Legal Register To Use

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The document outlines the Police Treatment Centres' Health and Safety Legal Compliance Register which lists 25 relevant acts and regulations and how the centres demonstrate compliance.

Regulations discussed include the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992, Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992 among others.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 outlines general duties of employers and employees. It also notes sections on offenses, induction, training, health and safety statements and more.

The Police Treatment Centres

Health and Safety Legal Compliance Register

No. Name of Legislation Applicable Issues and Requirements Demonstration of Compliance

1. Health and Safety at Work Act This is the Enabling Act from which most other pieces of H&S legislation • Induction for employees
1974 come from. and contractors
There are 37 sections, the main sections to note are: • Training
• Section 2- General Duties of employers to employees. • Health and Safety
• Section 3- General Duties of employers to persons other than Statement and Policy
employees • Accident report and
• Section 7- General duties of Employees investigations.
• Section 8- Duty Not to interfere with or misuse things • HSE inspections
• Section 9- Duty Not to charge / levy employees • Health and Safety Audits
• Section 37- Offences by bodies corporate. • Risk assessment process
2. Management of Health and Safety Requires the Charity to carry out risk assessments, make arrangements to • Health and Safety Policy
at work regulations 1999 implement necessary measures, appoint competent people and arrange • Induction for employees
for appropriate information and training. and contractors
• Regulation 3- Risk Assessment • Training
• Regulation 4- Principals of prevention to be applied • Accidents reports and
• Regulation 5- Health and Safety Arrangements investigations
• Regulation 6- Health Surveillance • Health and Safety Audit
• Regulation 7- Health and Safety Assistance • Risk assessment process
• Regulation 8- Procedures for serious and imminent danger and • Health and wellbeing policy
danger areas. • Staff reps, HOD and
• Regulation 10- Information for Employees department meetings
• Regulation 13- Capabilities and training
• Regulation 14- Employee Duties
• Regulation 15- Temporary Workers
• Regulation 16- Risk assessment in respect of new or expectant

3. Manual Handling Operations Covers the moving of objects by hand or bodily force • Health and Safety Policy
regulations 1992 • Regulation 4- Duties of Employers • E- learning training
• Regulation 5- Duty of Employees programme
• Manual handling
• Health and Safety Audit
• Provision of lifting
4. The Health and Safety ( Display Sets out requirements for work with visual display units • DSE E-Learning, including
Screen Equipment) regulations • Risk assessments to be undertaken work station assessment
1992 • Employees must be provided with adequate information • HSE display screen
regarding their work station. assessment also available
• Be suitable trained in the use of display screen equipment • Health and safety Audit.
5. Work place Health and Safety and The regulations cover a wide range of basic health and safety issues such • Maintenance Policy in
Welfare regulations 1992 as: place
• Regulation 5- Maintenance • Health and Safety Schedule
• Regulation 6- Ventilation • Building management
• Regulation 7- Temperature system
• Regulation8- Lighting • Cleaning systems and
• Regulation 9- Cleanliness and waste Materials process in place
• Regulation 10- Room space • DSE training and
• Regulation 11- Work station and seating assessment
• Regulation 12- Condition of floors and traffic routes • Health and Safety walk
• Regulation 17- Organisation etc. of traffic routes rounds
• Regulation 20 - Sanitary provision • Maintenance fault
• Regulation 21- Washing facilities reporting system in place.
• Regulation 22- Drinking water • Sufficient employee and
• Regualation25- Facilities for rest and to eat meals. public toilets in place that
meet the legal
• Cold drinking dispensers
located around the Centres

• Staff rooms provided for all
• Induction.
6. Provision and use of Work Requires that equipment provided for use at work including machinery is • Induction
Equipment regulations 1998 safe. • Training
(PUWER) • Regulations 5 & 6- Maintenance and inspection • Health and Safety
• Regulations 8 & 9- Information, instruction and training for departmental information
employees folders
• Regulation 11- Dangerous parts of Machinery • Permits to work system
• Regulation 12- Protection against specified hazards • Health and safety Audit
• Regulation 13- Temperature of equipment • Pre-planned maintenance
• Regulation 15&16- Stop and emergency controls programme in place
• Regulation 18- Control systems • Risk assessments
• Regulation 19- isolation from energy source • Emergency Lighting testing
• Regulation 20&22- Stability , lighting Maintenance checks in place and annual
• Regulation 23&24- Warnings and safety markings check.
• Health and safety schedule
7. Control of Legionellosis Covers the requirement to control risk from Legionella bacteria. • Risk assessment in place
Approved code of practice It involves identifying and assessing source of risk e.g. hot and cold water • Training for maintenance
systems. Cooling towers, showers. team, HK team and
Implement, manage and monitor precautions. management in place and
Keep records of the precautions. Appoint a person to be managerially updated.
responsible. • Process in place for the
maintenance and HK team.
• Written records are kept,
• Tanks inspected.
• Process Audited.
8. Work at height Imposes health and Safety requirements with respect to work at height • Risk assessment
(which includes working at or below ground. • E-learning
The regulations set out a simple hierarchy for managing and selecting • In house training
equipment for work at height. • Ladder checks in place
• Regulation 4- Organising and planning work at height • Health and Safety Audit.

• Regulation 5- Competency of the persons working at height
• Regulation 6- Avoiding working at height
• Regulation 7- Selection of equipment
• Regulation 8- Particular work equipment
• Regulations 9&11- Deals with fragile surfaces, falling objects and
danger areas.
• Regulation 12&13- Inspection of certain work equipment.
• Regulation 14- Duties of persons at work

9. The Personal Protective Equipment Provision the employer must provide suitable PPE when the risk cannot • Induction
(PPE) regulations 1992 be controlled by other means. • Training
Employers duties: • Risk assessment
• Regulation 4- Provision of PPE • PPE employee issue list
• Regulation 5- Compatibility of PPE • Health and Safety Audit
• Regulation 6- Assessment of risk and suitability for task
• Regulation 7- Maintenance and replacement of PPE
• Regulation 9- Provision of information , instruction and training
for employee
• Regulation 10- Use of PPE Employers and Employees duties-
employees must use PPE as directed and must report any loss or
obvious defect to the employer.
10. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Fire risk assessment is required. Take steps to reduce or remove the risk. • Fire Risk assessment in
order 2005 The assessment must be reviewed regularly. place
Fire (Scotland) Act 2005, • Risk assessment is annually
supported by the Fire Safety reviewed.
(Scotland) Regulations 2006. • Fire safety information in
the health and safety
• Induction
• General fire safety training
every 2 years
• Fire Warden every year.

11. Lifting Operations and Lifting The regulation deal with providing and using lifting equipment at work • Risk assessments
Equipment regulations 1998 ( and include: • Training
LOLER) • Regulation 7- Lifting equipment to be clearly marked with • Induction
appropriate information. • Maintenance report system
• Regulation 8- Lifting operations must be planned and Supervised in place.
• Regulation 9- Examined before first use, routinely inspected as • Lifting cushion available for
part of an examination scheme drawn up, be a competent lifting patient off the floor.
• Regulation 10- Report and defects
• Regulation 11- Records of inspections to be retained

12. Reporting of Injuries Diseases and A requirement for the Charity to notify the Health and Safety Executive • Accident investigations
Dangerous Occurrences Regulation and keep records of certain specified injuries, diseases and dangerous • Risk assessments
2012 occurrences which arise out of or in connection with work and include: • Health and Safety Audit
A. Death of a person • Health and Safety officer to
B. Employee suffers a major injury at work, listed in Schedule 1 report to HSE.
C. Member of the public is taken directly to hospital and requires
D. One of the specified list of dangerous occurrences
E. Employee suffers one of a number of specified diseases.
13. Control of Asbestos Regulations Apply to licensing, notification of works with asbestos arrangements to • Asbestos Survey to be
2012 deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies based upon exposure completed before major
above the control limit. The Charity is considered the duty holder and as building work
such is responsible for ensuring that a suitable and sufficient assessment • Asbestos survey type 2&3
is carried out to determine whether asbestos is present within the completed (Castlebrae)
premises. • Asbestos training every 2
An asbestos management plan is required years
14. Construction Design and The Charity must make suitable arrangements for managing projects so • Appoint a competent
Management regulations 2007 that health and safety and welfare are secured, take ownership and person.
06.04.15 Amended communicate those arrangements clearly to other duty holders. • Information, instruction
Ensure that the principal designer and the principal contractor comply and training.
with their duties.

Notify projects scheduled to last longer than 30 working days and have
more than 20 workers working simultaneously at any point in the project,
or exceed 500 person days.

15. The Chemicals(Hazard information The regulations are also known as CHIP 4. Requires the supplier of • Signage and labelling of
and Packaging for Supply) dangerous substances/ preparations to classify label and package chemicals
Regulations (CHIP) 2009 dangerous substances/preparations and provide safety data sheets for • Health and Safety walk
them. rounds
The Charity should be aware that manufactures and suppliers of • COSHH training.
chemicals have to provide users of their products with suitable and • COSHH sheets and safety
sufficient information about the hazard of their products and the data sheets kept in
necessary action to be taken in an emergency. departments and centrally
in the surgery.
16. The Control of Noise at work Require the Charity to take action to protect employees from hearing • Health Surveillance and
Regulations 2005 damage. The charity must ensure that workers are protected from Noise monitoring.
excessive noise at their place of work, which could cause them to lose • Risk assessments
their hearing and or to suffer from tinnitus. • Health and Safety Audit

17 The Health and Safety ( Safety The regulations cover the provision and use of safety signs and various • Staff notice boards
Signs and Signals) regulations 1996 means of communicating Health and Safety information • Staff reps, HOD and
departmental meetings
• Health and Safety
departmental information
• Health and Safety walk
18. The Smoke free( Premises and Applies to Virtually all the substantially enclosed public places and work • No smoking signs in Charity
Enforcement) Regulations 2006 places, including vehicles, become smoke free. vehicle
The Prohibition of Smoking in • No smoking signs internally
Certain Premises (Scotland) and externally around the
Regulations 2006 Centres.
• Information regarding

smoking in Patient Folder
19. The Gas Safety (Installation and Covers safe installation, maintenance and use of gas systems and • Training and renewed
use)1998 appliances within the Centres. updated training
Requires all engineers involved in the installation inspection, servicing, • Use of Contractors when
maintenance and repair of domestic and commercial gas appliances to be required, capability and
registered under HSE approved Scheme. qualifications covered in
20. Electricity at work regulations 1989 The purpose of the regulations is to require precautions to be taken • PAT testing
against the risk of Death or personal injury from electricity in work • Training
activities. • Risk assessment
• Individual checks of
equipment by the user.
• Use of Contractor.
• Electrical Installation
21. The Dangerous Substances and The DSEAR replaces previous legislation on flammable substances, • COSHH and safety data
explosive atmospheres regulations including highly flammable liquids and liquefied gases regulations 1972. sheets
2002(DSEAR) • Pool chemicals kept
• Training
• Induction
• Pool operating procedures.
22. Safety Representative and safety The Charity has a duty under both regulations to consult those safety • Consultation is done
committees regulations 1977 and representatives on matters affecting the group or groups of employees through the staff reps
The Health and Safety ( they represent on health and safety issues. meeting.
Consultation with Employees) • Annual risk assessment
regulations 1996 reviews which all
employees partake.
• E-Learning
23. Health and Safety Information for Requires the Charity to display a poster telling employees what they need • The posters are located in
employees regulations 1989 to know about health and safety. the staff rooms.
• And Staff Notice Board

24. Health and Safety (First Aid ) The Charity has a duty to ensure that they have provided such equipment • Nurse on duty 24 hours
Regulations 1981 and facilities as are adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for • First aid trained staff
enabling first aid to be rendered to their employees if they are injured or available at both Centres
become ill at work. • First aid boxes located in
At the minimum the level of provision must include an appointed person the Centres
to be present at all times when employees are at work and a suitable and • Nurses surgery fully
sufficient first aid boxes equipped
• CPR and DEFIB training
annual provision.

25. Control of Substances Hazardous The COSHH regulations provide a frame work to protect employees and • Health Surveillance
to Health regulations 2002 other persons at the work place against health risks that may arise from • COSHH assessments in
work activities that expose them to hazardous substances (which includes place departmental and in
Biological agents) the surgery.
• COSHH E-Learning
• Laundry COSHH training
• Induction

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