Guidance Program Draft

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Our vision is that children will leave the school with:

 A set of spiritual and moral values-honesty, integrity and good judgment

 A compliment of basic skills-linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, physical and social
 An enquiring and discriminating mind and a desire for knowledge
 A strong self-esteem and high personal expectation
 Tolerance and respect to others
 Love for country


Our mission is to develop young men and women with active and creative mind, a sense of understanding and
compassion for others, and the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress the total development of a child in a child-
friendly, gender-sensitive, safe and motivating environment.


1. To promote programs that will holistically develop the students

2. To develop their interpersonal skill
3. To be able to enhance in expressing their emotions to their parents and teachers
4. To build a good relationship between teachers and students and vice versa
5. To monitor the academic and behaviour concerns
6. To instil the values and right conduct


Counsellor consults with parents, teachers, other educators and community agencies regarding the
strategies to help students.
Counselling is provided on a small-group or individuals basis for students expressing difficulties in
dealing with relationship, personal concerns, or normal development task. Personal counselling assists
student in identifying problems, causes, and possible consequences so that appropriate action is taken.
Counselling and support are provided to students, and their families, who are facing emergency
situations. Such counselling is normally short-term and temporary in nature. When necessary,
appropriate referral sources are used.
Provides an opportunity for students to provide and receive peer support and feedback which may help
them to feel less isolated and less understood.
Counselors used referral sources to deal with crises such as suicide, violence, abuse, and terminal illness.


Competency I: knowledge of the Importance of a Positive Self-Concept

Indicators: Describe positive characteristics about self as seen by self and others.
Identify how behaviors affect school and family situations.
Describe how behaviour influences the feelings and actions of others.
Demonstrates a positive attitude about self.
Identify personal interest, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
Describe ways to meet personal needs through work.

Competency II: Skills to interact positively with others

Indicators: Identify how people are unique

Demonstrate effective skills for interacting with others.
Demonstrate effective skills in resolving conflicts with peers and adults
Demonstrate group membership skills
Identify sources and effects of peer pressure
Demonstrate awareness of different cultures, lifestyle, attitudes, and abilities

Competency III: Awareness of the importance of Growth and Change

Indicators: Identify personal feelings

Identify ways to express feelings
Describe causes of stress
Identify and select appropriate behaviours to deal with specific emotional situations
Demonstrate healthy ways of dealing with conflicts, stress, and emotions in self and others
Demonstrate knowledge of good health habits


Competency IV: Awareness of the benefits of educational Achievement

Indicators: Describe how academic skills can be used in the home, workplace, and community
Identify personal strength and weaknesses in subject areas
Identify academic skills needed in several occupational groups
Describe relationships among ability, effort, and achievement
Implement a plan of action for improving academic skills
Describe school tasks that are similar to skills essential for job success
Describe how the amount of education needed for different occupational levels varies

Competency V: Awareness of the Relationship Between Work and Learning

Indicators: Identify different types of work, both paid and unpaid

Describe the importance of preparing for one’s career
Demonstrate effective study and information-seeking habits
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of practice, effort, and learning
Describe how current learning relates to work
Describe how one’s role as a student is likes that of an adult worker
Competency VI: Skills to understand and Use Career Information

Indicators: Describe work of family members, school personnel, and community workers.
Identify occupations according to data, people, and things
Identify work activities of interest to the student
Describe the relationship of beliefs, attitudes, interests, and abilities to occupations
Describe jobs that are present in the local community
Identify the working conditions of occupations (e.g. inside and outside hazardous)
Describe ways in which self-employment differs from working for others
Describe how parents, relatives, adult friends, and neighbors can provide career information

Competency VII: Awareness of the Importance of Personal Responsibility and Good Work Habits

Indicators: Describe the importance of personal qualities (e.g., dependability, promptness, getting along
with others) to getting and keeping jobs
Demonstrate the ability to work with people who are different from oneself (e.g., race, age,
gender people with disabilities).
Demonstrate the ability to work with people who are different from oneself (e.g. race, age,
gender,people with disabilities)

Competency VIII Awareness of How Work Relates to the Needs and Functions of the Society

Indicators: Describe how work can satisfy personal needs

Describe the products and services of local employers
Describe ways in which work can help overcome social and economic problems


Competency IX Understanding How to Make Decisions

Indicators: Describe what can be learned from making mistakes

Identify and assess problems that interfere with attaining goals
Identify strategies used in solving problems
Identify alternatives in decision –making situations
Describe how personal beliefs and attitudes affect decision-making
Describe how decisions affect self and others

Competency X Awareness of interrelationship of Life Role

Indicators: Describe the various roles an individual mat have ( e.g. friend,students,worker, family member)
Describe work-related activities in the home, community, and school
Describe how family members depend on one another, work together, and share responsibilities
Describe how work roles complement family roles

Competency XI Awareness of Different Occupations and Changing Male / Female Roles

Indicators: Describe how work is important to all people

Describe the changing life roles of men and women in work and family
Describe how contributions of individuals both inside and outside the home are important

Competency XII Awareness of the Career Planning Process

Indicators: Describe the importance of planning
Describe skills needed in a variety of occupational groups
Develop an individual career plan for the elementary school level

Individual Appraisal:

Counselors work with students analysing and evaluating the students’ abilities, interests, skills, and achievement. Test
information and other data are the bases for assisting students in developing immediate and long-range plans.

Individual Advisement

Counselor work with the students using personal-social, educational, career and labor market information in planning
personal, educational, and occupational goals. Counselor work with students on developing a four to six years plan of
study. The combined involvement of students , parents, and school personnel is essential in planning programs that
meet students needs.

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