Nid Automotive Mechtronics Curriculum and Course Specifications

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General Information
1.0 Title of the Programme
National Innovative Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics
1.1 Aim and Objectives of the Programme
The National Innovative Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics is aimed at providing solutions to the service maintenance
problems of high technology motor vehicles through the production of competent craftsmen and women who will be
enterprising and self reliant.
On completion of this programme, the Trainees should be able to:
i. Function as technicians in automotive and related establishments
ii. Carryout necessary general tests procedures, standard diagnosis and faults rectification in modern vehicles
iii. Demonstrate the use of different sophisticated diagnostic equipment for fault detection and rectification in various
modern vehicles brands
iv. Observe relevant safety in Automotive Mechatronics Engineering practice
v. Interpret wiring diagrams, fault codes, as well as technical reference materials.
2.0 Entry Qualification:
The minimum entry qualification into the National Innovative Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics programme is Post Basic
Education Certificate (Post Junior Secondary School Certificate).
3.0 Structure of the programme
The National Innovative Diploma (NID) in Automotive Mechatronics Programme is in flexible modular form, and is
structured to have three parts (i.e. NVC Part I, NID Part II, and NID Final each taken in a span of one year. Each part shall have
a cogent and flexible structure and content that would allow the trainee a practical working skill unit and the possibility to exit
at that level. Each part incorporates six months intensive training in the school and three months of supervised industrial work
experience (SIWES). In a 14 weeks term, 12 weeks will be for academic activities while 2 weeks will be for registration and
evaluation. For a 40hrs week, 6hrs will be for core theory courses; 2hrs General education courses and 32 hrs will be for
4.0 Evaluation Scheme
The National Innovative Diploma Examination must be externally moderated. In grading the awards; theory shall constitute-
20%, practicals – 50% and SIWES - 30%. If there are group practical/projects, trainees must be assessed periodically on
individual basis and records kept. Note that trainees are to be assessed on completion of every module.
The grading shall be Distinction (70 and above), credit (55 – 69), Pass (40 – 54), Fail (0 -39) kept.
Course Code Course Title L P CU CH Course Status
CSK 501 Basics of Communication Skills 1 1 2 2 GS
GNS Citizen Education 1 1 2 2 GS
MTH 101 Algebra & Elementary Trigonometry 2 - 2 2 GS
MEC 102 Technical Drawing 1 2 3 3 Fundamental
COM 101 Introduction to Computer 1 2 3 3 Fundamental
MAT 111 Basic Electricity 1 2 3 3 Fundamental
MEC 111 Mechanical Engineering Science 1 2 3 3 Fundamental
EET 112 Electronics I 1 2 3 3 Core
AMT 112 Occupational Health, Safety and Environment 1 1 2 2
TOTAL 10 13 23 23


Course Code Course Title L P CU CH Course Status
MTH 112 Logic and Linear Algebra 2 - 2 2 GS
COM 201 Computer Aided Design (CAD) 1 2 3 3 Fundamental
EET 123 Electronics II 1 2 3 3 Fundamental
MCE 111 Mechanical Workshop Technology & Practice 1 3 4 4 Core
AMT 121 Introduction to Automotive Systems 1 2 3 3 Core
AMT 122 Hydraulic & Pneumatics Systems 1 2 3 3 Core
AMT 123 Principles of Auto-Diagnosis 1 3 4 4 Core
TOTAL 8 14 22 22

Course Code Course Title L P CU CH Course Status

EPD 201 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
MTH 102 Calculus
AMT 211 Practice of Auto-Diagnosis 1 3 4 4 Core
AMT 212 Principles of Automotive Systems 1 3 4 4 Core
AMT 213 Automobile Electrical Technology I 1 3 4 4 Core
AMT 214 Technical Report Writing 1 1 2 2
AMT 215 Fundamental of Automation and Artificial Intelligence 1 1 2 2 Core
TOTAL 5 12 16 16

Course Code Course Title L P CU CH Course Status
EPD 202 Practice of Entrepreneurship 1 3 3 3
AMT 221 Practice of Automotive Systems 1 3 3 4 Core
AMT 222 Automotive Electrical Technology II 1 3 3 4 Core
AMT 223 Workshop Management and Organization 1 2 3 3 Core
AMT 224 Project - - 6 6 Core
3 8 15 18
CSK 501




DURATION: Hours/Week: Theory: 2 hrs Practical: 0 hr

GOAL: This course is designed to enable students to acquire the necessary


On completion of this course the student should be able to:

1.0 Understand Constitution of Nigeria

2.0 Understand the Federal System of Government in Nigeria
3.0 Know the Constitutional Rights and Obligations of Nigeria Citizens
4.0 Understand Citizenship
5.0 Fundamental Objectives and Directive of State Policy in Niger
Course: CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION I Course Code: GNS 111 Contact Hours 2HRS/WEEK
Year I Semester 1 Theoretical Content: 2 hrs Practical Content: hrs
Goal: This course is designed to enable students to acquire the necessary
General Objective: 1.0 Understand Constitution of Nigeria
Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher Activities Resources
1.1 Explain the term constitution Ask the students: Instructional
• what they understand by the Manual.
1.2 Distinguish the different types of term constitution and to Recommended
constitution distinguish the different rules textbooks, e-
of constitution known books, lecture
1.3 Highlight some provisions of an notes,
International Constitution • Explain the effectiveness Whiteboard,
of International Constitution PowerPoint
1.4 Explain the effectiveness of Projector,
International Constitution • Explain Nigerian Screen, Magnetic
Constitution to other laws. Board, flip charts,
1.5 Explain the supremacy of the etc.
Nigerian Constitution to other laws • Identify the main parts of
with emphasis on the 1989 the Nigerian Constitution.

1.6 Evaluate the main parts of the • Assess to the students by

Nigeria Constitution given the assignment to draft
a constitution for an
1.7 Draft a constitution for an association

1.8 Trace the historical development of

the Nigerian Constitution

1.9 Discuss the merits and demerits of

each of the Nigerian constitutions
1.10 Explain the concept of “rule of
Week General Objective: 2.0 Understand the federal system of Government in Nigeria
5-7 2.1 Describe a federation Ask the students: Instructional
• Describe a federation and the Manual.
2.2 Distinguish a federation from a differentiate between a Recommended
Confederation federation and a textbooks, e-
confederation books, lecture
2.3 Outline the basis for the federal notes,
system in Nigeria • Define the functions of the Whiteboard,
federal system in Nigeria and PowerPoint
2.4 Examine the evolution, structure the relationship among the Projector,
and functions of the federal system three tiers of government Screen, Magnetic
in Nigeria. Board, flip charts,
• Evaluate the revenue etc.
2.5 Analyse the relationships among the allocation formula operation
three tiers of government in Nigeria in Nigeria

2.6 Evaluate the revenue allocation

formula in operation in Nigeria

2.7 Compare and contrast other

federation with Nigeria
Week General Objective: 3.0 Know the Constitutional Rights and obligations of Nigerian Citizens
8-9 3.1 Examine the significance of rights Ask the students to Instructional
and obligations in Nigeria • Identify the responsibilities Manual.
and duties Recommended
3.2 Assess Government’s protection of of Nigerian citizenship textbooks, e-
fundamental rights as contained in the books, lecture
Nigerian constitution notes,
3.3 Evaluate the responsibilities and PowerPoint
duties of Nigerian citizenships and the Projector,
benefits for performing them Screen, Magnetic
Board, flip charts,
3.4 Assess the responsibilities and duties etc.
of constituted authority to the people

3.5 Evaluate the responsibilities and

duties of government to the People
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand Citizenships
10-12 4.1 Discuss the significance of citizenship Ask the students: Instructional
4.2 Analyse the principles and benefits of • Discuss and analyse the Recommended
citizenship principles and benefits of textbooks, e-
citizenship books, lecture
4.3 Explain the difference in the modes notes,
of acquiring citizenship • Analyse the basis for the Whiteboard,
acquisition and withdrawal PowerPoint
4.4 Evaluate the merits and demerits of of Nigerian citizenship Projector,
each type of citizenship Screen, Magnetic
Board, flip charts,
4.4 Analyse the basis for the acquisition etc.
and withdrawal of Nigerian

4.5 Examine the benefits derivable from

Nigeria citizenship
Week General Objective 5.0: Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy in Nigeria
13-15 5.1 State the fundamental obligations of Ask the students to Instructional
government as provided in the Manual.
constitution • Explain the directive Recommended
principles and policy of the textbooks, e-
5.2 Explain the general provisions of the Nigerian Government on books, lecture
fundamental objectives and directive cultures, the mass media, notes,
principles of state policy national ethnics and duties Whiteboard,
of the citizen PowerPoint
5.3 Explain the political, economic, social Projector,
and education policies of Nigeria Screen, Magnetic
Board, flip charts,
5.4 Explain the directive principles and etc.
policy of the Nigerian government on
culture, the mass media, national
ethics and duties of the citizen

5.5 Assess the conformity observance and

application of the fundamental
objectives and directive principles of
state policy by governments and
people of Nigeria.

5.6 Recommend improvements on the

provision conformity,
observance and application of the
fundamental objectives and directive
principles of state policy
Course Work Course Test Practical Examination/ Project/Portfolio
20% 20% 60%
MTH 102




GOAL: This course is designed to enable students acquire adequate knowledge and skills in the use of drawing instruments,
graphical communication, construction of simple geometric figures and shapes, appreciation of isometric, oblique and single
orthographic projections


On completion this course, students should be able to:

1.0 Know different drawing instruments, equipment and materials used in technical drawing

2.0 Know graphical communication

3.0 Know the construction of simple geometrical figures and shapes,

4.0 Know isometric and oblique projections

5.0 Know simple orthographic projectors

6.0 Understand the intersection of regular solids

COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Course Course Specification: Practical Content
General Objective 1.0: Know different Drawing Instruments, Equipment and Materials use in Technical drawing.
Week Specific Learning Outcome Teaching Activities Learning Specific Teaching Learning
Resources Learning Activities Resources
1.1 Identify the different types • Present to students •Black board ruler
of drawing instruments, all drawing instruments: (1m)
equipment and materials. • Black board
a. Drawing set Tee Square
1.2 Outline the uses of the • Black board
b. T-Square
various instruments, compass
equipment and materials. c. Drawing board • Blackboard
d. Set squares
1.3 State the precautions • Adjustable
necessary to preserve e. Types of pencils set- square
items 1.1 above. •60 set square
(H to B)
1.4 Use each of the items in •45 set square
1.1 above. Explain the uses of all of the •French curve set
above. •Templates
1.5 Maintain various drawing
instruments and equipment. Explain how to take care •Duster
various drawing instruments •Chalk
and equipment •Complete
Students’ drawing
• Drawing table and
General Objective 1.0: Know different Drawing Instruments, Equipment and Materials use in Technical drawing.
2.1 Explain graphics and different • Ask the students to Black board ruler
types of graphic present (1m)
2.2 Illustrate various convention illustrate in a drawing the • Black board
present in graphical productions various types of lines based on Tee-Square
of construction lines, finished BS 308 1972 Part 2. and assess.
lines, hidden and overhead • Black board
• Ask the students to set drawing
details projections, centre lines,
break lines, dimensioning of area on A1 paper with a title compass
plane, elevation and sections ofblock and the boarder lines and • Blackboard
objects. assess. protector
• Adjustable set-
2.3 Layout of drawing sheets with square
the following: • 60 set square
(a) Margins • Ask students to illustrate • 45 set square
(b) Title block etc. technical lettering in capital and • French curve set
small letters, using, free hand • Templates
and using letter stencils and • Duster
2.4 State the various standards assess.
• Chalk • Complete
of drawing sheets.
drawing table
•Ask students to identify the
Black board ruler
various standard sheets Ao -A4
2.5 Print letters and figures of and assess.
various forms and characters. • Black board
Print letters and figures of Tee-Square
various forms and characters. • Black board
2.6 Illustrate conventional compass
signs, symbols and appropriate • Blackboard
lettering characters. protector
Ask students to draw • Adjustable set-
conventional signs and symbols square
and assess. • 60 set square
• 45 set square
• French curve set
General Objective 3.0: Know different Drawing Instruments, Equipment and Materials use in Technical drawing.
3.1 Explain the purpose of geo- • Ask students to illustrate the • Black board
metrical construction in construction of simple ruler (1cm)
drawing parallel. geometrical figures • Black board
3.2 Construct parallel and • Ask students to construct • Black board
perpendicular lines parallel and perpendicular compass
lines • Black board
3.3 Construct and bisect lines, projector
angles and areas • Ask students to construct • Adjustable set-
and bisect lines, angles and square
3.4 Divide a straight line into given areas. • 60 set square
number of equal parts. • Ask student to divide a • 45 set square
straight line into a given • French curve
number of equal parts using set
the compasses. • Templates
3.5 Identify polygons (regular or • Duster
irregular) • Ask students to differentiate • Chalk
between regular polygon. • Complete
3.6 Construct regular polygons • Drawing table
with N sides in a given circle, and polygons
given • Construct regular polygons
and assess
with N sides in a given
(a) distance across flats • Ask students to
circle, given
(b) distance across corners conduct regular
(a) distance across flats
polygon with N
(b) distance across
side and assess
3.7 Define a circle corners

Give the definition of a

3.8 Explain the properties of a circle
circle, e.g. radius, diameter,
normal, tangent, Explain the properties of a
circumference etc. circle, e.g. radius, diameter,
normal, tangent,
circumference etc.

General Objective 4: 0 Know how to construct of simple geometrical figures and shapes
4.1 Carry out simple geometrical • Show how to construct • Black board
constructions on circles e.g: plane and diagonal scales. ruler
\ (1m)
a. Diameter of a circle of • Black board
given circumference • Explain the various Tee-
properties of a circle. Square
b. The circumference to • Black
circle of given diameter. • Illustrate simple board
geometrical constructions compass
c. A circle to touch a given on circles listed in 4.1 • Blackbo
smaller circle and a ard
given line. • Show the different methods protector
of constructing ellipses. • Adjustable set-
d. A circle to pass through square
2 points and touch a • 60 set square
given line. • 45 set square
e. A circle to touch a given • French curve
smaller circle and a given
• Templates
• Duster
f. Tangents to circles at • Chalk
various points • Complete
drawing table
g. An arc of radius tangent • Black board
to two lines at an angle ruler
to less than and (1m)
more than 90 tangent to • Black board
two circles • Tee-Square
• Black board
h. An area externally compass
tangent to two circles

i. Inscribing and • Explain the meaning of an

circumscribing circles. ellipse.
• Show how to construct an
4.2 Define an ellipse ellipse using the various
4.3 Construct ellipse by using
(a) trammel method
(b) concentric circle method • Explain the various
draughting techniques listed
4.4 Explain the following in 4.4.
draughting techniques :
(a) Projection method
(b) Measurement method • Illustrate how to construct
(c) Transposition method plane shapes and diagonals
scales using appropriate
4.5 Construct plane scales and instruments.
diagonal scales, using
appropriate instruments

General Objective 5: 0 Know the Isometric and Oblique Projects

5.1 Differentiate between • Explain isometric and • Black board ruler
isometric and oblique oblique projections. (1m)
projections. • Black board Tee-
• Illustrate how to Square
5.2 Draw a square in construct a square in • Black
isometric and isometric and oblique board
oblique forms. projections.
5.3 Draw a circle in • • Blackboard
Illustrate how to construct protector
Isometric and a circle in Isomeric and
oblique Forms. • Adjustable
Oblique forms set-square
• 60 set
• Illustrate how to draw an square
5.4 Draw an ellipse in
Isometric and
ellipse in Isometric and • 45 set
Oblique forms square
oblique forms.
5.5 Draw a polygon with a • French
minimum of eight sides • Illustrate how to draw a curve set
in Isometric and oblique polygon in isometric and • Templates
forms. oblique projections • Duster
• Chalk
5.6 Dimension holes, circles,
arcs and angles
correctly on isometric • Illustrate how to • Complete
and oblique forms. dimension holes circles, drawing
arcs and angles in table
5.7 Use appropriate isometric and oblique
convention symbols and projection and label with
abbreviations. appropriate conventional
symbols and
General Objective 6: 0 Know Single Othographic Projects
6.1 Explain the principle of • Ask students to •
Black board
orthographic projection. differentiate between ruler (1m)
first and third angle • Black board
orthographic projection. Tee-Square
• Black board ruler
• Explain the vertical and (1m)
6.2 Explain the principle horizontal planes in • Black board
planes of projection orthographic projection.
(a) Vertical plane • Black
(b) Horizontal plane. • Show students how to
construct orthographic compass
6.3 Explain why the first and projections of simple • Blackboard
third angles are used objects in first and third protector
and the second and angle orthographic • Adjustable set-
fourth angles not used. projections. square
• 60 set square
• Show students how to • 45 set square
project views of three- • French curve set
6.4 Project views of three- dimensional objects on
dimensional objects on to to the basic planes of
the basic planes of projection in both first
projection in both first and third angle to
and third angle to obtain: -
obtain: - (a) the front view or
(a) the front view or (b)the top view or plan
(b) the top view or plan.
General Objective 7.0 Understand the Intersections of Regular Solids
7.1 Explain interpretation or • Give examples of • Blackboard ruler
inter-sections of solids. intersection of solids (1m)
• Blackboard
7.2 Draw the lines of • Illustrate how to Tee-Square
intersections of the construct: • Black board
following regular solids a. Two square- compass
and planes in both first prisms meeting at Blackboard
and third angles.
right angles protector
a. Two square-prisms • Adjustable set-
a. Two dissimilar
meeting at right angles. square
square prisms
b. Two dissimilar square • 60 set square
prisms meeting at and
b. Two dissimilar • 45 set square
c. Two dissimilar square
square prisms • French curve set
meeting 60 • Templates
prisms meeting to an
c. An hexagonal
angle. • Duster
prism meeting a
d. A hexagonal prism square prism • Chalk
meeting a square prism d. Two dissimilar • Complete drawing
at right angles. cylinders meeting table
e. Two dissimilar at an angle
cylinders meeting at an
e. Two dismal
cylinders meeting
f. Two dissimilar at right angle,
cylinders meeting at then centres at
right angle, their long in the same
centres not being in the vertical place as in 6.2.
same vertical plane.



DURATION: Hours/Week Theory: 1 hr Practical: 2 hrs
GOAL: This course is designed to acquaint students with basic knowledge of Computer


On completion of this course the student should be able to:

1.0. Understand the roles of Computers in Modern Society

2.0. Understand computer Hardware Components
3.0. Know the concept of software
4.0. Know the various types of computer data processing Techniques
5.0. Know the basic procedures for operating computer systems
6.0. Understand security and safety procedures within a computer environment.
7.0. Understand the concept of a computer Networks
8.0. Understand the use of the Internet
YEAR: 1 SEMESTER: 1 PRE-REQUISITE Theoretical: 1hr Practical : 2 hrs
GOAL: This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic knowledge of Computer

Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective: 1.0 Understand the role of the computer in modern society
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources Objectives Activities Resources
1-3 1.1. Define the computer • Define computer White Board and Identify different Guide students to Networked PCs
Marker. types of computers identify and loaded with
1.2. Describe the development • Trace the history of classify software
of computers in particular. computer. PC loaded with Classify computer computer packages.
Abacus, Pascal, Babbage, Power point and system systems
Hollerath and the ENIAC • Classify the computer connected to Computer
according to multimedia charts
1.3. Classify computers generations projector
according to generation PC loaded with
from the 1st to 5th • Distinguish between computer
generations ( and any types images
subsequent generations) and classes of
1.4. Distinguish between
analog, digital and hybrid • Highlight the
computers implications of
computers to the
1.5. Explain the social society.
implications on society, in
particular privacies and • Outline the benefit of
quality of life computer to the
1.6. List the benefits of
computers to the society
• Distinguish between
types and classes of

• Highlight the
implications of
computers to the

Outline the benefit of
computer to the
General Objective : 2.0 Understand Computer Hardware Components
4-5 2.1. Describe computer • Discuss the basic White Board and Identify the Guide the A DEMO PC
hardware components Hardware components. Marker. various components students on showing its
of how to identify components
2.2. List some input and output • Discuss the various PC loaded with a computer system the various
devices components and Power point and components of a
functions. connect to Identify the computer system
2.3. Describe the functions of Multimedia various components
The input and output • Discuss the Projector of
devices configuration of typical a computer system
computer system.
2.4. Describe the functions of
the CPU

2.5. List some auxiliary units

2.6. Describe the functions of

the auxiliary memory

2.7. Define bits, nibbles, bytes,

word and storage size

2.8 Describe the computer

hardware configuration
General Objective: 3.0 Know the concept of Software
6-7 3.1 Define Software • Discuss software and White Board and Identify computer Guide students to PCs
its various types. Marker packages on identify loaded with
3.2 Classify computer software . computer system computer different
• Explain computer PC loaded with packages on computer
3.3 Describe types of packages and its Power point and Identify system computer softwares
programming languages: various types connected to software on computer systems
• Machine multimedia system
• Curve • Explain safety software projector Guide students to
• High-level and its various types. identify system
software on
3.2 Explain source and object computer system

3.5 Define a translator

3.6 Describe types of

translators: assembles,
compiler, interpreter

3.7 Explain the use of package

General Objective: 4.0 Know the various types of computers data processing Techniques
8 4.1 Define Batch processing, • Explain offline and White Board. Solve life problems Guide the Networked PCs
Real time processing, Time online concepts requiring the students on loaded with
sharing and distributed Marker application of the how to identify different
processing • Describe batch PC loaded with various modes real life computer
processing, real time, Application problems packages
4.2 Differentiate between time sharing and packages and requiring the
Batch processing, Real distributed processing connected to various data
time processing, Time multi-media processing
sharing and Distributed • Differentiate between projector techniques
processing systems batch processing, real
time processing, time-
4.3 Explain multi-tasking, sharing
multi programming, multi and distributed
processing processing

• Describe multi-tasking
and multi processing
General Objective: 5.0 Know the basic procedures for operating Computer System
10- 5.1 Explain basic computer • Discuss the principles White Board. Be able to boot and Guide the Networked PCs
11 operations setting up, start and procedures of Marker shut down computer students on how and storage
up, shot down, etc. operating the computer PC loaded with system to operate the media such as
how to operate a system, the setting up, multi-media computer. diskettes, flash,
computer system start up and shut-down projector Format Storage CDs
systems media Guide students
5.2 Explain storage CDs on how to format
initialization and • Discuss initialization External Hard- storage media
formatting. and formatting of drives, Flash
storage devices such as drives
disks and diskettes
General Objective: 6.0 Understand security and safety procedures within a computer environment.
11- 6.1 Define Computer Security • Explain data control White Board and Create password on Guide students Networked PCs
12 techniques. Marker computer system on how to create Anti-virus
6.2 Explain Data Control simple password software
Techniques • Describe standard PC loaded with Installation of that they could
operating procedures Relevant software computer anti-viruses easily remember
6.3 Understand security of a computer packages and
methods in computer installation. connected to Guide students
installation and the need multi media on how to install
for users passwords, anti- • Explain the need for projector anti viruses
viruses computer room
6.4 Explain methods of
preventing hazards such as • Explain computer
fire floating and sabotage system auditing
• Explain methods of
preventing hazards
fire, floating and
sabotage etc.

• Describe file security

methods in computer

• Explain the need for

file security in
computer installation.

• Explain the user

passwords and user
General Objective: 7.0 Understand the concept of a computer networks
12 - 7.1 Define and explain • Define computer White Board Identify various Guide the Networked PCs
13 Network. network. computer students on
Marker topologies how to identify
7.2 Describe different types of • Explain different types various network
network topologies such as of network PC loaded with Find out different topologies
star, ring and bus. organization such power point and organizations using
as star, ring, bus etc. connected to OHP the different
7.3 Explain LAN, MAN and topologies.
WAN. • Describe different
types of network:
7.4 Explain the benefits of LAN, WAN
networks in an organization
• Discuss the benefits of
networks in an
General Objective: 8.0 Understand the use of the internet
14 - 8.1 Define internet and describe • Define internet White Board and Search for materials Guide students on Networked PCs
15 its resources Marker. on the internet. how to search for connected to the
• Describe resources of materials on internet.
8.2 Explain the processes internet PC loaded with the internet
involved in searching the power point and
internet for materials • Explain the processes internet browser
involved in browsing and connected to
8.3 Explain the concept of E- and searching the OHP Compose and send Demonstrate how
Mail internet. Email. to compose and
send Email.
8.4 Explain cybersecurity • Explain the meaning of

• Explain the concept of

email address.

• Describe the processes

of acquiring an e-mail

• Describe the process of

sending and receiving
an email.

• Discuss cyber security

and preventing
Assessment Criteria
Course Work Course Test Practical Examination/ Project/Portfolio
20% 20% 60%


YEAR: 1 SEMESTER: 1 PRE-REQUISITE Theoretical: 1hr Practical : 2 hrs
GOAL: This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic knowledge of Computer
Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective: 1.0 Understand the role of the computer in modern society
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources Objectives Activities Resources
1-3 1.7. Define the computer • Define computer White Board and Identify different Guide students to Networked PCs
Marker. types of computers identify and loaded with
1.8. Describe the development • Trace the history of classify software
of computers in particular. computer. PC loaded with Classify computer computer packages.
Abacus, Pascal, Babbage, Power point and system systems
Hollerath and the ENIAC • Classify the computer connected to Computer
according to multimedia charts
1.9. Classify computers generations projector
according to generation PC loaded with
from the 1st to 5th • Distinguish between computer
generations ( and any types images
subsequent generations) and classes of
1.10. Distinguish between
analog, digital and hybrid • Highlight the
computers implications of
computers to the
1.11. Explain the social society.
implications on society, in
particular privacies and • Outline the benefit of
quality of life computer to the
1.12. List the benefits of
computers to the society • Distinguish between
types and classes of

• Highlight the
implications of
computers to the

Outline the benefit of
computer to the
General Objective : 2.0 Understand Computer Hardware Components
4-5 2.1. Describe computer • Discuss the basic White Board and Identify the Guide the A DEMO PC
hardware components Hardware components. Marker. various components students on showing its
of how to identify components
2.2. List some input and output • Discuss the various PC loaded with a computer system the various
devices components and Power point and components of a
functions. connect to Identify the computer system
2.3. Describe the functions of Multimedia various components
The input and output • Discuss the Projector of
devices configuration of typical a computer system
computer system.
2.4. Describe the functions of
the CPU

2.5. List some auxiliary units

2.6. Describe the functions of

the auxiliary memory

2.7. Define bits, nibbles, bytes,

word and storage size

2.8 Describe the computer

hardware configuration

General Objective: 3.0 Know the concept of Software

6-7 3.1 Define Software • Discuss software and White Board and Identify computer Guide students to PCs
its various types. Marker packages on identify loaded with
3.3 Classify computer software . computer system computer different
PC loaded with packages on computer
3.3 Describe types of computer softwares
programming languages: • Explain computer Power point and Identify system systems
• Machine packages and its connected to software on computer
• Curve various types multimedia system Guide students to
• High-level projector identify system
• Explain safety software software on
3.3 Explain source and object and its various types. computer system

3.5 Define a translator

3.6 Describe types of

translators: assembles,
compiler, interpreter

3.7 Explain the use of package

General Objective: 4.0 Know the various types of computers data processing Techniques
8 4.1 Define Batch processing, • Explain offline and White Board. Solve life problems Guide the Networked PCs
Real time processing, Time online concepts requiring the students on loaded with
sharing and distributed Marker application of the how to identify different
processing • Describe batch PC loaded with various modes real life computer
processing, real time, Application problems packages
4.2 Differentiate between time sharing and packages and requiring the
Batch processing, Real distributed processing connected to various data
time processing, Time multi-media processing
sharing and Distributed • Differentiate between projector techniques
processing systems batch processing, real
time processing, time-
4.3 Explain multi-tasking, sharing
multi programming, multi and distributed
processing processing

•Describe multi-tasking
and multi processing
General Objective: 5.0 Know the basic procedures for operating Computer System
10- 5.1 Explain basic computer • Discuss the principles White Board. Be able to boot and Guide the Networked PCs
11 operations setting up, start and procedures of Marker shut down computer students on how and storage
up, shot down, etc. operating the computer PC loaded with system to operate the media such as
how to operate a system, the setting up, multi-media computer. diskettes, flash,
computer system start up and shut-down projector Format Storage CDs
systems media Guide students
5.2 Explain storage CDs on how to format
initialization and • Discuss initialization External Hard- storage media
formatting. and formatting of drives, Flash
storage devices such as drives
disks and diskettes
General Objective: 6.0 Understand security and safety procedures within a computer environment.
11- 6.1 Define Computer Security • Explain data control White Board and Create password on Guide students Networked PCs
12 techniques. Marker computer system on how to create Anti-virus
6.2 Explain Data Control simple password software
Techniques • Describe standard PC loaded with Installation of that they could
operating procedures Relevant software computer anti-viruses easily remember
6.3 Understand security of a computer packages and
methods in computer installation. connected to Guide students
installation and the need multi media on how to install
for users passwords, anti- • Explain the need for projector anti viruses
viruses computer room
6.5 Explain methods of
preventing hazards such as • Explain computer
fire floating and sabotage system auditing

• Explain methods of
preventing hazards
fire, floating and
sabotage etc.

• Describe file security

methods in computer
• Explain the need for
file security in
computer installation.

• Explain the user

passwords and user
General Objective: 7.0 Understand the concept of a computer networks
12 - 7.1 Define and explain • Define computer White Board Identify various Guide the Networked PCs
13 Network. network. computer students on
Marker topologies how to identify
7.2 Describe different types of • Explain different types various network
network topologies such as of network PC loaded with Find out different topologies
star, ring and bus. organization such power point and organizations using
as star, ring, bus etc. connected to OHP the different
7.3 Explain LAN, MAN and topologies.
WAN. • Describe different
types of network:
7.4 Explain the benefits of LAN, WAN
networks in an organization
• Discuss the benefits of
networks in an
General Objective: 8.0 Understand the use of the internet
14 - 8.1 Define internet and describe • Define internet White Board and Search for materials Guide students on Networked PCs
15 its resources Marker. on the internet. how to search for connected to the
• Describe resources of materials on internet.
8.2 Explain the processes internet PC loaded with the internet
involved in searching the power point and
internet for materials • Explain the processes internet browser
involved in browsing and connected to
8.3 Explain the concept of E- and searching the OHP Compose and send Demonstrate how
Mail internet. Email. to compose and
send Email.
8.4 Explain cybersecurity • Explain the meaning of
• Explain the concept of
email address.

• Describe the processes

of acquiring an e-mail

• Describe the process of

sending and receiving
an email.

• Discuss cyber security

and preventing
Assessment Criteria
Course Work Course Test Practical Examination/ Project/Portfolio
20% 20% 60%



DURATION: 3hrs/ 3 Credit Units

GOAL: This course is designed to afford students the ability to explain basic principles of electricity, connect simple electronics
circuits, and hands-on working experience on electrical measuring instruments.

On completion of this course, the student should be able to::
1.0 Understand the terms conductor and insulator and give examples of each.
2.0 Understand resistance, voltage and current and their units of measurement
3.0 Know how to calculate the equivalent resistance, current and voltage based on Ohm’s Law
4.0 Understand the factors that affect the resistance of a conductor
5.0 Know how to calculate power and energy consumed in electrical circuits
6.0 Know the applications of ammeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter and insulation resistance meter.
7.0 Understand how electricity is generated and supplied to the consumer.
8.0 Understand the single-phase distribution system
9.0 Understand the essential requirements of protection in standard circuit.
10.0 Understand the types of conductor and insulator used on cables.
11.0 Know earth fault situations
12.0 Understand the essential requirement on earthen
13.0 Understand the terms associated with earth leakage and protection
14.0 Understand the function and application of the Residual Current-operated Circuit Breaker (RCCB) and earth fault relay
GOAL: This course is designed to afford students the ability to explain basic principles of electricity, connect simple electronics circuits, and hands-
on working experience on electrical measuring instruments
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Content: 1 Practical Content: 1
General Objective: 1.0Understand the terms conductor and insulator and give examples of each of them
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning
Outcome Resources Objectives Resources

1.1 Distinguish between • Draw an Atom • Whiteboard 1.1 Draw an atomic • Show an atomic • Whiteboard
positive and negative • Projector structure of an structure of an • Projector
ions in an atom • Explain the concept of • Laptop atom. atom • Laptop
1.2 State how the an atom. • Markers • Show the • Markers
movement of electrons • Charts 1.2 Identify the following • Charts
constitutes an electric • Illustrate the atomic • Training following materials and • Training
current structure of an atom Notes materials their uses: Notes
– Conductor ➢ Conductor • Flip charts
1.3 Distinguish between ➢ Insulator
• Explain conventional - Insulator
• Real objects
conventional current
current flow and - Semi-conductor ➢ Semi-conductor
flow and electron flow
electron flow and their
1.4. Define the terms differences
“conductor” and 1.3 Identify the • Show the
“insulator” • Explain the term following following
conductor and materials: materials and
1.5. Explain the meanings ➢ Conductors their uses:
of good conductor and insulator.
➢ Insulators ➢ Conductors
bad conductor
• Explain the meanings ➢ Semi- ➢ Insulators
of good conductor and Conductor ➢ Semi-
1.6 List examples of bad conductor with Conductor
materials used as examples.
• Give examples of
1.7. Explain the meaning of
materials used as good
good insulator and bad conductor and bad
insulator conductor

1.8 Mention examples of

• Explain the terms good
materials used as
insulators. and bad insulators with
examples of each.
1.9. Explain the meaning of
semi conductor

1.10 List examples of

materials used as semi-
• Explain the terms good
and bad insulators with
examples of each.
General Objective: 2.0 - Understand resistance, voltage and current and their units of measurement
2.1 State the International • Explain International • Whiteboard
System (IS) of units of System (IS) of units of • Projector
the following dimensions in 2.1 • Training
➢ Length Notes
➢ Mass • Explain the following • Laptop
➢ Current mathematical • Markers
➢ Time conversion of • Charts
➢ Temperature measurement:
➢ micro (µ)
➢ milli (m)
➢ kilo(k)
2.2. Define the terms ➢ mega (m)
resistance, voltage and • Explain the terms
current resistance, voltage and
2.3 State the S.I units of the
➢ Resistance • Explain the S.I units of
➢ Voltage the following:
➢ Current ➢ Resistance
➢ Voltage
2.4 Define Ohm’s Law ➢ Current

• Explain the concept of

2.5 Explain the concept of ohm’s law.
resistance as an
opposition to current
flow. • Explain the concept of
resistance as an
2.6. Relate between opposition to
multiples of the current flow.
following prefixes:
• micro (µ) • Explain the
• milli (m) relationship between
• kilo(k) multiples of the
• mega (m) following prefixes:
• micro (µ)
• milli (m)
• kilo(k)
• mega (m)

General Objective 3.0: – Know how to calculate the equivalents resistance, current and voltage based on Ohm’s Law for a maximum of
3 resistors in series, parallel and series-parallel connection
3.1 State Ohm’s Law in • Explain Ohm’s Law in 3.1 Calculate the • Show the • Various
terms of respect to it • Whiteboard current, voltage procedures to take components
proportionality of proportionality of • Projector and resistance in a measurements of
current to potential series and parallel • Resistors
current to potential • Laptop voltage, current and
difference difference. • Markers circuits resistance on • Capacitors
• Training resistors connected • Digital/
3.2 Use Ohm’s Law to • Use Ohm’s Law to Notes in series and
solve for current, Analog
voltage and
solve for current, • Charts parallel circuits.
voltage and resistance multi meter
• Breadboard
3.3 Differentiate between • wires
Series and Parallel • Explain the difference
Connected Resistors between series and
parallel connected
3.4 Calculate the current
flow in a series/
parallel circuit • Calculate the current
flow in a series/
3.5 Calculate the sum of parallel circuit
the voltage in a
series/ parallel circuit • State the sum of voltage
in a series/ parallel
3.6 Calculate the circuit
equivalent resistance
of resistors • Illustrate all
connected in series/ calculations on resistors
connected in series/
parallel listed in 3.6 -
3.7 Use Ohm’s law to
solve simple problem
involving resistors
connected in series/

3.8 Solve simple

problems involving
resistors connected in

General Objective 4.0: Understand the factors that affect the resistance of a conductor
4.1 Relate the resistance • Explain the resistance • Whiteboard 4.1 Measure • Determine the • Whiteboard
of a material (R) as of a material (R) as • Projector resistance with resistance of given • Projector
follows: respect to:
follows: • Laptop materials with • Laptop
➢ R varies directly ➢ Length
➢ R varies directly • Markers respect to: • Markers
with its length ➢ Cross-sectional
with its length • Training ➢ Length • Training
➢ R varies inversely area
➢ R varies inversely Notes ➢ Cross-sectional • Resistor
with its cross- ➢ Type of
with its cross- Charts area • Digital/
sectional area material
sectional area ➢ Type of material analogue
➢ R depends on the
➢ R depends on the Multimeter
type of material
type of material • Breadboard
4.2 Explain the specific • Wires
resistance of • Explain the specific
resistivity of a resistance of
material and its unit resistivity of a
of measurement material and its unit
(ohm-metre) of measurement

4.3 Calculate the

resistance of • Solve examples on
a given material calculation of
using the resistance of a given
formula, R=þ l/a material using the
formula, R=þ l/a
4.4 Explain that
temperature affects
the resistance • Explain how
of a material. temperature affects the
4.5 State the temperature of a material.
coefficient of
resistance of • Explain the
a material and its unit
of measurement (/0C)
coefficient of
resistance of
4.6 Explain positive a material and its unit
temperature of measurement (/0C)
coefficient of
resistance of a • Explain positive and
negative temperature
coefficient of
4.7 List examples of resistance of a
materials that have material.
positive temperature
• Give examples of
materials that have
positive temperature
4.8 Explain negative Coefficient
coefficient of
resistance of material

• Give examples of
4.8 List examples of materials that have
materials that have negative temperature
negative temperature coefficient.

General Objective: 5.0: Know how to calculate power and energy consumed in electrical circui

WEEK 5.1 Define Energy • Explain the concept of 5.1 Connect circuit • Demonstrate how • AC Power
Energy and efficiency correctly to connect circuit supply
5.2 State the law of • • -Resistors
conservation of
energy: • State the law of 5.2 Calculate power • Demonstrate how • -Capacitors
• Mechanical conservation of in a circuit to power in the • -Wires
• Electrical energy: circuit • Analog/Digit
• Mechanical
• Thermal al multi
• Electrical meter
• Thermal • -Ammeter
5.3 Define power
• Define power
5.4 State the units of
power (watt) and • Derive the formula to
energy(joule) calculate power,
energy and efficiency
and their units of
5.5 Calculate power measurement
using the following
formulae: • Explain the law of
• P = VI conservation of energy
• P = I2R
• P = V2/R • Illustrate the
calculation of power,
5.6 Calculate power loss energy and efficiency
in a cable using I2R in a circuit.

5.7 Explain unit of e

electrical energy in

5.8 Compute the energy

used by a
consumer given the
estimated daily

5.9 Calculate efficiency

using the formula:
• Efficiency =
Power Output / 100%
Power Input

5.10 Calculate current

and energy given
the rated voltage
and power.
General Objective: 6.0: Know and state the applications of ammeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter and insulation resistance meter.

WEEK 6.1 Explain the use • Explain the applications • Whiteboa 6.1 Read the scales of • Show the proper Measuring
electrical of ammeter, voltmeter, rd an analogue way of taking instruments
instruments: ohmmeter and insulation • Projector instrument reading using -Analog multi
➢ Analogue types meter
resistance meter. • Laptop analog multi
➢ Digital types -Ammeter
• Markers meter -Voltmeter
6.2 State the advantages • Training 6.2 Read Digital
and disadvantages of • Explain the effect of • Demonstrate the
Notes multimeter
analogue and parallel error in Charts effect the parallel
digital instrument measurement error.

6.4 Explain the full-scale

deflection of an • Demonstrate how
ammeter and
to take reading
using digital
6.3 Connect multiment
6.5 State the applications
Ammeter and
Voltameter taking
the following • Demonstrate the
note of readings.
instruments: method of
• Ohmmeter connecting
• Multimeter Ammeter and
• Ammeter Voltameter
• Voltmeter

6.6 Describe the
methods of
connecting ammeter
and voltmeter
6.7 Describe the methods
of extending
the ranges of an
ammeter and a
General Objective 7.0: Understand how electricity is generated and supplied to the consumer.
7.1 List the methods of • Explain how electricity is • Whiteboard
electricity generation generated and supplied to • Projector
process the consumer. • Laptop
7.2 Explain the process • Markers
of energy • Explain the voltages used • Training
conversion from for generation, Notes
coal, oil, transmission and • Charts
hydropower and distribution of electricity
nuclear power to

7.3 State the voltages used -
transmission and
distribution of

7.4 Explain the functions

of transmission lines,
lines, feeders and
services cables

7.5 State the reason for

transmission of
electricity at
high voltages.
• Explain the reason for
transmission of
7.6 Sketch the diagram of
electricity at
a 3-phase/4-phase
Wiring system from high voltages.
supply authority
to the consumer’s
terminal • Explain with the aid
of a diagram a 3-
7.7 State the supply phase/4-phase
voltages used for wiring system from
distribution in supply authority
Nigeria to the consumer’s

7.8 State the permissible

variation in
supply voltage (+6%)
and frequency
(+0.5%) of the supply
authority in Nigeria.
• Explain the
7.9 Define the following permissible variation
terms as
in supply voltage
stated in NESIS:
➢ Extra low voltage (+6%) and frequency
➢ Low voltage (+0.5%) of the supply
➢ Neutral conductor authority in Nigeria
➢ Phase conductor • Explain the terms
➢ Protective associated to NESIS as
conductor listed in 7.9
➢ System
General Objective: 8.0: Understand the single-phase distribution system
8.1 State how single- • Explain the how single- • Whiteboard 8.1 State how single- • Demonstrate • Wires
phase systems are phase systems are • Projector phase systems are how single- • Lamb
obtained from a 3- obtained from a
obtained from a 3-phase • Laptop phase systems • Single
phase 4-wire 3-phase 4-wire
4-wire distribution • Markers distribution
are obtained phase AC
• Training from a 3-phase power
8.2 Explain the Notes 4-wire supply
importance of • Charts distribution • Switches
the three phases in
the single-phase

8.3 Sketch the single-

phase, two-wire
supply system to the

8.4 Explain the function

of isolation as a
means of

8.5 Explain the function

of protection
as a safety
precaution against
electric shook and
fire risk

8.6 State the importance

of metering for
registering energy
consumption on
a given period.
General Objective: 9.0: Understand the essential requirements of isolation, switching protection and standard circuit arrangements for
socket outlets
. 9.1 Explain the • Explain the essential • Whiteboard
following terms: requirements of • Projector
➢ Electrical isolation, switching • Laptop
installation protection and standard • Markers
➢ Distribution board circuit arrangements for • Training
➢ Consumer’s socket outlets.
control unit
• Charts
➢ Final circuit
➢ Isolator
➢ Maximum demand
➢ Diversity factor
➢ Radial final circuit
➢ Ring final circuit
➢ Spur

9.2 Explain types of

final circuit
➢ Power
➢ lighting

9.3Explain the following

as stated in on single-
phase consumer’s
➢ Position of
protective devices
and switches
➢ Isolation and
➢ Means of isolation
and protection
➢ Position of a
protective device
➢ Position and
operation of an
➢ Means of isolation
for an installation

General Objective: 10.0: Know the types of conductor and insulator used on cables and flexible cords
10.1 Explain the • Describe the types of • Whiteboard 10.1 Measure cross- • Show to measure • Vernier
following terms: conductor and insulator • Projector sectional area of the cross- caliper
➢Ambient cables. • Cables
used on cables. • Laptop sectional area of
• Markers cables.
➢Bunched • Training
Notes 10.2 Identify the types
• Charts of insulation: • Show types of
➢Current-carrying ➢ Basic insulation insulation in 10.2
capacity of a ➢ Double insulation using different
conductor ➢ Reinforced types of cables.
insulation •
10.2 Describe the common ➢ Supplementary
materials used as
conductors in cables
10.3 Differentiate
properties of copper
and aluminium as
10.4 Explain the common
materials used as
insulators in cables.

10.5 Explain the following

types of insulation:
➢ Basic insulation
➢ Double insulation • Describe the following
➢ Reinforced types of insulation:
insulation ➢ Basic insulation
➢ Supplementary ➢ Double insulation
insulation ➢ Reinforced
➢ Supplementary
10.6 Explain the meaning • Explain the meaning of • Whiteboard • •
of ‘core’ as applied to ‘core’ as applied to a • Projector
a cable cable • Laptop
10.7 Explain why the size • Markers
of a cable is normally • Explain why the size of a • Training
indicated by the cross- cable is normally Notes
sectional area of the indicated by the cross- • Charts
conductor sectional area of the
10.8 state the voltage
rating of cable.
• Explain the voltage
10.9 Explain how the rating of cable.
following details are
required in the • Explain how the
description of a following details are
required to describe a
➢ Type of conductor
given cable:
➢ Type of insulator
➢ Type of conductor
and sheath and/or
➢ Type of insulator
and sheath and/or
➢ Size of conductor
➢ Number of core
➢ Size of conductor
10.10 Explain the ➢ Number of core
importance of
selecting cables of the
correct cross section • Explain the importance
of selecting cables of the
correct cross section
10.11 Explain how the heat • Explain how the heat • Whiteboard • •
produced in a cable is produced in a cable is • Projector
dissipated to the dissipated to the • Laptop
surrounding area.
surrounding area. • Markers
10.12 Explain voltage drop • Training
in a consumer’s • Explain voltage drop in a Notes
installation as consumer’s installation • Charts
dependent on: as dependent on:
➢ Conductor ➢ Conductor material
material ➢ Cross-sectional
➢ Cross-sectional area of conductor
area of conductor ➢ Length of
➢ Length of conductor
conductor ➢ Current flowing
➢ Current flowing through conductor
through conductor

10.13 Explain the

• Explain the following:
➢ Cable sizes
➢ Cable sizes 10mm2
10mm2 or less of
or less of copper
➢ Permissible voltage
➢ Permissible
drop in cable
voltage drop in
➢ Effect of ambient
temperature on
➢ Effect of ambient
temperature on
➢ Cables exposed to
direct sunlight
➢ Cables exposed to
direct sunlight

nductor material
10.14 Explain the standard • Explain the standard • Whiteboard 10.14 Identify cables • Show students • Different
colour codes of cables colour codes of cables • Projector by colour (live, different cables cables by
(live, neutral and neutral and earth)
(live, neutral and earth) • Laptop by colour ( live, colour
• Markers neutral and earth)
• Training
• Charts
WEE General Objective: 11.0: Know the earth fault situations General Objective: 12.0
• Explain the
11. 1 Explain the term ‘earth reason for • Whiteboard
earthing. • Projector
11.2 State the reason for
• Laptop
• Markers
11.3 Illustrate an earth faults • Training Notes
situation whereby a Charts
person may receive an
electrical shock

11.4 State the effects of an

electric current on a
human body

11.5 Illustrate an earth fault

situation under which
the installation is • Explain an earth
effectively earthed fault situation

11.6 Explain the TN-S and TT

earthing systems used
in Nigeria

General Objective 12.0: Understand the essential requirement on earthin

12.1 Explain the following • Explain the • Whiteboard
terms: essential • Projector
➢ Bonding conductor requirement on • Laptop
➢ Earth
➢ Earth electrode earthing • Markers
➢ Earthing conductor • Training Notes
➢ Equipotential bonding • Charts
➢ Exposed conductive
➢ Extraneous conductive
➢ Main earthing

12.2 Explain the examples of

earthing arrangements
and protective
conductors as given in
12.3 Explain the following
➢ Requirement of
earthing arrangements
➢ Requirement of earth
➢ Requirement of
earthing conductor
➢ Requirement of main
earthing terminals or
➢ Selection of a
minimum size
protective conductor
➢ Requirement of
protective conductors
General Objective 13.0: Understand the terms associated with earth General Objective: 14.0
leakage and protection
13.1 Explain the following • Explain the terms • Whiteboard
terms: associated with • Projector
➢ Earth fault loop earth leakage and • Laptop
independence protection • Markers
➢ Earth leakage current
• Training
➢ Circuit leakage current
➢ Circuit protective

13.2 Explain the examples of • Give examples of

the earthing arrangements the earthing
and protective conductors arrangements and
General Objective: 14.0: Understand the function and application of the residual current-operated circuit breaker (RCCB) and earth fault
14.1 Identify the following • Explain the • Whiteboard
parts of a residual functions of the • Projector
current-operated circuit residual current- • Laptop
➢ Magnetic core
operated circuit • Markers
breaker (RCCB) • Training
➢ Supply terminals
and earth fault Notes
➢ Load terminals
relay • Charts
➢ Trip coils
➢ Test button
➢ Test resistor
➢ Fault detector coil
14.2 Explain the operation of
a single-phase residual • Explain the
current-operated circuit
applications of
residual current-
14.3 Explain the methods of operated circuit
testing the breaker (RCCB)
effectiveness of a residual and earth fault
current- relay
operated circuit breaker

15.4 Explain the requirement

of operation of
the residual current-
operated circuit breaker

COURSE TITLE: Mechanical Engineering Science


DURATION: 3hrs/ 3 Credit Units

GOAL: This course designed to enable students acquire the basic knowledge of the principles of Statics, effect of forces and their
moment, effect of friction and forces in simple frames and structures

On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1.0 Understand the concept and effect of forces and their moments
2.0 Understand the effect of friction and the law governing it.
3.0 Understand linear and angular motion of bodies
4.0 Understand curvilinear motion of bodies
5.0 Understand momentum bodies
6.0 Understand the concept of work, energy and power
7.0 Understand general principles of operation of simple machines
8.0 Know simple harmonic motion.
COURSE: Mechanical Engineering Science COURSE CODE: MEC CONTACT HOURS: 3Hrs/Week
GOAL: This
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Content: 1 Practical Content: 2
General Objective 1.0: Understand the concept and effect of forces and their moments
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning
Outcome Resources Objectives Resources
1.1 Define force • Explain in details • Whiteboard 1.1Constratuct • Demonstrate the • Whiteboard
the concept of and • Marker parallelogram of activities in 1.1 and • Marker
1.2 Explain how to effects of forces • Projector 1.3. • Projector
construct and their moments. • Laptop 1.2 Draw triangle of • Laptop
parallelogram of • Drawing forces • Assist students to • Drawing
force instruments perform activities instruments
in 1.1 to 1.5
1.3 Calculate the • Illustrate how to 1.3 Draw polygon of
resultant of a solve problems forces
system of two forces relating to forces
1.4Verify Lami’s
and its moments theorem using a force
1.4 State the principle of board • Demonstrate how
triangle of force to verify Lami’s
theorem using a
1.5 Resolve forces into • Assess exercises of 1.5Verify the force board
components students. parallelogram law of
• Demonstrate how
1.6 Resolve a force into to verify
force and couple parallelogram law
of forces.
1.7 State the conditions
for the equilibrium
of co-planar forces

1.8 Define moment of a


1.9 Stat the principles of


1.10 Solve problems

related to 1.1 to 1.9
General Objective 2.0: Understand the effect of friction and the law governing it.
2.1 Define friction • Explain principles • White board 2.1 Determine the • Demonstrate how to • Whiteboard
of friction. • Charts coefficient of determine the • Marker
friction by means of
• Projector coefficient of • Projector
2.2 State the advantages an inclined plane.
and disadvantages • Explain the effects •
screen friction by means of Laptop
of friction of friction and the • Laptop an inclined plane. • Specimens of
• Training mosses
2.3 State the law notes • Inclined plain
governing the effect • Explain the law set-up
of friction governing the effect
• Protractor,
of friction
2.3 Define coefficient of
• Explain the
coefficient of
2.4 Define limiting angle friction.
of friction
• Explain the limiting
2.5 Define angle of
angle of friction.
• Explain the angle of
2.6 Solve problems Repose.
relating to 2.1 to 2.5
• Illustrate how to
solve mathematical
problems relating to
2.1 to 2.5.

General Objective 3.0: Understand Linear and Angular motion of bodies

3.1 Define displacement, • Explain the concept • White board 3.1 Identify the various • Show students the • White board
speed, distance, of linear motion of • Marker component components • Marker
velocity and features of
bodies. • Charts features of • Charts
acceleration capacitor-start and
• Projector universal motors
capacitor-start and • Power point
3.2 State the units of • Explain screen universal motors • Projector
displacement, speed, displacement, • Laptop 3.2 Identify the screen
distance, velocity speed, distance, • Training notes applications of • Guide students to • Laptop
and acceleration velocity and identify the
split-phase, • Cut away
acceleration and capacitor-start and applications of models of
their units. universal motors split-phase,
3.3 Derive the capacitor
capacitor-start and
relationship between start motor
• Illustrate how to universal motors
displacement, 3.3 Identify the and induction
velocity and derive the functions of the • Guide students to motor
acceleration relationship various identify the • Real objects
between components of a
3.4 Draw velocity time functions of the
displacement, single-phase
graph induction method various components
velocity and
of a single-phase
induction method
3.5 Add velocities vector • Illustrate how to
ally. draw velocity–time
3.6 Define relative • Illustrate how to
velocity add velocities
vector ally.
3.7 Solve simple
problems related to • Define relative
3.1 to 3.6 velocity

3.8 Define angular • Solve simple

motion of a body in a problems related to
circle 3.1 to 3.6

3.9 Derive the

relationship between • Explain angular
angular velocity and motion of a body in
acceleration a circle

3.10 Draw angular • Illustrate how to

velocity-time graph. derive the
between angular
velocity and

• Draw angular
velocity-time graph

General Objective 4.0: Understand curvilinear motion of bodies

4.1 Develop the • Explain the concept • White board 4.1 Show that • Show that • White board
relationship between of curvilinear • Marker centrifugal force centrifugal force • Marker
angular and linear motion of bodies • Charts varies with mass, varies with mass, • Charts
• Power point speed of rotation speed of rotation • Power point
4.2 Define circular • Projector and the distance of and the distance of • Projector
motion • Explain the screen the mass from the the mass from the screen
relationship • Laptop center of rotation center of rotation • Laptop
between angular • Training using centrifugal using centrifugal • Practical guide
and linear motion force apparatus. force apparatus.
4.3 Explain centrifugal notes • Centrifugal
acceleration and apparatus
centrifugal force. • Explain centrifugal • Fletcher’s
acceleration and trolley
centrifugal force 4.2 Verify the equation • Show how to
4.4Develop expressions of motion using • Weights
for centripetal and verify the equation
Fletcher’s trolley
centrifugal forces • Show how to of motion using
develop expressions Fletcher’s trolley.
for centripetal
4.5 Develop expressions
for centripetal and
centrifugal forces
• Show how to
develop expressions
4.6 Give examples of for centrifugal
centrifugal effects forces
e.g. Planetary
motion, Conical • Explain examples
pendulum, etc of centrifugal
effects e.g.
Planetary motion,
Conical pendulum,
General Objective 5.0: Understand Momentum of Bodies
5.1 Define Mass and • Explain the • White board 5.1 Determine • Illustrate how to • White board
Weight of a body principles of • Marker moment of inertia determine moment of • Marker
momentum • Charts inertia. • Charts
• Power point • Recommended
5.2 State Newton’s • Projector 5.2 Verify the law of apparatus
Laws of motion • State Newton’s screen conversation of • Show how to verify • Fletcher’s
the law of
Laws of motion • Laptop moment on trolley
5.3 Define Impulse and Fletcher’s trolley conversation of
• Training
Momentum • Explain Impulse moment on Fletcher’s
and Momentum trolley activities 5.1
to 5.2.
8-9 5.4 State the Law of
Conservation of
Momentum • Explain the Law of
Conservation of
5.5 Define Angular Momentum

5.6 Define Radius of • Explain Angular

Gyration Momentum

• Explain Radius of
5.7 Explain Moment of Gyration

5.8 Solve problems • Explain Moment of

related to 5.1 to 5.7 Inertia

• Illustrate how to
solve problems
related to 5.1 to
General Objective 6.0: Understand the concept of Work, Energy and Power
6.1 Define Work, • Explain Work, •White board 6.1 Determine tractive • Demonstrate how to • White board
Energy and Power Energy and Power •Marker force and driving determine tractive • Marker
torque of a system
•Charts force and driving • Charts
6.2 State the units of
Work, Energy and • Explain the units of •Power point 6.2 Determine kinetic
torque of a system • Power point
10 - 11 Power Work, Energy and •Projector energy of • Projector
Power screen rotation. • Demonstrate how to screen
6.3 Develop expressions • Laptop determine kinetic • Laptop
for Work, Energy • Illustrate how to • Training energy of rotation • Training notes
and Power develop expressions notes •
for Work, Energy
6.4 Define Torque and
Work dine by and Power
• Explain the concept
of Torque and
6.5 Explain Tractive Work done by
Force and Driving
Torque of a system

6.6 Differentiate • Explain Tractive

between Kinetic Force and Driving
Energy and Torque of a system
Potential Energy
• Explain the
6.7 Explain Kinetic
Energy of rotating differences between
bodies Kinetic Energy and
Potential Energy
6.8 Explain Mechanical
Efficiency in power • Explain Kinetic
Energy of rotating
6.9 Explain power bodies
transmission by flat
belts, spur gearing • Explain Mechanical
and worm gearing. Efficiency in power

• Explain power
transmission by flat
belts, spur gearing
and worm gearing

General Objective 7.0: Understand general principles of operation of simple machines

7.1 Define simple • Explain the • White board 7.1 Determine the • Show how to • White board
machine meaning of a • Marker following determine the • Marker
properties of a
simple machine • Charts following properties • Charts
7.2 List examples of screw jack:
simple machines • Power point ➢ Mechanical
of a screw jack: • Power point
e.g. Lever, Pulley, • Explain the features • Projector ➢ Mechanical • Projector
Screw Jack, etc and types of simple screen Advantage screen
➢ Velocity
machines • Laptop ➢ Velocity Ratio • Laptop
7.3 Explain operations ➢ Mechanical • Training notes
Training notes ➢ Mechanical
of 7.2 above. • Explain operation Efficiency
Efficiency • Screw Jack
7.4 Define following of simple machines
• Pulley System
properties of a
7.2 Show how to • Lever
7.2 Determine the
simple machine • Derive expression following
➢ Mechanical determine the
for the following: properties of a
Advantage following properties
➢ Mechanical simple pulley
of a simple pulley
➢ Velocity Ratio Advantage system:
➢ Mechanical ➢ Velocity
Ratio ➢ Velocity Ratio
Efficiency of Ratio
➢ Velocity Ratio ➢ Mechanical
Wheel, Pulley, ➢ Mechanical
➢ Mechanical Efficiency
Screw jack.. Efficiency
Efficiency of
Wheel, Pulley,
7.5 Develop the Screw jack.
relationship for
• Develop the
advantage, Velocity relationship for
Ratio and Mechanical
Mechanical advantage, Velocity
Efficiency of a
Ratio and
wheel, pulley and
screw jack. Mechanical
Efficiency of a
7.6 Solve simple wheel, pulley and
problems related to screw jack
7.1 to 7.5
• Solve simple
problems related to
7.1 to 7.5
General Objective 8.0: Know Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
8.1 Explain periodic • Explain the features • Whiteboard 7.1 Determine • Demonstrate how to • Whiteboard
motion of a Simple • Marker experimentally determine the period • Marker
the period and
Harmonic Motion • Charts and frequency of • Charts
frequency of
(SHM) • Power point oscillation of a
oscillation of a • Power point
8.2 Describe period, • Laptop Simple Harmonic Simple Harmonic • PLC Training
11 – 13 frequency and • Explain the • Projector Motion (SHM) Motion (SHM) kit
amplitude in principles of Simple Screen • Programming
Simple Harmonic Harmonic Motion • Training console
Motion (SHM) (SHM) notes • Power supply
8.3Develop expressions • AC drives
for 8.2 above • Guide student to
derive expressions
for period, frequency
and amplitude of
8.4 Analyze the motion Simple Harmonic
of a simple Motion (SHM)
pendulum • Discuss the motion
of a simple
8.5 Solve numerical pendulum
problems related to
8.1 to 8.4 above.
• Solve numerical
problems related to
8.1 to 8.4 above..



DURATION: 1 hr Lectures; 2hrs Practicals/3 Credit Units

GOAL: This Course is designed to equip students with necessary skills to interpret, construct and troubleshoot analogue electronic circuits.

GENERAL OBJECTIVES: On completing this course, students should be able to:

1.0 Understand the principle of operation, construction & application of transformer;

2.0 Understand the characteristics of transformer in terms of current, voltage & turns ratio;
3.0 Understand the basic function and application of Isolation Transformer;
4.0 Know the characteristics & functions of regulated power supply;
5.0 Understand the operating principle & characteristics of various types of voltage regulators;
6.0 Know the functions and applications of the 3-terminal voltage regulator;
7.0 Know the function & safety factor of switching mode power supply:
8.0 Understand the basic principles of amplifier
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Content: 1 Practical Content: 2
General Objective: 1.0 Understand the principle of operation and construction of transformers.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Resources Objectives Activities Resources
1 1.1 Explain the operational • Explain in details the White 1.1 Basic • Split open & Low voltage,
principle & function of the operational principle & board, Flip construction of the explain 220/ 12 Volt
transformer. function of the Chart board transformer. components of Transformer.
Transformer. or a Low Voltage
multimedia Transformer.
1.2 Describe the basic • Incidental theory to explain
construction of a transformer. basic components &
construction of a

1.3 List common transformers & • Explain with the aid of

their symbols used in electronics diagrams the common
circuit. types of Transformers &
General Objective: 2.0 understand the characteristics of transformer in terms of current, voltage & turns ratio
2 2.1 State transformer ratio. • Show transformer ratios & White
explain turns ratio formula board, Flip
of the transformer. Chart board
2.2 Calculate the current, • Show calculation of multimedia
voltage & turns ratio of the ideal current, voltage & turns projector.
transformer. ratio on transformers.
General Objective: 3.0 Understand the basic functions and application of Isolation Transformer

3 3.1 State the function of an • Explain the safety White board, Flip
isolation transformer and aspect of Isolation of Chart board or
its applications. supply voltage. multimedia
3.2 Describe the danger in a • Describe “hot”
“hot” chassis. chassis using
White board, Flip
• Explain with the aid Chart board or
3.3 Describe the methods of of diagrams how multimedia
protecting a “hot” chassis Isolation projector.
with an isolation transformers prevent
transformer. short circuit &
electric shock.

General Objective: 4.0 Know the Characteristics and functions of a regulated power supply.

4 4.1 Explain the internal • Use illustrative White board, Flip 4.1 Determine the • Perform Unregulated
resistance of a power diagrams to explain Chart board or load regulation experiment to power
supply. Internal resistance. multimedia of a regulated demonstrate supply, bread
projector. power supply. loading effect. board,
4.2 Explain the loading effects • Demonstrate Loading connecting
in power supply in terms effect using wires,
of current and voltage. unregulated power voltmeter,
supply. multi-meter

4.3 State • State the Load White board, Flip

V − VFLregulation Chart board or
Load regulation = NL  100% formula multimedia
VFL with worked
examples. projector.

4.4 Describe how zener diode • Describe using
can provide voltage circuit diagrams how
regulation. the Zener Diode

General Objective: 5.0 understand the operating principle & characteristics of various types of voltage regulators
5 5.1 Draw a simplified • Explain the block White board, Flip 5.1 Measure the • Perform DC Power
regulator block diagram diagram of a voltage Chart board or output experiment on supply unit,
consisting of : regulator. multimedia voltage and how to measure Multi-meter,
• Reference voltage projector. load Output Voltage Voltmeter,
regulation of & Load Ammeter,
• Error detector a Series and regulation of a Bread Board,
Shunt voltage Shunt & Series Series
• Sample circuit regulator. Voltage regulator
regulator. circuit, Shunt
• Control element regulator
5.2 Explain the operation of • Explain series Connecting
the series regulator. regulator using block wires.

5.3 Explain the functions of • Explain functional

the components of an components of an IC
op-amp IC series series regulated PS.
regulated power

5.4 Explain the short circuit • Explain short circuit

protection circuit in a protection in series
series regulator. regulator.
General Objective: 6.0 know the functions and applications of the 3-terminal voltage regulator;
6 6.1 Draw the symbol of 3- • Explain the White board, Flip 6.1 Connect a 5 • Guide Regulator IC
terminal voltage regulator. Schematic symbol of Chart board or volts fixed students to 7805, Bread
a 3 terminal voltage multimedia voltage regulator experiment board,
regulator. projector. to measure the measuring connecting
output voltage output voltage wires,
6.2 Draw the fixed voltage • Explain with and current & current voltmeter,
regulator circuit illustration the Fixed White board, Flip under different under various ammeter,
diagram. voltage regulator Chart board or load conditions. loads. multi-meter,
diagram. multimedia DC power
projector. supply unit.
6.3 Identify the pin connection • Explain pin
of voltage regulator 7805. configuration of the White board, Flip
7805 IC. Chart board or
6.4 Describe the characteristics multimedia
of voltage regulator projector.
• Describe basic
7805 :
characteristic of the
• Output voltage
5V regulator
• Output current

7 6.5 Draw the symbol of a • Show circuit symbol White board, Flip 6.2 Connect a • Guide student Regulator IC
variable voltage regulator. of a variable voltage Chart board or variable to perform 317, Bread
regulator. multimedia voltage experiment to board,
projector. regulator to measure connecting
6.6 Draw the circuit diagram • Show variable measure the output voltage wires,
of a variable voltage regulator internal output voltage & current voltmeter,
regulator. circuit. and current under various ammeter,
under different loads. multi-meter,
6.7 Identify the pin connection • Explain pin load condition. DC power
of the variable voltage configuration of the supply unit.
regulator 317. 317 IC.
• Describe variable
6.8 Describe the characteristics voltage regulator
and applications of a Characteristics.
variable voltage
regulator :
• Output voltage
• Output current Show calculations

6.9 Calculate the output voltage

of a 317 voltage regulator.

General Objective 7: Know the function & safety factors of switching mode power supply
8 7.1 State the difference Explain the difference White board, Flip
between the between regulated & Chart board or
unregulated and unregulated Power multimedia
regulated power supply. projector.

7.2 State the function of the Explain the functions of

switch mode power SMPS.

7.3 Draw the functional Explain SMPS block

block diagram of diagram.
switched-mode power

7.4 State the function of Explain functional

various blocks of blocks of SMPS.
switched-mode power

7.5 Explain the operation of Explain SMPS

the switched mode power operation.
9 7.6 List the various types of Explain various SMPS White board, Flip
configuration for a configurations. Chart board or
switched mode power multimedia
supply. projector.

10 7.7 State the safety factor. Explain & emphasize White board, Flip
safety factor of SMPS. Chart board or
7.8 Calculate the average Solve problems on
DC output of a switch average DC SMPS
mode power supply. power supply

General Objective: 8.0 Understand the basic principles of amplifiers.

11 8.1 Explain the following Explain 2 types of White board, Flip

types of transistor: bipolar transistor & Chart board or
• PNP explain their operation multimedia
• NPN using PN junction projector.
8.2 Circuit configuration for White board, Flip
Transistors Explain with the aid of Chart board or
• Common emitter diagrams basic multimedia
configuration. transistor projector.
• Common base configurations.
• Common collector

12 8.3 Describe DC Biasing of a Explain DC biasing of White board, Flip

transistor a transistor. Chart board or
Explain with the aid of projector.
8.4 Describe the various diagrams the following
methods of biasing a methods of biasing a
transistor. transistor:
• Fixed bias
• Emitter feedback
• Collector-feedback
• Voltage divider

13 8.5 Draw the circuit of a Show with the aid of White board, Flip Conduct an Assist students Low power
transistor connected in diagrams the various Chart board or experiment to plot a to perform Transistor,
the common-emitter configurations of the multimedia load line of a practical resistors,
(CE) configuration. transistor amplifier. projector. Common Emmiter session on coupling
characteristic Common capacitors, DC
curve. Emitter Bipolar power supply,
transistors Oscilloscope,
characteristic Function
curve; plot load Generator,
line. Bread board,
Assist students wires, Multi-
8.6 Identify the input/output Sketch & explain the to perform Lab meter.
characteristic curves of a characteristic curves of Conduct an session on
common-emitter the Common Emitter experiment to Common
amplifier. amplifier. verify the Emitter
amplification amplification
8.7 State the function of each Explain the functions characteristics of a characteristics
component of the Common of the components of Common Emitter
Emitter amplifier circuit. the circuit. transistor amplifier.

8.8 Describe the biasing of a Describe biasing

common-emitter methods of the
amplifier. Common Emitter
8.9 State phase inversion of Explain the difference
the output voltage of a between input & output
Common Emitter signals of the Common
amplifier. Emitter amplifier.

Explain & compare the

8.10 State the input and output difference between
impedance of a Common input & output
Emmiter amplifier. impedances of the
Common Emmiter
14 8.11 Explain the Explain the White board, Flip 14.1 Conduct an Guide students Low power
application of a transistor : Semiconductor PN Chart board or experiment to to perform Lab Transistor,
junction transistor as multimedia plot load line to plot load line resistors,
• As a switch an electronic switch & projector. of a Common of Common coupling
• As an amplifier amplifier. Emmiter Emmiter capacitors, DC
characteristic amplifier. power supply,
Sketch a typical curve. Oscilloscope,
8.12 Identify the following Transistor Function
points in a family of characteristic curve Generator,
characteristics curves with all operating Bread board,
: points clearly connecting
• Q point indicated. wires, Multi-
• Saturation point meter.
• Linear operating region
• Cut- off point Plot Load line.

8.13 Plot the DC load line and

locate the quiescent (Q) point.
15 8.14Name the various classes of Explain the various White board, Flip
amplifier. amplifier classes. Chart board or
8.15 Locate the approximate projector.
Q-point position for Demonstrate Q-point
classes A, B, AB and C for various classes of
amplifiers. amplifier.
8.16 Draw the input and
output waveforms for
different classes of Explain with the aid of
amplifiers, using the diagram the input &
output characteristics. output waveforms of
various classes of
8.17 State the applications of amplifiers.
different classes of





Goal: This course is designed to enable the trainee to acquire basic knowledge of Occupational Health, Safety and

GENERAL OBJECTIVES: On completion of the course, the trainee should be able to:

1.0 Know general safety

2.0 Know nature of accident, causes and consequences
3.0 Understand accident reporting and investigation
4.0 Understand fire precaution and fire fighting
5.0 Understand how to control hazards
6.0 Understand Risk assessment in work place.
7.0 Understand occupational Health and hygiene
8.0 Understand the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
9.0 Know safety signs and markings
10.0 Understand the environment
11.0 Understand environmental protection
12.0 Understand Environmental Legislation.
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Content: 1 Practical Content: 1
General Objective: 1.0 Know general safety
WEE Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning
K Resources Objectives Resources
1- 2 1.1 Define Safety 1.1 Explain safety White board Carryout practical • Demonstrate Safety
and its Maker tips on safety safety Demonstration
1.2 List components of safety components Duster measures precautions in Kits
Projector, and work place
1.3 Explain benefits of 1.2 Discuss benefits Recommended
adherence to safety of adherence to manuals
1.4 Explain who is a safety
professional 1.3 Explain who is a
1.5 Explain different types of professional and
safety officers its types

1.4 Give assignment

General Objective: 2.0 Know nature of accident, causes and consequences

4 2.1 Define accident and its type 2.1 Explain White board Identify nature of Guide the students to White board
accidents and its Maker accident, causes Identify nature of Maker
2.2 List causes of accidents type Recommended and consequences accident, causes and Recommended
Manuals consequences Manuals
2.3 Explain contributing factors 2.2 Explain Sample Sample
to cause of accident contributing factors to Accident Accident
cause of accident Reports Reports
2.4 Explain the effects of Pictures Pictures
accident on the worker 2.3 Explain the Projectors Projectors
effects of Videos Videos
accident on the
General Objective: 3.0 Understand accident reporting and investigation
3.1 Explain accident reporting 3.1 Explain accident White board Carry out accident • Simulate accident Sample Report
and investigation reporting Maker Investigation • Guide students to Videos
and investigation Duster exercise carry out accident Pictures
3.2 Explain the purpose of Recommended Write a report on investigation Projectors
accident reporting 3.2 Explain the Manuals and Accident • Guide student to
objectives of Projector Investigation write a report
3.4 Explain the objectives of accident
accident investigation investigation

3.5 Explain techniques of 3.3 Explain in

accident investigation details the
3.6 List the standard procedures question that
for accident investigation may arise during
3.7 List the pertinent questions
that may arise when asking 3.4 Explain the term
questions in an FOLLOW-UP
3.5 Explain in details
3.8 List the pitfalls to avoid the techniques to
when carrying out accident be used when
investigation interviewing
3.9 Explain the term
FOLLOW-UP 3.6 Explain the need
to report accident
3.10 List the techniques to use
when interviewing a .

3.11 Explain the consequences

for failure to report an accident

3.12 List reasons why you

should prevent accident
General Objective: 4.0 Understand fire precaution and fire fighting
4.1 Define fire and fire fighting 4.1 Explain fire and White Board • Identify fire, 4.3 Demonstrate Portable
fire fighting Marker fire firefighting procedure Extinguisher
4.2 Explain the elements of fire Dusters prevention, Fire Fighting
4.2 Discuss the Projector firefighting Suits
4.3 Explain the fire triangle classes and types Fire Fighting techniques and Heat Protection
of fires manuals. firefighting Equipment
4.4 Explain the classes of fires equipment Breathing
4.3 Explain the fire apparatus
4.5 List the types of fires triangle Safety gloves
and boots.
4.6 Explain the various 4.4 Discuss types of
methods of extinguishing portable
fire extinguishers and
classes of fire
4.7 List types of portable where applicable
fire fighting extinguishers
4.5 Explain the
4.8 Discuss the differences differences
between portable and fixed between large
fire fighting extinguishers fires and small
4.9 Explain fire alarm system 4.6 Explain
4.10 Define fire hydrant equipment and alarm
4.11 List the fire fighting
equipment 4.7 Explain Fire
Prevention methods
4.12 define fire prevention

4.13 Explain the purpose of fire

General Objective: 5.0 Understand how to control hazards
5.1 Define hazards in relation to 5.1 Explain the term Textbooks • Appreciate 5.1 Guide the Books
Automotive industry hazards and its White Board Hazards and students to Charts
types Marker its appreciate Designs
5.2 Explain types of hazards Projector consequences Hazards Videos
5.2 Explain the in the Projects
5.3 Explain effects of hazards effects of hazards Automotive
to life and the company to life and Industry
reputation company
5.4 Outline hazard control
5.3 Distinguish
5.6 Differentiate hazards from between hazard
Risk. and risk in
respect of

General Objective: 6.0 Understand Risk Assessment in work place

6.1 Define risk 6.1 Explain risk Textbooks • Carry out risk 6.1 Guide students to Computer
and how to control White Board assessment carry out risk Sample report
6.2 Define risk in Automotive risk in the Marker and prevention assessment and Project
Automotive Projector prevention
6.3 Define risk control 6.2 Explain risk
6.4 Outline measures of risk and
control prevention

6.5 Explain steps to risk


6.6 Explain procedures for risk

General Objective: 7.0 Understand Occupational Health and hygiene
7.1 Explain types of 7.1 Explain Textbooks • Demonstrate 7.1 Guide on Cardio First Aid Box
occupational health occupational White Board Cardio Preliminary Stretcher
health Marker Preliminary Resuscitation
7.2 Explain the requirements of hazards Projector Resuscitation (CPR)
occupational health service (CPR)
7. Explain the 7.2 Guide on how to
7.3 Define First Aid requirements of • Demonstrate give First Aid to
occupational how to give fracture and
7.4 Explain the purpose of health service First Aid to other injuries
First Aid fracture and
other injuries
7.5 List the items in a First
Aid Box 3 Maintain
Healthy work

General Objective: 8.0 Understand the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
8.1 Explain types of 8.1 Explain types Textbooks • Demonstrate 8.1 Guide on the use Safety Goggle,
Personal Protective of Personal White Board the use of of Personal Workshop
Equipment (PPE) Protective Marker various Protective Overall,
Equipment Projector Personal Equipment (PPE) Safety Boots,
8.2 Explain the importance of (PPE) PPE Protective Hand gloves
Personal Protective 8.2 Explain the Equipment Safety Videos,
Equipment in workshop importance of PPE (PPE) Breathing
Apparatus, etc
8.3 Explain how to use 8.3 Explain how
Personal Protective to use PPE
Equipment (PPE)
8.4 Explain how
8.4 Explain care and to maintain PPE
maintenance of Personal
Protective Equipment
General Objective: 9.0 Understand Safety signs, symbol and markings
9.1 Explain various signs in the 9.1 Explain Textbooks • Identify 9.1 Guide students to Health Signs
workshop various signs White Board various signs, identify various Workshop
in the Marker symbols and signs, symbols Signs
9.2 Explain use of sign on our workshop Projector markings and markings Road Signs
roads and workshops Marking
9.2 Explain Charts.
9.3 Explain types of signs symbols and
9.4 Explain types of symbols

9.5 Explain markings

9.6 Explain the importance of

Signs, symbols and
General Objective: 10.0 Understand the environment in relation to automotive
10.1 Define the 10.1 Explain the White Board • Identify the 10.1 Guide the Waste Bins
Environment environment Marker different types students to identify Trash bags
and its Chalk of environmental Cleaning
10.2 Explain the composition of composition Projector environmental pollution equipment
environment Lecture Notes pollution Video clips
10.2 Explain the Journals Pictures
10.3 Explain factors that factors that 10.2 Guide the
affects the environment and affect the • Carryout students how to carry
its inhabitants environment exhaust gas out exhaust gas
analysis analysis
10.4 Define environmental 10.3 Explain
pollution environmental
10.5 List the causes of pollution
10.4 Explain the
10.6 Explain the effect of causes of
pollution on the pollution
environment and Ozone
layer 10.5 Explain the
effect of
10.7 List the types of pollution. pollution on
Ozone later
10.8 Explain vehicle emission in and the
relation to the environment environment

General Objective 11.0 Understand Environmental Protection

11.1 Define Environmental 11.1 Explain White Board • Demonstrate • Demonstrate Recycling bin,
Protection Environmental Marker techniques techniques that and non-
Protection Chalk that help in the help in the recycling bins.
11.2 Explain Environmental Projector protection of protection of the
Protection tools 11.2 Explain tools Lecture Notes the environment
that protect environment
11.3 Explain the benefits of the • Demonstrate how
protecting the environment environment • Demonstrate recycling process
how recycling works
11.4 List Action parties 11.3 Discuss the process works
responsible for the benefits of
protection of environment protecting • Demonstrate how
the • Demonstrate to use recycling
11.5 Define recycling process. environment how to use bins
and list the recycling bins
11.6 Differentiate between ways we can
recycling materials and improve the
Non-recycling materials. environment.

11.7 Explain recycling bins and 11.4 Discuss the

non-recycling bins responsibility
of the Action
Parties for
the protection
of the

11.5 Explain the

and identify

11.6 Discuss the

process and
bin and non-
recycling bin.
General Objective 12.0 Understand the Knowledge of Environmental Legislation
12.1 Explain National policy on 12.1 Explain White Board • Appreciate 12.1 Guide student Books
environment National Marker national to appreciate National Charts
Policies and Chalk Policy and Policy and Law Books
12.2 Explain policy goals on identify Projector regulations on Regulations on Notes.
environnement Policy goals Lecture Notes environment environment in
on the Research Journals in Nigeria Nigeria
12.3 List environnemental environment.
12.2 Discuss
12.4 Explain environnemental environmental
regulations in Nigeria agencies and
12.5 Explain the purpose of regulations in
these policy on the Nigeria
12.3 Discuss the
12.6 Mention the benefits of purposes of
these legislative policies his policy in
on the environment the
and their
benefits of
policies and
how they
impact the
MTH 112




GOAL: This course is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills of drafting and simple designs using computer.


On completion of this course, students should be able to:

1.0 Understand the use of Computer in the design and drafting process

2.0 Understand how to construct simple geometric shapes

3.0 Understand the different edit boxes

4.0 Understand how to use edit command

5.0 Understand how to create layers

6.0 Understand how to create linear and aligned dimensions

7.0 Understand how to do simple design
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Course Course Specification: Practical Content
General Objective 1.0: Understand the use of computer in the design and draft process
Week Specific Learning Outcome Teaching Activities Learning Specific Learning Teaching Learning
Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 State the advantages and ➢ Explain advantages and • Complete 1.1 Install the Auto
disadvantages of computer disadvantages of Computer Sets. CAD Software
in the design process. computer in the design • 1 Computer to 2 correctly.
process. Students
1.2 Explain the links between
• 1 Large Format
CAD and CAM. ➢ Explain the links between 1.2 1.2 Demonstrate
Printer or
CAD and CAM. the uses of
1.3 Understand the principles Plotters in a
HELP Menu in
of operation capabilities ➢ Show the students the Network
and system requirements main parts of the screen problems when
of AutoCAD. of Auto CAD 14. • 1 Digitiser to 2
using package.
1.4 Identify the main parts of • Manuals,
1.3 Use the OSNAP
the screen of Auto CAD ➢ Explain the function of Recommended
or later version. Textbooks. facility to select
the above. options.
1.6 Explain the functions of ➢ Ask the students to • Complete
the above. 1.4 1.4 Use layer control
explain and use the Computer Sets
to change the
different input methods. • 1 Computer to 2 layers in drawing.
1.7 Understand and use the
different input methods: ➢ Ask students to explain
keyboards, mouse, • 1 Large Format 1.5 1.5 Use Cartesian and
differences between
digitisers, and scanners. Printer or Polar coordinates
Cartesian and polar
coordi-nates systems. Plotters in a to draw lines.
1.8 List the different Network
coordinate systems. ➢ Ask students to 1.6 1.6 Prepare and
demonstrate the above ➢ 1 Digitiser to 2 change the size
options on the computer students. of the drawing
screen field.
1.7 Show how to
➢ Ask students to save drawings on
construct lines at set demand and
lengths and angles using also how to set up
above coordinate the auto- save
systems. features.

➢ Ask students to use

snap points to
construct lines.

➢ Ask students to
explain the use of
snap points and
➢ Assess the students.
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand how to construct simple geometric shapes.
Specific Learning Outcome Teaching Activities Learning Specific Learning Teaching Learning
Resources Objective Activities Resources
2.1 Know how to hatch the Ask the students to hatch the Complete Produce a simple Ask the Complete
shapes drawn and change shapes drawn. Computer drawing. students to computer
the hatch pattern and Sets construct sets, 1
scale. Ask the students to change polygons computer to
the hatch pattern and scale. 1 Computer to 2 and squares 2 students,
Students to a given 1 large
2.2 Explain how to draw
Ask the students to draw dimensions format
circles, ellipse and arcs to printer or
circles, ellipse and arc to 1 Large Format
given dimensions. plotters in a
given dimensions.
Printer or network, 1
Plotters in a
2.3 Explain how to construct Network Digitiser to
polygons and squares to 2 students
given dimensions. 1 Digitiser to 2
2.4 Produce a simple drawing students.
– Drawing 1.
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand the different edit boxes
Specific Learning Outcome Teaching Learning Resources Specific Learning Teaching Learning
Activities Objective Activities Resources
3.1 Explain the different edit ➢ Ask students • Complete Use array command
boxes, how to use them and to explain Computer Sets to draw both polar
their attributes. the different • 1 Computer to 2 and rectangular
edit boxes. Students arrays
3.2 Explain how to select the
shapes using edit boxes. ➢ Ask students
to use them. • 1 Large Format
3.3 Explain how to use the Printer or
offset command ➢ Ask students Plotters in a
to explain Network
attributes. • 1 Digitiser to 2
➢ Ask students
to draw both
polar and
arrays using

➢ Ask students
to draw
using the
General Objective 4.0: Understand the different edit boxes
Week Specific Learning Outcome Teaching Learning Resources Specific Learning Teaching Learning
Activities Objective Activities Resources
4.1 Explain how to use edit Demonstrate the Complete Computer Demonstrate how to Demonstrate
commands. installation of MD Sets move objects the installation
Word accurately; using both of MD Word
4.2 Demonstrate how to move 1 Computer to 2 snap commands and
objects accurately; using Identify the Students coordinates. Identify the
both snap commands and
different features of different
coordinates. Demonstrate how
the software. 1 Large Format features of the
Printer or to copy objects from software.
4.3 Demonstrate how to copy Ask students to one position to
objects from one position type a short Plotters in a Ask students
Network another accurately to type a short
to another accurately using document and using snap and
snap and coordinate entry. document and
save it. 1 Digitiser to 2 coordinate entry.
save it.
4.4 Demonstrate how to erase students. Ask student to
Ask student to edit Demonstrate how to
object. erase object. edit a
a document and document and
4.5 Demonstrate how to trip carry out a spell Demonstrate how to carry out a
objects. check. trip objects. spell check.
4.4 Demonstrate how to fillet Demonstrate
and chamfer angles. the use of
Demonstrate the
use of tables.
General Objective 5.0: Understand how to create layers
Week Specific Learning Outcome Teaching Learning Resources Specific Learning Teaching Learning
Activities Objective Activities Resources
5.1 Demonstrate how to create Ask students to Complete Computer 5.1 Demonstrate how Ask students Complete
layers. create layers. Sets to create layers. to create Computer Sets
layers. 1 Computer to
5.2 Demonstrate how to Ask students to 1 Computer to 2 5.2 Demonstrate how to 2 Students
change colour of layers. change colour of Students change colour of Ask students
layers. layers. to change 1 Large
5.3 Demonstrate how to colour of
1 Large Format Format
change the line types of a Ask students to 5.3 Demonstrate how to layers.
Printer or Printer or
layer. change the line type change the line
Plotters in a types of a layer. Ask students Plotters in a
of a layer.
5.4 Demonstrate how to move Network to change the Network
objects from one layer to Ask students to 5.4 Demonstrate how to line type of a
another. 1 Digitiser to 2 move objects from layer. 1 Digitiser to 2
move objects form
students. one layer to students.
one layer to
5.5 Demonstrate how to switch another. another. Ask students
layers on and off. to move
Ask students to 5.5 Demonstrate how to objects form
5.6 Understand the use of switch layers on switch layers on one layer to
layers and how they help an off. and off. another.
in the construction and
understanding of a draw. Ask students to use 5.6 Understand the use Ask students
of layers and how to switch
layers to construct
they help in the layers on an
drawings. construction and off.
understanding of a
draw. Ask students
to use layers to
General Objective 6.0: Understand how to create linear and aligned
Week Specific Learning Outcome Teaching Learning ResourcesSpecific Learning Teaching Learning
Activities Objective Activities Resources
6.1 Explain how to create Sets of Personal 6.1 Demonstrate how Complete
linear and aligned Computers to add to tole- computer sets
dimensions. Recommended rances to
Textbooks Manuals dimension. 1 computer to 2
6.2 Understand how to create etc. students,
angular dimensions. 6.2 Demonstrate how
to create leader 1 large format
6.3 Demonstrate how to add to lines. printer or
tolerances to dimension. 6.3 Demonstrate how plotters in a
to add single line network
6.4 Demonstrate how to create and multiple line
leader lines. 1 Digitiser to 2
texts to drawings.
6.4 Demonstrate how students.
6.5 Demonstrate how to add
to edit dimensions
single line and multiple line
and text.
texts to drawings.

6.6 Demonstrate how to edit

dimensions and text.
General Objective 7.0: Understand how to do simple design
Week Specific Learning Outcome Teaching Learning Specific Learning Objective Teaching Activities Learning
Activities Resources Resources
7.1 Create the title block for a Ask each student to Complete
drawing Write letters and carry out his/her own Computer Sets
numbers on drawings drawing.
1 Computer to 2
7.2 Draw circles be able to erase Let each student carry Students
parts lines or circles. out his/her own
1 Large Format
7.3 Produce a simple drawing
with correct details in terms Ask each student to Printer or
of title block etc. carry out his/her own Plotters in a
drawing. Network
7.4 Select parts of a drawing in
order to do further work. Ask each student to 1 Digitiser to 2
7.5 Move, copy and rotate drawing carry out a drawing students
parts. that is specific to
7.6 Produce a full drawing with his/her department.
title blocks from a real
engineered object. Assess the students
7.7 Show all the views. Grade each student’s
7.8 Produce a fully dimensioned
drawing of a component
appropriate to the engineering
specification of the de-



DURATION: 3hrs/ 3 Credit Units

GOAL: Students should be able to demonstrate the operation of basic logic circuits and various digital electronic components. They
should also be able to construct prototype electronic projects.


Having successfully completed this course, students should:

1. Understand the principles and operations of number system

2. Understand the principles and operations of Logic gates
3. Understand the principles and operations of Boolean Algebra
4. Understand the operations of Electronics Display Devices
5. Know the various TTL/CMOS Logic families
6. Understand the operations of Flip-Flops.
7. Know the working principles of Counters and their Applications.
8. Understand the principle and working Decoder and Encoder
9. Know the operation of Multiplexers and Demultiplexers
10. Design a project using the various digital components.
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Content: 1 Practical Content: 2
General Objective: 1.0 Understand the principle and operation of digital number system

WEE Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Learning Specific Teachers Learning Resources
K Activities Resources Learning Activities
1- 3 1.1 Explain why the binary Explain number Projector
number system is ideal for system Lesson notes
digital logic applications. White board
and maker
1.2 Convert decimal whole Explain how to
numbers and fractional decimal whole
numbers into binary numbers and
numbers and vice versa. fractional
numbers into
1.3 Convert decimal whole binary numbers
numbers into hexadecimal and vice versa
and octal numbers and
vice versa. Explain how to
convert decimal
1.4 Explain the term binary whole numbers
coded decimal (BCD). into hexadecimal
and octal
1.5 Convert BCD to decimal numbers and vice
number and vice versa. versa.

Discuss the term

binary coded
decimal (BCD)

Explain the
conversion BCD
to decimal
number and vice

1.6 Perform addition, subtraction Explain how to Projector

using the binary and perform Lesson notes
hexadecimal number systems. calculations using White board
number systems and maker
1.7 Explain the use of:
• 1’s complement of a
binary number and
• 2’s complement of a
binary number.

General Objective: 2.0 Understand the principles and operations of Logic gates
4 2.5 Explain the positive and Explain the process Projector Verify the Guide student to Logic Trainer System
negative logic systems. and functioning of Lesson notes operation of experimentally 74LS00
logic gates White board logic gates OR, verify the 74LS02
2.6 Explain the use of logic and maker AND, NAND, operation of logic 74LS04
gate. Enumerate the use NOT, NOR gates OR, AND, 74LS08
of logic gate. NAND, NOT, 74LS32
2.7 Describe the function of the NOR Jumper wires
basic logic gates (i.e. NOT, Discuss the
AND, NAND, OR, NOR, function of the basic
X-OR and X-NOR) with the logic gates (i.e.
help of symbol, truth table NOT, AND,
and its equivalent switching NAND, OR, NOR,
circuit. X-OR and X-NOR)
with the help of
2.8 Conduct tests to verify the symbol, truth table
operation of the logic gates. and its equivalent
switching circuit.
2.9 Describe how NOT, AND,
OR, NOR can be Explain how to
constructed from NAND conduct tests to
gates. verify the operation
of the logic gates.
2.10 Describe how NOT,
AND, OR, NAND can be Explain how NOT,
constructed from NOR AND, OR, NOR
gates. can be constructed
from NAND gates.

Discuss how NOT,

can be constructed
from NOR gates.

5 2.11 State the uses of a parity Explain parity Projector Conduct Conduct an Logic trainer system
bit. Lesson notes experiments to example showing
Explain what even White board verify the how to determine
2.12 Define what even parity parity is and maker operation of the parity TTL IC
is. parity generator Explain IC pin
Explain what odd and parity configuration
2.13 Define what odd parity parity is. checker. Assess the 74LS86(Quad 2
is. Give examples of students’
inputs XOR
Give examples of applications where performance
applications where the X- the X-OR/X-NOR 74LS00(Quad 2
OR/X-NOR are widely are widely used:
inputs NAND
Parity generator and 74LS04 (Hex
• Parity generator and Parity checker
• Parity checker
74LS08(Quad 2
inputs AND),
74LS32(Quad 2
inputs OR),
74LS86(Quad 2
inputs XOR)
6 2.14 List the four basic steps Explain the process Projector Diagnose and Show how to Logic Trainer System
in the troubleshooting of troubleshooting Lesson notes rectify fault in a diagnose faults in 74LS00
sequence: White board simple digital digital logic 74LS02
• Determine the and maker logic circuit. circuits 74LS04
symptoms of failure. Give examples 74LS08
• Localize the trouble showing how the 74LS32
to a complete logic gates Jumper wires
functional unit or operates
module. Assess the
• Isolate the trouble to students’
a circuit within the performance
• Locate the specific

2.15 State the basic

approaches for a simple
digital logic circuit.

• Logic signal tracing

input/output logic
signal. )

• Open and short

circuit test.\

General Objective: 3.0 Understand the principles and operations of Boolean Algebra

3.0 State the purposes of Explain Projector

DeMorgan’s Theorem. DeMorgan’s Lesson notes
theorem White board
3.1 State the two basic Give examples and maker
theorems in Boolean showing how to
algebra (DeMorgan’s apply the theorem.
Theorem) Lecture
____ _ _ Ask questions to
• A+B= A.B assess the students
• A.B= A+B level of
3.2 Simplify Boolean Explain how to Projector
expressions using simplify the Lesson notes
DeMorgan’s theorems. expressions using White board
DeMorgan’s and maker
3.3 Draw the equivalent theorem
logic gate circuits
after simplifying the

3.4 State the function of Explain the Projector

Boolean algebra. simplification Lesson notes
process White board
3.5 State the 9 equalities of and maker
Boolean algebra: Discuss the 9
_ equalities of
• AA Boolean algebra:
• A.1=A
• A.0=0
• A . A = A (  A2 )
• A.A=0
• A+1=1
• A+0=A
• A+A=1
• A+A=A

3.6 State the Commutative Explain what is

Law meant by
• A+B=B+A Commutative Law
• A .B = B . A
3.7 State the Associative
Law : Discuss the
• A + B + C = A + (B Associative Law
+C) = (A + B) + C
= B + (A + C)
• A .B.C = A (B .C) =
(A . B) C = B (A .
3.8 State the Distributive
Law : Discuss the
• A (B + C) = A .B + Distributive Law
• A + (B . C) =(A +
B) .(A + C)

3.9 Determine the output Explain how to Projector Construct an Demonstrate using TTL IC
logic expression from determine the Lesson notes experiment to an example how to 74LS08(Quad 2
a given logic circuit. expression from a White board verify that the verify a simplified inputs AND),
logic circuit. and maker simplified expression 74LS32(Quad 2
3.10 Use Boolean algebra to expression has Asses the students’ inputs OR),
simplify logic Explain the process the same truth understanding and 74LS04(Hex
expressions. of simplify logic table as the performance inverter),
expressions original logic 74LS00(Quad 2
3.11 Draw the simplified circuit. inputs NAND),
logic circuit. Demonstrate the 74LS02 (Quad2
drawing of the inputs NOR)
simplified logic
3.12 Draw a 2-to-4 variables Explain how to Projector Design and Explain how to TTL IC -
Karnaugh map. determine the Lesson notes implement design and 74LS00(Quad 2
expression from a White board simplified logic implement logic inputs NAND),
logic circuit. and maker circuits using circuits using 74LS02(Quad 2
either NAND or specific gates only. inputs NOR)
NOR gates only. Give a few
3.13 Mark the sum-of- product Discus how to mark examples.
terms on the Karnaugh the sum-of- product Ask questions to
map with a given sum-of- terms on the assess the students
product expression. Karnaugh map with level of
3.14 Write down the simplified a given sum-of- understanding
logic expression based on product expression.
the Karnaugh map rules. Explain how to write
down the simplified
logic expression
based on the
Karnaugh map

General Objective: 4.0 Understand the operations of Electronics Display Devices

4.1 Describe the basic Explain the basic Projector
construction and operation construction, Lesson notes
of LED. operation and White board
ratings of LED and maker
4.2 State the ratings of a typical
LED: Explain the
• Forward voltage process of Stating
• Current and the ratings of a
• Colours (red, typical LED as
yellow, green, etc) listed in 4.2

4.3 List the advantages of light Explain the

emitting diode (LED): advantages of
• Long operating light emitting
life. diode (LED) as
• Small size listed in 4.3

• Low power
dissipation and

• Superior to most
other light
sources except
where large area
illumination is

4.4 Identify 7-segment display Explain the Projector Carry out Demonstrate to DC power supply.
format. operation of a 7- Lesson notes experiment to students through Multimeter. Logic
segment display White board verify the experiment how to Trainer, 150 -7 pcs,
4.5 Describe the operation of a using common and maker operation of verify the 7 segment C-A - 1 pc,
common anode and common anode and either common operation of 7- 7 segment C-C - 1 pc
cathode LED 7-segment common cathode anode or Segment display.
display. Ask questions common cathode Give a few
LED 7-segment examples.
display. Ask questions to
assess the students
General Objective: 5.0 Know the various TTL/CMOS Logic families

5.1 Identify the following logic Explain how to Projector

gates digital IC families: identify digital IC Lesson notes
• Standard TTL (74 families. White board
series) and maker
• Schottky TTL (74S Describe the
series) characteristics of
• Low-Power TTL/CMOS ICs
Schottky TTL
(74LS series)
• Advanced Schottky
TTL ( 74AS series)
• Advanced Low-
Power Schottky
TTL (74ALS series)
• CMOS 4000 series
• CMOS 74C series.

5.2 Describe the characteristics

of TTL / CMOS logic IC in
terms of:
• Logic level.
• Power dissipation.
• Noise immunity.
• TTL loading and
• Fan in /out.
5.3 Explain the following Explain the Projector 5.1 Conduct an Demonstrate Logic Trainer, IC
methods of TTL to CMOS voltage level Lesson notes experiment to briefly how to 74LS00, IC
interface: translator and open White board demonstrate the interface CD4001B, IC
• Voltage level collector buffer and maker interfacing Assess the CD4050B, 1 k, ¼
translator. methods of CMOS between TTL performance W, 3.3 k, ¼ W
• Open collector to TTL interfacing (Driver) and of the ,
buffer. CMOS (Load) students. Oscilloscope, TTL
logic gates data book, CMOS
data book

5.4 Explain the following Explain the Projector 5.2 Conduct an Demonstrate Logic Trainer, IC
methods of CMOS to TTL process of CMOS Lesson notes experiment to briefly how to 74LS00, IC
interface: to TTL interfacing White board demonstrate the interface CD4001B, IC
• Inverting/non- and maker interfacing Assess the CD4050B, 1 k, ¼
inverting buffer. between CMOS performance W, 3.3 k, ¼ W
• Voltage level (Driver) and of the ,
translator. TTL (Load) students. Oscilloscope, TTL
logic gates. data book, CMOS
data book
General Objective: 6.0 Understand the operations of Flip-Flops.

6.1 Draw the symbol of an RS Explain the Projector

flip-flop and explain the construction and Lesson notes
operations of a RS flip flop operation of the White board
with the aid of a truth table. RS flip flop. and maker
6.2 Show how an RS flip flop Relevant IC
can be constructed from Discuss how an RS chips
• NAND gates and flip flop can be
• NOR gates constructed from
6.3 Differentiate between edge items listed in 6.2
and level triggered flip flops
and explain the following Discuss how to
terms: differentiate
• Prohibited/Indetermi between edge and
nate state level triggered flip
• Synchronous and flops and explain
• ASynchronous those listed in 6.3
6.4 Describe with the aid of
truth tables the operation of Explain with the
the following flip flops : aid of truth tables
• D type flip flop the operation of
the listed in 6.4
• JK flip flop
• T flip flop
General Objective: 7.0 Know the working principles of Counters and their Applications.
7.1 Identify 2 different types of List and Explain Projector 1.1 Conduct an Explain the
counter : the different Lesson notes experiment to verify process of
• Ripple up counter counters and their White board the operation of an setting up the
and operations and maker up/down counter. experiment
• Ripple down Relevant ICs Assess the
counter students’
7.2 Describe the operation of a 4 Discuss the
bit asynchronous ripple operation of a 4 bit
up/down counter with the asynchronous
aid of a waveform diagram. ripple up/down
counter with the
7.3 Construct the truth table. aid of a waveform
7.4 State the MOD number
of counter. Explain the
MOD number = process of
2N constructing the
truth table

Explain the
process of Stating
the MOD number
of counter.
number = 2 N
7.5 Explain the use of register as Explain and Projector
a temporary storage device. discuss the use of Lesson notes
registers as White board
7.6 Explain the different temporary storage and maker
classifications of devices
• Parallel In / Parallel Discuss the
Out different
• Serial In / Serial Out classifications of
• Parallel In / Serial registers listed in
Out and 7.6
• Serial In / Parallel
7.7 Describe how registers Discuss how to Projector 1.2 Conduct an Explain the Projector
can be constructed by construct registers Lesson notes experiment to process of Lesson notes
using : using different flipWhite board illustrate the setting up the White board and
• RS flip flop flops and maker operation of a experiment to maker
• D flip flop and Data register illustrate the Logic Train System
• JK flip flop specification operation of a
Describe the sheets register
process of Assess the
7.8 Determine the number determining the students’
of flip-flops required for number of flip- performance
an N-bit shift register. flops required for
an N-bit shift
7.9 Draw a 4 bit shift left or Explain how to Projector 1.3 Explain the Projector
right register using JK draw the operation Lesson notes Conduct an process and Lesson notes
or D flip flops, illustrating of flip-flops in White board experiment to verify requirements White board and
its operation with the waveform and and maker the operations of a of the maker
waveforms and truth truth tables Data sheets 4-bit shift register. experiment. Data sheets
table.. Assess the Relevant ICs, tools
students level and equipment
7.10 Compare serial and Explain how to of
parallel data transfer compare serial understanding
operations between shift and parallel data
registers. transfer
between shift
7.11 Explain the principle of Describe the Projector
operation of an asynchronous up Lesson notes
asynchronous up and and down counter White board
down counter. and maker
Data sheets
7.12 Draw a 4-bit Discuss how to ICs
asynchronous up and draw a 4-bit
down counter using gates asynchronous up
and JK flip-flops and and down counter
describe its operation using gates and JK
using the truth table. flip-flops and
describe its
operation using
the truth table.
7.13 Explain the principle of
operation of a
synchronous up and Discuss the
down counter. principle of
operation of a
7.14 State the main synchronous up
differences between and down counter.
synchronous and
asynchronous counters. Explain the main
7.15 Calculate the output between
frequency of a counter synchronous and
for a given input asynchronous
frequency. counters

calculations of
the output
frequency of a
counter for a given
input frequency.

7.16 State some common Discuss common Projector

MSI asynchronous and MSI asynchronous Lesson notes
synchronous counter counter chips White board
chips. and maker
Data sheets

7.17 Write down the control Explain how to

pins to select various write down the
functions on an MSI control pins to
chip. select various
functions on an
7.18 State the functions of the MSI chip.
various control pins.
Enumerate the
7.19 Design simple functions of the
asynchronous up/down
counters based on given various control
MSI technical reference. pins

Explain the
process of
designing simple
up/down counters
based on given
MSI technical

7.20 State the common MSI List common MCI Projector 1.4 Construct the Explain how Projector
lCs that can function as ICs and how they Lesson notes following shift to design shift Lesson notes
a: function White board register circuits registers White board and
and maker using the MSI using MSI maker
• parallel-to-serial ICs provided. ICs Data sheets
converter. Asses the Relevant ICs
• serial-to-parallel • parallel-to- students level Tools and equipment
converter. serial of
• shift left register. converter. understanding
• shift right register. • serial-to- and
parallel performance
1.21 Explain how the Universal Describe how the converter.
Shift Register can be Universal Shift • shift left
configured to behave as the Register can be register.
above stated functions. configured to • shift right
behave as the register.
above stated

General Objective: 8.0Understand the principle and working of Decoder and Encoder
8.1 State the functions of a Discuss the Projector 8.1 Construct a Describe how
decoder and an encoder. functions decoders Lesson notes decimal-to- to construct
and encoders. White board binary encoder encoders
8.2 Draw a decimal to 4-bit Describe how to and maker using MSI chip using MSI
binary encoder using gates draw a decimal to and verify its chips
and explain its principle of 4-bit binary correct Asses the
operation. encoder using operation. experiments
gates and explain 8.2 Construct a and make
its principle of binary-to- necessary
8.3 Explain the operation of a 3- operation. decimal decoder suggestions or
line to 8-line decoder using using MSI chip corrections
truth table. Discuss the and verify its
operation of a 3- correct
8.4 Explain the operation of a line to 8-line operation.
BCD-to-decimal decoder. decoder using truth

8.5 Explain the operation of a Discuss the

BCD-to-7 segments decoder. operation of a
BCD to-decimal

Discuss the
operation of a
segments decoder

General Objective: 9.0 Know the operation Multiplexers/ and Demultiplexers

9.1 State the functions of a Discuss the Projector
multiplexer. operation of a Lesson notes
multiplexer. White board
9.2 Explain the operation of an and maker
N-input multiplexer. Enumerate the
operation of an N-
input multiplexer
9.3 Explain the principle of
operation of using a Discuss the
multiplexer as a parallel-to-- principle of
serial converter. operation of using
a multiplexer as a
9.4 Explain the principle of Explain Boolean Projector
operation of a Boolean function using a Lesson notes
function generator using a multiplexer White board
multiplexer. and maker
Explain how to
9.5 Write down the Boolean down the Boolean
expression for a given expression for a
multiplexer circuit given multiplexer
arrangement. circuit
9.6 State the function of a Discuss Projector
demultiplexer. demultiplexers and Lesson notes
their operation. White board
9.7 Explain the principle of and maker
operation of a 1-line-to-8- Discuss the Data sheets
line demultiplexer. principle of
operation of a 1-
9.8 Explain the principle of demultiplexer
operation of using a
demultiplexer as a serial-to-- Discuss the
parallel converter. principle of
operation of using
a demultiplexer as
a serial-to-parallel

4.1 Wire up a MSI Explain how Projector

one-line-to- to wire a Lesson notes
eight-line input demultiplexer White board and
demultiplexer and test its maker
IC and test its operation. Relevant tools and
operation. Assess the equipment
4.2 Write down the students Logic Trainer Set
truth table to performance. demultiplexer ICs
illustrate the jumper wires
of a MSI IC.
General Objective: 10.0 Design a project using the various digital components
10.1State the Demonstrate Projector
component how to design Lesson notes
layout rules to components White board and
observe when and tracks maker
designing circuit layout and Relevant IC chips
layout on the how to solder Data sheets
printed copper components. Relevant tools and
strip board. Explain how equipment
to test the Bread board
10.2 Design the functionality IC extractor
components and of the project Vero board
tracks layout Lead remover
diagram in Soldering Iron
accordance to sucker
the given
circuit diagram.

10.3 Solder the

onto the strip

10.4 Test the

functionality of
the completed

10.5 Perform the

measurement on
the completed
MCE 111





GOAL: This course is designed to introduce the student to the history and evolution of automotive system.


At the end of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Know the history of Automobile

2.0 Understand Automotive Systems and its operational functions
3.0 Understand the major Automobile Design Variations
4.0 Know the skills needed in Automotive Mechatronics Career
YEAR: 1 SEMESTER 2 PRE: REQUISITE Theoretical: Practical:
GOAL: This course is designed to introduce the student to automotive system history, evolution, basic parts, assemblies and systems
Theoretical Content Practical Content
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1.0 Know the history of Automobile
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
1 1.1 Explain the history and 1.1 Explain the history White Board 1.1 Appreciate the • Guide White Board
Evolution of Automobiles. and evolution of Marker evolution of students to Marker
Automobiles. Projectors Automobile. appreciate and Projectors
1.2 Describe the various Computers identify Computers
Vehicles’ classes. 1.2 Explain the various Diagrams 1.2 Show the various different types Diagrams
Vehicles’ classes. Pictures vehicle classes of Pictures
1.3 Describe the different Documentary automobiles
classes of automobile 1.3 Explain the 1.3 Identify the using pictures
engines: different classes of different classes of
- According to number Automobile engines. Automobiles engine
- According to fuel type
- According to
combustion type

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.0 Understand the Automotive Systems and its operational functions
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources Objectives Activities Resources
2-4 2.1 Describe the followings: 2.1 Explain the White Board 2.1 Identify the • Guide Models
- Frame Following: (Frame, Marker different auto parts, students to Pictures and
- Body/ Types body/types and Projectors engine parts, identify the Live vehicles
- Chassis chassis) parts, systems
Instructional assemblies, and Real Objects
2.2 List the basic engine parts Drawings basic components of Video clips
2.2 Explain the basic and body
and their functions. Computer each systems
engine parts and their types
functions Models .
2.3 State the basic principle of .2.3 Explain the basic Pictures • Use visual
an engine. principle of an aids to
engine. demonstrate
2.4 Explain the following the
automotive systems and their interactions
components: 2.4 Explain the and purpose
- Cooling automotive systems of the
components and their systems,
- Lubricating functions.
- Suspension
- Steering
- Braking
- Drive Train e.t.c

2.5 State the functions of the

automotive systems in
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0 Understand the major Automobile Engine Design Variations
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources Objectives Activities Resources
5-10 3.1 explain the terms: 3.1 Explain the different Books 3.1 Identify the • Show various Models
• External Combustion ECE/ ICE Engines. Models different ECE/ICE automotive Tool box
Engines (ECE) Computer engines engines Live vehicle
• Internal Combustion
Engines (ICE) 3.2 Explain the following Projector 3.2 Identify fuel and
(fuel and electrical White Board Electrical systems. • Guide the Real Object
3.2 Explain the different systems) and its Pictures students to Documentary
Internal Combustion Components. 3.3 Identify the various identify the Video clips
Engines: types of drive train fuel system
- CI engines System in an • Guide
3.3 Explain the drive automotive system
- SI engines students to
Train system, e.g.
3.3 Explain the following components and its clutches, identify the
components: functions. transmission drive component of
- Fuel systems shaft, axles and electrical
state their
- Electrical systems functions, systems in
(ignition, lighting and motor vehicle
battery charging)
• Guide the
3.4 Explain the various drive
train systems, components students to
and its functions: identify the
- clutch various
- drive shafts components
- axles (front, rear & that make up
trans axles) and their the drive train
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 4.0 Know the skills needed in Automotive Mechatronics Career
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources Objectives Activities Resources
4.1 Explain skills in 4.1 Explain the skills, Projectors Invite a
automotive mechatronics opportunities and Pictures successful
career successful in automotive Charts entrepreneurs
mechanics career. White Board in
4.2 explain the opportunities Automobile
available in the career Engineering
to have
4.3 List the successes in people career talk
who own automotive with students

Coursework Course Test Practical Other:



DURATION: 4 Credit Units

GOAL: This course is designed to acquaint the students with basic understanding of the concepts and operation of Hydraulic
Pneumatic systems.

On successful completion of this course, students should:
1.0 Understand the principles of Hydraulic
2.0 Know the basic Hydraulic system.
3.0 Understand the working of Hydraulic reservoirs.
4.0 Know how to calculate Hydraulic cylinder parameters
5.0 Understand Hydraulic accumulators
6.0 Understand the working Hydraulic intensifier
7.0 Understand air and atmospheric pressure.
8.0 Understand the types and operations of various air compressors.
9.0 Understand the operation of a basic pneumatic system
10.0 Understand pneumatic circuits with up to 3 cylinders and explain the displacement-step diagram of the cylinders
11.0 Understand how to install and troubleshoot pneumatics circuits controlling up to 3 cylinders
COURSE: : Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems COURSE CODE: MAT 122 CONTACT HOURS: 4
General Objective: 1.0 Understand the principles of Hydraulic General Objective: 1.0
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Learning Specific Teachers Learning
Resources Learning Activities Resources
1 1.1 Define hydraulic and Explain the working • Whiteboard Demonstrate Guide students - Syringe
pressure. principles of Hydraulic • Projector the working to learn the - Robber Tube
principles of working - Hydraulic
• Laptop
Explain the working of hydraulic fluid principles of fluid
1.2 Define pascal’s law • Marker
hydraulic fluid hydraulic fluid
Principles • Training
1.3 Explain the units for pressure, Explain the units of Notes
Force and Area Pressure, Force, and
1.4 Explain the conversion
between different units of Convert between
pressure different units of
1.5 Explain Flow
rate and Velocity Solve simple problem on
Pressure, Force and Area
1.6 State the functions of
hydraulic fluid

1.7 State the quality requirements

of hydraulic fluid

1.8 Explain the properties of

hydraulic fluid

1.9 Explain the storage and

handling of
hydraulic fluid
1.10 Explain the in-operation care
of hydraulic fluid
1.11 Explain how to calculate
cylinder parameters

General Objective: 2.0 Know the basic Hydraulic system. General Objective: 2.0
2 2.1 List the components in a • Explain the basic working Whiteboard Demonstrate Guide students - Hydraulic
typical hydraulic system of a hydraulic system Projector the working to demonstrate jack
Laptop principles of the working workshop
2.2 Compare between Explain hydraulic pipes Marker hydraulic principles of a trolling
pneumatics and hydraulics Training system typical - Car lift
Explain hydraulic tubes Notes hydraulic Machine
2.3 State the advantages and Demonstrate system
disadvantages of hydraulics Explain hydraulic hose the uses of Hydraulic lines
2.4 Explain how hydraulic lines hydraulic lines Show students
and filters are used Explain proper hose and filters hydraulic lines Hydraulic filters
installations and filters
2.5 Explain the working of Job sheet
hydraulic pumps Explain hydraulic filters and
strainers Hydraulic pump
2.6 Explain the workings of
Hydraulic valves Explain methods of removing Whiteboard Demonstrate Show students Hydraulic
contaminants from the Projector the working of hydraulic jack
hydraulic system Laptop hydraulic Pumps workshop
Marker pumps trolling
• State type of filtration by Training - Car lift
Notes Demonstrate Show students Machine
position in a system
2.7 Explain the working the working of hydraulic • Hydraulic
principles of an Actuator hydraulic valves lines
Explain hydraulic pump
valves Hydraulic filters
2.8 Explain the working
Explain pump’s terminology Job sheet
principles of an Hydraulic pump
Accumulators Explain types of hydraulic

Explain hydraulic valve

2.9 Explain the working
principles of an intensifier Explain types of hydraulic
control valves

Explain types of pressure

control valves

Explain types of flow control


• Explain the function of

hydraulic cylinder
• Explain single and double Demonstrate Show the
the working of students the
acting cylinder an actuator cut-out of an
• Explain the maintenance of actuator
• Explain hydraulic cylinder Whiteboard Hydraulic
mounting Projector jack
Laptop workshop
Marker trolling
State the uses of an
Training - Car lift
Notes Machine
List the types of accumulators
Demonstrate Show students • Hydraulic
the working working of an lines
accumulator accumulator Hydraulic filters
State the uses of an intensifier
Job sheet
List the types of intensifier Hydraulic pump
Demonstrate Show students
the working of how intensifier
intensifier works
General Objective: 3.0 Understand the working of Hydraulic reservoirs. General Objective: 3.0

3.1 Explain the working of Explain the working of Whiteboard Identify a Demonstrate Hydraulic
hydraulic reservoirs hydraulic reservoirs Projector hydraulic the working of system
Laptop reservoirs and a hydraulic
3.2 Explain reservoir sizing Marker how it works reservoir
3.3 State the features of Notes

3.4 Identify the types of


3.5 Explain reservoirs cooling

3.6 Explain the function of

breather, baffle plate, and
intake strainer

General Objective 4.0: Understand air and atmospheric pressure

4.1 Define air and atmospheric Explain atmospheric • Whiteboard Demonstrate Guide students
pressure. pressure and the advantages • Projector how air work to demonstrate
and disadvantages of when confirmed how air works
• Laptop
4.2 State the advantages and compressed air in an Elastic in an elastic
Explain the physical • Marker material material
disadvantages of using
compressed air properties of air • Training
4.3 State the physical properties Explain units for pressure
of air State down the formula for Guide students
Pressure, Force and Area Identify pressure to identify
4.4 Define pressure and Unit Calculate Pressure, Force and units and their pressure units Ballon
Area expression - Air pump
4.5 List different types of - Tube

4.6 Explain gauge pressure

4.7 Explain absolute pressure

4.8 State the mathematical

of Pressure

4.9 Calculate problems on

Force and Area
General Objective: 5.0 Understand the types and operations of various air compressors.

5.1 Define air compressor Explain different types of Whiteboard Identify air Guide students -Compressors
compressors. Projector compressor to identify air - Air
5.2 List type of air compressors Laptop compressor distribution
Explain various components Marker system
5.3 Explain single/two stage in a compressor Training
piston air compressors Notes
Use diagrams to explain
5.4 Explain diaphragm air various components of a
compressor compressor

5.5 Explain rotary vane/screw


5.6 State various method of

Regulations Identify components used in
the compressed air Show the
5.7 Explain the desire qualities distribution system and their Demonstrate the students the
of functions uses of the components
compressed air in terms of components use used in the
cleanliness, in the compressed air
coldness and dryness compressed air distribution
distribution system
5.8 Explain the functions of the system
components use in the
compressed air distribution:
-After cooler
-Air receiver
-Moisture separator
-Air dryer
-Air service unit

General Objective: 6.0 Understand the operation of a basic pneumatic system

6.1 State the operation of a Explain the followings: Whiteboard -Demonstrate Guide - Job sheet
pneumatic - Design Projector the operation students to - Pneumatic
System specification Laptop of a Pneumatic study the Trainer
- Manufacturer’s Marker system pneumatic
6.2 Explain the industrial Specification Training circuit.
applications of - Installation guide Notes
the followings:
-Linear Actuator - Explain the operation
-Rotary Actuator and industrial
6.3 Explain design application of
specification, Manufacturers Pneumatic system
specification and
installation guide of a Explain the common uses of Identify Guide students
Pneumatic system. pneumatic components and common to identify
identify their ISO symbols pneumatic ISO ISO symbols
6.4 State common Pneumatic
General Objective: 7.0Understand pneumatic circuits with up to 3 cylinders and explain the displacement-step diagram
of the cylinders

7.1 Explain basic pneumatic Explain pneumatic Whiteboard Demonstrate Guide the -Job sheet
circuit with single, double schematic drawing Projector cascade control study the -Pneumatic
Cylinder Laptop with A+B+B- pneumatic Trainer
Explain operations Marker C+C-A- circuit. -Double acting
7.2 Explain direct/indirect Of single/double Acting Training sequence cylinder
control of a cylinder Notes Select the -5/2 way valve
single/ double acting required -3/2 way valve
cylinder Explain operation of up to 3 components
Cylinder and connect
7.3 Explain control with up to the
Shuttle valve circuit

7.4 Explain speed control

on single/ double acting
General Objective: 8.0 Understand the install and troubleshoot pneumatics system controlling up to 3 cylinders
8.1 Explain how to install Explain how to install Whiteboard Demonstrate Check the - Job sheet
troubleshoot pneumatics troubleshoot pneumatics Projector installation cylinder
system controlling up system Laptop troubleshooting operation - Pneumatic
to 3 cylinders Marker process of sequence Trainer
Training cascade control Double
Notes with A+B+B- Troubleshoot acting
C+C-A- the circuit to cylinder
sequence correct the
sequence of - 5/2 way
operation. Valve
3/2 way valve
Modify the
circuit if




DURATION: Hours/Week: Theory: 1 Hour Practical: 3 Hours

GOAL: This course is designed to provide the students with the basic knowledge and information required in carrying out
Diagnostic activities in Automotive System


On completion of this course the student should be able to:

1.0 Understand the fundamentals of Auto-Diagnostics

2.0 Know how to use tools and equipment in auto-diagnostics
3.0 Know common faults and fault codes in Automotive Systems
4.0 Understand types of Circuit diagrams associated with Automotive diagnostic system.
5.0 Know the types of principles and approach used in Auto-diagnostics
YEAR: 1 SEMESTER 2 PRE: REQUISITE Theoretical: 1 Practical: 3
GOAL: This course is designed to provide the trainee with basic knowledge and information required in carrying out Diagnosis activities in
Automotive System
Theoretical Content Practical Content
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1.0 Understand the fundamentals of Auto-Diagnostics.
week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
1 1.1 Define Diagnostics 1. Explain Diagnostic Books 1.1 Identify Auto 1.1 Show Complete
showing the importance Internets Diagnostic areas, students the automobile tool
1.2 Define Auto Diagnostic as seen in medical Charts consequences of effects of wrong box
environment with dare Diagrams wrong/accurate and accurate Live vehicle
1.3 State reasons for auto- consequences when diagnostics process diagnostic Cooling
diagnostic wrongly carried out principle fluids/coolants
1.2 Identify areas of
1.4 State the effects of wrong 1.2 Explain the cost of auto diagnostic in 1.2 Guide
diagnostic. wrong diagnostics and power-train, brakes, students to
advantages of accurate and transmission identify areas in
1.5 State advantages of correct diagnostics in terms of systems. Automotive
diagnostic cost, time and life savings diagnostics

1.6 List areas of activities in 1.3 Explain areas in

auto-diagnostic automotive diagnostics
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.0 Know how to use tools and equipment in auto-diagnostic
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
2-4 2.1 List common tools and 2.1 Explain tools and Books 2.1 Identify tools and 2.1 Guide Books
equipment in Auto- equipment used in Internets equipment in students to Internet
diagnostics system Automotive Diagnostics Projectors automotive diagnostics identify tools and Projector
White Board process. their area of use Relevant tools
2.2 Explain the use of the 2.2 Explain use of each Marker in automotive Digital Multimeter
following tools: tool, and its area of Journals 2.2 Demonstrate safe diagnostic (DMM)
application as in 2.2 handling precautions. process. Oscilloscope
- Digital Multimeter 2.3 Explain the Universal and 2.2 Show the Exhaust Gas
(DMM) operational principle of customized Carry out care for tools process of safe Analyser
- Oscilloscope the tools and equipment tools. and equipment. handling of ABS Scan tools
- Exhaust Gas Analyser in Automotive diagnostic. tools/equipment Universal Scan
- ABS Scan tools 2.4 Explain care and tool for
- Universal Scan tool for precautionary measures transmissions
transmissions necessary in tools and Any Universal
- Any Universal equipment. diagnostic tool e.g
diagnostic tool e.g launch multi-diag,
launch multi-diag, Bosch
Bosch Any customized
- Any customized diagnostic tools
diagnostic tools e.g e.g PPS, Mercedes
PPS, Mercedes star star
- Fuel pressure tester Fuel pressure
- Cylinder Compression teste
tester Cylinder
- Injector calibrating Compression
machine. tester
2.3 Describe areas of Injector
application and use of tools calibrating
in 2.2 above. machine.

2.4 Explain the method of

operation of tool
and equipment in Auto-
diagnostic activities.

2.5 State the safety handling

precautions of the various
tools and equipment listed
in 2.2 above.

2.6 Explain care of tools and

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0 Know common faults and fault codes in Automotive System
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5-10 3.1 Define fault in Automotive Explain various Books 3.1 Detect faults, Guide the Magic Board
System likely symptoms and Journals interpret and erase students on the Projector
their possible causes Magic Board them. process of Books
3.2 Define fault codes in according to section Marker 3.2 Carry out practical observing faults Internet
Automotive System. and depart of Faulty Engine actuation test on: as they occur in
operations as in 3.8. and Vehicles - Injector pump the units/section
3.3 Differentiate faults operation in automotive
according to units/section - Operation of engine.
of operation in Automotive Stepper motor.
System. - Solenoid.

3.4 Explain faults according to 3.3 Identify causes and

severity of occurrence. symptoms common in
3.5 State likely cause(s) of operating system as
faults in Automotive System in 3.8.

3.6 Explain process of erasing 3.4 Explain causes of

faults in automotive the various faults
system observed in the
section/unit of
3.7 Explain how to prevent re- automotive system
occurrence of identified
3.8 State the likely cause(s) of
some of the following
symptoms in automotive
operating systems in:
- Engine Overheating
- Engine Misfiring
- Cold Starting
- Anti-Pollution
- Excessive fuel
- Excessive black, white,
blue smoke
- Engine check light on
- Gear engagement
- Difficult to engage
- Delay in engagement
- Remove in engagement
- Noisy gear system
- Suspension Fault
- ESP Light Display
- ABS light Display
- Airbag Display
- Seat Belt light Display
- Under/ Over-Inflation
- Comfort/Infotainment
- AC Compressor picking
- Radio Code Display and
- Irregular Oiling
- Vehicle not pulling

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 4.0 Understand types of Circuit diagrams associated with Automotive diagnostic system.
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
4.1 Explain the following 4.1 Explain circuit Books 4.1 Identify various 4.1 Guide Chart
circuit diagrams:- diagrams and their Magic Board electrical circuit students to Circuit Diagrams
(i) Synoptic diagram differences Projector diagrams in identify various DMM
(ii) Schematic diagram Internet Automobile. automobile Scan tools
(iii) Block/ location diagram 4.2 Explain common Engine Model
(iv) Wiring Diagram symbols and colour- Automobile 4.2 Spot the differences electrical circuit
codes in circuit Circuit brand between the circuit diagrams
4.2 Differentiate between the diagrams diagrams in 4.1.
circuit mentioned in 4.1 4.2 Guide the
above 4.3 Explain the 4.3 Identify Connectors, students to
difference between interconnectors, interpret colour-
4.3 Explain colour-codes in open and short harnesses and splices. codes, symbols
circuit diagram. circuit and connectors.
4.4 Identify:
4.4 Explain common symbols 4.4 Explain Connectors, - open circuit 4.3 Guide the
in circuit diagrams interconnectors, - Short circuit using students to
harnesses and splices in DMM. identify short
4.5 Explain the difference circuit diagrams. and open circuits
between: using DMM.
(i) Open circuit
(ii) Short circuit

4.6 Explain Connectors,

interconnectors, harnesses and
splices in circuit diagrams.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 5.0 Know the types of principles and approach used in Auto-diagnostics
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5.1 Explain approaches to 5.1 Explain common Books 5.1 Carry out diagnosis Guide students Books
circuit diagrams in wrong approach and Magic Board using wrong and to treat both Internet
Automotive Electrical Systems: right approaches in Projector right approaches wrong and right Demonstration
(a) Common wrong automotive electrical Demonstration approaches to Vehicle
Approaches circuit diagrams. Vehicle 5.2 Interpret the Automotive Breakout boxes
(b) Recommended Approaches Breakout acronym- NALDRV. electrical Bulb
(NALDRV Principles) 5.2 Explain the Boxes diagnostics. Electrical cables
N – Note consequences of Connectors
A – Analysis wrong approach in Batteries/ Power
L –Locate auto-diagram in source
D –Detect terms of cost, time, Diagnostic tools
R – Review damage to car and
V – Verify personal injury.

5.2 Explain the consequences

of wrong approach in auto-
diagram in terms of cost,
time, damage to car, and
personal injury.
Coursework Course Test Practical Other:





Course Main Aim/Goal: This course is aimed at providing the trainee with the basic skills and mindset for
successful entrepreneurship.

GENERAL OBJECTIVES: On completion of the course, the trainee should be able to:

13.0 Know what Enterprise is

14.0 Appreciate reasons for entrepreneurship
15.0 Know entrepreneurs
16.0 Know the requirements for entrepreneurship
17.0 Know the requirements for entrepreneurship
18.0 Know how to organize an enterprise.
19.0 Know how to start an enterprise.
20.0 Know how to operate an enterprise.
Course: INTRODUCTION TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP Course Code: BMI 201 Credit Hours: hours/week 2
Year 1 Semester 1 Theoretical: hours/week 1
Year: 1 SEMESTER 1 Pre-requisite: Element of Practical: hours /week
entrepreneurship 2
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 1.0: Know what Enterprise is.
Week Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Resources
1.1 Define an enterprise. • Explain the meaning Flip charts, Explain role Create a simulated
1----2 and scope of played in a enterprise decided by
1.2 Identify attributes required to enterprises and their Cardboards, simulated the trainees. Each
engage in an enterprise. classifications. enterprise. trainee to select a
Marker pens, role he wants to play.
1.3 Identify different forms of • Describe the roles Identify types of Each trainee to
enterprises and classify them different people Projectors, Enterprises explain their roles to
into: private/public, play in an enterprise and skills needed to colleagues.
profit/non- profit, using a related Computer , run them.
formal/informal, organizational chart. List roles and skills
individual/common, Explain factors White board, of entrepreneurs in
local/foreign, business/social. affecting choice of Debate for or business and
small/large, role. Business games: against the compare with those
manufacturing/service, e.g. existence of small identified by the
consumer/industrial etc. Monopoly, businesses in an students.
• .Explain types of Block Building economy.
1.4 Identify the various roles entrepreneurs: self- Divide the trainees in
people play in enterprises and employed, Identify the to two groups to
factors that influence choice opportunistic, contributions of debate “Small
of role. inventors, pattern SMEs to national business are not
multipliers, economy critical for the
economy of country’s economic
scale exploiters,
acquirers, Buy-sell
Artists, speculators,
• Explain the economic
1.5 List types of entrepreneurs. characteristics of development, as such
small enterprises. many should be
1.6 Identify features and closed down for the
characteristics of small • Describe the sake of economic
enterprises. strengths and areas growth and
where small competitive ness”.
1.7 Explain strengths and areas businesses do well
where small businesses do with examples.

General Objective 2.0: Appreciate reasons for entrepreneurship

2-4 2.1 Define Entrepreneur • Explain entrepreneur Analyse a life situations Group trainees and ask
And and entrepreneurship. people engage in. each group to
Entrepreneurship. enumerate life
• Explain elements of Analyse a case on the situations people may
2.2 Differentiate entrepreneurship – role of entrepreneurship find themselves in.
between observing the in national development
entrepreneurship and environment, bearing in mind the Ask students to list
management. identifying benefits following: employment
from the environment, opportunities from the
2.3 Explain elements of gathering physical and Employment /job environment. Group
entrepreneurship psychological tools for creation. them into self or wage
accomplishment, employment.
2.4 Identify implementation, Improved standard of
entrepreneurial receiving rewards. living.
resources and group
them into • Explain entrepreneurial Increased competition
economic, resources.
human, knowledge Development of
and time. • Explain entrepreneurial
principles/features Spirit /culture.
of entrepreneurship in
5 Identify features of business: National welfare
entrepreneurship in Open market economy;
business. Private enterprise; Provision of skills.
Exploiting change;
2.6 State roles and Value addition; Evaluate your list with
rewards of Provision of needed those of your
entrepreneurship in product /service; colleagues.
business. Breaking of new
frontiers.; Add those you did not
2.7 Explain the Application of list.
entrepreneurial individual
functions in initiatives; Choose your interest
business. Competition; from the list.
2.8 Assess the role of Seeking opportunities;
entrepreneurship in Creativity/innovation.;
society. Wealth Creation.;
2.9 Explain the concept
of self-employment • Explain roles and
and wage rewards of
employment entrepreneurship in
2.10 State the reasons
for engaging in • Explain entrepreneurial
self-employment function in business:
and wage Finance, Management
employment Uncertainty bearing
(risk- bearing).

• Encourage competition,
Identify gaps in the

• Explain the importance

of entrepreneurship in

• Products/ services,
employment, income,
taxes, investment in
productive assets,
National well-being etc.

• Explain the terms: Self

employment. wage
employment. Justify
why people choose
either of them.

• Explain the concept of

General Objective 3.0 Know Entrepreneurs
5 3.1 Identify reasons for • Justify the growing Computer Decide the most Administer self- Use of practicing
self-employment dissatisfaction in paid with multi- important qualities assessment entrepreneur
employment media essential for test/questionnaire to
3.2 Assess traits entrepreneurship students to assess their Questionnaire
required for • Explain how to assess personal characteristics
entrepreneurship entrepreneurial Highlight various Sets of Rigns
potential factors of risk taking Advise them on those
3.3 Explain the from a ring tossing characteristics they may
difference between game. need to improve
entrepreneurs and • Explain how to identify
businessmen entrepreneurial Invite a successful
characteristics which entrepreneur to give a
3.4 Identify are important for talk
entrepreneurial success in owning and
characteristics operating a business Guide students to ask
3.5 Explain leadership
role and leadership • Explain theory X and Y Introduce the ring
qualities required and relate it to tossing game.
by entrepreneurs leadership
Guide students to play
3.6 Explain decision the game.
making and steps of • Explain using Power
the decision making Point Presentation Let them identify
process important leadership various factors of risk
traits. taking.
3.7 Analyse a risk
Situation • Interpret a given
decision taken by an
3.8 Explain the enterprise
difference between
entrepreneurs and • Explain procedure for
businessmen. analyzing a risk
General Objective 4.0 : Know the requirements for entrepreneurships
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning
Resources Objective Resources
6-7 4.1 Describe the key • Explain the major Flip chart/ Identify the requirements Draw an organogram Flip charts,
competencies required competencies Board of each department in of a chosen business Cardboard
for setting up of a required for terms of knowledge, skill organization/outfit, marker
successful small successful or traits. guide trainees to
business White Board study the functions of pens,
Knowledge , the various White
Identify the factors for
Skills and Traits Marker pens departments and the Board,
4.2 Describe the key setting up the business
knowledge and Computer,
variables which might under your heading.
determine success in • skills required for Projector etc.
Explain how they Projector
setting up a successful various positions. Practicing
are acquired or Present to the class your
small business developed. findings. entrepreneur
Computer Select a small
4.3 State the role of ethics, • business and divide
Provide examples Identify factors Case studies
morality and integrity in the class into 6
of the responsible for either the groups to identify
business competencies success or failure of the key success factors in
under each of business. setting up the
4.4 State the relationship knowledge, skills business under one of
between business ethics and traits the major
Examine factors to
and business social consider in deciding to headings in the
responsibility • Explain the start and run a business. MAIR framework
following as key
4.5 Explain factors success factors in Analyse case Studies
entrepreneurship: Guide trainees to
responsible for business analyse a case of
failure motivation and
Determination, business
Idea and market, success/failure.
4.6 Develop strategy to Ability(MAIR
minimize business • Framework)
failure. Business plan Give a practical
Organization and assignment for
4.7 State reasons why and Management. trainees to list the
how entrepreneurs make people they know
the decision to start and • Explain ethics, who have started
run their own businesses. morality and their businesses as a result
roles in business of the factors
4.8 List income generating presented justifying
activities you have been • their choice in each
Explain the case
or could be involved in at relationships
home, school or within between ethics and
the community. business
4.9 Describe your role in the
activity in 4.8 above. • Explain factors
that can lead
to business
failure and how
to overcome

• Explain with
examples how
/groups arrive at
the decision to
start their own
General Objective 5.0: Know sources of Business ideas
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Objective Resources Objective Activities Resources
5.1 Define a business idea • Describe a business Sample Perform both the 9 dot and Guide students to Cardboard or
8----9 and its sources. idea. Business Plan/ creative square exercises. do the 9 dot graph paper
Sales plan exercise. Ask
5.2 Identify sources of • Explain sources of Implement business plan. them to connect the Pencil/marker
business ideas business ideas and 9 dots by means of
how to spot or 4 straight lines. Ruler
5.3 State the importance of generate them: Provide the
generating business continuous solution Black//white
ideas. on the Board and board
• Hobbies,
explain why the
survey, franchises,
solutions lays Flip chart.
5.4 Explain the concepts
mass media, outside the square
creativity and
innovation and their complaints, of dots Sample business/
importance in personal skills Plan/Sales plan.
generating a good exercises, Also, guide
business idea. brainstorming. students to do the
creative square
• Explain why exercise.
5.5 Describe how to turn a
business idea into a business ideas
should be generated: Provide a business
viable business plan for discussion
to respond to market
opportunity. needs. by groups on
5.6 State factors to strategies
• Changing fashions
consider in identifying and requirement; to
and assessing business stay ahead of
opportunities. competition; to
explain technology
5.7 State characteristics because of product
of a good business life cycle.; and to
opportunity spread risk and
allow for failure.
• Explain/differentiate
between business
idea and opportunity

• Explain how to
develop/ transform
a business idea
into a viable

• Explain factors to
consider in
identifying and
assessing business
industry and market;
length of window of
personal translate
business opportunity
to business plan;
of the entrepreneur;
management team;
competition; capital,
technology & other
feasibility &
business plan

• Explain
characteristic of a
good business
opportunity: real
demand, return on
investment, be
competitive, meet
availability of
resources &
General Objective 6.0: Know how to organized an Enterprise
10 - 11 6.1 Explain market • Explain market and Carry out simple market Guide trainees to Video camera
what should be survey and market research carry out simple
6.2 List what known about market survey and Video tapes
entrepreneurs should potential customers Prepare a simple sales plan market research in
know about potential from the market survey and a typical market Video machine
customers • Explain sources of research conducted
customer Undertake Field Television
6.3 List sources of Examine the viability of a Trips
customer information typical business based on Real life project
• Analyze the its location Demonstrate how
marketing concept to prepare a simple Sample of
6.4 Explain the marketing
sales plan from the Covering letter
concept Given a selected business,
• Explain market market survey and
analyze its initial financial
Research and research conducted CAC registration
6.5 Explain market requirements
marketing strategy documents
research and Guide trainees to
marketing strategy • Describe steps in Prepare all necessary some selected Cash flow
papers and sample businesses to find projections for 3
conducting a
6.6 Explain target application for a loan out why they are years
market survey
marketing located there
• Describe how to Tax clearance for
6.7 Explain marketing mix develop a sales plan Select an existing 3 years
business, analyze
6.8 Explain how to • Explain target its capital Relevant
evaluate marketing marketing and requirement for licenses. Permits,
performance marketing mix establishment authorizations,
6.9 Explain how to • Evaluate marketing Guide trainees to
analyze the feasibility performance prepare necessary
of a product/service documents to file
• Explain how to for a loan
6.10 Explain factors that analyze product
affect the consumer feasibility
market with reference
to the “5 Ws” • Explain with
reference to a
6.11 State factors for chosen business
business location factors for business
6.12 Explain the legal
forms of business • Explain factors
ownership considered by
bankers in
6.13 Estimate the financial evaluating loan
requirements to start a
small business • Explain criteria for
evaluating loan
6.14 Explain “investment
capital and working Cost
capital” Risk
6.15 Examine ways of Control
getting into business Availability
6.16 Examine various Evaluation
sources of capital to Criteria
start an enterprise
• Explain various
6.17 Describe procedures ways of entering
for obtaining a business:
business loan Starting new
6.18 Describe factors to Existing business
consider by bankers Franchise
when evaluating a loan
applicant • Explain various
sources of capital to
6.19 Analyze criteria for start an enterprise
evaluating loan
sources • Explain procedures
for and
considerations in
6.20 Explain uses of
applying for
business loan:
Type of loan
Flexibility of
Customer status
with bank

considerations for
loan evaluation by
COURSE SPECIFICATION; Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 7.0: Know how to start an enterprise.
Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning
WEEK Resources Objective Resources
12--13 7.1 Identify information • Explain nature, Describe information and Invite an entrepreneur /
required by sources, and assistance required by a consultant to give a talk on
entrepreneurs. suppliers of potential entrepreneur, information required to
sources and nature of start a business and the Practicing
information assistance to be provided. sources of the information entrepreneur
7.2 Identify where to source required by
the required information and how to get it.
as an entrepreneur.
Identify sources of Divide the trainees into
Marketing groups. Each group to
7.3 List the methods of information and Presentation
Technical write down all the material s:
obtaining assistance and assistance required by
provider of the assistance ICT potential entrepreneurs. information and assistance
under each method: Financial required by a potential
entrepreneur, sources and Computer
• nature of assistance to be
Personal contacts:
provided. Projector
* entrepreneurs • Explain methods
* professionals of obtaining
* customers Television
assistance and
• providers of recorder
such assistance.
* trade exhibitions. personal contact
• observation
interviews direct
* customers
mail reading
* suppliers
* competitors. * web/internet
* distributors
* ex-employees
* agents
* experts/practitioners. • Explain a Duties of each employee.
• business plan, List the
Direct mail:
why it is written, equipment/tools/machines Qualifications of the
• when it is
Reading: etc required in a selected employees.
* reports written, types of business.
• media business plans, Organizational chart of
who writes the Identify compliance the business.
• books
plan, how it is requirement.
• literature written, what is
• directories done with it, how Outside /professional
List all the fixed and services that may be
• govt. information it looks like, its
current assets required to required to support the
trade associations. contents, how it start a selected business. business.
• Web/Internet is organized.
Determine personal Equipment/facilities
• competitors contribution to start a available for operation.
• markets • Explain business.
• industry information compliance Compliance requirements.
• govt. department. requirements of Note other sources of Sample
a business to funding a business.
Total capital required to Business
7.4 Analyze a business operate within start. Plan
plan. the law. Identify supporting
evidence/ documents such
Personal capital
• Explain how to as certificate of
7.5 Identify the legal contribution to finance the
requirements to comply calculate total business.
entrepreneur’s awards,
with before starting a capital reference letters,
business. requirements for bank statements, Intended borrowed capital.
a selected tax returns which may be
7.6 Calculate total capital business. required to support loan Support
requirements for a typical application. evidence/documentation
business. • Explain types of acquired to borrow required
record and List records/reports kept funds.
7.7 Maintain various types reports to be by a business such as
of records and reports kept by a cheque book, receipts,
kept by a business. business petty cash,
• Provide list of
7.8 Determine total sales, legal
expenses, working capital Statutory
etc for a typical business. business
7.9 Prepare sales and costs CAC, SON,
fore casts for a typical NAFDAC,
business. State Ministry of
7.10 Prepare forecasted cash Local Govt.
flow, income statement, etc.and
balance sheet for a typical their roles
• Explain how to
7.11 Calculate contribution determine total
margin of a business sales, expenses,
from given sales and cost working
of stock figures using
capital, and
appropriate formula.
total amount for
fixed assets,
total costs for
stocks, labour
and overheads.

• Explain how to
prepare sales and
costs forecast.

• Explain how to
prepare forecasted
cash flow,
forecasted income
statement, balance
• Explain how to

7.12 Describe the payroll, purchase Records/reports
responsibility of a vouchers, tax returns, required in running the
typical small business to cash flow, income business.
the Community. statements, balance sheets
Monthly/annual total
Calculate total sales,
expenses, working capital,
Expected pre-operation
total amount for fixed
assets, total costs for
stocks, labour overheads, .
etc. required for starting a
business. Required working
Prepare sales and costs
forecasts, forecasted cash
flow, forecasted income Total amount for fixed
statement, forecasted
assets. total cost, stocks,
balance sheet for the end labour, overheads.
of first year.

Sales and costs forecast

Calculate gross for the first years.
margin in terms of
percentage. Cash for cast for the
first year. (Show
forecast cash flow).
Identify areas the
business can make
contribution to the Profit forecast for first
immediate year. (show forecast
environment/community income statement).
(social responsibility)
Net worth of the
Prepare a business plan for
a chosen business.
COURSE SPECIFICATION; Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 8.0: Know how to operate an enterprise.
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning
Resources Resources
14---15 8.1 Explain how to select, • Explain Prepare a suitable job Guide trainees to Samples of
motivate and discipline personnel advertisement for an existing prepare a suitable packaged
staff in a small business. practices in a vacancy in a small business. job advertisement Products.
small business. for a determined
Recruitment and Schedule daily activities. vacancy. Newspaper
8.2 List necessary skills
selection. cuttings of
required by an Orientation. Job
entrepreneur to manage design, Prepare sales promotion Guide trainees to job adverts
his personnel. specification and campaign to address a specific prepare a time
problem of sales. schedule of their
8.3 Explain why it is
necessary to manage Discipline.
Ask them to
time. prioritize their
• Describe skills activities for the
8.4 Explain techniques of time required to next day.
management. manage people.
Advise them on
8.5 Describe a sales person • Explain time best practices.
and his attributes. management
and its Guide trainees to
techniques. prepare a
8.6 Describe characteristics of
potential customers.
• Explain campaign to address
qualities of a specific problem of
8.7 Describe the steps taken sales.
by a sales person in successful sales
selling a product. person.
Invite successful
Entrepreneur for
8.8 Explain importance of • Explain
experience sharing.
promotional activities in qualities of
promoting sales. potential
8.9 Describe steps to take in
dealing with suppliers.
• Explain the role
8.10 Explain factors in of
selecting appropriate communication
technologies for a in selling .vii
typical small business .Explain the role
considering its of promotion in
characteristics and major sales.
• Explain steps of
doing business
8.11 Analyse a decision to with suppliers.
introduce new
technology in a small • Determine your
business business needs.

• Contact
suppliers and
Select best
Order goods.
Check received

• Check the
invoice and Pay
• Explain how to
technologies for
use in a small


• Explain the
considerations to
make before
introducing new
technology in a
small business.

• Explain how new

technology will
improve market

• How the
technology will
affect business
profits. Whether
market study has
been conducted
to determine the
demand for the
new product..
Period it will
take for the new
product to gain

COURSE SPECIFICATION; Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 8.0: Know how to operate an enterprise.
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning
Resources Resources
14---15 8.1 Explain how to select, • Explain Prepare a suitable job Guide trainees to Samples of
motivate and discipline personnel advertisement for an existing prepare a suitable packaged
staff in a small business. practices in a vacancy in a small business. job advertisement Products.
small business. for a determined
Recruitment and Schedule daily activities. vacancy. Newspaper
8.2 List necessary skills
selection. cuttings of
required by an Orientation. Job
entrepreneur to manage design, Prepare sales promotion Guide trainees to job adverts
his personnel. specification and campaign to address a specific prepare a time
problem of sales. schedule of their
8.3 Explain why it is Motivation
necessary to manage Ask them to
time. prioritize their
• Describe skills activities for the
8.4 Explain techniques of time required to next day.
management. manage people.
Advise them on
8.5 Describe a sales person • Explain time best practices.
and his attributes. management
and its Guide trainees to
techniques. prepare a
8.6 Describe characteristics of
potential customers.
• Explain campaign to address
qualities of a specific problem of
successful sales sales.
8.7 Describe the steps taken Invite successful
by a sales person in • Explain Entrepreneur for
selling a product. qualities of experience sharing.
8.8 Explain importance of customers.
promotional activities in
promoting sales.
• Explain the role
8.9 Describe steps to take in of
dealing with suppliers. communication
in selling .vii
8.10 Explain factors in .Explain the role
selecting appropriate of promotion in
technologies for a sales.
typical small business
• Explain steps of
considering its
doing business
characteristics and major
with suppliers.
• Determine your
8.11 Analyse a decision to business needs.
introduce new Identify
technology in a small potential
business suppliers.

• Contact
suppliers and
Select best
Order goods.
Check received
• Check the
invoice and Pay
• Explain how to
technologies for
use in a small


• Explain the
considerations to
make before
introducing new
technology in a
small business.

• Explain how new

technology will
improve market

• How the
technology will
affect business
profits. Whether
market study has
been conducted
to determine the
demand for the
new product..
Period it will
take for the new
product to gain
MTH 102




DURATION: Hours/Week: Theory: 1 Hour Practical: 3 Hours

GOAL: This course is designed to provide the trainee with knowledge and skill to carryout diagnostics and
repairs in the various components of electrical/electronic communication in automotive systems.


On completion of this course the student should be able to:

1.0 Know Automotive Sensors and Actuators.

2.0 Understand the role of Engine Control Unit (ECU) in Automotive Mechatronics System
3.0 Know how to rectify faults associated with the Built-in System Interface (BSI)
4.0 Know how to rectify faults in Fuse Boxes
5.0 Understand the basic of Automotive Multiplex System
6.0 Know how to rectify faults in automotive Mechatronic Systems.
YEAR: 1 SEMESTER 2 PRE: REQUISITE Theoretical: 1 Practical: 3
GOAL: This course is designed to provide the trainee with knowledge and skills to carry out diagnostics and repairs in the various components of
electrical/electronic communication in automotive systems.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
1.0 GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1.0 Know Automotive Sensors and Actuators.
week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
1 1.1 Define Sensors 1.1 Explain sensors and • Sensors 1.1 Detect faults Guide • Sensors
actuators, their • Actuators indicated by students to • Actuators
types and functions sensors and detect and
1.2 Define Actuators • Model • Models Engine
actuators and rectify faults
1.2 Explain location Engine rectify them. indicated by • Model Cars
1.3 Explain types of sensor and fault indicated • Live Vehicle sensors and • Projector
and actuators. by sensors and • Magic Board actuators. • Marker
actuators. • Projector • Tool box
1.4 Explain the functions of • Marker • Diagnostic
sensors and actuators.
1.5 Explain faults as
indicated from sensor and

1.0 GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.0 Understand the role of Engine Control Unit (ECU) in Automotive Mechatronics System
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
2-4 2.1 Explain Engine Control 2.1 Explain Engine • ECUs 2.2 Interpret ECU • Guide • Tool Box
Unit (ECU) Control Unit (ECU) • Model Communications. students to • Diagnostic
types, functions and Engine interprete, tools
2.2 Explain types and functions locations. dismantle • DMM
• Charts 2.3 Dismantle and
of Engine Control Unit and refit • ECUs
(ECU) • DMM refit ECU
ECUs. • Magnifier
• Diagnostic
2.3 Explain location of Engine tools
Control Unit (ECU)

2.4 Explain master Engine

Control Unit (ECU)

2.5 Explain slave Engine

Control Unit (ECU)

1.0 GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0 Know how to rectify faults associated with the Built-in Systems Interface (BSI)
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5-10 3.1 Explain the functions of 3.1 Explain the • Textbooks 3.1 Identify • Show the • Complete Tool
Built-in Systems Interface functions of BSI. • Internet components of BSI . students the Boxes
• Circuit
internal • Precision tool
3.2 Explain the location 3.2 Identify the components Boxes
3.2 Explain components in of both the ECU and functions of of BSI • BSI
Built-in Systems Interface BSI component of BSI Component
(BSI) • Guide • DMM
3.3 Explain common students to • Oscilloscope
3.3 Differentiate between BSI faults related to BSI. identify and • Charts
and ECU
3.4 Explain location of Built-in rectify faults • Circuit
Systems Interface (BSI) in BSI. Diagram
• Magnifier
3.5 Discuss equipment linked
to the BSI.

3.6 Explain faults linked to

BSI and how to rectify

1.6Discuss care and

precautions while
working on BSI.
1.0 GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 4.0 Know how to rectify faults in Fuse Boxes
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
4.1 Explain types and purpose 4.1 Explain fuse boxes, • Text books Interprete circuit Guide students to • Complete Tool
Fuse boxes. their types and • Internet diagrams, identify and interprete circuit Boxes
components. • Circuit
rectify faults in a fuse diagrams, • Precision tool
4.2 Explain location of fuse 4.2 Explain circuit box. identify and Boxes
boxes. diagrams related to a rectify faults in a • BSI
4.3 Explain circuit diagrams fuse box. fuse box. Component
related to a fuse box. . • DMM
• Oscilloscope
4.4 Explain components of a • Charts
Fuse Box.
• Circuit
4.5 State the roles of the
various types of Fuse

4.6 Differentiate between

functional and faulty Fuse

4.7 Explain process of Fuse


4.8 Explain safety precaution

while handling Fuse Boxes.

1.0 GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 5.0 Understand the basics of Automotive Multiplex System
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5.1 Define Multiplex System 5.1 Explain Multiplex • Text books 5.1 Identify cables of Guide students to • Diagnostic
and its Application • Internet LIN, LAN, VAN identify cables of Scan tools
5.2 Discuss history of
• Circuit
Multiplex Systems 5.2 Explain LIN, LAN, and CAN. • Live Vehicle
VAN and CAN. 5.2 Identify CAN • Circuit
5.3 Discuss areas of High and CAN • Demonstrate diagrams
Application of a Multiplex 5.3 Explain the Low, VAN High fault tracing • Complete tool
System. purpose of each and VAN low on each box
in 5.2 above. Network • Oscilloscope
5.4 Explain the generation of 5.3 Carryout fault • Computer
Multiplex System 5.4 Explain the cable tracing in each system
that represent LIN, Network in a
5.5 Explain main purpose of LAN, VAN and Circuit System
Multiplex System CAN
5.5 Explain faults
5.6 List Discrete components associated with
in Automotive Multiplex each network and how
system. to rectify.

5.7 Explain BUS System

5.8 Define Local Area


5.9 Explain area of application

of LAN
5.10 Explain LAN. wiring in a

5.11 Define Local

Interconnection Network (LIN)

5.12 Explain application of


5.13 Explain LIN wiring in

a Circuit diagram

5.14 Define Control Area

Network (CAN)

5.16 Explain area of application

of CAN.

5.17 Explain CAN - high and

CAN – low in a circuit

5.18 State faults common with


5.19 Define Vehicle Area

Network (VAN)

5.20 Explain areas of

application of VAN

5.21 Explain VAN – low and

VAN-High in a circuit diagram

5.22 State fault common with

VAN networks
5.23 Differentiate between
1.0 GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 6.0 Know how to rectify faults in automotive Mechatronic Systems.
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
6.1 Explain how to use the 6.1 Explain the use of • White Board 6.1 Identify and • Guide the • Circuit
Following software: All Data and Auto • Marker rectify faults in students on diagrams for a
- Auto Data Data software in fault Instrument cluster. steps to specific fault
• Recommende
- All Data tracing identify and • Live Engine
d textbooks 6.2 Identify and trace the • Complete tool
6.2 Explain precautionary 6.2 Discuss the Safety etc. rectify faults in faults box
measures in electrical fault precautions required motorised throttle created. • Oscilloscope
tracing in housing • Digital
the electrical fault Multimedia
6.3 Explain Safety requirement tracing workshop 6.3 Identify and • DMM
for components, Car, Personnel rectify faults in • Fuel Pressure
and Environment during Transmission Unit tester
electrical fault tracing
• All Data and
6.4 Identify and
Auto Data
rectify faults in
power-train • Diagnostic
Scan tools
6.5 Identify and rectify • Personal
faults in Computer
Infotainment units

6.6 Identify and

rectify faults in
BSI, fuse box and

6.7 Identify and

rectify faults in
comfort unit (A/C)
6.8 Identify and rectify
short and open circuit

6.9 Identify and

rectify fault in
fuel system

6.10 Identify and

rectify fault in
ESP, ABS units.

6.11 Identify and

rectify faults on
Actuators and
Coursework Course Test Practical Other:





GOAL: This course is designed to equip students with the basic working principles and operations of the cooling,
lubrication, fuel and transmission systems


At the end of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand the working principles and operations of an engine system

2.0 Understand the working principles and operations of the cooling system

3.0 Understand the working principles and operations of lubrication system

4.0 Understand the working principles and operations of the fuel system

5.0 Understand the working principles and operations of transmission system

6.0 Understand the working principles and operation of the Vehicle air conditioning system
YEAR: 1 SEMESTER 2 PRE: REQUISITE Theoretical: Practical:
GOAL: This course is designed to equip students with the basic principles and operations of the cooling, lubrication, fuel and transmission systems
Theoretical Content Practical Content
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1.0 Understand the working principles and operations of the cooling system
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
1 1.7 Explain engine cooling 1.1 Explain engine • White 1.2 Identify engine • Guide • Complete
systems and its purpose. cooling systems and Board cooling system students to automobile
its purpose. • Projectors and its demonstrate tool box
components engine • Live vehicle
1.8 List the component of a • Laptop
1.2 List the cooling • Cooling
cooling system component of a • Flip Chart 1.3 Identify types of system fluids/coolants
1.9 Explain the function of • Drawings
cooling system cooling fluids operations • Audio-visual
the components in the 1.3 Explain the • • Models
cooling system function of the 1.4 Perform trouble • Show • Real objects
1.10 Explain the types of components in the shooting and students how
cooling system cooling system service of cooling to drain and
1.4 Explain the types system replace
1.11 Explain the schematic
of cooling system 1.5 Observe safety engine
structural flow of the 1.5 Explain the precaution while coolant fluid
cooling system schematic structural working on
flow of the cooling cooling system • Demonstrate
1.12 Explain importance of system trouble
engine coolants shooting
1.6 Explain techniques
importance of and service
1.13 Explain forced water
engine coolants of cooling
circulation cooling
system systems.
1.7 Explain forced
water circulation
1.14 Explain thermo-siphon cooling system
water cooling systems
1.15 Differentiate between 1.8 Explain thermo-
forced circulation and siphon water cooling
thermo-siphon water systems
cooling system
1.16 Explain the common 1.9 Differentiate
problems associated with between forced
a cooling system circulation and
1.17 Explain the maintenance thermo-siphon water
and service procedure of cooling system
cooling system 1.10 Explain
the common
problems associated
with a cooling
1.11 Explain
the maintenance and
service procedure of
cooling system

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.0 Understand the working principles and operations of lubrication system
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
2-4 2.1 Define Automotive 2.1 Explain the • White 2.1 Identify types of • Demonstrate • Automobile
lubrication system functions and Board lubricants the procedure Tool box
purpose of • Marker 2.2 Identify types of for draining, • Live vehicle
2.2 Explain the purpose and replacement • Demonstration
functions of lubricating
lubricating system • Projectors oil filters
and gauging engine
systems • Laptop 2.3 Carry out gauging,
of engine oil • Different types
2.3 list the component parts of 2.2 Describe the • Flip Chart draining and
of lubricants,
lubricating system effect of friction and replacement of • Compare additives and
the need for engine oil types of filters
2.4 explain the schematic lubrication lubricants
structural flow of lubricating
system and their
2.5 Explain the principles of 2.3 List types of
lubricating systems lubrication and • Show types
lubricants of oil
2.6 explain types, composition
2.4 Explain the additives and
and properties of lubricating
oils layout of lubricating oil filters
2.7 Explain oil additives and
oil rating 2.5 Explain types of
oil additives and
their effect.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0 Understand the working principles and operations of the fuel system
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5-10 3.1 Explain fuel injection 3.1 Describe fuel • White 3.1 Identify Basic • Show the • Automobile
system for SI and CI injection system for Board assembly of injector basic Tool box
engines CI and SI engines • Marker system assembly of • Live vehicle
3.2 Explain types and modes of an injector • Fuel Injector
injection system. 3.2 list components • Projectors system
3.2 Identify Trainer
of the automobile • Laptop • identify the • Fuel Pump
components of the
3.3 State functional operations fuel system • Flip Chart fuel system components • Fuel Filter
and requirements of an along the fuel • Injector
injection system 3.3 explain the system Nozzles
3.3 Troubleshoot
functions of fuel
the fuel injector • Perform fault • Injector
3.4 Explain the functions of injectors, fuel pumps diagnosis of Cleaner
fuel injector, fuel pump and and fuel filter system
the fuel • Fuel pressure
fuel filter 3.4 Carry out servicing
system tester
of injectors
3.4 explain types of • Guide • Model
3.5 Explain types of nozzles nozzles and fuel 3.5 Replace a fuel students to
and fuel spray. spray pump and filter • Real object
replace fuel
3.6 explain maintenance and 3.5 explain maintenance pump and
service of fuel system procedure of fuel system filter

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 4.0 Understand the working principles and operations of transmission system
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
4.1 Explain the operational 4.1 Describe the • White 4.1 Demonstrate the • Guide • Complete
principles and functions of operational principles Board working principles students to Automobile
the transmission system and functions of the • Maker of transmission demonstrate Tool Box
transmission system • Flip Chart system the working • Live Vehicles
4.2 Explain the operational • Projectors principles of • Manual gear
function of the clutch and 4.2 Describe the • Laptop 4.2 Demonstrate the automobile box
its component operational function function of the transmission • Automatic
of the clutch clutch system gear box
4.3 Explain the operational • Torque
function of gear box in 4.3 Explain the working 4.3 Compare the • Show Converter
manual transmission and principles of gear operational students the • Automatic
its components box principles of working Transmission
manual gear boxes, principles of Fluid (ATF)
4.4 Explain common types of 4.4 Differentiate gear synchronization the clutch • Automobile
gear box in manual common types of manual and engagement
transmission gear • Guide Trainer.
box: 4.4 Demonstrate the students to
4.5 Explain operational ▪ Sliding-mesh operation of the demonstrate
principles of automatic gear box automatic the operation
transmission system and its ▪ Constant-mesh transmission of automatic
components parts gear box system transmission
▪ Synchro-mesh systems
4.6 Explain the importance of gear box 4.5 Demonstrate the
automatic transmission function of the
fluid (ATF) 4.5 Describe the working Torque Converter. • Demonstrate
principles of the operation
4.7 Describe the operational automatic 4.6 Demonstrate the of Torque
principles of propeller transmission systems working function Converter
shaft and drive shaft in of propeller shaft,
relation to the power train. 4.6 Describe the differential and • Apply uses of
working principles of final drive Automatic
4.8 State the functions of the torque Converters. Transmission
differential and final drive Fluid
in the transmission system. 4.7 Explain the
operational function • Demonstrate
of propeller shafts. the
4.8 Explain the link between
operational function of the engine,
differential and final propeller,
drive differential
and final

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 5.0 Understand the working principles and operation of the Vehicle air conditioning system
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5.1 Explain air-conditioning 5.1 Explain air- • White 5.1 Demonstrate the • Guide • Complete
cycle and its principles conditioning cycle Board working principles students to automobile
and its principles • Maker of air-conditioning demonstrate tool box
5.2 Explain fundamentals of with diagrams • Flip Chart cycle working • Live vehicle
vehicle air-conditioning • Projectors cycle of • Compressor
5.2 Explain • Laptop 5.3 Identify vehicle air- • Evaporator
5.3 Explain components of vehicle air- components of conditioning • Condenser
vehicle air-conditioning conditioning vehicle air- system • Dryer
fundamentals. conditioning
• Assorted
5.4 Describe refrigerant types system. • Show the refrigerant
and their function 5.3 List components functional types
required in vehicle 5.4 Perform components • System
5.5 Describe routine air-conditioning Refrigerant of vehicle pressure/tempe
maintenance of vehicle air- systems discharge and air- rature gauge
conditioning system evacuation conditioning tester
5.4 Explain refrigerants system
and their function 5.5 Perform • Vehicle air-
refrigerant • Guide trainer
5.5 Explain routine charging and students to
maintenance for system • Leak detector
vehicle air- conditioning lubrication/oiling • Gas extractor
systems. and recharge
of vehicle
and charging
Coursework Course Test Practical Other:




DURATION: Hours/Week: Theory: 1 Hour Practical: 3 Hours

GOAL: This course is designed to provide the students with knowledge and skills to maintain and repair
automotive electrical systems.


On completion of this course the student should be able to:

1.0 Understand the working principles of a cell and the constructional feature of a battery
2.0 Know how to maintain, repair and charge batteries
3.0 Know how to carry out repairs on alternators
4.0 Know types of Starter Motors and their repairs
5.0 Know automobiles electrical circuit components.
6.0 Understand automotive sensor technology
YEAR: 1 SEMESTER 2 PRE: REQUISITE Theoretical: 1 Practical: 3
GOAL: This course is designed to provide the trainee with knowledge and skill to maintain, repair and charge batteries efficiently.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1.0 Understand the working principles of a cell and the constructional feature of a battery
week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
1 1.18 Define cell. 1.3 Explain Primary • Cells 1.6 Construct a simple • Show • Insulated
and Secondary cells • Battery cell of battery students how container,
1.19 Explain the various parts
• Charts to: • Diluted
of a cell. 1.4 Explain working 1.7 Connect batteries • Construct Sulphuric Acid
• Chalkboard
Principles of 1.1 for charging simple cells • Zinc Plate and
1.20 Explain types of cells: above. • Text books system in of battery Copper Plate
- Primary and • Internet (a) series • Connect • Rechargeable
- Secondary cells (b) parallel batteries in Batteries
series to a • Battery charger
1.21 Explain the working 1.8 Prepare electrolyte battery • Electrolyte
for use in charger • Acid and water
principles of Primary
and Secondary cells
secondary cell • Connect • Plastic
batteries in container
1.9 Measure the parallel to a • Hydrometer
specific gravity battery
(s.g) of the • Refractrometer
electrolyte • Rubber gloves
• Prepare • High-risk
discharge tester
for use in
(Note: acid to
water and not
water to acid)
• Use
to measure
the s.g. of the

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.0 Know how to maintain, repair and charge batteries
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
2-4 2.1 Explain the materials, 2.1 Show tools, • Cells 2.4 Carryout different Guide • Insulated
equipment and tools used materials and • Battery charging methods students to: container,
for battery charging equipment used with • Charts e.g. • Construct, • Diluted
battery in a charging • Chalkboard ▪ Trickle charge, Sulphuric Acid
2.2 Describe the condition
room charging
discharge, • Zinc Plate and
suitable for battery • Text books repair and Copper Plate
• Internet method
charging e.g. replace • Rechargeable
(a) Observe polarity and 2.2 Explain the ▪ Constant batteries.. Batteries
terminal precaution in charge current method • Battery charger
(b) The room will be well room ▪ Constant • Electrolyte
ventilated voltage method • Acid and water
(c) Remove the vent
2.3 Explain how to ▪ Floating • Plastic
prepare electrolyte, method container
(d) Use non-corrosive base
observe all 2.5 Observe charging • Hydrometer
2.3 Explain how to prepare precautions and discharging • Refractrometer
electrolyte observing necessary condition of a • Rubber gloves
precautions • High-rate
2.4 Explain methods of secondary cell/
discharge tester
2.4 Describe the various battery charging battery
methods of charging
2.5 Describe all types of 2.3 Apply the necessary
battery e.g. Constant
regulations while
voltage, constant current, charging system
float charging, and trickle stated above
2.4 Detect faulty cells in
2.6 Use hydrometer to a
9-10 2.5 Describe the various types demonstrate how to battery using
of charging e.g. test the specific voltage tester
a. Trickle charging gravity
b. Floating charging
2.7 Explain charging
c. Equalizing charging and discharging 2.5 Repair and replace
d. Ordinary charging state fault
e. Initial charging cells in a battery
2.8 Explain charging
2.6 Explain how to determine and discharge state 2.6 Seal battery top with
the specific gravity of show how to the
electrolyte. determine them appropriate sealing
2.7 Explain how to determine 2.9 Explain how to
the charge and discharge protect terminals
condition from corrosion.
Draw a well labeled
2.8 Explain how to protect diagram of a
terminals from corrosion and charger.
safeguard the battery cells in a
charged condition 2.10 Show parts of
2.9 Describe the constructional
features of a charger 2.11 Explain
regulations guiding
battery installation
charging and

2.12 Show how to

detect the condition
of cells in a battery

2.13 Show how to

repair and replace
faulty cells
2.14 Demonstrate
how to seal battery
tops with sealing
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0 Know how to carry out repairs on alternators
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5-10 3.1 Explain the component 3.1 Explain alternator, • Textbooks 3.1 Identify component • Guide the • Tool Box
parts of an alternator its components and • White board parts of an student to • Alternator
• Chart
alternator. identify and • A work bench
3.2 Explain the operational and 3.2 Interpret the replace faulty
working principles of an • Multimedia internal circuit of parts of an
alternator Projector an alternator. alternator.
3.3 Identify and replace
3.3 Explain the term faulty parts of an
rectification alternator.

3.4 Explain the design and

purpose of voltage

3.5 Explain the content of

reverse current block and
over voltage protection

3.6 Explain the internal circuit

of an alternator.
3.7 Explain problems
associated with alternators.

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 4.0 Know types of Starter Motors and their repairs
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
4.1 Explain the history of 4.1 Explain the history, • Textbooks 4.1 Identify and rectify • Guide • Tool Box
automobile starting system parts, types and process • White board faults in a starter motor students to • Starter Motor
of starter motors. • Chart Identify and • Training
4.2 Explain parts of a starter rectify faults Models of
motor and their designs • Multimedia in a starter Starter motor
Projector motor.
4.3 Explain the meshing drive
and starting process

4.4 Explain types of starter

4.5 Explain common problems
associated with starter motors.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 5.0 Know automobiles electrical circuit components.
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5.1 Explain types of 5.1 Explain automobile • Textbooks 5.1 Identify automobile • Guide • Battery
automobile electrical electrical circuit • White electrical circuit students to: • Wires
circuit component components. Board component (a) Identify • Relays
• Charts
automobile • Lumps
5.2 Describe automobile 5.2 Identify parts of a electrical • Bulbs
electrical circuit load e.g. • Multimedia Relay circuit • Models
- Lamps Projector components
- Bulb, e.t.c. 5.3 Remove and
replace faulty relay in a (b) Identify parts
5.3 Define relay. circuit. of a relay.
(c) Remove and
5.4 Explain the operational replace faulty
principles of a relay relay in a
5.5 Explain different types of





GOAL: This course is designed to equip students with the basic understanding of the concept of automation and artificial


At the end of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand the concept of automation

2.0 Understand the working principles and application of Control System

3.0 Understand the use of Personal Computer in automation

4.0 Understand Hardware configuration and Software Application in automation

YEAR: 2 SEMESTER 2 PRE: REQUISITE Theoretical: Practical:
GOAL: This course is designed to equip students with the basic understanding and concept of automation and artificial intelligences
Theoretical Content Practical Content
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1.0 Understand the concept of automation
week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
1 1.22 Define automation. 1.5 Explain automation • White 1.10 Identify process • Guide • Computer
technology and Board and stages of students to system
1.23 Explain automation application • Laptop automation demonstrate • -solid - state
process stages of
1.6 Explain evolution • Lecture 1.11 Compare early automation
and development of Note and current stages • Micro-
1.24 Explain stages of
automation • Flip Chart of automation • Guide controller unit
-early students to • Programmable
-intermediate 1.7 Explain current state compare Logic
-current of automation and its early and Controller
impact on current stages
technology trainer
1.25 List requirements and
automation • Adriuno-uno
equipment for basic 1.8 Explain components automation kit
automation for basic automation
including micro
controller system
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.0 2.0 Understand the working principles and application of Control System
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
2-4 2.1 Define control system 1.1 Explain the concept • Laptop 2.6 Demonstrate • Guide • Micro
of control system • White control process students to Controller
2.2 Explain types of control Board and systems demonstrate Units
systems control • PLC Trainer
1.2 Explain types of • Marker process in • Computer
2.3 Explain input processor control system • Projectors automation Systems
section of control system. • Interface Card
1.3 Explain input • Laser 2.7 Identify input • Show types
2.4 Explain development and processor section in pointer process section in of control
types of Programmable Control System • Lecture control system system
Logic Controller (PLC)
system Notes
1.4 Describe stages of 2.8 Perform simple
development of PLC PLC Programming • Demonstrate
2.5 Explain the programming PLC
language used for PLC system for Automation
Control System Control stages
1.5 Explain
programming • Guide
language for PLC’s students to
simple PLC

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0 Understand the use of Personal Computer in automation

Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5-10 3.1 Explain the use of 3.1 Explain the use of • White 3.1 Demonstrate the • Guide • PLC Trainer
computers in automation computer in automation Board use of computers students to • Automation
• Marker in automation demonstrate Software
3.2 Explain the stages of 3.2 Explain stages of application of • Adriuno-uno
computer interface in micro computer • Projectors
3.2 Identify the PC in automation kit
automation interface in • Laptop stages of computer automation • Computer
automation • Flip Chart interface in System
3.3 Explain PC modularity • Projector automation • Show
programmability and 3.3 Explain computer 3.3 Perform PC interface in
• Laser
sources of support modularity, modularity and automation
programmability and Pointer
source support for
3.4 Compare PC, PLC and source support • Lecture automation • Show the
relay in automation Notes application of
3.4 Explain the 3.4 Demonstrate the PC, PLC and
3.5 Explain types and difference use of PC, relays in
application of automation of PC, PLC and PLC and relay in automation
software. relays automation
3.5 Explain types of 3.5 Install automation • Show how to
automation software software install

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 4.0 Understand Hardware configuration and Software Application in automation
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
4.1 Explain the components of 4.1 Explain micro • White 4.1 Identify micro • Guide • Micro
PC System used in computer Board computer students to Computer
automation system control components and • Maker components used identify System Units
configuration in • Computer for automation micro • PLC trainer
4.2 Explain automation control system system computer unit
process and PC control • Lecture 4.2 Connect an components • Automation
interface 4.2 Explain automation Notes interface micro used in Software
process and PC • Projector computer automation • Micro
4.3 Explain assembly and control interface • Laser automation Controller
trouble shooting of PC Pointer software and • Show and Trainer Unit
4.3 Explain steps and equipment guide • Adriuno-uno
procedures of PC students to Kit
assembly 4.3 Identify and connect an • internet
assemble micro interface PC
4.4 Explain procedure computer parts and PLC
for PC trouble and components
4.4 Trouble shoot and • Guide
maintain PC used students to
in automation assemble

• Show
students the
procedure for
PC trouble
Coursework Course Test Practical Other:
EDP 202





Goal: This course is aimed at providing the trainee with the basic working principles and operations of
suspension, brake, steering, exhaust and air-conditioning systems


On completion of the course, the trainee should be able to:

1.0 Understand the working principle, repair and maintenance of an automobile engine.

2.0 Understand the Principles of operation and requirements of suspension system

3.0 Know the principles of brake system

4.0 Understand steering system and its requirements

5.0 Understand the working principles of exhaust system

6.0 Understand the working principles and operation of air-conditioning system





DURATION: Hours/Week: Theory: 1 Hour Practical: 3 Hours

GOAL: This course is designed to provide the students with the knowledge and skills to diagnose and repair
automobile ignition and data transmission systems in an automobile.


On completion of this course the student should be able to:

1.0 Know measuring, testing and fault diagnostics in automobile ignition system
2.0 Understand automobile ignition system
3.0 Know data transmission and reception in motor vehicle.
COURSE: Course Code: AMT 221 Contact Hours: T: 1 hrs. /wk. P:3hrs/wk
Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 1.0: understand the working principles and operations of an automobile engine.
WEEK Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Resources
1-3 Outcomes Outcomes activities

1 1.1 Define automobile 1.1 Discuss engine -White board 1.1 Identify 1.1 Guide students -Various engine
engine. system of a motor marker, various types of to overhaul an models.
vehicle. -Recommended engine of a motor automobile engine -Training vehicles
text books vehicle. -Live vehicle on
1.2 State types of 1.2 Differentiate - Lecture note, workshop floor
automobile engines such between ECE and - Engine Models 1.2 Identify - Complete tool
as; ICE . - Pictures. cylinder block of box
EC(Engine) various engine - Compression
IC(Engine) 1.3 Discuss IC designs. tester
engines: - Engine
1.3 List the types of IC Reciprocating and 1.3 Overhaul an Stethoscope
engines. Rotary engines. automobile - Dial Indicator
engine. - Air-compressor
1.4 Discuss the - Engine trainer (2
1.4 Explain types of various kind of & 4 stroke)
reciprocating piston reciprocating - Oil can
engines. piston engines;
1.5 Explain operational Cycle SI and CI
of SI engines engines.
1.6 List different types of 1.5 Explain the
engines various types of
-Inline engine engine
-Box engine classification.
- Oppose etc.
1.7 Explain in various stroke 1.6 Discuss the
the working principle of an operational
engine; principles of two
Induction, compression, stroke and Four
power and exhaust. stroke cycle of an
1.8 Explain the
characteristics of two 1.7 Discuss the
stroke and four stroke characteristics,
engine. advantages and
disadvantages of
1.9 List the components two stroke and
of an engine, location and four stroke
their functions. engines.

1.10 Define the 1.8 Discuss the main

followings - components of an
engine such as:-
-Cylinder block
-Swept volume -Cylinder Head
-Clearance volume -Cylinder Cover
-Piston clearance etc. -Connecting Rod
-Crank Shaft
1.11 List the components -Camshaft
of valve train and their -Crank Case
-Piston and big
end bearings
-Camshaft -Main journal
-Rocker arm bearings
-Valves -Fly wheels etc.
-Push rod etc.

1.12 Explain the 1.9 Explain

relationship between combustion
cylinder head and engine chamber and the
block, camshaft and
crankshaft. -BDC
1.13 Explain the -Stroke
maintenance and repair -Swept volume
procedures of an -Clearance
automobile engine.
-Piston clearance.

1.14 Explain the 1.10 Explain valve

procedure to overhaul train/valve
an automobile engine mechanisms of
an engine, valve
timing, valve
overlap and valve
clearance etc.

1.11 Explain the

between a
cylinder head and
an engine block,
camshaft and
crankshaft and
their tightening

1.12 Discuss
maintenance and
repair procedures
of an engine.

1.13 Expla
in the
e to
le engine




DURATION: Hours/Week: Theory: 1 Hour Practical: 3 Hours

GOAL: This course is designed to provide the students with the knowledge and skills to diagnose and repair
automobile ignition and data transmission systems in an automobile.


On completion of this course the student should be able to:

1.0 Know measuring, testing and fault diagnostics in automobile ignition system
2.0 Understand automobile ignition system
3.0 Know data transmission and reception in motor vehicle.
YEAR: 1 SEMESTER 2 PRE: REQUISITE Theoretical: 1 Practical: 3
GOAL: This course is designed to provide the trainee with knowledge and skills to diagnose and repair automobile ignition systems, and
data transmission in motor vehicle.
Theoretical Content Practical Content
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1.0 Know measuring, testing and fault diagnostics in automobile ignition system
week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
1otive 1.26 List types of Automobile 1.9 Explain items 1.1 to • Text Books 1.12 Carry out the • Guide • Scan Tools
diagno faults e.g Cylinder 1.6 • White following types of students to • Result Sheet
sis misfiring. fault diagnosis: carryout
(a) Vehicle data diagnosis in
• Charts and customer items 1.1
1.27 Explain how to carry out • Multi information •
fault checks using vehicle Media (b) Visual checks
data and customer Projector and noise level
information testing
(c) Fault memory
1.28 Explain how to carry out readout
fault memory readout (d) Interpretation
with machine.
1.29 Explain how to carry out
mechanical test

1.30 Explain how to carryout

electrical test procedure
1.31 Explain how to interpret
measurement data of
automobile diagnosis.

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.0 Understand automobile ignition system

Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
2-4 2.1 Outline the historical 2.15 Discuss and • Text Books 2.9 Identify types of • Guide • Ignition Coils
evolution of automobile explain items 2,1 – • White ignition coil student to • Knock Sensor
ignition system 2.4 Board carry out • Life Engine
item 1.1
2.2 Explain the principles of • Charts 2.10 Identify types
automobile ignition system • Multi of Knock Sensors
• Carry out
Media adjustment of
2.3 Describe types of ignition Projector ignition point

2.4 Explain the following

features associated with
ignition point:
(a) Uncontrol combustion
(b) Combustion of A/F
(c) Adjustment of ignition
(d) Causes of knocking
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0 Know data transmission and reception in motor vehicle
Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Outcome Activities Resources objectives Activities Resources
5-10 3.1 Explain data transmission 3.1 Discuss items 3.1 to • Text Books 3.1 Calculate high • Guide the • Calculator
in motor vehicle. 3.9 • White frequency signals students to • Transmitter
Board carry out the Receiver
3.2 Carryout calculations, •
3.2 List types of data system • Charts transmission and transmission
• Multi reception and reception
3.3 Explain the most important Media of high
data bus system frequency
Projector signals.
3.4 List advantages of data bus •

3.5 Define high frequency


3.6 List types high frequency

signal in automobile

3.7 Explain the principles of

operation of high
frequency transmitter and

3.8 Explain the principles of

remote control and GPS

3.9 Explain reception and

Programme: National Innovation Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics

Course Title: Workshop Management and Organization

Course Code: AMT 223

Contact Hours: T: 1hr/week – P: 3hr/week

Goal: The goal of this course is to equip students with basic management and organisational skills for
establishing and maintaining an auto workshop

General Objectives:

1.0 Know the typical layout and sections of an auto workshop

2.0 Understand specific safety rules for each task performed in an auto workshop

3.0 Understand workshop financial records and fund raising for startup businesses.

4.0 Understand how to maintain workshop job related records.

5.0 Understand basic functions of a manager

6.0 Know how to procure tools, materials and equipment.

Course : Workshop Management and Organisation Course Code: AMT 223 Credit Hours: 4
Year: Two Semester: Second Pre-Requisite: Nil Theoretical: 1 hour Practical: 3 hours
GOAL: The goal of this course is to equip students with basic management and organisational skills for establishing and maintaining an auto workshop
Theoretical Contents Practical Contents
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1.0 Know the typical layout and sections of an auto workshop
Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers Resources
Objectives Objectives Activities
1 1.1 State the basic 1.1 List the Whiteboard 1.1 Demonstrate the Engage the A standard
requirements for a rudimentary - marker importance of students in automotive
standard auto workshop. requirements for - Duster departmentalizati group work. workshop with well-
1.2 Explain the different a standard auto - Instructional on in an auto Assess the defined layout
areas in an auto workshop. drawing workshop students’ including:
workshop. 1.2 Outline the - Text books 1.2 Identify specific performances. Lift,
1.3 State the purpose of different areas in - Journals space and facility Give relevant Alignment Rack,
repair areas, shop stall, an auto - Lecture notes requirements in a materials Tire Removal
lift area, alignment and workshop. - Computer workshop. Machine,
tire service area, tool 1.3 State the purpose systems Exhaust gas
room, class room, locker of repair areas, analyser, etc.
room and an office shop stall, lift
area, alignment
and tire service
area, tool room,
class room, locker
room and an
1.4 Assess the
1.5 Give relevant
printed and non-
printed academic
websites and
manuals as
references to
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.0 Understand specific safety rules for each task performed in auto workshop
2 2.1 Explain common hazards 2.1 Elucidate - Whiteboard 2.1 Demonstrate the Engage the Mandatory personal
in auto workshop common hazards - marker aims for keeping students in protective
2.2 List and explain the in auto workshop - Duster workshop group work. equipment: Hand
safety symbols 2.2 List and explain - Instructional accidents records. Assess the globes; helmet;
2.3 List the personal the safety drawing 2.2 Identify different students’ safety boots; eye
protective equipment symbols - Text books safety symbols performances. glasses; reflective
(PPEs) 2.3 Introduce the - Journals and their Give relevant jacket, overall, etc.,
2.4 Explain the concept of personal - Lecture notes applications printed and firefighting
accidents, near misses, protective - Computer 2.3 Show the use of non-printed equipment
incidents and first aid. equipment (PPEs) systems mandatory academic first aid box and
2.5 State different causes of 2.4 Explicate the personal materials, basic first aid
accident in an auto shop concept of protective websites and apparatus and
such as: Fire; explosion; accidents, near equipment manuals as medicines
asphyxiation (Airborne misses, incidents. references to Sample record book
Poisons); chemical burns; 2.5 Explain the students. for entering
electric shocks; physical causes of Demonstrate accidents, incidents
injuries and their accidents in an the procedure to and near misses
preventive measures. auto shop such as: perform these Short video clips on
2.6 Explain safety Fire; explosion; practical works. auto workshop
precautions in relation to asphyxiation accidents
each of the auto (Airborne
workshop activities. Poisons);
chemical burns;
electric shocks;
physical injuries
and their
2.6 List the safety
precautions in
relation to each of
the auto
2.7 Assess the
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0 Understand workshop financial records and fund raising for startup businesses.
3-4 3.1 State reasons for keeping 3.1 State reasons for - Whiteboard 3.1 Demonstrate the Engage the Receipts, invoices,
workshop financial keeping - marker preparation and students in records, computer
records. workshop - Duster use of receipts and group work. systems, ledger,
3.2 Explain the use of financial records. - Instructional invoices. Assess the COREN handbook
different financial records 3.2 Explain the use of drawing 3.2 Demonstrate students’ for registration
in a workshop. different financial - Text books Safe and proper performances. engineering
3.3 Distinguish between records in a - Journals records keeping Give relevant businesses
receipts and invoices and workshop. - Lecture notes techniques printed and
their applications. 3.3 Distinguish - Computer 3.3 Distinguish non-printed
3.4 Discuss the preparation between receipts systems between funds academic
and use of receipts and and invoices and - Samples of raising through materials,
invoices. their applications. job related and partnership, websites and
3.5 Explain safe and proper 3.4 Discuss the financial records clusters, manuals as
records keeping preparation and cooperatives, bank references to
techniques. use of receipts loans students.
3.6 Explain fund raising and invoices. (Commercial Demonstrate
methods for startup micro 3.5 Explain safe and Banks, Bank of the procedure to
and small scale proper records Industry, Jaiz perform these
businesses keeping Bank etc) practical works.
3.7 Discuss the CAC and techniques.
COREN registration 3.6 Explain fund
requirements for sole raising methods
proprietorship, for startup micro
partnership and Limited and small scale
Liability companies businesses
3.7 Discuss the CAC
requirements for
partnership and
Limited Liability
3.8 Assess the
General Objective: 4.0 Understand how to maintain workshop Job related records.
4-7 4.1 State workshop job 4.1 List workshop job - Whiteboard 4.1 Demonstrate the Engage the Job cards, vehicle
related records. related records. - marker procedure for the students in reception card.
4.2 Explain reasons for 4.2 State motives for - Duster preparation of group work.
keeping workshop job keeping - Instructional workshop job Assess the
related records. workshop job drawing related records students’
4.3 Differentiate between related records. - Text books and their uses. performances.
workshop job related 4.3 Explain the - Journals 4.2 Demonstrate safe Give relevant
records and workshop difference - Lecture notes and proper records printed and
financial records and their between keeping. non-printed
applications. workshop job 4.3 Maintain academic
4.4 Explain the procedure for related records Workshop job materials,
the preparation of and workshop related records. websites and
workshop job related financial records manuals as
records and their uses. and their references to
4.5 Discuss safe and proper applications. students.
records keeping. 4.4 Explain the Demonstrate
4.6 Highlight the importance procedure for the the procedure to
of workshop job related preparation of perform these
records. workshop job practical works.
related records
and their uses.
4.5 Explain safe and
proper records
4.6 State the
importance of
workshop job
related records
4.7 Assess the
General Objective: 5.0 Understand basic functions of a manager
8 5.1 Explain basic principles of 5.3 Explain basic Whiteboard 5.1 Demonstrate basic Engage the students Typical Auto
Scientific Management principles of - marker managerial skills in group work. workshop,
5.2 State the top 5 Functions of Scientific and - Duster 5.2 Draw an Assess the students’ workshop
a manager: Planning, Management - Multimedia organogram of performances. superintendent
Directing, Organising, 5.4 Explain the top 5 Projector atypical auto Demonstrate the ’s Office
Controlling, Decision Functions of a - Laptop workshop procedure to perform Cardboard
Making manager: - Text books 5.3 Exhibit corporate these practical Paper
Planning, - Journals cultures in dealing works. Ink and ruler
Directing, - Lecture with customers
Organising, notes (Mock Exercise)
Decision Making
5.5 Assess the
General Objective: 4.0 Know how to procure tools, materials and equipment
9-12 6.1 State the various 6.1 State the various - Whiteboard 6.1 Determine Engage the students Manufacturer
procurement methods used procurement - marker appropriate stock- in group work. data, suppliers
in the workshop, their methods used in - Duster level in the Assess the students’ inventory
reasons and applications. the workshop, - workshop. performances. records,
6.2 Interpret manuals and their reasons and Instructional 6.2 Procure tools, Give relevant requisition
reference materials. applications. drawing materials and printed and non- cards,
6.3 Define basic procurement 6.2 Interpret manuals - Text books equipment. printed academic computer with
procedures. and reference - Journals materials, websites internet
6.4 Explain the determination materials. - Lecture and manuals as connectivity.
of appropriate stock-level 6.3 Define basic notes references to
in the workshop. procurement students.
6.5 Classify the various storage procedures. Demonstrate the
techniques, their 6.4 Explain the procedure to
advantages and determination of perform these
disadvantages. appropriate stock- practical works.
level in the
6.5 Classify the
various storage
techniques, their
advantages and
6.6 Assess the

1. Car Lift (Hydraulic) - 1

2. Wheel Balancing Machine - 1
3. Tyre Removing Machine - 1
4. Wheel Alignment Machine - 1
5. Bosh Diagnostic Machine - optional
6. Car AC Servicing Machine (Accurate & Refit - 1
7. Fault Finding Simulator Model Vehicle for Trouble Shooting- 1
8. Exhaust Gas Evacuator - Optional
9. Mobile Battery Charger - 1
10. Car AC training model - 1
11. Automatic Gear box Training model - 1
12. Four Stroke Engine Training Model - 1
13. Volkswagen Engine (Training) - Optional
14. Rear Independent Suspension Model - 1
15. Front Wheel Independent Suspension System (Model) - 1
16. All Data and Auto Data Soft wear), Laptop and Television - 1 set
17. Brake Fluid Tester (Max boiling Pt. 280oC - 1
18. Brake pressure Testing kits - 1
19. Fuel Pressure Testing kits - 1
20. Engine Fuel compression tester kits - 1
21. Engine Statoscope - 1
22. Brake fluid bleeding Machine - 1
23. Fuel Return measurement instrument (Diesel) - 1
24. Diesel Fuel pressure Dist kit detector) - 1
25. Brake piston compression kits - 1
26. Universal pullers (Removing Wheel bearing, brake disk, etc.) - 1
27. Injector Nozzle Extractor kits - 1
28. Compressor (air) - 1
29. Vehicle electrical system simulator - 1
30. Electrical training board - 1
31. Hand light calibration tester - 1
32. Configuration panel for circuit construction - 1
33. Simple hand drilling machine - 2
34. Electrical multipurpose tester - 1
35. Soldering kits - 30
36. Electrical cable detector tool - 3
37. Special soldering station - 2
38. Battery testers - 2
39. Sensor testers - 2
40. Digital multi-meter - 30
41. Working light - 5
42. Brake dynamic analyzer - optional
43. Computerized axle alignment - optional
44. Engine oil extractor - 1
45. Mobile compressor - 2
46. Vacuum cleaner - 1
47. Oil extractor - 1
48. Hand heater - 1
49. Engine clime - 1
50. Lying board - (assorted)
51. Oil filter remover - 2 sets
52. Hydraulic (press) - optional
53. Training vehicles - 1


Brake drum e t c (all parts) - 1 set

Piston model. - 1 set
Differential modes - 1 set
Alternator modes - 1 set
Clutch modes. - 1 set
Torque converter mode - 1 set
Flywheel model - 1 set
Gearbox model - 1 set
Axle measurement modes - 1 set
Common rail model - 1 set
Planetary gear model - 1 set
Brake master model - 1 set
Water pump model etc. - 1 set
Steering rag model - 1 set
Exhaust and culet value model - 1 set
Catalytic converter model - 1 set
Kick starter model - 1 set
Injector nozzle model - 1 set
Diagnostic and engine analyzer (general diagnostic tool) - 1 set


1- Diagnostic lab.
2- Tyre service lab.
3- Automatic and manual transmission.
4- A/C service station
5- Engine overhaul workshop
6- Computer laboratories
7- Electrical/Electronic lab.

Compressed to:
1. Auto mechanic workshop
2. Electrical electronics diagnostic lab
3. Computer laboratory.


1. Engr. Dr. M.U. Kaisan 08036943464 [email protected] Dept. of Mech. Engineering, ABU,
[email protected] Zaria
2. Engr. Emmanuel S. 07032164666 [email protected] Industrial Division, PAN Nigeria
Imejebe Ltd, P.M.B. 2266, Kaduna
3. Engr. Zubairu S. Abdllahi 08069404075 [email protected] ITF/MSTC, Abuja
4. Engr. Aisha Sa’ad 07030399974 [email protected] NDA Kaduna
5. Saka O. Abdulmalik 08067084272 [email protected] NADDC
6. AVM AA Kassimu PhD 08035979946 [email protected] DHQ Abuja
7. Major AB Ibrahim 08037607116 [email protected] AFEMA, Abuja
8. Lt Cdr M Salisu 08067113184 [email protected] AFEME Workshop, Mogadishu
Cantonment, Asokoro, Abuja
9. Major M.A. Dada 08062808120 [email protected] AFEME Workshop, Mogadishu
Cantonment, Asokoro, Abuja
10. Sgt Mamman Ijuptil 08062102295 [email protected] AMS School, Abuja
11. WO Ntul M. Emmanuel 08130136243 [email protected] AFEME Mech. School, Abuja
12. WO Adamu Alexander 08069687151 [email protected] AFEME Mech. School, Abuja
13. Osayi Nadiakhe Precious 08136794058 [email protected] AMS school, Abuja
14. AB Jamil Mohd Munhaye 08036600908 [email protected] AMS, School
15. Dr. Masa’udu Adamu 08035867245 [email protected] NBTE, Kaduna
[email protected]
16. Husaini H. Muhammad 08028339570 [email protected] NBTE, Kaduna
17. Abdul Kofarmata 08036595103 [email protected] NBTE, Kaduna
18. Dr. M.H. Koko 08039606948 [email protected] NBTE, Kaduna
19. Engr. Donald Odiyoma 08036301795 [email protected] NBTE, Kaduna
20 Engr. Richard Obukofe 08027454514 [email protected] NBTE, Kaduna
21. Engr. Bashir Datti 08032886231 [email protected] NBTE, Kaduna
22. Juliana A Muolokwu 08065980416 [email protected] NBTE, Kaduna
23. Ahmed Mohammed 08023355836 [email protected] NBTE, Kaduna

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