Safety Drill Evaluvation Report: Comments
Safety Drill Evaluvation Report: Comments
Safety Drill Evaluvation Report: Comments
The above exercise was held as indicated and the following members of the Crew participated and briefly in
what manner included in comments.
Fair . Excellent…………………………………………
Very Good………………………………………… Poor………………………………………………
Satisfactory : XXX Very Poor………………………………………..
Brief Details of Drill or Exercise
0830HRS: Suddenly M/E got failure, duty engineer report this incident to the master and also
to chief engineer. Duty officer raise day signal for not under command. i.e. two black balls.
0835HRS: The master inform to all crew regarding engine failure by PA system and instruct all
crew to stand by to settle the problem. Master also instructs chief officer assisted by bosun to
stand by anchor for drop if possible. Second officer prepare the chart for the nearest
contingency anchorage or any place which is safe to drop the anchor. Chief engineer assisted
by other engineers and oilers try to rectify the main engine. During this master also report this
incident to the nearest port control also to the ship station. Continue VHF watch maintained on
Ch-16, and vessels in vicinity advice to keep clear at regular time intervals.
0900 HRS: Chief engineer then report to the master that main engine is ready for use. Master
report to th e coastal station and also to all ship that the ship is ready to sail and put down the
sign of not under command, also instruct chief officer secure fore ward and finish.
0915 HRS: The drill is completed order by master.
SAF 003
ISSUED DATE : 25.11.16
PG 2 of 2
All of the crew on board are familiar regarding the above drill means how to take action as
soon as possible
if any main engine failure to avoid any further incident or at least to minimize it.