device name
2D 35 30 30 00

35 checksum F0

2.2. Reset return

Return(4 byte)
FF 01 02 4B (if usename and password correct 4B = 'K')
FF 01 02 45 (if username and pass correct = 'E')
2.3. Read return

Return all parameters of module, 256 byte in total, without checksum or header.
Must judge length of returned parameter.
If length is 193 byte(basic param + 2*port param), this means the module have 2 port.
If length is 256 byte(basic param + 3*port param), this means the module have 3 port.
returns(256 byte):
61 66 03 80 20 19 50 00 02 07 00 A8 C0 01 00 A8 C0 00 FF FF FF 55 53 52 2D 54 43 50 32 33 32 2D
45 34 35 00 00 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 61 64 6D 69 6E 00 02 01 00 00 AC CF 23 66 66 67 00 48 54 54 50
2F 31 2E 31 20 00 00 05 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C2 01 00 08 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 17 00 17 46 31 39 32
2E 31 00 00 00 00 05 01 01 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08
05 C8 00 00 00 0A 36 11 00 C2 01 00 08 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 1A 00 1A 00 31 39 32 74 31 36 38 2E
30 00 00 00 00 05 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 04 C8 00 00 00
0A 1A 11 00 C2 01 00 08 01 01 05 00 00 00 00 1D 00 1D 00 31 39 32 2E 31 36 38 74 30 2E 32 30 31
If your read command is incorrect, it will return,
FF 01 03 45
The return have no checksum

2.4. Store return

If successful, it will return

FF 01 04 4B
Basic config
If successful, it will return
FF 01 04 4B

Other return
Successfully execuated: FF 01 CMD 'K' ( the CMD is command byte in your command)
Checksum error: return 'E' + checksum(the correct checksum)
Username or pass error: FF 01 CMD 'P'
Other error will return: FF 01 CMD 'E'
3. Sample command and return

3.1. Some sample command and return

Send(4 byte search command)
Ff 01 01 02
Return (36 byte)
FF 24 01 00 4B C0 A8 00 4D D8 B0 4C 00 04 C9 DD 07 01 00 55 53 52 2D 54 43 50 32 33 32 2D 34 30
31 00 00 EF

Reset module
FF 13 02 d8 b0 4c 00 04 c9 61 64 6d 69 6e 00 61 64 6d 69 6e 00 c8
return(4 byte):FF 01 02 4B

3.2. Way to get message

If you want to get some command and return sample while you are config module via software,
there is a way to get what you want.
Open a USR-TCP232-Test, and choose protocol UDP, listen on port 1901. When you are
searching or config a module using another PC, you can get their interchange message in the
receive window of Test software.
4. Serial config protocol
Get access to serial config mode, first, connect Reload(CFG) to GND.
Module config command format as following table, you can also use our setup
software(serial config part is compatible to USR-TCP232-T24 setup

) to generate and test config word, baud rate 9600,

none parity, 8 data, 1 stop: 9600,n, 8, 1

No matter which baud is in previous, module will switch to 9600 in config mode, and send
character U to com, to indicate module do in config mode. After receiving complete data
package and check correctly, will reply K, if check incorrect, will reply E and module
calculate parity bit, this bit is quite useful when test to send command manually. For other
errors, for example incorrect package header or bit number, will reply only E.

Note: Need to release CFG to vacant or connect to VCC, to make module back to
working mode ( for E45/M4 series, release cfg (Reload) will make module saving
parameters and restart)

Command package head

UART configuration command

55 BA - write Port 0 configuration, 55 BC -read Port 0 configuration

55 C6 - write basic configuration, 55 c6 - read basic configuration

When write port config, all data bit according to the following table; when read port config,
send package header is enough. Example: send 55 BC, will read port 0 config

4.1. Param table 1

Data bit meaning as listed below:

Function Bit Instruction Example Hex, low in

Packet 55 BA Packet head 55 BA
head C9 00 A8 C0
4 Connected target IP

Destination Connected target Port 8234 2A 20

Module IP 4 Module IP 07 00 A8 C0
Module Module port 20108 8C 4E
Gateway 4 The IP address of gateway C9 00 A8 C0
1-TCP client, 0-UOP
2-UDP Server,
Work Mode 1 TCP Client 01
3-TCP Server

Baud Rate 3 serial port working baud rate 115200 00 C2 01

Serial Data/ Stop/ parity bit N,8,1 03
Independe ID-H,ID-L,ID-type Do not use 00 00 00
nt ID Please fill 0 if don’t use
Subnet Subnet mask, low in front 00 FF FF FF
Sum check, from the
destination IP to sum parity
Sum parity 1 Sum check B9

Complete command string : 55 BA C9 00 A8 C0 2A 20 07 00 A8 C0 8C 4E C9 00 A8

C0 01 00 C2 01 03 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF B9

Note: Writing in 28 byte but read as 29 byte .The last bit is version number, but it can’t

1. Except header, Send 28 bytes param when write, return 29 bytes when read. The last
byte is firmware version, not writable
2. TCP232-E45/M4 series products, after serial configuration (reload pin back to high
level), module will reset automatically, restart after 4s, during this time, do not pull down
the Reset pin, or module will restore to factory defaults
4.2. Param table 2

Basic config param as follow(send 55 C5 for write):

Hex format, low
name te description description
byte in front
header 2 55 C5 header 55 C5
Port for webserver, 80 50 00
http port 2 default 80(set this to 0
to disable webserver)
MAC address D8 B0 4C 00 01 65 65 01 00 4C B0
(if you doesn't want to D8
User mac change mac,pls write 6
address bytes of FF to this area,
or read it out then
Module name, string “USR-TCP232-E45” 55 53 52 2D 54
Module format, must be ended 43 50 32 33 32
name with 0x00 2D 45 34 35 00
00 00 ...
bit7 represent whether 0x80 80
use static IP or not,
default 0x80
Ip type 1 0x80 STATIC IP
0x00 DHCP
The other 7 bit should be
left default
reserved Shoule be left 00 00 00
reserved 3
Checksum, calculated
from http port, to the
checksum 1 byte befrore checksum, checksum xx
only reserve the low
Read param
Send: 55 c6
Return: 55 C6 50 00 D8 B0 4C 00 1B 3F 55 53 52 2D
54 43 50 32 33 32 2D 45 34 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 E2 E0
Write param
Send: 55 C5 50 00 D8 B0 4C 00 1B 3F 55 53 52 2D 54 43 50 32 33 32 2D 45 34 35
00 00 00 00 00 00 fe
Return: 4B('K')

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