Best Practice 38lubrication MngtThe Next 10 Yrs
Best Practice 38lubrication MngtThe Next 10 Yrs
Best Practice 38lubrication MngtThe Next 10 Yrs
Mike Johnson
“We must become the change we want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi.
24 • FEBRUARY 2011
t he only constant in life is change. some changes occur
slowly, such as the change of a work-culture within an in-
dustrial facility. some changes occur at a dizzying and un-
settling pace, such as the shutting of plants and the loss of
jobs and economic well-being.
should be a fundamental element Charlie Fast: the biggest changes have occurred around
training and knowledge development to create a cultural
in the predictive program.’ change in how we view machine lubrication. We have both
lubricant vendors and consulting companies like amrri
one aspect that is often overlooked is oil analysis. this providing training to increase awareness of the machines’
should be a fundamental element in the predictive program. precise lubrication requirements in order to reinforce the
route optimization is another aspect often overlooked that need for improvements. We are working diligently to get
can save significant dollars as it relates to manpower require- enough people to become aware and engaged to make the
ments. changes stick.
Dave Northrop: i believe there will be more focus on and un- ‘Looking back 10 years,
derstanding of lubrication best practices along with a slight lubricants were never considered
increase in investment in lubrication programs as companies
increasingly understand the effect lubrication has on the as- important to production.’
sets. there will, of course, be advancements in technology
to monitor machine conditions and help with leak manage- Mark Geller: i think, as with most industries, we will contin-
ment, including sensors that can give basic fluid condition ue to see new technologies that assist in refining programs,
in situ, eliminating or decreasing the frequency of sampling from testing lubricant properties to determining how the lu-
times. Companies will still be slow in their investment due to bricant gets to the equipment. i also believe precision lubri-
focus on immediate returns rather than having a longer-term cation will become much more important to companies as
requirement of their investments. they work to stay competitive in their respective industries.
Deepak Kotnala: in india users will continue stressing prod- Charlie Fast: We plan to work on how we communicate with
uct performance. We also expect increasing awareness and one another by implementing more information technology.