Fitting Manual

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(Fitting, M/C Shop and Sheet metal Section)


B.Tech (First/Second semester)

VISION of University

YMCA University of Science and Technology aspires to be a nationally and internationally

acclaimed leader in technical and higher education in all spheres which transforms the life of

students through integration of teaching, research and character building.

MISSION of University

 To contribute to the development of science and technology by synthesizing teaching, research

and creative activities.

 To provide an enviable research environment and state-of-the-art technological exposure to its


 To develop human potential to its fullest extent and make them emerge as world class leaders

in their professions and enthuse them towards their social responsibilities.



“To be a centre of excellence by producing high calibre, competent and self-reliant mechanical

engineers, who possess scientific temperament and would engage in activities relevant to

industries with ethical values and flair to research”.


 To provide efficient engineers for global requirements by imparting quality education.

 To explore, create and develop innovations in various aspects of engineering through

industries and institutions.

 To emphasize on practical skills and socially relevant technology.


Program Educational Outcomes (PEO’S): B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


To train students with practical skills and experimental practices related to core and applied areas

of mechanical engineering to expand their knowledge horizon beyond books.


To enable students to design, develop and maintain mechanical equipments which are useful for

the society.


To improve team building, team working and leadership skills of the students with high regard

for ethical values and social responsibilities.

PEO- 4:

To enable students to communicate effectively and demonstrate the knowledge of project

management and independent research.



PO Engineering Graduates will be able to:

Engineering knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

PO1 fundamentals, and mechanical engineering to the solution of engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review literature and analyze mechanical
PO2 engineering problems to design, conduct experiments, analyze data and interpret data.
Design /development of solutions: Design solution for mechanical engineering
PO3 problems and design system component of processes that meet the desired needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal and
the environmental considerations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based knowledge and
PO4 research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions in mechanical engineering.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
PO5 modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to mechanical
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
PO6 assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to mechanical engineering practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the mechanical engineering
PO7 solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge and
need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
PO8 and norms of the mechanical engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function affectively as an individual, and as a member or
PO9 leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings in mechanical engineering.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
PO10 engineering committee and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and

write affective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations in
mechanical engineering.
Project Management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge & understanding of the
PO11 mechanical engineering principles and management principles and apply these to one’s
own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
environments in mechanical engineering.
Life- long learning: Recognize the need for, and the preparation and ability to engage in
PO12 independent research and lifelong learning in the broadest contest of technological
changes in mechanical engineering.



PSO Engineering Graduates will be able to:

To empower the students to apply practical skills, knowledge in major streams such
as thermal, design, manufacturing and industrial engineering.

To enable the student to take-up career in industries or to pursue higher studies in

mechanical and interdisciplinary programs with high regard for ethical values,
environmental and social issues.

B. TechI/II-Semester

No. of Credits: 3 Internal: 30Marks

L T P Total External: 70 Marks
0 0 6 6 Total: 100Marks
Duration of Exam: 3Hours

Course Outcomes (COs): After studying this course the students would:
CO 1- Have exposure to mechanical workshop layout and safety aspects.
CO 2- Understand the functions of various machines and cutting tools used in machine shop.
CO 3- Practice real time job preparation using various operations related to machine shop
such as filing, drilling, milling & turning.
CO 4 - Practice job preparation in welding shop.
CO 5 - Learn to use different measuring tools like vernier caliper, vernier height gauge and
CO 6- Practice job preparation in sheet metal shop.

List of Exercises:
Fitting, sheet metal and welding workshop:
1. To study layout, safety measures and different engineering materials (mild steel,
medium carbon steel, high carbon steel, high speed steel and cast iron etc) used in
2. To study and use of different types of tools, equipments, devices & machines used in
fitting, sheet metal and welding section.
3. To determine the least count of vernier caliper, vernier height gauge, micrometer and
take different reading over given metallic pieces using these instruments.
4. To study and demonstrate the parts, specifications & operations performed on lathe
5. To study and demonstrate the parts, specifications & operations performed on milling
6. To study and demonstrate the parts, specifications & operations performed on shaper
7. To prepare a job involving different type of filing practice exercise in specified
8. To prepare a job involving multi operational exercise (drilling, counter sinking,
tapping, reaming, hack sawing etc.)
9. To prepare a multi operational sheet metal job (self secured single groove
joint/hasp & stay etc.).

10. To practice striking an arc, straight short bead, straight continuous bead and re- start of
electrode in flat position by arc welding on given M.S. plate as per size.
11. To practice tack weld of two close plate in flat position by arc welding on given
M.S. plate as per size.
12. To practice close butt joint in flat position by arc welding on given M.S. plate as
per size.

NOTE: - At least nine exercises should be performed from the above list; remaining
three may either be performed from above list or designed by the concerned
institution as per the scope of the syllabus and facilities available in institute.


S.No. Description Page No.

1 To study layout, safety measures and different engineering materials 11-16

(mild steel, medium carbon steel, high carbon steel and cast iron etc.)
used in workshop.

2. To study the different types of tools equipments devices & machines 17-50
used in fitting & sheet metal section.
3 To determine the least count of vernier caliper, vernier height gauge, 51-54
micrometer and take different reading over given metallic pieces using
these instruments.
4 To study and demonstrate the parts, specifications & operations 55-58
performed on lathe machine
5 To study and demonstrate the parts, specifications & operations 59-63
performed on milling machine
6 To study and demonstrate the parts, specifications & operations 64-66
performed on shaper machine.
7 To prepare a job involving different type of filing practice exercise in 67-68
specified dimensions.
8 To prepare a job involving multi operational exercise (drilling, counter 69-70
sinking, tapping, reaming, hack sawing etc.)

9 To prepare a multi operational sheet metal job (self secured single groove 71-72

AIM: - To study layout, safety measures and different engineering materials (mild steel,
medium carbon steel, high carbon steel and cast iron etc.) used in workshop.


 Always wear apron/Proper uniform and never wear loose/ silky/ synthetic clothes/neck tie or
muffler while working on in workshop.
 Never walk bare footed in workshop. Use of good quality shoes as recommended
 Never operate any machine /equipment without permission and proper instruction of concern
 Never touch the moving/rotating parts of machine during its working
 Do not mix cutting tools with measuring tools
 Handle the tools very carefully. Do not use blunt tools.
 Never touch any switch knob or lever of machine without knowing its function
 In case of electric spark the electric supply should be disconnected immediately and inform
your shop floor incharge.
 In case of any type of fire use fire extinguisher and inform to concerned person.
 In case of any accident however small inform immediately to shop floor incharge
 Keep your workplace neat and clean to maintain healthy and
Accident free environment

A well-equipped workshop is the most important center in engineering institutions, where
engineering students of all trade get trained and acquired basic knowledge and skill about
engineering materials, manufacturing processes, tools, equipment, machines and safety
precautions to observed during making different exercises .The students carry out manual
operations using mostly hand tools in different section of mechanical workshop.

Fitting shop and sheet metal work have its own indispensable position in all sorts of engineering
works. Even in most mechanical workshop where most work is carried out on automatic
machine, bench and sheet metal work has its own importance .The job can be finished to fairly
good degree of accuracy through machining operation still they required hand operation to be
done on them for assembly work and other rework to finish them to the desired accuracy.


Layout is the most effective arrangement of machines, men material handling, service
facilities and passage required to facilitate effective operation of production system

Objective of plant layout

1. Minimum material handling and reduced manufacturing cost.

2. Best utilization of equipment facilities and man power.
3. Effective use of floor space.
4. Reduced work delay and stoppages.
5. Ensure output in quality and quantity.
6. Low investment in equipment and high turnover of work in process.

Types of layout:-

1. Process layout
2. Product layout
3. Combination layout

Details layout of centralized workshop:
S.No Description Symbol Quantity
1. Bench Vice x 92
2. Bench Drilling Machine □ 8
3. Working Bench 46
4. Lathe Machine L 24
5. Milling Machine M 10
6. Surface grinder S.G 2
7. Bend saw B.S 1
8. Tool & Cutter Grinder TCG 2
9. Engraving Machine EM 1
10. Power Hacksaw P.H 1
11. Electric Panel 4
12. Surface Plate S.P 4
13. Pedestal Grinder 6
14. Drilling Machine (Heavy duty) D.M 2
15. Shaping Machine S 3
16. Gear Hobbing G.H 1
17. Gear Shaper G.S 1
18. Electric Discharge Machine EDM 1
19. Planer Machine PLANER 1
20. Cylindrical Grinder C.G 1
21. Broaching Machine B 1
22. Cupboard (for students) BROCHING M/C. 4
23. Blackboard -------- 3
24. Gate 3
25. Metallic Table MT 1
26. Rack (For Bags) 3


The raw material iron ores are extracted from mines. These iron ores are converted into pig iron
by melting in blast furnace. The pig iron is impurest form of iron. It is again converted in cast iron,
wrought iron and steel according to their use.

It is nearest commercial material to pure iron having 0.03%C. It can be easily forged. It is used for
making and manufacturing heat exchanger, special chain and Crain hooks, bridge railing, blast
plates and electric conduits etc.

It is alloy of mainly iron and carbon. Carbon exists in form of ferrite and cementite. Types of steel % of carbon Uses
1. Dead mild 0.05-0.15 Thin sheets , wires, solid drawn tubes etc.
2. Mild steel 0.15-0.30 Crank axles, shaft , gears, connecting rods
3. Medium 0.30-0.80 Clutch plates, helical springs, drawn bars,
carbon steel agricultural tools, locomotive wheels etc.
4. High carbon 0.8-1.5 Taps, dies, milling cutters, chisels, cutting
steel tools, files, hacksaw blades etc.


In alloy steel, some other elements (silicon, sulphur, magnese, nickel, chromium, vanadium,
tungsten, cobalt etc.) are added other than carbon to improve the properties of alloying elements.


It contains 0.75%C, 18% tungsten, 4%chromium, 1% vanadium. It is used for making and
manufacturing of cutting tools of lathe, shaper, milling, drilling, power hacksaw etc. sometimes
4%Co is added for its betterment.

Cast iron is produced by melting pig iron in cupla furnace. It contains 1.8-
4.5%carbon, 1-3% silicon and smaller amount of sulphur,phosphorous,
Magnese etc. it is used for making lathe bed, machine base, gearbox
housing, cylindrical block etc.


In grey cast iron carbon converted into free graphite form which is easy for machining
Purpose.It is weak in tension, strong in compression. Its hardness is
150-240BHN. ( C=2.5-4%, Si=1-3%, Mn=0.4-1%, S=0.05-0.25%)
It is hard, brittle, wear resistance, martensite structure.
C=1.8-3.5%, Si=0.5-1.9%, Mn=0.25-0.80%, P=0.2%

C=2-3%, Si=0.6-1.3%, Mn=0.2-0.6%, P=0.15%, S=0.1%.


C=3.2-4.2%, Si=1.1-3.5%, Mn=0.3-0.8%, P=0.08%, S=0.02%.

 ALLOY CAST IRON-Intermediate compound b/w white C.I & grey C.I .

AIM- To study the different types of tools equipments devices & machines used in fitting &
sheet metal section.

Parallel jaw bench vices are widely used in fitting shop fitted on working bench with the help of
nuts and bolts. The body and sliding jaws are made up of grey cast iron or cast steel and jaw
plates are made up of high carbon steel or cast steel. Jaw plates are usually fixed with sliding jaw
and fixed jaw by set screw. The sliding jaw and fixed jaw slides over dovetail guide ways with
the help of square threaded screw and box nut (made up of gun metal/phosper bronze/C.I).
For proper gripping work piece in bench vice the jaws are opened out and the work is held
between the jaws by one hand and screw is tightened by rotating handle(made up of mild steel)
by other hand.
Vices come in variety of sizes and pattern some held fixed base other have swivel base. A
vice can be specified with the following parameters-
(A) Width of jaw
(B) Maximum opening size of jaw


 Vice is to be cleaned and free from dirt and water etc.

 Lubrication should be done properly in moving parts like spindle, guide ways, screws etc.
 Avoid operations like chipping, hammering, bending of a rough job on a precision vice.
 A vice should be rigidly clamped with working bench.
 Operator must clean his vice before start his work and after completion of job.
 When the vice is not in use a little gap between jaw plates is left to avoid strain on screw
and nut.


 SCRIBER- Scriber is a sharp point tool made up of high carbon steel. This is used to
draw line while marking. Its points angle is 3 to 12 degree.


 PUNCHES- It is used to mark or indent the intersection of layout line to locate hole
center. It is made up of high carbon steel and its points are hardened and tempered. Its
main parts are point, body and head. The following types of punches are generally used
in fitting section.
(A) Dot punch- It is used to mark for light impression or indentation on soft metal.
Its point angle is grounded at 40 to 60 degree.
(B) Center punch- It is used to mark heavy or dark impressions on metal surface. Its
point angle is grounded at 90 degree.





 TRY SQUARE- It is used to check perpendicularity as well as flatness and also used for
marking at right angle and straightness of surface. It consist two parts, blade and stock. The
blade of try square is made up of high carbon steel while stock is made up of cast steel/cast
iron. It is available from 100 to 300mm in size. The length of blade denotes the size of try
square. According to work it can be classified in two ways-
a. Fixed try square
b. Adjustable try square.
Fixed try square is mostly used in fitting works.

 DIVIDER- It is used to scribing circles and marking of length and arc. It is made up of high
carbon steel and has two legs having sharp feet. These are hinged at the top. It is of two types-
(A) Spring Divider
(B) Fixed Divider

Spring Divider

 STEEL RULE- It is measuring tool made up of stainless steel and available of many sizes
ranging from 0.5 ft to 3 ft. It is marked in inches as well as in millimeters. The inches scale may
be subdivided into 1/16th , 1/32nd and 1/64th. The egdes of steel rule should be protected from
rough handling. Its least count in mm is 0.5 mm and in inches 1/64 inch.



steel used to measure angle and setting bevels. The head of angle protector is graduated from 0 to
180 degree. The indicating arm of blade has a line graduation for accurately setting and reading
the protector. The instrument can read up to 1 degree or ½ degree.


 RADIUS GAUGE- It is used to check radius of inner and outer surface of work piece. The
size of radius is mentioned on strip. It is made up stainless steel.

 THREAD GAUGE OR SCREW PITCH GAUGE- It is used to check the pitch of thread.
The size of pitch is mentioned on the metal strip.


 SURFACE PLATE- It is used for testing flatness, trueness of the surface and also used for
marking of small jobs. It is made up of grey cast iron/graphite/granite stone. The accuracy of
surface plate of grade A is 0.005 mm and grade B is 0.02mm. The commonly available size is
of surface plate are 1000 x 1000mm, 600 x 600 mm, 300 mm x 450 mm etc. IT is covered after
oiling on top surface while not in use.


 ANGLE PLATE- It is used for supporting a surface at right angle to the table. It is made up of
cast iron. Its ribs are machine and ground and make right angle with each other.



Vernier caliper is a precision instrument used for measuring length, thickness, width, inside and
outside diameter of a work piece. It consist of a graduated bar/ beam of rectangular section. It
has two jaws, one jaw is movable with small vernier head and other is fixed. A fine adjustment
nut is also attached to the head for adjusting proper reading. The dimensions is measured by
holding the work piece between the jaws and measurement is indicated on graduated beam. The
material of vernier caliper is stainless steel or nickel chromium steel.

Least Count- Least count is least measurement that can be taken accurately by that instrument.

1st Method:

Least Count = Smallest division on main scale/Total no. of divisions on vernier scale

=1/20 = 0.5

2nd Method

Vernier scale have 20 graduated divisions and this 20 graduated divisions is exactly equal to 39
main scale divisions
So, 20 VSD = 39 MSD
Therefore, 1 VSD=(39/20) MSD.
So, least count= 2 divisions of main scale – 1 division of Vernier scale
= 2-(39/20)
= 1/20
= 0.05mm


For example- Reading is 20.25 mm.
(A) Check the zero error before taking the reading.
(B) Open the jaws and zero(0) of vernier scale lies between 20th and 21st division of
main scale.
(C) 5th division of vernier scale will exactly coincide with main scale(30th division).
(D) So the total reading= Main Scale Reading+ Coinciding Vernier Scale Division
with Main Scale x Least Count.
Total Reading= 20+5 x 0.05
=20.25 mm.

ZERO ERROR- If the zero of main scale is not exactly coincide with zero vernier scale after
touching the jaws, then it is supposed that zero error is available in vernier caliper. If zero error is
positive then it should be deducted from total reading and if it is negative then it should be added
in total reading.


Vernier height gauge is another precision instrument used to measure height and marking of lines
at specific height of a work piece. It consist of a vertical beam graduated with main scale is
mounted on heavy base of cast iron/cast steel properly machined and grounded. A sliding head
with vernier scale and auxillary head with fine adjustment nut and screw is attached with vertical
beam which is attached to the sliding head and it is provided with clamp by means of which
interchangeable scribing jaw can be fixed here. It is available from 200 mm to 450 mm in size
and the least count of this instrument is 0.02 mm or 0.001 inches.

Vertical Bar

Fine Adjustment Nut

Main Scale

Clamping Screw
Clamp Adjusting Head

Vernier Scale

Scribbing Jaw


Least Count- (Metric system)-

Vernier Scale is graduated with 50 Divisions and

50 Vernier Scale Division = 49 Main Scale Division
So, 1VSD = (49/50) MSD
So, Least Count = 1MSD – 1VSD
= 1- (49/50) (Because 1MSD = 1mm)
= 1/50

(English System)-

1 division of main scale= 1/40 inches

And 25 VSD= 49 MSD = 49x (1/40 inches)
So, 1 VSD= (49/25) x (1/40 inches) MSD
And Least count= 2 MSD - 1VSD
= 2 x (1/40) – (49/25) x (1/40)
= (1/40) [2-(49/25)]
= (1/40) x (1/25)
=(1/1000) = 0.001 inch.

2nd Method

Least Count = Smallest Division on main scale/ Total no. of divisions on Vernier
Scale =(1/40)/25 = 1/1000 = 0.001 inch.

PRECAUTIONS- (For vernier caliper and vernier height gauge)-

 Never mixed precision instrument with cutting tools.

 Check the zero error before taking the reading.
 Never use vernier caliper/ height gauge on rough and rotating job.
 Handle the measuring instrument carefully and keep it on proper place after use.


Micrometer is a precision instrument used to measure thickness and diameter of a work piece
with extreme accuracy say 1/1000 inch or 0.01mm. Micrometer may be of following types:-

1. Outside Micrometer- It is used to measure external dimensions of a workpiece.

2. Inside Micrometer- It is used to measure internal dimensions of a workpiece.
3. Depth Micrometer-It is used to measure depth of a workpiece.

Outside Micrometer-For Measuring the dimension of a work piece, it is placed between anvil
face and spindle face. The spindle is allowed to move linearly towards work piece by rotating
thimble. The circular scale is graduated on thimble whereas main scale is graduated on sleeve.
When spindle touch the work piece properly the ratchet will give its sound. The locking screw
lock the spindle and reading can be taken accurately.

Least Count = Pitch/ Total no. of divisions on circular scale


Total reading = Main Scale Reading + Circular Scale Reading match with
index line x Least count of micrometer.
Example reading 7.23mm
Total reading= 7+23 x 0.01=7.23


1. Check the zero error before taking reading.

2. Never use it on the rotating job.
3. Use ratchet for final tightening during taking reading of a work piece.
4. Do not mix it with cutting tools.
5. Handle it carefully because it is a precision instrument and keep it at proper place after use.


HACKASAW –It is use for cutting flats, pipes, bars etc. in desired shape. It is mainly two
1) POWER HACKSAW-It is power operated. The cutting is done in backward stroke.
Generally HSS blades are used for cutting the material.
2) HAND HACKSAW-It consist two main parts.
1) Frame
2) Blade

FRAME: A frame is made up of mild steel and has following parts.

1) Frame
2) Sheath
3) Handle
4) Blade Holder
5) Retaining Pins
6) Wing Nut or Fly Nut
According to Frame a Hacksaw can be classified following two types
1) Fixed Frame Hacksaw
2) Adjustable Frame Hacksaw

BLADE: A Hacksaw Blade is made up of High Carbon Steel/High Speed Steel/alloy steel. A
Hacksaw blade may be specified by its length , width, thickness and pitch. A hacksaw blade
maybe following two types:

1) Flexible
2) All Hard
According to grade a blade can be classified following types:
1) Coarse (14TPI, 1.8mm Pitch)-Used for cutting brass,copper,lead etc.
2) Medium(18TPI,1.4 mm Pitch)-Used for cutting MS,cast iron etc.
3) Fine(24TPI,1.0mm Pitch)- Used for cutting medium carbon steel
4) Very fine(32TPI,0.8mm Pitch)-Used for cutting High carbon steel,alloy steel,Hard
sheet etc.


Teeth of blade are set alternatively outwards to opposite side so that width of cut is wider
than the thickness of blade ,with the result the complete width of blade does not remain in
contact with metal face during the operation, thereby reducing lot of friction and hence
increasing the life of the blade. The setting of teeth in Hacksaw may be following three
1) Single spacing
2) Double spacing
3) Zig-zag spacing


1) Select the proper hacksaw blade according to size and material of job and it should be
properly fitted in Hacksaw frame. The direction of teeth must be towards wing nut.
2) The work piece should be properly clamped and Hacksaw should be 6mm away from
jaw of bench vice.
3) A small ‘V’ groove (notch) must be given before start Hacksawing
4) The cutting angle of blade should be 30o from the jobs surface and rate of hack sawing
should be 40-50 strokes per minute.
5) The cutting pressure should be put on forward stroke and release force in backward
6) Use full length of blade and pressure and speed must be slow at the end of cut while
hacksawing operation.


File is cutting tool used to remove extra material by rubbing it on work piece and the
operation is known as filing. It is generally made up of HCS, CS, High grade tool Steel.
The main parts of File are as under:

1) Point
2) Face
3) Edge
4) Heel
5) Shoulder
6) Tang


1) According to length : Length of File varies from 100-450 mm . File of Length 100-200
mm are used for light removal of metal from workpiece where as files of length 200-450
mm are used for medium and heavy removal of excess material from work piece.
2) According to cut:

A) Single Cut : In single cut file the teeth are cut in parallel row at an angle 600 the face.

B)Double cut: In double cut file another row of parallel teeth are added at an angle of
800 in opposite direction of first row . It is also called cross cut file or over cut file.

3)According to shape:

A) Flat file : It is used for making flat surfaces. Its both faces are double cut and both
edges are single cut. Its 1/3 length is taper and 2/3 length is parallel.

B) Half round File: Its half round surface is used for filing of convex surfaces whereas
flat surface of file is used for general works.

C)Round File: It is used for opening holes and rounding inside corners.

D)Triangular File: It is used for making ‘V’ grooves , Square ,Rectangular, Triangular

E)Square File:it is used for making key way, Rectangular slots and filing in corners .

F)Hand File or Safe edge File: It is parallel throughout its length and one edge has no
cutting teeth. It is used for making square and Rectangular slots without damaging
adjacent edges.

G)Knife Edge file : It is useful for cleaning out acute angle corner.

H)Needle File: It is used for very light material removal.

4)According to grade:

Length of files in mm:

S No. Grade of Cut 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Number of teeth per cm:
1 Rough 10 8 7.1 6.3 5.9 5.3 4.8 4.5
2 Bastard 18 13 11 10 9 8 7 6
3 Second Cut 21 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
4 Smooth 30 24 22 20 19 18 16 15
5 Dead Smooth 35 33 31 30 28 - - -
6 Super Smooth 63 49 45 40 - - - -

FILING TECHNIQUE: following three types filing techniques are used

during filing operations.

1) Straight filing
2) Draw filing
3) Cross Filing or Diagonal filing

Convexity of file

In a flat file the center portion of face looks oval than other flat surface. This oval or convex
surface of file is called convexity of file. The full length of file does not contact with surface of
work piece due to convexity of file during filing operations.

Pinning of File

In filing operations some tiny particles of soft metal clogged between teeth the clogging of these
gillets is known as pinning of file. These reduce the file rather cutting action and produce
scratched surface. It can be removed by using file card or file brush.

Precautions while filing

1) Select the file according to work.

2) Check the handle properly fitted with file or not.
3) The work piece should be clamped 3-8 cm above the vice jaw for proper filing.
4) Apply pressure and force in forward stroke and average speed should be 40-50 strokes
per min.
5) Apply file card or file brush to prevent clogging or pining
6) Use full length of file during filing operation
7) Never use file as a striking tool.


Drill is a cutting tool used to produce a cylindrical hole in a work piece and process of making
hole is called Drilling

1) Flat Drill
2) Straight Fluted Drill
3) Twist Drill
4) Oil hole drill
5) Center Drill
6) Step Drill
7) Core Drill

TWIST DRILL: twist drill is widely used in drilling practice. It consist two main parts shank
and body. The shank is held in drilling machine and the body is cutting unit in flutes, land
margin, cutting edge and drill points.
According to shape of shank it can be further classified in to two types
1) Parallel shank twist drill
2) Taper shank twist drill

The cutting angle or point angle for drilling of mild steel, cast iron and other general works is
1180 . Its cutting angle increases for hard metal and decreases for soft metal. Generally twist
drills are made up of HCS and HSS.


1) A dark indentation should be marked with center punch for proper location of drilling
2) Drill bit should be properly fitted with drill chuck or drill machine spindle.
3) Never left drill chuck key in Drill chuck.
4) Speed and feed of drill machine should be adjusted according to work and material
5) Use proper coolant during drilling operation.
6) A small hole or pilot hole should be made previously for making big size hole.


There are so many types of drilling machines to produce cylindrical holes and other operations

Different types of drilling machines are:

1) Portable Drilling Machine

2) Bench or Sensitive Drilling Machine
3) Upright Drilling Machine
4) Multiple spindle
5) Radial Drilling Machine
6) Deep hole Drilling Machine
7) Gang Drilling Machine
8) Horizontal Drilling Machine
9) Automatic Drilling Machine

Main Parts of Drilling Machine:
1) Head
2) Spindle
3) Drill Chuck
4) Table
5) Base
6) Column

Bench Drilling Machine:

It is small drilling machine designed for drilling small holes. The base of machine is mounted
on bench. The driving mechanism consists of V-belt drive from motor shaft to drilling spindle
through stepped cone pulley. The handle through rack and pinion arrangement gives vertical
movement to the spindle. A drill chuck is fitted in spindle for holding drill bits. A drill vice is
used as holding device to hold the workpiece and it is fastened to drill machine table by T-bolt.

Operations performed on drilling machines are:

1) drilling
2) reaming
3) counter sinking
4) boring and counter boring
5) Spot facing
6) tapping

Speed, Feed and Machining Time:

Speed: Cutting speed for drill is the distance that point of circumference of drill will travel
in one minute.

Cutting speed(s) = πDN/1000 m/min {where D is dia of drill in mm,N=rpm of drill}

Feed: Feed of a drill is the distance that drill advances into workpiece on each revolution of
drill. Feed is expressed in mm/rev. of drill.

Fm=fr*N {where fm= feed per min, fr= feed/rev}

Machining Time for drilling:

Time for drilling= (L+0.3d)/fr *N {where L=depth of drilled hole,d= dia of drill}


Reamers are used to smoothly enlarge drilled hole to an exact size and finish the hole at same
time. Generally reamers are made up of HCS or HSS.

Types of reamers:

1) Hand reamer
2) Machine reamer

Hand reamer:

Hand reamers have square on shank end that is suitable for holding in tap wrench. The cutting
end is ground with slight taper to provide easy starting in hole. When preparing a piece to be
reamed ,0.05mm to 0.20 mm of stock should be left for removal by the tool.

Types of hand reamer:

A) Straight fluted parallel reamer.

B) Spiral fluted parallel reamer
C) Expansion hand reamer
D) Adjustable hand reamer
E) Taper reamer

A ‘straight fluted parallel reamer’ is suitable for most work, however when reaming a hole
with key way or other interruptions, it is better to use a reamer with ‘Spiral fluted parallel
reamer’ . The ‘Expansion hand reamer’ is used when the hole must be cut a few thousandth
over nominal size for fitting purposes. The ‘Adjustable hand reamer’ is threaded its entire
length and fitted with taper slots to receive the adjustable blade. The reamer has sufficient
adjustment to increase the dia of size to the next large reamer. The ‘Taper reamer’ is used to
finish a taper hole accurately and with small smooth finish.

Machine Reamer:
Machine reamer have flat tang and taper shank .The taper shank of machine reamer is hold in
machine spindle. The following types of machine reamer are:
1) Rose reamer
2) Shell reamer
3) Machine Bridge reamer
4) Machine Jig reamer
Safety Precautions while reaming:-
1) Check the drilled hole size it should be 0.2 mm less from reamed hole size.
2) Reamer must be perpendicular to the drilled hole surface while reaming operation.
3) Use proper coolant while reaming and never turn it in anti clock wise.


Counter sinking is an operation by which drilled hole may be converted into cone shape/
chamfered shape at one end by counter sinking bit. The counter sinking bit are fitted in drill chuck
of drill machine and rotate the mount of drilled hole .Counter sink tools are available in many

sizes and make an angle 90 degree at opening of hole mouth during operation for easy entry of
tap-set and proper setting counter sink headed screw in a workpiece. This tool is generally made of


TAPS: Taps are used to make internal thread in a drilled hole. The operation is known as tapping.
Generally taps are made of HCS or HSS. The main parts of tap is body and shank. The upper end
of shank i.e. square tang is used for holding in tap wrench and external threads are formed on body
of tap for cutting internal threads in a drilled hole. The chip out material comes through flutes of
body. The size of thread, typeof thread and pitch of threads are mentioned on the shank of taps.
Generally taps are manufactured in a set of three.

1. Taper tap or Rougher Tap or First Tap: In taper tap, 8 to 10 teeth are tapered at
bottom end for easy entry and starting thread formation. A circle is marked on upper
portion of shank for its identification.
2. Intermediate tap or 2nd tap: In intermediate tap, 3 to 4 teeth are tapered at bottom end.
It is used after taper tap. Double circle is marked on the top of shank for its identification.
3. Bottoming tap or Plug tap or Final tap or 3rd tap: It is used after second tap .0 to 1
teeth is tapered or grounded at bottom end of a tap body.

Drill size for Tapping:

D.S= T.S-2d {where D.S= Drill size for tapping& d=0.61P for matric thread
and 0.64P ( for BSW, BA & BSP)
Where, T.S. =Tap Size, d=depth of thread, P=pitch of thread
(For BSW, BSP, BA P=1/no. of Thread per inch (TPI)
So, the drill size for metric threads system
D.S= T.S- 2*0.61P

Precautions while tapping:

1) Drilling size should be exact according to tap size.

2) Job should be properly clamped in vice.
3) Drilled hole should be exactly perpendicular to the vice.
4) Tap should be properly gripped in tap wrench.
5) Tap should be exactly perpendicular to the surface of worpiece.
6) Tap should be revolved one rotation in clockwise and half in anti-clockwise simultaneously,
so that chips might come out after breaking.
7) Use proper lubricant while tapping.
8) Keep it at proper place after use.


Dies are used to cut external thread. A V-shaped internal thread is made up in a die for cutting
external threads in pipe, bar & rods. Its size and pitch are mentioned at top surface of die .A die
is held in die stock. Generally die are made up of HCS or HSS or High Grade tool steel and
hardened and tempered.

Types of die

1) Solid die
2) Split die
3) Two piece die
4) Die nut


HAMMER: Hammers are striking tools used to strike on metal surface while chipping,
punching, bending, cutting, fitting operations. Generally hammers are made up of HCS or forge
steel. The main parts of hammer are:

1) Peen
2) Face
3) Eyehole
4) Head
5) Handle
6) Wedge
7) Cheek

Face is used for general striking work and peen is used for specific work. Handle is fitted in
eyehole. Generally hammers are available from ½lbs to 2lbs or 200gm to 800gm for fitting work.
The following types of hammers are commonly used in fitting practice:

1) Ball peen hammer.

2) Cross peen hammer.
3) Straight peen hammer.
4) Double faced hammer.

Sheet Metal Section
Metals used in sheet metal work:-

The following metals are generally used in sheet metal work:

1) Black iron sheet

2) Galvanized iron
3) Stainless Steel
4) Copper
5) Aluminum
6) Tin plates
7) Lead


The tools commonly used in sheet metal work are as follows:-

Rules :

Rules are used for measuring and laying out work:-

Steel Rule
Steel tape
Steel Square
It is an L shaped piece of hardened steel with graduation marks on the edges for measuring. The
narrow arm of the square is called the tongue and the wide part is known as body (blade).

Straight Edge:

It is a flat bar of steel with a beveled edge. This bar comes in a variety of lengths ranging from
1m to 3m. It is useful for drawing long lines.

Dividers: It is used for marking arcs on the sheet.

Trammel Points:

The trammel points also called a beam compass consist of two straight, removable sharpleg and
attached to separate heads. These heads slide on the beam and are logged at that place by thumb
screw. A special clamp for a pencil can be attached to one of the points. It is used to draw large
arcs and circles that are beyond the limit of dividers.

Trammel Points

Scriber /Scratch awl :

It is used to scribe or mark line on a metal surface for a variety of purposes in laying out patterns.
The following are three commonly types of scriber or scratch awl.

a) Ring Scratch awl

b) Socket scratch awl
c) Shank type scratch awl


Punches are used in sheet metal work for marking and locating
Permanent indent or impression and marking holes on the sheet. Various types of punches are:
Prick Punch: It is used to make small marks on the layout lines. The point angle is 30°.

Prick punch

Centre Punch: It is used to mark the centers of holes to be drilled. The point angle is 90degree.
It is also used to mark the location of bend the lines on heavy metal.

Solid punch : It is used for punching small holes in thin metal sheets.

Hollow Punch : It is used for punching holes in the sheets. The inner and outer faces of the
punch meet at an angle of 40degree.



Hand Lever Punch : It is sometimes used for making holes with a punch and die incorporated
in the tool when a large number of holes are to be punched.

Wire Gauge :It is used to check the diameters of wires or thickness of sheet metal. The
commonly used wire gauge is imperial standard wire gauge (known as SWG). It has slots to
indicate different width sizes. The most common wire gauge used in sheet metal has 21 slots
with gauge varying from 4-24. The following table shows the SWG sizes.

SWG No. Size in mm SWG No. Size in mm SWG No. Size in mm

4 6.0 11 3.0 18 1.25
5 5.5 12 2.7 19 1.05
6 4.8 13 2.4 20 0.95
7 4.5 14 2.1 21 0.85
8 4.0 15 1.9 22 0.72
9 3.6 16 1.65 23 0.62
10 3.3 17 1.45 24 0.58

Wire guage

Chisels: In sheet metal work, cold chisels are used. These are used for cutting thick sheets,
rivets, bolts and chipping operations. Flat chisels and round chisels are mainly used in sheet
metal work. The flat chisel has a tapered end with a sharp cutting edge beveled to an angle of 40-
45degree which is properly hardened and tempered.




Snips: A snip also called a hand shear is similar to a pair of scissors. It is used to cut thin and
soft metal (up to 20gauge thickness only). Most commonly used snips are straight snip and
curved snip. Straight snip is used for straight cutting while curved snip is used for circular cuts.
The heavier classes are bench shear and block shears, which are used to cut thick sheets


Hammers: Hammers are used for forming shapes by hollowing, raising stretching or throwing
off. Various types of hammers used are:

a. Ball peen hammer : It has a round, slightly curved face and a round head. It is a general
purpose hammer.
b. Riveting hammer : It has a square, slightly curved space. It is used for spreading rivets and for
a hammering a rivet set.
c. Setting hammer : It has a square, flat face and a tapered peen with beveled end. The flat face is
used for flattening seams while peen end is used for peening operation.
d. Raising hammer : It has an oblong flat face with corners slightly rounded off. It is used in
raising circular dies and many other raising operation used to form saucer, bowl, tray or spoon.
e. Hollowing or blocking hammer : The hollowing or blocking hammer has a dome face without
any sharp corners. It is used for hollowing discs into bowl shapes.
f. Planishing hammer: The planishing hammer has a round face. It is used on domed circular
g. smoothing hammer: it is used for smoothing surfaces of sheets.

Mallets: The mallet may be made from hide, fiber or wood. It is used to strike a soft and light
blow in the metal.

Pliers: Pliers are used for holding, cutting and bending work. Different types of pliers are :

a) Flat nose plier

b) Round nose plier
c) Slip Joint Combination Plier

Stakes: These are the sheet metal anvils used for bending, seaming and forming by using a
hammer or mallet. They work as the supporting tool as well as the forming tools. They are made
in different sizes and shapes depending upon the job requirement. Commonly used stakes are:

a) Blow horn stakes

b) Beak horn stakes
c) Hollow mandrel stakes
d) Solid mandrel stakes
e) Bevel edge stakes
f) Double seaming stakes
g) Funnel stakes
h) Half moon stake


Stake Holder: The stake holder is used in sheet metal shop is a rectangular bench plate to hold
the different types of stakes.

Hand Groover :The hand groover also called seam set is used for grooving a seam by hand.


The following are the various sheet metal operations:

 Measuring and marking

 Cleaning
 Laying Out
 Cutting and Shearing
 Bending
 Stretch Forming
 Deep drawing
 Riveting
 Hollowing or Blocking
 Sinking
 Raising
 Planishing

1) Measuring and Marking :The marking out operation consists of scratching of lines on the
surface of a sheet metal. In making a layout directly on the sheet metal involves operations such
as drawing a straight line or curved lines and making indentation marks with the help of scriber,
punches, etc. For measuring we usesteel rule, steel tape.

2) Cleaning :The blank surface which is rusted need to be proper cleaned before being
processed. For cleaning we use files and emery papers to get smooth surface.

3) Laying Out :While doing the marking of the development of the surface of the component on
the sheet, certain material for various allowances(such as overlapping, cutting, bending, etc.) are
added. Such a layout when made on the sheet is called laying out process.

4) Cutting and Shearing: The term cutting is normally used when the sheet metal is cut by
means of a chisel and a hammer. The term shearing means cutting of sheet metal by two parallel
cutting edges moving in opposite directions manually. Shearing is done by hand shears, or snips
or by means of lever shearing machines or power shearing machines.

5) Punching: Punching is a operation of producing circular holes on a sheet metal by a punch

and die. The material punched out (Small circular sheet) is removed as waste and the sheet,
which is having holes, is our objective or our requirement.

6) Blanking: This means cutting a whole piece from sheet metal. Around this piece, there is
enough scrap left all around this piece. The piece which is cut from the sheet metal is our
objective. The size of the blank (cutting part) is our requirement and the remaining sheet is scrap.

7) Notching: This is a process of removing metal to the desired shape from the side or edge of a
sheet or a strip. Sometimes notching operation is also performed to prevent overlapping

of metal where the corners come together. Different types of notches are straight notch, Square
notch and V notch.

8) Bending: The bending of sheet metal maybe done over stakes, block of wood, pieces of angle
iron or the edge of a bench top. Sometimes the bends can be made in various bending machines


Hems :The edges of the sheet metal maybe folded to impart the strength to the edge and to
eliminate the sharpness of the edges. Three common types of hems are :

a) Single Hem : The single hem is made by turning the edge over the hatchet stake and then it is
completed by a mallet.

b) Double Hem : It is made by folding the edges over twice to make it stronger.

c) Wired Hem : It is formed step by step. In first step sheet is bended against a wooden block
whose one edge is rounded to a radius equal to one half the diameter of the wire. After this
bending wire is placed and then mallet is used for further bending. Final bend is done with the
help of a peen end of a setting hammer.

Seams :Seaming is the process of joining two metal sheets by making grooves at the joining
edges. Then the two edges are hooked together and finally locked together to obtain a permanent


In order to increase the production rates in case of mass production, sheet metal shop must be
provided with various machines in order to perform different operations. Some of the machines
commonly used are:

a) Shearing Machine: It is used for cutting the metal sheet. Generally it is of two types:-

i) Hand shearing machine/lever shearing machine: It is used to cut thin sheets. A sheet is
inserted between the blades and a lever is pulled to cut the sheet.

ii) Power shearing machine: It is used to cut thicker sheets and also used for mass production
of cutting sheets. It is power operated. The sheet is inserted between blades to cut the sheet.

b) Combination punching machine: It is used to make a hole in the sheets. The sheet is
inserted between punches and dies and a lever is pulled to get the sheet punched or blanked.

c) Folding Machine: It is used for folding and bending the edges of sheet metal.

AIM- To determine the least count of vernier caliper, vernier height gauge, micrometer
and take different reading over given metallic pieces using these instruments.

MATERIAL USED– Mild steel pieces of different shapes and sizes.

TOOLS USED - vernier caliper200mm , vernier height gauge, outside micrometer0-25mm,

surface plate and angle plate.


Least Count- Least count is least measurement that can be taken accurately by that instrument.
In Case of Vernier Caliper-
1st Method
Least Count = Smallest division on main scale/Total no. of divisions on vernier scale
2 Method
Vernier scale have 20 graduated divisions and this 20 graduated divisions is exactly equal to 39
main scale divisions
So, 20 VSD = 39 MSD

Therefore, 1 VSD = (39/20) MSD.

So, least count= 2 divisions of main scale – 1 division of Vernier scale
= 2-(39/20)
= 1/20
= 0.05mm
In case of Vernier Height Gauge
50 Vernier Scale Division = 49 Main Scale Division
So, 1VSD = (49/50) MSD
So, Least Count = 1MSD – 1VSD
= 1- (49/50) (Because 1MSD = 1mm)
= 1/50

In case of Micrometer-

Least Count=Pitch / Total no. of divisions on circular scale

So, Least Count= (0.5/50)


InCase of Vernier Height Gauge-

 Place the job on surface plate and support it with angle plate.
 Touch the face of the scribing jaw on the top of job.
 Read the main scale reading.
 Read the Vernier scale Reading exactly coincided with Main Scale Reading.
 Multiply the Least Count with Vernier scale reading and add it with main scale reading
for final reading.
 Taking different reading from different sections for average value.

In Case of Vernier Caliper-

 Hold the job between fixed and movable jaw.
 Read the main scale reading.
 Read the Vernier scale Reading exactly coincided with Main Scale Reading.
 Multiply the Least Count with Vernier scale reading and add it with main scale reading
for final reading.
 Taking different reading from different sections for average value.

In case of Micrometer-

 Hold the job between anvil and spindle.

 Rotate the thimble and just touch the spindle with workpiece.
 Rotate the ratchet for final touching of job with spindle for taking final reading.
 Read the main scale reading and add the circular scale reading (match with Index line)
then multiply the Least Count with Circular scale reading and add main scale reading for
final reading.
 Taking different reading from different sections for average value.


For Vernier Caliper Reading, Least Count = 0.05mm

Sr Main Scale Vernier Scale Least Count x Total

No. Reading(A) Reading Vernier scale Reading(A+B)
Average Mean Reading=

For Vernier Height Gauge Reading, Least Count = 0.02mm

Sr Main Scale Vernier Scale Least Count x Vernier Total

No. Reading(A) Reading scale Reading(B) Reading(A+B)
Average Mean Reading=

For Micrometer Reading, Least Count = 0.01mm

Sr Main Scale Circular Scale Least Count x Total

No. Reading(A) Reading Circular scale Reading(A+B)
Average Mean Reading=


 The average reading of Work piece on Vernier Caliper = mm.

 The average reading of Work piece on Venire Height Gauge = mm.
 The average reading of Work piece on Micrometer = mm.


 Check the zero error before taking reading.

 Handle the measuring instrument very carefully.
 Never tight the job with thimble while taking reading from micrometer.
 Use fine adjustment nut while taking reading from vernier caliper or height gauge.

AIM: To study and demonstrate the parts, specifications & operations performed on lathe



A lathe is oldest machine to which spin a block of materials about an axis of rotation and cutting
tool is applied to the workpiece to perform various operations on the workpiece such as centering
,facing ,turning (plain step and taper, grooving, recessing, undercutting, cutting(parting off),
knurling ,drilling, boring, threading, etc. During the operation of lathe machine the workpiece is
held in lathe chuck or face plate or held between two rigid supports called centres. The cutting
tool is held in tool post. Workpiece rotates about an axis of rotation and single point cutting tool
and advances in direction parallel to the axis of workpiece.


1.Centre lathe
2.Tool room lathe
3.Bench lathe
4.Speed lathe
5.Capston and turret lathe
6. Copying lathe
7.NC and CNC lathe
8. Special purpose lathe

1.Head stock
2.Tail stock
a. Apron
b. Saddle
c. Cross slide
d. Compound slide
e. Tool post
4. Bed
5. Tray
6. Legs
7. Lead screw

1.Chuck( 3 jaw, 4 jaw, magnetic, hydraulic)
2. Face plate
3.Dog carrier
4.Centres( live centre, dead centre, revolving centre )
5. Study and follow rest


1.Length of bed
2. Distance between centre
3. Swing diameter over bed
4.Swing diameter over gap bed
5. Swing diameter over carriage
6. Diameter of spindle through hole
7. Range of speed


1.Left hand tool

2.Right hand tool
3.Turning tool(single point cutting tool, knife edge tool)
4. Threading tool
6. Radius form tool

7. Parting tool
8. Knurling tool
9. Grooving tool

3.Plain turning
4.Step turning
5.Taper turning
9.Undercutting or grooving

1. Always wear short sleeve shirts, recommended leather shoes, and eye protection.
2. Remove wrist watch, neckless, chain, other jewellery and tie back long hair.
3. Make sure your workpiece is properly gripped in chuck or between centre.
4. Remove chuck key immediately after use .
5. Clean machine and working area after completion of your job.
6. Any type of machine fault however small inform immediately to your shop floor

AIM: To study and demonstrate the parts, specifications & operations performed on
milling machine



Milling machine is most versatile machine of all machine tool. In milling machine metal is
removed from workpiece with rotating milling cutter(multi point cutting tool). For cutting
workpiece is fed into the milling cutter and metal is removed in form of chips.


1. Column and knee type

 Plain milling machine
 Universal milling machine
 Omniversal milling machine
 Vertical milling machine
2. Table type milling machine
3. Planer type milling machine
4. Special purpose milling machine


1. Base
2. Elevating screw
3. Knee
8. Head
1. Size of table ( length and width)
2. Maximum length of longitudinal cross and vertical travel of table.
3. No. of spindle speed
4. No. of feed.
5. Spindle nose taper
6. Power required
7. Types of machine
8. Net weight and floor area of the machine


1. Peripheral milling
2. Vertical milling
Peripheral milling:

1. Up milling: In up milling the cutting tools rotates in opposite direction to the motion
of feed this tends to lift the workpiece from the table. There is possibility that the
cutting tool will run the workpiece before starting the material removal.
2. Down milling: In down milling cutting and feed motions are same in direction and
tendency of workpiece being dragged into the cutter however down milling provides
better surface milling finish and longer tool life.

Vertical milling: In vertical milling operation cutter axis is vertically and generally
perpendicular to the work surface. Example of vertical milling is following:
1. Slot milling
2. Face milling
3. End milling


1. Vertical milling attachment

2. Universal milling attachment
3. Slotting attachment
4. Rotary table attachment
5. Index head attachment


Milling cutters are generally made of high speed steel (HSS). Following types of milling cutters
are used during milling operation.

1. Plain milling cutter

2. Side milling cutter
3. Angle milling cutter
4. Metal slitting saw
5. End milling cutter
6. T-slot milling cutter


1. Plain milling
2. Face milling
3. Side milling
4. Straddle milling
5. Angular milling
6. Gang milling
7. Form milling
8. End milling
9. Gear cutting
10. Thread milling
11. Milling keyway grooves and slot.


CUTTING SPEED: It is distance by point on cutting edge of milling cutter to remove metal in
one minute.

Cutting speed = (𝜋DN) / 1000 m/min, where D= dia of cutter and N= spindle speed in rpm.

FEED: It is defined as the distance of workpiece advance under the cutter

DEPTH OF CUT: It is thickness of material removed in one pass of the work below the cutter.
It is expressed in mm.


1. Make sure that the cutter and the arbor are secure
2. Use cutters that are correctly ground and in good condition
3. To avoid striking hands on the cutter while setting up, move table with work as far away
from cutter as possible.
4. Check speed and feed, it should be proper .
5. Keep hand away from the work when machining .
6. Do not strike over milling cutters.
7. Clean the machines after completion of work and remove chips from brush.

AIM: To study and demonstrate the parts, specifications & operations performed on
shaper machine.


Shaper is used for machining horizontal, vertical, angular surfaces of metal piece in desired
shape. A single point cutting tool reciprocates over stationery workpiece and workpiece is rigidly
gripped in a machine vice or clamped on the table. The tool is held in tool head mounted on the
ram of machine. When the ram moves forward cutting of material start and in backward stroke
no cutting of material takes place. The time taken is less as compared to forward stroke and this
is obtained by quick return mechanism.


According to type of driving mechanism :-

1. Crank type shaper

2. Hydraulic shaper
3. Geared shaper

According to type of cutting stroke:-

1. Push cut shaper

2. Draw cut shaper

According to position of travel of ram:-

1. Horizontal shaper
2. Vertical shaper


1. Base
2. Column
3. Cross rail
4. Table
5. Ram
6. Tool head
a. Tool slide
b. Clapper box
c. Tool post

1. Travel of ram (maximum length of stroke)

2. Types of drive
3. Range of speed
4. Horse power of motor
5. Cutting to return stroke ratio
6. Maximum vertical and horizontal travel of table
7. Approximate weight and floor space covered by machine


1. Right hand tool

2. Left hand tool
3. Roughing tool
4. Slot cutting tool


1. Horizontal surface machining

2. Vertical surface machining
3. Angular surface machining
4. Concave surface machining
5. V-groove machining

6. Deep slot machining
7. Step cut machining
8. Key way machining(internal and external)


1. Workpiece should be properly gripped in machine vice or properly clamed on the

2. Do not use blunt tool.
3. Deep cut should be avoided.
4. Stroke length should be adjusted according to workpiece.
5. Do not check the machining surface by hand while ram of machine is reciprocating.
6. Long handle brush shall be used to remove chips and scraps from the work table.

AIM: To prepare a job involving different type of filing practice exercise in specified

MATERIAL USED-MS flat of size 75mm x 55mm x 8mm.

TOOLS USED- Flat File 300mm, Flat file 150mm, Try Square 150mm, Vernier caliper200mm,
outside micrometer(0-25 mm) Vernier height gauge, angle protectoer , radius guage ( R 7.5-
15mm) Surface plate, angle plate, punching plate, no. and letter punch set (5mm),center punch,
divider ,hammer(500 gm) , Bench vice ,etc.

Rough blank 55 mm

8 mm

75 mm


 Cut the material from power hack saw in 55 mm length from the given flat of 75 x 8 mm.
 Check the rough material size with the help of vernier caliper.
 Hold the job properly in bench vice and remove the rust from the tip of file.
 Clean the surface of one side by filing and check its parallelism with the help of try square.
 If 1st side is ok then file its adjacent side and check it perpendicularity.
 If both sides are ok then mark for 3rd (49mm) and 4th (71 mm) side as per drawing.
 Maintain the size as per the drawing by filing operations and all size must be perpendicular
with each other.
 For maintaining thickness, remove extra material from top surface and check it for
parallelism with try square. If it is ok, then maintain dimensions of opposite surface by filing
and check its thickness(7.5mm) with the help of vernier caliper and micrometer.
 Mark for radius(R-10) as per drawing and maintain radius with help of flat file and check it
with radius guage
 Mark for angle(10×45º) as per drawing and maintain angle by filing operation with help of
flat file and check it with angle protector.
 Punch the roll no. on punching plate with help of hammer, no,. and letter punch set
 Maintain chamfer 1*45° on all edges of workpiece as per drawing.

RESULT- Thus the job of given dimensions as per drawing is prepared by filing operations.


 Filing should be done carefully as per given instructions and the speed of filing
should be 35-40 strokes per minute.
 Marking should be done carefully.
 Never mix cutting tools with precision instruments.
 Punching should be done carefully .
 Clean the shop floor area and tools after completion of work.

AIM: To prepare a job involving multi operational exercise (drilling, counter sinking,
tapping, reaming, hack sawing etc.)

MATERIAL USED- MS Flat of 71 x 49 x 7.5 mm

TOOLS& EQUIPMENTS -Flat File(150mm & 300mm), , Vernier Caliper(200mm), Try

Square(150mm), Center Punch, Hammer(0.5Kg), Surface Plate, Angle Plate, Vernier height
gauge, Drill(Dia-8.5mm, 5mm),Counter sinking tool, Tapset(M10 x1.5), Reamer, Tap wrench
,Hand Hack saw, drill chuck key, drilling vice, bench vice ,center drill etc.

MACHINE USED- Bench drill machine.


 Check the size of material mentioned in the drawing. If it is ok, then mark for drilling
maintaining dimensions as per drawing with the help of Vernier Height Gauge.
 Use center punch and hammer to punch dark indent for drilling holes.
 Clean the drill machine table hold the center drill in drill chuck and job in drilling vice and
set the workpiece for center drill hole on the punched point.
 Perform center drill operation on punched point and remove center drill and hold drill Ø5mm
in drill chuck and make drill hole of 5 mm for predrilling operation.
 Remove drill Ø5mm from drill chuck and hold 8.5mm drill in drill chuck.
 Make a drilled hole of 8.5mm in pre-drilled hole.
 Remove drill from drill chuck and counter sinking tool in drill chuck

 Remove the burr and make a chamfer on drilled hole by counter sinking tool.
 Open the job from drilling vice and hold it in bench vice for remaining operations.
 Use reamer for making exact size of the holes.
 Use M10 x 1.5mm tapset for M10 tapping on drilled hole of 8.5mm as per the drawing.
 Mark the given dimensions with the help of vernier height gauge as per drawing for hack
sawing operation.
 Make a V notch on marking spot for Hack sawing.
 Hold the job in bench vice and start hack sawing as per instructions and complete it as per
 Make a undercut of 2mm depth as per the drawing.
 Finish the size with the help of flat file and maintaining dimensions as per drawing and check
it 90 degree angle with the help of try square.
 Remove burr from all sharp edges and make 1 ×45º chamfer on all edges of workpiece.

RESULT- Thus the required job involving drilling ,tapping, counter sinking, reaming,
hacksawing, is completed as per given drawing.


 Marking should be done carefully.

 Drilling and hack sawing should be done carefully.
 The speed of hack sawing should be 40-50 strokes per minute.
 Never rotate the reamer in counter clockwise directions.
 Tap should be exactly perpendicular while tapping operations.
 Use Lubricant while tapping operations.

AIM: To prepare a multi operational sheet metal job (self secured single groove joint).

MATERIAL USED : Mild steel sheets of size 65×50×1mm.

TOOLS/EQUIPMENTS: Vernier Calliper(200mm), Steel Scale(30cm & 1m), Flat

File(150mm),Round file, Radius Gauge, Snip, Bench vice,vernier height gauge, hammer(1/4kg),
mallet, number punch, letter punch, grooving tool etc.

MACHINES USED: lever shearing machine lever shearing machine , power shearing machine,
combination punching machine.



 Mark 50 mm long strips from 8’X4’X1mm MS sheet with the help of steel scale and cut
it on power shearing machine.
 Mark 65×50mm two pieces and cut it with lever/hand shearing machine.
 Hold the work pieces in bench vice and remove burr and sharp corner with the help of
file and mallet.
 Mark the dimensions(60×45) with the help of vernier height gauge as per drawing.
 Cut the extra material with the help of snip/hand shear and finish it with the help of flat
file after holding the work pieces in bench vice.
 Mark for punching as per drawing and make a punched hole( Ø10mm) with the help of
combination punching machine.
 Make a slot as per given dimensions with the help of round file and flat file.
 Mark for radius as per drawing with the help of radius gauge.
 Maintain radius(R-5) with the help of round file and check it using radius gauge.
 Fold the sheet as per given dimensions in the drawing.
 Mark 8mm line from one side of sheet for folding operation
 Bend and Fold the sheets in desired U shape as per dimensions given in the drawing.
 Join both the sheets with the help of grooving tools and make self-secured single grooved
 Punch your roll no. on the work piece as mentioned in drawing.
 Remove burr from all edges.

Result :Thus the self-secured single grooved joint is prepared as per drawing.

Precautions :

1) Marking, cutting, bending, shearing should be done carefully.

2) Never use blunt tools.
3) Do not operate any machine without any prior permission and proper instruction.
4) Keep your work area neat and clean before and after work.
5) Never mix cutting tools with measuring tools.


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