A D A M A S C I e N C e A N D T e C H N o L o G y U N I V e R S I T y
A D A M A S C I e N C e A N D T e C H N o L o G y U N I V e R S I T y
A D A M A S C I e N C e A N D T e C H N o L o G y U N I V e R S I T y
The engineering internship is about 600-640 hours (75-80 days) full time work placement with
an industrial partner conducted as an alternative pathway to an engineering thesis for final year
engineering students at Adama science and Technology University.
The purpose of internship is to provide engineering students with experience to the world of
engineering practice through a period of work place employment.
This report details the work performed during an 80 days internship placement with the western
regional telecommunication. The report features Western regional ethiotelecom description
including several telecommunication sectors to make clear communication for subscribers by
solving communication challenges of this region.
The future work required to be completed as the continuation of a work performed during
internship placement is presented.
First of all we would like to express thanks to almighty God. Second, we would also like to thank
Adama science and Technology University for organizing the internship program at all for his
engineering students alike.
Again show appreciation Western regional ethiotelecom for permitting the semester internship to
be train with their company.
We would like to express gratitude to Ato Aman Mieso the Electrical Engineering department
Head, Ato Temesgen the electrical engineering internship student advisor. We would also like to
give special thanks to our supervisor, Ato Tilahun Ejigu and operation and maintence manager,
Ato Mulatu and other operation and maintenance worker who assisted us by sharing their
knowledge and experience throughout their working time in our internship duration. Finally, we
would like to show gratitude to other western regional ethio-telecom workers that gave their
knowledge and other efforts to make us perfect with works.
Table of contents
Acknowledgement………………………………………………. …II
Table of contents…………………………………………………....III
1. Introduction………………………………………………………. 1
2. Background of Ethiotelecom…………………………………….. 2
2.1 Company mission and values…………………………………
2.2 Company objectives, services and products …………………..
3. Management, Training and employee information……………….......
4. Specific job information……………………………………………..
4.1 Radio access network system (RANS) section………………….
4.2 Transmission, Access and Transport section……………………
4.3 Internet protocol (IP) section…………………………………...
4.4 Core network, Local switch and MSAG section………………..
4.5 CPE and Payphone section …………………………………….
4.6 Power and environment section…………………………………
5. Evaluation and Critique……………………………………………...
5.1 Recommendation………………………………………………
1. Introduction
Western Regional Ethiotelecom is situated in the West of Ethiopia which is found at Nekemte
town 330km from Addis Ababa 430km from Adama. This region includes seven sections, such
as indirect channel, direct channel, fixed access network, operation and maintenance, Business
partner, finance and physical security and 12 shops in different areas.
This is final report for Electrical engineering in communication stream semester internship .the
internship was undertaken to finalize this semester industry internship for engineering students.
This specific internship was undertaken at Ethio telecom western regional division, where duties
were assigned providing the experience as a product specialist .Over the course of internship a
variety of activities were experienced, both technical and process related .This provide a range of
valuable job skills which would be able to applied in future position both with Ethio telecom and
western region division in general.
2. Background of Ethio telecom
The introduction of telecommunication in Ethiopia dates back to 1894.
Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation is the oldest public telecommunications operator in
Africa. In those years, the technological scheme contributed to the integration of the Ethiopian
society when the extensive open wire line system was laid out linking the capital with all the
important administrative cities of the country. After the end of the war against Italy, during
which telecommunication network was destroyed, Ethiopia re-organized the Telephone,
Telegraph and Postal services in 1941. In 1952 the Imperial Board of Telecommunications
(IBTE) was
established by proclamation No. 131/52 in 1952. The Board had full financial and administrative
autonomy and was in charge of the provision and expansion of telecommunications services in
The Imperial Board of Telecommunications of Ethiopia, which became the Ethiopian
Telecommunications Authority in 1981, was placed in charge of both the
operation and regulation of telecommunication services in the wake of the market
reforms. In 1996, the Government established a separate regulatory body, the Ethiopian
Telecommunication Agency (ETA) by Proclamation 49/1996, and during the same year, by
regulation 10/1996, the Council of Ministers set up the Ethiopian
Telecommunications Corporation (ETC).
Recently, the Ethiotelecom company has been organizational structured by 1 head quarter,6
zonal offices and 8 regional offices providing different services such as fixed telephone, mobile
telephone, internet, CDMA, etc through its offices .Western region is among 8 regional office
and plays vital role in ethiotelecom on behalf of it self.
2.1 Company mission and value
As a continuation of the last five-year plan and after concentrating its efforts on education, health
and agriculture, the Ethiopian government has decided to focus on the improvement of
telecommunication services, considering them as a key lever in the development of Ethiopia
Ethio telecom is born from this ambition of supporting the steady growth of our country. Ethio
Telecom wishes to implement state-of-the-art processes, to develop reliable network
infrastructures and to provide the best quality of services to Customers. This is the mission of
Ethio telecom; that drives all Ethio telecoms actions.
To ensure that Ethio Telecom runs parallel with top telecom operators, the Ethiopian government
has reached an agreement with France Telecom, one of the world’s leader telecommunication
companies. This agreement will help ETHIO telecom to improve its management capability
through the transfer of world-renowned know-how and skills.
While meeting international standards, Ethio Telecom remains faithful to his values:
Ethio Telecom commit to understand, meet and exceed the telecommunications needs
and expectations of our country at large and of customers in particular
Ethio Telecom respect customers and recognize that their revenues allow to operate
Ethio Telecom recognize that the company employees are the most valuable asset and
want to create an efficient corporate management environment that allows them to
develop and grow
Ethio Telecom will commit to high-level job performance, customer service quality,
organizational excellence and continuous improvement in all areas
Ethio Telecom will stay motivated and encouraged to meet all the challenges that
will face
Ethio Telecom will make every effort to achieve a superior financial return
Ethio Telecom uphold ethical standards, being honest in all assignments
Ethio Telecom will hold employees accountable to all their stakeholders
In line with its ambitious mission, Ethio Telecom has ambitious goals:
To reach these goals, all Ethio telecom divisions will focus on:
Ethio telecom offers a wide range of products and services tailored made for Enterprise
customers and non enterprise customers. Ethio telecom offer Fixed wire line and wireless
services, mobile services, Internet and Data services as well as 3G services like WCDMA and
CDMA through the newly deployed Next Generation Networks(NGN).
Owing to nationwide huge capacity Ethio telecom provide Enterprise customers a reliable and
affordable Internet and data services which facilitate their business and increase their
productivity by connecting them to local and international partners
3.Management, Training and employee information
Ethiotelecom has different departments in different places. Here, at western region we
assigned to work in operation and maintenance department for all internship session.
This section covers all operation and maintenance case of western region. So that, it
consist of seven different working section. At the day we began intern to this region
we introduced with operation and maintenance manager and he assigned a supervisor
for us. On the next day, after we have introduced with our supervisor and he shown us
different working sections of this region and supervisor assigned us to work with their
We introduced to the supervisor and with other operation and maintenance worker for
two weeks first. After that, we assigned to see different western regional Ethiotelecom
equipments and how they are configured these includes RAN system, transmission
system, exchange, routers, PSTN, BSCs, BTSs and the like. To have detail knowledge
about this equipment the manual of some equipment is give for us by pdf and by hard
copy/module/.After we have completed these duties we are assigned to see all
operation and maintenance section turn by turn. First turn RAN section, second turn
core section, third, fourth, fifth IP section, transmission section, payphone section
respectively. Finally we are assigned to see power section. For each section we are
assigned to work for more weeks.
Our supervisor has helped us to succeed in our assignments in a good manner. After
we encountered about a week one personal computer is given for us from his working
section. There are free internet access about 100Mbps and we have used for reading
and checking our account and such a like. Our supervisor guided us what we have to
do and what we haven’t do in our daily working at every working time and he took
attendance to follow us whether we present or not. We ask our coworkers if there is
unclear thing while we are on working.
The other responsibility we had during our internship is respecting working ethics like
arriving on time, cooperation with coworker, accepting and respecting daily duties
given by our supervisor and the like.
Western region has many workers in different departments. It is difficult to mention all
departments on this report because of its wideness but, let us mention the main
department of this region.
1.Operation and maintenance department
This department deals with all operation and maintenance of RAN, corenetworks,
transmission, exchange, PSTN, payphone equipments sothat, this department is back
bone at this level.
2.Fixed access network department
Does the operation maintenance activities of copper cables and optical fibers.
3.Human resource management department
This department manages human power with the intention that, employee appraisal is
conducted once a year for employee and managers and also used two types of
standardized forms i.e, administrative and clerical, and management and professional
performance evaluation format respectively. Progress of employee performance is
measured periodically, provide feedback and support employees to achieve both
quantitative and qualitative targets.
From this work we developed many working skills like: Punctuality, Reliability, and
Independence in Work Communication Skills, Professionalism, Speed of Work, Accuracy,
Engagement, and Cooperation with colleagues, Technical skills, Organizational skills,
responsibility in the task-fulfillment
Fig 4.1
Figure 4.1 shows a simplified microwave link incorporating just one regenerative repeater and
two end terminal stations. The terminal stations house switching equipment that connects the
customers to the long-distance paths. In this illustration, a large number of customer signals
(around 2000) are multiplexed together into a single signal, ready for transmission over the
microwave link. The signal is converted to the microwave frequency (around6 GHz) and
transmitted over a path of typically 30 to 60 km from station A to the receiving antenna at the
repeater station. The repeater either (1) simply amplifies the signal and sends it off on its journey
using a different micro wave frequency to minimize interference, or (2) it completely regenerates
the individual pulses of the bit stream before reconverting the signal back to a microwave beam
for onward transmission. Station B receives the microwave signal, processes it, and unravels the
individual channels ready for distribution to the appropriate customers at these end users.
2. Fiber optic
Fiber-optic communication is now the dominant data transmission method. However,
microwave communication equipment is still in use at many remote sites where fiber-
optic cabling cannot be economically installed.
At present cisboarder backbone network is microwave transmission system, as
telecommunication service is becoming in Ethiopia.The existing back bone
transmission system cannot meet the needs of the people. Therefore ETC confirmed
eight optic fiber lines through out the country to be builted; its main aim is to resolve
communication problem of communication between country capital and states. This
Nekemte branch includes eleven stations(Addis Ababa, Holota, Adis
Alem,Welenkomi,ginchi,Ambo,Guder,Gedo,Ijaji,Bako,Sire and Nekemte).This
Nekemte branch also extended up to Asosa regions by branching to different western
regional towns. Here one SDH 2.5G and one SDH 155M system is equipped in the
All optical fiber out from or into all stations terminated at the termination box on
the ODF. The termination box connected to flange; using single ended pigtail fibers,
and connected to SDH equipment using dual ended pigtail fibers with FC/PC. The
34Mbits/s (E3) or 2Mbits/s (E1) port of SDH equipment connected to DDF in the
equipment rooms. Using coaxial RF cables. The 155M outlet fibers of the branches
terminated on ODF in the transmission rooms, using dual ended pigtail fibers with
FC/PC. In this transmission system communication cables includes trunk cables,
pigtail fibers, clocking wire and alarm wires and network wires. All these cables run
in cable trays and placed in order and bound fitly.
3. VSAT (Very small Aperture Terminal)
Two Stations on Earth want to communicate through radio broadcast but are too far away to use
conventional means. The two stations can use a satellite as a relay station for their
communication. One Earth Station sends a transmission to the satellite. This is called a Uplink.
The satellite Transponder converts the signal and sends it down to the second earth station.
This is called a Downlink.
The Broadband VSAT is a satellite system especially applied to the remote areas of the
country. The country uses the Broadband VSAT network for the provision of triple play services
for high schools, universities, research centers, Woredas and Non Governmental organizations.
School Net: with the aim of providing similar standard education to high schools throughout the
nation, the program was launched in February 2004. At this time 1093 high schools and
preparatories are getting the service with the help of 12 channels; in addition to this the 197 of
the high schools have got access to internet service with a capacity of 256kbps.
WoredaNet: The WoredaNet Network has enabled woreda centers of the country with the
opportunity to use voice, data and multimedia services. At this point in time 631 woredas are
getting data, internet and Video conferencing service with a maximum capacity of 512kbps.
AgriNet: This AgriNet Network has a total of 35 VSAT stations which are agricultural
institutions connected with each other and the federal government for Internet service.
Ethio telecom’s IP Network is constructed in such a way that it can provide NGN (including
GSM, Fixed NGN, CDMA, IP/Broadband Access Network services including Value Added
Services) at regional cities, major cities, sub cities, and towns. To understand easily this IP
network let us show you its topology.
: Figure 4.2: Over all ETC IP NGN network Topology
IP network layers and their functions
1. Gateway layer: This layer deployed in four sites and contains routers mainly
functions to connect to an external network /internet/
The Ethio Telecom has built extensively Ethiopia’s internet infrastructure to give
better and quality internet service. Currently; we have fifteen international internet links
from Bole, Bahirdar Diredawa and Shashemene gateways. The Total Upstream
/downstream bandwidth is 6475.5/6775.5 in Mbps
2. Back bone layer: Totally 10 sets of BR (T8000), distributed to five cities and each
city deploys two sets of BR, full meshed connection. This layer is mainly responsible for
service traffic forwarding and high capacity communication facilities.
3. Core layer: This layer is mainly responsible for service traffic forwarding,
convergence and high capacity communication facilities.
4. Edge layer: Provides information exchange b/n the access and core network. It is
an entry point in to carrier/service provider core backbone networks and used for aggregation of
core switches
Fig 4.3
5. Acess layer: Access layer is where broadband access devices and ethio telecom’s other
networks (GSM, CDMA, FL-NGN) are connected.
1. Soft switch: A soft switch has revolutionized telecom industry. Gone are the days of
conventional voice switches. These days, a soft switch can work with voice, fax and video,
contributing much to the recent telecommunication revolution. As a matter of fact, a soft switch
is a virtual device/software that connects calls from one line to another. Since this is a virtual
tool, it is entirely managed via computer.
2.Media gate way: A Media Gateway acts as a translation unit between disparate
telecommunications networks such as PSTN; Next Generation Networks; 2G, 2.5G and 3G radio
access networks or PBX.As the Media Gateway connects different types of networks, one of its
main functions is to convert between the different transmission and coding techniques.
3. Public switching telephone (PSTN):-The basic service of PSTN refers to the basic call
connection functions provided by the switch, inter office call, local call, national toll call,
international toll call, tendem call and others.
MSAG:-MSAG (Multi-service Access Gateway), a reliable device of medium capacity and
carrier class rolled out by ZTE, mainly develops VOIP services and broadband data services over
the IP MAN or backbone network, and is primarily based on the accessing of ADSL or VDSL to
realize the voice and data services simultaneously. Also, it can access the corporate users like
enterprises by deploying the inner LAN to provide IP phone services.
Local switch:-Is the telephone exchange in the PSTN directly serving subscribers. This serves
includes dial tone, calling, features and additional digital and data services to subscribers using
the local loop.
Finally; in our report we wanted to describe the topology of Nekemte BSC but because of
shortage of available space we haven’t described on this report.